Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Stickin'it'to'da'man' [Group Mod Mission - S Rank]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The music reached its peak, Monicas tones, the wailing of the guitar… the crack of thunder that now opened the heavens upon those beneath.

And I don't need you
to tell me what to think!
What to think
What to think,
what to think,
what to think, think, think, think!

The music had reached its peak, but the crowd gasped as torrential rain descended on them. A loud 'BOOOO' would emanate as they started to rush for cover amongst the outlying trees. Unfortunately the concert was over, and it seemed that two of the band members had walked off stage. No encore after all.

Monica, now dripping from the sudden onslaught of rain, would watch with glee as her tendrils wreaked havoc on the fleeing Shrine members.


The first thing the gentlemen would notice as they entered the portal was the absence of, well, anything… the temperature, the absence of light or shadow. Things just seemed to hover in an eternal void, the only things visible other than each other was the closing portal behind them, and a lone figure in front of them.

“Where the hells am I”, came a familiar voice. Ryo - the strange security detail that lead the protective unit of the Shrine. He looked up a the pair, clearly disorientated at his sudden jolt into this… place. His face would start to distort as he looked at them, the arrogance clearly visible.

The pair would now notice something, or someone, it was hard to say, float in front of them - a figure that seemed to resemble a rat with wings, albeit wearing a strange robe. An almost skeletal finger would point towards the Moon ANBU as strange writing, identical in composition to that which Kuroji saw, floated in front of the pair's eyes.

Migoya. Asks. - kill him. Quickly. Please.

The Moon ANBU’s eyes widened.


Well… most laid out plans went the way he intended, but every now and then peoples morality overcame their duty, and thus it was the case for Monica. Her hatred towards the Shrine now caused her to lash out against them as they tried to flee towards the boats. It was telling about her personality indeed - her protective instincts and willingness to ignore command in order to aid the less fortunate. It was an impressive ideal certainly, but would that aid her in the rough life of a village-less shinobi?

For a second, as Migoya removed the kunai and looked over at the Shrine agents struggling against the Gate of Enma jutsu, the necromancer thought of throwing her under the proverbial bus to teach her a lesson… but no. She was much more… beautiful to the world this way. An avenging angel. But for now, she needed to lay low for she was drawing unwanted attention due to her actions.

The tendrils burst through the Shrines barriers, grabbing at three of the ANBU who were desperately trying to escape the red and black tendrils grasp. Several civilians unfortunately were caught up in the tendrils, falling lifelessly to the ground. The heavy rain and the stampeding of people trying to escape covered the scene somewhat, but still there were many screams… and fingers pointed directly at the Shrine.

Yes, they were blaming them.


Screams would get louder amidst the rush towards the island's boats - a mass of people rushing away from a great concert that unfortunately rained out… and then the local priests started attacking them for getting in the way. What jerks.

Monica would witness the mass exodus from her vantage point on the stage, but would be interrupted as someone jumped on her back - a small someone, who quickly ‘whispered’ in her ear.

Yeah nice one…I like the body splatter stuff… but get your sexy butt in the portal now! Migo-kun can’t hold it open long, and you need to get out of here!

With a motion of a little wooden hand, the confetti cannons would fire once again, this time across the stage as if to give a bit of ineffective cover. More than likely Mikki was just being annoying.


Public Relations was a thing. An important thing. And thus Myakashi Migoya, head of a secretive mercenary band made up of strange and powerful shinobi, would find himself now protecting someone that represented everything he despised. Monica’s tendrils wrapped around several Moon ANBU, somehow unable to strike the actual leader of the Shrine who was seemingly protected by someone...

Oh yes. Despite Monica’s unexpected actions, everything was proceeding pretty much the way the sly mastermind had planned… though if it did not end soon, innocents would suffer. Even worse… unwanted attention would be drawn his way… and the way of this rather useful band. A small smirk played on his face for a split second before fading away.

“Get the wounded to me!”, Migoya shouted, a large bright dome of radiant light [Pristine Aura] suddenly appearing around him, pushing back the 'demonic' Gate of Enma tendrils and healing some of the wounded. The fallen civilians shuddered and started to get up. A hero in the darkness. A light amidst the shadows, pushing back the evil. Gods… he couldn't have planned it better.

He was such a great guy after all.


[Kurojei and Shino are in the Hollow (with the strange rat-thing), alone with Ryo the ANBU who looks like he is about to attack]

[Monica has caused some harm to Moon ANBU and caused some unintentional collateral damage… that seems to be blamed on the Shrine. Mikki has instructed her to get into the portal which seems to be fading].

OOC: Next post will be the second-to-last, so gall all out hehe. Please state what jutsu (if any) you are using as I will be doing actions with Ryo]

[WC: 950]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Yolo!!" He had yelled as he jumped through the portal. Taking a look around, he would notice that there was the Ryo standing across from them, obviously confused on the matter. It was when words suddenly appeared in front of the puppet, explaining that Migoya is asking them to take care of the matter. Ryo, looked about as ready to strike out on the duo. Kureji would shrug, "No hard feels, but also you didn't ask how our day was going so..."

His hands would flex, mini summoning scrolls would fly out from all over the puppets body until they all started to glow. Light would envelope all around until all of his creations popped into existence. Both from his special type of puppets, along with the vast expanse of a sea of puppets, all clattering, almost as if they were all laughing in unison. Kureji would casually flip one of his hands to release interlocks on these puppets to show their canon arms, all beaming with energy aimed at Ryo. They would all fire repeatedly with their pressurized vapor canons. Only once they would let up, the crazed puppet would flick the interlocks on his wrists, igniting the alcohol that he had stored in his weaponized body, sending flaming streams toward where he last remembered Ryo was. The icing on the cake would be for him to turn up the heat once more, this time forming handseals and a dragon made up of the flames that now surround the area as it would crash down full force aiming for Ryo.

"Ya see Ryo. You were kinda boring. If only you had a certain FLARE to your style of life, I mighta reconsidered your lack of niceties." He would say as the flames would slowly settle.

(Used Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets - Puppet Taijutsu)
(100 puppets used Vapor canon (m) on Ryo)
(Kureji used flamethrower stream (m) on Ryo)
(Kureji used dragon flame bomb (m) on Ryo)

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo slipped out of the portal right as Kureji was prepping his puppet army to start blasting down Ryo. A wicked grin crossed the bassist’s face very momentarily as he froze time for a moment. With three seconds of leeway he darted through the void up to Ryo and restarted time; just to slap him.
He’s right you know, you have no idea how to have fun.” Shinjo didn’t move. He expected the man to strike now, was in fact goading this to happen. Right as his partner’s puppets began to go off is when the assassin began to react. He moved in the direction Ryo was heading and left himself wide open. See, the assassin didn’t just simply drop out of shinobi high school; Shinjo was a certified shinobi genius. He had figured a few times that his manipulation over time with his dojutsu could be used to do more than simply stop; it could also fast-forward or rewind. His entire fighting style now revolved around pretending he was a hack. Leaving himself open, pretending to not care, showing out to a point of cockiness that karma loved to flip on - it was all a set up. In reality his guns were already in his hands; the sawed off in the left and a pistol in the right, drawn right after the slap with nearly no movement as to not distract from his insult.

As soon as Ryo did so much as glare right at the Kumo Nuke-Nin, Shinjo would vanish and reappear behind the fool to unleash lead hell on the man’s back.

[Used TS to draw weapons at 0 seconds/prep for Flash Counter to Called Shot all 6 shots on Legs so he can't get away from the Puppets]
[Sorry for skipping you Maru!]

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The Chaos, the destruction, Monika enjoyed it. Sure there was a small matter of collateral damage, but that was all part of the game. They started it by planting flunkies in their concert and not even following the little terms that they were supposed to follow during the concert. Monika watched as the arms attacked the members of the shrine, rain pounding on her body as the mayhem unfolded. Served them right for messing with her fans because if she knew that the concert was going to go like this– she definitely would've called them shrimp dicks. Even when Monika made the crude attempt at trying to target a few shrine members only for a few people to be caught in the crossfire, the shrine was being blamed instead of the band. Their efforts in making them look bad failed, Monika even yelled then pointed at them stating. "YEAH, LEAVE THEM ALONE MAN! WE WERE ALL JUST TRYING TO HAVE A LITTLE FUN AND YOU GUYS STARTED ATTACKING US! WEAK ASSES COULDN'T EVEN BE MAN ENOUGH TO COME ON STAGE YOURSELF!" Monika screamed, seeing some of the priests attacking some of the fans to get out of there. A thick anger boiled within Monika as they left, she wanted to throw another attack at them but then a voice in her ear.

Monika looked over at the portal then panicked when she saw that the portal was shrinking. For all she knew, this portal would have sent her bandmates to butt-fuck-suna. So with a quick nod, the punk would begin to run towards the portal, did a dramatic leap and drop kick her way through the portal. Monika would then tuck and roll on the in the air before face planting to the ground in a jack-o-pose. But the punk would quickly recover, snapping to her feet in the strange hollow demisonsion. "Yoooooooooo~ guys I'm here." Monika looked around to see her bandmates attacking that Ryo guy and assuming that he was the bad guy here the punk would take a moment to coat herself with the energy of her spirits. "Hey asshat, have a little bit of this!" Monika said before sending a blast of energy at Ryo. Washing over the battlefield and smashing into Ryo just in case he wanted to pull some tricky stuff with clones. Since he was revealed, Monika would then use this time to create a rasengan. Perfectly infusing it with the power of her spirit to make a spiraling sphere of chakra. Using the ability of her spirit, she would kick at the ground to fling herself at Ryo before making the rasengan big enough to toss at him like a shuriken! The ball spitting apart making it just a little harder to dodge!

Ooc: Monika buffs herself with Elemental Manifestation - Stage 2

Attacking Ryo with Elemental Shockwave - B-Rank Ninjutsu

Attacking Ryo with Perfected Rasengan: Rasen-Shuriken (Wind)
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The realisation dawned on Ryo’s face as the two shinobi advanced, his experience taking hold as he stared into the face of his closest attacker, Shinjo. The shinobi clearly was skilled as his speed was… impressive to say the least. Behind him loomed the other male - a strange one indeed - and Ryo knew that the barrage would come soon.

He decided to take out the closest one first, before figuring a way out of this nightmare. A slender blade slipped out from beneath his purple robe, glowing white in the darkness as he also sped at inhuman speed towards Shinjo. An expertly aimed strike went straight for his neck, or would have if Shinjo had been there.

He grunted in annoyance as several quick attacked hit at his legs, the pain causing him to falter a bit as he turned to see the image of Shinjo almost flicker out of time and space. How could have he been so stupid to not have seen his set up!

His gaze drew back towards the other one, another strange glow emanating from Kureji, and his… oh fuck… army. All aiming their weapons at him.

Rapid handseals conjured a barrier just as a torrent of heated vapour erupted on him, the heat causing his robes to smoulder as he strained at holding back the tide. His legs screamed in pain, but there was no way he was going to lose to these, well, losers.

His hand gripped his ancestral sword, ready to retaliate… only to find that his barrier seemed to have been disintegrated. A small figure… was it a flying rat… seemed to faze in and out of sight, and at that moment, the acrid smell of alcohol permeated the air.

Then the flames came.

He screamed. He screamed at the unfairness of it all.

His robes now were alight, his concentration gone, as he fell to his knees, ready to beg for mercy from these people.

Another light appeared - what it the goddess? A beautiful figure wrapped in elemental energy - yes! Yes they had heard his prayers! She came, delivering… what. No!

A sphere of wind, perfected into a shuriken, dug deep into his body, cutting minute slithers of flesh internally. He was going to die. Killed by an upstart band of no-bodies.

The ancestral sword fell from his hand, clattering to the ground as the still-kneeling form looked up at the trio (and the rat) in front of him. His burned, purple robe was stained with blood as he unceremoniously slumped to the ground.

Ryo looked up, the lights slowly fading from his grey eyes at the trio who had felled him on the orders of that heretic, Myakashi.

“You are… foolish… to trust the devil. My soul goes to a… better… place”.

The lights faded.


Three band-mates from different backgrounds, brought together for a strange purpose, would now find themselves now floating in the void, the still-warm body of the head of the Shrines security services splayed out on the ‘floor’ in front of them, a small winged rat-like creature sniffling around his robes.

A dark-robed figure appeared out of the gloom, waving a hand and causing several comfortable looking couches to appear behind the band, a table also appearing in front of them with large glasses of what appeared to be warm sake. The robed figure offered Monica a towel to dry herself as he motioned towards the couches.

“Sorry Ryo - your soul is not going anywhere nice. Not bad, not bad at all….” the figure spoke, sounding exactly like Myakashi Migoya, followed by some slow clapping.

“Whilst there were some… unexpected interruptions, overall it looks like our little soiree was a success.”

Pale and familiar hands reached up, pulling back the robe to reveal the plaid face of Myakashi Migoya. A cursory glance would confirm that this was, in fact, Myakashi Migoya dressed in a dark robe but something was very, very different.

His eyes. The Sharingan burned brightly. Before more investigations could occur Migoya began to speak.

“But for now, rest and relax. I will be transporting you to a particularly safe location in Moon Country, after I clean up the remnants of what you left behind. Oh don’t worry, the blame will surely be placed on those mercenaries, I mean rebels, and not on you… though be careful next time Monica - attention is not always a good thing.”

Migoya chuckled as he sat on a chair that materialised at a simple whim in this, his hollow.

“Sure… I could have let you in on my little plan, but I needed to ensure that you both knew how to adapt to situations, as well as having the skills to complete the task at hand. Ticks on both accounts. I don’t usually reveal my plans, but I’ll outline it here so there's no animosity or trust lost between us".

“I hired those mercs to assassinate both the Shrine representatives and you, the voice of the Shrine”.
Again Migoya chuckled. “Oh, I knew they wouldn’t succeed - they were riff raff from Tea country, an upstart band of misfits that had the bravado but not the skill. I needed the distraction you see, the opportunity.”

Migoya lent forward the Sharingan looking deeply into the eyes of the bandmates.

“In shogi, one needs to move the opponents pieces to where you want them, and such an endeavour often is more important than moving your own pieces. They, and your performance, gave me the opportunity to get this one”, he said, indicating the cooling body, “”.

“And now the Shrine thinks both the Myakashi and your band are on their side, even though you removed a valuable piece belonging to them.”

His eyes sparkled, hoping that the group would catch on to his little performance, a small example of the manipulative power of the Myakashi.

He sat back into his chair, looking far more relaxed. He took an unnecessary breath into long-dead lungs.

“The path of the rogue-nin is a difficult one, but much can be accomplished without the yoke of village expectations and limitations. The world is now your stage, and you can choose what role you wish to play in it. Will you be a wrathful vengeance, striking back at those that harmed you? A hero to the common folk? A shadow in the darkness? A beacon on the hill? All are options to you.”

“My advice to you is simple. Seek companionship. You have a band now, and I say stick together. Should you wish for further work amongst the Myakashi, I am happy to aid you, but there is someone you may wish to meet to further your… ambitions. His name is…”

Pause for dramatic effect.

Migoya inwardly smirked, thinking of how the devil of Suna would use, I mean, encourage these shinobi. The rat-like creature flew up to sit again on Migoya’s shoulder, casting its beady eyes on the ‘meatbags’ in front of it.


Those red eyes would search the faces of the band to see if there was any acknowledgment of the name, suggesting to the necromancer that they were from Sunagakure. Akkuma was well known there after all, and the revelation that he was leading some missing-nin might come as a surprise.

Now would be the time for questions, and perhaps answers...

Time continued on the outside of the hollow, and soon another portal would appear.

“Ah - we are in Moon Country proper. We thank you for choosing Myakashi airways - please watch your step as you leave the dimension.” A rare smile from Migoya showed an unlikely sense of humour.

“Ill be in touch. Safe travels… bandmates.”

[OOC: Mission passed. Go link and get yer stuff! Thank you - hope you had a bit of fun… sorry it dragged on, but this is Ninpocho hahah]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
…and just like that, it was done.

Shinjo stared down at the dead man’s body, the familiar ache of a gun’s blowback vibin’ in his hands. Everything he was doing had been an absolute blast all the way up to this moment. He suppose that he should of had fun killing this one. He was ANBU, constantly did their best to step all over his band’s fingers, and in more ways than one, probably had this coming. Yet as Shinjo watched their vitcim’s body cool in the void, there was nothing. Just a hollow sensation in his stomach that demanded to be filled. He made a sucking sound with his teeth and holstered the guns as couches materialized and the grand puppet master revealed himself.

The ex-assassin flopped on his couch with a sigh. His mood only turned more sour at the sight of the damn Sharingan, telling him that once more he had just been wholly manipulated by another Uchiha; something that had becoming very tiring. Miyoga presented the prize they had managed to claim for him but, all it sounded like was just more subterfuge nonsense he had grown tired of long ago having been a lackey in the assassin branch back home. The man gave them some sound advice, but Shinjo kept his mouth shut until Migoya opened the portal for the band’s exit.

Stepping out, Shinjo only shot the ancient shinobi a glance - but it was one of defiance. He was tired of people tricking him, and this one had been no different from his old master.

Welp,” the bassist said as he stepped out, fixing his pants and looking at the mountains near by, “I’m gonna go vanish into the mountains for a week. See ya’ll in Earth, yeah?

He shoved his hands in their respective pockets and saundered off. While his words had been neutral and friendly, the tone had been not. His disappointment was palpable, but, maybe it would be worth it later on. After all, Migoya did promise a decent pay that would easily fund their activities for a hot minute.

Unless, of course, Shinjo blew through his portion on alcohol and women.

[Topic Left]
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Nah man, you're foolish. For being... A fool." Kureji couldn't think of a good comeback, but the puppet looked over at Migoya as he explained himself. He would let the dark sage say his piece before speaking once more. He wanted freedom, he was in fact, a free soul. The very idea that he was part of something without even realizing it, made him grit his teeth. He didn't show much emotion, and didn't even react when Migoya had spouted his foster father's name. He understands how his old man would work with the Myakashi clan. They are resourceful, and their clan leader is a battle tactician. They are only a growing band, probably hopelessly outnumbered when it comes to if there will be future conflict between the Devil's Advocates and the Myakashi clan. "Miggy boy. Next time if we work together you will be forward with your whole plan. Otherwise, there will be repercussions. I look out for my own peeps first." He would say flatly. Then turning to his bandmates, "Aight, I recommend we hunker down and let things die down then head off to Earth and regroup there where I'll fill you both in on my situation." He would side eye Migoya, knowing full well that he is threatening someone who might be their only ally outside of Akkuma, but he feels as if it needed to be said so that the dark sage knows that the group won't just sit by and be manipulated by anyone's whim. Shaking his head, he would walk out of the portal.

(topic left)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika smirked, the band's surprised assault took the Anbu off guard. She could hear the little screams of both frustration and of unfairness as the band quickly dispatched the Anbu. The group once their coordinated attack had finished and Ryo was on the ground; the group gathered around the fallen Anbu to watch him draw his last breath. The very least thing he said to them would be how his soul would be heading to a better place and that they were the fools to trust a devil… or rather The Devil. The punk actually felt pity for the Anbu, he died and still held onto the crooked teachings of the shrine. 'Yeah, a perfect example of what not to be' the punk thought to herself, that was when Migoya spoke up and everyone turned to listen to what he had to say and Monika pumped her fist. "Fuck yeah, we killed it tonight! No pun intended." Monika cheered, taking the towel from Migoya so she could dry herself off.

While she wiped her head off with the towel, Migoya went on to tell them that he'll be transporting them to a safe location and cleaning up this mess they've made. Of course, the blame would be placed on someone else but after her blasting some of those shrine assholes with the Gate Of Enema– she doubted that they wouldn't be at least wanted for anything. Nonetheless, Migoya did scold her a bit for going off script but the punk countered with a point of her own. "Yeah, well they shouldn't have been shoving my people around. You would've done the same thing if you were me. Speaking in which, what gives? Why did they attack us instead of coming on stage and talking like you said that they would?!" Monika sassed because she expected this to be more of a battle of wits and who could gaslight the other into attacking. Clearly, this concert was meant to be a trap that the shrine set up or perhaps her anti village leadership song did trigger the shrine into attacking them before they could finish the song. However, as Migoya went on Monika now realized that it wasn't the shrine who sent those lackeys but HE was the one who hired the goons to assassinate THEM.

Now at this point, Monika was flabbergasted. A thick anger boiled within her along with the feeling of outright confusion on why that was even necessary to even do something like that to them.

What if they were just a bunch of E-Ranks?
What if wheezer kept playing instead of fighting back?
What if they followed his instructions to the letter and took the non-violent approach?!

Questions like these flooded her mind as Migoya explained away some cloak and dagger bullshit plan that he had. Monika broke it down like this, a band of misfits from tea seemed unskilled so he simply made them battle it out to cause a distraction for him to take out a rival of his. In short, not only were they put in danger but they were also used as pawns in another person's stupid game. Monika looked around and Kureji at least spoke up on their behalf. Even he saw through the bull crap but didn't really let Migoya have it the way she would've done. "Yanno what would've been smart is maybe get your little merc's to play with us or we worked together with them instead of being blindsided like this. Your little bullshit plan could've gotten one of us killed, like yeah got your boy over their flatlined but there was a better way of doing it instead of ACTIVELY using us as pawns!" Monika yelled. "Test my ass, prove yourself my ass, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT!"

Once Shinjo and Kureji went through the portal; Monika would then walk to the portal herself but before leaving she had just a few more words. "Yanno, I probably would've accepted it if you covered this shit in lies or half truths. But with you just blatantly telling us that you were using us, shows you don't see us as equals.. You bleed and shit like the rest of us. Maybe think about that the next time you wanna use people as puppets, HOE-KAGE." and with those words Monika went through the portal to follow her bandmates.

WC: 733
[Left topic]
[Thanks for the mission o/ it was a fun one]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The life of a missing nin tended to be lonely, not out of any hope of having friends and confidants, but it was a necessity. Everyone could be betrayed, or could betray - it was the nature of shinobi to be deceptive. This was the lesson... a lesson that hopefully the band would soon come to understand. He listened, his face impassive, as they threw their barbs, every now and then responding with a wry smirk but no clear answers. THAT was the lesson.

Good. Become bitter. Resent authority. Have the courage to forge your own paths. Why did I tell you my plan if I did not respect you... so you could learn from it. Migoya dwelt in thought, a small part of him upset that they could not have bonded, but he wanted to protect them... from what was going to come.

The band left, the payment given and their mission completed. Migoya would leave the body of the ANBU somewhere it could be found, trampled, burnt... the result of a stampede they would claim. The band should walk away scott free. The hollow collapsed on itself, leaving Migoya standing on an outcropping of one of the mountains in Moon country, the freezing wind flapping his black robe. Another figure walked out from a nearby outcropping, a small wooden man sitting on his shoulder.

You did have to be so mean to them, Migo-kun... I mean, they were pretty cool for meatbags! Mikki stated, clearly annoyed at how things had panned out.

The Migoya, the real Migoya, sat down on a small, stone outcropping, reaching out an arm for Baraku to land on. His eyes met his clones for a brief second, the hatred for the cursed sharingan flowing into him although it was his own clone that now bore it. A moment of concentration and the edo tensei dissolved.

"True. They have much potential indeed. But they needed to learn that betrayal and manipulation will be their constant companion. Better they learn it from me in such a setting than in the 'real world'."

They wont want anything to do with us now idiot. We could have been a REAL band.

Migoya chuckled.

"Perhaps. But they needed to know what it felt like to be used... not by a village, but by another. They will seek out Akkuma - and he will use them. He will do so in such a way that they may not know he is doing so... but perhaps, just perhaps, they will figure it out, before he destroys them."

So... you were being NICE to them by being a nasty manipulative prick?

Again the chuckle came.

"Isnt it what I always do?"

[Mission officially ended :). Topic/Mission left! Thanks again!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
