Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Surprise!

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ren had jumped into a hole made from an artificially created sandworm and somehow ended up here. She found herself in a large mall filled with stores. Items all kinds were sold here, although the price seems to range based on how nice or naughty you have been this year. Ren sees little people with pointed ears walking around and one of them notices her hand puppet and rushes over. “Dear sweet candy canes! What happened to this one?” The elf would look over Usagi with a concerned and worried expression. “Bullies.” Ren replied. The elf pulls out a handheld communications device. “No, no this is no good.” He says in a panic before turning on the device. “This is a code blue. We have a living puppet in critical condition at the northwest entrance. I repeat this is a code blue.” Soon a couple of elves would come rushing over with a stretcher.
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Down Kazu fell; further and further, he tumbled and summersaulted, losing track of all time and space around him. He closes his eyes, trying desperately to fight back his fear and uncertainty, and hopes that this feeling would end soon. He doesn’t like the feeling of falling, of not knowing what’s going to happen next. After what feels like…forever, really…the young boy feels something against his feet. ’Solid ground? But…when did I?’ He opens his eyes to a most marvelous sight.

Short, pointy-eared, people were running every which way, all around him. He was inside some sort of building, but it was unlike any building Kazu had ever seen before: brightly colored, and filled with toys, gifts, and doo-dads of all sorts, this place seemed like some kind of Wonderland. Multiple windows looked outside, where he could see something white that looked like sand but seemed to fall from the sky. There was a lot of it, too — it bunched up against the windows, partially obscuring the view, and making him feel…cozy? Warm. It was hard to explain, but the young kid who had grown up in a vast and harsh desert his whole life felt very much out of his element.

”I must be dead,” whispered Kazu to no one in particular. ”The sandworm ate me, and now I’m dead.” He got a few odd looks from some of the short people (elves) walking by, but they all seemed too busy with some task or another to bother stopping for one weird kid. Peering around him, suddenly Kazu spotted a familiar face — Ren was standing just a short distance away, surrounded by a bunch of the elves who seemed to be concerned and worked into a frenzy. Kazu doesn’t really care about that. His face goes from shocked, to relieved, to just plain miffed as he storms over towards the mono-syllabic girl and her soon-to-be-more-injured hand puppet, Usagi.

”REN! You reckless, thoughtless, crazy little…!” He closes his mouth before he can say anything more, but it’s clear that the words are trying to fight their way through his closed lips. Chewing them back down, Kazu reaches into his belt pouch, pulls out the sewing kit, and thrusts towards it the single-eyed puppet, Usagi, whom he had gotten it for. ”You could’ve at least waited a second for me to patch up Usagi’s eye with this before jumping off into…into…”

Kazu’s voice trails off for a second, as the reality of the situation comes back to him. Looking down at one of the scurrying elves, Kazu tries to pull at one of their sleeves in order to get their attention. ”Say, where are we, exactly? And, uh, who are all of you?” Kazu then notices the medical stretcher coming nearer towards them, and the looks of concern directed at the puppet Usagi emanating from each and every elf standing near them. ”Uh…you guys know it’s a puppet…right?” Kazu has never heard of a ‘living puppet’ before, nor has he ever heard of any sort of puppet that was alive, so to the young boy this whole scene seemed…overkill. He meant his statement to be dismissive, where the elves would probably interpret his statement as oddly matter-of-fact. The miscommunication here would surely lead to…something.
“I agree with the boy, your judgment seems a little off ever since you…” Usagi’s sentence was interrupted with a sudden exhale when the kid shoves the sewing kit into the rabbit’s arms. Not that it really mattered Ren was starting to look a little distant like her mind was still on the other side of the hole. Ren did not even respond to the kid’s words but just stared blankly, which was off some concern to Usagi, “Ren? Are you alright?” Then something really frightening happens: Ren turns into a rabbit hand puppet similar to Usagi and falls to the floor. Usagi without anyone holding her up, just floats there suspended in thin air. Usagi places a paw on her floor head and sighs, “I guess this what happen when you focus too much spirit energy into a puppet.” Ren was clearly not giving Usagi a voice right now, so it was the puppet talking. However the question was; was the puppet always talking?

Somewhere during this event one of the elves answers Kazu's questions. Tell him the name of the current building they were in. This is problaby not exactly what Kazu was looking for but it was at least something. As for the puppet question they explain to him that they are toy makers and that maintaining a toy's excellence is a high priority. Ren was obviously out of commission so she heard none of this and Usagi was a bit per-occupied to listen.

Usagi looks over at Kazu who is probably dumbfounded. “Surprise I’m alive.” Usagi then transforms into Ren or at least a version of Ren. Ren worn a large green raincoat that has a tail with a pink ribbon attached to it, with a pair of rabbit-ear hood, but Usagi’s was black. Her hair was white as snow and one eye the color of crimson. Usagi bends down picks Ren up and lays her on the stretcher. “Please take good care of her.” The Elves nods before carrying her away to an infirmary. “Also can I get an eye patch or something to cover up my missing eye?” Kazu should not expect to see Usagi in this form anytime soon. This was due to channeling to much of her soul into Usagi and she is not capable of doing that safely yet. "I assume you have plenty of question for me." Usagi prepares herself for what she expect is going to be a full blown interrogation.
The elves’ explanations directions went in one ear and out the other. Something about this being a place of cheer, happiness, and joy? That was al well and good, but there was something much more perplexing and mind-bending happening in front of the boy. Something that was making him question everything else that he had so far come to know and understand.

”’ can…?” The words fell slowly out of his mouth in a fumbling, disbelieving, manner. Kazu’s eyelids were wide with confusion, eyebrows crawled so far up his face that they threatened to disappear into his hair, his eyes darting back and forth so quickly that it almost looked painful. ”You’re...a...a...alive? You’re alive! You’re...alive? Alive. Yes, yes, of course, you’re alive...” Saying the words seemed to calm the boy, somewhat. Grounded him. Made him more amenable to this new...and very strange...idea. Then, just as it seemed he had completely grasped the situation, his hands shot straight up into his hair to ruffle and scratch and knock loose what little sense he thought still existed in his life. ”AAAAAAAAAH! MOTHER OF SUNA, PRIMUS, AND LEGATUS….HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!?!?!?!”

Wrapping one hand over his mouth, Kazu’s eyes still bulged as he tried to pull himself together. ’This is nuts! This is insane! This is...I don’t even know what this is!’ The boy was completely shaken up. His eyes darted in confusion between the Ren-Puppet being carried away on a stretcher, and the Usagi-Ren that now seemed to be taking command of Ren’s identity, unsure how to continue. He had never experienced anything like this in his life. He had only one explanation for what could have caused this: dark magics. As the Usagi-Ren speaks to him, asserting his desire to ask questions, Kazu could only conjure one such query. With his other hand he grabbed hold of the wrist of his first hand, slowly retracting it away from his mouth, and clenching both hands tightly in front of him. It was a defensive position.

”You’re not going to turn me into a puppet as well, are you? What is this...some kind of voodoo deal with the devil?” Kazu’s suspicion was on high alert. He’d never even heard of anything like this happening — ever — and was understandably uneasy about everything. He was ready to sprint away from the face-stealing demon rabbit, if necessary, despite not knowing where he could reasonably run to. But that didn’t matter right now. ’Far more important I simply leave with my body still made of flesh...and not felt...’
Usagi is a mischievous white rabbit puppet. For the longest time Usagi would pretend to be nothing but a puppet. However as both her and Ren got more powerful she found herself have access to different forms. However Usagi only currently have access to these forms now, because Ren overextended herself to almost life threatening levels. It is unlikely Kazu would see these forms in the near future.

Usagi is most commonly seen as a little rabbit hand puppet that is always held in Ren’s left hand. However once the battle start one may want to give this little fella some room, because things are going to get massive. This Is Usagi’s true form and it is incredibly huge: Standing taller than most buildings on all fous and comparable to The Bulwark Gate standing up right. Unlike the hand puppet when in battle she is a full rabbit. Being that Usagi is an object, obviously she is not made of flesh and blood. Usagi is far from soft, warm and fuzzy. The outer layer is comprised of cold hard steel. Though Usagi is fully automated, being that she is a puppet there is a place on the back of her neck where a person can reach in and control her. Within this control panel is a pair of gloves that are attached to spoils of ninja wire that connect to rest of the body. By focusing chakra through these wires a shinobi can puppeteer Usagi.

The Happy Mall was quite of an immense place with multiple floors of stores. When Kazu was trying to make her out to be some sort of evil puppet, she decides to play along. She transforms into her battle form and stares down at Kazu. “Yes, I am a cursed doll.” In this form her voice was as loud thunder as her words seem to echo through the mall. “And you are looking mighty tasty.” Usagi opens her mouth wide showing rows of large teeth bigger than him.
“Yes, I am a cursed doll. And you are looking mighty tasty.”

Kazu froze in place, watching the puppet transform into some sort of monstrous dragon creature, and decided, rather quickly, that this was not worth his while. Fear coursed through him as he eyed one of the massive teeth that equaled him in size and made even the sharpest blade seem dull by comparison. Part of him wanted to stand and fight; part of him knew that was utterly foolish. So instead, he decides to make a compromise: back pedalling quite a bit, Kazu produces a few short-throwing spears, out of the bones in his forearms, that he promptly chucks at the open maw of the dragon. The boy does not stop his back-pedalling there — once he’s thrown the last of them, he turns around and books it out of the mall as fast as he can.

”I don’t care if this is an illusion, or some sort of trick — I’m not sticking around to find out!” There were times to stand your ground and fight; there were also times to tactfully retreat, regroup, and live to fight another day. Alone, and without backup, Kazu was not going to risk fighting a gigantic dragon that could chew him to bits in a matter of moments. He thought he knew Ren, and this living-puppet Usagi, but this was clearly new — game-changing — information.

The young boy would attempt to run out of the mall as quickly as he could, not even bothering to marvel at the ‘snow’ which seemed to cover every inch of ground outside. He wasn’t sure which way to go, but any direction away from that impending doom was good with him. Seeing as how he didn’t know how he’d made it to this place, maybe he’d be able to find his way out of it? Maybe this was all a dream that he would wake up from — perhaps he’d simply hit his head too hard on a rock, back in Sunagakure, when he’d (foolishly) attempted to follow Ren down into that Sandworm hole.

”What a mess I’ve gotten myself into...”

[ooc: Attempting to Leave Topic.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
