Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Taking on the apprentices! [Potential Class/Tutor]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Amaya stood in the proving grounds and awaited those who would show. The youth were the pride and future of Stone and it was up to the older generations to not only pave the way but also teach and inspire their development and growth much like the elders before them. The thought of the years passed placed a smile on Amaya's face. She stood tall without her armor but in a relaxed workout attire. She had hoped that appearing more relaxed would help to sooth any anxieties the new apprentices would have. Amaya was a beautiful woman but she couldn't help the stone cold stern look on her face or the fact that her face dressed a rather large scar on her lower right cheek. The dark haired woman had no clue as to what she should expect of the new youths but then again neither did they of her. Her emerald green eyes kept a look out towards the distance in anticipation of the first arrival.

[Topic Entered]
[Depending on who shows, this can be a class or tour]

Toujigikou Musei

New Member
Mar 11, 2016
Musei had walked around the proving grounds five times, trying to work up the nerve to go in. He wasn't really sure he could do this. What if I'm not good enough? What if I can't perform jutsu right? He thought to himself, What kind of Shinobi would I be? Yet he couldn't help thinking what kind of shinobi he would be if he didn't at least try. His resolve hardened and he turned towards the entrance to the proving grounds.

When he entered he walked up to a woman he saw, the only person there, and stood before her a bit tentatively. He fiddled with his gloves and the fishnet shirt he had on, a clear sign of nervousness. He swallowed the fears of failure and drew himself up, mustering a dazzling smile. He had never been afraid of meeting new people before and he wasn't going to start now "Greetings! I am Toujigikou Musei and I am here to train to become a shinobi of Iwa!" He gave the woman a bow with a slight flourish when he was finished.

[Topic Entered]

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai had thought a lot about becoming an ANBU and thus was on the lookout for classes held by such an individual. He had asked around the academy to find out where this post with very little info came from. At some point he had gotten hold of someone who told him that unlike genin exams, ANBU try outs worked more like a tutelage where you get someone to train and challenge you as you move up the ranks. That in mind this post seemed very interesting and Shikai decided to come check it out.

When he arrived he heard a voice of someone young introducing himself. At least a few years younger than himself. He turned the corner to the open field and save a rather slender boy bend over towards a woman who Shikai quickly identified as the teacher. The boy seemed almost lifelessly pale and the fact that he had clad himself in dark was not helping his pasty appearance one bit. Shikai could see that he was younger and quite small. He still had some years to grow so it was not too much of a problem from him to grow up to be a strong ninja some day. The boy seemed a bit nervous so for now he figured he might as well follow suit and introduce himself in the same manner. He took a bow before the one seemingly the sensei here.

"Sunaku Shikai is my name. Nice to meet you both. I'm here for the post on the board?"

[OOC: I'm currently stuck in what should have been a finished class but became a modded then unmodded combat post moving so slow that it feels like necroposting every time I write in there so if that becomes an issue and this will actually count towards becoming an ANBU I will just refuse the class rewards from the other class if this becomes an ANBU class.]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

The first to arrive was a very polite young boy who announced his intentions of becoming a shinobi of Iwagakure. Amaya smiled in reminiscing the days of her youthful shinobi journey and how it all began. It was much like this moment and perhaps it was the reason she found herself back at the academy. "Tou-jig-kou Muslim," Ayama spoke his surname in three syllables, careful not to mess up the pronunciation. Then another boy followed in to introduce himself. His name was Sunaku Shirai and for some reason, that name was familiar to Amaya but why was unknown at the moment. Without dwelling on the thought, Amaya returned a light bow and introduced herself to the arriving apprentices.

"Nice to meet you both, my name is Akira Amaya but Akira-sama is fine. Your punctuality is much appreciated and is the standard I hope you both will continue to up hold. As you may know, the sensei/apprentice program is fairly new and each Sensei has their own expectations of their apprentices. With that being said, I have very high expectations to meet and I would like to go over those with you two. This way you will know what you are getting into and may decide if I am the sensei for you," Amaya would reach behind her to pull a small scroll from out of her pouch. Unravaling the scroll revealed a list of critria and expectations. The list dropped to the floor and began to roll until it hit Musei's foot. This scroll contained a syllabus, shinobi rules, expectations, etc. The group wouldn't have time to read it all but a chance to scheme before Amaya would start to roll the scroll back up.

"There is a lot here but our time together will be long and in that time we would have covered everything on this scroll and more. But for starters, I need you to listen carefully to the words I am about to say," Amaya would clear her throat as she pocketed her scroll back into her pouch before continuing. Amaya took a deep breath and paused for a moment before exhaling. The pause may have seemed longer likely due to the anticipation, "I am an Stone shinobi, I am a ninja and a member of a team. I serve the citizens of Iwagakure and live Stone's values. I will always place the mission first. I will never except defeat. I will never quite. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am discipline, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my shinobi task and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a perfessional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of Iwagakure in close combat. I am a Guardian of freedom and the Iwagakure's way of life. I am a Stone shinobi..." Amaya would pause again while her emerald green eyes were fixed on both Shirai and Musei. She was scanning their body language and expressions for her own reasons.

"Those words are my expectations. If you feel that those words are to much to live by or to much to be held accountable to, then please, do yourself a solid and find another sensei. If you believe that you can shoulder the weight of these words, burden yourself with this responsibility... then I would like to welcome you to Team Theseus, 1st Shinobi Division. The choice is yours. If you stay, your training starts now.

[Ooc: was waiting to see if a third would show but eh we moving this along so we can get you guys trained up.]

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai stood there looking at the long list before it was put away. That was a lot of demands for an ANBU class. As Akira began to resite some form of oath Shikai was listening carefully to indeed find out if it was too much. He thought it all sounded reasonable until it got towards the end. Close combat? She must be joking. Not only did it seem that this was more of a recruiting to a genin team than a class for academy students but she demanded that her followers would all be close quarter combat types?

Makes sense that one should be able to defend themselves in close combat but most shinobi teams do well with one person specializing in at least close and long range. Most importantly long range for stronger opponents.

Shikai decided to raise his hand indicating that he had something to say. Upon being given the chance to speak he would say:

"Uhm. Sorry I might have misunderstood this. I thought it might be a class for academy students who wanted to go the ANBU way but now it looks like it is more like a genin team in the making. Also I take issue with the fighting style of a Shinobi being incorporated into the oath. That basically makes a mid to long range fighter unable to join."

Shikai would stand there looking confused until an answer would present itself.

[OOC: Just need to know if this is becoming a class or if it is becoming a team sign up like team 7 with Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. (Genin teams). I'm not going to sign onto team with a sensei that I have no prior experience RP'ing with. Need to know how they are RP'wise before any of that is going to happen.(With their main character and not some NPC)]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Ayama would address Shikai's concerns about both the class of today and his concerns about close combat.

"This is a class and I am of the Anbu branch. However, even though this is a class, I am operating under a special shinobi program. What this means is that I will be teaching under different criteria than the academy. I will be personally overseeing members of team Theseus training and it will be more personalized for the students in order for a more efficient training. You may still attend normal classes at the academy but I assure you that under my training, you will not need to. I will be teaching you jutsu, weapon proficiency, stealth, critical thinking and analysis, survival skills, maneuvering, psychology, and yes Anbu techniques and skills to pass the Anbu examination if that is the route you wish to travel. I highly encourage that actually. As for your concerns about close combat, it simply means that you will engage your enemy. It does not mean hand to hand combat but implies any form of combat whether it be Taijutsu, ninjutsu, or Genjutsu, mid range, short range, etc. As long as you are willing to put your life on the line and fight. Does that clear things up a bit? I want you two both to understand exactly what you are getting yourselves into so feel free to ask of me any questions or concerns."

With that Amaya would give the floor back to the students in order to answer any more questions that the may have or to here their answer if they had one.

[Ooc: Sorry for skipping post order to answer Shikai but we can continue post order now. Yes this is my PC and yes I am forming a team of three like team 7. Also, yes this will be a class thread and yes it will count for anbu class. Consider it an orientation class but actual training will be done as well in this thread. My PC will not be teaching just anyone however, only those apart of the team Theseus or those potentially joining this team so your good to stay and attend if you like. The reason for this is to build ICly relationships and this way I can keep the classes and post rolling in quicker. I hope the "close combat" was clearer for you.]

Sunaku Shikai

New Member
Oct 8, 2015
Shikai nodded to signal that he had understood.

"I see. A package deal. Take all or none. I came to scout out the note with the rather scares information in hopes that it was what I was looking for but it seems this is something else. I'm not quite there yet. I'm sorry for the inconvenience"

Shikai bowed towards the teacher before turning around and slowly walking back towards the academy.

[OOC: This is a "join the team or nothing" deal. Can't join a team with people I have not already RP'd with beforehand. Really don't want to have my mission slot held hostage by someone who posts slowly or have to sit through long RP's with people I don't mesh with. So as it seems this is a "join the team" kinda thread this is sadly too soon for me.]
[OOC: Leaving the topic]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
