Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Tardiness is a Crime!


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 26, 2017
The teacher had just dismissed the whole class, as the students began to pack up and file out, he called over to Miyako. The teacher was an average height male with bright eyes and a warm smile, one of the nicest teachers in the academy. He was well liked by his students for being easy going and patient. So it was unlikely that Miyako would be worried that he called her over. Whenever she got to his desk, he sat down and sighed, “You’re not in trouble or anything, I’m just worried.” he said letting out an exasperated sigh. Sitting back in his chair he crossed his arms and looked at her, “Some of your classmates have been skipping class too way often. If they miss another class i’m going to have to report them to the principle. I really don’t want to do that. Would you be kind enough to go track them down and just give them a warning? I’ll be sure to excuse you from tonight’s homework if you do.” he said giving her a wide smile.

“If you’re willing to do it, they usually hang around the park right next to the academy, i’d go myself but i’ve got a meeting to head to. If I miss another one the principle might chew my head off.” he said with a chuckle, as he stood up grabbing a few things from his desk and packing them into a small shoulder bag. “It shouldn’t be too hard, Miyako I am sure you can do it with no problem.”
It was hard for Miyako to pay attention in class, her mind always somewhere elsewhere. She did not really care about any of the things that her other classmates had to say. As she goes to drop her books into her small shoulder bag, her attention is drawn away. Feeling drawn away is odd for her, she wasn't paying attention to anything in the first place. Her almost emotionless eyes settle on those of her professor as he calls her name. Had he noticed that she wasn't paying attention? She tucked her hands into her sleeves as she approached the desk, though as he told her she wasn't in any sort of trouble, the tension within her seemed to escape her body. She doesn't say anything as he explains himself and the situation, though she nods as he pauses and smiles. She tries to offer a smile in return, though it seems almost forced.

"Of course! " She bobs her head and takes note that the students usually hang around the park. Hopefully they aren't too tough, or too mean. As he stands, she takes a step back and nods again. "Thank you.. I will go tell them." She accepts with a very small amount of enthusiasm. She turns to walk out of the classroom and down the hall, until she's eventually at the front doors of the academy. She walks out and covers her eyes from the brightness of the sun before turning to walk to the park beside the academy. She looks over the area with a quiet sigh and begins her search for the truant students.

The teacher frowned he had noticed her lack of enthuasism lately and hoped it was due to her lack of interest in class but it seemed to be in all things. Either way she showed even a sliver of interest in doing this, so he smiled once again and with a wave he went through the door, as he left he said, "Be sure to close the door, thanks again, Miyako!" and just like that he darted down the hallway not daring to be late for another meeting.

The weather was great this afternoon, a slight breeze complimented the cooling of the Village around this time of year. A great relief for the scorching heat of Konoha's summers. Leaves were beginning to turn shades of red, brown, and yellow. Autumn was upon us. However the only thing nice about today would be the weather, as Miyako was soon to find out. It didn't take her long to get the park considering how close it was to the academy, however in the corner of the park she would not only see, but hear a young girl sobbing off in the distance. Hidden under a slide, it was difficult to see her until one got really close. Her long blonde hair went down into the gravel in the playground. Near the slide was two logs of wood poking out of the gravel, looking quite out of place. The girl didn't seem to notice Miyako as she seemed too distracted in her own sorrow. How would Miyako react?
Miyako narrows her eyes, looking this situation over for a moment. She knows that people tend to use logs for substitution justus, and this girl, why is she sobbing if she constantly misses class. Miyako rolls her eyes and steps closer, though she keeps her distance from both the slide and the logs, "Hey!" She calls with disinterest, "Are you one of the students who keeps skipping class?" she asks, not worrying about whatever problem this girl might have. Her hopes are in favor of the girl not being one of the delinquents, and that those two logs aren't two other students and are just simply logs.. She sighs, staring the sobbing girl down until she'll fork over an answer.

She never understood why the others would be delinquent, there's no point. She came to the academy to make something out of herself and be able to utilize great strength in the future. These kids, however, are just wasting everyone's time. Including her's.

The girl wiped some of her tears on her arm, looking up to Miyako. It seemed like she had been crying for quite a while, tear stains went down her cheeks and a bit of snot hung from her nose. "W-what class?" Once she finally got to see her, she looked maybe a few years too young to be in the academy. "I-i'm not old enough to go to the academy, at least that's what Momma tells me.." she said sniffling again as she continued to wipe her face. During this whole 'act' the logs quickly poofed into a cloud of inter-dimensional smoke, as the Uchiha saw threw their plans. Even without a Sharingan it would seem that particular bloodline had a sharp wit about them.

After the smoke cleared two boys, both a few inches taller than Miyako appeared. Immediately she would recognize them as part of a trio that was known for causing trouble. Even the girl's face turned into a smirk as she poofed into her own showing the obvious leader of the boy. A few inches taller than the other boys, hovering over Miyako. "So did one of the teachers send you?" the leader said as he approached. "Here, we'll just make this easy. You give us your lunch money and say we weren't here. Then you'll leave.. if not." he looks over to the other two guys, cracking their knuckles in an attempt to intimidate. "You got it?"
Miyako furrows her brows, looking the girl over as she tries to explain herself and claims that her mother told her that she was too young for the academy. The girl does look younger than most everyone in the academy, how could Miyako be wrong? When the logs make a subtle pop and transition through fog into two boys, she takes a short leap backward, the girl also shifting into a boy means bad news for her. She wishes that she could take back what she thought about the girl being a delinquent, now faced with an even larger and more dangerous situation.

Miyako frowns lightly and takes half of a step back. She rolls her fingers through her hair and looks between the three, wondering if she could take any of them on. She's not very powerful yet, though if these boys hurt her now, she'll make them pay for it in the future. Her arms come level to her chest, her hands flat and pointed towards the sky. "Yes the teacher sent me. He sent me to inform you all that you'll be reported if you don't come to class." She takes another step back and her eyebrows lower, "I don't have any money to give to a group of brats, and I refuse to lie."

The oldest boy shaked his head and frowned, "Oh c'mon, you seem like a nice girl why would you want to fight?" he said as his lackeys walked to surround her like sharks circling their pray in open waters. She was outnumbered and all of these boys looked stronger than her physically, one of the boys was a bit on the heavy side and probably weighed at least twice as much as Miyako.

"But if you're so eager to be a goodie two shoes then I guess we can always show you what we to do goodie two shoeses.." with a quick kick into the gravel below he sends gravel flying up at her face. As one of the boys goes to grab her arms. "If you won't give us the money then I guess we'll just have to take it." the leader said once again as the two lackeys nodded and said "Great idea, Boss." She was outnumbered and in trouble, she had a small opening to run if she chose. But currently she had one man charging at her arm and another kicking gravel in her face, the last boy looking ready to pounce on whatever movement she made next.
"I don't want to.." She half mutters, noticing the size of the boys approaching her at this point to the fullest extent. She sighs heavily and simply weighs her options, she has all of her allowance with her, and she really doesn't want to get hurt. Anger begins to almost overwhelm her, her cheeks growing redder by the moment. As the boys begin their attack, Miyako finds herself breathing heavily.

As the gravel bounces off of the tip of the boy's shoe, Miyako feels as though she's watching it slowly fly towards her face. She looks to the next boy, the one that's charging her and watches his every move. From the outside, this would all happen so fast, the gravel flies towards her face, along with another boy darting towards her entire figure. Two of the three boys may have seen her eyes change, though by the time that they did, Miyako's arm swipes the area in front of her, swatting every rock and fleck of dust out of the path that the kick threw it in. She takes a quick step back and plants her back foot. As she does this, her other foot would aim to clobber the boy charging at her directly in the side of the head. She seems to have forgotten about the third boy when her kicking foot lands. She looks at the one that had kicked gravel into her face, awaiting his charge for her, which she knows is bound to happen.

Her chest lifts and falls quickly, her eyes aching as she stares the boy down in her sharingan rage. Her left arm hurts from slapping the gravel, multiple bruises likely forming along her forearm. She gulps and brings her hands together in the hand sign that would release a genjutsu, though do these kids know anything about hand signs? They haven't been to class in quite some time, so hopefully she can use this hand sign to feign combat dominance over the boys and scare them away.

None of the boys had expected her to be a Uchiha, everyone had heard of the rumors of the crazy eyed Uchiha's whose demon eyes granted them increased power. But when they jumped her they had no idea what was going to happen. The gravel from the leader had been knocked away leaving some nasty bruises on Miyako's arm but saving her from worse blows to her face or chest. As her reaction times increased it gave her a good chance in fighting in such dire circumstances. As she masterfully hopped backwards, sending a quick kick to the boy's head. After her powerful kick he was out cold, falling down into the gravel face first. One down and two to go, but he honestly looked like the weakest of the bunch. One would doubt the rest would go down so easy.

The boy who hadn't seen her Sharingan went in to tackle her legs as the leader rushed forwards toward her. Bringing up his fist, "Alright red-eyes! I'm going to show you what happens to people who get into our business." While the other boys were able to be tracked with relative ease, this boy moved way faster. Too fast for her newly gained Sharingan to keep up with, as he ran up he jumped into the air going to kick her hands. However it was a bit too late, she was able to get the genjutsu off, but the boy assumed nothing, as if she was going for a ninjutsu. The slower boy had aimed to tackle her legs and hopefully take her to the ground. As the super fast boy readied for his next attack.
The ruckus of the large boy charging after her was easily detected, not by her Sharingan, but simply by her ears. As he dove for her legs, she would leap just high enough so that he'd hopefully scrape the ground beneath her feet and she'd end up landing on him. She would be much to distracted to even look for the boy, even though he was too fast for her newly found vision. The kick to her hands would catch her off guard and she'd be forced to land awkwardly on the boy that acts almost like a rug to her. This causes her to stumble backward, unbalanced and unable to catch herself she would land on her back in the dirt, an audible grunt escaping her small chest.

As her back collides with the ground and uplifts a cloud of dust, her Sharingan dissipates into her dark eyes and leaves her almost completely defenseless against the last and obviously the most powerful grunt of the trio. Sure that he will charge her, she brings the insides of her elbows against her cheekbones, using her already banged up arms to protect her from a potential onslaught of hands or feet.

With adrenaline coursing through her system, she almost hopes for the both of them to try to attack her, feeling ready for anything and little to no pain.

The second boy was grabbing at his back after she used him as a rug. He seemed out of the fight, for now. The other, fastest boy was seething with rage at this point. His face had turned red, for him and his boys to be embarrassed by a girl of all things? He charged over to her, going to kick her a few times in the sides, a blows bouncing off her arms when he tried to attack her face. "You shouldn't have messed with us!" he said after cocking his leg back and giving her a hard kick to Miyako's side. Dust and gravel shooting off in the area as he relentlessly continued his flurry of attacks. After a few moments, feeling confident that he beat her up enough. "Alright, you're going to fork over the cash now and never tell anyone how you got all beat up? Got it?" the boy said demanding from her as he stood above her. "I'm going to give you to the count of ten, if you're not handing over whatever you've got by then i'm going to make the last few things I did look like child's play. You got it?" he said trying his best to intimidate the girl.
She winces and squirms beneath the quick blows of the boy's hands and feet, tears rolling from her eyes. She grunts as he slams his foot into her side, though this only fuels her anger and adrenaline. She pushes herself backward with her feet, going to place her hands on the ground behind her. Her eyes fall on the boy and show just how angry she is. The whites of her eyes are red, even though they are barely visible. She growls quite audibly and forces her eyes back into the bloodline trait that she's blessed with, the Sharingan.

Miyako stands and reaches out to slap the boy across the face with the back of her hand, a scowl crossing her lips. After doing so, she takes a leap backward, preparing for his counter and training her eyes on the boy, even though his fastest movements would appear to be blurs in her vision. She raises her arms again, protecting her face and her most valuable weapon, her eyes. She's breathing heavily, exerting herself almost fully in this small squabble. Her hands are no longer pointed straight up, but clenched into fists.

"Come get it." She states flatly.

"Resilient, eh?" The girl showed a crazy amount of stamina, was it her Sharingan or something else. He had heard stories of Uchiha who were able to pull off amazing feats after awakening that eye of theirs, but he hadn't really had trouble fighting her up to this point, but when she said "Come and get it." the boy's nose scrunched up and he grew angry. Who was she to mock him. "You can't win.. I don't know why you even try!" he said dashing forward in an angry rage.

However this time it was different, sure he was going the same speed but after getting adjusted to her newfound abilities, she could track his abilities better. While he may have been going too fast for most to see, she could track him for the most part. As he dashed over, he brought his knee up trying to kick her in the chest. Luckily her Sharingan gave her plenty of time to react.
In amazement, she watches the boy move as if he were plainly running towards him at a speed much lower than what he possesses. Miyako moves one foot backward and plants it, continuing to watch the incoming boy. She hadn't realized how amazing her bloodline trait truly was, despite everyone in her clan discussing it quietly and everyone in the village judging her clan for their powers and anger. She feels this anger and it courses through her body like her own blood and chakra. Miyako has no control over her chakra and she feels that flowing slightly different than everything else in her system. It feels almost thick, not going where she wants it to and not focusing in any particular area of her body.

Unable to focus her chakra, she simply watches and waits, the boy leaping into the air happens slow enough for her to muster a tactic in her head and she does just this. As his knee lifts, her left arm does as well. With this arm, she pushes his knee away from her body and sidesteps the boy that is now soaring through the air. The attempt would appear to be a dodge, though this is not the case. After side stepping him, she reaches out with the same arm to grab his collar while he's still in mid air. Utilizing this grasp, Miyako aims to throw his back towards the ground, possibly ripping the cloth of his shirt as the power from his charge and her pull fight at one another. Realizing that countering is her key to success, Miyako takes a leap backward and away from him, standing at an angle so that she can see the remaining boy and the one that she used as a rug earlier.

This entire time, Miyako wouldn't say a word, too focused on this newfound ability and the fight at hand to mettle in conversation with such an underdog of society. She feels that she is much too powerful now for a foe like this, though many could say that this state of mind is just in her imagination.

The boy who had attempted to attack Miyako again learned her lesson, after awakening her Sharingan the girl was just too strong for them to deal with. Anything else they tried to do would just lead into defeat. Grabbing the one conscious friend he put lifted him over his shoulder and tried to run away. Leaving the one laying stone cold in the gravel to the mercy of Miyako. Whether they would come to class or not she wouldn't know until tomorrow. But anyone could tell they would never attempt to mess with Miyako again.

He had run down the road as fast as he could, his friend's back still hurting from being used as a rag. The boy was obviously angry to see his whole squad beat so easily, perhaps it would spurn him to start going to class and maybe he wouldn't be defeated so easily.
Miyako frowns and her composure loosens slightly. She watches the boy lift his friend and begin to run, though she hasn't quite gotten her message across. The teacher sent her after these boys to tell them to come to class or face consequences. Even though they have already faced her wrath, there are still more consequences from the school that they will face. She needs to let them know this, this was her entire mission and without telling them, she has failed. She begins running after the pair, she's not as fast as the leader of the small squad, though hopefully the weight of his friend slows him down enough for her to catch up. Her Sharingan rolls away across her irises and she pushes herself to run faster, "Hey, wait up!" she yells between heavy breaths. When she'd catch up to the two, she'd plant a hand on the boy's shoulder, attempting to pull herself past him and stop running in front of him, in hopes that he'd stop. She outstretches her arms and lets out a deep breath before looking the two over carefully.

"Our teacher sent me to tell you to not skip anymore class." Her voice is quiet and ridden with heavy breathing, though the tone of it would feel very serious to the boys. "If you don't show up tomorrow or skip any more classes, I will come find you again and I'll make you even more sorry that you ever even thought about skipping class." She sighs, peering over the boy's shoulder at their friend that still lays unconscious in the dirt of the park, "And tell him too! I refuse to be humiliated by a bunch of weakling delinquents and you punks will not be the reason that I fail my first mission!"

After her monologue, she crosses her arms and gives a triumphant grunt through her nostrils, though she waits for their answers. If they respond with anything other than a promise to go to class again, she'll show them another good butt whooping. However, she does not have this in her, she's exhausted and very sore, but hopefully her previous "conversation" with them has shown them that they do not want her to come around again.

The only concious nod had almost pissed himself when he felt the tap on his shoulder, was she here to continue beating them up he thought? What if they were going to spend the whole day getting their asses kicked by thie girl. However lucky enough for them she was just giving them a warning, to tell them to come to class. The boy gave a huge gulp and nodded. "Y-yes ma'am!" he shouted before running off with his friend under his shoulder. The sweat falling off his forehead as he hobbled as quickly as he could. "I'll make sure to tell my other friend too!!!" he continued to shuffle off until he ran off into the distance, out of Miyako's sight.

The next day when she would arrive at the class, she would find the three boys sitting next to each other, sitting at the front. They must have been early as they were already set up and prepared for the day before the teacher had even showed up. When she walked past they all ducked and looked away. Multiple bruises lined their arms, and the one who unfortunately got a kick to the face by Miyako had a bruise that went along his face. Making it look like he had been hit with a frying pan. If anything was certain these kids would definitely show up to class from now on, or once again face the wrath of Miyako!

Current Ninpocho Time:
