Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Taijutsu 102: The Wisdom of a Leader [CLASS]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[TD]It had been some time since Shin was within the walls of the Toraono Dojo, the Academic Center for the Shinobi Forces of Sunagakure no Sato. He would wear a casual outfit that made sparring incredibly easy, consisting of a simple red shirt and grey sweatpants. He tussled his hair for a second before taking off his shoes as he entered one of the interior sparring rooms where he volunteered to teach a class today. He had been practicing consistently with Maho and Seikatsu to help improve his martial arts. He truly desired to be a well rounded individual when it came to the various jutsu styles.

Not claiming to be a Taijutsuist, he was fairly proficient in hand to hand combat, essentially as well as he was with his Genjutsu. There were only a few people in Sunagakure who he would claim was better at unarmed combat than him, and that would be the Jounin Captain Kimiko Sumire without a doubt. She had some strength behind her blows. Regardless he would stretch his arms across his chest, and pull each leg, one by one, up so that his heel would be above his head. He was limbering up for a fight, even though this class was in the Academy.

Now he simply waited for his pupils to come, he didn't really look at the signup rosters and he had mentioned it to the office at the Kazekage's tower so he was curious if the rumors spread, causing non-students to arrive for this class as well.[/TD]
As Shin continued his stretches he might be disturbed by a loud thunk coming from the door of the sparring room. Standing within the doorway would be a masked child, her featureless white mask currently staring at the floor in frustration as glove clad hands slowly clenched in frustration. Long black hair flowed down the girls back in a neat ponytail though unbeknownst to the unobservant the hair was actually a headdress built into the mask preventing others from seeing any of the girls features which continued with her armoured black body suit making the girl look more like a cat burglar than a ninja which was an image only broken by the truly giant sword attached to the girls back, the blade and hilt towering over the girl with the hilt being the culprit to the sound that Shin had heard earlier as it was currently wedged against the top of the door frame much to Rans frustration.

Taking a deep breath through her mask Ran slowly reached behind her and pressed a palm again the blade allowing the sword to be twisted enough that Ran could duck through the door frame. Finally free from the door frame Ranran looked around the room taking note that no one else had arrived for this class listing not that Ranran cared much as she had found this class by just skimming titles on the notice board so she could fill out her credits for the next Genin exam. Finally looking at the only person in the room Ran took a moment to observe the blonde man and had an absent thought that he was handsome but other than that found herself disappointed as her teacher didn't seem developed enough for a Taijutsu expert.

On her way to class Ranran had built up an image of who her Taijutsu instructor could be and had envisioned a mountain of a man with giant muscles whose every step could potentially crush the ground he walked on so when Ran was presented with Shin's more swimmer like build, she couldn't help but be disappointed. Deciding to address the teacher with the vague intention mind to her manners Ran called out to the blonde man not realising who he was as she had never seen the Kazekage. "Yo Oji-san you the teach for this class?"

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When she had seen the sign-up for a class hosted by the Kazekage, Kita couldn't help a bit of shock. Taking far too long to stand and stand at the roster, she finally noted her name down and scurried off to conduct her business as usual. A small pit of anxiety yet excitement, the good kind of nervous, held onto her gut throughout the day. She was very much an overthinker, but also had hopes it would all turn out smoothly. Worst case scenario the leader of their village told her she wasn't cut out to be a shinobi and or she cried, which honestly wasn't too bad.

As the designated time approached, she came early but neglected to enter. She didn't want to be the first and only awkwardly sitting. So, instead she awkwardly hid in the halls waiting and watching for other students. Ranran was the first to enter and Kita followed moments after. Entering through the doorway she gave a polite yet silent bow in greeting before moving along the backwall to place her small academy bag down and out of the way. Unencumbered, Kita stepped off the the side folding her hands together in front of herself as she looked up to the Kazekage.

"It's a pleasure to have the chance, or. . opportunity to train with you." She spoke formally, or at least mimicked the way her parents spoke to and about him. Her eyes were bright and hopeful, looking forward to learning what Shin had planned for the day here at Toraono Dojo.

[MFT - 1 | 262]
Shin would chuckle as the first girl to arrive would call him an old man. The Kazekage was only in his twenties, sure he was almost thirty... but still. I wasn't until the second student arrived as well that Shin would address them.

"Yea, I will be teaching the class today, or rather leading the instructions. I am hoping to learn just as much as the two of you do."

He would look to the second arrival before bowing his head slightly.

"The please is mine, you are the future of this village after all. I am honored to assist in any way I can."

He crossed his arm to stretch it out one more time before stepping towards the center of the room.

"The theme of the class today is a simple one. We will be practicing our Taijutsu, and in order to do this and pass this class for it's credit all you need to do..."

he would pause for a moment.

" be awake at the end of the hour. If you are unconscious you fail this class."

He would widen his stance a little bit he pulled his right hand back and rested at his waist with a clenched fist and his left hand was held open and the arm extended out.

"And don't worry, I'll make sure neither of you die."

As quickly as the students could blink their eyes Shin would be out of their line of sight. It wasn't until the sound of Shin's bare heel sliding across the wooden floor behind Ranran that his presence could be detected, a quick and powerful sweep would be attempted to knock Ranran off of her feet, and as the Overseer's foot finished it's sweep he would push off of the ground towards Kita, flipping over her with a precise chop to the neck in an attempt to knock her out instantly. If her reflexes were quick enough to make any sort of movement she would not succumb to the sleeper like effect.
Ranran looked over her shoulder as another presence followed her inside the classroom and found another girl entering the class with ashen hair and green eyes. The girl seemed nervous as she gave a polite bow which Ran acknowledged with a small nod of her head before the girl hurried to the back of the classroom to drop off her belongings. Ranran herself had only come with her sword strapped to her back as she hadn't seen any restriction on weapon based Taijutsu techniques. Once the kids were ready their teacher began on what they were going today and seemed to be forgoing introductions which only cemented the Oji-san title Ranran had called him by in her mind as Shin explained that they would be sparing today and the only objective was too essentially survive.

Ranran got a bad feeling as Shin began to stretch before he disappeared in a burst of speed. Ranran's only warning what was coming was the sound of a foot being dragged across the floor followed by her ankles being kicked out to her side as she was swept with a quick motion from the older ninja. Turning her head Ran saw she had been abandoned for a follow-up as he shot towards the other girl in class. Reaching over her shoulder and grabbing the hilt of her sword Ranran didn't bother trying to catch herself and instead used her blades immense weight to twist in the air before throwing the sword towards Kita.

Spinning through the air Ran's blade sang with spiritual chakra as the blade cut through the air and bit into the floor as it came crashing down in front of Kita superimposing itself between Shin and the girl with it's wide blade being big enough for the girl to hide behind and hopefully stopping Shin from immediately knocking the girl out. Meanwhile Ranran hit the floor hard on her side causing the girl to grunt in pain as the force had been increased thanks to her throw and mostly likely bruising her ribs. Fortunately Ran was used to pain and only needed to catch her breath for a moment before jumping back to her feet. Dashing across the room with much less speed than their teacher Ran jumped into the air and attempted to slam a foot into the back of Shin's head with an airborne kick but this was mostly a faint so she could land on her swords hilt and reclaim her weapon. "Not bad moves Oji-san for a cheap shot."

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Kita couldn't help but smile at the comments the Kazekage gave. That they were the future of the village, the same as her parents had told her. As he continued, her cheery expression dropped as he dictated the conditions of passing the class; "be awake". The dynamic changed instantaneously as her body tensed momentarily, eyes fixed on Shin. Not that it would matter considering Shin's speed was far too much for the young girl to see through.

She watched, slowly relaxing her body as Shin reappeared to sweep Ranran off their feet. 'A sweep, odds are they won't dupe. Change the target, change the target.' Thoughts repeated in her head as she tried to process what was going on. Haven't not really moved, Kita waited for the moment Shin shifted from view before dropping, her small body getting close to the floor. If he had decided to do the same move she'd get a nice well-deserved swift kick to the face, but to her delight he did not. The sudden throw of Ranran's sword startled her a bit, but she tried to utilize it to give what little cover it could as she rolled and sped in the opposite direction that Shin was currently going; back past Ranran themselves.

She stood up from the floor but maintained a wide stance, ready to move. Or maybe she should ready herself to take the hit? Was running away really the way to train, or should she try to tank it out and get up close? Well, the conditions were to stay awake. Running away could achieve that, but then what are we actually learning? Kita debated with herself torn between the basic instruction to survive and actually learning how to fight even if it ended in a loss.

[MFT | 296] [Post 2/5 | 558/1500]
His strike would land heavily on the large blade, causing it to deflect his blow, and would send the large weapon a few feet away deeply wedged into the dojo's floor. Shin's eyebrows raised as he saw the splintering wood.

"Don't worry, I will pay for that."

He chuckled some slightly, as the continuation of his movement caused him to land in a tuck and roll. Pushing up from the ground with his hands, Shin would raise his body up into a hand stand. Shifting one hand to turn his body around to look at the two girls, Shin's legs would open into a "V" like shape, allowing him to balance on his single palm before lowering his legs back to the ground beside him in a sort of hand spring after the somersault roll.

Popping back onto his feet, he didn't have much time before the young Kenjutsu user was upon him, throwing a solid kick towards his face. Pulling both arms up to block the blow, it would feel as though the girl was kicking a solid piece of hard wood as Shin had been training his body to be stronger in Taijutsu.

"Oh, clever choice. If you keep me bus until the time runs out the odds of you staying awake increases, I like your moxy. To learn how to survive against an enemy stronger than you when all you have left is your Taijutsu you must learn the defensive techniques. Blocking is the most fundamental defensive technique to learn."

Stepping back slight He would see the girl used the kick as a way to approach her blade, but he was curious if she could unlodge it from the floor. As Shin shifted away from the girls he would ready himself, clenching his right fist at his waist and exposing an open palm with his left. His shadow would begin to dance around him and the silhouette of the Sage would seem to darken.

"Shadow Play is the next thing you must learn. Using your breath to cause the aura around your body to distort your true location."

While it may cause his body to give off a darker essence, it did make Shin more noticeable, the downside to such a technique. He would see how quickly the kids could learn from observation as Shin would dart towards the kids again. This time he would use a simple series of noticeable strike. A telegraphed punch at Ranran, shifting to a crossing kick that could come as a surprise if the girl wasn't ready. The goal was to send her back to the far wall so that he could continue to attack but towards Kita.

Cartwheeling over to Kita he would bring a kick down as he turned from being on his hands before coming upright again with a slamming elbow. These two strikes were meant to cause Kita to drop to the ground, and if successful he would kick her like a ball across the room as well.
So this is the Toraono dojo, Daiki thought to himself as he scanned the ancient walls of this, one of the few places his father spoke of with uncharacteristic reverence. The pillars were made of Sandworm bones, their size reminding Daiki of his small place in this big, huge world. They were a reminder that he was so far from home.

He followed the instructions provided to him in order to join a class on Taijutsu. It certainly was not his strongest focus, but his family often relied on all aspects of training to ensure peak efficiency and he had even sparred with his father on rare occasion. Still, this would be his first class in a foreign country and would give him a measure of the expectations he could, well, expect.

Wearing a simple black unadorned gi with a white belt, Daiki would approach the assigned room. I am late, he chided himself. Not a good first impression.

Moving forward, the boy who looked very young, much younger than the others present at least, would gaze around the room, scanning at what exactly was happening and who was present.

First… the Kazekage himself. Migoya had given him a physical description, and whilst he wasnt wearing fancy armor or sprouting wings, he had a very strong presence. There was another young person… whether a girl or boy was difficult to say given the armour and the mask they wore. The hair suggested possibly female, and clearly well armed given the gigantic sword on her back.

There was another girl who, whilst a bit of a wallflower, seemed to have a quiet resolve around her. She would be interesting to get to know. In fact, everyone here was worth getting to know…

The class just started as Daiki entered the room, watching with a measure of inward joy that didnt reach his face. His impassive crimson gaze saw the Kazekage speed up and sweep one girl from her feet, and attempt a slice at the other girls neck. The girl had managed to position the other girl behind the blade - an effective technique - and showed a measure of loyalty to each other, even in class.

Wonderful. The Myakashi way. Teamwork.

The Kazekage then spoke of taijutsu techniques, and the importance of blocking as a last resort. It was if the Myakashi instructors were droning on to him… how similar the instruction. Perhaps this was why his father sent him here… to see how alike they were. It was then that Shin utilised a jutsu that Migoya had seen before, his family somewhat insisting on learning anything with the word ‘shadow’ in it. Shin flickered in and out of view, and even Daiki’s piercing gaze could not pierce the skill the Kazekage obviously had in this.

So… from his accounts the way to survive this lesson was to not get hit. Certainly, the best way to not get hit was not blocking, though that had its place. It was not to be seen. Protocol would normally demand he introduce himself to his sensei, and join the class then… but aiding his comrades in not getting hit… might be a bit more useful.

Control the environment. The words came back to him from years of training. Distraction. That was what was called for.

Noticing that he had not yet been seen, he would go for the strike. A hit on the Kazekage that would last through the ages. He pulled his hood up over his shock of white hair, and quickly his hand flung forward, its deadly cargo flying toward Shin in an effort to distract him through the power of a sneak attack, hopefully drawing his gaze from the others to give them a chance to regroup.

And so, the first meeting of the scion of the Myakashi clan, son of the Yamikage, and the great Kazekage of the village hidden in the sand, would be a small sized 1 black sneaker thrown at him with as much energy as a 6 year old could muster.


[OOC: Apologies for being late! Thank you Shin for the invite!]
A low boomed sounded across the room as Shin's face made contact with Ran's great sword, her craftsmanship shining through much to the girls pride as her blade weathered the blow and only slide back across the floor away from the Hokage mostly likely wedging the blade into the floor. Meanwhile after some gymnastics Shin found his feet in time to catch Ranran's kick much to the girls frustration as she the firm block absorbed the impact allowing the masked girl to arch her arch her back away from the Kazekage till her hand touched the floor. Backflipping away from the stronger ninja Ran flipped over her sword and landed behind imposing the blade between the Kazekage and herself.

Taking a moment to asses the battlefield Ran's eyes drifted to the other girl she was supposed to be fighting with and was disappointed to see that the girl was on the defensive as Shin commented on Ran's plan. "Heh I'm not the type to turtle up and hold the line anyway. It's more fun to charge head on!" As she spoke Ran tried to pull Rhapsody out of the floor but found the blade completely stuck as she couldn't completely pull the blade from the shattered floorboards surrounding it. "Shit" Hissed out between clenched teeth as Shin continued speaking before his form was wreathed in shadows. Grasping the hilt with both hands Ran quickly began charging chakra into the blade as she closed her eyes and focused on the seal deep within her soul that manifested from her bloodline. "Nanjirou Variant Art: Energy Slash Inverse!" Channelling as much spiritual chakra as possible into the blade as possible Ran went through the motions of unleashing a blade of energy but since the blade couldn't move the energy had no where to escape until finally it exploded. Chakra exploded from the blade in all directions burning Rans arms and legs with the force as splinters of wood rained around the room and dust settled high into the air. Free from it's confines Rhapsody was brought to rest across Ran's shoulders as she took a minute to breath through the pain that was going through her arms and legs. 'Ah Shit didn't think it was going to explode like that.' Ran thought to herself as her intention had been to cut the floor.

A flash of black and the disturbance of the smoke in the air was the only warning that Ran was under attack again as a telegraphed punch was aimed at her face. Not having a moment to think Ran went with her instinct and stepped into the punch allowing Shin's fist to slam into her mask relying on her mask to take the brunt of the blow. Fortunately due to the attack being feinted it wasn't strong enough to break her mask as Ran tried to throw Shin off by deflecting his blow, Not realising that Shin had a fallow up Ran took her chance to swing her sword at his waist the sword whistling through the air but just as the blade was about to bite in Shin's waist one of Shin's legs raised up with unbelievable speed and slammed into Ranran's side. Flying across the room Ran crashed into the floor her vision blurring from the two blows as blood slowly dripped out from the bottom of her mask. Looking up to the Kazekage she expected him to press the attack but instead he was once again focusing on Kita as something black flew through the air from a new arrival in the room.
'Is that a shoe?'
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Shin had sensed the presence of the new arrival, but the events that unfolded he did not anticipate. Turning to look towards the child of the Yamikage, Shin caught the thrown shoe with his face. His senses must not have recognized the child's footwear to be a threat.

"It appears we have um... another student"

The Kazekage let out a chuckle as he addressed Daiki indirectly. The Sage knew who this child was, and more importantly where he was from, so he kept his guard up. He didn't trust the Myakashi in the since of appearance. Though he is a child there is no reason for Shin to truly believe he was simply that, no the Overseer of the Chikamatsu clan would not be ignorant to the fact that the Myakashi were not only shinobi, but a threat on an international level, so much so that the ANBU Assassin from Kumogakure informed Shin that anyone with that name was in their bingo book.

The laughing stopped as Shin's eyes would look through the smokebomb trying to find out where the child went. While he knew of Ranran's proficiency in the blade, the size of her weapon telegraphed all of her attacks to the senior shinobi so while it may appear he was leaving an opening, his sister Kohana was spectating in her spectral form allowing Shin to keep an eye on everyone from an outside perspective.

"Hiding in the shadows is an excellent strategy! But how does keep distance fair when your opponent uses Ranged Taijutsu?"

Shin would make a few handseals before casting his created Floating Petal Shuriken Jutsu, which caused hundreds of floating Sakura blossoms to appear within the classroom. Grabbing a few of them Shin would send out a basic volley, scattering our like a blind buck shot towards the youngest of his students. He was curious how Ranran would react when his attention was essentially only on Daiki.
"It appears we have um... another student"

Daiki almost introduced himself out of a sense of respect for the Kazekage, but to do so would reveal his location, and make the point of the smokebomb rather useless. Instead he would stay quiet until a more formal introduction would take place.

Now, given the smokebomb Daiki had no idea that his shoe had hit the Kazekage, only that the man had laughed. Perhaps he was mocking Daiki’s throw, and that it had missed the mark completely. Straining to use his other senses, Daiki was now listening for the slightest bit of information that could let him know where everyone was.

And then there was an explosion! One of the girls had mentioned something about a Nanjirou art - so she was one of the fabled sword-saints he had learned about. Before Daiki could commit that knowledge to memory, he felt a pile of debris start to fall around him, and through the smoke he could see bits of the dojo now flying past him, as what he could only guess was an attack by one of the other students on the Kazekage. His diversion hopefully had helped a bit, but now the smoke was slowly dissipating. Taking advantage of the new distraction, Daiki started to channel the little chakra he had into his feet, knowing that he had to get the hell out of there whilst they couldn’t see him.

"Hiding in the shadows is an excellent strategy! But how does keeping your distance fair when your opponent uses Ranged Taijutsu?"

Oh no, Daiki thought to himself. Trying to remember where the nearest wall was, Daiki hurtled towards it as fast as his little legs could carry him. It was then that he heard numerous whooshing noises flying past his ear, the sounds of death itself it would seem. He couldnt see what was making it which made it all the more frightening, but he would continue to run towards the wall.

Something slashed just under his eye - something extremely sharp and thin, causing him to flinch back for a second. This flinching allowed another one of the ‘things’ to cut into his stomach, its razor edge biting deeply. The pain was intense and almost took the breath out of his lungs, but he was a Myakashi… pain was just a reminder that you had made a mistake, and mistakes were fine as long as you learnt from them.

The Kazekage knows ranged attacks. Well… of course. Focus.

What a very interesting lesson - the reality of the situation was that Daiki was enjoying every second!
Attaching himself to the roof of the dojo by use of his waning chakra, Daiki crawled to hide behind one of the corner beams holding up the dojo roof. His white sash was quickly turning red, and once settled he tied it tighter around his waist, if only to stop the pain that he now was feeling. Whatever had hit him had been sharp and had easily slid into his stomach like a hot knife through butter. He knew that he had to leave it inside him, that if he pulled it out there would be more blood. His little hiding spot was fine, but he knew he was weakening. Hopefully the girl with teh big sword would hit the boss or something, or that other girl - maybe she would smack him out! His crimson eyes gazed at the scene below through the pain as a small smile was etched on his face.

The smoke started to clear and little Daiki was nowhere to be seen, except for a little trickle of blood that now smeared its way up the dojo wall towards one of its corners. He might have been a clever little boy, but he didnt think of everything!
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Smoke exploded out and rolled across the room quickly filling the air as a little boy confronted the Kazekage introducing himself as Daiki as he seemingly took the older ninjas attention. Seeing an opportunity in the change of battle Ran closed her eyes and took a deep breath her mind going back to her mothers lessons.

-Flashback No Jutsu-

A much younger Ranran most likely four or five sat comfortably within a baby carrier strapped to the back of a much older women. The women was known as Nanjirou Juno and was Ranran's mother a small women with brown hair and green eyes her face seemingly perpetually drawn into a motherly smile. Juno wore a light pink Yukata with a pale blue ribbon wrapped around her waist and at first glance she looked just like a typical housewife if not for the fact that the pair were currently crouched in an alleyway outside a small club. A light and lilting voice gently filled the air as Ran's mother spoke in a loving tone to her daughter. "Ran-chan I want you to watch Mommy closely." Certain there target was close Juno climbed to her feet and walked to the clubs door pulling a large curved knife from inside her Yukata as she did. Stepping into the building the men inside only had enough time to watch the small women with child flick her wrist before ever light in the room was shattered as small marbles embedded themselves in the light fixture. Alarmed the men quickly looked around in surprise before looking back to the door relying on the light outside to illuminate the women through the windows but she was already gone.

A cry rang out as a man at the back of the group fell down his severed limbs neatly stacked atop his rapidly cooling torso as laughter filled the room seemingly echo around the group. The next few minutes was a massacre as Juno used sound and blind spots to confuse her targets allowing the smaller women to flow around them like a wraith before finally the last man felt a cold chill run down his neck as Juno blade pierced him from behind while her chin rested on his shoulder. "This is called Trace Hiding by reducing all movement and quieting your breath, the flow of your blood and even your heartbeat you can draw your opponents attention to what you want. This is our familiar silent killing technique." Ran's response was a childish but delighted giggle at the fun lesson her mom had just given her while the older women tore her blade from her last victims chest painting them both in blood. "Thank you for being such good teaching assistants." Giving a polite bow to the corpses the pair left the club as silently as they came only the lamplight outside illuminating the massacre.

-Flashback No Jutsu Kai-

Ran relaxed her body and allowed her breath to fade, it was far from perfect like her mothers technique but she hoped it would at least surprise her teacher as smoke drifted over her before Ran vanished blade and all.
From there Ran watched the exchange as Daiki was caught up by Shin's jutsu though fortunately for the masked girl her hiding place allowed her to avoid the flowery shuriken as she waited for her chance. The chance came sooner than she thought as Daiki retreated from Shin leaving only some blood drops hinting to his hiding place while Ranran used the leftover smoke to hide her approach. Smoke parted rapidly as Rhapsody tore through the air coming straight down on Shin from above, it's blade glowing with spiritual chakra however if Shin dodged or blocked the blade he would find that the sword was wielderless as Ranran would be nowhere to be seen having thrown the blade at Shin. As soon as he noticed this Ran would explode from the smoke in a silent burst of speed appearing at Shin's hip, a kunai already heading for the Kazekage's kidney clasped in the girls hand. Shin would also notice that Ran had hid her presence further by not giving out any bloodlust and instead focused on this one attack to the exclusion of all sense and feeling in order to get the drop on the older ninja.
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As the smoke cleared some Shin would smile as Daiki was gone. Perfect example of how a ninja should act in a moment li-

A quick turn and a clapping of his hands. Shins palms would radiate chakra to help him grab the massive that was thrusted down on him. His frame would stand tense as the strike was solid and true, as if it would have landed it could have caused some serious pain.

"Excellent use of distraction Ranran, taking the opportunity when my ba-ugh"

A grunt slipped from his lips as a kunai was plunged into his side and striking his vital organs. Turning his head to look over at Ranran he smiled at her.

"You are full of surprises aren't you? But you aren't the only one."

A smile took to his face as a sucker punch would land on Ranran's gut as an invisible force would strike at her. Appearing beside Shin would stand a woman would apparated like a ghost into existence. Her features were similar to Shin's and her golden hair was the same color. A cocky grin rested on her face as Shin pulled the kunai from his side, the wound visibly sealing itself and healing almost instantly.

"Nice shot runt. Next time though slap on an explosive tag and blow Shin the fuck up!"

Kohana would begin to laugh hysterically, before looking up to Daiki.

"Don't you agree, Myakashi?"

She exposed the information Shin knew.

"Kohana, settle down."

Shin pulled his shirt up some to wipe the blood from his side, sighing at the new hole in his sweatshirt. Lookng it over and noticing there was also blood on his shirt his face drooped some. Simply removing the shirt as a whole and tossing it to the side, he would have to go buy a new training top to wear at the academy, though maybe something sturdier and not as easy to slice.

"Allow me to introduce Chikamatsu Kohana, she is one of the six Inner Court members of the Chikamatsu Clan, and my sister."

Shin would look around the classroom.

"Attacking to survive is a wonderful strategy, but never assume your target is without back up. Even if you track your target down to their home in the middle of the night, always expect the enemy to have backup." `Especially if the enemy is a Kage` He thought to himself.
Daiki’s breathing became irregular and the boy’s left hand started to shake. He remembered his old teachers breathing techniques to stem pain. At the time he merely had his bare arm in a pile of snow, and whilst the pain was intense after a time the steady breathing and focusing on the repetitive nature of… 1… 2… 3… enabled him to push past it. The iron taste of blood reached his trembling lips as the cut delivered by the Kazekage finally registered in the small boys mind. He was probably going to die in the very first class he had attended outside of Yamigakure. Great.

Pushing his back against the roof railing, Daiki tried hard to remain unseen as another voice said something about a nice shot - perhaps his classmates had made a successful attempt against the Kazekage? He then heard his clan name called out by an unfamiliar voice. A woman? A mixture of annoyance and anger rose in his body - he was supposed to not tell anyone about who his clan was, and now some ditsy moronic woman was blurting it out for all to hear?

… but she was the Kazekages’ sister then… Kohana? His father had not mentioned her, and why was she in the classroom? Daiki wanted to desperately look to see who was speaking but that would give away his location. The Kazekage spoke of back up and to always prepare and presume that your opponent will always have it. Wise words indeed.

So one of them seemed rather level headed and the other one, well, was not. Interesting. Now there were two opponents, against two academy students. So… a fair fight. Not. Daiki knew he was bleeding out, and that soon he wouldn’t be able to focus on doing much at all. His mind whirled through ideas on what he could do. Distraction. Defense. Multiple targets.

He moved ever so slowly to try and remove his shoe. He didn't think he would have to resort to such things in his first ever class… but.

Another dreaded size 6 black shoe fell to the floor, as if its owner had accidentally dropped it. It would land near Shin and his sister, a lone creature amidst the wolves.

“Kazekage-sama, Kohana-san… I am Daiki of the Myakashi. I apologize for my lack of taijutsu ability, but your jutsu has effectively disabled me.”

The small boy would slowly fall to the floor, staggering to his knees. He would cough, a small amount of blood falling on the dojo floor and his small hand would reach up to cover it.


He staggered back towards the doorway, looking very woozy as his once white belt was stained red with blood.


He pulled out a lone kunai, holding it in front of him as he looked at the pair, and making out the other student who seemed to have had her attacked blocked by the larger woman. It was an admirable attempt, but in reality two academy students against a Kage was… well.

Multiple Targets

Daiki would then fall to his knee, a face of determination seemingly holding him up. He would stare the two down to the last - in a moment of respect and admiration for the skills of his betters.

It would be then that the faint smell of something pleasant would flit into the nostrils of all those present. Enjoyable. Relaxing. Just like Nana’s lavender padded doily things she always left around her house.

Lullaby Powder, hid carefully in a size 6 black shoe.

It was a last ditch effort in a class about taijutsu, for a student who loathed taijutsu and was quite possibly about to die. It wasn’t quite the bang he wanted… but eh. Such was life.

[WC: 630]
Blood spurted from the wound more than Ranran expected as her blade plunged into Shin's side the warm liquid trickling over her knuckles as exhilaration filled the small girl though not for the sight of blood. To Ranran blood was no more than another bodily fluid like saliva, the exhilaration came from actually wounding a ninja of a much higher level than herself as Shin had been manhandling the class so far and any injury to the powerful blonde was an accomplishment in and of itself but before Ran could press her new found advantage she was flattened as an invisible attack ploughed into her stomach causing saliva to escape from her mouth as her breath left her and her feet parted ways with the floor causing the young girl to go flying back across the room only to stop as she hit the floor and rolled a couple of times before coming to a stop on her back.

Ranran felt her vision waver from the blow as she distantly heard advice from the now revealed blonde women who seemingly phased out of mid air. "N..n..noted" Was all Ranran could say in reply to the strange Kunoichi from her place on the floor before she fell silent as Ran passed out from the brutal sucker punch.

Current Ninpocho Time:
