Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Striving To Be The Best [Open]


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Sep 13, 2023
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A low growl emanated throughout the hallway outside the offices of the head medical ninja causing guards to glance at it's source but make no further movement to remove the origin of the disturbance as the girl was no disturbing any of the high ranked ninja that moving around the facility. The growling was originating from one young girls stomach as it demanded food that the girl could not supply for the moment as Misaki was on a mission of sorts to improve her lot within the village. You see Misaki was an orphan of unknown origins that had been taken in by the village in order to raise her as one of the many faceless soldiers that protected the village. Misaki was provided for the most part by the village with the basic necessitates such as food and shelter as long as she trained as a ninja but the training she had been offered had been very basic and very much catered to the main branch where Misaki feared she would get shunted to as a disposable foot soldier.

So in an effort to improve her lot within the village Misaki had decided to latch on to the leg of a higher ranking medical nin in the hopes of becoming their apprentice where she could receive a higher level of medical training and a guarantee that she would be able to avoid any of the frontlines the village may fight one day. However there was one problem with Misaki's plan and that was it was very hard to figure out who qualified for Misaki's plan as only the highest rank of ninja openly displayed themselves within the village with the med rank and lower being much more obscure to the public eye which left very few choices on who she should petition to be taken on as a student. Eventually Misaki had decided to aim high and had moved to petition the medical sennin for training however she had been thwarted in her attempts to meet such a high ranking ninja by the guards that defended the halls of the medical sennin office leaving the girl to came outside the main entrance in order to catch her target as they either left or entered their office.

However Misaki had failed to realise that ninja of high ranks very rarely left through doors leaving the girl to camp out in the hospital hallways only being left alone by the guards due to the fact she was viewed as a non threat especially as she grew hungrier over the course of the days she continued her vigil slowly convincing herself this was a test as she slowly grew slimmer and dirtier as she denied herself food or water until she spoke with her target determined to prove her determination despite the staffs worry. Eventually Misaki simply spent her days quietly with her back leaning against the wall, or knees pulled up to her chest as she quietly watch waiting for someone whom may never come.

WC: 503
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
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Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
It was one of the rare days where Kitsune went to the Hospital in Kumogakure, to check up on how her old place of employment was doing. From time to time she wandered the halls, looking at the flow of work, judging the allocation of funds, if they were being used appropriately, and it usually looked that they did. This day, she had business in the organ vault, located near the medical sennins office. She needed to perform research on a specific type of organ, and as such needed to find out if it was indeed in inventory, even if the systems said it was.

When she walked past the office, she noticed the girl sitting outside, looking rather unkempt and sounding hungry. Kitsune raised an eyebrow. Whose kid was this? Why were they sitting on the floor in a hallway? Why'd they look like a street urchin, when housing was available for all citizens? She stopped and looked at the kid "Are you waiting for someone, by chance?" she asked, figuring that'd be the way to start a conversation with the kid, that could then be shifted over towards why she was looking grimey and starving.


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Sep 13, 2023
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Misaki had taken to staring at the floor in her time waiting within the halls, entering a trance like state helped one pass the time and ignore the physical desires of the body to an extent which in turn allowed Misaki to maintain her vigil for far longer than many children her age would have been able to but it did have the draw back that she often loss sense of her surroundings, which is why she was surprised when a pair of legs stepped into Misaki's vision causing the girl to look up between the locks of her hair that had fallen over her face allowing the adult to see the dark circles that now ringed the white haired girls eyes.

"Are you waiting for someone, by chance?"

A cool but not unkind tone was Misaki's first impression of the red head women followed by an itch that washed over the white haired girl's body as waves of power almost seemed to come off this women without trying as Misaki took in the women's scarred throat, her regal demeanour and finally a deep purple eye accompanied with a golden eye that seemed to glow in the gloom of the hallway, both piercing down at her with far more force that Misaki's own scarlet eyes. "This women looks strong and she is passing by the medical sennin office so this has gotta be it. The sennin I was waiting for. I gotta make a good impression now!" Misaki thought as she used the last of the energy she currently had within her body. Raising her arms up from her lap Misaki slammed her hands down into the floor Infront of her before Misaki's forehead followed as the girl moved from a seated to a bowing position so deep that she had slammed her head into the floor causing a droplet of blood to run down her face as a nearby guard grimaced at the solid thunk Misaki's head had made. "I have waited for days to meet one of the elite medical ninja of the village such as yourself Sennin-Sama. I humbly request you take me on as your disciple." Despite her position on the floor Misaki eyes had remained fixated on the women, the cool amber transforming into a crimson red colour as Misaki's Sharingan manifested from her desperation to make an impression on the older ninja not realising that she was talking to Raikage as she had been unable to learn very much of the village in only the single month she had lived here. Once she had said her piece Misaki remained silent, her determination evident from the desire radiating from her eyes despite her worn body.

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Santaru Sayomi

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Jul 11, 2017
Today was certainly an unusual day. She had just finished her book, at least one of her most recent books, but all the others in the Santaru compound were too busy to go retrieve another one. Granted, this was a medical journal and not a flight of fancy type of book, but all things written were just as entrancing to the purple eyed brunette as she took a deep breath to try and steel herself, her nerves were forever on edge thinking about what to read next. This particular book was apart of a series and it would require going to the Hospital to gain the next one. She summoned one of her companions and instead of the proud and beautiful Yume, the playful Kichirou was summoned instead which didn't take long to convince her to take him with her.

The two foxes, though Yume was usually the one under private contract, Kichirou was also taught to accompany her on the rare times when she was out or just plain lonely. He was much like Hon's summon, being quite a little chatter box and his large ears could easily pick up anything she might say, but Sayomi found him infinitely more adorable. She held him in her arms, in front of her chest, much like a shield to ward off others who might approach her, as she made her way to the hospital, soon entering through the door.

Rarely, very rarely, she might stop by the Hospital, but the sterilized smell was only less putrid than the smell of damaged humans and both were found repugnant in the young Santaru's eyes as she buried her face into Kichirou's fur, which smelled strangely of strawberries. He continued to chat about all the wonders around him. "Oh wow, Look look! There are doctors over there! And wow! Did you see that? Do you think his arm is going to fall off? Oh! I bet there's a cafeteria near here, let's go there next!" some of the strange things he would say.

The people around here were new, at least to her eyes, as she dressed in a fine, silk kimono and skillfully weaved in and out of the flow of traffic so not to impede anyone else as she made her way to the library. Kichirou still chatting, remarking on every little thing. Sometimes he would be very quiet with his words and Sayomi would go unnoticed, as if she didn't even exist, and other times he would be rather loud as if unable to control his own volume.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
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Oct 23, 2012
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Kitsune took in the girls appearance, and almost imperceptibly raised an eyebrow. She looked absolutely exhausted, and emaciated. This wouldn't do. No, this wouldn't do at all. Then, when the young girl went into a dogeza in such a rush that her forehead smacked into the floor, causing an actual injury, Kitsune formed a few seals with her hands, and healed the wound. She might be Raikage, but she was also a doctor. "Please don't injure yourself, young one." Kitsune said, her voice soft and gentle. "But you have one thing mistaken. I'm not the Medical Sennin." she added while reaching a hand out to help Misaki up from the floor. "I am, however, the Raikage. The first one to come from the Medical Branch, too." she explained.

Then, she noticed chatter nearby, and spotted someone she hadn't seen in quite a long while: The Santaru heir, Sayomi. She was a bit surprised to see her here, but she was also glad. It'd been on her mind that Sayomi might not be let out of the Santaru compound much, but with all the recent things happening, she hadn't had the chance to go see her. "Sayomi! So good to see you again." she said, a smile on her face. "Here to pick up new literature to peruse, or are you picking up a shift at the hospital, perhaps?" she asked the zappiest of Mednin around. Then, turning her attention back to Misaki, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name young one." she said, hoping the girl would be introducing herself. "Though first, I think you need to eat something. You look like you haven't eaten in days." she said, her voice filled with concern. "I can have something brought to you, if you'd like." she offered.


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Misaki held her head down, her breath baited as she waited for the response of the red headed women that towered over her before a gentle voice explained that the person in front of her was not the medical sennin as she had thought but was instead the leader of the entire village! Misaki's eyes shot up to the Raikage, her face filled with shock and dread as her features paled further at the thought of calling out to the Raikage so disrespectfully. However before Misaki could say anything or start blubbering apologies to the Raikage she found a gentle hand offered to her as healing chakra spread over the girl quickly stopping the flow of blood that had been running down her face in tiny trails from her hairline. Misaki couldn't help the blush that flowed into her cheeks as Kitsune helped the girl to her feet, with the white haired Uchiha staring up at the taller women with a shocked but grateful look.

'Oh god I just asked the Raikage to take me in as an apprentice and she is super nice. No wait this could still work I just need to be as honest as possible about my intentions.' Misaki thought as Kitsune turned her head and called out to another person walking down the hall with two.....foxes? Kitsune seemed to know the brown haired girl but Misaki wasn't allowed to look at the person for long as the Raikage once again addressed her asking if she wanted to eat. Misaki stomach growled plaintively at the mention of food as Misaki put her hand over her stomach with an embarrassed look. "Um I wouldn't want to bother you Raikage-sama with my stomach I could eat." Misaki gave an embarrassed chuckle before she shook her head sharply as she realised she was getting off track not noticing she just shook blood droplets on the floor around her with the motion. Wa..wait I mean I can't eat until I finish what I need to do here and while I may have mistaken you I still stand by my words. Please teach me to be a splendid med nin."

WC: 360
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Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
People seemed to keep out of her way, if they even noticed her at all. Part of her couldn't help but wonder if even the new people had been informed that a strange, quiet girl with a fox sometimes visits. Of course, she had full clearance, even if she couldn't handle blood or the smells, but that alone disqualified her from being an actual mednin, at least that's what she was told which was all fine with her. Kichirou, however, continued to chat up a storm and Sayomi would reply every now and then.

Of course, it was not expected to find someone who knew her past facial recognition. Kahako and her husband had long since been missing, so there were not many employees of the hospital who actually knew of Santaru Sayomi beyond the name....but worse than anything, the Raikage was here and called out to the young brunette. She froze in place, petrified as Kitsune made her way close to her. Immediately, she bowed deeply, mumbling a greeting to the Raikage-sama and nodding about the literature. As she bowed, the small fox managed to wriggle free on the ground. "Hehe yep! Yep yep yep! Hi, Kitsune! Do you remember me? We had an adventure together at the shrine! Sayomi says she's here to find the next volume in the medical thingy!" the small fox tried to speak.

Kitsune hadn't changed a bit, which was a stark contrast from Hon, but Sayomi neither had aged a day. Kitsune turned away from her to face a young girl who....seemed rather malnourished. She somewhat reminded Sayomi of herself when she was younger, before she had become a Jinchuuriki, but Kitsune seemed compassionate towards the young silver-haired girl...who was much more forward than she could ever dare to dream to be. However, it seemed like in all cases, she was an after-thought, which suited her just fine as she mumbled a departing phrase, softer than a whisper and gave another deep bow, scooping up her little orange friend and starting to depart. The two seemed like they had something and it would be absolutely rude to intrude. She'd just be in the way, anyways. Her place anywhere else, in a secluded corner.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well I'm sure I can help you two find that volume" Kitsune said to the energetic fox, and shy Sayomi. Of course, there was also the matter of Misaki who had made a big request. Kitsune scratched her head a bit, then formed a few additional seals and gave Misaki an instant shower, she'd essentially just feel the griminess melt away from her body, leaving her totally clean. "Step one: Come with me. You can help look for the volume Sayomi needs" Kitsune said, with a wink to the youngling. Before Sayomi could scamper off, Kitsune'd gently take her hand, as well as Misakis hand, and walk with the two of them to the medical library.

Once at the library, Kitsune would let go of their hands, then ask "So, what book is it you're looking for exactly, Sayomi-chan?" she asked, looking at her with a smile. Once they knew, they could begin looking for it, and in the meantime, Kitsune'd be asking Misaki exploratory questions, like why she wanted to become a mednin, and why she thought a high-ranking mednin would be the best option for her. She'd also ask about her family, and her hobbies, and anything else that might help Kitsune get to know her potential student better. All in all, it was quite the random day for Kitsune, but she was enjoying it. She'd never been one to turn down a chance to help someone, and she was glad to be able to help these two. It'd also been a while since Kitsune'd had a student to teach, and depending on what Misaki answered to the questions, she might just have one again.


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It was hard to describe what it was like to be scrubbed from toe to top without actually being touched as Ayeka stared down in surprise as all the filth that had built up over the last months seemed to just melt off her body until she was sure she was cleaner than she had ever been in her life. Before Misaki could say anything though Kitsune scooped her hand before also catching a hold of the fox girl. "Ah um yes er...." Unsure how to address the Raikage Misaki could only agree to follow the read headed women demurely as she was lead to what appeared to be an immense library situated in the hospital most likely for the doctors that worked there. As Kitsune spoke with Sayomi about what they were there for Misaki took this chance to marvel at the sheer amount of information there as she lead past bookcase after bookcase only partially able to quickly glance at one or two titles, not that she could read but the desire to learn was deeply burning within the girl.

As the trio descended into the library to look for Sayomi's book Kitsune took this chance to ask Misaki some question causing the girl to squeak in surprise about being addressed again.
"Oh um I want to be a Med nin to help the other kids with no parents. The village looks after us by giving food and a place to stay but some of the kids with no parents get looked over for medical treatment and many of them just suffer in silence cause there is no one to take them to the hospital." Misaki eyes became downcast as she spoke about the other kids she often played with, many of them suffering from the winter that was now starting to come to an end. Snapping her gaze back up the questioning women as she asked why she wanted to apprentice with a high rank ninja Misaki clenched Kitsunes hard in determination almost as if she was the girls last life line. "I want to train under a high ranking ninja because they are the best of the best and I don't wanna just be good, I want to be the greatest medical ninja that ever lived not just some stupid orphan from the Cloud villages slums and I will do anything to make that happen." A desperate passion almost seemed to burn in Masaki's voice as if this was her last gamble before making a decision that she would prefer not to. Fortunately conversion moved to topics that Misaki found a bit easier to talk about. "My family? I'm actually an orphan and never met my parents. I was brought to the village from somewhere in the mountains and don't remember much past a few years ago. The only thing I remember of my mother is long white hair." Finally the questions moved on to hobbies which weren't very interesting as Misaki didn't have enough money to indulge in anything other than things that came free. "Um I like to make hand puppets with the kids on my street.....oh and I love growing flowers." Misaki said with a smile that seemed a little sad as she thought back to the wild flower garden she had made that had bene destroyed during a genin's ninja training. Eventually the two lapsed back into silence before Misaki let out a little whisper that only Kitsune would be able to hear. "Thank you for helping me."

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Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
Despite the attempt to quietly sneak out, the Raikage had sharp eyes, which did make sense from what she had been told. Kichirou was happy, though, he loved being around other people, being able to talk to them and...well, mostly being able to talk happily. Despite being a ninja fox with the potential of a contract, he really had no interest in learn the art of war. He had skills he could do, naturally, but he did not hone them like Yume did, which is why Sayomi could summon him, but he was not an exclusive contract for the girl.

She reached down and picked up the fox with relative ease, holding him in front of her once again. "Oh, wow! You're going to come with us too, Kitsune? And this young lady as well? That's so great! I love to be with friends and I love making new ones!" he would state as the 4 of them started off, not even realizing that he had forgotten to give the name of the book, not that Sayomi was willing to correct him or speak up herself. In truth, not having the pressure of having to measure up to some ideal that came with being an active duty ninja had allowed the young Santaru to relax and be herself. Reading became so enjoyable, she sought to devour all things of the written word and her memory and recall became nigh-impeccable, though at the cost of what little social skills she had beforehand.

She followed the pair with Kichirou in arm, just as a courtesy and a formality due to the Raikage promising to "help" find the book. She already was very well aware of where it would be. In spite of not going to the medical ward often, anything save that which was newly altered, was memorized in detail so a new volume for this particular subject would be right where she expected. A bit high up for her, but the redhaired leader was thoroughly engaged with the younger girl.

Kichirou almost spoke up as the young girl described her desire to be trained by a high ranking ninja, but the brunette quieted him immediately. He was very fond of her and loved to boast about her abilities, though in a far nicer way than Yume, but Sayomi found it very embarrassing and instead, she offered him some chicken from a sealed pouch in her bag to buy his silence. She retrieved the book, nonetheless, as Kichirou took his place atop her head as a large, intimidating-looking book, one clearly meant for experts in the field, was now held against her chest. And thus she stood there in silence, holding it and debating whether or not she should take her leave, or at least find at table. Trying to figure out the proper protocol for the situation as the book started to weigh heavily on her thin arms.
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
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Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune gently scratched the chatty fox behind the ear, chuckling at the fox's zany antics. He was a fun one. As for Misaki, Kitsune paid attention to her words, making mental notes to have doctors do house calls for the orphans. She hadn't considered that they might not know to go to the hospital if they didn't feel well, and that uh... That was a good point, really. She'd have to get someone to do an information campaign, as well as getting doctors to do housecalls, so the kids were looked after properly. When Misaki then claimed to want to be the greatest medical ninja that ever lived, Kitsune chuckled again. "Well, others have used that epithet for me, so you'll have some competition there." she said, with a sly grin, "But I'm sure you'll get there. Here's what you should do: First, pass your genin exams. Then come find me, and I'll give you a test to see your skills."

While Kitsune talked with Misaki, it looked like Sayomi had found the book she'd been looking for. "Oh, you found it." she commented, "I hope it's useful for you. However, all the theory in the world won't do you any good, unless you can put it into practice, Sayomi-chan." she added, hoping to spur the young kunoichi into action. "I'd also like to see you advance in the medical field. Get some of that theory into practice. Heck, make new theories and demonstrate them to others, instead of just chewing through books all day long." Hopefully her words would spark a fire in Sayomi, and get her to do something with her knowledge. Kitsune had seen too many people who were all theory and no practice, and she didn't want Sayomi to end up like that.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
