Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Survival 101: Flora and Fauna

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Her first course was set to start any moment, she was exhausted from the literal mental gymnastics her former sensei had put her through the other day. She still owed it to the younger generation torun the course, and with her recent discoveries in the sand she figured this was in fact a useful course. She also wanted the opportunity to prep any of them for the potential threats that did exist in the world around them. She wasn't aware and now wore that on her face as evidence. She set out papers and pencils at the desks, hoping for a decent turn out after all it was a 101 course.

She sat behind the desk and waited for the students to trickle in, writing a few questions on the board first...

1. Name one local animal
2. name one local plant that is edible
3. name a plant that contains water.

[welcome to my first class. I welcome any and all students/genin to join. I will post in 24 hours after initial post or once three students are in the course. you may join late if you do not make the initial countdown, just let me know in the discord. good luck, have fun, and be creative.]

[remember 5 posts equalling 1000 twc is all that is required to pass the class, this is for fun and to dive into lessons for myself.]

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
The feral sun hang over the Sand village, his palms sweaty, as twenty-three year old Sakyuma prepared for his first course. The Senju ninja, sat there with a deep focus on the instructor awaiting others. His striking white hair jetting just over his piercing red eyes, he braced himself for the start of his first course in the confines of the dojo. With a deep breath he unburdened himself, relaxed awaiting what was to be seen in the first lesson. As papers and pencils were set out on the desks, Sakyuma grabbed one of the pencils and spun it around his thumb. His relaxation turned to excitement over the realization that this was the start of his 101 course on flora and fauna. Eagerly awaiting other students to join, he looked at the board to see the appearance of three questions. As others entered the classroom, Sakyuma could not help but feel a nervous squint in his eyes, and a cool sweat of panic come over him. He gazed over the questions again, the aura of the room changed from relaxing to nervous panic. What the heck are these questions? Sakyuma thought to himself as he itched his forehead looking down at his paper. Well, maybe the instructor will teach this...? Dammit...If I'm not ready for a 101 course, how can I ever be something in this village? Sakyuma slowly raised his hand, eager to see if he was unprepared

wc: 241

Nanjirou Kimiko

New Member
Dec 14, 2023
Kimiko walked towards the Dojo with a snack in her mouth. Nibbling on it as she was looking around the place. She had never been in the Dojo before. Not even a class. She already knew all she needed to know from her family but she had said that she would experience everything that the village had to offer. That included the classes. She hadn’t found any that interested her that much. Shinobi tactics, Justu, basic elemental knowledge. Very rudimentary stuff that a toddler could learn. That is until she saw a class posted for Flora and Fauna. Now THIS was right up her alley. Something she was basically an expert at.

She left a note in her sisters room to see if she wanted to know. Kimiko knew how busy she could be with her metalworking projects but still, giving her the option wouldn’t be a bad thing.

She walked into the classroom. Her unusual tea in her hands. To those with keen eyes it smelled of nightwolf and a bit of an acidic polymere. She looked over at who was behind the desk and broke into a slight smile. “Oh look!” She smiled with a slight giggle. “It’s the hypocritical lady of the other day. I hope those weapons came in handy! They were made by the best after all.” She looked over at the board and tilted her head. As if thinking about the answers. She snapped her fingers. “Sand worms! Cactus and Cactus!” She gave a nod as she moved towards her desk. Looking over at the other student and giving him a disapproving scowl. “Aren’t you a little old to be taking a 101 course? Sheesh… standards have definitely fallen.” She took a sip from her tea as she sat down. Waiting for the lesson to start.

[WC= 303/1000]


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
D Rank
Ranran stepped from the shower after a long morning of forging ingots for later use, the only thing clothing her was her mask and a towel as she stepped into her bedroom only to notice Kimiko neat and tidy scrawl on a note saying that a class was today about flora and fauna. "Hmmm poisons always good to know even if I don't use em." Ran reasoned to herself as she grabbed her clothes and quickly got changed into them before she grabbed her beloved sword from it's rack, the blade easily twice as long as Ranran was tool forcing the girl to spin the sword above her head with a heft before swinging it behind her allowing the blade to click into it's harness with the blade slanted so the girl could walk. Stepping out Ran gave a shout out to her Mom that she was heading out before taking off in to a run to catch up with her sister.

It didn't take long for Ran to make her way to the dojo and find the classroom her sister had mentioned as she went to step through the doorway. Thunk, the sound of metal hitting wood reverberated into the classroom as Ran was forced to stop in her tracks as her sword's handle hit the top of the door frame causing the girl to sigh loudly in exasperation. Grabbing the hilt Ran pulled down and allowed herself to carefully manoeuvre through the doorway bfore finding entrance. Taking a look around Ran decided to sit down next to her twin.
"Hey sis thanks for the note.....Oh yeah that's the bitch we made that sword for." Ran said idly to her sister as she stepped into the classroom not caring much for the teacher already as she took in the questions on the blackboard next to the teacher. "Ugh Sand Dragon? Scrub Grass and Ugh Cactus?." Ranran just hedged a guess as she wasn't too book smart, sadly books just confused poor Ranran as she learnt the things that she was good at not with study but intuition and natural talent making her a bit of a muscle head that couldn't hope how to explain the things she could do with a lot of explanations contain different sound effects without actual explanation.


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Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
She watches and listens to each of the students entering the class, slowly sinking into her hand with the exhaustion clearly growing on her face by the second. 'this is why you didn't want to teach, this was exactly..' her mind raced with the realization but stopped upon hearing the two girls answers. A slow smile crept up on her face as she stood, those were perfect answers.

"Okay everyone take a seat, my name is Tanatsu Neko and I will be running you through the simple survival course today, shouldn't be hard seeming we all live in the damn desert. So let's get started then.." She looked over the three deciding what to comment on first.

"Alright Cactus was just said a lot, and that is one of the better answers, good job."
She walked up to the board, "Kimiko you said it first, and twice I may add, so I'll ask you. What is it about cactus juices that make for an excellent drink? Is there anything else that can be made from it?" She knew Kimiko enough unfortunately at this point to know that she had a general interest in poisons, so studying flora was probably something she was doing in her free time. Similarly to how Neko had done just that when she was a child, trying to find new and creative ways to use serums and poisons in both medical and violent techniques. She had no doubt at least part of the answer would be correct and maybe allow for her to talk about some other interesting bits from that.

"Ranran, let me poke your brain as well. You mentioned Sand Dragons, a terrifying prospect to encounter such a thing, but how would you handle that? what techniques would be most effective against something like that, and how could you create enough time to escape such an encounter, assuming of course that you would be able to.." Poking at these two's pride should be pretty simple. Anything and everything said to them was taken as a challenge previously, she knew that much. So now all she needed to do was use that in a way to let them learn.

She turned to the first one to enter her course, he was clearly at best a late bloomer. She had ignored the commentary given by his classmates, as she was probably going to need to do often around those two, but she had taken notice of it herself. "Your name?" Once she was given that she'd point to the board, "Three questions, needing three answers and I better not hear cactus as that one has been said enough for all of you. There are a lot of things out there in the desert that can kill, confuse, or save you. pick three." Her words may have seemed harshly spoken, but it came from a place of her not wanting him to be outdone by his classmates. Hell, he was twice their age, he needed to be actively proving his salt by now. So she was going to make sure to pick on him most of all, the girls would be able to pick on themselves if given any room so shouldn't be an issue.

She waited for the responses with an expecting glance. She was well enough aware this wasn't a hard course and thus was expecting them all to pass this part, it was the next bit that might trip them up a bit.

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Sakyuma felt the weight of the instructor's critical stare as his eyes darted tensely around the room. Unfazed, he made the decision to take charge of the circumstance, projecting a confident demeanor despite a slight discomfort in his chair. He cleared his throat and said, "Sakayuma, Senju Sakyuma, 23 years old, genin, mostly friendly" in response to the question about his name. He made a purposeful push of his chest, with a deep breath. "Though I realize I'm older than most, at least I'm on time." He said looking at the girl nearby.

When recognized and armed with the three questions presented on the board, Sakyuma realized his initial advantage had been cancelled—he couldn't rely on pre-existing answers, the other two had said, especially after the instructor explicitly said not to use it. Scratching his head, he pondered each question, forced to think of answers on the spot. Standing up from his chair, he straightened his posture, pushed out his chest again, and began to answer the questions with a mix of confidence and uncertainty.

Sakyuma's eyes looked towards the instructor and he began to tell a story that sounded both imaginative and bizarre. "First off, worms," he exclaimed with a shudder. "Every country has worms, and they are terrible. They're disgusting, and I despise them. They slither and are slimy. Also known as danger noodles to some people." He finished his absurd suggestion with a small wink, revealing a hint of mischief in his response. Especially knowing he was the only person who ever called them danger noodles.

Moving on to the next item on the question list, he explained animatedly, "Next up are weeds. They grow and die, they look dead most of the time, and then you see them rolling in the sand." Sakyuma accompanied his words with a rolling motion of his hands that resembled the movement of tumbleweeds. It was a terrible choice, but he delivered it with such confidence that it almost seemed like he knew what he was saying.
Lastly, he addressed the third question, thinking of a house plant he had. "I forget the name! You know the plant with that stuff that you rub when you get burned...Very useful..."
Sakyuma then grabbed the collar of his suit, and propped it up to be more stiff. "That's all." He then sat down and waited for the instructor to respond.

wc: 633

Nanjirou Kimiko

New Member
Dec 14, 2023
Kimiko gave a bright smile as her sister walked through the door to the classroom. She had gotten her note. It was nice that she could spend time with her sister in a fundamentally simple course like this. Even her introduction to the Sensei made her giggle. “That’s what I said. They really are bad at choosing interesting instructors huh.“ She shook her head.

She listened to the teacher speak. Her name was Neko, to be honest. She had forgotten it. But to be fair, she forgets almost every name that she doesn’t find interesting. Which is most, She usually places title depending on first impressions. Hence “hypocritical lady”. Although her question was rather bizarre to say the least. A simple question like that. She gave a sigh as she took a sip from her tea. Looking over at her sister. “Is she serious? She just said we all live in the desert. Does she think we’re dumb or something?” She gave another long sigh as she looked back at Neko. Annoyance in her eyes. “Cactus is a good source of water, keepIng you hydrated while traveling the desert. I don’t know where you got “excellent” since cacti is pretty disgusting and tasteless by itself. Will keep you alive that’s for sure but calling it excellent is a lie.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “A hypocrite and a liar apparently.”

She looked over at the teacher with. “All this questions are basic survival parents teach children when they’re toddlers. I thought we would be learning a bout the more interesting uses for flora and fauna. Like…. The oleander which can help faint death if prepared correctly…. Or be used to make someone pass out while they shit their pants. It’s very funny!” She giggled loudly. Remembering the time she had done so to a couple of citizens that had rubbed her the wrong way. “You’re teaching civilian shit. I want the secret Shinobi techniques!”

[WC= 629/1000]


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
D Rank
Ran listened to the teacher and at least tried to feign interest as the topic very quickly went to the survival tricks that Ran had learnt when they first moved here from the old grandma that lived next door to them after she had been caught drinking from the women's garden hose during a particular hot day a few months ago. What Ran was more focused on in actuality was the white haired boy who had taken a small shot at her lateness to class not that the swordswomen cared much but her daddy had always taught her that being looked down on for anything was a sin and the only way to correct that sin was to remove the one who had inflicted it on you. So for the most part Ran completely missed the teacher's questions to her sister as the masked girl contemplated on the best methods to flay Sakyuma while keeping him alive before Neko finally posed a question to Ran getting the girls attention.

Ran scratched her head in confusion for a moment on why she would be in Sand Dragons territory in the first place before finally answering. "Er I would just throw whatever Kimiko hands me to scare em off." Was the simple answer as Ran couldn't even conceive of a situation where she wouldn't have her twin with her as the pair have always been inseparable as Ran acted as Kimi's guard while Kimi acted as the brains of the pair. Ran crossed her arms and nodded her head as if she had just spoken a great wise truth knowing she would also cover her twins weaknesses and vice versa.

Before Ran could further expand on her answer however her sister began to lay into the teacher about the contents of the lesson so far being basic and that Kimi wanted some actual ninja secrets which also made Ran nod agreement as the original reason they had come to the sand village was to learn the ways of chakra to improve their families assassination techniques. Though when Kimi actually called the teacher out as a liar Ran couldn't help with an outburst of her own.
"Oh Snap!" Was Ran's response followed by raucous laughter that caused the girl to slowly slide under her desk with her mirth as she gasped for breath.

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Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko watched the three answer he questions, shaking her head. They knew enough to get by but in practice that might be something they needed some work on. She walked up to a spot behind her desk, going into a bag as she spoke. First addressing Sakyuma, as he answered first.

"While you may find worms to be disgusting I will remind you that sandworms, while almost extinct here, are the source of practically every technological advancement in the nation of Suna. Keep that in mind, as even the smallest creature has an impact on the ecosystem we live in. Normal worms for example are important for distribution of nutrients through the soils, which is one of the only reasons we can manage to raise any crops near here. Weeds will suffice, though I encourage you to look at some more examples in the future. The concept of weeds are not too dissimilar from ourselves, surviving in harsh conditions most don't, taking the advantages given, so on."

She laughed as he had forgotten the name, "Aloe Vera, which is a useful plant certainly for treating burns of all sorts. Which will bring us to Kimiko. While I don't appreciate the accusation, I will say this... You aren't incorrect. Cacti are, or at least tend to be, bitter and dull. However, they carry electrolytes which allow us to hold water longer in our body. They help to control our core temperature as well, preventing us from sweating out all the nutrients we just gained from drinking that nasty juice." She laughs once more before sighing, "Another use is the inner wall of the cacti contains a similar property to the Aloe Vera plant, but instead of treatment it can be used as a preventative. Sunscreen if you will."

Her full attention turned to Ranran with her answer, the mental image of herself sitting at a desk and answering Shin that she would rely on her allies abilities. While there was nothing wrong with this in practice, you needed to be able to trust your allies decision making, if she couldn't come up with an answer Neko feared she may too find herself in a situation like her own one day. A soft hissing filled her mind and a blank stare before she shook it off and pulled something from her bag.

"While I admire that commitment to your sisters skill, what if she was in danger. There are things out there that wait for the smaller one to fall behind, what then? Do you just rely on her for a plan or would you make your own? picture instead of a sand dragon,"
she placed a fang the size of her forearm on the desk, "A sand viper grabs kimiko, it's just you. What. Do. You. DO?"

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Sakyuma, immersed in the instructor's lecture on sandworms, felt a sense of relief when he learned that these creatures were on the verge of extinction. The discovery of this eased his mind, and as he absorbed the information about sandworms playing an important role in soil nutrient shifts that benefit for crop growth, which Sakyuma understood made sense, a complex mix of interest and disgust played across his features. Sakyuma hated their slimy bodies, despite his minor interest in the environmental importance of sandworms, a slight expression of disgust enhanced his face as he attentively noted down these details, certifying them as answer #1 on his paper.

Sakyuma's interest in the instructor's lecture increased when the mention of weeds as a viable answer caught his attention, prompting an internal cheer. He whispered, "Heck yea, score!" In that moment, he quickly marked weeds as answer #2 on his paper, recognizing the contradictory simplicity of their presence and the remarkable value they must survive in harsh environments. As he reminisced, the name "Aloe Vera" came to ears, and he impulsively assigned it the third spot on his answer list. The elaborate battle of thoughts and memory circled as Sakyuma energetically looked at each of his answers on his papers, enjoying the fact that he now knew their esteemed purpose.

Observing the two other girls still grappling with their initial responses, Sakyuma found himself wondering the instructor's probing questions about their thought processes. This reflection swirled a self-awareness within him, prompting him to consider the depth of his own knowledge and strength. The question lingered in his mind: What would I do? While briefly contemplating a scenario involving a sand viper, Sakyuma realized the need to fortify his knowledge base and physical prowess. The instructor’s questioning became a stimulus for self-reflection, pushing him to picture a path toward personal growth and strength. In this moment of reflection, Sakyuma recognized the importance of not only understanding the workings of the natural world but also cultivating the strength to navigate its challenges. As the class continued, he answered all the questions and now was to embark on a journey of self-improvement, driven by a new determination to tackle both academic and physical hurdles. The grains of knowledge and strength connected, forming the foundation for Sakyuma's evolving journey through the areas of understanding and how to adapt to it. Sakyuma looked at the two girls and hearing about their dilemma he offered some preliminary advice. “Be like a weed, survive the harsh struggle. You got this!”, he squeezed his fist making the sign of power, and gave a smile, before checking his paper once over.

1. Sandworms
2. Weeds
3. Aloe Vera

wc: [1072/1000]

Nanjirou Kimiko

New Member
Dec 14, 2023
"That sounds more like you're telling me I'm wrong." She chuckled as Neko explained the properties of the cacti as if she didn't already know them. The polarizing tone of this girl was annoying her to no end. Not only that. But she hadn't answered her question about the poisons. One thing that interested her to no end was that. How the hell did the Shinobi were able to create such high valuable poisons and be able to keep the recipes from it a secret from everybody. It was the one thing that interested her and this individual refused to tell her. She clinched her teeth and looked away as she took a sip from her tea. "Sunscreen wont help with the scorching sun of the dessert. It's the heat that dehydrates you. That'll kill you first before you die of solar radiation."

What she said next really got to her. Now that is something she wouldn't abide by. "Woah woah woah missus 'I know more than you do.'. First of all, just because my sister is built like a tank doesn't mean I'm in any means small. Or that I would 'Fall behind.'. Believe me, I would've died long ago if that were the case. Secondly, don't talk to her like she only uses me to get to a plan. Place a bandit in front of her and you'll see her skills. I just compliment them." She took another sip of her tea just to let it sink in. "And finally. Are you going to say anything interesting? So far you've only corrected me on a technically and given me the properties of a plant that is useless in the desert." Her eternal tired look never changed. But the emotion on her voice did.



New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
D Rank
Ran titled her head in confusion at Neko words as she spoke about her sister getting grabbed by a sand viper, behind her mask Ran's eyes slowly drifted over to Kimiko as her sister protested at their teachers hypothetical questions before they once again passed over to the women standing at the front of the classroom. It was easy to mistake Ranran as a caring person with the way her family acted, It wasn't uncommon to see Ranran fawning over or being fawned over by any member of her family and from an outward perspective it would appear that Ran was a loving family orientated person. However anyone who had come to that conclusion would be wrong, Ranran cared greatly for her twin sister and would kill anyone that touched her however that was because she was strong.

In life only two people existed to Ranran, the weak and the strong. The weak weren't meant to be looked after or protected instead they were simply dressing to the world in order to make it more entertaining or at worst sustenance to grow stronger. The strong were the ones who could survive this world and if you couldn't... "Oh well I guess your were weak after all." Would be all that Ranran would say. No sadness, no tears, she would just move on because only the strong were allowed to live and if you died it was only your fault for being weak and that logic even extended to the girls family. However in Ranran's eyes Kimiko was a lot stronger than her and could do a lot more than her so she couldn't envision a world where she would be weak and thus couldn't envision any plan of action without her.

Having zoned out for a moment Ranran pulled herself up from the beneath the desk just in time for a her sister to call her a tank causing Ranran to smile happily before she finally answered the teachers question.
"Err for the sand viper question......I guess I would die." A simple answer but based in the logic that if something was strong enough to get Kimiko then it would probably get her too


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
An active twitch would begin to form under Neko's eye as Kimiko spoke, she was a tough cookie to crack that was certain. Refusing to learn and simply stating things as if they were mutually exclusive trains of thought. This was going to be a harder lesson than she had actually thought initially. Well what was she going to do with these kids, one older than her mind you, if they were content with just these answers. Then Ranran spoke and it broke all concentration from Neko, who looked like she was about ready to chew Kimiko out. She lowered her voice, a softening of her face, and honestly a complete shift in demeanor. "I guess I would die.." ringing in her ears as the child had said it as if it were a matter of fact. She let out a long sigh before making some hand signs and mumbling to herself, though once finished it appears as if nothing happened.

"So then, let's focus on you Ranran for one moment. In that scenario you'll just die? Why even try to become a shinobi if your fortitude is that weak? You will only die if that is what you accept, if you were in that situation.."
The class faded away to the desert for Ranran, her mind clearly in a genjutsu now. Before her was a massive viper, who's scales were acting as if blades. A girl young, with raven hair screaming in the misty vision as it plummeted down onto her attempting to eat her whole. In that split moment all that Ranran could hear was the girl's words of fear and determination, "I WANT TO LIVE!" The vision fades and Neko nods slowly, "Never give up the will to survive, I have nothing but faith that all of you here will become great shinobi. I just want to see your efforts. Ranran you have a fight to you, don't let it falter at the concept of loss."

She'd turn her attention to Kimiko, "Kimiko you are smart, but stubborn and arrogant. You need to be willing to see all options. I was not saying what you provided was not enough, nor was I implying you've failed me in some way. Rather expressing that things have many reasons to be helpful, and that if you open your ears to others you may gain something of use for yourself in the future. Solar radiation is one thing, but to pretend someone as fair skinned as you or I would be alright weeks on end in the sun without some sort of protection from its burn is another. You're as good as useless if your hands are so blistered you can't make a hand sign. But you were right, not wrong. Just listen next time please."

Finally she'd turn to Senju, "You have a lot to learn friend. You surpass not only your classmate's but myself in age, and to be comfortable passing by the skin of your teeth is honestly disappointing. I know you are a talented shinobi or at least will be, they wouldn't have allowed you to be here otherwise. But you need to understand the basics in order for anyone to feel comfortable in the future with you on their squad. That being said.."

She slowly turned back to the entire room, "You've all got the basic ideas down, so for your final question I will ask you this and you'll answer one at time. If you give me even a half hearted answer I will fail you for the course, additionally you will be barred from taking any more of my lessons. This isn't up for debate either." She looked to each of them for confirmation, "Why am I being so hard on each of you, individually? And what am I expecting from you next class?"
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Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
The words of the teacher struck a chord of emotions within Sakyuma, causing a feeling of regret to resonate within his chest. Why, Why did I wait so long...I should've...No, I can do this. Sakyuma clenched his fist, and with a respectful nod, he acknowledged the seriousness of the teacher's disappointment, realizing the importance of mastering the basics. He straightened his posture, with a deep breath he reaffirmed his resolve, Sakyuma was determined to prove himself worthy of the trust of the village, and more so, the trust of being, one day, its protector.

As Neko pauses turning to the rest of the room, Sakyuma's anticipation increased, ears perked, with a sense of readiness, he eagerly awaited the question to be asked of him, knowing he'd do his best to answer it, this time, with the intent of showing his true self. His mind races with the possibilities of growth and improvement, knowing that through diligence and dedication, he will eventually rise to meet the challenges ahead and fulfill their potential as a respected member of his future squad.

The air in the class seemed to thicken as Sakyuma cleared his throat, the weight of the words of the teacher still tightened around his throat. Sakyuma stood up "You want me to take this more seriously, to understand the basics, and more than that excel. You're being tough because to slack off, and not take this seriously, is a good way to sacrifice myself, and more so my comrades and fellow citizens." His fist tightened before pointing at the teacher "You'll see, I'll study hard, and dedicate myself. Next class, I'll come back with an abundance of knowledge on flora and fauna!...I will be someone worthy of having on a squad...No, I'll become someone worthy of protecting the Sand Village!"

wc: [1373/1000]

Nanjirou Kimiko

New Member
Dec 14, 2023
Kimiko simply sipped her tea. But the tea cup cracked in her hands as soon as she listened to her twin's words. If she died, she would to? She understood the sentiment. They were a team, a unit. One divided into two. What she could do, Kimiko could do as well. They've trained together, lived together. Gained strength together. It would be unfadable for one to exist without the other. She opened her mouth to speak. About to yell at Ranran for saying something so stupid. Standing up as one sound escaped her mouth. Then she stopped. Thinking what would she do in the same situation? She....


She would be the same. She couldn't think of an enemy she would be able to beat if her twin didn't. Wouldn't be able to get stronger without her sister. Wouldn't be able to... live.... without her. She would be incomplete, imperfect. She sat back down. The cracks on her tea making it spill into her hands. Unbothered she continued to sip on it. Continuing to hear the words of the so called 'teacher' and she still was the same. Even giving the ultimatum about the whole "why is she so hard". She wasn't. Mother was hard. Life was hard. This was just a bunch of idiotic sentimental bullshit. "And my point was dehydration would get to you first before skin burns." She repeated with a sigh. "Right back at you 'teacher'. Open your ears and have a meaningful conversation. I came here to expand on my skillset. Not argue with someone who only cares about seeming right. Fuck off with that." She shook her head. Not even taking into consideration about what the old man had said. "The answer you're looking for is what this guy has said." She spoke pointing to Senju "You want us to learn that the Shinobi life is hard. That it is a life or death profession. But here is my answer." She took another sip. "You weren't harsh. Not in the slightest. Hard was when our mother had us testing poisons. Harsh was when my older brother trained with me until I couldn't walk to make me tough. hard was it when my father beat me to submission to teach me that the enemy had no mercy. This isn't harsh. This is childsplay. YOU are a pathetic excuse of a teacher for the so called strongest." She really got tired of this. Thinking that this was more nothing more than a waste of time. "If my next class is anything more than this one I will drop out. Go back to my family and learn there. I will certainly learn more useful stuff than basic shit about cacti and feelings."

[WC= 1377/1000]

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
She smiled at the answer from Sakyuma, he was going to do just fine. She stood and laughed "Then we shall see you next class with the same energy understood? Don't lose that drive as it is the one thing that is going to make you a better shinobi."

As she spoke, she looked to the other two and wondered why there was such a heavy venom spewing her way. "This act is not about me wanting to be better than you Kimiko. I don't have to be, because I have proved my worth to myself and this village. I recommend you repeat this course when another teacher is available. I'm afraid something is preventing you from catching my words in a productive manner. For now, you pass."

She looked to RanRan waiting on a response, "All others are dismissed. Ranran, when you answer me you will be as well."

[To all involved sorry for the weird order of things, class passed once post count is met. Ranran post when better and we will finish it up. Sakyuma post your exit and then collect your rewards.]


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
D Rank
Ranran crossed her arms across her chest after her statement which had seemed to have rattled the teacher as the older women seemed to still at the girls statement of fact that she understood of her own capabilities but it appeared Neko had taken this as fatalistic mindset on Ranran's part as the teacher imparted a vision to Ranran about not giving up and always carrying the desire to live. However to Ranran the girl in the vision had just been to weak to survive and deserved to be eaten by a stronger foe as was the right of the strong.

Kimiko also seemed to be upset about Ranran's words as well as a loud crack filled the air causing small amounts of tea to drip through her sisters fingers as it looked like Ranran was about to receive an earful from her twin before Kimiko fell into thought and instead focused back on the lesson. "Wonder what that was about?" Ran wondered to herself as Neko posed one final question to the class. It appeared that their teacher wanted them to guess as to why she was being strict on them and what she wanted. Ran thought over what had been said in the class as she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. Standing up Ran paced over to Neko desk and simply said. "Cause you were too weak to save that girl and you want us to understand that." Was Ranran's response which was not spoken out of cruelty but out of what she truly felt Neko had been trying to impart to at least Ranran herself. Not desiring to expand any further on her words Ranran stepped away from Neko and walked out of the class where she would wait for Kimco in the hallways, this time being mindful to hunch through the door to prevent her sword from getting stuck again.

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