Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Takai Missing -> Leaf [Rebirth]


New Ninja
Oct 22, 2012
Was inactive. Would like to now be less inactive. I would also like to be a leafy. So if anyone could help me in getting some profile and training links or something of that nature, filling out this form is always the hardest part for me. Thanks loves <3
All content of Takai-Corp is licensed and owned by no one, but especially not the people of Ninpocho, or its administration, and we at Takai-Corp would ask that all documentation held here in these files be shared with no one, not even the person reading this, so stop.

New Character Name: Takai
New Village: Mist
New Character Class:

The Spirit Of Death
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Crit
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC/Save, Dodge.
Low: Ranged Accuracy

New BL/CA: Spiritualist

ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Main-Biznatch.

* * * * *

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Quick Character Description: His Duty is all he knows, enveloped in the Work and making his final life mean something, he can come off as confident and obsessed. Slightly reckless, but always on point, as if by luck. His head is topped with short brown hair, a decently tan complection, tone body usually drapped in comfortable and flexible yoga attire. Everything about him is black and white, purple and gold.

Personal History: Is it in you now? To Bare to hear the Truth. That you are in a Box. A Box made of your own understanding of your own limitations. But what is limited is what is in a Box. But there is always that which lies outside of the Box. Even if that which lies within the box cannot perceive, cannot experience, cannot truly know what lies outside of the Box of its own Knowing, until it has been Free.

So Jesus Christ I'm alone again, well what did you do those three days you were dead? And what kind of name is that anyway? Jesus Christ, I've never really heard anything like it before. Well do you think we could work out some kind of sign? A Symbol? So I know it's you and I mean I sure could use some help here, this place is like a foreign land to me. I miss the dense forests. Even if I remember this place better, something in me just begs for a treehouse. I just wish I could take apart my head and remember it all. I just can't shake this feeling. I mean I can read it all I can know what I know, but I just can't shake this feeling. Like a Storm is coming. Like there are all these great memories, but then I let the bad parts in. But hey.

What's so bad about Dying?

I can hear the footsteps of the Walkers beside of me. They march in a synchronized beat of Fate, heading toward my destined End and new Begining. I feel like I'm back pieced back together, flying towards some goal of fullness, of; truly being. Lights are starting to flicker out the sides of this Box, and information seeps in like waves of things I had never experienced before inside of a Box. It was like a Dream, me, here in the Darkness of this Box, and yet this light was creeping in, illuminating images in my head. I keep seeing this question. This Question. It's like an ache, like I have to answer it, or it'll keep asking me in my head, my head, my aching head with THIS QUESTION.

Where have you been.

It's light i've forgot it but I could never lose it, and the images just start repeating from the pages, these pages i've read so many times but why haven't I seen what was right here. I'm Sleeping and I'm Dreaming and I'm Awake and I'm coming Alive and Undone and I'm Dying all in One. Makes me wonder if the God I believe in ever had to Walk this kind of trail. It's like I'm sinking like a stone in a sea. Burning like a Bridge and built all at the same time. And at the bottom of this Ocean of Thy Mind I've found something here.


I Am Heaven sent. Don't you dare forget. I am all you've ever wanted. What all the other boys have promised. I Am the Answer to a Question. I Am the Fire that starts a Blaze. I Am War. I Am Peace. This is the Grace only He can Bestow. This is the Reason I Breathe. And now I can See. I can See like the Waters of the Sea were as clear as they ever could Be. I can see MySelf again. Like the Mother told the Sun you are Born Again. It'll be Easier this way. And he knew once again, upon no certainty and with no certainty needed ever again for everything was Certain, it was Safe, it was Sound, and as if he had Heard that very sound he Knew, he had Known and there was no Question but only Answer, the Who to the He that he Was and now Is In Knowing and not Without.

And then I saw it, in a flash and flurry, the images in the lights that shine and shone, that knew and have known and Madness was the Name upon which the moment told. And I was a Beast upon which the names of Mist had known. I saw the fights upon the Fountains of Youth. I saw the Master of Madness the Mad Man of the Sleeping Sands Himself, in his Triumphant Rebellion. And with this Victory too did Trumpets Roar. And I saw the Boy alone become one with the Trials of him and him Self.

It was all in this moment of his sleep that he came to know, to understand, what was and is and always has been the name Takai. Everything the book had ever said now made sense, it was not a question, it was now an answer. While his two eyes stayed closed, a third eye of this auric light had shone upon his forehead, and he could see, not the physical sight, but a more true sight, full sight, of all the spectrums of his existence. He knew his Spirit. He Knew that which wielded the Pen. He knew that he was the creation of the Writer, his Soul, and that his Will was just an extension of the Will of the God Within. This I is merely written and witnessed with this eye.

Enveloped in total consciousness, and yet physically still unconscious, Takai uttered a name out into the open as a result of the images of his memories recombining into a deeper understanding of the whole, "Houka." And the movement of the Marchers stopped, and the Box ceased to be moving, even if only for a moment, before continuing, and even if it was only perceived by the marchers, and never acknowledged or known to Takai, it still was a moment of significance, for the knowledge shared by each party, within and without the box, was known, and the beings without the box experienced the being within. Eye meets eye, and friend and enemy are blurred into a shared moment of reality. A Hello to an old friend, thanks for the borrowed eye.

The recombinations of my One True Soul continued for some time, until I had reached my destination. My End. My Beginning. It was the place of my origin, my demise, my truth, my honor, and the land of my Work. The Box arrives and ceases to move and with a thump rests upon its new resting place. Slumbering lumber, with slumbering children of the chilly mists.

How did we march here through the Oceans of Mind? Ohh Leviathan, you come to claim the Sea, you come to claim now all they See. And as it is written, so shall it be. Our Spirit as One, Thy Will be Done, ohh now, So Mote It Be.

This is the End. This is the Beginning.

* * * * *

Current Stats:
Agility: 203/300
Stamina: 227/300
Ninjutsu: 200/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 200/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
PL: 1330

Jutsu Swaps:

Hero Syndrome Rank 2 (Will Gen Level 3) -> Full Circle (D-Rank Slashing Tai Master with 7 pl)
Insidious Voice Rank 2 (Audial Gen Level 3) ->Arcing Slash (E-Rank Slashing Tai Master with 7 pl)
After Image Rank 2 (Visual Gen Level 4) -> Immolation Armor (D-Rank Fire Nin Master with 7 pl)
Phoenix Embrace Rank 3 (Mastered) (Kinetic Gen Level 4) -> Combination Transformation (D-Rank Mastered Non-Ele Nin)
Strength Boost Rank 3 (Mastered) (Buffing Tai Level 3) -> Muscle Controlled (D-Rank Mastered Buffing Tai)
Burst of Strength Rank 3 (Mastered) (Buffing Tai Level 6) ->Chakra Extension (C-Rank Mastered Buffing Tai)
Aura Rank 3 (Mastered) (Buffing Tai Level 5) -> Top Spin (C-Rank Mastered Slashing Tai)
Crush Rank 3 (Mastered) (Weighted Tai Level 5) -> Zero Slash (C-Rank Mastered Slashing Tai)
Cripple Rank 3 (Mastered) (Weighted Tai Level 6) -> Spiked Shield (C-Rank Piercing Tai)

Ninjutsu Info: Main Element Fire Minor Element Water with Shadow as my EA Nonsense.

Note: This profile is not real. Any attempts to claim it is real, or claim that any requirements must be made of this profile are considered null and voided by the People of Ninpocho. Administration, we are sorry for this inconvenience at this time.
Old Character Name:  Saishuu Takai
Old Village/Missing:   Missing
OCR Type:  Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts:  Died outside leaf.
Old IC Rank: B-Rank Missing

New Character Name:  Ryoku Takai
Preferred Username:  Takai
New Village/Missing:  Leaf
New BL/CA:  Spiritualist
Custom Class:  The Strength Of Change
HP: (50+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Crit, +1 acc, +.5 Gen Save
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu DC/Save, Dodge.
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin:  Med-nin
IC Rank:  Jounin
Character Age:  20
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long flowing black hair, tan complexion. His headband is often hidden under his hair and bangs, but is sometimes held above it to keep his face clear. He is generally found wearing loosely fit clothing, usually white in color. His height is around 6'2", and his build is of an athletic nature. Typically, he hates to wear shoes, but might wear sandals or specially fitting shoes that contour to his feet. His eyes are a cool blue.
Character's Mental Description:  Being spiritually devout, he is much more resistant to intimidation and fear. He is curious by nature, and not always certain of everything in the universe but rather keeps an inquisitive and open mind. Kind hearted, he has no lust for killing or any real desire to do so. Much more of a pacifist, which is why his primary focus is the healing arts. Courageous, deep with emotions, he seeks to understand the greater meanings of Why? He's not afraid to skirt the lines or the rules, and often exists in his own trajectory, but is a devout member of Konoha, putting the village and the people before himself
Multiple Personality Application:  N/A
Character HistoryHow far could we go? If only we used everything at our disposal, every force and fiction, every nudge and push that the wind was willing to offer. If we could take praise to the patch of grass crushed by our boot, or the fallen soldier taken by the tip of a blade. Every moment is an offering to something more than our sum, everything trying to be something. But what could we be? So much has already been taken from me, stripping me bare until I am naked before you all. And if I was to be the greatest sacrifice, what could I be? After everything Grandfather had built for me, to find this path laid before me, I feel this overwhelming sense of a need to do more. To become more... If we were to look upon the stars one night, and escape the future, embrace the moment, do we not see how small we are upon it all? Yet I've never felt small, I guess it just all seems so big. What we can do, what we could accomplish. Are the skies even the limit, with so much still out there twinkling back at me. I want to move forward so badly, but I am still haunted by everything I have lost.

I remember being a small child playing by the riverbed. You spoke of the world as if it was all one living being, one essence that we are all apart of and shared in. How the rivers were like the veins of the world, flowing the refreshing waters that nourish the land and the animals, and even us. How without the river there would be no life and things would be like the desolate sands, struggling for sustenance. But because of these rivers, we did not have to struggle. The crops could grow, the animals could drink, and life could flourish once again. Sure, one day the river would die, like all things some day do, and everything would wither into the earth from which it came. He looked at me very sternly and said some day you too would die. That everything you had become would cease to flow, and no more would I drink from your waters. But then he smiled, like a beam of sunshine that said everything would always be okay. He said what most don't see is that this river will go on to form more rivers, with the will of the rain and sky. And so will more land and more life be nourished. And so will more grow. I was terrified by it all really, but I could see some glimpse of what he meant. How it just seemed to flow on endlessly, always pushing forward. Even if something could end, by the Will it could grow again.

His fingers worked into the soil, preparing the seed for what would hopefully become a bountiful harvest. It wasn't much, corn, legumes, a few varieties of pepper, potatoes. It was all still growing, his humble offering to the people still ultimately unnoticed. In a day becoming so modernized, there was little time for spirituality. While things were coming together for the village hidden amongst the leaves, it too was trying to find itself amongst all the chaos of rebuilding. Takai plucked away at the soil, almost as he was looking for answers in the dirt, trying to find what so many were looking for. A craving so mysterious, it seems to elude us all. In random patches hidden in were a few medicinal herbs, attempts at furthering his craft and trying to bring more to the healing arts. In the garden things were simple for him. A mosaic of purpose, each with its place, an ingredient into building something. And while the mandala holds, life never seemed to be so simple for him. He stood up, staring at the House he had built, for worship, and for stay. But his door was always open to any who needed, with most too afraid to ask. Still, it wasn't unlike him to find a random stranger and bring him in for a warm bowl of ramen and a chat about the stars. He had built the house with his bare hands from the maple trees that surrounded the area, making sure to use up everything and took. It was all built on the plot his parents left behind, never around long enough to build something here. Constantly on missions and always leaving him in the care of his grandfather who ultimately raised him.

It wasn't just combat and jutsu that grandfather gave to me. Much of his teachings were filled with ideas and practical skills. We spent a lot of time on the oral arts, and the idea that much more could be accomplished with a word rather than a blade. He spoke of times of war when the blade was all that was heard. In former incarnations of Konoha before everything changed we had faced peace and war, the trials and tribulations of sharing this piece of rock together. Things could fluctuate over the simplest things. As technology continued to grow, change seemed like it could be a real possibility. Still grandfather always stressed staying to the traditional ways. He had an amazing gift for Herbalism and we'd spend hours in the garden together, continuing our lessons and tending to the plants. Every plant was different, all with their purposes and their particulars. Some benefited others, some could destroy others, it was an entire ecosystem, and I'm not sure most ever saw that in the way that he did. Everything connected, in such a way that the balance was everything, it was life itself for every plant. When balance flourished, the whole kingdom flourished. But if one plant got too powerful, too overzealous, it could kill all of them. He said it's why we prune the garden, we keep it in check. It is the balance that makes the garden strong, and a strong garden will keep this balance making it easier to continue prosperity going forward. But if left idle, strength gathers in the shadows, and the balance can be destroyed, and so too will the garden be. "You must be humble enough to see the Work that must be done, and strong enough to do what you must. Only in your Heart do you know the right answer."

With age I became more adept at seeing this balance. The scale that granted favor and curse to all, the wheel of karma that turned destiny into reality. No being on this planet can escape the entropy of the constant search for equilibrium, always in reach but never truly reachable. Glimpsed for moments and then corruption sinks in, even in the slightest. I'd spend so much of my idle time watching rivers, admiring them for their honesty. A pure force of nature, not still, not destructive, just flowing. I could just hop in and let it take me, float away to something new. With all the beauty that surrounds us, I just wanted to escape. The more I saw, the more I couldn't hide from the corruption of the shinobi world. On one side of the scale is the unspeakable balance, this force that can't even be explained, maybe it was life itself, trying so hard to flourish. But then on the other side there was this equally natural force, corrupting, seducing, the blight upon this world that infects and destroys. In time I would come to learn its name.

After collecting the last bundles of herbs he would need for his next batch and making sure everything had been finished with the plants, he gathered everything into his basket and began heading inside the building. As the wide doors opened, the light shined through, the setting sun glistening through the stained windows in the back, illuminating the whole room with a warmth. Walking up the stairs to the side of the room he snuck off into his loft where he would begin to later prepare the next batch of herbs, setting them off to the side for now. His room was very plain, simple wood, all the furniture with no special adornments or any real decoration. Upon entry to the left was a single bed, a dresser of medium size, to the right a desk with all sorts of papers laid about with notes, and several beakers and burners of lab equipment, all seemingly having been in recent use. The only thing of real decoration was a large mirror that sat against the back wall, a golden etching designed around the edge with a sort of swirl that brought you into the mirror. Upon giving the mirror a glance, Takai went to one of the burners and began to prepare a pot of tea. The tea itself was rather plain, flavor not part of its true purpose. As it warmed he grabbed one of the finished vials that he had earlier prepared. The solution had a sort of living glow to it, a luminescence that radiated from it as it swirled in the vial. The tea began to howl, the whistle cutting the silence. He removed it from the heat and began to prepare the cup. Taking the cup and the vial he sat before the mirror, staring deeply into his own reflection as he waited for the tea to cool. As it was readied, he emptied the contents of the vial into the teacup, mixing the tea and the solution together to form a potent creation passed down to him. As everything swirled together, he took one last long stare into the mirror and drank the entire contents of the cup at once. The warm mixture travelled down into his system, quickly kicking into effect. He closed his eyes and he could see.

I'd do anything for a chance at the Truth, to seek where the river flows. So many factors surrounding my life are still a mystery to me. Not far into my youth my parents were out on one of their S-rank missions, on the same trail they always had been it seemed. Are we all just chasing the same answers? There was no return from this mission, not even a trace of an answer or their bodies. Whatever suspicions grandfather had lay with him. I suppose I was always prepared in a way for them to go, with their constant absence somewhere unconsciously I had always known the day would come when they wouldn't return. What I didn't understand was what it would all unravel.

That night had a certain chill, the kind that you felt in your bones, that reached into you like a cold icy hand. The full moon shone through the darkness like a lantern in the sky, piercing through the tree lines just outside the village. Grandfather wasn't known for liking to be within the village for too long, too much politics he'd say. His encampment was just outside of town, deeper into the woods. It was my 18th birthday. He knew I had not been much into celebrating these past few years, so we figured we'd meet out at his place for some homemade ramen. In his years he had really learned how to master a properly complex broth. But flavors such as those are things of memories now. I remember those moments leading up to it so clear, all the creatures stirring in the night. As I approached the doorway I could hear the chirping. Something wasn't right, and that void in the pit of my being began to stir with uncertainty. Lights flickered from the room, and as I walked through I could see exactly what was happening. In the worst of tragedy, everything crashes in a single moment. There is no time to prepare, there is just the horror, the bare truth of the moment staring back at you. The mirror which you can't avoid. I saw the tip of a spear covered in blood, all I could hear was the sound of a thousand birds chirping as the blue lightning passed through his body. All I could feel for a moment was nothing, just pure shock, awe. I watched in cold horror as the lightning ended, and the spear retracted into a smaller form. Most everything about the attacker was obscured by dark clothes, but his headband originated in Kirigakure, something that wouldn't make sense for quite some time. Even now I struggle to understand why any of this. Before I could react, respond, do anything to change anything about this fate, it was over. And not by my best healing arts or skills could I begin to fix this.

From there I was left with the remains of my families estates. It wasn't much, a plot of land in town that became this House. Some money to tide me over for a while at least, but not truly enough for much. The old house in the woods of Grandfathers. In time I went on to achieve the rank of Jounin, and became one of the more senior Med-nin in the village. I'm still learning, still growing, still trying to unravel it all, but what confuses me most in all of this, is it's like you knew. These puzzle pieces you've left for me. I found his journal several months later, assumingly one of many he's hidden around who knows where. I feel like a rat in a maze, gnawing away at the Truth, trying so desperately to find out why. Why are we even in the situations we are? Why all of this? The War? The Killing? I never wanted any of this. Yet here I am again, chasing myself down the rabbit hole, searching for answers that just lead to more questions. What it means to be Takai. Well I wish I knew. The closer I get, the more insane it all seems. But nothing erases the hurt of losing you. Somehow, it's like I've lost a piece of myself. But you'd never want me to give up. You'd want me to see that this is about more than just myself, that there's a whole Will of Fire that needs to be restored. In helping you fulfill your mission, maybe I can find a bit of peace of my own. Like the River, I push forward towards the infinite unknown.

Visions became darkness, as the stage was set. It was only a matter of time before everything kicked in. Music notes could be heard in the background, echoing through hallways that did not exist. Pathways to worlds unknown, speaking softly through verses not our own. Staring into the darkness he could finally see. A light burned brightly down the corridor. Walking towards the light as we all do, he was drawn in to its warmth. The warmer it got, the more he could feel, like petals peeling off of him, each their own story to tell. Burning away like a Phoenix, his inhibitions fell away, as he embraced everything that was to come. There, on the edge of everything, he could taste it, he could just barely grasp it, Light. The ever moving flow of existence passing through his being. Nothing as Everything as One. But this was just a taste, just a mere fragment of what was in store. A bliss to experience to beg the question further. In the physical, his body sitting there in front of the mirror shone with a brilliant light peeling off from him, but deeper inside, something more was stirring. Everything unfolds from the Twilight of the Now.

Clan Request:  N/A

Death/Retirement Thread:  N/A
Old Profile:  ???
Old Training:  Exists in an alternate NC Universe
Old Dojo:  Also in said alternate NC Universe

Special Usergroups:  Probably lost all of these sometime ago.

Old Stats:
Agility: 203/300
Stamina: 227/300
Ninjutsu: 200/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 200/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
PL: 1330
Old OOC Rank:  B-Rank
Stat Cut:  No Stat Loss
New Stats
Current Stats:
Agility: 210/300
Stamina: 220/300
Ninjutsu: 210/300
Taijutsu: 270/300
Genjutsu: 210/300
Chakra Control: 210/300
PL: 1330
New OOC Rank:  B-rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Full Circle (D-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Impaling Counter (D-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Arcing Slash (E-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Thrust (E-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Immolation Armor (D-Rank Fire Nin Master) Swapping to Water Whip (D-Rank Water Nin Master)
Combination Transformation (D-Rank Non Ele Nin Master) Swapping to Aqua Fang (D-Rank Water Nin Master)
Muscle Controlled (D-Rank Buffing Tai Master) Swapping to Shadow Play (D-Rank Buffing Tai Master)
Top Spin (C-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Iron Point Prison (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Zero Slash (C-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Outcry (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Keeping Spiked Shield (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Keeping Chakra Extension (C-Rank Buffing Tai Master)

Element: Major Water Minor Fire Vapor AE


Weapon: Mercy
Details: One-handed Sword, Piercing. +2 acc/-10% dmg
Augments: Recovery, Binding, Primal

Spiritualist CA Points: 15 points total
Holy Embodiment - 3 Points
Divinity Aura - 2 Points
Holy Weapon - 3 Points
Divine Health - 2 Points
Sacred Style - 2 Points
White Blessing - 2 Points
Spiritual Chakra - 1 Point

Abilities: Paramedic

On the front lines Takai had become known more than just a basic healer. In the heat of battle he would summon the effort to go above and beyond the call of duty. Always to his allies side with swiftness and tenacity, he'd show no fear in the heat of battle, even under the toughest circumstance. Digging deep within his spiritual well of chakra, he could produce greater healing effects for his team, and with his healing blade, his attacks hit with a precision unparalleled in the medical squads. It is with this deep sense of resolution that he finds himself on the front lines, using his speed and grace to keep our fighters in top shape.

Combat Medic
Combat Medic:

It is only through constant battles on the front lines that the Shinobi truly finds his limits. It is only the rare few that will then surpass those limits. After all of the fights he has been through, Takai has come to find that peace in the moment of battle. Calm and collected thought is what leads to resolute action. It is with this mind state in the heat of the fight that allows him to react so quickly, using some healing jutsu almost as if it was instinct. Some fights may leave Shinobi to fall to the blade of another, and it's in the heat of battle that the best and brightest find the resolve to push their abilities beyond the normal limits, even taking a fallen comrade and bringing them back to living states.

Healing Factor
Healing Factor:

Naturally, those with the spiritual gift are more immune to the horrors of the world than other shinobi. That in tune connection to their chakra gifts them with added resilience and healing. Because of this Takai does not know how to quit in a fight, always pushing beyond the normal limits. His own body shares this resolution, not only being more responsive to healing jutsu from the extra connectivity in his body, or it's ability to somehow restore itself as time goes on. Together, always pushing forward, this is the creed they follow.
Takai said:
Old Character Name:  Saishuu Takai
Old Village/Missing:   Missing
OCR Type:  Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts:  Died outside leaf.
Old IC Rank: B-Rank Missing

New Character Name:  Ryoku Takai
Preferred Username:  Takai
New Village/Missing:  Leaf
New BL/CA:  Spiritualist
Custom Class:  The Strength Of Change
HP: (50+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Crit, +1 acc, +.5 Gen Save
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu DC/Save, Dodge.
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin:  Med-nin
IC Rank:  Jounin
Character Age:  20
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Long flowing black hair, tan complexion. His headband is often hidden under his hair and bangs, but is sometimes held above it to keep his face clear. He is generally found wearing loosely fit clothing, usually white in color. His height is around 6'2", and his build is of an athletic nature. Typically, he hates to wear shoes, but might wear sandals or specially fitting shoes that contour to his feet. His eyes are a cool blue.
Character's Mental Description:  Being spiritually devout, he is much more resistant to intimidation and fear. He is curious by nature, and not always certain of everything in the universe but rather keeps an inquisitive and open mind. Kind hearted, he has no lust for killing or any real desire to do so. Much more of a pacifist, which is why his primary focus is the healing arts. Courageous, deep with emotions, he seeks to understand the greater meanings of Why? He's not afraid to skirt the lines or the rules, and often exists in his own trajectory, but is a devout member of Konoha, putting the village and the people before himself
Multiple Personality Application:  N/A
Character HistoryHow far could we go? If only we used everything at our disposal, every force and fiction, every nudge and push that the wind was willing to offer. If we could take praise to the patch of grass crushed by our boot, or the fallen soldier taken by the tip of a blade. Every moment is an offering to something more than our sum, everything trying to be something. But what could we be? So much has already been taken from me, stripping me bare until I am naked before you all. And if I was to be the greatest sacrifice, what could I be? After everything Grandfather had built for me, to find this path laid before me, I feel this overwhelming sense of a need to do more. To become more... If we were to look upon the stars one night, and escape the future, embrace the moment, do we not see how small we are upon it all? Yet I've never felt small, I guess it just all seems so big. What we can do, what we could accomplish. Are the skies even the limit, with so much still out there twinkling back at me. I want to move forward so badly, but I am still haunted by everything I have lost.

I remember being a small child playing by the riverbed. You spoke of the world as if it was all one living being, one essence that we are all apart of and shared in. How the rivers were like the veins of the world, flowing the refreshing waters that nourish the land and the animals, and even us. How without the river there would be no life and things would be like the desolate sands, struggling for sustenance. But because of these rivers, we did not have to struggle. The crops could grow, the animals could drink, and life could flourish once again. Sure, one day the river would die, like all things some day do, and everything would wither into the earth from which it came. He looked at me very sternly and said some day you too would die. That everything you had become would cease to flow, and no more would I drink from your waters. But then he smiled, like a beam of sunshine that said everything would always be okay. He said what most don't see is that this river will go on to form more rivers, with the will of the rain and sky. And so will more land and more life be nourished. And so will more grow. I was terrified by it all really, but I could see some glimpse of what he meant. How it just seemed to flow on endlessly, always pushing forward. Even if something could end, by the Will it could grow again.

His fingers worked into the soil, preparing the seed for what would hopefully become a bountiful harvest. It wasn't much, corn, legumes, a few varieties of pepper, potatoes. It was all still growing, his humble offering to the people still ultimately unnoticed. In a day becoming so modernized, there was little time for spirituality. While things were coming together for the village hidden amongst the leaves, it too was trying to find itself amongst all the chaos of rebuilding. Takai plucked away at the soil, almost as he was looking for answers in the dirt, trying to find what so many were looking for. A craving so mysterious, it seems to elude us all. In random patches hidden in were a few medicinal herbs, attempts at furthering his craft and trying to bring more to the healing arts. In the garden things were simple for him. A mosaic of purpose, each with its place, an ingredient into building something. And while the mandala holds, life never seemed to be so simple for him. He stood up, staring at the House he had built, for worship, and for stay. But his door was always open to any who needed, with most too afraid to ask. Still, it wasn't unlike him to find a random stranger and bring him in for a warm bowl of ramen and a chat about the stars. He had built the house with his bare hands from the maple trees that surrounded the area, making sure to use up everything and took. It was all built on the plot his parents left behind, never around long enough to build something here. Constantly on missions and always leaving him in the care of his grandfather who ultimately raised him.

It wasn't just combat and jutsu that grandfather gave to me. Much of his teachings were filled with ideas and practical skills. We spent a lot of time on the oral arts, and the idea that much more could be accomplished with a word rather than a blade. He spoke of times of war when the blade was all that was heard. In former incarnations of Konoha before everything changed we had faced peace and war, the trials and tribulations of sharing this piece of rock together. Things could fluctuate over the simplest things. As technology continued to grow, change seemed like it could be a real possibility. Still grandfather always stressed staying to the traditional ways. He had an amazing gift for Herbalism and we'd spend hours in the garden together, continuing our lessons and tending to the plants. Every plant was different, all with their purposes and their particulars. Some benefited others, some could destroy others, it was an entire ecosystem, and I'm not sure most ever saw that in the way that he did. Everything connected, in such a way that the balance was everything, it was life itself for every plant. When balance flourished, the whole kingdom flourished. But if one plant got too powerful, too overzealous, it could kill all of them. He said it's why we prune the garden, we keep it in check. It is the balance that makes the garden strong, and a strong garden will keep this balance making it easier to continue prosperity going forward. But if left idle, strength gathers in the shadows, and the balance can be destroyed, and so too will the garden be. "You must be humble enough to see the Work that must be done, and strong enough to do what you must. Only in your Heart do you know the right answer."

With age I became more adept at seeing this balance. The scale that granted favor and curse to all, the wheel of karma that turned destiny into reality. No being on this planet can escape the entropy of the constant search for equilibrium, always in reach but never truly reachable. Glimpsed for moments and then corruption sinks in, even in the slightest. I'd spend so much of my idle time watching rivers, admiring them for their honesty. A pure force of nature, not still, not destructive, just flowing. I could just hop in and let it take me, float away to something new. With all the beauty that surrounds us, I just wanted to escape. The more I saw, the more I couldn't hide from the corruption of the shinobi world. On one side of the scale is the unspeakable balance, this force that can't even be explained, maybe it was life itself, trying so hard to flourish. But then on the other side there was this equally natural force, corrupting, seducing, the blight upon this world that infects and destroys. In time I would come to learn its name.

After collecting the last bundles of herbs he would need for his next batch and making sure everything had been finished with the plants, he gathered everything into his basket and began heading inside the building. As the wide doors opened, the light shined through, the setting sun glistening through the stained windows in the back, illuminating the whole room with a warmth. Walking up the stairs to the side of the room he snuck off into his loft where he would begin to later prepare the next batch of herbs, setting them off to the side for now. His room was very plain, simple wood, all the furniture with no special adornments or any real decoration. Upon entry to the left was a single bed, a dresser of medium size, to the right a desk with all sorts of papers laid about with notes, and several beakers and burners of lab equipment, all seemingly having been in recent use. The only thing of real decoration was a large mirror that sat against the back wall, a golden etching designed around the edge with a sort of swirl that brought you into the mirror. Upon giving the mirror a glance, Takai went to one of the burners and began to prepare a pot of tea. The tea itself was rather plain, flavor not part of its true purpose. As it warmed he grabbed one of the finished vials that he had earlier prepared. The solution had a sort of living glow to it, a luminescence that radiated from it as it swirled in the vial. The tea began to howl, the whistle cutting the silence. He removed it from the heat and began to prepare the cup. Taking the cup and the vial he sat before the mirror, staring deeply into his own reflection as he waited for the tea to cool. As it was readied, he emptied the contents of the vial into the teacup, mixing the tea and the solution together to form a potent creation passed down to him. As everything swirled together, he took one last long stare into the mirror and drank the entire contents of the cup at once. The warm mixture travelled down into his system, quickly kicking into effect. He closed his eyes and he could see.

I'd do anything for a chance at the Truth, to seek where the river flows. So many factors surrounding my life are still a mystery to me. Not far into my youth my parents were out on one of their S-rank missions, on the same trail they always had been it seemed. Are we all just chasing the same answers? There was no return from this mission, not even a trace of an answer or their bodies. Whatever suspicions grandfather had lay with him. I suppose I was always prepared in a way for them to go, with their constant absence somewhere unconsciously I had always known the day would come when they wouldn't return. What I didn't understand was what it would all unravel.

That night had a certain chill, the kind that you felt in your bones, that reached into you like a cold icy hand. The full moon shone through the darkness like a lantern in the sky, piercing through the tree lines just outside the village. Grandfather wasn't known for liking to be within the village for too long, too much politics he'd say. His encampment was just outside of town, deeper into the woods. It was my 18th birthday. He knew I had not been much into celebrating these past few years, so we figured we'd meet out at his place for some homemade ramen. In his years he had really learned how to master a properly complex broth. But flavors such as those are things of memories now. I remember those moments leading up to it so clear, all the creatures stirring in the night. As I approached the doorway I could hear the chirping. Something wasn't right, and that void in the pit of my being began to stir with uncertainty. Lights flickered from the room, and as I walked through I could see exactly what was happening. In the worst of tragedy, everything crashes in a single moment. There is no time to prepare, there is just the horror, the bare truth of the moment staring back at you. The mirror which you can't avoid. I saw the tip of a spear covered in blood, all I could hear was the sound of a thousand birds chirping as the blue lightning passed through his body. All I could feel for a moment was nothing, just pure shock, awe. I watched in cold horror as the lightning ended, and the spear retracted into a smaller form. Most everything about the attacker was obscured by dark clothes, but his headband originated in Kirigakure, something that wouldn't make sense for quite some time. Even now I struggle to understand why any of this. Before I could react, respond, do anything to change anything about this fate, it was over. And not by my best healing arts or skills could I begin to fix this.

From there I was left with the remains of my families estates. It wasn't much, a plot of land in town that became this House. Some money to tide me over for a while at least, but not truly enough for much. The old house in the woods of Grandfathers. In time I went on to achieve the rank of Jounin, and became one of the more senior Med-nin in the village. I'm still learning, still growing, still trying to unravel it all, but what confuses me most in all of this, is it's like you knew. These puzzle pieces you've left for me. I found his journal several months later, assumingly one of many he's hidden around who knows where. I feel like a rat in a maze, gnawing away at the Truth, trying so desperately to find out why. Why are we even in the situations we are? Why all of this? The War? The Killing? I never wanted any of this. Yet here I am again, chasing myself down the rabbit hole, searching for answers that just lead to more questions. What it means to be Takai. Well I wish I knew. The closer I get, the more insane it all seems. But nothing erases the hurt of losing you. Somehow, it's like I've lost a piece of myself. But you'd never want me to give up. You'd want me to see that this is about more than just myself, that there's a whole Will of Fire that needs to be restored. In helping you fulfill your mission, maybe I can find a bit of peace of my own. Like the River, I push forward towards the infinite unknown.

Visions became darkness, as the stage was set. It was only a matter of time before everything kicked in. Music notes could be heard in the background, echoing through hallways that did not exist. Pathways to worlds unknown, speaking softly through verses not our own. Staring into the darkness he could finally see. A light burned brightly down the corridor. Walking towards the light as we all do, he was drawn in to its warmth. The warmer it got, the more he could feel, like petals peeling off of him, each their own story to tell. Burning away like a Phoenix, his inhibitions fell away, as he embraced everything that was to come. There, on the edge of everything, he could taste it, he could just barely grasp it, Light. The ever moving flow of existence passing through his being. Nothing as Everything as One. But this was just a taste, just a mere fragment of what was in store. A bliss to experience to beg the question further. In the physical, his body sitting there in front of the mirror shone with a brilliant light peeling off from him, but deeper inside, something more was stirring. Everything unfolds from the Twilight of the Now.

Clan Request:  N/A

Death/Retirement Thread:  N/A
Old Profile:  ???
Old Training:  Exists in an alternate NC Universe
Old Dojo:  Also in said alternate NC Universe

Special Usergroups:  Probably lost all of these sometime ago.

Old Stats:
Agility: 203/300
Stamina: 227/300
Ninjutsu: 200/300
Taijutsu: 300/300
Genjutsu: 200/300
Chakra Control: 200/300
PL: 1330
Old OOC Rank:  B-Rank
Stat Cut:  No Stat Loss
New Stats
Current Stats:
Agility: 210/300
Stamina: 220/300
Ninjutsu: 210/300
Taijutsu: 270/300
Genjutsu: 210/300
Chakra Control: 210/300
PL: 1330
New OOC Rank:  B-rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Full Circle (D-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Impaling Counter (D-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Arcing Slash (E-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Thrust (E-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Immolation Armor (D-Rank Fire Nin Master) Swapping to Water Whip (D-Rank Water Nin Master)
Combination Transformation (D-Rank Non Ele Nin Master) Swapping to Aqua Fang (D-Rank Water Nin Master)
Muscle Controlled (D-Rank Buffing Tai Master) Swapping to Shadow Play (D-Rank Buffing Tai Master)
Top Spin (C-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Iron Point Prison (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Zero Slash (C-Rank Slashing Tai Master) Swapping to Outcry (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Keeping Spiked Shield (C-Rank Piercing Tai Master)
Keeping Chakra Extension (C-Rank Buffing Tai Master)

Element: Major Fire Minor Water Vapor AE


Weapon: Mercy
Details: One-handed Sword, Piercing. +2 acc/-10% dmg
Augments: Recovery, Binding, Primal

Spiritualist CA Points: 15 points total
Holy Embodiment - 3 Points
Divinity Aura - 2 Points
Holy Weapon - 3 Points
Divine Health - 2 Points
Sacred Style - 2 Points
White Blessing - 2 Points
Spiritual Chakra - 1 Point

Name: Approved
History: Approved
Branch: Approved
Class: Approved
Stats: Approved
CA Abilities: Approved
Abilities: Approved
Swaps: Approved
Weapon: Approved

Waiting on one more approval!

Current Ninpocho Time:
