Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Special delivery [Solo E-ranked Mission]

Kousaki Satoru

New Ninja
May 2, 2013
Twilight was enveloping the village as the sun was only preparing to rise above the mountainous horizon. Kousaki Satoru was looking out from the window of his small room towards the still numb streets of his home's district. It was only about half past six in the morning as the young shinobi-in-training was preparing to leave his house. Despite being only twelve, he had already gotten used to waking up by himself at whatever hour he needed to and that day was a good example of this. He had received a special assignment from his mother the other day, to make a special delivey.

"Here, I'll leave it on the table. Don't forget, it's very important that you bring it to his doorstep at the first hour in the morning! I gave him my word that I'll have it delivered by today", the boy remembered his mother tell him the other day. He didn't really know what was in the package but it wasn't supposed to matter to him. All that mattered was that he delivered it safely and timely, that was his assignment. As he grabbed it, the pack felt heavier than it seemed. Naturally, this made him more curious about its contents. He even shook it slightly as he studied it a bit, but didn't hear any sound. Whatever it was, it was big, or well sealed. He thought maybe he'd stay around the addressee's house to try to find out what it was later, but for now he had to deliver it. He went and took a bite to eat before heading for the apartment door.

Suddenly, as he stepped out, a powerful sensation hit him. Something he had only felt faintly minutes ago started to grow bigger... much bigger. His body was shaking lightly as he stopped and clenched his teeth in disbelief. "Are you kidding me...? Now of all times...!?" He slowly turned around, closed the door and put the package on a table before rushing silently, not to wake up his parents, to the bathroom. It was quite hard to believe, indeed, that an emergency of such nature would come up at such a time, an unprecedented situation for Satoru. The boy was faced with a predicament on which he'd had no control over, something he'd never experienced before. To his frustration, all he could do was to literally 'sit' and wait. He tried to be as quick as possible, as time was running out. He felt each minute pass much faster than usual, aggravating the situation more and more. A delivery which was supposed to start his day smoothly was now going to be a fast-paced run like no other.

He hurried out the room, no longer caring about the noise, took a quick glance at the clock and dashed out the door with the delivery. In about ten seconds he was one the street in front of his block, with less than fifteen minutes to complete his delivery. With the pack underneath his arm, the boy quickly got into his high pace and was skimming through the urban obstacles in a desperate show of running skill and agility. All went as good as it possibly could, until he reached the part of the village he was less familiar with. Quite a few villagers couldn't help but notice him, as he was an unusual sight for what was otherwise a slower-paced townscape at that hour. Thankfully for Satoru, this meant his obstacles wouldn't be as many. He rushed, focusing solely on his direction and his breathing, which allowed him a decent enough endurance. This was a good test for such qualities, at least he could admit that, trying to take any advantage of this challenge.

When he at last arrived at the designated house, he wasn't aware that he had made it about one minute past seven. He simply left the package on the doorstep of the impressive home, as instructed, and was about to run away to a spot where he would take a breather. Just as he made a step back though, he heard the house's door open. He turned around to see a barrel-shaped man, seemingly in his fifties, with little hair but with a solid moustache, wearing a gray bathrobe. The man noticed the boy and then looked down to see the package.

"Aaah! This is it, right? You delivered this, right?" he said with a pleased smile. He looked happy to receive the the packet. At that point, Satoru felt his heartbeat starting to return to normal, also realizing that he'd succeeded. He replied short, while gasping heavily. "Yes, sir...".

The man proceeded to rip open the sealing immediately and look at his much-desired prize. It was time for Satoru to also see what the package contained. It didn't take long and a wooden frame could be seen, followed by... a fish tail. The rest of the sealing was rapidly thrown aside to reveal a well-crafted piece of taxidermy, a mounted fish, made for decorative wall-hanging. Satoru smiled slightly, realizing how his mother would be able to acquire such a piece. "Well of course... as expected of mom...".

"Looks good!" the man exclaimed. He took a better glance at the boy and raised an eyebrow. "Are you her son?". Satoru shortly replied affirmatively. "Well tell your mother she did good then! She should expect I'll be contacting her soon" he told him. The boy nodded and smiled, happy that the delivery was over.

WC: 915
[Topic entered and left]

[Ah, I need to learn to do these quicker. I only needed 250 words or so, but I got much more into it >.< took me longer than it should have is all]

Current Ninpocho Time:
