Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Take your time... [Open]

Sep 27, 2017
Somewhere in the lesser used parts of the Ninja Academy there was a bench, rarely used by those attending the school and therefore most of the time empty. Today however, Juko had decided to hog it for himself. Lying on the wooden boards he looked up to the sky as he thought about the fights he had had in the recent tournament. Time has flown by since he was approaching the end of his time at the ninja academy and yet he didnt really feel prepared for life afterwards. His right hand was as usual playing around with the small red marbel in his pockets and with a thoughtful sigh he held up his hand to peer through the marble into the sun, casting a red light on his right eye. Ah boy... i wonder what everyone will be doing afterwards... For a moment he was content with looking at the red trinket and listening to the leafs rustle in the wind. Then he raised his other hand aswell and took a look at the symbol in his left palm. It hasnt gone away, i figured as much... and its still tingling... Taking off some of his bandage he wrapped his left hand in it, making it appear like a wound received at the tournament.
Should probably keep it that way until ive had the chance to have someone look over it... Lest someone starts asking silly questions...
Not for the first time and most likely not for the last time his thoughts wandered back to Takeshi and their mission. The things the Uchiha Clan head and Anbu Sennin had told him were still fresh on his mind, just as his weird jutsus were.
Slowly, he sat up.
Most students had left the academy a while ago already, leaving him behind with his thoughts alone. For a few moments Juko considered resuming training, before the consideration turned into an actual fight against his motivation. His recent fights had shown him various subjects that he has to improve on which was both a good thing and a bad thing in his eyes. And its not exactly like i can just up and become better... He sighed.
Time was slowly passing on, uninterested in the boys inner turmoil and for every leaf that fell from the trees and touched the ground another imaginary moment in Juko's mind passed in which he recalled the tourneys fights.
WC: 403​
With heavy steps the otherwise light young woman stomped through the Konoha Academy as if it had been unjust to her, in truth though she was just pissed at being lost again. This was the second time in these last days already and somhow the hortcuts were not working out as intended, she just found herself in totalls random locations inside buildings she had no clue about and never been in before. Smacking another door open with full force she could finaly feel fresh air and faint breeze on her skin as she stepped outside. She crossed her arms as she thought about the right way to go - she had just spent an hour walking throught the academy, so this probably better be well thought out. When she looked to her right though, her thoughts went into a different direction as she spotted a young... thing, from this position she couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl so she went up to them and asked curiously. "Hooooi, are you alright there? What's up with those bandages? Do you need to go to the hospital? I can take you there, but if you want I can take a look myself I have some knowledge of first aid." She looked at the person, concluding that it was a young boy, but he didn't seem to be in pain, rather lost in thought. To her he seemed lazy eitherways, so that brought some of the earlier anger back up in her, she couldn't understand how someone could be just laying around, there should always be something to do, noone would respect a lazy fighter. If she were to just leave now, she wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it for the rest of the day, to her it was her duty now to atleast get him up and going instead of laying around.
Manzo wandered the halls of the academy. It was good to finally be back and he found himself wandering through the academy out of a sense of nostalgia. He had been gone for long enough that he seemed to not recognize any of the faces. Before he left he had always tried to find time to come down here to help but now he wasn’t even sure who to ask if they needed help.

As he walked he heard a female voice, though he couldn’t judge the age just yet asking if someone needed help, and something about the hospital. Perhaps this was how he could help. Not that he was any good with medical stuff but his brother seemed to have a natural affinity with medical ninjutsu. It was handy to be able to summon a medic when you needed to.

As he came into view his bulk would fill the path behind him, something he kept swearing he would do something about but never seemed to. He was not wearing any of his battle gear but instead wore clothes he like to wear on his off time. His left arm was covered as always but his right arm was exposed under the short sleeve. He wore no headband or any other markings to indicate if he was a shinobi or if he was, what rank.

”Whats going on in here?“ He asked inquisitively.
Izumi was usually up to go with his schoolwork. Always having everything finished and always having everything delivered on time.
However today the blonde haired was still busy in the library. Having a huge sigh he turned another page. He was watching every letter on the page. 'hmm..' he thought to himself and facepalmed. He had been behind 2 whole chapters... Luckily on only one subject but it was rather boring him towards the bone.
After he had watched the whole page he noticed he didn't had read it at all. Not a single word had stayed inside his head. 'Guess it ain't happening today..' he thought and placed the bookmaker in between before folding the book closed. Grabbing his papers and standing up again.
He had the book work wrapped up in his arms, holding it against his chest...

With a tired step, he walked through the hallways. Looking outside and looking at the weather. A small smile got to his lips. It was a good thing to see the sun at least... Reminded himself how it was a negative for the moon also... He looked to his own scribbled and wrote something else down. 'Without light, there is only darkness, without darkness there is only light' he didn't know why but he smiled even more at that scribbling.
Slowly he walked further and kept smiling big. Once outside he saw two people... Two... And still at school while he thought he was the single one. Blinking a couple of more times he started ti tilt his head at it too and slowly approached. He hardly knew anyone and he was sure they were going to bully him later. As it happened rather frequently in his own classroom. The boy with no sound... Always making sounds at him, trying to let him speak up while he didn't even know how to talk...

Slowly he inched closer and heard a little of the female's words. The other was hurt? It sure didn't seem like that was the cause of it at all.
He waved as a motion for coming closer please do not hurt me. And once he was closer he looked towards the crazy-haired... It was peeking into all kinds of sides. Even more astounding look on his face... He could only look to the hairs. Slowly his own hand wrapped back around the book again, yet in a loose grip.
Rekkuo wandered around the academy aimlessly, still avoiding the classes and the snobby leaf academy students inside. He just wandered kicking stones while lost in thought. Man, what's the point of even being here? I should just go back to the walls end... He was completely unaware of his surroundings and had already bumped into a couple trees before growling and finally shoutingat the top of his lungs.

"AND I'M SO SICK OF ALL THESE TREES!" The young boy howled angrily. Rekkuo huffed and puffed before calming himself down when he suddenly heated more people. Rekkuo jumps behind some near by bushes to get a closer look and crawls his way to the commotion only to see a couple leaves surrounding an injured one. The sight made him growl. In crater city he would have been beaten up worse and robbed of everything, including his underwear. He didn't like them already but he also wanted to make friends and just didn't realize it yet. Rekkuo remained behind the bushes and watched with his usual glare. He spread the bushes with his hands to see them better causing a slight rustle, but Rekkuo just tried to remain calm and hope no one noticed him.

WC: 209
The sun was shining through the leafs of the tree above Juko, partly blinding him on one side at precisely the moment when someone decided to talk to him. A girly voice called out in the silence, and asking him about his bandages. The boy grunted and sat up while his hand quickly hid the red marble in his pockets. Scratching himself with his one hand he looked at the girl and quickly started grinning. She is quite cute, isnt she? Although i dont think i have seen he rbefore, it might not be a bad idea to have her perform some "first aid" on me hehe...hehehe
He yawned and contemplated accepting her offer when suddenly another person came into his view. For a moment he almost thought it to be multiple people, stuck in the same clothing but as he bowed forward slightly to get the sunlight out of his eye he saw that it was indeed a single person. Massive, but obviously single. Jukos grin became somewhat lopsided as he watched the thick-boned man approach the duo. He was wearing casual clothing and didnt seem like a shinobi from what Juko could tell. Er, yes, hello no were... all right please please please doont come closer! We are having sweet talk here! Nooo Juko scowled lightly when he saw that he wouldnt be able to stop the big man from closing in on him and the girl.
It seemed his rest was to be disrupted by even more as another boy stepped through a door leading out of the academy and entered the free space. Well, not so free anymore, and if any more people come this might even get crowdy! And i dont even know any of them! He felt close to tears. All he had wanted was to relax a little bit and ponder his thoughts. Now the girl joining in was mor ethan welcome but all the other people...
He noticed the new boy waving at him and then slowly moving his eyes from Juko's face to his... hair? What. What? Whats up there? Something in my hair?? Juko jumped up and raised his hands to try and remove whatever it was that seemed to be stuck in his hair. At times small insects or sticks would get stuck in the voluminous mane which was not a thing he was very pleased about.
Stumbling back a bit he tripped over the bench that he had been sitting on before and fell, barely managing to move his hands from the front of his hair to the back of his head to prevent any serious injuries.
Ayaaaa, that was close!
he opened his eyes again to see another young boy, seemingly creeping up through the bushes at the ceiling. Wait. Since when are there bushes on the ceiling? How is there a stupid ceiling in here anyway! Scowling in pain Juko turned on his stomach and took a look again. This time around the world was behaving as it was supposed to and he stared eye to eye in a boy that was glaring right at him. Blinking away the tears in his eyes Juko cursed silently to himself. This was turning out worse and worse by the minute. And who the hell are you!
WC: 548​
It had been a pretty relaxed day for Shinzo, the boy had spent most of his time going through practice exams with some guidance from one of the teachers. This was indeed unlike him but the stack of papers he held against his chest provided evidence that the boy was at least training mentally for any potential written tests that he could face in the near future. Today would be one of those days that Shinzo avoided the main courtyard just for the sake of keeping all his papers out of harms way. The boy was indeed holding onto these tests with some sort of pride and hoped that he’d be able to grab the interest of his parents that evening by showing them how far he had come thanks to his revision – though he thoroughly doubted they’d take much time away from their painting to look through his work.

A light sigh escaped his lips as he wandered on out through one of the lesser used doors of the academy building. His rear end had served just fine for pushing it open while his hands were full. At this time he knew there would be fewer students remaining but still the main entrance to the building would still be busier then this doorway. His mind wandered to the recent tournament, that was indeed a great learning experience for the boy but was it actually anything like being a shinobi out in the world? He shrugged to himself and continued his journey, turning the corner to see a fairly sized group of people gathered just in front of him. ‘Oh great.’ He shook his head ready to turn back to preserve his paperwork, but at the last second his eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar mass of light coloured hair. The corners of his mouth drew upwards into a friendly smile. His rival, the centre of attention it seemed, hopefully for the right reasons.

Suddenly he watched as Juko jump up from his seat before almost instantly stumbling back over the bench to land on the floor. The young brown haired boy chuckled before letting one of his hands rise into the air in some sort of awkward wave as he tried not to let his schoolwork fall to the ground. “Yo! Juko!” He called out in a friendly tone laced with slight humour. “Are you alright over there?” Shinzo broke out into a slight jog to reach the group a little faster and upon arrival he placed his papers onto the floor followed by his school backpack which served to weigh them down. Upon dropping some of his belongings, Shinzo glanced around to those present, giving them each a nod of greeting and respect before his attention returned to the boy he was most familiar with. The brown haired lad looked down to Juko, his green eyes scanning his friend to make sure nothing was seriously wrong before he stretched out his own cloth wrapped hands in an offer to help him up. For now this act would be the only one he would be making introductions could be made later but giving Juko some support would be objective number one. “What are you doing down there?”

WC: 541
Topic entered
Everything happened rather quickly, the boy did sit up before her, so atleast seemed to have some manners, but before she could get any opinion on that or before the boy could speak at all someone else appeared. Rui turned around in a fast but flowing motion, her left hand as it always was still resting on her swords grip. The person that came through the door was a surprise to her though. Not because he was a perso she regocnized, but due to the fact that he was, well... fat. Rui wouldn't talk around it, but the fact that set her into a little of confusion, was that she felt that he was strong, she obviously couldn't tell what it wa about him just by looking at him, but with her experience of fighting, she could tell by just looking. How could someone with so much fat on him feel like this? Was he a ninja? Didn't matter to be honest, even if he was hokage and looked like this, she would have felt the same urge to shout at him to go run around the traininggrounds until he threw up at which point she would tell him to run eve more until he looked in shape. Ofcourse she would keep a cam composure for those looking at her, but she was a bit radical when it came to being fit. To her having a strong mind, required a strog body, that was how she learned it. "We? Uh, no, everything is alright here I think, I just made some wrong assumptions it seems." She said this in a little bow with the head as if wanting to great the new arrival, just to spot that someone else was approaching just from behind the big guy. A seemingly young boy with a light hair color not to far off her own approached from the door. He seemed rather shy about it, not willing to talk and instead just watching somewhat curiously if she had to guess, well this was fine with her, although the child looked like a weakling and she was a little overwhelmed with the new appearances. Truth be told tho, they all looked like they needed some training, one was lazy, one was fat and the other just seemed weak.

Her thoughts were yet again interrupted sice the first boy with the weird hair seemed to trip and fall, only to land on the ground, at which point he seemed to speak to himself, or maybe that was her imagination, atleast it seemed like that from her perspective. It was at that point, where it seemed like they would get another and seemingly last new attentive to this little meeting of strangers, except he seemed to know the bandage boy which was to read out of his greeting. By now Rui could feel her swor wanting to cut something, clearly all those before her were Ninja and atleast one or two of them were not to weak themselves. The hand on the katana gripped tighter as she tried to calm it down. She herself instead felt kind of left out, so she cleared her throat to speak up and try to untangle this situation. Ahem, my name is Tachibana Rui, I come from a far of country, it is nice to meet al of you." Again she bowed as her manners dictated and then looked on into the round.

[MFT; WC: 575]
The area was becoming quite popular. Not that, it was a bad thing. He had come to the academy to see who was students now, perhaps look in on the classes and see if anyone needed help. He did not expect so many to gather outside of the classroom.

The first boy seemed to profess that he was not injured but truth be told Manzo really believed he just wanted a few moments alone with the girl with the sword. If he thought, he had a chance then he should try and swing for the fences.

Manzo was not a medical-nin, far from it. He knew just enough medical knowledge to stop the flow of blood in a pinch. His brother in arms, that was a different story but he was not here, so Manzo did not feel the need to intrude on the boy trying to spend a little private time with the girl.

He was going to leave. Then things took a different direction. The sword wielding girl turned to look at him, the look of disgust on her face was palpable. Manzo was not one that sought for sympathy. He knew what he looked like. He had done it to himself, it was a choice between living or dying and wrecking his body’s metabolism was simply the cost he had to pay. The look on his face went from jovial to cold and hard for only for the briefest of moments before it went back to jovial. Her open disgust brought about strange feeling that made him want to go down the darker route like Takashi, but he squelched them. These seemed to be mostly students and while he did not think she was a student she did seem to be younger than him.

”It is nice to meet you Tachibana Rui,“ he then turned to the boy with the wrapped hands ”From the boy calling down your name I take it you are Juko , My name is Manzo, “ It always felt strange not giving a clan name but he had buried that part of himself ” Though Rui, there is no need to grip your sword so tightly. This is the academy I am sure you are quite safe here. I am not sure how things were done in your homeland but here we take the safety of our students very seriously. “ Leaning a bit closer he dropped his voice. ” You never know when the ANBU might be around the corner to discourage violence. “ Standing up straight and speaking his normal tone. ” Unless of course I am reading the situation wrong and I interrupted in a class or a spar in that case please forgive me. I have been out of the village for a while and sometimes my social skills need some work. “

Seeing the boy trying to wave one of them over, and not sure which one Manzo decided it might as well be him. If Rui did want to spar he would take her up on it, it had been too long since he had spared with a sword after all, and even longer when he had used one that he hadn’t conjured out of thin air so it would make things interesting.

Walking over to the boy that was waving he gave a quick wink at the one hiding in the bushes. Time in the academy was always filled with interesting “games” trying to find how you fit in and honing your skills. He was not going to put a sign up saying “look at this one hiding in the bushes” but he did want him to know he was spotted. Steath was a skill and you could not get better if you did not know you had been seen.

”Hello, my name is Manzo. I saw you waving someone over, was it me or someone else that I can get for you?“
It was slowly coming down as if it were to be a lot happening on the place. So many people were all over the place and he tried to understand it all in just a second. Yet he was rather puzzled by it all and bit down on hip a little while having a soft frown on his face. Seemed like he had done something towards the blonde, as he was stumbling backward and fell on the ground. Izumi looked rather shocked and puzzled on what to do for a second if there was something going on he had no idea how... wait... bandages... Bandages fixed it all... and he always carried some... In his jacket, he began to search for some of them yet got startled himself when he heard a voice shouting about trees. He froze up in a second and wanted to whimper a little, his mouth did move but nothing came out of his mouth. slowly he tilted his head and let his head hang a little discouraged.
Slowly he started to look up as another person got closer and he shifted his eyes from one part to another. Trying to get as many details as possible and trying to remember the names of the people who were around. So... The white blond was Tachibana Rui, the one on the ground had to be Yuko, the adult looking of them all was Manzo... He tried to remember but could swear it was getting too much for him already. A little sigh left him as he began to make a note for himself in his workbook.

He saw someone coming over towards him and saw him... wink? He then noted it had to be someone else... He blinked a little and thought he must have been giving that look what his dad always did to other people when crossing. He always has found it funny. When the other was close he would place his workbook below his arm and have his hands free to sign in his the language of the deaf. 'I saw a lot of people and came closer.' He first started and looked more upwards, taking up details about this person and tilt his head a little. He then thought quickly to himself that this person might not be able to read his sign language... A little started he started to grab his bookwork and find a clean page to write in. He then searched his backpack in a hurry and started to write in the book then. 'I am Izumi, I saw the commotion and was worried something was going on.' After he was done with writing it down he would hold it up for the other to read. If he had read it he would turn to the first page he had used a while back as an introduction to the class. Explaining why he had this paper with him all the time and why it was that he didn't speak. He was a mute one as he didn't know how to speak. Which why he had learned the sign language but was perfectly able to hear. Also, his full name would be written into it and 'hello hope we can be friends.'

WC: 541 words 2,725 characters
Slowly standing up with the help of the newcomer, Juko was still rubbing his head when he finally recognized the familiar face. Shinzo? Ah, yeah thanks man! Seems ive fallen over haha Even as he said that he saw that the girl that had come here first had turned around towards the big man that had approached them. It was clear from her facial expression that she was everything but pleased at him being here, for whatever reason. She does look somewhat cute from the side though... He giggled silently and elbowed Shinzo subtly. Eh? eh? When she finally introduced herself Juko startled but nevertheless decided to memorize the name for now. She does look somewhat strict though, i wonder if shes an academy student too? I havent seen her before... maybe shes an exchange student? For a moment he thought about the chances that she might be of a higher rank than him but quickly dropped that theory again. Something about her eagerness to prove herself told him that she was probably an academy student too.
A completely different manner with the heavyboned fellow next to her. The big man had somehow gained entrance in the academy after all, which ment he was a shinobi and his age and size made it very unlikely that he was a student like them.
Juko squinted at the stranger when the same started talking to Rui and himself. Manzo? Never heard of that name... could he be one of the Akimichi Family? He sure does look the part... But then again, he was no teacher that Juko knew off so what was he doing here? Listening to Manzo talk he slowly got the impression that the man was another one of the Konoha Anbu. Which would sure be weird, after all how could he be any less stealthy than by wearing around all that weight.
Then again, with the proper skill he might just change his look.. in which case looking like that would be the most inconspicious form for an Anbu... in fact thatd be genius... i need to remember that! Whether the man was a true Anbu or just a Jonin with some sense of humor did not matter anymore since he had given Juko a solid idea to ponder on for the future. The boy suddenly dropped his suspicious glances towards the man and instead grinned bright and broudly. Ah no Manzo-san, aint no class nor spar going on here haha... Seeing as the man turned away and walked towards the fourth member of their randomly assembled group made Juko remember that the boy was even there. He had been very quiet up til now and apparently also shy, judging by his puzzled expression.
Juko quickly adapted the same expression when he saw the boy raising both hands and apparently doing a row of very strange and complicated handseals, some of which seemed to look almost utterly ridiculous. Careful Manzo-san! Hes weaving a jutsu? His voice rang out, somewhat insecure since there was no real reason for the boy to attack the way taller and stronger-looking man. Then again, there would be no real reason for Manzo to be carefull to dodge any such attack by the weaker boy.
Seconds after he shouted that the boy raised his notebook with a single sentence written across the blank page. Oh? What the matter with him? Why not just.... i dont know... say it?
WC: 573​
“It’s alright, we all fall over sometimes.” Shinzo beamed towards Juko before an amused chuckle left his lips upon hearing what was then said at a lower volume. He leaned in closer to Juko following his gaze before his own eyes flicked up towards the girl. ‘Oh, I see what’s going on. She’s caught his eye. He kept close to Juko, whispering in order to avoid anyone else overhearing what he said. “You like her? She seems nice, but I have my eye on someone else.” The brown-haired lad’s cheeks grew rosy for a second but this was soon changed as he stood upright and giggled along with Juko. His face did drop in cheeriness as he noticed her gripping her sword with increasingly more force. He had to try and break her tension in one way or another. Having heard the largest amongst the group speak, Shinzo thought it best to chime in and lighten the mood, maybe she would appreciate a compliment. “Hey, yeah, Manzo is right! But it’s a nice sword you have there Rui!” His tone of voice thankfully did not demonstrate any form of tenseness, suddenly a flicker of evilness glinted in his eye. “My friend Juko over here loves blade work, maybe you’d be kind enough to show him some time!” He offered the blonde boy a wink before motioning to push him forwards, even if only inches closer to the girl. Shinzo’s own two butterfly swords lay resting in their sheath that sat upon his lower back, there was no intention of drawing them out but at least they were there should something unexpected happen.

He bowed his head towards the group as he introduced himself, “It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Shinzo but you probably gathered that from Juko.” No sooner had these words left his mouth, a flash of panic spread over the boy’s face for an extremely brief moment as he heard Juko calling out about hand seals, he readied himself to act allowing for the energy gifted to him from his Seikon heritage to build within. That was until his gaze fell on the source of the ‘hand seals’ instead of striking out at a supposed threat, Shinzo instead struck himself in the face with an open palm. “Those aren’t hand seals. They’re signs, it’s sign language!” Boy did he breath a sigh of relief, after all, the conflict he had faced in the tournament still hung over him in the form of slight paranoia. Images of charred foliage still plagued his mind but thankfully he wasn’t confronting such circumstances at that moment in time. One more sigh escaped his lips as he began walking back over towards his bag and papers. One hand pressed down on the pile of practice exams while the other was used to swing the backpack over his shoulder, a single strap would do for now and from his point of view it seemed slightly cooler. Following this he scooped up the papers and wandered back over to re-join the group. What a variety of people, here he was expecting the day just to be standard and slightly boring but the appearance of new faces always brought at least some interest to the child. Hopefully they were looking forward to getting to know him as he was to getting to know them.

WC: 561
The burning heat radiating from the sun filled the grounds and passing through the grounds was a dark figure slowly walking past. Kuro's black shirt made the heat worse but he knew that he couldn't take it off or else it will reveal all his so called "battle" scars. A dark and controlled aura fiercely ramaged about his body, sometime leaking thus causing him to use his chakra to control it. "I need to get stronger so I can control this power or else it will devour me before I know it" An understanding look filled his gaze as he stared around. As he walked by a few students, he willingly released his aura to see the amount power it contained, causing the students passing by to uncontrollabely shiver in fear not knowing what happened, their gazes covered with the visions of a dark shadow slowly looming over their bodies. It's that powerful? He grimaced, Kuro didn't know that he had unknowningly activated the genjutsu Intimidation which sneakily absorbed some of his chakra. While walking he suddenly realised that he had bounced into an unknown part of the academy only to be met with a bunch of people just casually standing around. What is happening here? Kuro questioned himself as he continued to stand where he is, unwilling to approach any further in fear of being pulled into unneccesary banter with other students. So to make himself more camoflauged, he silently walked towards a tree before using one hand to pull himself up onto one of the many branches stable branches sticking out. "Let's hope no-one has seen me" He silently sighed as he lay against the trunk while his legs were streched against the thick branch, all whilst silently watching the matters unfold. "Let's also hope that I don't fall down"

WC 302
Manzo was glad the sword wielding girl didn’t seem to have anything more to say to him, though it wasn't’ her words so much as his eyes. It truly was amazing how many people just brushed him off due to his size. Someone built like him could never be a shinobi after all.

The boy he approached did not seem to want to speak but instead flashed hand signs that he did not recognize. They did not seem to have any basis in jutsu that he could tell so he did not jump to counter attack. Seeing the book that the boy provided made him glad that he did not.

intresting he thought to himself. ”Well Izumi, you should be careful with those signs. As you heard not everyone will recognize them for what they are and some might try and attack you. You might want to make friends with as many people as you can to avoid just that“ He said with a smile. ”I would be happy to be your friend“ he said pointing to the last line. ”So have you been at the academy long? How are you liking it so far?“ Manzo realized that conversations with Izumi would be slow as he did not understand the boys sign language so it would likely be a lot of writing and reading for now.
Izumi had jumped a little when he had heard the assumptions on the Jutsu. He quickly shook his head and looked with a sadness in his eyes. seemed this wasn't the first time this had happened.
He slowly listened towards them all and was slowly looking towards the ground, he was a little insecure about it all the sudden right now.
”I would be happy to be your friend“ Those words stayed in his head for a little. His body had made a movement as if he was scared for a second and froze up. Was he... really..? Izumi looked upwards towards the person and had a rather surprised look on his face as he watched from one eye to another. In an automatic response, he started to sign again and signed if he was really sure. But once he did that he could hit himself on his head. They wouldn't understand that... Quickly he started to write those words down. You sure? He was honestly baffled by this gesture alone.
Izumi had to swallow for a second... Slowly he realized that he had a friend... His first friend as that was for now. He took a moment or two to calm himself a little, fighting away the tears of joy.

I am not that long here, I tried to home study first but eventually, this was a better solution also for my dad. I wish I could say I enjoy it. He wrote down the second part of that as he wasn't enjoying school all that much because he was mute he was often a target for bullies and such.
Shinzo took a moment to glance down towards his set of practice exam papers. By now the mass of work had become a bit of a pain to carry around at all times, and anyway time was getting on a bit for the young lad. His green eyes flicked up towards the sky as a method of time keeping. “Ah, I had better be off. It’s been good to meet you all.” The boy beamed towards the group before giving a small bow in respect to those gathered. He began to jog towards the exit before breaking into a sprint and in a flash he was all but gone. ‘Now time to get this work done! Can’t be student forever!

[Topic left]
It seemed that Izumi was a bit shy, might be a bit of a loner, though he thought that Izumi was not one by choice. Perhaps it was because he was different, but that sounded like a converstain for a different place. The others around them seemed to be in their own world but if Manzo really wanted to help Izumi and help him find out what was going on with him, they were going to have to go someplace else.

”I would not have said I would be your friend if i didn't mean it. That being a shame it is a shame that you are not having a good time in the academy. Tell you what, it is lunchtime, as you can probably tell by looking at me I don't’ miss many meals“ he said with a chuckle at his self deprecating humor ”Why don’t we get some lunch and you can tell me why you aren't having fun with the academy. “

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Izumi was tilting his head a little and eventually got really distracted by a person who was suddenly going away. It was that he blinked for a moment that he thought the other was that much quicker. It wasn't going help much that he hadn't been paying attention either. It was that his attention got diverted back towards the other when he started to speak again.
At the joke he had to grin a little but would also quickly write that he thought it wasn't that bad. But then again, all people had their own appearance and use for their body. HImself for example... well. He was a worst case scenario example.

When the lunch got noted he tried to reach in his bag and held out a piece of dry bread as that was what he had.... and that had been everything which he had for today.
After he tried to share he would join with Manzo towards their shared lunchtime.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
