Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sude Reina => Kisaragi Kiyomi

Akira Roka

New Ninja
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Sude Reina
Old Village/Missing: Missing
OCR Type: Inactivity Retirement
Last Known Where-abouts: Maybe Fire country?
Old IC Rank: Mercenary

New Character Name: Kisaragi Kiyomi
Preferred Username: Kiyomi
New Village/Missing: Cloud
New BL/CA: Senju - Chīsana Niwa
Custom Class: Can I take the rookie class and just design a class later in my dojo?

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Medical Ninja
IC Rank: Chuunin
Character Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description:

Kiyomi's eyes are probably one of her most distinctive features, seeing as they're a color mixed between pink and purple. She has long curly pink hair that is very vibrant and almost resembles the petals of a blooming cherry blossom. From time to time, she'll style her hair into small braids. She has dark skin the contrasts beautifully with her pink hair and vibrant colored eyes. Her skin has a smooth and free of any scars, tattoos, or markings. It's rather evident that she takes great care of her appearance. Standing at about five foot nine inches tall, she has an athletic and toned body type as a result of rigorous training. Her muscles are well defined and tone, giving off clear ques that she's spent a lot of time training. Despite this, she maintains a feminine physique with graceful curves. She prefers to dress in a style similar to that of ancient Greece; favoring long flowing tunics and draped fabrics that compliment her figure.

Character's Mental Description:
Kiyomi is a rather reserved individual whos takes great pride in their work. More often than not, she can be found reading or studying in order to improve herself and help further her career in the medical field. In truth, she takes great pleasure in helping others and testing the limits of her own skills. Rather it be her own desire to expand her medical knowledge, or a sense of responsibility towards helping her village and it's inhabitants, she has a unique sense of drive pushing her to move forward. Outside of work, she usually can be found tending to a garden or finding comfort in one form of entertainment or another.

Multiple Personality Application: Nope

Character History:

From a young age, Kiyomi knew what she wanted to do and that was follow in the footsteps of her parents by becoming a medical ninja. At the age of eight, she entered into the villages academy and quickly began to spend most of her time studying rather than practicing basic skills. Unlike the other students, she caught on really quickly and was considered some what of a genius amongst her classmates. Then by her final year there, she learned of her unique ability to convert earth and water based ninjutsu into wood. Upon doing this, she went to her parents to show them what she could do and learned her of genetic lineage; Kiyomi, and both her parents, come from a long line of individuals decedent from the Senju clan. Because of this, it was common for many people in their family to be capable of using wood ninjutsu and access to a more natural form of energy other than jutsu chakra.

After learning all of this, she continued her training just to see how far she could push herself until graduation. When that time came, Kiyomi immediately joined the medical branch as a medical ninja in training. During the next few years, she would learn everything from basic first aid, to more advance treatments including basic surgeries and diagnostic procedures. In truth, during this time she was really just a medical assistant that was learning from, what she thought, some of the best doctors and medical ninja within the village. By the time she reached the age of 15, she learned of her own natural innate healing capabilities linked to her genetic lineage. The more natural energy she had access to, the more she could naturally heal herself, or others, with her "high-speed regeneration" wood technique. To her, this meant that she was on the right path in life. If by chance he own natural genetics aligned with her life style, then surely this was destiny for her.

A few more years would pass and by the age of twenty, Kiyomi would finally complete her medical training and obtain the position of Medical ninja just like her parents had before her. While they were doing more critical research, Kiyomi's main field of practice became preventative care. For her, she cared more about preventing diseases and keeping the village healthy, than having to deal with the consequences of someone's actions.

Clan Request: Nope.
Death/Retirement Thread: Inactivity
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Old Stats:
Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 124/300
Taijutsu: 137/300
Genjutsu: 124/300
Agility: 240/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1,225/1800

Old OOC Rank: B-rank
Stat Cut: None. OCR from inactivity. (90+ days this subaccounts been inactive)
New Stats: [I have 400 Asp I want to convert to stats via option 4 in training rules]

Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 264/300
Taijutsu: 237/300
Genjutsu: 224/300
Agility: 300/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1,625/1800

New OOC Rank: B-rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: None, but keeping what I got. I'll immediately start mastering Medical jutsu with training though ~_~

Jutsu List:

Medical Ninjutsu
- [D Rank[
Coagulation [Rank 1]
Mystical Hand [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
System Shock [Rank 1]
Skeletal Fortification [Rank 1]
Anesthetic Infusion [Rank 1]
System Restoration [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Medical Ward [Rank 1]
Medical Assistant [Rank 1]

Water Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Water Gun [Master]
Pressurized Mist [Master]
- [D Rank]
Water Whip [Master]

Lightning Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Thunderfist [Master]
Stormbolt [Master]

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Transformation [Master]
Body Switch [Master]

Slashing Taijutsu

- [E Rank]
Slash [Master]
- [D Rank]
Cross Rip [Rank 1]
Gasher [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
Blade Trail [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Executioner [Rank 1]
Kill Driver [Rank 1]

Piercing Taijutsu
- [B Rank]
Fake out [Rank 1]

Buffing Taijutsu
- [C Rank]
Chakra Absorption [Rank 1]

Puppet Taijutsu

- E Rank
Chakra Emissions [Rank 1]
Guided Strike [Rank 1]
Swift Spin [Rank 1]
Castling [Rank 1]

- D Rank
Searchlight [Rank 1]
Puppet Transformation [Rank 1]

- C Rank
Gas Warfare [Master]

- [D Rank]
Rorschach Eye [Rank 1]
Basic Clone [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
Verse of Darkness [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Advanced Clones [Rank 1]
Mime Box [Rank 1]

- [C Rank]
Crippled [Rank 1]
Silly Fingers [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Lingering Spark [Rank 1]
Phoenix Embrace [Rank 1]

- [B Rank]
Havoc Of The Doomed Mind [Rank 1]

- [D Rank]
Trembling Music [Rank 1]
Appreciation of Music [Rank 1]

Other Refunds: Nope

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

The example above would keep their Body Switch and Transformation jutsu Mastered, gain back 2550 yen and 18 ASP for the refunds, and spend 1650 yen and 14 ASP on new jutsu, leaving them with a net refund of 900 yen and 4 ASP. During OCR only, this ASP contributes to the total that could be spent to make up for stat loss.

Are you referring to this section in the OCR rules? This makes reference towards ASP gained from jutsu swaps, rather than what you have. As to where the training & asp rules, linked below, says I can convert ASP to stats in OCR.

Can I please be linked to that official ruling just for future reference? I'm just lost because I thought I could do this. It's fine if I can't, I just wanna clarification.
Scrap this Character, I'm doing an entirely new one then. I understand about the ASP thing, I found the ruling. It is what it is.
Old Character Name: Sude Reina
Old Village/Missing: Missing
OCR Type: Inactivity Retirement
Last Known Where-abouts: Maybe Fire country?
Old IC Rank: Mercenary

New Character Name: Akira Roka
Preferred Username: Akira Roka
New Village/Missing: Cloud
New BL/CA: Inuzuka - Beast Master
Custom Class:

Doc. Roka! [Vet]
HP: (55+Level) * Stamina
CP: (45+Level) * Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +15% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Medical Ninja
IC Rank: Chuunin
Character Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sex: Female

Character's Physical Description:
Roka is about five foot seven inches in height, and weighs about one hundred and thirty two pounds. She has an athletics build, and much like her brother, prefers more of a combat style choice of clothing. However, she doesn't wear heavy plate armor and instead sticks to more traditional black and brown leather based materials. That being said, she does wear shoulder and arm bracers from time to time. Roka has red hair, which is common amongst members of her family. Her hair is a dark shade of maroon, and extends down well past her waist.

Her eyes are a light shade of pink, though they appear red from a distance. More often than not, she can be found sporting some sort of jewelry such as a necklace, rings, or ear rings. Roka does have a tongue piercing, among others that are hidden from view.

Character's Mental Description:

Roka's mentality can be summed up as pragmatic, self serving, and fiercely independent but not without a sense of loyalty to her village, friends, and brother. She is driven by a strong sense of survival, admiration for wealth, and of course her own self interest. She sees the world as an unforgiving place where power and resources determine one's fate, and she has no intention of being on the losing end. However, this doesn't mean she is ruthless or cruel. Roka tends to have a soft spot for those in need, which is partially why she chose to become a Medical Shinobi. Ultimately though, Roka tries to be kind and understanding in just about all instances.

Multiple Personality Application: Nope

Character History:

Akira Roka was the second born child, which ultimately caused her to grow up in the shadow of her older brother. While both of her parents were masters of the fire element, and her brother seemed to be a prodigy in the field, she quickly became a disappointment in their eyes. Unlike her brother, she never developed the Sharingan or an affinity for Fire based techniques. Because of this, neither one of her parents took interest in her training and simply left her fate to the village's academy.

Although her home life was unfortunate, that never once stopped her from developing a strong bond with her brother who still encouraged her to study and train as hard as she could. While at the Academy, she flourished and unknowingly unlocked a unique kekkei genkai that apparently laid dormant within her. One day, while on a training based field trip, she formed a unique bond with a wolf cub as if their souls had been forcibly linked together. Naming this cub Titan, she claimed him as her own and ever since, the two were inseparable.

With Titan at her side, life seemed to get happier as the days went on. Eventually, she graduated from the village's Academy and became a Genin. Her first few months as a Genin proved challenging, and she quickly learned how cruel the world could be. The path she, and every other Shinobi walked, was a dangerous one. Having watched some of her teammates endure some gruesome injuries, she quickly realized life as a regular shinobi just wasn't going to cut it for her.

Choosing to walk the path of a medical ninja, she applied and was eventually allowed to join the medical branch as an MiT. For the next few years, as she continued to train and develop her Taijutsu, Bloodline, and Ninjutsu skills, she also focused heavily on studying medical ninjutsu and procedures. While she watched others quickly raise through the ranks, she sat back and thoroughly trained and studied until she was eventually promoted to a Chuunin ranked, full fledged, Medical Ninja. Now, at the age of twenty one and several years of training and experience under her belt, her new focus was on progressing her career just to see how far she could go.

Clan Request: Nope.
Death/Retirement Thread: Inactivity
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Old Stats:
Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 124/300
Taijutsu: 137/300
Genjutsu: 124/300
Agility: 240/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1,225/1800

Old OOC Rank: B-rank
Stat Cut: None. OCR from inactivity. (90+ days this subaccounts been inactive)
New Stats:

Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 124/300
Taijutsu: 137/300
Genjutsu: 124/300
Agility: 240/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1,225/1800

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: None, but keeping what I got. I'll immediately start mastering Medical jutsu with training though ~_~

Jutsu List:

Medical Ninjutsu
- [D Rank[
Coagulation [Rank 1]
Mystical Hand [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
System Shock [Rank 1]
Skeletal Fortification [Rank 1]
Anesthetic Infusion [Rank 1]
System Restoration [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Medical Ward [Rank 1]
Medical Assistant [Rank 1]

Water Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Water Gun [Master]
Pressurized Mist [Master]
- [D Rank]
Water Whip [Master]

Lightning Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Thunderfist [Master]
Stormbolt [Master]

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu:
- [E Rank]
Transformation [Master]
Body Switch [Master]

Slashing Taijutsu

- [E Rank]
Slash [Master]
- [D Rank]
Cross Rip [Rank 1]
Gasher [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
Blade Trail [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Executioner [Rank 1]
Kill Driver [Rank 1]

Piercing Taijutsu
- [B Rank]
Fake out [Rank 1]

Buffing Taijutsu
- [C Rank]
Chakra Absorption [Rank 1]

Puppet Taijutsu

- E Rank
Chakra Emissions [Rank 1]
Guided Strike [Rank 1]
Swift Spin [Rank 1]
Castling [Rank 1]

- D Rank
Searchlight [Rank 1]
Puppet Transformation [Rank 1]

- C Rank
Gas Warfare [Master]

- [D Rank]
Rorschach Eye [Rank 1]
Basic Clone [Rank 1]
- [C Rank]
Verse of Darkness [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Advanced Clones [Rank 1]
Mime Box [Rank 1]

- [C Rank]
Crippled [Rank 1]
Silly Fingers [Rank 1]
- [B Rank]
Lingering Spark [Rank 1]
Phoenix Embrace [Rank 1]

- [B Rank]
Havoc Of The Doomed Mind [Rank 1]

- [D Rank]
Trembling Music [Rank 1]
Appreciation of Music [Rank 1]

Other Refunds: Nope

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?

Current Ninpocho Time:
