Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Target VICTOR (Orochi Sakura, Kagami Mirō)

Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank
It can't be that important, can it?

Kosuke had only been back in Kumogakure for a few days now, long enough to return to his quarters and clean the dust and cobwebs from every surface. Some very small part of him had hoped that they would give him a new room in the trainee barracks, but... Unfortunately, it was not so. He had taken only about a day or so to clean and refresh every surface, the disciplined part of him requiring him to finish before he could do anything else. It was a time of quiet reflection, of thinking about what he wanted to do with this opportunity to prove himself worthy of becoming ANBU again. Most trainees who were found to be not sound of mind were decommissioned and barred from returning - he had been lucky that his family took him before it reached that point, and now he had to make everything worth it: the training, the leave of absence, the ability to return and try again. Second chances were rare, and he was not one to squander the one afforded to him.

That was why his response to being summoned by the Sennin was both excited and anxious. Excited because this felt like his chance to show the Sennin that they and their Captains were right about allowing him to return. Nervous, because... Well, why was he being summoned by the Sennin? He had assumed that his training would be overseen by other, lower-ranking Mempo, and they would be the ones that would send him on the missions he needed to promote.

Regardless, he was not one to ignore a summoning, no matter the individual ANBU Mempo - after all, they all ranked higher than he did. He had, so far, nothing under his belt. With a swiftness, he had donned his gear that was hanging in his barracks closet and pulled his blank face mask over the side of his head so that, in case it was required, he could shift it and mask his face at a moment's notice. He paused when his hand touched the door handle. He stood still as he waited for a mere few seconds, calming what frazzled nerves he still had. It took a few breaths, breaths that had quickly become a common practice for him during his behavioral re-training.

He pulled the door open and quickly made his way to the Sennin's office.

[WC: 405]

[TD]Eyes darted at the scroll dropped into her window. The sterilized scalpel gripped firmly by my gloved hand. My eyes shifting slowly back to the make shift operating table. The toad laid there un-sedated and yet, unaware of both its predicament and its current fortune. "I'm being summoned. And we were just getting to the fun part my handsome prince." I placed the scalpel down upon the surgeon's table before placing the toad back into its glass paradise. Disposing of the gloves, I made my way over to the scroll. It would seem that I have received my very first assignment. My orders were to meet with the debriefer at a specified date and time. Time now it would seem and at the Sennin's office. I couldn't fathom that the head hancho would be meeting with a first year like myself. This was highly irregular, unorthodox, and interesting. So, naturally I gathered my things to include my fly away kit. My black duffle bag was filled with things I may need on any assignment. However, being the anal perfectionist that I was, a quick inventory was in order. I placed the bag upon my bed and began a spread as I removed items one by one. Kunai check. Summoning scrolls, check. Paper bombs, check. Wooden stack, rope, fresh rabbits' foot, hacksaw, hatched, crowbar, poison assortments, first aid, ball gag, flammable oil my favorite, and an assortment of utility items and salt. It would seem as though that I was all set to go, however, I still had a few minor preparations to make. I removed my shirt in order to place band aids on myself that concealed razor blades underneath. I ensured that I carried on my person a small pocket mirror along with a few other useful items. Last but not least, my beloved kitchen knife which fit snugged within my hoodie. I threw the blank mask in my black duffle along with the other tools. I stopped by a mirror to gaze at myself. This wasn't for vanity but for a quick assessment. I would look myself in the eyes and feel the goosebumps rising. "That'll do," I said to myself before looking back at the toad. Instead of telling him to have a nice day, I would say with a cold glare, "have the day you deserve... You know, let karma sort things out." And with that, I was off to my destination, the Sennin's office...

[wc: 409]
“Oh for Raiden’s sake, where the hell could he have run off too?”
The disgruntled Sennin barked throughout her office. Papers and forms laid spread out across her desk and noticeably on top of them were black inky paw prints on her important documents. “That little bastard..” Red hues darted in every direction around her large office. Food bowl had been filled and while the water jug could use more water it was left primarily untouched. Why in the world were they always so mischievous? In a brief moment of reflection on her own childhood it was no wonder that she and Samei had so much in common. So much in common that the little black cat even had a scar across their nose and another unique touch to them.

“Alright, well he needs to be here and not causing havoc or getting sealed in a thousand year old jar again. I wonder if any new recruits are willing…” Mirō paused for a moment. “Scratch that. What new recruits are going to chase after Samei.” Calloused hands rubbed together as schemes unraveled in her head. A report of new recruits found itself stuck underneath a stack of papers. With one pull the paper revealed itself and the stack remained undisturbed. Red eyes scanned the list. Without any further thinking a black nail stopped on two names. With a casual yet crisp snap of her fingers the paper dispersed into paper butterflies to notify her captains to reach out to the new recruits. ‘Maybe these two will prove themselves far more useless than my apprentice ever could.’

After a few hours her door would swing open. The ANBU on guard made sure the new recruits were who they said they were. If they hadn’t been they wouldn’t even know how to get to the Sileo. From their first appearance the duo would notice the Sennin's demeanor. Once upon a time she had been all business with a serious face. Yet something unlocked inside her. With a wide toothy grin, red eyes and that dastardly large scar would pierce through them. “Ah! You’ve arrived!” A small giggle escaped her pink lips. “You lucky two are going on an important mission! You see, there’s a rogue ninja apaw and I need you to retrieve him before he gets out of hand! Here’s a picture of the rogue ninja.” Casually Mirō slid over a picture of the ninja. “I believe you will have no trouble finding him. It’s catching him and bringing him back that’ll be the issue!”

[Topic Entered]
Kosuke stood silently, patiently, as he waited to be into the Sennin's office. This would be his first time stepping foot into this part of the Sileo, as it was normally kept off-limits to recruits - he had not yet proven himself capable enough to warrant the Sennin's attention, or so he had assumed. He felt somewhat out of place with his blank mask and standard recruit equipment, as if he was just, so far, playing at being ANBU... Was he meant to be here?

"Yes, you are. You were summoned by the Sennin by name. You are meant to be here, you need only show them - and yourself - how true that is." He was unused to such defeatist thoughts. They had never been much of an issue when he struggled to contain his anger, but it was likely more of a byproduct of his fiery overcompensation than... Wait, why was he self-analyzing as he waited to get a mission? Why was he undermining himself before anyone had even spoken to him? Was that an issue that he would have now, questioning his own ability? Why...

Why did it keep going?

His sharp exhale might alert particularly astute individuals as to the mere fact of his random, sudden frustration, even if they could not pick up on what frustrated him. His dark red eyes would flick between the guards, the door, and the girl he assumed to be another recruit that had been summoned. He gave her a look over, assessing her and her black duffel bag. She did not look exactly intimidating, but... His eyes did not linger long, lest the raised hair on the back of his neck and the goosebumps on his arms gave him away. Kosuke was a notoriously (literally) hot-skinned lad, but from her, he felt cold. He figured he would learn more about her later, if she were to be his partner in whatever mission they were given. They would have plenty of time to get to know one another.

After they were checked and ushered into the office, Kosuke gave a respectful, if short, bow. He could not help the small twitch at the corner of his lips that threatened to give him a small grin that matched the fellow red-eyed woman's, but that was replaced with a small look of confusion as his eyebrows furrowed. They were to catch a rogue ninja, like those in the bingo book? Was that the test they were expected to complete? He took the picture and looked down, extraordinarily curious as to what sort of dangerous shinobi they would have... "That's a cat." He would hold the picture for the other recruit to take, his brow still furrowed. It could be worse, but it could be better...

"Do you have a list of his favorite haunts and types of places to explore? Is there anything we should look out for? And... Can he really... Do anything? Probably not, he is a cat, and cats aren't able to do Jutsu... right?"

"Is he able to do jutsu?"
He felt foolish asking, but he was not going to go after this mission blind. It was directly handed from the ANBU Sennin, so it really must be important, or so he told himself.

[WC: 541]

[TD]My prompt arrival was met with another. A boy, seemingly around my age. A quick glance told me all that I needed to know. As it stood, we were both Anbu in training and we were both summoned to the Sennin's office. That's about the extent of our commonality. We were eventually ushered into the Sennin's office where we would be received by what looked to be a nine-year old. I immediately noticed the scar over her eye, however, it wasn’t giving anymore merit to the situation. Needless to say, I was not amused. I was less amused by both the picture and the cat pun. Was this little girl actually the sennin? It would be hard to believe that she had access to a restricted area if it wasn't at least partly true. Also, this mission. Either of the two could pass as a joke. The boy to whom I accompanied, issued a request for additional information. Interestingly enough, he was taking this seriously. I decided I would drink the communal punch of conformity and ignore the pink elephant in the room. And so, some background intel was in order. "I concur. We’ll need his name, last known where about, threat level to include his capabilities, places he frequents, and a bag of his favorite treats.” I would pocket the picture for later identification of the suspect. I’ve read books in the grand library in regards to trained shinobi pets. I was much younger and I took them as fiction at the time. Perhaps it was fiction, and we were participating in the delusion’s of a seven year old girl. She said that finding him would be easy, however, bringing him back would be the task. This didn’t concern me the least. However, what did concern me, I forgot to pack the bear traps. “We will find him and bring him back,” In one piece or several; dead or alive.

[wc: 318]
Quietly Mirō examined the two up and comers. From their responses to the task at hand she already managed to deduce their personalities, if only slightly. The first to open the door seemed to be all business with no time for fun. The other one with the black hair as dark as her own gave off an aura of smugness. Both of them looked over the picture and with a scoff they dismissed the potential threat of the nin-cat before her. “How observant.” Her cheerful tone turned serious in a flash. “The black nin cat before you goes by the name of Samei. I emphasize ‘nin-cat’ because they differ from normal cats… and he’s just so cute but hates when I hold him.” Mirō recalled the times he pushed her face away from an onslaught of kisses and nuzzles.

“Nin-cats are special,” Mirō continued, “In that they do possess the ability to create jutsu. This one in particular is exactly like me.” The Sennin playfully stuck her tongue out. “A Uchiha hybrid. Though his ability to create jutsu is… limited he is skilled in other areas.” A hybrid animal wasn’t out of the realm of possibilities when it came to animals. In the world they live in, anything was possible with the right amount of chakra manipulation and technology and good ol’ nature. “You’ll have a hard time catching him because he can manipulate time and space.” A wide sharp toothed grin overcame her pink lips. “Not exactly by the books mind you, it’s more of a phase shift.” By this time the duo might’ve been rightfully confused. A black tipped fingernail pointed at the girl, “You can win him over with treats and scaring him. He is a cat after all.” A free hand moved to her desk drawer to pull out a bag of handmade treats she purchased from the shops.

The treats were brown like soldier pills but in the shape of two different kinds of fish. “Lure him with these! As for his whereabouts… Hmm, I don’t know!” She shrugged, honestly Samei was an independent young black cat who did what he wanted, like deny her snuggles. “I’d try the reformed Cronopolis. Other nin-cats meander around there, who knows. Bring him back alive and the mission will be complete!”
As Kosuke stepped forward to get the treats meant to lure the nin-cat Samei, he noticed the distinctive black paw prints across the Sennin's desk and papers. His eyebrows raised slightly, and then his double-wheeled Mangekyou Sharingan spun into existence. He closely studied the prints before he stepped away from the desk, committing the unique prints to justu-studied memory. He could see them now, along many of the surfaces, many of them fading with age. He kept track of the most recent ones, his body turning to track them as they led out of the door... And vanished in a swirl of chakra, which left its own trail to be followed. "Phase shift... I can track the space-time manipulation, but we need to hurry, uhh...."

Kosuke turned back to the shorter girl dressed in black, and held out a hand in front of him - offering a handshake of greeting, finally. He should get more used to communicating with his peers outside of missions, if at least to ensure they're more familiar with one another. He would have to watch her back, after all, and she would have to watch his. There needed to be an open channel of communication, and he had already slipped up by taking so long to establish it. "I'm Shinrya Kosuke. It's nice to be working with you," he gave her a small, but genuine, lopsided smile.

He had not yet relaxed his Sharingan, so he got an eyeful of her dark aura of chakra. He wasn't experienced yet in examining people's chakras, only noticing them - at face value, her's didn't strike him as evil, only different... And perhaps a bit cold, distant. "I can track Samei, but his trail after this phase shift is dissipating than his paw prints. What do you specialize in?"

[TD]A talking inter dimensional cat. Just like when Alice was on that bad acid trip. This case peaked my interest. “Time space manipulation… And here I was, thinking that this would be ‘child’s’ play. Well, our orders are clear. Locate and ‘kid’ nap him.” My gaze would shift toward an out stretched had. My partner introduced himself as Shinrya. I’d respond by folding my arms in front of me, “Sakura. Orochi Sakura. I specialize in baking cookies and making the ‘children’ cry.” That second claim was actually true. However, if it were a transferable skill for the task at hand, I couldn’t say with certainty. Time will tell. “I do not possess a ‘kiddie’ genkai if that’s what you mean. But I have a decent IQ.” Humbly put. I took noticed of Shinrya’s sharingan. He was an Uchiha. I never met one before but like the other bloodlines in the village and neighboring, I read all about them. There was once a hunter of Uchiha who’d wear their eyes as ornaments. I was beginning to see the appeal. More intriguing, I would love to dissect one myself. To see how it all works. “If you don’t survive this mission, would you mind donating your body to science? ‘Kidding.’ We should get moving. The Cronopolis can be a ‘playground’ for strays.”

[wc: 222]
Mirō watched the new shinobi carefully. Their movements, and interactions were untold stories on their personalities and way of engagement. Not to mention how nostalgic it felt to watch aspiring ninja join the ANBU unbeknownst to the amount of trauma they may develop. ‘Comes with the territory.’ A familiar voice whispered into her head. Crimson eyes watched the first arrival unveil their kekkei genkai. The pupils in her bright eyes began to manifest their bloodline's core ability, and with an intricate design. Another sign of the Uchiha’s power and beauty. The other black hair outcast revealed to be someone who resembled herself when she was younger. Cold and distant, but this one actually had personality, and a bit of a mouth. A glare shot out to the young girl, their mouth may be problematic to some but alluring to others.

Sakura and Kosuke. An unexpected duo meant to catch and bring back that little shite Samei. Mirō adjusted her position again to sit comfortably upright and spoke out, “Without further need for information, you’re both dismissed. Do your best to bring back Samei, unfortunately alive…” Her sharingan narrowed at Sakura. If she was any sort of the demon she was at her stage, Samei may’ve been one of Shinjo’s cat souls. A hand moved to dismiss the two genin away. Even so, Mirō felt disheartened that she wasn’t able to break any of Genin's shoulders. That’s how it usually ended up with a new Ait. So eager to fight! After a moment she’d await their departure and turn back to her plans with her captains.

[Topic left unless stopped!]
"Kekkai genkai," he simply corrected her, her apparent obsession with 'kids', 'children', and 'kiddies' not seeming to faze him much - the puns went too far over his head, he could not catch them... At least he was not the one here meant to have the smarts on the team. "No, I meant more... What can you do to assist the mission? It's hard to be a team without knowing at least somewhat each other's abilities beyond high IQ and a Sharingan... My specialty can track and bind a target from a distance." His eyes, at this point, had ceased their spinning, and he looked at her with his relatively normal, if intense, scarlet eyes. There was the barest hint of bloodshot in the white of his eyes now.

He turned and bowed to Mirō with a respectful, "Sennin," before he turned back to Sakura. He gave a small jerk of his head towards the door and began walking out, figuring that they would make their way towards the Cronopolis together. A few quick handseals and he summoned a blank black mask into existence over his face, concealing his identity in mere moments. His voice was muffled and monotoned behind the mask, "I can make a few mud clones, or make a simple crystal eye to allow us to cover more ground in our search. You got anything useful in that little black bag there, or is it just to look scary?" She wouldn't see the grin he had behind his mask and she might not hear it behind the monotonous tone the mask layered over his voice, but it was there.
Alive,” there’s that word again. If I didn’t know any better, and obviously I do, I’d say that was directed at me. She solicited a a reaction from me, the guerdon then attained was a smirk in commendation of her perceptive analysis of me. They say cats have nine lives… this makes them ideal for experimentation. I narrowed my eyes toward my assigned teammate as he corrected both my mispronunciation of “Kekkai genkai” and my witty retorts in regards to my skills and ability. “I see that your clan hasn’t discovered sarcasm. The mission will be over by the time I finish explaining what I can do to assist you. In fact, it would be a lot simpler to list out my short comings and inabilities. It humbles me to say, that I’m not adept in under water breathing under or flying. I simply can’t do it all. As for what’s in this bag…” He referred to my bag as scary… the highest compliment. He didn’t know it but I was partial to flattery. “Are you sure you want to know? It’s highly probable that you’ll be labeled as an accomplice or as an accessory if I told you.” My eyes shifted back to the Sennin. A polite bow with sinister undertone was given just before following Shinrya to take our leave. I looked his way to observe his black mask. It was just my color. It made him look, menacing. Together, we’d be quite the pair. Dogs would bark and children would cry. The great symphony. In my attempt to make casual conversation, I realized that I probably shouldn’t have, “Uchiha. I read a book about a serial killer who targeted Uchiha clans men. He’d stalk them before plucking out their eyes for trophies. He even wore them like ornaments. Seeing the sharingan up close… I’m starting to see the appeal.”

[wc 305]
+15k yen (e rank doubled word count, failed mission x1.5 then /2)=11,250 yen
+35 asp (e rank doubled word count, failed mission x1.5 then /2)= 26 asp (rounded down)


Current Ninpocho Time:
