Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 21:09:38

Private Taming The Metal Beast

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
A lot of progress was being made every day, especially on the technological front, with Kitsune right there in the middle of it. She’d pioneered a method of making mechanical prosthetics that didn’t require chakra, she’d invented a way to artificially create people bonded with their weaponry… She’d ensured the hospital had an intranet of connected computer terminals capable of accessing the sum total of medical knowledge in the databases housed in a server room in the basement of the hospital… In other words, she was no stranger to new technologies, nor trying to implement it in a way that made sense.

With all the new construction going on in the village, she’d mandated that the roads be made wide enough for proper vehicles to pass through, and that they be properly paved over, both to ensure a smoother ride, but also to save on maintenance. Horses could trip on cobblestone, carriage wheels could hit a pothole from a missing stone and break… It was a total mess. Now, however, with the advent of combustion engines, there was a new technological frontier that Kitsune could challenge, and by Jove, she was gonna challenge it. Her objective? Constructing a horseless carriage with one of these here combustion engines.

While she was no metallurgist, or blacksmith, she knew her way around a forge and a hammer, so she crafted a lot of sheet plating for the body of the automobile, and eventually hammered it into a somewhat accurate mold of how it was meant to look, then shipped it off to professionals so they could recreate it but properly and smoothly. Meanwhile, while that was being done, alongside the frame, seats, and other interior components, she turned her attention to the engine. She’d been working on it for over a month now, tweaking and tuning, and changing components of it, and at long last she had a solid grasp of how to build an engine, and how to take it apart.

Kitsunes assistant Hanabi wasn’t amused though, as Kitsune had become fixated on finishing her hobby project rather than doing the paperwork she was required to do, so one day she went to Kitsunes home, barging into the workshop where Kitsune herself was located, wrist-deep into where a piston went into the engine, turned off the music that was blaring over a speaker in the corner and wryly informed her that she was supposed to have been at her office an hour ago. Kitsune looked up and responded that nothing could be that important, bar a meeting with foreign dignitaries.

”Maybe not, but this is relaxing to me. And dangit, I deserve a break from all those nagging sycophants.” Kitsune said, sighing while trying to adjust one of the other pistons from within the engine block. ”Give me five minutes and we’ll go, alright?” she asked of Hanabi while gesturing for a stereotypical workshop rag, dotted with oil stains and grime, yet somehow being more than capable of wiping it from Kitsunes hands.

After a few more weeks of engine tinkering, it was finally firing on all cylinders, making the vehicle it got mounted within capable of reaching speeds unheard of for non-shinobi. Granted, Kitsune was going to use it as her transport of choice for official business, but a little joyriding never hurt anyone, right? At that time, the body and frame had all arrived and been assembled. Kitsune basically only needed to drop in the engine and hook everything up to it and the car would be finished and ready for a test drive. Inside, there were plenty gauges and dials to inform her of the status of all important components, fluid levels of varying types, and so on.

Once the engine was in, Kitsune took a step back and admired the car, being quite proud of her work in putting it together, not discounting the skilled artisanship of the blacksmiths. She scrubbed her hands from all the dirt and proceeded to take a hot shower before getting suited up for a drive in her new car.


[MFT; WC: 677; One-shot]

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 21:09:38
