Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Event Surgery 101 [Event Mission]

Leaf Historian

New Ninja
Feb 1, 2013
Location: Konoha ByoinMission Name: Surgery 101 Sazuki Nao and Tschuimikado Yuki Unit: General Surgery

Misson Prompt as delivered to Sennin Sazuki Nao: As part of the Academy's ongoing Career Day initiative, Tschuimikado Yuki has been assigned to shadow you to give them an understanding of the field of interest they have expressed an desire in joining, your task is to guide them and make them familiar with the duties and obligations of the unit. Please take caution in doing so as shinobi units have requested you monitor the status of the Hokage Tower as we have recieved information of an incident taking place within the tower which has been placed on strict lockdown. Be on standby and ready and remember, should you encounter any problems, your duty is to the village and the student placed under your care.

Career Day was in full swing and everyone was off to to their respective assignment and locations. Some more eagerly than others, various senior Academy teachers escorted genin and students alike to their prospective senior shinobi who would have already read the prompt delivered to them and had been hand-delivered the file of the person to be shadowing them. The task was simple yet even on a crowded day like this, things were bound to go wrong.

The unit office housed within the Konoha Byoin was a simple sight, sterile and white with medical-nin in their white coats hurrying along here and there with clipboards and needles though some of the medical staff were not as keen at the idea of a new face in an already high-pressure environment.

"Lady Fifth must be losing her marbles, really, him?"

"As if that wasn't enough, now we have to babysit."
Another grumbled shaking his head at the sheer fact. No one liked a new face, you didn't know their intentions, what they wree cpable of and unless that was figured out, all of them would recieve the same dismissive treatment. There were no favorites in joining one of the village's specialized units and the younger ones would do well to remember that.

Heads turned at the sound of footsteps coming, a senior shinobi leading the prospective academy student or genin. "Come on then." He would snap at the kid gruffly as if the man had more important things to do than escorting these rookies when they could have found their ways themselves as he knocked politely on the door to the office that housed the unit members and the supervising officer before entering.

"Nao-san, here is the candidate that the Academy sent and one other thing, we've recieved a request to monitor the ongoing situation at the Hokage Tower, it is possible they have a incident developing and if things go south, the Medical Branch has been requested to be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. With that, the assistant gave a nod and a curt look towards the prospective candidate before slipping out.

OOC Mission Outline for Reference: The candidate meets their senior shinobi at the Byoin who gives them a general tour of the Byoin's surgical ward and resources used to treat patients. After performing a rather standard procedure on a patient, the Byoin goes on alert as they recieve word of a mass trauma incident resulting from the Hokage Tower being attacked. The senior shinobi and candidate must combine forces and use what they both have learned to save as many patients as they can due to the Byoin being understaffed on what they thought would be a slow day.
While the doctors and medical nin were taking their coffee breaks, which while their dissatisfactory comments weren't unfounded the tall dreadlocked tanned man scoffed at them still, hiding behind a large piece of newspaper checking up on the recent news regarding the Hokage office. The staff in there didn't know it was him., as he had arrived before their break had started. Only an elderly looking Medical Nin wearing a black headband clearly identifying him as one of Keiji's own Harvesters knew perfectly well whom it was seated there, the others just continued their banter, allowing Keiji to listen in to their thoughts and opinions.

As the doors opened to the office house where everyone was, a corner of the newspaper was lowered and he listened. Then, as the student were being introduced he folded the newspaper and placed it to his side causing the staff in there (besides the Harvester) to look shocked and sweating slightly surprised at him just sitting there quietly.

Standing up and turning to the doorway he stood with a confident smile. "Greetings and welcome to the Byoin in a more official capacity than as a patient!"
He quickly turned his head and gave a dissapproval glare to the staff within, then turning back he walked up to the student saying "My apologies for changing things so early on, but you see Nao-san is currently stuck at home with a sore body, and asked me to take over for him today." he stood and towered over her for a second, leaning down, looking her straight in her eyes with a faint smile, he continued speaking directly to her "I hope that won't be a problem for you, miss?"

He was was wearing his white training garbs underneath a lengthy white labcoat, clearly with a few dried up splatters of blood across the sides of the labcoat, the stains were so dried up it wasn't immediately obvious it was blood, could easily be confused by coffee stains or something similar. The majority of his dreadlocks were tied up behind his head leaving only one or two hanging on the sides of the front of his face. His eyes were blank, white with faint lines simulating his retinas like a Hyuuga if the person looking had immensely strong emotional reading, they'd see a deep depression behind his eyes, but also genuine joy of life and the world, almost like he recently fell into a deep love that warms and soothes ones soul but tries to remain steadfast and take his job and life seriously.

Regardless of how she responds Keiji would lean back up, dismiss the Academy teacher, and start walking out of the office, directing her further down the hall and begin walking in the direction with her tailing behind. (presumably)
A pair of clicks could be heard excitedly dancing down the hallways. The young Priestess was enjoying the time away from not only the temple but the academy as well. She was tired of constantly reading and taking tests she wasn't good at. After the class with Daiji-Sensei she could totally use the break! Her snowy white hait flowed through the air as her form swayed as she wobbled through the hallways. She was wearing a long dark robe and a large floopy sun hat. Her milk white skin contrasted strongly against her dark attire, but this was what she had deemed her priestess uniform.

Turning into the room Yuki would see a few Mednin, none of which she really recognized. Unfortunately, her grandmother didn't really trust doctors so most of her childhood injuries were dealt with at the temple by her grandmother herself. "Greetings and welcome to the Byoin in a more official capacity than as a patient! My apologies for changing things so early on, but you see Nao-san is currently stuck at home with a sore body and asked me to take over for him today. I hope that won't be a problem for you, miss?" The young girl would smile. "That is completely okay, to be very honest I don't know who Nao-sama is." She kind of awkwardly shrug. "My name is Tsuchimikado Yuki, Priestess for one of the local temples." The priestess would grab the side of her robes and curtsey towards the Mednin. "And may I have your name?"

Following behind Keiji-sama She would look over than man before her. With him looking away her face broke from the practiced demeanor and began to judge intently. What was he wearing? Is he always filthy like this? Maybe she could teach him how to remove those coffee stains and how to starch those garments. A loud sigh slipped from her lips. She wa done walking and summoned the Blessing she had in the form of a Broom that floated beside her at chair level. Shifting her weight in a practiced form she easily sat onto the broom and continued to lazily float down the hallway after her guide.

"So like, what are we doing? I have no idea what it is you all actually do here. Am I going to be making a cure for a disease or maybe learn how to replace a brain today? OH! What if you showed me how to reconnect an arm! That could handy..." She began giggling to herself. She thought she was hilarious.

"Suzaku Keiji, you can just call me sensei for now though." he had replied back as he turned to walk.

As they were walking he noticed her footsteps had suddenly and yet he still sensed her presence behind him, which caused him to glance back for a second to see her gliding across the floor with only the woosh of the air keeping her looking like there were forward motion still acting upon her clothing and the like. A smirk appeared on his lips for just as long as his glance as he turned to face forward, listening to her little quib about what was in store for her.

"No arm stitching today I'm afraid, unless you wanna do the removal yourself first of course!" he gave a small giggle back, not really considering the macabre nature of how that statement could be received.

After walking for a brief few minutes they came upon a darkened oak door with a matte glass in the top middle, clearly distinct and different from the rest of the pristine clear white doors in the hallway, clearly signaling this room being of a different sort. "Here we are, I have prepared a little something for us in here."

He opened the door and walked in, closing it as she would enter after her.
The room smelt dirty, not in the musky sewer way, but like an ancient kitchen still in use. The smells of alchohols,spices and different types cleaning solutions had settled into the wooden panels that covered the walls, making it almost stingy to the nostrils not used to it. A small library was visible in the furthest back of the room, tomes and books covered in spiderwebs and dust, Only some select ones having seen use recently. The sides of the room were filled with glass vials, ampoules, cylinders, beakers all filled with strange liquids of different colours and aromas, some were covered clearly for toxic reasons which could be guessed from how cloudy the insides of the glass was, there were books and notes strewn across the tables as well, indicating the person who frequented this place wasn't exactly the cleanliest individual, but the nature what they were doing remained a mystery even for the most seasoned of individuals, and yet still with a sense of great enthusiasm hopped from one subject to the next and spent hours, weeks if not months delving deeply into the subjects.

In the center of the room lay an operating table. It wasn't an empty one. On it lay a body. A young one at that. From this angle all Yuki would see was the feet sticking up and out of the white sheet that covered the body, except on one side that had a small opening. The head was sticking out too, and from this angle Yuki would see 8 small metallic objects sticking up from the table and holding onto something flat and see-through from 8 different angles from the tip of the head, like it was attached to the top of the head itself.

In the left side of the torso where the hole was a young girl, not looking older than twelve or thirteen with bright orange hair in huge curls held back back a small cloth wrapped across her head and a similar one covering her mouth. In her hands were a set of tweezers, one of them inside of the body, clearly trying to reach for something inside, while the other was holding onto some other meat flap enabling her to reach further in, from her covered mouth came a mutter mostly to herself but also in reaction to hearing the door open and close "Aaaalmost got it, just a little.. -There! Gotcha!" Pulling slightly she clicked the clamp shut on whatever she had grabbed and let it go letting the tweezer hang from the hole with the other one also hanging from the top edge of it.

She turned, pulling the cloth covering her mouth down, her bright orange eyes staring towards Yuki. "Ah! You must be the student giving a quick preview of the branch, Keiji mentioned you were coming! So we prepped a little something."
Keiji gestured towards the body and walked in a slow pace towards it. "I hope it's not a huge thing, but you may recognize him from the Academy, he was actually a student there not too long ago, he was in an accident with some chakra bombs a few days ago, and wouldn't you know it? After looking in your file, we noticed you had similar abilities!" A small glee appeared on his face, "Isn't this exciting?" He walked to the side of the corpse, looking at the face of the recently deceased student. "You'll be able to learn exactly where, why and how your powers of controlling chakra and spirits originate! With that knowledge who knows what you can accomplish, what nerves and muscles to train, and where exactly you can pinpoint your chakra to increase said abilities! Isn't it fascinating?" His face were almost contorting with the glee now visible on his face, almost like the nature of what he had in front of him, or what manner of diabolical experiments he had already conducted on this body was only important for the results it could bring.

This person may not be immediately recognized or known by Yuki. But was in fact a fellow student, perhaps she'd only seen him in her periphary, on vaguely recognizable, or maybe he was in fact a friend, who she had worried about
his sudden disappearance the truth of that was completely irrelevant to Keiji, the fact of the matter was that they both contained the ability or potential ability of what was known commonly as the Tsuchimikado bloodline. This small revalation was plenty of information for Keiji to do some pre-eliminary tests, finding the correct nerves within the brain and the organs documented with the connections of Chakra and spiritual abilities.

"Wanna poke around and let me show you what makes you special?" At this statement he'd finally turn to Yuki to assess her reactions, thoughts and words, up until that point he'd basically ignored whatever she may have done or said upon seeing and reacting to the body in front of her.
As the entered the room Yuki's eyes went wide. She was not used to a place that held so much knowledge that wasn't strictly about the spiritual world or the entities of that domain. The smell was surprisingly familiar as her temple was an ancient one kept up by her family generation after generation with little to no change every time a new high priestess would take over for the sake of tradition. Her eyes would bounce from vial to vial as she became increasingly curious as to what was not only inside of them, but what they smelled like as well. Shifting her weight to drop from the broom her group would loosen as the conjured wood would fade from existence.

Dusting the front of her dress off and pulling at the sides of her robe she would curtsy to the orange eyed assistant. "My name is Tsuchimikado Yuki, Priestess for one of the local temples. May I have your name?" She would her best to not look at the body that lied before her. She wasn't used to the idea of death but apparently Keiji-sensei thought the two had similar abilities in what they could do. "I'm sorry sensei... I-I don't recognize him. I only recently joined the academy at the request of my grandmother. I suppose learning more about what blessings the great divines have granted me with so I could be the next high priestess would be considered a good thing..." Her voice faded towards the end. She didn't want to master this ability of hers. She didn't want to become the next high priestess but from the moment she was born she was being tested to see if she held the necessary gift to take on the position in the temple. She was here to learn after all, even if it meant concreting her placement in the life she didn't want to live.

She would slowly step over to the side of where Keiji was and instinctively small wisps would begin to form around her body and her outline would faintly glow. The blessing of the Tsuchimikado were most active when she was in a state of high emotions, and here she was fearing for the future this lesson would unlock for her.


A very anxious-looked mednin hurried up the stairs, clutching a handful of files to his chest and breathing heavily as he ran. Despite having been an intern for the Research division for a few months prior, very little could have prepared the shaky young surgeon for the situation that was developing that day.

A tentative knock came at the Medical Chief’s unusual door, and a voice followed behind it a moment later: “Keiji-sama, permission to enter…!” The disheveled man burst in a moment later, even if the doctor had time to turn him away, and looked around the room for a few seconds before settling on the three occupants. “Forgive me, sir, but there’s an emergency. There’s been a very bad-looking attack near the Hokage Tower, and we have a number of victims on their way to the surgical ward for assessment. We’re understaffed and… I was told to request your help.”

He looked at the two younger girls then back to the Chief for a moment. “They’ll be arriving within fifteen minutes to a half hour I think. Any help you could provide would be… please, we need the help.” With that, he bowed himself out of the room before turning and running back down the hall.[/TD]




The excitement was palpable, you could almost taste the intrigue that the Yuki was exhuding. Oh what glories he could teach her about her true abilities and help her attain a greater understanding of chakra and it's entanglement within our human organs.
The knock came just as he was about to continue the lesson, ruining the moment for him, like a child walking in on their parents lovemaking, ruining the moment with great frustrations. His eyes reflected this as he turned to assess and listen to the mednin opening the door. The split second he heard the word "emergency" his face changed again to a more serious tone.
"Understood, I'll make preperations and organize everything"

As he left he room he turned to Hitomi, and nodded silently understanding what each other were thinking at the same time. "I'll gather them and meet you at the emergency wing. And so Hitomi left to gather the Harvesters he had arrived in the village with. Him and his band of organ harvesters turned Mednin within the medical branches of Cloud and now Leaf. Their expertice will be worth it, their teams are usually out scouting or stalking individuals of interest to Keiji or the branch itself, information is key in this realm of Shinobi after all. And with their ANBU training from Cloud there were little risks involved for them.

He sighed briefly and then turned to Yuki "Well, then, I suppose we'll have to continue this examination till later. I'll show you and maybe you can assist me in some of these emergency assesements and surgeries if it comes to that. As things are now, all we need to do is look at the patients coming in, figure out what their issues are, to relieve it to other medical teams, and if there's no more teams available do it ourselves. Once Hitomi comes back she'll be with us all the way. You ready?" With the last few words he turned around, made his way to the door and held it open while looking back to her. Awaiting her response. "Unless you're particularly squimish around blood, I'm sure it'll be fine." He finally said with a warm smile on his lips.

Although admittedly he was a bit frustrated with the situation, he relented and calmed his annoyance with the world and it's karma preventing him from showing something truly life altering to this new and upcoming Shinobi.

[OOC note: My deepest apologies for the massive delay, it's a been a hectic last few weeks, let's get this ball rolling finally!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
