Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Summoned [Requesting Hokage]

Senju Tobikuma

New Member
Aug 14, 2018
THE Hokage Mansion was more impressive inside than it appeared outside and was also a lot bigger than expected.

With eyes wide and mouth open, Tobikuma looked in every direction at once, his eyes shifting rapidly to take in every detail. For all of his life, the boy had seen the domed structure in the distance from the orphanage, but never in that time had he actually expected to visit. Now though, walking through the tall hallways, vast expanses, and expensive but tasteful decor, the Genin was a little overwhelmed. Not to mention the fact he had been told of his consideration as a student of the Hokage - the very leader of Konoha - which was absolutely amazing. Tobikuma had thought himself a nobody young shinobi, who was simply chasing pets and cleaning paths, yet somehow attention had been gained and doors of opportunity had been opened.

And when the Hokage opens that door, you run through, Tobikuma thought to himself, blinking as he passed some tough looking members of the Hokage Guard. Wow, they look impressive.

Taking several flights of stairs, moving at a quick but respectful pace, Tobikuma reached a desk with a receptionist behind it. After a brief introduction, the Genin was asked to sit to one side of the small outer room, on a nearby bench. He did. And then he waited. For what seemed like a lifetime, anxiously waiting for his summons to see the head honcho of the Hidden Leaf, Tobikuma began tapping his foot. He was energetic and rarely was able to stay still, not to mention the excitement was almost too much for him to contain. A lot had happened following his graduation - he had met some powerful shinobi, been added to a squad under an awesome Jounin, been offered a chance to learn more about medical jutsu and methods, and was about to speak with the Hokage.

"This. Is. Awesome." Tobikuma muttered to himself, as his foot continued to tap rapidly. The receptionist glanced over, eyebrow raised. "Oh, sorry, don't mind me."

For another little while the boy waited, knowing the Hokage was an important person and had lots of obligations. And then finally, the receptionist called the Genin over, and motioned to the steps that led up to the Hokage's personal area. Tobikuma let out a slow exhale, pushing the nervous energy from his body, as he ascended the steps. He reached another door and reached out to knock gently - and only following a reply within to say to enter, did the boy push open the door and step inside...

Don't do or say anything stupid, Tobikuma.

[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Hokage Takeshi]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look up at the door, he allowed a smile to come to his lips, it seemed that the Genin had finally arrived as he watched the handle of the door come down and open he allowed his eyes to look at the boy for a few moments, the purple eyes studying him as he stood in the door way, he wondered how this conversation would go. Though he allowed the welcoming smile to come to his lips as always. Takeshi would always be welcoming to those that seek help and this boy was the example of that, as he gestured Tobikuma into the office.

“Welcome Tobikuma, I have approved this audience today, as its not every day that a Genin requests to speak to the Hokage, so to say that I am interested would be an understatement. Please close the door on your way in, also take a seat no point in standing up the whole time.”

Takeshi allowed his hand to come out as he gestured towards a seat opposite the desk that was empty allowing the man to have chance to sit down as he studied him pondering on what the best course of action would be but he decided to allow the boy to talk first, after all this was at his request so he would just go with the flow.

“So please tell me Tobikuma, how can I help you, what brings you here to day with such urgency and if it is in my power to help I will do so”

He would wait, the polite and welcoming smile still on his face as he allowed himself to show patience, the sun coming in threw the windows as the skyline of Leaf showed behind Takeshi, it was time for the boy to speak his mind.


Senju Tobikuma

New Member
Aug 14, 2018
TOBIKUMA entered the office and bowed, glimpsing the Hokage seated at his desk further inside the space. The boy closed the door, per instruction, and walked quickly toward the desk and sat down. He didn't want to waste time, not when he had the attention and a meeting with the leader of the village.

"Thank you for your time, Hokage-sama," Tobikuma said, his dark green eyes meeting the gaze of the purple eyes opposite. "I don't want to waste your time, so I will say what I need to quickly..."

Tobikuma took a moment, brief, to compose himself. He swallowed, calmed down, and then looked at the Hokage without flinching. He had to be confident, not arrogant, but show he was determined to stand behind his words and his request. By showing any ounce of self-doubt, it could ruin his chances, and failure wasn't an option. Having grown up with nothing, having been nothing, had given Tobikuma a powerful drive to do and become something in his life; and rather than waste his or other people's time, he thought it was best to seek out the individual who had the power, knowledge and capacity to maximize on a young shinobi's development path.

"I have recently graduated from the Student Academy and I have been working hard to serve the village and it's people, and while I haven't done as much as many in missions, I've been told that I have great potential due to my relation to the Senju bloodline." The boy continued, sitting straight in the chair, focused. "I need to do more, I need to be more, and I request to learn from the most powerful shinobi of the Hidden Leaf... you, the Hokage."

There, he had asked. Tobikuma felt his mouth dry, but he maintained his posture and held the gaze.

"I have nothing except this village, no family, no clan, nothing," Tobikuma continued, wanting to give some background of himself, to support his case. "So by teaching me, Hokage-sama, I can become so strong that I can protect my home from any enemy."

Going quiet, the passion and excitement in Tobikuma's voice lowering following his speech, the Genin waited. Now it would be in the hands of the man before him...

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips as he listened to the boy, in some ways he reminded him of a younger version of himself. Back in the day when the Academy was still his learning ground Takeshi had the same drive, that passion that will of fire that he saw behind the boys gaze, and even now he could still see that it was burning brightly. As he allowed a nod to come from his head he let the boy finish his words, it seemed that he was determined to get them out of his mouth so he wasn’t going to stop him or shoot him down, he would just listen.

“I can understand that want, that need and that passion, so let me indulge you for a few moments, as you took the time to come here today, to speak to me directly and had the guts to request that I teach you personally. I have one question to ask you and I want you to answer with the truth on the matter. What do you believe I get from it, lets say I teach you, I train you, I have done to others in the past some have progressed to the highest ranks, others have turned against the village. With you which one do I get Senju Tobikuma?”

Takeshi asked the question in a pleasant tone, there was no malice in his voice, no hate or anger, it was just a simple question with a simple purpose and he wanted to make sure that he got his point across in a way that the boy would be able to understand, that was the aim of this conversation, nothing more than that. He allowed his gaze to stay on the boy for a couple more seconds as time passed between the two of them.

“Congratulations on moving out of the Academy as well, it is true that everyone in this village is my family, but sometimes family cause us the most pain, so what do you really want from this training, because I can teach you anything and everything, but I find people always have a specific thing that they want to learn, what is yours Tobikuma?”

[MFT: 371]

Senju Tobikuma

New Member
Aug 14, 2018
LISTENING to the questions being asked, Tobikuma began to feel doubt creeping into his resolve. He had thought about the future a lot, sure, every shinobi did at some point. Even teachers in the academy had pressed students near graduation to consider options and what they wanted to achieve. But now, sitting in front of a man who had likely achieved most of his own goals in life, Tobikuma was at a loss when it came to sharing his own... it kind of just felt like he was saying a wish list to someone who had ticked every line already. Still, it had taken the Genin a lot of nerve to request the meeting, regardless of if the rumors about pupil positions being available was true, but the fact he was here and speaking to the Hokage offered some hope.

"By training me, Hokage," Tobikuma began, nodding to himself to boost confidence, thinking through the numerous answers in his mind. After a moment, the boy simply settled on the truth. "By training me... I... I offer respect, loyalty and my very best. I also offer a promise: I have also heard the Senju were a founding clan of Konoha, and were part of it like the very forest outside the gates, and I plan to remove the taint on my bloodline they caused by turning their backs on us... I will not fail this village or its people. That is my word as a shinobi.

"And if I happen to earn my place as your replacement for Hokage? It would be my life's honor."

The Genin's jaw muscles bunched, his knuckles white as his clenched his fists in his lap, and he hoped his truth was enough for the Hokage to see his resolve and strength of will. When you grow up with nothing and the very people around you put clothes on your back, food in your stomach, and a shelter over your head, there is a connection and bond that is formed. Even though Tobikuma didn't know everyone's name, he would, eventually; and when that day came, when he could speak to any member of the village like a friend, that would be the day he would be worthy of being the Hokage in his own mind. Without the people, without the need to protect them, there was no Hokage, it was just a title.

Listening again, Tobikuma heard the question the Hokage asked, about what he wanted to learn.

"I know you've probably heard this, but I want to learn everything you know, and I'll give you reasons why," Tobikuma said simply, quickly, without hesitation. "What I learn wouldn't just be for power or status. I will earn that on my own, as I develop as a shinobi and complete great deeds. No, your lessons are more valuable that that. Because I want to be a shield for these people, I want to be a katana against our enemies, I want to be a healer for the sick, and I want to be a leader for the lost... and the only person I know who can be all of those, exactly when he needs to be, is you Hokage."

Knowing he had been very broad, very vague, Tobikuma decided to follow up with a quick clarification.

"I guess since that's a lot to consider, my interests have been slowly shifting to the medical branch. I feel it's wise to learn to heal before learning to harm. And with so few medical-nin in the village, and the threat of war I've been hearing about, maybe it's a good place to learn first? Because we need to keep people alive to have a village," Tobikuma smiled, sitting forward as he pointed a thumb at himself. "But don't misunderstand me, Hokage. I don't want to cower in the hospital, I also want to fight and do my part! I've heard some shinobi mention combat medics?"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to frown at some of the words from the man that was in front of him, it was clear that he still had some learning to do about the history of the Senju clan especially inside of leaf, he knew that much for the truth of it. As he allowed himself to sit at the desk he looked towards the boy, admiring his courage for telling the Hokage what he wanted in his heart knowing full well that this man had given himself the time and the thought to come here to have this conversation but some of these facts needed to be set straight before they could go any further.

“The Senju clan that came before you, he was my teacher, he was my mentor, that man Kazuki, if you ever have the privilege of meeting him made me into the man I am today, I do not think they have tainted their name at all. In fact, I hear the name Senju and I feel pride to have such a clan inside of these great walls. Never mistake them for being anything less than one of the great clans of this village, they have nothing to prove, they have already sacrificed so much for this village, we could not ask for anything more from that Clan.”

Takeshi allowed himself to have a few minutes go by, allowing the man’s words to sink in as he knew full well the weight of the realisation that what he had been told about the Senju clan, what information he was give had been wrong. Everything that he had been given was wrong but Takeshi was here to allow himself time to prove the words otherwise different.

“I will also take you on and teach you what I know, though mistake not when I feel you are ready to sit exams these will be ran by my Medical Sennin, as is her duty and right to judge those in the branch. I can teach you all the knowledge I have but it will come down to you to take it upon yourself to use it. To understand it and learn from it, do we have ourselves and agreement then?”

Takeshi allowed himself to let the man think about the conversation, he wanted the answers to his questions and to the facts that had been given to him. He wanted to see what would come from the mans heart.

Senju Tobikuma

New Member
Aug 14, 2018
TOBIKUMA blinked in surprise, lowering his head as the Hokage began to speak about the Senju clan and how reputable they were in Konoha. There certainly hadn't been any attempt at ignoring whatever the clan did from the boy, and Tobikuma was sure that he had given the wrong impression to the man on the other side of the desk to him. Still, the Genin listened, hearing the name Kazuki, and being impressed that he had trained the Hokage in the past. It was pleasant to hear more about the bloodline and people he had come from, but Tobikuma was a little confused...

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect, Hokage," The boy said, frowning as he looked back up at the Hokage. "I was told the Senju clan left Konoha when I was born, and that made them traitors to the village? I don't know the whole story and didn't even know I was from a clan until I used wood release, so anything else you're willing to tell me would be amazing."

But for now, it seemed the topic was at a close, though Tobikuma hoped to revisit it at a later time. The most important thing about the meeting was at hand and the Genin barely kept his breathing steady as the Hokage paused. After what felt like a lifetime for the boy, the green haired man spoke, agreeing to teach Tobikuma everything he knew and then to submit to the Medical Sennin for exams. That made sense, it was logical, and Tobikuma accepted that. Still, the boy couldn't help but barely contain his grin at the confirmation of his becoming the Hokage's pupil!

"Thank you, Hokage," Tobikuma said with a bow in his chair. "I promise I will do my absolute best and use everything you teach me for this village. I will learn, practice and apply your lessons. I accept your terms, Hokage!"

Tobikuma paused a moment, before he gave a big broad smile and thrust a hand out with a thumbs up--

"I will live up to the Senju name and make my sensei proud!"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to nod at the boy though for a medic he needed to learn a lot of things it would seem. He allowed himself to rise from the chair, it seemed the meeting was done for now and Takeshi was glad to see that the boy would be taking the challenge up of pushing himself to learn, prove himself if you will. As the Uchiha allowed himself a small smile he looked towards the boy’s file, nothing that the rank of Genin was on the document for the form, he allowed a small yawn to come to his lips as the day was becoming one of the long ones for himself.

“Rank Genin, this can be fixed since you wish to focus your time inside the medical branch, if you want it the rank of Medic in Training is granted to you Tobikuma. This holds the same rank as Genin, just means that you will be answering to the Medical branch and under the jurisdiction of Mikasa the Medical Sennin.”

Takeshi allowed himself to open the boys file up, all it would take was a simple yes or no reply and the boy would be swapped, he would need to have time to catch up with his learning and education, but Takeshi had no doubt that he proved his determination to be in this branch. As such he would be given that opportunity. He allowed himself to wait for a boy reply, what ever he decided would be done by the Hokage.

“You have one week to learn the basics of Medical, here is a text book study it learn the basic Jutsu, in one week I will tutor you and see what you have learned since this meeting, that all said and done have yourself a wonderful day.”

[Rank of AiT Granted if Tobikuma Accepts]
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Senju Tobikuma

New Member
Aug 14, 2018
TOBIKUMA nodded, understanding what was being said and offered. If he accepted, the Genin would be placed into the Medical Branch and would become a Medic-in-training. That seemed to be the path the boy wanted, especially since he wanted to protect others as strongly as he felt. Being able to heal, provide his team with support and protection, it all made sense for Tobikuma. Not everyone could focus on dealing in death, there had to be someone to bring the wounded back, and the Genin would do his part.

"I understand," The boy said, offering a nod at the Hokage. "Medic-in-training sounds perfect. And I believe I have met the Medical Sennin, though we did have a bit of a bumpy introduction... but it turned out to be pretty funny, really!"

The boy thought back to Mikasa and how she had been smeared with red from eating berries, and how Tobikuma had mistaken it for blood. That had been both unsettling but amusing, especially after the fact when the truth had been revealed. Perhaps Ziren's mention of his blood abilities had put the Genin on edge, and then seeing the Medical Sennin like that had brought it back. Either way, the pair had moved on from the misunderstanding and had gotten to know one another as a result. So the new placement worked, really.

"Thank you, Hokage," Tobikuma said with another bow in his chair as he took the offered jutsu book. "I'll begin training today. I will learn everything I can about the basics and be ready for your test!"

Tobikuma stood and walked to the door, leaving the Hokage to continue with his doubtless very busy day. A village didn't run itself.

"I won't let you down, sensei!"

With a final grin, Tobikuma exited the office, running down the steps and out into the hallways to begin training...
[MFT: 310 WC]
[Tobikuma topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
