Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Some Holiday Cheer! [event]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
"Assaulted you... now that doesn't seem..." Before his train of thought could continue he had heard his name from another location, beaming from a familiar voice; the Steward. As the leader of the village began to analyze the behavior of Roku just from meeting him there was only one thought going through the young'ns mind; did I beat up this girl's brother? That was when he remembered her first little comment about thanking the 'Uchiha'. Now not all to clear on that clan but I know they are not natives and something worrisome. So if I crossed paths with individuals like that, I feel like I would have remembered such a fight.

"Oh no, no offense taken." His words were directed to the Kage as a smirk appeared on his face. It was the highest authority describing how he talked to Roku, what else could he say? I mean there was always his typical, go ape shit, approach but he figured that would only lead to a terrible beating that he may not walk out of. In fact the Kage was pretty spot on, this sort of thing wasn't his kind of party and if he had been 'commanded' to do anything it would have been met with agitation. So, kudos to the boss man for understanding his people.

His gaze then shifted back to the female that seemed to not be amused by his antics. "I don't remember fighting you and your brother, so maybe it was a simple mistake? Why fret over something like that. We have lives that could be snuffed out at any moment; we are part of a machine designed to box us in and control us; that is our life." He would chug the remainder of his cup. "We are all nice little caged animals, and I am the one stray that managed to get out. You think someone like me..." his finger would point to his shabby tie, "is overly concern by impressions? Sorry for rubbing you the wrong way in our prior meeting, and heck even for this meeting, but life is too short to waste it being upset over every little thing that comes your way. Lighten up princess; do something wild. Live dangerously."

And that was Roku's soap box moment apparently.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Yes, their current Kazekage was surely a man of verbose knowledge of words and various phenomenon. He had heard about graphology a bit, and he did agree with the principle. People did tend to tell a lot about themselves without using their words. Writing, their dress, al that kind of may seem obvious, but for a Shinobi, with your job often being blending unnoticed, it was good to remember that even the smallest detail might set of someone’s suspicion, or that a certain way of acting can lower someone’s guard. Some food for though was always nice...and with a few apologies everything seemed to be set back in order, no sore feelings left.

While it seemed Roku and Kumiko were having a conversation of their own, the young Uchiha ending her conversation with Sousukes parents, he was left to observe the antics of the Kazekage, who seemed to suddenly get truly interested in Yume's companion (right after his own mechanical friend stopped barking towards Yume and her fox...perhaps a conversation in the beast tongue). Yume seemed to be trusting of the steward, holding her fox up for closer inspection. Perhaps a taste of revenge for the antics caused by the fox when they first met. It was a curious sight, to see the leader of their village so curious about a creature like that. Now Sousuke was a bit of an enigma...was his usual mannerism his natural state, or was this some kind of charade, a sort of defense he put around himself to make himself look vulnerable. Maybe it was looking too far into it, but he was truly curious what made his father think Sosuke was more suitable as the Steward then he was.

As their leader replied to his suggestion he would say "Of course, showing all the tricks of the trade might not be the best idea. But just showing something, giving her an example of how much work you put into you creations...something to get the imagination going so to speak" he concluded with a chuckle, stretching his back a bit. Standing still too long was never a comfortable thing

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
(Let's try and wrap this up here... since we're 2 months after x-mas heh)

The Steward gave Shinji a bored look, but then again the Steward always seemed to be in such a state. "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a higher level minded singularly focused autistic directive with medium to extreme anti-social capabilities that have recently been dislodged. I am incapable of emotionally expressing myself in the highest regard that a smile or frown for me becomes the most difficult thing to manifest not for a lack of facial muscles, but a fullest incapability to do so out of will."<i></i> The Steward coughed. He hoped that Harupia wouldn't make the connection of his inability to express himself emotionally with the defect he spoke of at length earlier.

The Steward held the fox and patted it on the head at first. Despite being a working man, his hands were not rough but smooth in reality. The Steward ran his finger along the back of the fox analyzing the skeletal structure. "What a magnificent creature you are."<i></i> The Steward next took hold gently of the paw and analyzed that. "Ah. Excellent form. You keep good care of your fur too... be it grooming or by your companion."<i></i> The Steward was almost childlike, in terms of the spoken word. He was very much ... content with the animal in his arms. "Curious though, is CuRua at the maximum size potential or is there room to expand? Number Seven is certainly a lot larger, but he is at his maximum size."<i></i> Speaking of Okibi, Haurpia further the Steward agreed. "Perhaps I'll forge a pair of knuckles or claws for her, and include her in the process. I do not have an heir at this moment in time, and the secret of Takahashi fire-forged steel should be ... I suppose somewhat known."<i></i> The Steward petted CuRua more.

The Steward tried to gather the attention of his guests. It was time to make a speech, or at least try so. The Steward cleared his throat. He didn't want to do this, as it was not his forte but at the very least he had some experiences with most of these individuals. "As the Steward-Kazekage and my own person I would like to thank everyone for attending this most brilliant gathering. Even in the absence of a Sunahoshi, it pleases me that we have maintained our unity as a people, and a village. These have indeed been hard times, but every once and a while we are offered a reprieve such as this evening. We have indeed grown in the last year, and will continue to do so as we always have."<i></i> The Steward paused for a moment. "Keystone Prime has seen a rise in successful new developments. Anbu and the medical branches have grown accordingly too as their numbers increase with skilled individuals such as yourselves. I hope that we will find ourselves here in one year's time to once again to enjoy the reprieve that the holidays offer us."<i></i> The Steward nodded his head. He was a man of mathematics, science, and metal. Social grace was not his strong suit, but he did try. The Steward placed the fox down and took one last cup of eggnog and raised it. "To your good health, may you find success in all your undertakings and endeavors."<i></i>


Oct 22, 2012
Roku's faulty memory didn't surprise her. He was a commoner after all, plus he wasn't an Uchiha. So already he had two things stacked against him in her mind. But wasn't that the point of all this? A lone brow quirked as he began a statement only to stop mid way. Was he trying to remember? or was it simply too hard for him to think properly? " I never said anything about fighting. But as of right now it matters very little I suppose. Simply a bad impression. "

She took a moment to absorb his words, which was proving difficult due to the amount of eggnog she drank. Yet oddly enough they seemed to fit her mood. " may be right... something wild you say? Something dangerous - " It was then the Steward choose his timing for a speech. She figured he was a man of little words and she proved right with that. However it was the quality of words which mattered. Not quantity. The female Uchiha raised her newly filled glass of eggnog to his toast and downed it all in one shot at the toasts ending.

It appeared this event was over for the evening. Kumiko figured she'd have more time for her little endeavour, however, time was not on her side. It was time to live dangerously just like Roku suggested. " It seems this party is over, though ... the party doesn't have to end here ," she suggested. What sounded so smooth within her head, and still sounded smooth to Kumiko, probably didn't come out of her mouth as such. Instead it probably sounded like the cheesiest pick up line imagineable to anyone other than her. Needless to say her flirting skills were, well, horrible.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
It seemed that she wasn't going to move past being bothered by the events of the past, and him not remembering what occurred really did not seem to make her any happier. He let out a little sigh as the Steward seemed to bring the attention back to himself, making an announcement and formally ending the festivities of the night. That was when the female went in a direction that Roku was not expecting; she invited to continue the party elsewhere. "Ha... very smooth there, Miss Uchiha." He would smirk as he placed his cup down on the table and turned his attention back towards the Steward.

"Thanks for a nice night, boss man!" He then waved to Yume as she was a very pleasant person to meet as well. His attention would then glance back towards Kumiko. "Well madam, where are we off to now?" Hell it seemed that this night might be interesting after all.

Topic Left


Oct 22, 2012
Before all else Kumiko turned towards the Steward, who wasn't very far from herself and Roku once his speech was over. In respect to the leader of Suna, Kumiko formally bowed to him, albeit a little tipsy. And by a little tipsy that meant a little drunk to her standards. " Steward-Sama. Thank you for the party. And tell your parents it was a pleasure meeting them. " Proper decorum and manners in such events were so embedded within her by now, being drunk hardly impeded her. Now that she had the formalities out of the way it was time for herself. Something Kumiko rarely allowed.

The female Uchiha believed her flirting to be top notch, not that she ever flirted in the past to know this. So Roku's comment of how smooth she was seemed genuine to her. However she didn't want to be called an Uchiha tonight. " Tonight you may call me Kumiko. Not Miss Uchiha." She tried to sound pleasant but it came out more like an order than anything else. Maybe that was due to her ANBU training.

She began walking towards the exit, expecting her to follow him. Once the two were out of earshot of the others she answered Roku's question. " Well my place is out of the question. So take me to your place. "

[ to be continued else where ]

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The deeper implication of what Sousuke said got over Haru's head, as he wasn’t that adapt in psychology. He simply assumed the Kage meant he lacked experience in conversations, leading a somewhat sheltered life to this point. It has been fairly recently that the Steward took a more active part in social life like he was now. He simply paid little mind to him giving himself such a psychological evaluation. Harupia didn’t really knew anything with any form of autism, but what he knew didn’t stick to Sousuke in any case. Then again, maybe it’s something he should consider reading into.

On a lighter note, it was amusing seeing him take such an interest in the fox, watching like a curious...child. Huh...that revelation with the previously mentioned one didn’t click all too well. Still, it wasn’t much of a concern for now...he simply finished his serving of drink and eat some quite delicious cake, nodding to him as he said he would consider his suggestion. Gauntlets would be something Okibi would enjoy most likely...heh, to be thinking of a hier. Sometimes he really wondered if the Steward was younger then him...and then something happened which shed away any doubt.

Right now it seemed he didn’t notice the passing of time, since the Kazekage decided to begin a closing speech to the festivities. A simple but heartwarming one, if he could say so. They were strong against all hardship, and they would continue to do so... hopefully the glaring hole the Sunahoshi had left would someday be filled. And as the village grew, everything would be better. More tasks, more people, more audience for his own art, more people to meet and care for. He would toast along with the Kazekage, and then mingle a bit with the other's within the crowd until he would make his retreat. It was a nice little side track, but he needed to head back home. Work was never done for an artist after all.


Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Yume picked up a little on what the Steward had meant but was too intoxicated to process it rationally. Sometime in the morning when she recounted the night’s events she would realize the full impact of the statement but for now she was more fascinated at the care with which Sousuke took with her beloved fox friend. His curiosity was a kin to that of a child and his gentleness was of equal calibre.

He is the maximum size, Sir. He could, perhaps, grow a few more inches but fennecs rarely exceed two feet tall. I suppose with cross breeding and introducing other species one could alter that.

During the speech, Yume finishes the plate of nibbles that her brother had wisely offered to her and raised her final glass in a toast along with the rest of the party. Finding that everyone was getting ready to leave, she nestles up to her big brother and looks up with big green eyes.

Onii-san… Could you carry me home? My feet feel weird.

That’s because you’re drunk, Squirt. Of course I will. Hop on.

The slightly inebriated Sagasu, leaps onto her brothers back and holds on around his shoulders. With a wave to the Steward and Harupia, they begin the long walk home. By the time Shinji makes it outside of the Tower’s immediate area and is heading towards their home, Yume has already fallen fast asleep on his shoulder.

Sweet Dreams, little lotus. I will keep you safe as you sleep.

Perhaps it was inappropriate how much they worried for each other, but neither sibling cared. If other people did not understand how they could be so close, then it was their problem for never opening their hearts and finding someone worth losing everything for.
[Left Topic]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
