Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sprechen Sie Kumo? (Kitsune)


Well-Known Ninja
Apr 1, 2015

Osu waited by the front gate to be let in to the Shinrya estate for someone to come let him in. As he waited a sort of knock tapped on his consciousness. That is more of a metaphorical knock as the sensation was rather different but the meaning was about the same. It meant Uso wished to speak. The first thing he heard when he opened the metaphorical door was, "You're late."

"No, I am right on time. I have arrived precisely when I said I would. We must first be welcomed, exchange greetings, and maybe have a bit of small talk before starting the lesson itself." Thank goodness they had figured out a way to share thoughts and sensations that required mutual cooperation. He didn't have to deal with this all the time.

"What do you mean by 'deal with this all the time' you jackass? You know very well that I can sense your subconscious right now the same way you can sense mine."

"Yes and how wonderful that is, I can feel just how much you dislike me. Not half as much animosity as when we were younger at least dear sister."

"There would be a lot less, 'dear brother', if I didn't have to be partially conscious of every time you and your sado-masochist switch of a wife fu-"

Osu closed that little metaphorical door with an embarrassed clearing of his throat and saw a maid approaching to let him in.

Just a couple minutes later Osu approached where Kitsune would be waiting for him.

"Greetings sensei. I hope you are doing well today. I apologize for rushing, but Uso is being quite impatient... I know we might have discussed it before but... The library is an odd experience the first few times, or every time really. Uso is used to it but if I go too long without visiting I notice not being able to hear blood, feel chakra and such quite disorientating. It gives one a good idea what it would be like to be a normal person."

Osu offered Kitsune a clean knife, "Whenever you are ready, a trickle will do. Of course I recommend sitting down comfortably," he said while bringing a chair in right beside another and relaxing in one himself.
[spoilername="CRPJ Library Card"]CRPJ's Effect: Due to some issues that came up after being betrayed by the Marquess of the Eleven Moons, breaking into the country's Super Maximum security prison, and general Titan shenanigans Osu got a library filled with several generations' worth of money records, reports, land deeds, blackmail and in general behind the scenes strictly hush hush info stuffed into his noggin by absorbing the information from a Memoria. As it turns out he himself can work very much like a memoria now. By cutting oneself and making contact with Osu, requiring all parties be willing to establish a mental connection, Osu can bring others into his noggin to peruse the library or chat with both Osu and Uso in person, so to speak.

Some general not so much rules but laws as to how the place works.

1. Everyone, including Osu and Uso are unable to access chakra inside the library. No bloodline abilities or enhanced physical abilities or anything. Basically you are an image of yourself.

2. Anyone can take a book off the shelf. But to open one you need the permission of one of the librarians, in other words Osu or Uso or unless you yourself are the author.

3. As mentioned in the previous, one can contribute information if they so choose. The library always seems to have spare blank books, pens and ink. NOt to mention shelf space. All the books are the same size closed, but once opened they have just enough pages for what is recorded. Unless one is the author, books cannot be written into and even then after they have been closed an author cannot edit the pages that were already there, only add new ones.If one focuses really hard they can create a vague illustration on the page of a book but it would likely turn out clearer to simply attempt to draw the image.

4. There always appears to be a warm pot of tea and a cup when it is desired though it won't provide your actual body with nutrition. No idea why either.

5. Anyone can break the connection at will, meaning people can't be kept in the library, and either of the librarians can kick people out.

6. Time passes the same inside as it does outside and in no way does it replace rest. If the visitor's body becomes particularly tired or hungry the visitor won't be able to maintain the connection.[/spoilername]

Whenever Kitsune's cut touched Osu she would feel a light pull. She would have to willingly be pulled along, but when she did she would find herself in quite the massive library. 9 levels, each very tall, and covering every bit of the massive walls were countless books. It was quite the impressive collection at first glance though for most part the size of the books had nothing to do with their actual length. Not only that, but Osu and Uso had only managed to get access to the first four floors, by a complete fluke they still odn't understand, and most of the books above the second were unreadable as things stood.

Speaking of the second floor, that was where Uso now sat waiting impatiently for the other two to come up the stairs and begin this language lesson with paper, ink, and a pot of hot tea. The sooner they learned this language, perhaps the sooner they could read just a few more of these books.
Kitsune had been sitting in her study most of the day, she had prepared a variety of things for the lesson, as she felt the need to brush up on some of the more fundamental things of the language, to be sure to give Osuteno the best of her assistance. When the kiddo arrived, Kitsunes maids showed him to the study, the same place he had received his lunar seal, the same place she had basically offered to adopt him. She had also promised to help him learn the ancient language of Kumogakure, and apparently the sooner the better, he had stated.

Once he was shown into the study, Kitsune smiled ”Welcome, Osu-kun~” she said ”You really haven’t had an easy time so far, have you Osu-kun? I mean, being a walking mass of blood vessels, having a library in your head, finding out your father is Jashin… Anyway, enough about that, it’s time for you to learn some language. Well. A language anyway.” Kitsune took the knife from his hand and made a small cut on the palm of her hand before sitting down next to him, and taking his hand. When she felt the sensation of being pulled, she let her guards down and left herself drift along with the flor, being pulled into the library of an untold size, bigger than any currently located in Kumogakure.

”Well this certainly is… Something. Quite extraordinary, in fact. In all my years, I haven’t seen anything like it, and believe me, I’ve seen my fair share of stranger things.” she said, looking around before following Osu to the second floor where the impatient Uso was sitting. ”So, now that we’re all here. What do you two say to kicking this language lesson into gear?”
"I say get on with it already, the rest of us are growing old here," Uso said while impatiently tapping on the table.

Osu grimaced and made an apologetic gesture towards Kitsune. "Uso isn't really one for-"

"Don't you be apologizing on my behalf, sit your ass down so we can get started. There are books I want to read."

Osu glared at his sister but sat down himself without another word, this was simply someone else he would lose an argument with just by starting one.

After a moment he sighed and looked to Kitsune, "Honestly we expect this to take a few lessons but together we feel we should be able to secure the basics fast enough. As I mentioned before the two of us together learn things rather quickly and we can even practice together while we are sleeping though it isn't anywhere near as restful. First is it safe to assume the sentence structure for vulgar is still the same as the modern tongue?"

[OOC: I feel that to make this a bit more realistic we can make little time skips (like a couple days) in our posts in this thread to represent a number of lessons passing and progress over time.]
Kitsune smirked ”Hey, I grow old too. Just not physically.” she said with a grin ”Regardless, yes. Lets get started.” she sat down in a chair and instead of taking a cup of tea, she somehow grabbed a glass of sparkling white wine out of thin air. Something that she absolutely shouldn’t be able to do in this space seeing as it’s within Osus head and he (along with Uso) should have full control. ”To answer your question Osu-kun, yes. The sentence structure is the same as with the current common tongue. It’s fortunately pretty easy to get the hang of, but takes a while to master.”

A bunch of hours passed with Kitsune teaching the basics of the language to the two eager kiddos. The subjects included grammatical structure, regional differences, pronunciation and much else. ”Now then. I think it’s time to do a little pop quiz, just to see how much you’ve grasped so far.” she said with a smile before standing up ”Ήρθε η ώρα να μάθετε αν έχετε πράγματι την προσοχή. Τώρα τότε. Παρακαλούμε να μεταφράσει αυτό που λέω” she said, in the ancient language, to test her two students, ”Έχω καταλήξει σε μια νέα συνταγή!”
Osu rubbed the bridge of his nose a bit when the pop quiz came up and Uso was barely hanging on through constantly sipping at hot tea they had been at this so long.

"Time to... arri... no uhh see if you...

"Deeply care? Really care. Now.

"Do... no please translate. I have arrived at a new formula?"

"Created a new formula I believe."

"Yes but what was that little inflection she did?"

"Uggh we are only on the first day is she really throwing a regional variation at us? Fine... Then... 'I have come up with a new... formuleh?"

"περίπου τόσο κοντά όσο θα ήθελα να μαντέψω."

"Είναι πιο κοντά από ό, τι θα φανταζόταν βλάκας."

"βλάκας... when did we even learn that word? I don't remember it. I can guess that it is an insult but when did we even cover that?"

A couple days later they were once again at it though obviously tensions were getting a bit rough between the twins as they had spent their unconscious hours practicing rather than resting properly. Only about an hour into their next lesson...

"Γιατί θα σκέφτονται ακόμη και να με αυτόν τον τρόπο τη σύζευξη ?!"

"Όπως δίνω δεκάρα για το τι επίπεδο ευγένειας που πιστεύω ότι θα πρέπει να δώσει σε αυτό το ανύπαρκτο πρόσωπο!"

"Φυσικά δεν το κάνετε εσείς αγενής, απερίσκεπτος ..."

"Μπορείτε όλων των ανθρώπων λέγοντας ότι είμαι απερίσκεπτος!? Θα ωθήσει αυτό το καταραμένο στυλό μάτια σκύλα σας!"

It was about at that point USo jumped over the table to actually try and jam the pen into Osu's eye, but he flipped backwards in his chair to kick his foot into Uso's stomach and cause her to overshoot. The two of them got to their feet and began shouting obscenities (ironically in vulgar that was only mildly broken) at each other while trying to connect a blow and the other.
”Recipe, actually. Not formula.” she corrected, hoping the two kiddos would learn the difference, and where they had mistranslated. And more importantly, she hoped they’d pick up on how the inflections changed the meaning of a word. If not, well, she’d just have to make sure they remembered by throwing more pop quizzes at them. They’d either remember, or they’d remember. There’s no option for them to not remember, or learn. Every now and then, Kitsune would throw a curveball at them to keep them on their toes. Y’know. Figuratively speaking, of course.

When the two kiddos’ tempers were flaring, and they ended up more or less fighting and shouting at each other in, surprisingly not broken vulgar, Kitsune grabbed both Osu and Uso by their collars ”Calm down, and sit down. Enough of your fighting.” she said and sighed ”It’s clear that the both of you need rest. Studying day in and day out is having a clear effect on both of you, and I can’t let you continue like this in good conscience.” she rubbed the bridge of her nose and looked at the two of them. ”Now then. If you begin fighting again, I swear, I will Tsukiyomi one of you for the maximum duration of time to separate the two of you.”
Osu and Uso found themselves pulled by their collars and simply glared at one another.

"Θα ήθελα να σας δω να προσπαθήσετε κοκκινομάλλα μάγισσα!" Uso said not breaking her glare at Osu.

"Περιμένετε ένα καταραμένο λεπτό! If she leaves the library to Tsukiyomi one of us, by default that is me! Μην κρατάτε το τράβηγμα αυτή την ανοησία αποκλίνουσα! Μην μου στείλετε σε μια πυρά της δικής σας αποφάσεων!"

Uso stared blankly at Osu for a minute before saying, "That actually sounds pretty impressive. Did you translate an old drama or something?"

"I don't think so but I'm honestly not sure. We haven't really slept much recently and all this text has such an archaic tone to it so I may have been a bit influenced."

The two of them calmed down and sat down while rubbing their temples. "Perhaps we should break for a day or two. I honestly can't stand the sight of your face in here to be completely honest. I am used to having more time alone I think."

"Likewise. Today we can relax a bit I suppose. Tomorrow I can take Chiai out since she has been complaining about me not being home enough these last few days and the next day..."

"Oh yes let's make the day after I have to suffer through you and your wife grunt at each other for FIVE SOLID HOURS the day we start this back up again. Damn animals the both of you, and what the hell is that girl making you do with our blood ves..."

"That's enough of that!" Osu exclaimed blushing far more than a person could normally manage with his eyes darting towards Kitsune, his voice had become even more womanly when he hit that high of a tone.

"I'm really sure that isn't what our body is designed for by the way. 'Bind me tighter darling! Now just a bit bigger Osu! Just a bi-! Oh fuck smaller! Too bi-'"

"The day after then!!!" Osu basically screamed in quite a lovely voice while slamming the table to silence Uso, his embarrasment far exceeding what he had been expecting for that day and covering his face with his hands afterwards, fairly sure he might actually die from it. "We are leaving now!"

The next moment Kitsune would find both her and Osu sitting in their chairs in her study again while Osu immediately went back to the position of hiding his face with his hands. "Please don't say anything."
Kitsune stared blankly at Osu. ”You definitely need some rest if you don’t know how you picked that up. It’s pretty… Old-fashioned. So much so, that it cannot be anything ‘recent’. And by recent, I mean anything from the last 150 or so years.” she said, scratching the back of her head. Then, when Osu suggested taking a break, Kitsune nodded in agreement seeing as she had initially told them to do so. Regardless, that was when Uso began talking about what Osu and Chiai did in their spare time. Apparently, Chiai was very much into being tied up, according to what Uso said.

This whole ordeal made Kitsune burst out laughing, right at the same time as Osu decided they were leaving. When they were mentally back in Kitsunes study, he requested she didn’t say anything. But she just had to. ”Osu-kun, what you and Chiai do isn’t any of my business. But if you ever want any pointers, just let me know.” she said, chuckling lightly. ”I mean. I’m fairly well versed in the art of tying people up. If you knew what the Hoshikage and I have done during her visits, you’d probably be blushing so hard you’d be mistaken for a tomato.”

Osu's sensei delivered the final blow by laughing and offering him advice as well as insight into her own kinks. Why!? Were all women into this weird typing up business, spankings, biting, risking other people seeing, being rough, blood, or that insane thing where Chiai almost wanted him to split her in two? Why couldn't they just cuddle?! Osu just removed his head and wrapped it up in his jacket. Wait when did Kitsune and... the Hoshikage? Really? Wait wasn't the Hoshikage a woman? How did they? Wait no stop it brain! No! No, no, no, stop it!

It was at that moment the headless Osu just got up and walked right on out the door, causing several new urban legends in the area on his way home via rooftop.

A few days later he was back again though he couldn't meet Kitsune's eyes, partially due to date night going pretty much how Chiai described, including him having to reject this idea of him choking her because that was simply too much, and he was far more self conscious about it. Seriously she doesn't realize she is pregnant? He was going to have to draw a line with some of her more dangerous ideas, particurally now the baby bump was coming in. Why couldn't she just like a massage, he was good at massages! Oh goodness nope he couldn't even look in Kitsune's general direction. Seriously what sort of mother figure offers BDSM advice?!

Even inside the library Uso wouldn't stop mocking him for being... vanilla? What did that mean?

Anyway it took a bit to get the lesson started again.

"Αν είμαστε έτοιμοι να σταματήσουμε να συζητάμε την προσωπική μου επιχείρηση, θα μπορούσατε να συνεχίσετε; Τι θα λέγατε για περισσότερες ασκήσεις μετάφρασης; ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΠΟΛΥ?"

"Ω Έχω μια άσκηση για την μετάφρασή σας, δύο γαμημένο διεστραμμένους..."

"Παρακαλούμε για την αγάπη του Raiden σταματήσει!" Osu said covering his head with his arms on the table.

"Εάν μόνο ήξερες πόσο πολύ θέλω εσείς οι δύο θα σταματήσει. Πρόστιμο. Γεια σου γιαγιά, τι λίγη άσκηση έχετε για εμάς το επόμενο βήμα?"
Kitsune scratched her head when Osu just walked out of the room with his head tucked away. Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing she had seen, but hey, weird enough to score a 6.7 on the Weird-o-meter. Regardless, Kitsune would prepare a few things for Osu to study after their next lesson, including a book on the rise and fall of western civilization along with a note about how fortunate they were to be in the east.

When Osu returned a few days later, Kitsune smiled and greeted him like she normally would, even if he didn’t want to meet her eyes. ”I suppose it’s time to dive into it again.” she said ”Speaking of diving, how did date night go?” she asked with a grin, more or less expecting Osu to grow red or something similar.

Once back inside the library however, Uso that impatient brat, decided to refer to Kitsune as “grandma”, and that didn’t please her one bit. ”Watch your words, dear Uso. Or you’ll find yourself cut off from knowledge I possess, that you do not.” she said in an icy tone which made it seem like the ambient temperature had dropped quite a few degrees ”Either way. Back to the matter at hand. Teaching you two a language.”

Είχα αρχικά προγραμματιστεί να σας πετάξει στο βαθύ τέλος με ένα άλλο κουίζ. Αλλά, μπορώ να καταλάβω ότι θα κερδίσουν περισσότερα από τη μελέτη αυτών των βιβλίων. she said before dumping a stack of books onto the table. Where they came from, well… Who knew? They were on all sorts of subjects including politics, engineering, medical science, linguistics, and heck, even a book about simple herbology. All of which featured a lot of jargon that’d require skill to translate. Kitsune figured that pushing them would yield better results than taking it slowly.

[MFT; WC: 304]
Osu grew a bit nervous at the growing tension between his sister and Kitsune, whereas Uso smirked and said, "Μπορεί να θέλετε να, αλλά δεν θα είναι σε θέση να μου κοπεί χωρίς να στερήσει πολύτιμο σας φοιτητής τις πληροφορίες, καθώς και." Though she did not continue. When the stack of books were piled on the table however both winced because they could tell from the titles that these books would have many, many specialized terms. AS such both tried to grab the same book on medical science at the same time and glared at each other for a few seconds before Osu sighed and instead picked up the book on herbology.

...... A while later...

"Too many nouns!" Osu shouted about halfway done with his book on herbology and thudding his head on the table. It didn't help that he was confused by a bit of outdated knowledge regarding plants he was familiar with.

Uso was having an even rougher problem regarding the medical text. Many things didn't even have names or were simply incorrect by modern knowledge. And the treatment suggestions! They both realized their folly for choosing subjects they had familiarity with being the cause of their struggle. They simply couldn't work their way past such outdated ideas and techniques without great pain and corrections in the margins.

Uso was nearly about to cry while going through her text. "Why aren't the different sections of the brain named?! Why do only the larger bones have names?! None of the damn glands have names! The hell do they think the liver does?! When was the last time a book was written in this horrid language, a hundred years ago?!"

Out of nowhere Osu stood up and threw his book on the table, "That isn't an anesthetic, it is a poison you fools! You weren't numbing the nerves you were killing them!" and then he fell back into his chair with his hands covering his face. "I just can't! Hand me the book on engineering, please. This..." Osu couldn't finish and just started shaking his head behind his hands.

Uso just dropped her book on the table, tossed Osu the book on politics and kept the book on engineering for herself.

Even further down the line Osu just had his face pressed against his book and was tired of constantly having to ask Kitsune about all these proper nouns he ran across. "I need an encyclopedia for all of these people..." Osu grumbled into the book.

Uso was fairing a lot better with her book since math is math but once again many of the techniques were outdated.

How many days had they been at this language thing? The days actually seemed to be running together. In fact studying was taking up so much of their time the next few days it was decided that Chiai would also just come and sleepover. Days and days passed with the children bashing their heads against this horrid collection. At least a few subjects like geography and astrology were mostly accurate but some things... some things...

Osu threw a book on nutritional theory across the room. "Kitsune-Sensei how much more of this?!"

Uso was just laying down on the floor with her face covered by a book on linguistics and doing the closet thing you could do in the place to napping.
Kitsune shook her head ”Maybe, but denying you knowledge of something that’d really interest you, like say, my chakra grenade blueprints, that’d really make you annoyed. Or so I figure.” she said and smirked before directing the kiddos attentions to the books. After a long amount of time, the kids complained about the books being old, outdated, and just plain wrong. Kitsune grinned ”Well. Most books aren’t translated to the old language anymore. Certainly not factual ones. You’d have better luck in the fiction department, but it’s mostly light novels and smutty books.”

She gestured towards the towering bookshelves of the library ”I take it neither of you have catalogued any such materials on these shelves” she said and slapped a stack of books onto the table, yet again, but this time they consisted of fictional materials, all books that Kitsune had read in the past month. They included a series about a school of magicians that got up to various shenanigans involving terrorists, a sports festival, and so on. Also included were some of Kitsunes favorite books by the author Buraian Choi, that seemed to be practically inspired by some of the crazy things that had happened in Kumogakure through the years.

”I figure these books will help you much more than outdated books that’ll just frustrate you” she said with a small giggle ”Do keep in mind that they’re fictional and are only meant to help you learn the language, so don’t go analyzing the prose or anything crazy. Pick up similarities in words, learn sentence structures, and before you know it, you’ll have learnt a whole language. Or, well, at least you’ll have learnt to read it.”

[MFT; WC: 280]
The two gladly switched over to the new material... initially. To be honest while they both found the overall content of the magic school story to be quite engaging, they were both extremely weirded out by the overly affectionate sibling love, in no small part having no choice but imagining if they treated each other in a similar manner which sent waves of goosebumps up their spines. Uso herself almost became queasy every time the sister would display her more than sibling love for her brother. She was the first to switch over to the other series, out of a strange sort of mental exhaustion while Osu powered past those chilling bits on through the story.

Over the next couple days while they worked their ways through their novels, a task that was monumentally less exhausting than reading outdated knowledge, both of the kids came to realize something about the vulgar variant of the language had a rather varied and a bit messy inflection pattern.

Too messy actually. Not just the inflection, but the language as a whole. There seemed to be a lot on mixtures of dialects bled into a single tongue as well as a very inconsiderate amount of loan words and grammar mixed in. To be entirely honest it looked like what was formerly a very well structured language that suddenly had a couple hundred years without wide spread education and then was beat back into a usable form by people who suddenly decided books were necessary again but they had to conform with what the language had become. The two shared this conclusion with Kitsune after a few days of reading through the stack of books she gave them.
”You’re right.” she said ”That’d be why it’s called Vulgar Kumogakurean. It’s the mangled remains of a once noble language whose very words could invoke the fierceness of a thunderstorm.” she continued, and to demonstrate she spoke a single word in Classic Kumogakurean which resonated with the unbridled ferocity of thunder. Somehow the language itself had power. And vulgar… Well, as it was a bastardized version of the language, it only had the fierceness of static electricity. I.e. none at all. ”Now I can’t teach you this variant just yet. But if you obtain permission from Ayumu-kun, I’ll gladly teach you what I know.”

After that, Kitsune decided that it was time to leave the library. She’d spent far too long in there for her own tastes. The lack of natural air and whatnot had been giving her a headache. Once out, she’d get out of her chair and stretch her body and assuming Osu came out as well, she’d discuss his plans. ”So what do you intend to do now, Osu-kun?” she asked ”Go get permission to learn more? Or are you going to rest a while, let it sink in, and come back to it later?” Both valid questions, and the real reason she was asking was that she had plans to do some new experiments, and could use Osus assistance with it. One of the first ones in line was finding a way to create artificial doujutsu eyes so the medical branch would never run out of them. So long as she was around, of course.

[MFT; WC: 259]
Outside the library (now being able to read SOME of the books on the higher floors, Uso was glad to see them leave her in peace) Osu sighed as he had thought about this some already. "It would probably be best to let Vulgar soak in a while longer. Couple months more to be firmly comfortable probably. Still I think I will try to go get permission soon so I might be able to start when I feel ready." Vulgar had taken a bit more than... a week... no almost two weeks longer than he had expected? And he was a bit weary of hopping straight back into more language lessons. How many languages did people in the diplomatic service have to learn again? Raiden bless their souls. Hopefully though not all of them were as poorly structured as Vulgar. It was very well named honestly.

"Anyway Chiai is getting pretty tired of me spending my off hours studying away from home. I think she prefers when I study medical texts by lamplight in our bed... The kids are becoming quite active you know. They are kicking rather frequently these days. Still can't agree on what we are going to name them since we learned they are going to be girls. Rather there are signs they are forming in the same membrane. Monozygotic twins of all the things the first time. A few complications are likely so I have been studying up and keeping Chiai off her feet to her great annoyance. She tells me I am worrying too much..."

Current Ninpocho Time:
