Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Suzuhime & Kuro's Wedding (C Rank)

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: For those of you unfamiliar with a Toraono Clan occasion welcome aboard... 1) There is always fighting of some sort, 2) There is always a minor quest for those who wish to attempt them and 3) We guarantee that as long as you post once every 48 hrs u will find a deligtly and well thought out response to your post. This is not an event but for those genin & chuunin whom would partake this is a mission. The breakdown will be posted in sand requests soon.

Nestled along the dunes near the oasis is the dojo an ancient stone building a former coliseum converted by Toraono Kaibudo and his wife Queen Nobuku Azame into a special domed dojo; a place of perpetual learning for the martial arts, and combat at its finest. One side was dedicated to weapons more specifically the sword but weapons the other side of the house was dedicated to unarmed combat. A finesse and power that was understandably overwhelming and set for bloodletting. The stone pillars upholding the building were set with skill, chakra, and care to promote maximum stability throughout the entire structure. The dome was added to promote an atmosphere and provide air conditioning in a round-about way through specially placed vents. The floors of special marble in some areas were be-speckled and set apart by floors coated with special disinfected sand that wouldn't infect a bloodied warrior. Weapons racks lined the walls of the second area with meticulous care in stands. On the northern side of the dojo were padded wraps and leggings, for martial arts training. The Toraono Clan Dojo once sat at just over thirty feet in height with an additional ten feet higher in dome. The steps leading up to the main antechamber were an odd sand red marble, brown marble stained by bloodied sand. Six chambers were divided in shapes necessary to provide optimum training in various forms of combat. Two more additions had been made due to the children of the Toraono clan actually becoming full-fledged ninja were dedicated to ninjutsu and genjutsu. The ninjutsu chamber was in an underground cavern while the genjutsu chamber was in a calm hand dug bath chamber irrigated ever so slightly by the Oasis itself and heated by the sun.

The entire east wing of the Dojo and a portion of the coliseum itself were restructured from a small mountain. The massive amounts of Earth chakra released by its formation helped to significantly repair the master seal pervaded the underbelly of the dojo. The resulting work had caused many once sealed underground chambers to open and with the newly forged mountains the Toraono Dojo now had a natural barrier to prevent further access to Sunagakure from the west and it also provided a new area to train for future students. Over two hundred chambers existed in the Toraono dojo and the general public only had access to fifty percent of that. The remaining rooms were specially sealed chambers for specific clan members affiliated with the dojo and their blood relatives. These chambers were built and sealed so that only they or a Toraono Clan master could enter. It was in a sacred chamber pervaded by specially routed leylines, seals, and elemental crystals, and ancient Toraono lore depicted in special chakra activated murals that Toraono Kuro was set to form his life bond with Yamazaki Suzuhime. They had bonded rather quickly but such was the prophecy that foretold the reincarnation of Amaterasu would recreate her bond with her guardian Hyakujuuonouu. Theirs was a tale of power, love, greed, betrayal, forgiveness, and undying loyalty. For even in death Hyakujuuonouu had remained faithful to his Queen from the heavens.

The chamber was sealed so that only members of the Yamazaki Clan or accepted members of the Toraono Clan like the direct descendants of the Stewards from the Takahashi Clan which were accepted into the clan by both matriarch and patriarch. The chamber itself was massive in both scale and design. From its center to the main mural on its northern wall it was exactly sixty feet. To the eastern and western walls from its center was exactly thirty feet and the distance to its rear wall from the center was another sixty feet. From the floor to the ceiling the chamber was thirty six feet in height. Two twin pillars supported both the east and west walls in especially harmonious religiously sculpted elemental crystal laced and embedded black marble. One set twin white pillars supported the north and south walls in their center-points. An elemental crystal laced/embedded mirror marble formation that created a six point star stretched across the ceiling connecting all six points from the pillars giving the room a very archaic and mystic ambiance. Violet rose petals had been specially layered for the bride to approach the center chamber upon. The family and guests would be seated upon ceremonial pillows with their names and positions along with special gifts from the couple to be wed near the Southern wall so that the entire ceremony could be observed safely from afar. Kuro had even dared to take his Mother’s advice and complete her tasks to become a Prince in the Nobuku clan while retaining the Toraono Clan name. Kuro was now a Prince of Steel country and subject to their needs as well but along with this responsibility Kuro and his wife could wed with Azame’s rite of passage completed, as her future daughter had proven herself worthy of Azame’s last born son.

Toraono Kuro sat in a meditative position while incense burned at all six points of the chamber. He channeled a great deal of his and Hyakujuuonouu’s energy into the seal to release the scroll containing Hyakujuuonouu’s Yang life force. This vast reservoir of dark eternally hungry energy had been sealed away from Kuro when he was but a baby lest he become a monster instead of a well-balanced demonic guardian. It was the destiny of Amaterasu’s reincarnation to harbor this huge dark power and as such Kuro had to choose a wife that was stronger than him in a manner that was easily proven. Physically there were few women that could ever be his match, but mentally and by blessed blood and lineage a woman had been placed in his life that could fulfill not only the ancient prophecy but bring about a happiness that even Kuro had never encountered before; except from his immediate family and closest kin but this love was five steps beyond that. All the preparations were complete as Prince Toraono Kuro prepared for the future with his beloved and destined Suzuhime.
Oct 22, 2012

A soft sigh was heard. The crimson haired woman feeling relieved that she was finally at her wedding day. And she had no idea how to feel to the fact that she made it too age 23, as today, was also Suzuhime's birthday. Rather fortunate that her wedding landed on the same day as her birthday. When she had first arrived at the village, there was no thought in her head that told her that she would be getting married. To a demon lord as well! She could have never imagined finding a husband, and quite the sweetheart as well. They had only known one another for about 6-7 months. But they were engaged anyways. And Suzuhime has had plenty of time to bond with Kuro. She found that he was a very thoughtful individual and understanding. And he seemed to hold Suzuhime above everything else in his life. As if she were the most important thing in the world to him. To a undefined point, it seemed she was. Were anything to happen to her, Mother Suna help whoever was directly next to Kuro at the time should he find out. While she had spent plenty of time for her fiancee, Suzuhime still needed to integrate herself successfully into their culture. Which was somewhat hard to do because most of them didn't understand her accent or her different language. One such case was her soon-to-be sister in law Seika. Who seemed to be offended when Suzuhime spoke her native tongue in front of her. At first claiming it was some form of devil speech. But nonetheless, Suzuhime had certainly gained an amount of respect from the Toraono Clan. Particularly after her duel and victory over the clan's matriarch, Azame. And upon Azame's voluntary or involuntary resignation from the throne, Suzuhime was chosen to be the success-ing matriarch. However, this was quite the time away from now. At this time, she was still getting ready for her big day and birthday.

Suzuhime had spent a good amount of the day fussing over the smallest of things. You'd be amazed how much Suzuhime has changed since moving into the Toraono dojo. She had become much more... 'proper', but she still loved to engineer all kinds of machinations. However, today she wanted to look absolutely perfect. She had become more conscious of her looks thanks to Kuro. She always wanted to look good for him, maybe as a way for trying to repay all the kindness and understanding he had given her. Multiple servants had been tending to her all morning and for some of the afternoon. Straightening and styling her hair. Making sure her wedding outfit had nary a wrinkle. Some off the servants having to constantly tell Suzuhime that she looked perfect when she had an insecurity. Such a devoted staff they were.

Suzuhime found herself opening the door to her chamber a bit sheepishly. Still rather unaware of how this ritual or ceremony or whatever it was supposed to be, worked. When she stepped in, her entire wedding uniform could be seen. Suzuhime was clad in an extravagant lightly peach colored kimono with a pure white robe that went over her kimono. The elegant dress being tied together by a small bright yellow string. Small peach flowers adorned the edges of her collar bone, shaking ever so softly with every footstep made by the fiery haired woman they adorned. Her obi wrapped around her midriff, just below her sizable bust, seemingly like a girdle, it would accentuate her bust. Many saying that White was a better color for her then black. On her head, she had a small hood like cap that covered a majority of her head. Letting the side of her head and face visible. Her shiny red hair streamed down her back from behind the hood, as it was not connected to the kimono. She had two rouge bangs that hung from either side of her face. Her skin seemingly shining in comparison to the darker room. She wouldn't say anything yet. Instead waiting for Kuro to acknowledge her arrival.
(The girl on the far left)​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the early morning sun shone in through the windows of their hotel room, Ginjiro's eyes winked open. Sleepily, the young boy roused himself from his bed and began to move about the room quietly as he prepared himself for the day. Zenichi-kun, who had occupied the other bed in their shared living space for the night, was still asleep—full access to the shower, bathroom, and other morning needs were his without wait or compromise. By thi time he'd showered, dressed, and packed everything up, just as the sun was starting to peek fully over the horizon. Also by this time, everyone else was ready for their excursion to the Toraono Dojo for the wedding they had heard about the previous night. One way or another, everyone had made it down to the front desk of the hotel. Sure enough, just as the poster had said, there had been a convoy waiting for anyone who had decided to go to the event. Loading all of their equipment onto the convoy, the four of them nestled into some of the seats that were available for them to sit in. Ginjiro, for one, was excited. He'd never been to a wedding, nor had he really gotten a good look at the desert during the day, so he was constantly looking out the window and asking questions and conversing with the adults. "So, what do you think it's going to be like? Have you guys ever even heard of this Toraono Dojo before? Oh wow, look at the way the heat shimmers on those dunes!" Yeah, the kid was totally lost to the journey like all little kids. He was suffering from 'travel excitement' and it was going to be affecting all the other members of the convoy around him. Hopefully everyone would be able to stand not killing him along the way...
— — — — —​
"Are we there yet?" This must have been the twentieth time that the young kid had asked this question. After about an hour of traveling in the desert, the young boy quickly realized that deserts were freaking boring. It all looked the same, no matter which direction you looked. Furthermore, one got tired of talking all the time. His 'travel excitement' had turned into 'travel boredom' which was arguably far worse than travel excitement. Fortunately for the young boy, and all of those around him, that would be the last time he'd have to ask his earlier question. For this time, they actually were there. Looking into the distance, the young Ayatsuri child managed to see a striking mountain with what appeared to be a building carved into it. Flying high above the structure were two flags; both of them were unknown to Ginjiro, but he did recognize the tiger's head on the one flag. Whatever this place was, at least it had cured Ginjiro's boredom. He'd stop asking all of these inane questions as he stared intently at the slowly growing building.

Upon reaching the structure, Ginjiro couldn't help but by taken aback by the vast architecture and extravagance of it all. Precious stone marble, sandstone, and other such building materials made this place have an air of nobility, but as well a sense of masculinity and power. It was as if this were a place devoted to the fiercest fighters who were trained with all the fierceness of nature—little did the boy know that's exactly what this place was. Pausing just before the large staircase up to the building, Ginjiro turned back to look at his teammates. "Anybody else feel like maybe we bit off more than we can chew with this place?" Maybe some jokes would help ease the situation for everyone? Or not?

Topic Entered.
Continued from Here:

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro had selected a steel grey and white kimono with matching hakama. Kuro laced a silver obi around his waist before he slid his sheathed honor blade into his freshly tied sash. Kuro attached his battle pouch to the sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his sacred blade Kuro placed a pair of special ceremonial sealing scrolls so that Kuro and Suzuhime might write their wedding vows in masterful calligraphy. Kuro then attached his leg sheath to the interior of his hakama just atop his silk gi shorts within which he had hidden away a charm necklace, and his wedding ring for Suzuhime, a patterned elemental crystal band within a gold and platinum circlet. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his summon scrolls without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his royal arm guards and leggings Kuro enhanced the runic terran markings of his hand and leg wraps with the amplifying power of the armor. Kuro carefully wrapped his tail around his obi making sure it appeared to be a furry black tiger skin tail with silver stripes added onto his obi. Kuro studied himself briefly in a full length mirror making sure he looked presentable. Using his telekinesis and a set of mirrors Kuro carefully braided his hair in ancient ceremonial fashion making his horns much more pronounced but also making him look more human. Focusing his full power Kuro’s eyes became pure violet orbs of power instead of their violet with golden slits. Kuro had slowly learned that these were his true eyes after noticing how natural they felt in relation to his normal feline eyes which he had learned were his natural demon eyes. Kuro released his power and went back to his normal eyes, there was no need to display his growth in power. His other bodies acted as a retainer, a chef, and a guardian. Each played their roll to the utmost allowing Kuro to witness nearly everything going on in the dojo as preparations continued. This would most certainly be a day to remember as he checked over lists of items and special sets. Kuro kneeled before an altar to Mother Suna and held out his left hand to ask Suzuhime to join him. She had stood by quietly waiting for him to finish dressing and acknowledge her.

His ogre form was the doorman whom waited to greet everyone as they arrived from the convoy from Soon, many merchants and their families had arrived and Kyojin Kuro along with Hyou Tachida one of the special teams trainers from the Hyou family within the Toraono Clan made sure to greet everyone and get their names and where they were from. Tachida was to report to Queen Azame at the beginning of the dining hour all the guests so that she might know their names and clans. Kuro however would simply learn directly firsthand so to speak. Kyojin Kuro stood at seven feet and weighed in at four hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern heavy armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on Kuro’s vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code along his right thigh plate. Kyojin Kuro wore a matching belt and sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a pair of blade attachments for his battle gauntlets. Kyojin Kuro wore his battle pouch atop the belt it was a simple lizard leather pouch but easily camouflaged by rubbing it with sand or crushed stone if ever necessary just above his right hip. Kyojin Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his left armored thigh just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient slot in the multi-folded steel of his left thigh armor allowed Kyojin Kuro full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his Takahashi forged battle guards and lower leggings were Kyojin Kuro’s enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Kyojin Kuro had wrapped his armored tail around his belt making it appear that Kuro wore a belt of armor resembling hand-sized reinforced double blades. Kyojin Kuro wore his mane of silver hair in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look like a serious battle veteran, massive chakra gems implanted into his flesh and endoskeletal structure stood out on the back of his hands as well as one in the center of his forehead at the crest of his skull. The chakra gem in his left hand was emerald green with a spiral of a star in its center, if you looked at it closely and long enough one could see where it interfaced with the flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. The chakra gem in his right hand was ruby red with a six point star in its center, this one also interfaced with his flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. In the center of his forehead was a massive sunstone. This is an extremely rare chakra gem that is occasionally found in the deep deserts after being unearthed by the giant sandwyrms. Only the strongest of people could lift them due to their density and this body had one implanted in its skull and interfacing with his brain. It was a unique feeling to say the least but the interface with the sunstone allowed Kuro to dramatically pulse chakra throughout this body which was one of the keys to his transformational capabilities. It also allowed him to control his metabolic rate at a degree he had never believed was possible. His dark flesh was runed with runic terran seals and tattoos. His horns looked as if they were part of his armor along with his gems but the discerning eye would know that they were part of this giant's body. He smiled and greeted everyone as they disembarked from the caravan.

"Welcome to the Toraono Dojo, please take part in the festivities, contests, games, and meals, Lord Toraono Kuro becomes royalty this day so everyone may indulge themselves in the hospitality of the Toraono Clan and its resident families. In exchange we only ask for your name, your clan name, and your oath not to attack anyone whom doesn't challenge you first."

WC: 1048

(edited to acknowledge Suzuhime's presence)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Oh well, this was grand and all. Having journeyed for some time, Karasu found that his white cloak was starting to turn a bit brown from all the sand that he was trudging through. Having never done more than land on a beach in his day, it was a far cry from what he was used to. The stuff seemed to get in everywhere, his canteen, in between his toes, and even that place where he didn't particularly care to think about sand getting in. Oh he'd seen hotter than hot days but nothing like this. All of which came ceased to be a problem in his mind once he happened, or rather, stumbled upon the Toraono Dojo. Normally, he was one to just keep on walking when he spotted a shady spot that wasn't on his list of places to visit but being as hot as he was and being as thirsty as he was, the shade offered was more than welcome. Falling in line behind those that seemingly knew where they were going, the now off-white head to toe covered journeyman found himself along in the party that was being invited in for royal coronation. Well, surely he wasn't invited to that, now was he? Starting to back peddle a bit, wondered if he'd be noticed overly much if he slipped away . . .

OOC: Kept it short and in a spoiler because technically I wasn't in the country when this was posted but if the three persons in the topic who posted before me allow it to be, then I'd be eager to join in the festivities and I assure you that my next post wont be so lacking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:32PM​

The group had set off for the wedding at the Toraono Dojo. As advertised, there was provided transportation. This was a great development as so far they had avoided any harsh traveling. Their trip from Fire Country to Wind country was relaxed with the hardest part being a 6 hour treck from the village to the border followed by a ferry ride, and now a relaxed ride to the exact location they were headed to in the first place.

For the most part, Kagemaru ignored Ginjiro's child like excitement. He understood that it was a fun time for him as most people his age weren't allowed outside of the village let alone in another country. So Kagemaru could understand how he felt. His first mission outside the country was just as exciting.

Kagemaru hadn't packed for a formal occasion so his current attire was still that of a traveler. Hopefully for attending a wedding with open invitations, the hosts would have suitable attire that could at the very least be bought. For now, he'd continue to dawn his black blindfold, a white sleeveless shirt that was loose fitting in an effort to keep his body cool in combinations with sand tone cargo shorts and matching boots. He'd also brought all his travel attire with him which wasn't much more then one backpack as they were not returning to the hotel from which they came.

As they arrived, Kagemaru's eyes immediately began taking in all sorts of information. The architecture, chakra signatures of those present and any and all exits he could see with his Byakugan. It was indeed an extravagant location that this Dojo was. Kage had only heard of the place but never been here. He was equally in aw as Ginjiro was.

The nights still young Ginji. His reply to Ginjiro's earlier comment as to if they bit off more then they could chew. Kagemaru wasn't one to admit defeat so he couldn't fully agree with that statement. For now, they were only there to observe. When they finally were able to leave the caravan that they'd arrived in, Kage thought it was important for him to address the ogre like man who had the surprising amount of chakra. Kage could tell instantly that he was far above the average man in skill in probably most aspects. However, this simply put Kagemaru on guard mentally as he was unsure if this man was of demon descent or not. Ultimately that meant he took extra precaution to guard his thoughts from those around him. He didn't have the time to teach the others but hopefully they would have no issues.

Toraono-San, thank you for this invitation. My name is Onryu Kagemaru. My associats here and I are travelers from the Fire country's Leaf Village. We were on our way here for sight seeing and cultural expanding but as it turns out you're getting married. I've not prepared any gift but for your hospitality, I plan to arrange a proper return of for your kindness. I would, however, like to know if there were some proper clothes we could acquire for this event. And of course, we come in peace. Kagemaru's words were true even though he didn't divulge the entirety of their reason for being in that location. Kage did after all, enjoy working on a need-to-know basis. For now, he'd enjoy the festivities as normal while allowing his hidden eyes to survey the area. Their mission had officially started now.

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Zenichi was grateful that the caravan was offered for transportation to the wedding. As he watched the bazillion grains of sand ahead of them and behind them, he couldn't imagine trekking it with a heavy backpack and trying to conserve water. As it was, he was quickly draining his waterskin while doing nothing but listening to Ginjiro repeatedly ask if they were there yet. He started to wonder if he wasn't made for this type of life.

As the arrived, he did as any child should do and hide behind his elders. Listen and don't talk. Request for proper attire made him smile because he wanted nothing more then to play dress up in this extravagant affair.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kyojin Kuro was not expecting to be before anyone that could divine chakra so easily but he had a method to distance himself from the situation quite easily since each body had exactly the same amount of chakra but differing life energies. It was very easy to be someone else of similar power especially since by blood and configuration they were all him. "We of the Toraono Clan have formal attire for all guests that would like to change in order to participate in the festivities, we also have gi's and padded weaponry for participation in the tournaments for prizes. The buffets are all you can eat and any clothing given to you is yours to keep. Please sign in on the guest roster and if you have any special requests please let them be known. I am Toraono Kyojin, special guard for Lord Toraono Kuro, believe us when we say we are honored to have visitors from Fire country here."

Toraono Kyojin Kuro reached out to shake the hands of each visitor as they came through, a common gesture among the Toraono Clan and its aggregate families. Just past the large guardian body was the sign in roster monitored by Hyou Tachida whom would smile and file mental notes away on all their guests so that their likes , dislikes, and requests could be met with swift unerring action.

Post Edited 0800 Hawaii Time 4 April 2013 to apply this OOC: addition
ooc: Umashiashikabihikoji long long name guy is more than welcome to participate in the festivities here at the dojo and anyone else from ANY village that wants to visit for the wedding within the next 9 days.

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
His stance on being quiet was quickly tried by the mention of a tournament being put together for prizes. This was the perfect opportunity for him to prove if he has the core of a ninja. If he didn't, this was the perfect place to sneak away in the dark (this would be problematic with the Doujutsu of the Hyuuga). Zenichi couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of being tested and quickly ran to the register after shaking hands with their gigantic host. He wanted to be the first one on the list and hopefully the first to compete. He had no delusions that he could win the whole show but just being in one fight was the best prize he could think of.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:34PM​

Kagemaru had made the unfortunate mistake of confusing their greeter with the Lord of the Dojo. A slightly embarrassing mistake but one he'd own up to. Accepting the hand shake from the ogre sized man, Kagemaru replied.

Ah, my mistake, Toraono-san. I've never seen Toraono Kuro before my apologies for the confusion. I would however, like to meet him if at all possible. The Lord of such a fine establishment must be quite the person indeed. Kagemaru kept the business that he would have liked to discuss with Toraono Kuro to himself for now as he didn't feel the need in giving the security more information then they needed to know.

From under his blind fold, Kage's Byakugan could see Zenichi slinking off on his own. He didn't mind, this was a joyous occasion as long as the boy remained out of trouble. For now, Kage would sign the roster of guests as well as note his teammates as well so that they were all accounted for. While filling in his teammates names, he made his requests known.

Also, how does the postal system work here? I was hoping to send a letter back home to let my friends and family know that our group made it here safely. And I believe that my friend Mizuki here may be in need of some medical attention. He was injured last night in sparing practice. He looks fine on the outside but most of the damage was internal. I just wanna make sure he's fine since I'm not medically trained. He was referring to the fight that he and Mizuki had last night and the damage that Kagemaru himself had inflicted against his fellow ANBU minister. He was surprised that Mizuki was up and walking around to be honest. Mizuki was probably fine, as Kage didn't see any major issues with his internal organs aside from some slight busing and tearing, but hopefully, Mizuki would take this hint to mean that it was time for him to find some information about Wind Countries medical practices.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kyojin nodded to Kagemaru's request, "Our postal system allows for actual messengers and messenger beasts. We recently received the use of a telegraph device although I am not versed in its use.As for your friend Mizuki, we have some of the finest medical facilities in Wind Country here and our residence contains several accomplished surgeons. I am certain our medical personnel can heal almost any injury as long as it is not too life threatening, internal damage is actually quite easily healed here as we have non invasive methods of healing. Once you go inside simply follow the main hallway four rooms down and enter the left chamber with crimson sand floors. It is a sterile zone and our house physician Toraono Sunaku Sashi will be there waiting to recieve you." Toraono Kyojin tapped a crystal seal and an alert was sent to the medical chamber. Toraono Kyojin cheered on Zenichi as the young nin anxiously signed up for the prize fight tournament.

Is there anything else we can assist you with?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
And they were off from the hotel, they had took the convoy and it seemed an eternity until they got to their destination. But they lived, even with Ginjiro's constant questions and activeness. Honestly, Mizuki wouldn't flipped on him yesterday for acting like this...but his fight had taken a toll on his body and it truly wasn't worth it to keep fighting with him or the rest of the group. He needed to work with the group effectively and if he could, there would be a possibly that he could get a promotion when he got home or be moved to a different position in the Ministry.


As they arrived, Ginjiro was the first to get out and the building was definitely impressive. It seemed a mirage to see a building like that in the scorching desert heat with truly no other sign of civilization around. But, it was real and they had finally entered the building. Kagemaru did most of the talking for the group, and he signed the "guestbook" for them all, he then asked about medical help for Mizuki. It was obvious that Mizuki wasn't 100% and while getting help, he would be digesting everything and reporting back his intel to the group. Listening to the directions, Mizuki nodded and walked away. He went down the main hallway and entered the left chamber as he was instructed. As he entered, he saw the crimson sand floors which were truly a beautiful site and the person waiting for him. Smiling at them, he said: "Hey. My name is Mizuki, I am a resident of the Hidden Leaf Village. I was sent down here from your lord because he said you could heal my wounds."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Blood red sand whirled about before it began to mold together building Sashi's human form from the very crimson sands that surrounded and permeated the sacred and specially warded portions of the dojo. Due to the amount of blood and chakra involved in the formation of her healing sands while within the walls of the dojo her healing abilities were legendary and sometimes due to the nature of the Toraono clan members and family's combat abroad they frequently returned with wounds, poisoning and symptoms that few normal healers could attend to and as such Sashi had become a literal part of the dojo itself drawing strength from it as she fed it the strength of others as well as itself. Few understood the true depths of the ruins beneath and surrounding the reconstructed dojo as well as she did. Sashi gathered him up in her crimson sands with all the grace of an eagle but with the loving carress of a mother giving her child a hug. She smiled as her sands analyzed him piece by piece. "Hello Mizuki of the Leaf,I am Toraono Sunaku Sashi, and you have a rather unique body structure. Care to tell me about your body so I may help you heal?"
Oct 23, 2012
It was the big wedding day, something Chizuru personally wasn’t looking forward to but only because she didn’t want to be around so many people! These large events were always so overwhelming to someone who preferred little to no contact. Really she wished she could have brought Zwei here with her so she’d at least have some manner of distraction but with all these people about, that two headed abomination she called a dog probably would cause untold amounts of trouble. Already, as they approached the dojo, via their carriage, Chizuru could see crowds of people gathering. People from different villages and walks of life for this special occasion. It was truly amazing, really, but it still left Chizuru quite intimidated, and the ogre Kuro didn’t help her feel any taller or frightened. Not that she was frightened by people, but the sheer amount just made her feel so little and insignificant. There was so many varying titles and ceremonial garb and here she was in her lovely little pink dress with white gloves. Her hair styled in a more elegant pony-tail that sported a cute little pink flower hair clip. She’d hug into Iori’s side, trying to hide her nervousness as best as she could, which would be quite the adorable gesture to anyone that happen to look her way.
Oct 10, 2012
Iori would rest his head on his hand as he looked out the window of the carriage, seeing the Dojo coming into view. The day had finally arrived where his beloved sister would be married off to Kuro, an event that would bring the Toraono and the Yamazaki together. Such a connection would be a great boon for their family, though he was now more concerned about Suzuhime's happiness rather than any political business. He would be broken out of his thoughts as he felt Chizuru hug into his side, smiling warmly as he looked down at her. "Are you nervous?" He would chuckle, petting her head softly as the carriage pulled to a stop. The driver would come out and open the door for him, Iori stepping out and clad in a white and red trimmed suit. He would hold out a hand for Chizuru, helping her out of the carriage like the little lady she was, offering her arm to take before they made their way towards the Dojo. "Quite a crowd already, and there's lots of faces here I haven't seen before." He would remark to Chizuru, refraining from mingling with the people just yet as he looked over those assembled.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the rest of his team made their way out of the convoy, it seemed that Ginjiro wasn't the only one among them to be impressed with the magnificence of the Toraono Dojo. Even Kagemaru-sensei seemed to be amazed, which was saying something. As they all filed out of their vehicle, a man came to greet them all. Known as Toraono Kyojin, he welcomed them all and informed them of the various activities and service which they might offer to the travelers. Zenichi-kun became quite riled up and excited at the mention of the tournament, bolting ahead of them to sign up before him. Ginjiro, however, had decided to stand back and continue to listen to the conversation for a little longer. It was a good thing, too, for soon the conversation swung around to the need to contact Konohagakure about their arrival. Furthermore, it would be via either messenger animal or telegraph machine. Instantly, Ginjiro's eyes opened up wide and he began to speak. "Please Kagemaru-sensei, allow me to do that. I know how to operate a telegraph machine, and I wouldn't want you to have to waste your time operating it." Obviously, Ginjiro was telling his teacher that such a menial task wasn't worth the man's time. It would be better for Kagemaru-sensei to be the one socializing with everyone instead of the young child. Since Zenichi-kun was already going to be analyzing Sunagakure's battle prowess at that level, Ginjiro could afford to take some time to go send off the message to their village. If Kagemaru-sensei would agree to his request, then the young boy would look up to Kyojin-sama and ask him simply, "Where might I find your telegraph machine? You never quite mentioned where I could find that." After Ginjiro listened to the answer, the young boy would begin to walk away towards wherever he had told him. As he did, though, a thought flashed through his mind. Faltering for a second, the young boy turned around again and addressed the man once more. "Kyojin-sama, may I ask one more thing? Do you happen to have an archive or library of some kind? It's okay if you don't, but I was just wondering if you did." The rest of the team didn't know about the incident that had happened last night, nor did they know about the red scroll with the golden twine. Ginjiro wanted to see if there was a safe place for him to examine its contents and possibly learn anything else about it. He didn't really want to wait until they got into the Village Hidden in the Sand, so this would have to do.

No matter how things played out, Ginjiro would first go sign himself up for the sparring tournament. Even though he had other things he had to do, Ginjiro would not miss a chance to have a good fight with someone. It would be fun! And so, having written down his name as 'Ayatsuri Ginjiro', the young boy would either head towards the direction of the telegraph machine, the library, or the site of the tournament. The young boy would have preferred to go to the first two, and then the third, but if it didn't work out that way the young boy wouldn't make a fuss.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:36PM​

Ginjiro jumped at the opprotunity to use the telegraph. Kagemaru didn't know how to use one so he was somewhat impressed with the child. The alternative was a messenger animal which was several times slower then sending a telegraph so he would allow Ginjiro to do what he wanted.

Sure thing Ginji. Be sure to tell them that we've arrived safely and are carrying on just fine. Then he looked back at Kyoujin who had been very helpful during this entire encounter.

Well Toraono-san, you've been extremely helpful, but I don't want to take up any more of your time. I think for now, I'll mingle a bit. If you haven't noticed by now, sight seeing isn't exactly my thing. Kage remarked at his hidden eyes. He'd made that statement on purpose to allude to him being blind without actually saying he was blind. This way, if there were any around who possessed the ability to decipher truths from lies, they would have a harder time with Kagemaru. Truth be told he wasn't fond of sight seeing as it was boring in most cases, so what he said was true, but in this instance it was to fool any listining that he was blind. From there, he'd nod in Kyoujin's direction as he made his way off to eat, drink, and socialize. Contemplating on if he should sign up for the tournament or not, Kagemaru ultimately decided against it. His mission was to win against his opponent, so that meant he couldn't take them lightly. And fighting serious meant using his Hyuuga techniques and using those would be a dead give away that he was not blind. There were far to many people around and he didn't want that particular secret to be revealed to that number of people. So he would let the kids do their thing. However, he would observe the other participants in hopes of finding out this country's battle potential. If he was lucky, he'd be able to see the Lord of this Dojo fight. Though given that this was his wedding day, Kage doubted that would happen. For now, he'd simply walk around and enjoy the free food while he casually made his way to a room in which to change from his traveling clothes into attire more suited for the occasion.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin nodded and took to a knee to bow to his guests and was even happier to see the Yamazaki Clan arrive in their normal flare. "Our telegraph is a recent arrival from Soon so instead of wiring it sends a series of electric pulses to a tower in the main hub of Soon whom then sends out a message to any other registry that they have a cable or set of electric checkpoints for. The machine is actually summonable, please give me a moment." Kyojin Kuro placed his palm on an entryway table where a sharp pin pricked the corner of his left pinky finger. With a small surge of chakra a time space jutsu called forth the telegraph device from storage to the entryway table, and after a pop of air pressure it arrived.

"When you are done please let either myself or any other Toraono Official wearing black or blue armor know and the device will be re-sealed right away. As for a Library we have several rooms filled in alpha numeric order... The primary library four doors down the main hall on your right contains history, legends, family charts, weapon logs, enemy encounters and their descriptions from survivors and last but never least the habits of Sandwyrms. This Library has four rooms to contain it. The second library consists of one massive room which is dedicated to the knowledge of weapons, tactics, taijutsu, weapon smithing, armor smithing, and leatherwork. It also contains geological surveys, land claims, copies of royal title/pedigree, he quickly adds in his whispers - and (how to catch women)). The Third Library consisting of 2 rooms contains sealing techniques, ninjutsu, genjutsu, baby raising, Animal Husbandry, hunting, fishing, and well known areas "<i></i>

Kyojin then turned to present himself to Chizuru, as he prepared for the Yamazaki's to step forth a horrible thought struck him, where was Ikkadan? He should be here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well, no sooner had Karasu tried to leave then he was ushered right back inside by the tide of people. Taking life as it was, he opted to just go along with the flow as he found himself surrounded by a rather peculiar site for a desert. A wedding . . . extravaganza, for all intents and purposes. Finding his way about relatively easy, he did choose to change into something a bit more suited for such a special occasion. As such, he found that his shape shifting abilities came in handy too. A touch of this, a touch of that, some of those and and altering of fact. He'd changed faces so many times now over the course of his life that sometimes he found it hard to remember what he actually did look like underneath it all. Now however was not the time for reminiscing, he had a party to enjoy and from the looks of it, a tournament to participate in as well. Oh how he loved tournaments. After all, they were the best form of exercise and being in a new place, he could get a leg up on how the people here operated. Were they just as dry as the air, or easy breezy like the wind? Were they more inclined to nin, tai or genjutsu? Oh the possibilities were endless, and he'd make sure to be there every step of the way.

By the time that he did appear, all freshly decked out in rather clean white linen clothes, he was on his way to mingling with the local people. A foreigner among locals was always wary, but Karasu wasn't your ordinary foreigner by any means. The name he'd given at the doors, Hikari Enzan, clan, nil and the oath to not attack anybody just for the heck of it was easy too. Onward to the mingling though, as he scanned the area for something of a familiar face, he found one rather easy and smirked right before he waltzed up to the guy. Blind though he seemed, Enzan, the now named Karasu, spoke to him in a matter of fact way that belied his knowing exactly or what exactly he was dealing with.
"Seen anything interesting yet? One has but no excuse not to marvel at the architecture and the decorum. Oh and the colors, I just have to find out from the bride who designed the place for the occasion. I'm sure that they'll require a hefty price but those drapes are of a color that you just don't find back home." He sighed as he shook his head and sipped on a cold glass of water that he'd snatched from somewhere or another. With appearances, he always wondered if he was playing the part well enough of being interested in things in their entirety but he was sure that he'd been monitoring the general atmosphere of the room. "Oh wait, I'm sorry. Forgive my rudeness, the name's Hikari Enzan, and you are?" It was at this point that the ball was in Kagemaru's court and as to what he'd do with the ball was anybody's guess.

OOC: General look below


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 6:36PM​

As he walked around, taking in the scenery but trying to remain in the character of a blind man, Kagemaru eventually caught sight of a familar chakra. But as he took a more focused look upon the man, the appearance was not that with who he thought it was. However, chakra didn't lie, Kagemaru was certain it was still who he thought it was. He pretended not to notice the man until approached and then Kagemaru's suspicions were confirmed.

This man was the Main branch Sennin of the Leaf Village and Kage was sure of it.

Onryu Kagemaru. The pleasure is mine Hikari-san. Kage knew how to play this game. If the situation didn't call for some form of secrecy, Umashi wouldn't have been transformed as he was, though Kage was intrigued by his transformation technique. It was magnificent done. Near flawless from what his Byakugan was telling him. Kage himself would have been fooled if he couldn't see chakra in the way that he could.

Surely you jest, Hikari-san. A reply to the earlier question about his sight. He knew that Umashi knew that he wasn't truely blind. That comment was to assist Kage in figuring out who Umashi truly was. Though it annoyed Kage to require such assistance.

Though the food here is pretty good. He couldn't exactly answer Umashi's questions because anyone listening could immediately figure out that he wasn't actually blind. It wasn't an immensely important facade that he needed to keep up, but he'd prefer that the masses didn't know his innate ability.

You must teach me that trick one day though Hikari-san. Being able to being able to make people see what you want them to see is a cool ability in and of itself. But I should ask what brings you here...? Was it this fine weather we've been having of late? He was of course referring to the raging sunshine of this country and the fact that it was bloody hot at all hours of the day so long as the sun was in the sky. Kage beginning to switch the topic onto something more important then visual affairs. It was almost annoying that Umashi chose to begin the conversation like that. But he'd gotten him back with his latest response so now they could discuss business.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
