Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Sweet home Konoha blues

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Da mood...

The Phoenix gates. Perhaps there was no greater place of death than right here in this innocuous place - a simple wooden gate amidst the forest. How this simple place had changed, or indeed ended, so many lives.

It was perhaps a good thing that a mask covered the Yamikages face as he looked upon the gates of Konohagakure for the first time in many years. The village hidden in the Leaves. His birthplace. The place where he had been taught the arts of ninjutsu, that had nurtured his talents, and given him a purpose and a good life. A place that he had seen destroyed in the previous war, when most of the shinobi forces abandoned Konoha and relocated to the village hidden in Stone. But he had remained, staying behind under slave conditions as a prisoner, primarily to treat the wounded and destitute of the destroyed village.

He had rejoiced when the village was rescued several years later, cheering alongside the villagers he had protected. He had done so by doing deals with underground elements, primarily the Yakuza, which had enabled the establishment of his own clan of misfits. The ‘victors’ had then placed themselves in charge of the village. Migoya was satisfied with that as being a medical ninja he was able to protect the villagers, whilst his brother Yong had escaped the burden - annoyed at the newfound pressure placed on him as an ANBU, running away to live a life of freedom. Yong had been right all along.

Yong’s son now stood next to him as they walked slowly towards the looming gates, the visages of the guard guards looking down at the pair. Dressed in his fathers armour, Yong looked exactly like him, though he certainly did not have the same temperament. Having him next to him brought some measure of comfort to the conflicted albino.

It wasn't long ago that Migoya would have stood on those gates, ready to give his life for the protection of the village. That was until he found out how unwanted he was… unneeded… unnecessary. How favouritism, brown-nosing and obsequiousness was far more important to the leadership of the village than ability. Using his contacts, he had planned a demonstration of how unprepared the village was from an actual attack given the conflict with the land of Snow… and it had backfired. He had spoken the truth, but it had fallen on deaf ears. What was meant to be a lesson turned into a massacre. The death of children at these very gates had shaken Migoya’s loyalty to the core - children who had been killed by the very person he now came to see.

Children whose souls still lingered in this very place. Annoying voices indeed, but crying out for redemption… release.

The sun shone brightly as the pair walked briskly towards the gates, clearly armed and clearly confident in their abilities, hiding nothing but their faces. Migoya was dressed in a tight fitting strange black armour, covered by a tattered blood-red cloak and a metallic cat-like mask. They had their token, given by the Hokage Asuka, that apparently offered safe passage for them to meet with her regarding a mission of some nature as well as valid passports from their new homeland. The new homeland that Konoha had forced him and his clan to relocate to. Perhaps these people would remember his clan - perhaps not.

Inwardly Migoya hoped this would end peacefully as he heard the familiar sounds of bird song and smelt the lingering scent of the Yamanaka gardens he used to enjoy so much. He hoped he would be permitted to meet with the Hokage and hear her request, and… perhaps have the opportunity to pay his respects at the fire temple for his ancestors. To once again see his beloved Byoin that he had rebuilt, and perhaps to see his old friend and mentor Mikasa. Maybe even old workmates and colleagues, or former students…

“Yong. Welcome home.”

Surely nothing would go wrong.

[Requesting entrance]
[MFT: 664]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Surely nothing would go wrong...

Yong gave a short nod in response to his companions words before moving towards the gates of the village proper. The small crowd of merchants and travelers before the great gates seemed to naturally give the strange pair of travelers a wide berth as they made their way directly to the front of the line, the merchants and tourists demonstrated a strange sense of self preservation as they seemed to move their gaze away from the pair... At least until they had moved beyond each waiting man.

As a grisiled veteran approached the pair Yong could almost physically feel the focus of every Shinobi in the area also metaphorically shift to them, barely holding up the facade of continued gate duties...

The guard moved to block the progress of the two masked Shinobi, his hand casually moving to the hilt of the weapon on his hip, not in an agressive mannor, more one meant to remind the travelers that they were not the only ones with weapons. He cleared his throat before speaking clearly to the pair of masked travelers.

"How can I help you."

The words were not formed in the tones of a question, the guards eyes locking onto Yong's own through the eyeholes of his mask. The Myakashi seal on the back of Yong's neck flared to life for a moment, telepathically linking Migoya and himself.

'They are more on edge than they should be...'

Speaking aloud to the guard Yong moved his hands out to his sides in the universal sign of being harmless, though he knew it was more a symbolic gesture considering the weathered and well used aspect of his and his companions armour and weapons.

"We are here at the Hokage's request..."

The statement did not have the gravitus that Yong had expected, instead the guard gave a small chuckle before responding.

"You and everyone else Mistery Man, you going to have to do better than that my boy, the Hokage is a busy person. What else you got?"

Yong gave his companion a subtle look before taking a step forward towards the guard, the guard sliding his foot backwards and his hand moving to grasp the hilt of his weapon. Yong got the message, raising his hands higher as he stopped moving forward.

"Please contact the Hokage... She would not know the hour of our arrival but... She is expecting us..."

The guards expression seemed to change ever so slightly as Yong continued to speak, especially as he spoke the Hokage's name. The guard nodded slowly, his demeanor subtly shifted from concern to curiosity, his hand coming up to indicate Yong should cease speaking for a moment as his other hand moved to the standard issue Konoha headset he wore.

"Requesting assistance at the gates. Two masked Shinobi requesting the 5th Hokage, they say she is expecting them..."

The guards hand lowered as he listened to a muted response in his earpeace, giving a subtle nod subconsciously before looking back to the pair of Shinobi in front of him.

"Please wait here... In the open... Someone will be here to assist you soon."

Yong nodded in compliance to the guards request, moving his hands to an at ease position behind his back whilst simultaneously sending another telepathic message to his companion.

'I think something went wrong...'

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Having fewer obliges than before, makes it surely easy on this sennin's shoulder. He would start to stretch in his office before his earpiece went off. "Hmm..?" He questioned before picking up the earpiece. "Sennin Nao here, status report." He sounded in the earpiece before he heard they wanted the 5th Hokage. "I wonder what prank she pulled on us this time..." A heavy sigh was given before he would stand up and grab his sennin robe. " The fifth Hokage is no longer around... We both are very much aware of that fact. Nevertheless, I am on my way." Were the words given before he went out of his office.

As soon as he was getting closer he would be more on his guard. 2 masks individuals were standing there and he got a gut feeling it was the rude ones from before. Yet never the less he would be standing there with few of the guards. "I heard you were here for the 5th Hokage. Sorry to disappoint you, but she is no longer around." He simply said before going normal guard routine.

"Now may I ask as to why you are here, along with passports if requesting entry?"

[topic entered]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
A white eyebrow raised beneath the strange mask at the information that Asuka was not here any more. The Myakashi seal activated, permitting telepathic communication between himself and Yong.

Yong... be on guard. Asuka might have left us a going-away present.

Giving a respectful bow to what he knew was a Sennin no less based on the robe, but not indicating that he knew the Konoha ranks and designations, Migoya’s voice was calm and pleasant, though sounding somewhat metallic through the strange mask he wore. His gaze rested on the man in front of him, trying to remember the face… who was this? Has the village changed so much? Where was Mikasa, or Kenshin… or Takeshi?

“A pleasant day to you, shinobi-san. Whilst happy to provide you with our credentials, the matter which Lady Asuka wished to see us about is… how you say… something she wanted to tell us herself. Alas, I cannot answer that question. Is she… is she ok? Did you need us to locate her - perhaps that is why she requested our presence?” His voice was concerned, caring, and clearly worried about this poor missing Hokage. “Could something have happened to her, and she knew it was coming so she wanted outside help? Oh… that would be…”

Then feigning that he had just snapped out of a deep thought, Migoya coughed, clearly upset and worried.

“Oh, passports… passports… were did I put them.” Migoya said, patting down the sides of his rather skin-tight armour. “Ah - here they are”.

Two passports, bearing the coat of arms, or more the sigil of the Shrine, appeared in Migoya’s gloved hand. Two purple passports from the country of Moon, especially made for them, naturally, by Migoya himself, but who were these people to ask for anything else?

The passports were official, but two things would stand out. First - the names: Myakashi Migoya, Myakashi Yong, followed by what appeared to be some sort of notification indicating that Migoya and Yong were mercenaries-for-hire. A rare stamp in the passport for sure, but authentic. Well... 'authentic'.

Migoya was smiling behind the mask - after all, this would be the point where it was determined that they were either welcome or… not. His eyes glistened with preparation… watching the movements of all around him.

“In any event, it has been a journey to get here. We have family and friends in the village we would love to see and catch up with, and after that we will be on our way, unless there is anyone that is in need of our assistance. Happy to have an escort if that's what you do here.”

His body was relaxed, but his mind certainly wasn't and the master manipulator deserved an Oscar. Or at least a people’s choice award…

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing they really wished to see her... was something he couldn't help them with. He would shake his head and decide to play a little in their game. first, give a bit more information before getting a bit of them. It was a risk, but then again. The attacks on their gates were no secret if the last 2 masked idiots knew about it. "I am sorry to say... But before the ninja that had attacked our gates left, she was already gone. Vanished from the world god knows where. She is also no longer a Hokage or a person I respect or wish to work under..." He simply stated trying to see their reactions to the statement he made there.

Meanwhile, he already walked back to a guard and grabbed the bingo book to search for any names that might come up. Walking back to the one reaching out for the passports, he would then go over the few pages that were in there. Along with a few torn ones. Both names were in there... And he god knew what was standing there. Yet he was no fighter. Closing the book he would then look back at them. Walking back to the guard he would only silently tip them that they were in there, but also to not cause any ruckus or what so ever.

"Eventful it must have been." With them in the bingo books, he better be stepping-light. Something was fishy. He would return the passports to the person that had originally handed them to him.

Rubbing his face in his hands he would look at them both, he was tired of beating around the bushes with everything he did and he liked the more blunt approach, which he did now too. "Look... Asuka may have had a deal with you guys, but she couldn't even keep her own village standing, she never saw the bodies of what had transpired here or ever reached out to those that had been in the mess. Never had been there with all the body bags or shared any information with her most trusted at the present time." Nao would let that sink in before continue on, wanting to get to the bottom of this quite quick.

"Now please be upfront with me. What business do you two out of the book have here with the Hidden leaf?"

The guard in the guardhouse would already try to get a hold of the current Hokage with a mention of two bingo books at the gates, but also with the full names out of the passports.

Yong was fine with being skipped so he said. If needed I can give you the printscreen. =)


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
As predicted the duo's plan had derailed at the first station, his momentary shock at Migoya producing a passport for each of them quickly turned to a quiet chuckle as Yong realised there was a 100% chance that Migoya had used their actual names in them. The Sennin took them casually, quickly comparing them to the Bingo Book kept at the gates for this very purpose.

The Sennin kept his composure well but Yong was almost sure that both their names would be present in the book, a suspicion almost confirmed by the subtle gesture to the other still vigilant guards around him.

The Sennin the divulged so much information in a matter of seconds that Yong stood stunned for a moment, the Sennin's final words resonating with the armoured Shinobi.

He hesitated only briefly before deciding on a course of action. His hand reached to the mask covering his face, removing the armoured plate slowly so as to not trigger any of the on edge guards to premature action against the pair.

"You sound like one who did have to deal with the aftermath... I am sorry you had to experience that..."

Though the Sennin would probably assume deception, Yong's words were said with sincerely felt regret... No man was ever ready to bury their friends...

"Or purpose here... We have been advised by one of our agents within Konoha that lady Asuka had requested the aid of our clan... Unfortunately it appears we are too late..."

Yong shook his head slowly, the disappearance of the 5th was definitely an unforseen turn of events.

"If she is truly gone then we have come on a fool's errand indeed..."

The armoured Shinobi locked eyes with the Sennin, his stare looking deeply as if in to the man's soul.

"Do with this what you will but I say with all sincerity... We come in peace..."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed that the gates were getting back to normal, something he really couldn't argue with, as the day had been passing, he heard the crackle that would signal the discussion between those at the gates and anyone listening, he paused slightly pondering. After all, picking up things as they were he knew full well that he really didn't have any reason not to turn up. It would be another piece in the puzzle that was simply Asuka's tenure as Hokage. He was trying to figure out what was going on and who she had made deals with, something he found himself struggling with more and more.

"I will be on my way as well"

Simple reply really, and said all that was required, no point in making it any longer than was needed, standing up from behind the desk he grabbed the Hokage robes and slipped them on again, as he walked down the streets toward the gates, greeting those that he ran into on the way, it was so funny to consider how quickly people would forget about things that had happened, but if it didn't affect them then they had other things to do. He could see why that would be justified after all life would stop for no one it was the sad but brutal truth of the world.

As he made his way to the gates he saw that Nao was the first one to intercept the message and arrive as always at the scene. Glancing towards the gate guard, he saw the man tap the bingo book towards him from the little hut, a clear indication that his day had just got slightly more interesting. As he put the usual smile on his face walking towards the group, merchants and travelers alike going through the familiar check apart from these two.

"Well, I have to say it is strange to see that Asuka requested help, if you are not sure why I am going to have to disappoint you and say that I have not got a clue either."

He sighed and let his fingers rub against the bridge of his nose, if only he had been given more information but that was just the way his life was going to be, he would have to guess and really go figure out what was going on at least.

"I mean the fact she hired people from the Bingo book isn't really surprising, we already have Nobu in custody, so more coming to us makes this seem more interesting, so what services do you offer? I presume I need no introduction, but let me make it clear I am now the Hokage again, Lord Fourth, Uchiha Takeshi. I don't think you two need any introductions, but let's go over the formal thing, and we can talk about the situation, first tho. The last guy wearing the mask, the mask simply needs to go, I think it's only a courtesy we let people in that show their face?"

He would wait for the reply, the wind gently whipping at the bottom of his robes as he looked at the two.

[Topic Entered]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya nodded politely at Nao’s request, willing to answer the mans questions alongside Yong… until another appeared.


Yong would feel through the telepathic link the utmost rage and conflict within Migoya, like a whirlpool of blood and anger, churning and bubbling. Takeshi... the reason his clan was banished. The reason Migoya was cut off from his beloved homeland. None of this would show in his features of course. This whirlpool would subside with Migoya strangely chanting in his head… The ends justify the means. The ends justify the means.

A small metallic chuckle would emanate from the mask.

Asuka… replaced by Takeshi who is Hokage again. Another pathway opens… Migoya 'said' telepathically to Yong. The metallic mask turned to acknowledge the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village. He was exactly how Migoya remembered him... dressed in his fancy robe... that hair... his eyes...

“Naturally. Apologies - sometimes the clients like the dramatic entrance”. Without a gesture Migoyas ‘costume’ would fade to black, a voluminous ebony robe now covered his armour, the strange cat-mask disappearing to show an all too familiar face. Red eyes glistened as he looked at the Hokage and the Sennin, his face impassive as if holding back his emotions. He gave the Hokage a respectful bow in acknowledgement of his position.

“Myakashi Migoya… as you know, Takeshi-sama. I am the Kage of Yamigakure - don't worry if you are not familiar with the name. We all started somewhere, even this fine village”. He gestured towards his erstwhile companion. “This is Myakashi Yong, the Prophet of the deep waters.” Of course they knew all this, but Takeshi did ask for formal introductions. Titles were important, even if they were foreign. Migoya was cool, calm and collected in the face of what could be his demise. Tilting his head in a nod of respect towards Nao, Migoya gave a small smile.

“This one… your Sennin should be commended. Those who build are far more valuable than those that destroy, and by the sounds of it he has been cleaning up others' messes. Not to mention he came to us without fear. Very impressive indeed…” This was high praise from Migoya - and deservedly so for if indeed this Sennin knew who the pair was and didn’t panic… that, that was impressive. He gave the man a smile and another nod as he turned back to Takeshi.

“But to business - I understand you are quite busy so I will be brief. Whilst no longer a part of this village, it is… was… our home and we do not wish harm upon it.”


Migoya somehow managed to convey the next sentences to Takeshi and Nao without those around being able to hear… was it a jutsu? No. Was it speaking quietly? Yes.

“Takeshi… war is brewing. It is being stirred up by forces which may or may not be supported by the villages. All I have heard is something about ‘Ancients of Suna’. Perhaps Askuka wanted to involve us in this conflict, or hopefully try and use us to ascertain who the culprits are. Maybe she seduced Nobu to this effect… though looking at him she could have done better…”

Partial truth. Lies are always better with an element of actual truth after all.

“What do we want? Honestly - firstly the chance to visit the fire shrine to pay respect to our ancestors. Then… the chance to clear our clans name from the books. We never meant what happened to happen - it was a lesson that went out of hand. An over reaction from me… Who was upset at the time at being disregarded… unwanted. Kenshin brought the worst out in me admittedly… and then you compounded it by…”

By killing a child at these gates. And then letting Asuka kill more…

“Disregarding my advice when all I wanted to do was help…”.

Migoya now looked directly into Takeshi's red eyes with his own crimson ones, knowing full well that he was Uchiha… the hated clan. His next words were directed solely at the Hokage, and carried weight - a weight that Migoya wanted to unburden himself with. How Takeshi responded would be telling… but at least he had tried.

“Truth be told Takeshi, I should thank you. By removing us from the village you enabled us to find our own path, become our authentic selves. Some shinobi are not suited to village life and find it constricting. Rather than cut off the snakes head, sometimes it is better to let it slither away. We keep the bigger rats away… and the other, more poisonous snakes at bay”.

That was the simple truth. Individuals such as Migoya and Yong if underutilised by the village would become annoying, and then aggressive. Freedom is what they yearned for, and if the leash was tightened, the dogs would turn feral more quickly. Better to teach the dog to behave and leave it to its own devices.

“So. A proposal. We will locate and identify the cause of this simmering conflict, and in return we are removed from the Bingo book and can visit our clanmates and ancestral home, with permission of course. Why work with us? We are independent contractors, and do not have any affiliation with Leaf. If we get caught, you have plausible deniability.”

His gaze would then look around at the throng of shinobi, ANBU, and innocent civilians that continued to move through the gate, pausing to stare at the leaders of Konoha talking to the two strange individuals in hushed tones. Perhaps some of them would recognise the pair...

“Otherwise, allow us to leave in peace. We wouldn’t want any harm to come to innocents.” It was not a threat, just a clear observation that any conflict here at the gates, particularly by what would be four superlative combatants would have devastating consequences to those around them.

[OOC: Not a problem at all - happy to go with the flow :p]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"You sound like one who did have to deal with the aftermath... I am sorry you had to experience that..." Silently the sennin nodded, that was indeed the fact that had majorly happened. He remained quiet to see what the others would do with the information he had given to them... And it seemed that at least there was no hostility. The man even said so with his mask gone. "Peace huh... seems almost like that used to be a thing of a lifetime ago. Strange how some things turn from quiet life to a mess in a matter of seconds. Yet seeing how you both ain't hostile from the first get go, is already a bit more reassuring."

He heard a familiar voice coming from behind him and he turned around, seeing it was Takeshi. "Hokage-sama." He said politely and would then turn his gaze back to the duo. Side-eying the Hokage. "I mean... Even we never knew what she was up to, and we were directly under her." With that, he would take out his cigarettes and take one himself before offering the others also one. Just like usual, he would try to stand so that the smoke wouldn't go to the others who didn't take one.

Hearing now their full names and status, you could color Nao a bit more impressed. He held some respect for them despite being in the bingo book. Curious he would stay silent until the man was done talking. Yet he was mentioned and praised, something he wasn't too familiar with and he instantly broke eye contact to take a look at the queue for the gates, just... you know, casually checking them out, not being embarrassed by the fact he got complimented.

“Takeshi… war is brewing.--" At that moment he would take a deep drag from his cigarette and exhale in a sigh kind of form. 'Tell me something less obvious...First the missing ninja... Then the ninja in my byoin, then the two masked brats...' were his thoughts right there and then, yet he was curious... What did he mean with visit the fire shrine... clear clan names? There was little this sennin knew of the past, that much was sure. Heck, he was before sennin a phantom medic called. One to be around but never seen or heard from. spending all his time researching the botanical garden in search of more medicine or... poisons.

He once more took a drag of his cigarette thinking also, he knew he still was called almost advisor or was advisor until notified differently. Which made the gears in his head turn harder. Looking from Yong to Migoya and then his gaze to Takeshi. "What he says is something we could do..." He muttered the thoughts out loud, a nasty habit sometimes of him. Yet it also showed what kind of person he was. Upfront and always right to speak.

"I would say... Think it over if you think of sending them away. We could use them if they are selling their services... If... you want my two cents that are. First of all. I think if they really meant trouble, they would have attacked me first and before you even arrived. They requested entrance rather than the last person bashing through the gates and destroying it on the exit. Not to mention... These two do have manners unlike the masked brats from before."


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong responded to Nao's words slightly before the Hokage arrived, his words more for comfort as the Sage of the Deep Waters felt the man's troubled mind.

"Peace is a destination my friend... You must not let this tempest sway your course... Hold true... You are making a difference."

The last words were said quite quietly, though his eyes showed they were said with sincerity despite the fact that Yong knew very little about the man. His bright soul told the sage so much more though, the man's selflessness almost a tangible presence in his chakra coil. Yong thought for a moment, Konoha did not deserve such devotion...

That's when it happened!


With an involuntary action Yong noticed himself holding his breath in anticipation, though his focus was not on the new arrival but on his companion, Migoya. The Hokage spoke his words but Yong only half focused on them as he watched for any change in Migoya's dark chakra but he seemed to have a hold on his emotions.

Yong exhaled slowly, a calmness quickly returned as Migoya began to respond the the Hokage logically and concisely, his words calm and measured... Yong did not know why he had doubted Migoya at all, perhaps it was the time they had spent apparat or perhaps a misplaced caution at the response he himself may have chosen if he was in Migoya's place but Migoya had always been the calm counterpoint to his wrath... Always the diplomat.

After the momentary tension which was his alone he finally noticed the Sennin offering him a cigarette, as the other two spoke of important things. Taking the offered cigarette Yong gave the man a small smile and a nod in thanks. After moving the cigarette to his lips he dragged his calloused fingertip over the end of it, a small spark of plasma arcing to the dry paper and quickly flaring into igneous life with his sharp simultaneous inhale.

He let his focus once more wander as he felt the hot smoke hit his lungs. Yong held the smoke within him for a moment longer than necessary before exhaling slowly, smoke coiling out of his warm lungs and into the cool air, spinning majestic coils through the force of his breath and the gentle breeze.

Yong closed his eyes as he took a breath of clean air once more, the words between Migoya and the Hokage only half noticed, he had no doubts Migoya would be negotiating in the interests of the entire Clan, of this Yong had full faith in his companion and mentor. His eyes opened with a slowness before he turned once more to Nao, having moved away from the queue outside the gates somewhat to spare them the second hand smoke.

"Thankyou for this my friend..."

Yong lifted the cigarette as if in salute.

"I didn't know I needed it..."

Yong took another drag, his eyes turning to the conversing duo once more. As he exhaled the smoke Yong thought on the catastrophe that Leaf didn't know it has just avoided... A little polite hospitality went a long way.

The Sennin's words caught his attention once more, speaking of other strange visitors before then.

"We are aware of the attack on Konoha, in fact we had assumed Asuka's request was as a direct result... but the Masked brats? Have you been attacked again? We had not heard news of this?"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi stood there, silent like a sentinel as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, he had to admit it was going to be a very interesting day, to say the least. As he listened to the mask coming off, it was no surprise that Yong was always Migoya. The two were pretty much guaranteed to be around each other, he knew and had accepted that fact from day one, and understood why this situation was what it was. As he listened to the conversation that was taking place, he gave himself a few moments to consider all of the options and the way to address these two with what they had come here for.

"I feel that on the first subject, we would discuss this further, outside of the earshot of travelers and traders, as for what you want, I see no reason to stop you from paying respect to those that you wish to, after all, I have learned inside Konoha we need to learn to forgive and forget people for there mistakes and give second chances. I appreciate the upfront approach this time, so I will approve the visit to the shrine. The second thing, well history has a way of changing, and facts can come out, so I guess we can discuss that one further than, maybe over dinner?"

He pondered for a few minutes, as he listened to the tank you, he could almost find it laughable, but no Migoya and Yong had proven themselves a simple threat one that would be hard to be ignored. It seemed that the proposal was on the route that they wanted to go down, as he listened for a few moments, he knew that he had to speak with a few words without giving a yes or no right away, he pondered before turning his attention to Nao, listening to the Sennin speak.

Everyone seemed to have an opinion and a word, an option for him to make, what most didn't realize is that in the few seconds, choices he made could never be undone, forgiveness never sought and permission never granted, he was the one alone at the top and blamed for everything even he knew that. As he listened to the back and forth he allowed himself a few moments to consider all the options and words by everyone before allowing a sigh to come to his lips.

"I think it's fair to say that no matter the outcome, this discussion should be had behind closed doors, you want to pay respect first, then I grant you entry to do that, do what you need and no one will harass or bug you, once you are done, please come to my home for an evening of dinner and discussion, of course, I will be able to discuss your clan, the village and access, as well as the bingo book, sometimes the past is best brought up behind closed doors I am sure that you would agree?"

With that he moved slightly assigned allowing his hand to come up towards the gates of the village, granting both of them access inside, as he glanced towards Nao nodding to reassure the Sennin before turning back to both of them.

"Yong, Migoya welcome inside of Konoha again...... apologize that is wrong. Welcome Home"

[Entry Granted]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
That was… unexpected. It was strange that so much had happened in Konoha since he had left - perhaps for the better. Sometimes things needed to be laid low in order to be built up again - just like people. Perhaps Takeshi had come into his job with a new focus. Perhaps there was some hope for Konoha after all. With this Hokage and this Sennin... just perhaps...

“Certainly Takeshi-sama - some words are better left out of others ears”.

Takeshi’s offer and words almost stopped Migoya from seeing the proffered cigarette. He smiled towards Nao, his grin both disarming and welcoming. “Perhaps later Sennin-sama? I have a particular blend I used to grow near the Byoin that hopefully still is there. Id be happy to show you how to prepare it.” Indeed the Byoin was the place Migoya had called home for so long. The gardens there were of his design and make...or were so long ago. He wondered if any of the shinobi there would remember him… probably not, he was just a Med-nin Chief when he left and tended to keep to himself. He remembered the smell of its halls, developing rare chakra pills with Mikasa, the secret experimental laboratory sealed underneath… They were probably destroyed by the recent destruction. “Id welcome the company if you are interested? Sorry I did not get your name”.

Turning once more to face the Hokage, his face hardened a little bit - not that he was not pleased, but less… friendly and more businesslike when dealing with the leader of the village. Sometimes being overly friendly was not the best course, and by the sounds of it Takeshi liked to deal directly.

“Thank you Takeshi-sama, you are most hospitable. We will attend the shine, clean up a bit at one of the local hotels, and would be honoured to join you for dinner.”

Migoya gave Yong a smile and a nod. The telepathic seal continued to share his thoughts.

Probably a trap, but still… some old dogs do learn new tricks, and perhaps Takeshi has learned from Asuka… example. Be on you guard… not that I have to tell you that.

Reaching into his robe, Migoya produced a small vial of what was obviously blood, wrapped around with what appeared to be a small piece of black cloth. Reaching his hand out he offered it towards the Hokage.

“Trust deserves trust. In case you need to track me whilst in the village, for security purposes. I look forward to dinner Hokage-sama. I trust your home is in the same location? Good. We will see you at dusk.”

Migoya gave a formal bow towards the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf, something he rarely did to anyone that did not deserve it. With a small smile, he headed past the gates.


[Village entered with Yong]
[Topic left with Yong]
[OOC: Thank yous for the RP!]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
As he offered a smoke he got politely denied by the black haired. Who spoke about a particular blend? "I am curious to see who what where. We did remake the area, so the plant might be in the main glasshouse now... Most of the plants we found have been placed inside there. Unless it was a weed..." He scratched the back of his neck, unsure as to which plant he spoke off.

"Thank you for this, my friend..." Nao would nod toward the other as he would look, just like Yong, to the conversation happening. Meanwhile he said something regards as to recent events. "Hm hmm... 2 females by the hills on the chest... Or female dressed... you never know these days. One moment you could be seeing a female in front of you and a voice booms out of it that keeps you gobsmacked..." He would exhale the smoke before looking to him.
"They came claiming for a higher-up, I obviously showed up with the sennin carb on. They still didn't recognize it. Alright... odd one if you ask me. Then the Hokage shows up, which face is big on the wall. They still do not place a link. From what I could see they had red Uchiha eyes... Guess the "eyes of life" are blind as hell. Anyways, without even polite word exchange they buggered off with giving a letter." Nao's voice would have gotten a bit colder as he spoke over Uchiha's. He never liked them... Never since his youth and the student in his classes who thought was high and mighty till he actually had to do the lesson and kept failing hard.

As Takeshi spoke regards of closed doors... Nao looked away a little bit caught and just would remain silent for the rest. Yet he was glad to see that he got a reassuring nod from Takeshi and would politely not back towards the man.

His eyes kept at the blood vail... wondering what the man meant with it, yet he would wait for Takeshi's words before moving back to the Byoin, as always there was still work around and it still wasn't 5pm...

[topic left unless stopped]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
It all seemed to be going well, Migoya and Takeshi played their parts well, all smiles and pleasantries, even an accompanying invitation to dine with the Hokage behind closed doors to delv deeper into the secrets of both the past and present.

Yong mused for a moment whilst drawing deeply on the cigarette before tapping the gathering ash onto the ground. Was Konoha so desperate for friends that when they see a familiar face and a strategic friendly smile they welcome them as if old friends...

And then it happened... it was inevitable... Migoya started talking about his plants, specifically a special blend 'tobacco'. A genuine smile came over Yong's face as he heard in Migoya's voice the unmasked excitement at the potential that this new Sennin may care about his profoundly expansive encyclopedic knowledge of all things botany.

To Yong's shock though, the offer was met with yet more information about Konoha as it was now and what's more, the things that are no more. Yong gave a small snort as the Sennin advised that they may have preserved Migoya's plants 'unless it was a weed'.

"If you got rid of the weeds then you definitely got rid of it."

Yong said, the words accompanied by a conspiratorial wink.

The Hokage brought them back to the order of the moment though as he once more spoke of continuing all discussion within the village proper, suggesting the two pay their respects to their honoured dead. Yong would nod in thanks, tilting the 2/3rds finished cigarette in salute to the offered kindness.

Migoya's thoughts came directly into his mind, the Myakashi seal maintaining the link between the two. Old dogs, new tricks indeed. Yong telepathically responded in kind.

'I don't think so... Do you not sense it? His fire seems dwindled, the mantle of Hokage sits heavy on his shoulders now...'

Migoya spoke of trust as he offered the Hokage a symbolic as well as practical gesture of blood and cloth, quick smile once more coming over Yong's weathered face, shaking his head slightly, Migoya always the showman full well knowing that Konoha would already have a sample of both shinobi's blood stored somewhere within its walls, after all Konohagakure was still a Shinobi village despite its now teeming civilian populous and thriving economy...

The Sennin then responded to Yong's question, describing the strange encounter with the two masked strangers who had come before them and left just as quickly. Yong took note of the colder inflection as the Sennin spoke of those cursed eyes of the Uchiha clan. Yong nodded sagely, he himself had both the mental and physical scars from his own experience with those possessing the gifts of the Sharingan. Thinking on the Sennin's words for a moment as he finished the cigarette, rolling the cherry between his fingers to extinguish its heat before placing the remaining end in a small pocket on his hip.

"Sounds like they were a strange pair indeed..."

Yong moved to Migoya as they made their way into the village proper for the first time in many years, giving a small nod to the Hokage as he passed him. Yong called out without turning back, addressing Nao specifically.

"I hope you will be joining us for dinner Sennin-sama! It would be a shame to have a nice dinner with only three people!"

Yong's expression would quickly turn cold once they made their way through the gates, the mask of pleasantness now replaced with barely veiled hatred as he placed the physical mask back to conceal it.

'welcome home indeed...'

[Ooc: topic left with Migoya and entering village. Thanks for playing nice :)]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
