Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Taking in the sights

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had to get out of the Kazekage Tower. She's taken to meditation and reading some fictional books that are lying about, but she needs some fresh air than just be cooped up in her visitor's room at the Kazekage Tower.

Now, as she walked the streets, not as Yuna, but as Silent, her alias for this mission that has led her to Sand, she felt the need to just go for a walk and relax a little. But even with the word relax is just a double edged sword for her, as she is in her anbu getup, or rather, not wanting to get heat exhaustion anbu getup, she roamed the streets of Suna. Her mask would make her really out of place, and people could presume that she is part of the ANBU or even the organization that is specific to Sand, the Oracles. However, she is not an Oracle, but she is an anbu agent, just not their anbu agent.

It has also been a while since she had a run in with the Kazekage himself. No doubt busy with preparing the Sennin Games and doing Kage stuff. She has some very important questions that she wants answered when they next meet, a meeting in which he wants to know her actual identity. The very thought was troublesome, but he had promised to give her some invaluable information later on.

An ever so quiet sigh escaped her lips. She also hopes that, along with this valuable information he has, he can also answer a question or two that has been itching in the back of her mind. Another thing would be if her darn Sennin would hurry the hell up! It's been a while and she hasn't heard anything from Cloud with the exception of Momo.

She shook the thought away and kept walking around. She does have to admit though, the scenery here is so much different from her home. And different isn't always a bad thing.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Machigai was doing patrol around the village in her standard shinobi attire. She wasn't so much a member of the public police force, but the presence of Sand Shinobi often deterred petty theft and other crimes like that. She Rested her massive fan on her shoulder, marking that she was ready for a fight at a moments notice when she recognized as masked individual in the Residential District. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the lithe form of the person. If this was a Shinobi they would have proper documentation, even if their identity was concealed, the identification of course being their up to date headband.

Walking towards the masked individual Machigai spoke up and right before she approached she cracked her fan open behind her to make it a noticeable attention grabber. This would also provide the person with some privacy as the fan nearly hid their entire body. "I am incredibly sorry to bother you, but I am on parole in this section of the district at the moment and I do not believe I have had the honors to meet you, at least not with your current identity. As such allow me to introduce myself. I am Machigai of Sunagakure's Shinobi Force. I would like a name that I may refer to you as and I would like to know why you are concealing your identity in the way that you are. While I understand there are moments where secrecy is required for a Shinobi, I must insist that some basic inormation is shared so that I am not required to obtain reinforcements!" There was a smile on her face as she recited her practiced lines.

MFT: 250+

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Being a seasoned kunoichi, Yuna had instantly recognized that someone was following her. It was nice to know that Sand shinobi cared for their Village. She listened as the younger girl spoke. Yuna had understood that wearing a mask will make people suspicious of her, but the alternative would be to flat out lie to the people of Sand and have changed her whole look along with a new alias. The problem lie with Akkuma, as if she chose the non-masked option, he would have definitely used that as an excuse to convince the people of Sand Village to not trust foreigners at all.

Despite the girl's bravado, it seemed more scripted than an actual way to find out what a suspicious person is up to. The masked anbu bowed to the girl and brought out a note pad and started to write on it.

Hello, my name is Silent. A Cloud ANBU. Perhaps you have heard of the masked foriegner that is taking part in the Sennin Games? That would be me. Although I am well aware of suspicions put on me since I wear a mask, I am here to strengthen the bonds between Sand and Cloud. I have been invited into your beautiful Village and have been granted access to stay for a while by your Kazekage.

And whom do I have the pleasant time to chat with?

She would then hand the note over to the younger girl and let her read it.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Machigai nervously takes the handwritten note and looks down to read it. As soon as she finishes she extends her arm out to hand it back and bends at an almost ninety degree angle bow and responds. "I am sorry to have inconvenienced you, I do wish for you to forgive me as I was simply attempting to perform my duties as a guard on patrol. If you are unsatisfied with our interactions today please head to the Kazekage's Office to file a complaint there." Erecting back up to a standing position she continued. "As stated, I am Machigai of Sungakure no Sato's Main Branch Shinobi Forces."

She hesitates for a moment.

"If I may be so forward and to ask..." She waits for confirmation before she continues, and if she doesn't she simply drops the question and doesn't ask. "What do you think of the village so far and how do you find it varying from your own village, aside from geographical and ecological means, that is."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna was certainly not expecting this type of respect to come from the younger Kunoichi. She would write down on her notepad as she would listen as the girl spoke, going as far as stating that she can go ahead and file a complaint with the Kazekage if need be. She raised her head to look up at her and shook her head and hand up as if to tell her not to worry.

Looking back down, she would continue to write as the girl spoke further, almost asking permission to ask a question. Again, Yuna would look up, and this time, give her a nod of encouragement so that the girl may continue to speak. The question she inquired about was how she finds Sand Village to be. She tapped on her notepad in thought before writing something down before giving the notepad back to her to read.

No need to worry, as you had said, you were fulfilling your duties. And nice to meet you Machigai.

As for my review of your Village, I have to give five out of five stars. Many people here are nice and kind, the hospitality here is great despite my appearance I do have to say that it was a culture shock to adjust to the vast change in climate.

She would hope that her little rating joke wouldn't go over the young girl's head. Yuna could just imagine it now, some sort of thing that could tell the world how a place is, with a rating system and many people can write down their perspectives of what happened on their stay. She bet it could sell very well. Shinobi Travel Agency. The very thought made her want to laugh but she held it in pretty good to not make a single noise.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
((OoC: I am Sorry for the delay))

"I am glad to read that, Silent-Sama. `Five out of Five` stars appears to be of perfect marks which indicates total satisfaction. I am happy that our village has not disappointed." She hesitated for a moment. Her face filling with perplexity. "If I may be so forward and ask a personal question. I understand that the village you are from has a drastically different biome, but if you could be so kind and describe it to me! I have read in books but a personal account is always more accurate and worth more than what most scholars describe in their texts. If this question is too forward and, or rather, or you do not wish to respond to my inquiry I fully understand. I am simply curious as to how life would be that different in that climate. I am sure the vegetation is plentiful in comparison and I would build off of that that the accessibility to food and water would also be a non-issue for many of the residents in the Land of Lightning." She brought her hand to her chin in thought. "With the easily accessible resources withn reach that could explain the technological advances I have heard rumors about coming from such villages as Kumogakure and Konohagakure. While I am sure the altitude plays a factor in the ecological biome, I would assume the densities of plant and animal life may be similar."

Her eyes grow large as she realized she was rambling. She cracks at her waist and nearly bends a solid ninety degrees again in a bow. "I must once again apologize for my behavior, I am sure you wish to not be accosted by my barrage of inquiries. Please, if I am interfering with your plans for the day simply say so and I shall depart." She remained in her bowed position.

MFT: 300+

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna listened as the younger girl gave her a barrage of questions about life in Lightning Country. If it would have been any other ninja not part of the ANBU, they probably would have been overwhelmed with all of the questions that were brought forth to her. Though... it'd be a little bit hard for her to really describe Kumogakure. She's been away for so long, and so much has happened. It is even possible that other things may have happened as well while she has been away and here in Sand.

She saw no reason to not indulge the girl, so she wrote down on her notepad once more;

Unfortunately, I think my type of knowledge may be a bit outdated as I have been travelling abroad for quite some time, partially for my own endeavors, and then for my Village as well. But the last time I had settled in Cloud, albeit a short while, there was a large step in technological strife. You were right for the assumption that with the abundance of animals and vegetation that food would be little to no worries for us.

As for your behavior, it's only natural to be curious. In fact, I am having a great time conversing with you. If you don't mind my asking, what made you decide to want to become a ninja? For me, I just wanted my father from getting into dangerous situations in pursuit of trying to bring world peace. Also, what would you expect from these Sennin Games that your Kazekage had put together.

She would once again, after finishing writing up her response, give it to the young girl to read.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Machigai read the note with glee. Before acting startled for a moment. ”Oh! I apologize! I would love to continue our conversation at another point in the new near future, but unfortunately at the time I am on active patrol duty and really should get back to my duty! I am excited to see how the games go, and I wish you the best of luck!” Machigai would turn and begin to make her way back down the street muttering to herself. ”Focus, I need to focus!”

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
