Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Suzuhime & Kuro's Wedding (C Rank)

Oct 22, 2012
Suzuhime watched the crowd surge forward and mingle with the accompanying Toraono clan members. Hearing the low rumble of what couldn't have been anything but the little cycle thing Iori liked to ride. Suzuhime's self appointed rival in the engineering field of the Yamazaki none other removed the helmet from her head. Saying her hellos and greeting Suzu. Suzuhime throwing pride to the wind and giving her cousin a hug.

"I'm too happy to hit you today Sunako. But thank you for being here."

It was the friendly type of tone. Waving lightly watching Sunako join the crowd. Kuro eventually pulling Suzuhime towards him. They held one another for a silent moment while Kuro seemed to be contemplating something terrible. Suzuhime not even able to ask her question before Kuro spoke up. Explaining that their joining wouldn't exactly be full of puppy-dogs and rainbows. She was prepared for hardships yes... and she expected them to show up uninvited at any time. But it seemed this had been planned out. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Suzuhime was waiting for some sort of catch to spring up. Suzuhime merely nodded her head. Grasping his monstrous hand reassuringly.

"Kuro. You of all people should have confidence in me. Right?"

She gave him a reassuring smile. Her entire family was here. But she knew that Kuro would be the most devastated should something happen. Suzuhime had to be confident in whatever was going to happen for the both of them. Bringing his head to place a small peck on his cheek. Suzuhime had been having a lot of breakdowns since she met Kuro, and he had helped her with every single one. But it was her turn to at least provide some help.

"Don't worry about it Kuro, i'll be fine."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Nobuku Azame stood six feet two inches. She weighed a reasonable, muscular, 180 pounds, as Kuro’s mother, she was a bit beyond the normal of course, she wore steel vambraces and gauntlets beneath her kimono as she was ever ready for battle. The resemblance between Kuro and his mother was in the thick lustrous silk like fervor of their hair, the eyebrows, eye lashes, and the cheekbones of his face. Azame’s eyes were green blue like the sea. She was perfectly proportioned for and by the skill of a sword. Her arms were lean and toned, her legs were like that of an acrobat or a circus dancer. She wore a violet embroidered, gold overlaid, micro chain mail interlaced, silk kimono. Its colors were subtle yet decisive allowing the entire kimono to flicker different depictions of an ancient fable of a battle between two celestial beasts using the image of a ox horned lion king battling in the setting sun against a giant serpent. This pattern changed several times from top to bottom as it wrapped around her kimono several times. Her skin was a creamy olive, she wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was an gold and violet obi with black threaded runic terran sigils marking her as nobility. She carried herself with an aura of domination and power that accentuated her natural grace in a manner that could only be attributed to her being a full grown woman. She did not seem to walk more like she glided on the winds without crushing or moving a single flower petal as her consort Kaibudo escorted her to her pillow seat twenty paces behind Kuro.

Standing at five feet seven inches and weighing a healthy, muscular, 160 pounds, Toraono Midori was of Kuro’s elder twin sister the first born daughter of Azame and Kaibudo. The resemblance between Kuro and Midori would be identical were it not for Kuro’s devil touched body. Where Kuro’s hair was silver, Midori’s was a lustrous olive green with black overtones. Her eyes were green like jade that turned catlike when her emotions surged. Where Kuro was all muscle and power Midori was all speed and ability she took after their mother in that she never allowed herself to truly be hit. Her lime green kimono was embroidered with cubs that danced around a lioness whom watched them sleepily or so it would seem. The soft lime on emerald green outline allowed the silk to shimmer when she moved. Even through the kimono one could tell she was well muscled. Her skin was more honey brown than sun darkened chocolate like Kuro’s. She wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was an emerald and jade obi with gold threaded runic terran sigils marking her as nobility. She carried herself with a feline and sensual grace that could only be attributed to her being a full grown woman. She glided across the petals as well but unlike Azame her steps actually lightly touched the petals as she came to sit on the pillow to the left of Azame. She came unescorted as would any unwed noblewoman on the day of a sibling’s impending eternal bonds.

Simply appearing next to Midori in a flurry of white sparkles of light before settling down to sit lotus style to the left of Midori was Toraono Shiro second elder twin sister to Kuro. Standing at five feet seven inches and weighing in at a lean, muscular, 170 pounds, Toraono Shiro was Kuro’s equal in taijutsu as she outclassed him in natural defensive prowess as she was able to change her flesh literally into steel. Their resemblance would be identical were it not for Kuro’s devil touched body she could also easily pass for Midori were she to ever dye her hair grebe and wear jade contact lenses. Where Kuro’s hair was silver, Shiro’s was a snow white with a faint gray tiger stripe pattern. Her eyes were like diamonds that shimmered many colors like the finest gem stones when her emotions surged. Where Kuro was all muscle and power Shiro was a balance of speed, power, and ability she took after their father in that she didn’t care if she was hit and sometimes even allowed herself to be hit to prove a point. Her slender body was tough as steel, she could even snap a sword in two by scissoring her hands together. This special day Shiro wore a snow white silk/linen mesh gi with a layer of fine elemental crystal laced chain mail beneath it to protect against weapons like arrows, throwing knives, and shuriken, and lightning style jutsu. Her skin tone was a honey brown although the immediate flesh that marked the depth of her eyes was darker around the edges like Kuro’s. It was easy to say she was well muscled, she moved about barefoot even now, her only exception was during visits from other nobles. It was commonly said that she had to be the finest martial artist in the dojo next to Kaibudo and even surpassing Kuro. She also wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms mostly to protect her sparring partners. Around her waist she wore a beautiful, silver in color, silk sash with gold threaded runic terran sigils marking her as nobility.

Kaibudo slipped away from standing next to Azame before coming to lay a comforting hand upon the shoulders of his son and future daughter in law. He spoke very briefly in a low tone but it was certainly not a whisper or a hidden message. ”My son, may your union bring you all the blessings that the heavens can bestow like the blessings they have given your mother and I. My daughter to be, may you ever know all the safety and love the Toraono Clan provides and may your duties as a wife be kind and bearable if not effortless in your love. I believe you to be the woman of prophecy that my son does and even were that not so I see that you two will only make eachother happy.” Kuro grasped his father's hand lovingly before he stepped away to bear witness to the eternal bonding. Nothing else need be said between father and youngest son. Kaibudo nodded proudly then left the two upon the podium and took his place near the western pillars. Kuro’s brothers would not be attending this ceremony. Not because they meant to miss it or dishonor him but simply because it was not meant for them to be near Kuro when he was about to release his full power, they too might get swept away. Only women were safe from the power Kuro was about to unleash and Kaibudo was safe simply because he was the father and the brother.

All they waited upon now were the women and elders of the Yamazaki clan to take a place amongst the seating to bear witness to the union and the spectacle as was their due.

Kuro strode down the main hall with Suzuhime holding her hand made him feel triumphant, as if he had won the greatest battle in his entire existence. In a manner of speaking,he had.
Oct 23, 2012
The familiar sound of that rather dangerous looking vehicle could be heard as it roared up to join the rest of the Yamazaki. Chizuru's excitement could not be contained and she was already hopping up and down with joy by the time Sunako had her helmet off. Chizuru was already in mid-pounce by the time Sunako had hung up her helmet and turned around to give her greeting.

“SUNAKO! I missed you so much! You need to come by and visit more often. I've told all my friends so much about you.”

Chizuru had friends? Something she never really talked about. She had school mates but not really friends. She helped them, tutored them out of the kindness in her heart, but she didn't go out and play with them on a daily basis, nor did they ever come to the mansion, but at school, and if she saw them out in town, they would mingle

“You're just in time, actually. The ceremony has not started and Grandma and Grandpa just got here too.”

Chizuru lets Sunako go and greet the others but stuck relatively close to her side, wanting to hear more about the fire she was quite sure that Sunako had caused. This story would have to wait till later, however, as the ceremony seemed to be getting underway. Chizuru grabbed Sunako by the hand and led her back to where Iori was so the three of them could find a place to settle in and watch the ceremony.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Going into the medical ward, Mizuki was expecting a quick heal and he would be on his way. Awaking now though, it had to have been hours passed now. His party had to have left already and headed for the Water Country. It was a damn shame that he was left behind but it was time to catch up with them. Getting up slowly, he looked around the room for the woman that had "treated" more like seduced him, but she was nowhere around. It wasn't odd since a wedding was suppose to happen, but you would think she would've checked on him or been near him since he went into a comatose phase.

His head was pounding severely, and he felt like he was going to vomit...and that is when it happened. He barfed right there, and collapsed right beside it. His body was still acting up, and he was in intense pain. He screamed for Sashi, as he closed his eyes and shook. He wanted to know what the Hell happened to him. All she did was kiss her patient and from there, Mizuki lost all memory. Why was he in pain still, why was this happening? "Cuh...uv...y...pedlr. Fro? Ur fro? E's kuehk du vilgehk gemm oui Cycre yht drec fruma tysh lmyh!"

He didn't know, but he wanted the Hell out of this dojo and with his teammates again! He didn't give a damn if he didn't like his teammates all that much, he needed them now. Anything to comfort him and make him feel safe!

[I'm back, and with a bad post...]
Oct 10, 2012
"I missed you too, kiddo! My contracts have been taking me all over the different countries but don't worry, You'll be seeing a it more of me from now on." She would say with a grin as she took her hand. With that the family would move inside to take their seats, Chizuru being placed between Iori and Sunako. "So, Sunako, when is it your turn to get married?" Iori would tease the woman with a smile. "I don't know, when are you going to propose?" Sunako would respond, sticking her tongue out at him before laughing. "Sorry, I already got someone in mind, and I'm not a believer in polygamy." He would retort, Sunako's eyes lighting up as she heard that her cousin had managed to find himself a new love, eager to pry into the situation with more questions, but would hold off as it seemed that the ceremony was about to begin.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
For Mizuki:
Sashi ran back to the ward as her personal intercom warbled with Mizuki's voice. She ran into the chamber and found that he had released himself from stasis and was vomiting his necessary fluids on the floor. Still dressed in her wedding finery she swept away the bile and fluid with crimson sand as she reached down and helped him to his feet while he murmured in a language she had heard the other foreign nin speak ever so lightly. She had passed them her personal telegraph machine but there were others to use if necessary. She looked him over again apparently his chakra flow had ceased up from his internal injuries even after she had reset it. Using a standard healing hand and not her personal sand healing as she spoke gently to him. "You received a far more severe form of internal injury than initially detected so my earlier checks only healed your symptoms, we placed you in stasis till we could find out what else was damaged. We now have a full codex but could not perform any healing till you awakened, I apologize for my forwardness in kissing you as well. The wedding is in full swing so my presence will not be missed. I will heal you to full chakra linkage in the next fifteen minutes. Just bear with the pain a little while longer."<i></i>

For Suzu, Iori, Chizuru, and our guests (and for training):

Kuro smiled graciously and stood to begin the ceremony for Suzuhime. When he spoke however it was Kuro and Hyakujuuonouu whom spoke as one causing his voice to resonate in two different yet equally appealing deep tones like a baritone and a second bass singing in harmony, ”We are honored by your presence and your blessings. This will be a day of days for everyone for what you bear witness to is something that has long since been a family prophecy. We love your daughter very much and we will make sure she is safe from all harm” it faded after a moment as Kuro checked himself and spoke in his own voice although Hyakujuuonouu backed his every word. Kuro eyed everyone momentarily with a large smile of happiness as he spoke before leading the progression to the main family seal chamber and nodded as the family members took their seats in the specially prepared chamber.

”Honored family members, it is with great happiness and faith in the future that I have not only been granted a bride but I have fully embraced the nobility of my mother’s bloodline and from this day forth will be a Prince of Steel Country. As such my wife to be and I are free to marry one another by ancient rites instead of by Priest and recognized ceremony. With the help of my father and my mother we have carefully reconstructed and prepared this chamber for the ancient rite of spiritual bonding. I am not simply marrying Suzuhime, I am giving her a part of my soul and in return she grants me a smaller link to her own. You will all bear witness to something prophesized over two millennia ago. Our only request as that throughout this bonding process that you neither interfere nor invoke any prayers as we do not want to offend the Gods by our actions. As we proceed you will understand what I mean… without further adieu I now invoke the rite of Yorokobi (rapture).”

Kuro took his bride to be by the hand with his right hand as a concentrated, willing a claw to extend from his left pointer finger he dug it into his left palm until he drew blood. He then pricked Suzuhime’s left palm causing a small opening but drawing no blood as he pressed his left palm to hers a small blood exchange occurred. Each pillar began to glow with the elemental chakra sealed inside of them. Ribbons of dark chakra surged forth from Kuro as Toraono Clan ancient sacred script began writing a seal in homage to the moon upon Suzuhime's left hand as she slowly began to transform so did Kuro as he assumed his own natural demon form. Strands of dark chakra literally enwrapped and embraced Suzuhime as not a single drop of his blood was spilled or wasted. A violet and crimson crescent moon formed on the back of her left palm with a matching mark inside her palm mirroring the other side. Dark searing power began to write itself upon and inside her left hand as Kuro’s blood caused her to grow a small feline tail yet no one could see it beneath her dress. At first it seemed strange to any normal onlooker but considering the amount of chakra he was pouring out of his person when he gave out a seals it was only a matter of time before a master seal emerged on him as well. As the mark of heaven appeared upon his chest Kuro’s true blood demonic form became a reality as the ground beneath their feet shuddered under the strain of energy released by chakra the likes of which Kuro had only witnessed in his dreams as a child before Hyakujuuonouu had awakened. The entire dojo began to rumble and quake under the massive chakra which was compressing itself within Suzuhime. A new pulse of power registered within their minds as their link was completed. Mighty chains of power began to form about a dark shadow the coalesced inside of Suzuhime’s reborn inner spirit. She was immediately linked to the second half of Kuro’s inner spirit beast. Bindfolded by black bands of spiritual metal were feline eyes with no pupils, completely crimson that glowed beneath their metallic bandages. Its leonine face was adorned by a set of black twin jagged horns jutting out from both sides. The horns were three feet in length each, onyx in color and resembled that of an ox. In the center of its forehead was a third glowing violet eye also glowing beneath its bandages. It opened side-ways like that of a normal cat’s eye but turned ninety degrees and set in the middle of its skull. It roared like a lion with its sabertooth fangs as it realized its existence anew. Kuro was larger than his normal height by two feet and although humanoid in his build he now sported black claws with a metallic sheen, as ominous powerful energies expanded within his body to match the energies expanding inside Suzuhime’s. His left hand, forearm, and shoulder had darkened with the incredibly dense chakra as his energies activated the seal upon Suzuhime to help her control the Harbinger that their bond had placed within the control of her spirit. The harbinger pulsed with massive energies and surged with the strength of the ancient demonbeast it was as it seemed delighted to finally be within Suzuhime’s control. The chamber that everyone was in suddenly felt remarkably lighter as Kuro and Suzuhime shined luminously with violet chakra before Suzuhime began to glow even more. Her skin turned a golden bronze and her eyes glowed violet on their own settling upon Kuro’s violet eyes as they looked into eachother’s souls.

”With an oath of blood, I swear my soul, my mind, my body, and all the power I harbor to your protection as my ancestral spirit within did for Amaterasu in ancient times. I promise to love and cherish you and never let you feel lonely. I vow to protect you from any and all harm and all I ask in return is for you to love me the way I love you.”

WC: 1034
Oct 23, 2012
Chizuru would remain silent as her father and Sunako went back and forth a bit before the ceremony went underway. She was expecting it to be some manner of ritualistic oddness going on but not even she was prepared for what was to come. Kuro's speech alone gave her cause to worry. Exactly what the heck was about to happen? Why shouldn't they interfere? Was he going to hurt Suzu? The healer inside Chizuru was screaming at her with worry, but Chizuru wouldn't have gotten this far if she wasn't capable of handling her own emotions. Sometimes seemingly heartless, she was more than capable of hiding and drowning out her emotions and she felt that she'd have to do that today...of course this was all over-speculation since she still had no idea what this ceremony would entail.

Chizuru would soon get her answer, however and she was a bit frightened by what was going on. Sure, she was well aware of what manner of power Kuro and Suzu had, but to physically be able to see it was something all together. Chizuru soon reaches for Iori's arm and burries her face into it, her heart thumping fast in her chest from the fear she was experiencing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
With a little help, Mizuki got back to his feet and was being healed with a hand to his body from the woman. It was glowing a green aura and Mizuki slowly started to feel better. It was as though his body was trying to do too much at once and that is why his body reacted the way that it did. It sucks, but it somewhat made some sense. Sashi cladded in her wedding dress told Mizuki that he would be healed in the next fifteen minutes and just nodded. He really didn't want to say much considering he didn't know if his body would do something strange again like it did before. So, he just leaned against a wall and begun some deep breaths.

He really hoped his teammates were nearby to help escort him from this Dojo when he was fully healed, just in case he would have some difficulties moving.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 8:52PM​

Both Kagemaru and Ginjiro had now returned to the Dojo, and from the looks of things, the event was moving along rather nicely without them. It was nice to know that the earlier issues they had encountered here didn't hamper the festivities at all as Kage didn't want to ruin this evening for the married couple. However, the reason why he had returned was not a social visit. Kagemaru and Ginjiro were here to check on Mizuki before they ultimately made their way from Wind Country and back to Leaf City.

Making his way though the crowds and the happy people celebrating the uniting of the bride and groom, Kage motioned through the crowds swiftly to make his way to the medical ward. As his Hakumei Byakugan was constantly active, there were few things that surprised him. He could see that Mizuki was conscious and being once again treated by Sashi. This time however, it was a much more normal method of healing hands and chakra. Kagemaru had roughly been gone for an hour or so and upon his return, he walked into the room and spoke.

Ah, he's awake. Thats good. How soon will he be able to move? We have orders to return home. Taking a second to look Mizuki over, he seemed more or less ok. Though Kage also didn't take the time out to outright ask Mizuki if he was ok because mentally, that would be admitting to himself that Mizuki had gotten hurt because of him. And he didn't want that. Some what of a trauma he had from being unable to help Sumina in her time of need. Turning to Sashi, he spoke.

Sorry about the accusations earlier. I'm not fond of working on a team but when I do I'm pretty protective of my teammates. Again, my apologies. Will he be well enough to travel? Our orders seemed urgent and I'd like to not waste time. Waiting for a reply, his mind drifted to the lord of the Dojo and that he would miss his chance to fight him. Based on the man's physique and his chakra, Kage could tell that he would be a challenge for the Hyuuga but it had been a very long time since he felt challenged, so having a challenge would be good for him. Hopefully once his business in Leaf was complete, he'd have some time to once again return to this Dojo and challenge Kuro properly and while he wasn't in the middle of being married. As it was currently, fate simply didn't want them to cross fists.


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi looked up from her healing touch and smiled to Kagemaru as he apologized and spoke of himself. Seeing Mizuki awake and able to move again was good enough for her. "It's okay sir, I've had to lead healers through dangerous places and I would have thought treachery was afoot too, no harm done. He should be able to leave by the time we serve cake which is in about thirty minutes or less."<i></i> Long silky crimson hair laced with perfume and scented oils and crushed cinnamon sand settled across well muscled yet feminine shoulders. Her Sunan cotton and silk battle dress allowed both defensive measures and a bit of air to breathe through her garments. Interlaced within the weave at specific areas was a special mesh of metallic and sand laced fibers specially designed to prevent the piercing of her vital points by blade or chakra enhanced pressure, which was easy for Kagemaru to see. When standing Toraono Sunaku Sashi stood exactly six feet tall. She weighed an unreasonable, muscular, 200 pounds, her crimson hair, her cinnamon eyebrows, eye lashes, and high cheekbones made her resemble a fantasy pin up girl. Sashi’s eyes were normally honey brown like liquid gold over a brown marble. She was perfectly proportioned for the skill of a swordswoman, her arms were lean and toned, her legs were like that of an acrobat or a circus dancer. Her skin was a golden brown, she wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was an gold and sand tone obi with crimson threaded runic terran sigils marking her as a doctor and nobility. As Azame's cousin she had always been at her side since she was a little girl and Azame a burdened teenage Queen. She watched over everyone in the Toraono clan like a war hound at times so she understood exactly how Kagemaru felt. She longed for Mizuki but she was deeply afraid she might have scared him so she kept her distance. Still Kagemaru could even notice her body language betraying her professionalism. She actually wanted Mizuki to herself, it seemed odd he hadn't noticed sooner but then again he was on a mission, not a field trip.
Oct 22, 2012
Suzuhime joined Kuro at their personal stand with a nervous silence. At least Kuro's own confidence had recharged, so perhaps she could borrow a bit from him. A joining of souls? Seemed to be the case with the ever treasured youngest son that Kuro happened to be. But she wasn't complaining, that would just make it all the harder for him to get away from her. Giggling on the inside at her own joke. Kuro's speech finally came to a close, and grasped her hands. Looking up at him with her mesmerizing eyes. Deep in thought while she still had time. Was she ready for this? She could become a totally different person, she may not even survive. Was she really prepared for such a drastic change to her life? It was unconditional with very little time to actually get to know her groom, before they were engaged. Suzuhime quickly found Kuro to be the most wonderful man she ever met. Her skepticism quickly becoming nothing as her interactions with Kuro were nothing but his pure desire to love her, to be with her. It almost made her want to cry, but she couldn't now.

Suzuhime's hands were pierced. An unpleasant feeling began to wash over her. The ribbons of energy wrapped her gently and with care oddly enough. But she could feel strange goings on beneath the layer. Her skin felt like it was literally crawling, and there was somewhat of a sharp pain emanating from her rear that made standing very uncomfortable. While underneath this feeling of dread. She began to feel as if the copious amount of dark energy being poured into her was constricting her whole body. Gritting her teeth to tough through the ordeal. Feeling the ground quake beneath her as the pressure intensified. She felt like she had blacked out or fainted. Her mind had gone blank where she saw a gigantic lion like figure. It looked very frightening considering what she was already going through. It didn't seem to give off such a frightening aura as it's appearance had. Chains beginning to surge around the leonine model from all directions. Restricting it to the one place it stood. However, a few chains glowed an angelic yellow, while others an abysmal purple. Feeling her own energy compacting with must had been Kuro's to restrict the demon.

Suzuhime would clutch her hand tightly, a handle to all the chains binding the entity, nestled in her tightened hand. Taking in a deep breath, and then exhaling. Finding herself within the chamber once more, not that she had ever physically left. The light of their ritual beginning to die down, Suzuhime not even noticing her drastic skin color change as she stared back into her husband's eyes. Speaking ever so softly, a bit winded from the ritual herself.

"Kuro... we both know that no living thing could love me than you love me. But I promise that i'll spend however long it takes becoming someone worthy enough to love you just as much. Not matter how long."

She meant it as a way to ease the tension. Looking lovingly into his void like eyes, wondering if he was looking back. Suzuhime cracking a grin.

"So are you going to kiss the bride or what?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
There was a small pop in both their ears as the air temperature and pressure changed around them both as Kuro’s expenditure of energy reduced him to his truly human form, his mother’s favorite form at that. The resemblance between Kuro and his mother were in the thick lustrous silk like fervor of their hair, their eyebrows, eye lashes, and the cheekbones of his face. Azame’s eyes were green blue like the sea, whereas Kuro in his human state had perfectly violet eyes like perfectly round amethysts. His hair was still silver and gray but his horns and tail had vanished as had Suzuhime’s much to her astonishment. it seemed her tail only emerged when she focused dark chakra. His teeth were still very sharp but his tone and posture seemed far more peaceful. It happened in a brief yet intoxicating instant as Suzuhime had now fully tamed Kuro’s energies and aligned them with her own. She felt hunger unlike anything she had ever known as she looked about she not only saw everyone as they were but she could see their chakra far more intricately. She looked at Kuro and saw he had only the barest spark of chakra within him but his life force was so overwhelmingly strong that even in his human state she knew he was holding back. He kissed Suzuhime deeply and lovingly affirming their union. She felt the intoxication of taking in someone’s energy… Kuro’s powers were changing her fundamental essence causing her body to respond in a manner that he expected but she had not. Energy unlike anything she had ever felt stirred within her melding with the dark chakra placed inside her soul. Then Suzuhime could feel her own natural spirit repelling and shackling the dark energy within her. Her own inner spirit, her very soul was sealing it inside a comforting nimbus of fiery light that warmed everything inside and around her. Then their kiss was over and the surge of the embrace was over and Kuro looked at her anew as tears filled his eyes. The tears of Hyakujuuonouu flowed from his eyes as he saw Suzuhime’s eyes take on a divine aura for a short moment. Kuro acknowledged it as well Suzuhime was slowly becoming more deeply intoned to her true heritage as a celestial descendant. ”We are now one…”


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As the healing continued, a familiar presence finally had arrived in the room. That figure, that man was the other ANBU from Leaf on this mission...Kuromaru. Of all times, Mizuki was glad to see that man's face again as this would mean that he could finally leave this place and head onto the next destination! But, first Kuromaru was going to have to make some talk with Sashi until Mizuki was apparently completely healed. Honestly, Mizuki truly didn't feel up to par but he knew that he had enough to push himself and get out of here.

It was sad though how these two ANBU butted heads with one another and Mizuki had to get hurt. Now, Lord Hokage was going to have to hear about this and their mission wasn't going to be completely finished which was not a good thing for any of them as they were trying to prove themselves to Kami and get whatever they wanted. Anyways though, Mizuki looked at his teammate and said: "It's about time you come and get me, Jackass. Why did you let her do this to me? What if I would've been killed? I say 'Maru, you aren't doing a very good job as leader."

He was honestly only messing with Kuromaru to ease the tension in the room, he looked at Sashi and said: "I'm good, you can stop healing me. If I need additional help, I will get it at home. Appreciate the help, can we leave now Kuromaru?" He then leaned into her ear and said: "Keep in touch, I see that look in your eyes."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi released her jutsu and waved him off, she knew her medical jutsu had not caused the state he had been in although it still stung to be accused of improperly doing one's job. He then mentioned she should keep in touch and she blushed a bit before caressing his face and nodding.

Meanwhile Kuro was kissing Suzuhime to seal their marriage and their eternal pact with one-another. Suzuhime was transformed and Kuro was for this brief moment truly human as all his power was tied up in stabilizing his bond with Suzuhime. Content and relieved that they had both survived the ceremony intact Kuro waited till Suzuhime was in control before releasing their embrace. It felt surreal, as if all he had ever needed in life was in that once kiss. So much so he didn't want to let go and began to pull her body against his own before he regained his decorum. He was a prince now and needed to act like it. Releasing her from his moment of hunger he smiled, while blushing and rubbed the back of his head embarrassed for a brief moment before announcing out loud... "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, VISITORS FROM AFAR, FRIENDS, FAMILY, COUNTRYMEN, AND NOBLES I HEREBY PRESENT TO YOU MY WIFE PRINCESS TORAONO YAMAZAKI SUZUHIME!!"<i></i>

All participants please read spoiler:


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Tuesday : Toraono Dojo : 8:55PM​

Mizuki was feeling well enough for jokes, so Kage took that as a sign that he was able to move. He ignored the mild flirting that was going on between Sashi and Mizuki. Kage figured that if Mizuki could forgive the woman for potentially killing him medically and still be attracted to her physically, then he had nothing to worry about. Overall, Kage was ready to go.

You're still a bit screwed up it seems Mizuki. My name is Kagemaru. Kuromaru is someone else entirely. But no matter. If you're well enough to joke, you're well enough to travel. We've got orders to head back to the village. Zenichi has made his choice to stay in the Sand village to complete his mission alone... in case you were wondering where he was. So lets go. With that, Kage turned to leave the medical ward. He gave a slight nod to Sashi as he had nothing further to say to her and made his way out of the Dojo. The festivities seemed to be kicking off even more as it seemed that Kuro and his bride were finally done with their ceremony. Kagemaru was glad to see that even warriors of Kuro's caliber could find someone to love and be with. In a way, Kagemaru envied the man. Kage's work was far to dangerous and required him to travel entirely too much for him to be able to settle down. For now, he would give a slight smile as he gathered his belongings as well as the gifts that were given to him from the Toraono staff and made his exit. He was but a minor blip in the lives of the many other people here. No need for goodbyes as he would more then likely not be missed.

Didn't know there was rewards o.o
Do us leafies count?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Having arrived again at the Toraono Dojo, Ginjiro was glad to see that the festivities were still going on. Their absence had barely been felt by the crowd, which was good for them as their reappearance would not cause any commotion. Heading right back to the medical ward, Ginjiro knew that their stay here would be short lived. They had merely come to collect Mizuki-sempai, and then promptly return home. They didn't have time to spare, and so this would be a quick 'get-in and get-out'. As they entered the ward, they could see that Mizuki-sempai was awake and functioning, and that Sashi-sama was taking very good care of him. Ginjiro felt that his sensei, Kagemaru, was taking care of the situation rather well. As such, the young boy would simply sit back and let them do the talking. It's not like he would influence much anyways, seeing as how he was still technically an Academy Student. As Kagemaru-sensei got on the subject of Zenichi-kun, Ginjiro seemed to get a bit pensive. He still wasn't sure whether what they had done was the best course of action, but at this point it was too late for second guessing. Kagemaru-sensei had made the call, and Ginjiro was just going to have to live with that. Seeing as how they were all ready to go, Ginjiro spoke only a few words as they made their leave. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get back home. Shall we?" With that they were off, headed back towards Leaf City—their home.

Marked for Training.
Topic Left.

Note: If, at any point, I go inactive due to time restraints, I hereby give permission to Kagemaru and Mizuki to move my body how they see fit. I don't believe this shall be an issue, but regardless I would like to include this message publicly.
Oct 23, 2012
Chizuru had missed most of the ceremony due to the fact that she had her face buried into her father's arm but she managed to look up just in time to see the two of them kissing. It was enough to make Chizuru blush heavily. Weddings were such beautiful things and though this one was far too traditional and ceremonious for Chizuru's taste, she most certainly had to admit it was still an enjoyable occasion where friends and family got together to witness such a powerful (literally) union between two lovers. Maybe someday Chizuru would be able to find a man that loved her as much as Kuro loved Suzu. Course she had a long while to worry about such a thing. She didn't really have time for boys as it was anyway and couldn't imagine her having to worry about such a thing in her foreseeable future as all she cared about was learning and getting better at being a healer. Once Kuro made his announcement, Chizuru rises up to her feet and begins clapping, so happy for the married couple now. She'd spend the rest of the day with her family, specifically her grandparents, knowing that they'd more than likely be on their way out soon.

[topic left]

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Kohana was genuinely surprised to hear about the difficulties of the Torana clan with children. More so of how open the Toranao heir was about it. They were always such open people…but with the strength they possessed, it was hard to blame them. With the soft smile the Sunaku lady said “I see…regardless, I wish all the best to you and your spouse. I’m sure you will lead our village to a bright future… And I hope we will soon see you at a wedding of our own” she ended, glancing at her Son, who simply chuckled nervously at the thought. Shigeo, who listened intently to Kuro’s talk about the sparring system, nodding to his word saying “yes, no need to shy away from a fight just because of some bruises…what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger after all…”

Before the conversation could move along any further, it seemed that the actual ceremony was beginning, with all the members of the Toranao converging to the main room. As he and his parents moved to meet up with the other members of the clan, he saw the bride, Suzuhime, conversing with quite a large group of people…it seemed that her family also made it in time. Of course he could be wrong but…he felt the resemblance between them was to strong to miss. That was great to see…it was a special day, and it should be shared amongst you closest ones. Though he couldn’t imagine his parents at his own wedding…

Once Kuro started talking, he fully focused on the ceremony at hand. He had to be honest, it seemed the Toranao clan was taking the talk about how marriage was a bond of two souls quite literary… The impression only grew as what seemed to be a ritual of much greater complexity then a simple wedding…the energy filled the room, heavy, oppressive, and he could see the other people sensed it as well. And you could hear a few audible gasps as the…lion like creature seemed to emerge between Kuro and Suzuhime, who was not looking that well. But then, as the chains wrapped around the beast, it suddenly all…ended. The presser vanished, and the bride and groom were standing there, tired, but embracing each other…and then finally sealing their union with a kiss… his brain started to work on high gear, trying to remember the scene the best to his ability… now this was what you called inspiring.

Though the process was interrupted as he heard clapping from Iori’s daughter, to which he joined in quickly, hopefully encouraging some other people in the clapping. This was their day to celebrate after all, he would worry about his artistic impulses later on. As Kuro announced officially they were now wed, people started to shift a bit. He moved with his clan, each of the members giving their regards to the newlyweds. Sending his parents forward, he dared to approach the newlywed couple as he said “I know it took me a while, but I guess now is as good of a moment to grant you a gift as any” he said with a wide smile, presenting them with two small boxes. Contained within these boxes would be a ring for each of the newlyweds, the band shining in its golden glory, but looking as if each flake of the precious metal was attached to another, rather than just smelted into the shape. On top of it was a gem, the size of a tip of the thumb, transparent and void of color. Haru would explain “When the man, Nori, brought you the crystal which reacted to the chakra of the ones who touched it, it got me interested in such craftsmanship as well. Now, this is my first refined attempt…but the gems in these rings should take a color close to that of you own chakra…and when the two rings are close to each other, their color should change to a blend of you two chakras. Quite fitting, isn’t it? These are the first of this kind…I may not be a master craftsman when it comes to crystal…but let me assure you, creating a gift for such a lovely couple inspired me to do my best. I wish you two happiness and prosperity in your new way of life…now, I think I’ve taken enough of your time. Congratulations, and on behalf of my clan, thank you for your kind invitation” he said with a deep bow, a pleasant smile on his face, before he moved on to join his family, in whatever festivity would take place after the wedding, until it was time to leave. It wasn’t as…hectic as the engagement…but still, it was quite an interesting event.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
