Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Tax Evasion! Suna's #1 Crime?! <Private|Kaen>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012

He wasn’t sure how, but they finally found him.

A group of four men were literally dragging a seven-foot tall blond man with long hair by his feet because he refused that hard to comply. Despite being beat, threatened within an inch of his life, and other various things like binding Ninjutsu that just seemed to magically not work; the giant man-child refused to cooperate. Injuries healed almost instantly. Threats he returned with mockery. Twice since being discovered, the guy had almost slipped their grasp only to be overwhelmed and dragged, literally kicking and screaming, back towards Sunagakure.

This, was Ryuu Tama. Mad Scientist, extraordinary. A criminal of Suna that had conducted scientific projects of moral dubiousness within and outside of the desert shinobi village for decades. Always eventually caught and punished by the legendary Takahashi family, Tama had been a mosquito bite on Suna’s ass more often than not and it was a lingering question as to why they even bothered to keep him alive; with rumors abound that the blond was an actual immortal. It had been years, though, since the last time Tama had shown his face or done anything to bring attention to himself. Especially after literally murdering his friend and rival, Uzumoreru Toushin, on his death-bed following an attack at the gates by a Missing Shinobi. The scientist actually managed to lay low beneath the dunes without much hindrance, with any action he was preforming being unnaturally quiet. The thing that finally caught Suna’s attention to his were-abouts?

Tax Evasion.

It was one thing to conduct inhumane experiments and commit murder in the hospital; we’ve all been there. But to evade paying taxes to the local government that was slowly picking up after the train business began booming? That, was apparently was uncalled for. The scientist still wasn’t sure if the shinobi sent out to retrieve him did so on the government’s behalf, or if Suna decided it was better to just capture the mad man before someone else could make the mistake of bothering him. After all, the man was capable of extremely devastating Ninjutsu capable of razing entire villages to the ground if he was so inclined, and a non-shinobi government pestering something as close to a living god as most Hybrids were, was sure to spell disaster. Then again, perhaps Suna really did just arrest him for tax evasion and it was just yet another thing he would have to weather until he could convince an old friend to swing in and save his butt from judicial karma.

As such, his confidence so high in evading actual punishment again, Tama had lowered his wide-brimmed hat to cover his face with his hands tucked comfortably behind his head as the shinobi literally dragged him into Suna. His ratty lab-coat, stitched to hell and back, dragged along behind to sweep the trail. He didn’t care to watch where they were taking him as he knew the ins and outs of Sunagakure better than most people. Escape plots were already slowly being cooked up by the time the men picked him up by all four limbs and dead-log tossed him into a cold jail cell. Iron bars slammed behind him with clear frustration that produced a wry snicker from the giant. Slyly, he watched with his blue eye as the bickering shinobi went to discuss with ANBU their payment. Now, should he wait for someone to come visit and extend this return home or should he start his escape plan…

[Entered as NPC: Ryuu Tama]
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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank

It was rare for Kaen to don his Anbu attire, but when he did it was usually for some nefarious reason, such as this. Although this was harmless compared to some of the other things he had done wearing this suit. It had been some time since the large statured Hybrid stepped down as Anbu Captain, but the name and attire didn't bring on a lot of questions from the common rabble. "Enough squabbling, unless you would rather have my attentions focused on you four instead of that man!" Kaen, disguised as Anbu, gestured towards Tama. The would-be captures quickly quieted down where then Kaen threw down a pair of rolled up bills held together by rubber bands. "Take it and get the hell out of here..." One of the men scooped up the money and lead the rest of them out of the building. The rabble had been paid off, and now they were alone.

Kaen would slowly turn towards Tama, a large plume of steam venting out of the dark slits in his mask, a low hiss resounded outwards as the large man exhaled dramatically. "You're a difficult man to track down, you know that, Mr. Ryuu. Quite the rap sheet you've got etched into your belt. And now tax evasion of all things... tsk tsk tsk" Kaen slowly walked over as he talked, opening the cell door, entering and then closing it behind him. His heavy boots thunked loudly with each exaggerated step. He approached Ryuu Tama, stopping approximately three feet away from the tall blonde and exhaled another cloud of heated air. "Ok, it's your turn. Spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, give me the low down, come clean Tama, sing for me!" Kaen would just stand there, his arms folded across his chest as he questioned Tama. Where was he going with this and just what was it that he wanted Tama to tell him?

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
As the echoing steps of the bounty hunters faded, the Hybrid released a sigh and released his tension a little. The cold of the jail cell was next to freezing but felt good considering the outside heat; if only it wasn’t for the gentle pull of his chakra being drawn away from him. Tama knew well of the Sunan prison and how it managed to hold criminals that were far deadlier than he was, and this was far from his first time experiencing it; still, it wasn’t at all a pleasant feeling. Sort of like the vague feeling of someone running a vacuum down your back, he thought.

The thoughts, however, turned away from the strange feeling to focus on his escape. Letting his mind concentrate on the jail cell was only going to lead to acting stupid. Tama let out a hefty sigh as he mummered to himself connections he still had and who was going to spring him this time. Sousuke was usually the first to submit him to a house arrest under the terror of the Takahashi household, but the man was strangely absent. Last time they drug him in here the Lord Steward was waiting with a disappointed glare; this time there was an absence. He wondered briefly if he could contact his daughter, maybe trick her into letting him out, but before that thought got too far, (thankfully), a smell hit the air.

Sulfur. Brimstone. Charcoal. Heat and death. The scent of burning torment raised into the air as the heat of the cell began to match the entrance of Kaen. Twirling all of those fragrances together was a human base that never escaped his nose, let alone his senses. Another Hybrid had come to visit him, and since it didn’t distinctly smell of the salt air breeze, he assumed it wasn’t the one he knew of. Didn’t Kasen mention she had a brother a few times? He wondered…
When the masked man stood at his cell, opening it with a monologue, Tama couldn’t help but wonder who the hell this guy thought he was? The scientists’ blue eye regarded Kaen with a curiosity. The moment that cell door open the urge to snap his fingers and stop time was an absolute temptation. There would be no thinking about escaping, Kaen was literally giving him an outright opportunity. Did this man not know who the great mad scientist was?! Was Time Control not on the list of reasons he was a force to be recokend with?
…yet with the way the Flame Hybrid swaggered on in and closed the cell behind him, Tama could guess that this one was no stranger to combat against extra-stitious abilities. Besides, the jail cell tugging on his chakra like a toddler would a coat really hampered his style.

So, the scientist stayed right where he was laying on the floor. His hat remained covering his face despite the fact that his grin suddenly turned a little cocky beneath when Kaen asked him to spill the beans.
Oh? You want to know where Sousuke hides his porn stash? It’s fake news, he doesn’t have one,” was his reply.
You’d have a better chance at looking around for Mikaboshi’s dirty laundry.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Oh? You want to know where Sousuke hides his porn stash? It’s fake news, he doesn’t have one,” was his reply.
You’d have a better chance at looking around for Mikaboshi’s dirty laundry.

Kaen would essentially ignore Tama's rant as he gazed from the corner of his eye holes, waiting patiently for the bounty hunters to disperse. Once the coast was clear Kaen would turn his attentions back towards the other Hybrid.

"Please, we both know well enough that Sousuke's porn stash are his mechanic's monthly subscription." Kaen would turn around and open the cell door. "That last bit was just for show, as was throwing you into this cell. I actually just wanted to talk. Follow me to my office, well, a office, it's not mine. I'm not cool enough for yet heh heh." A sudden change of pace would probably through Tama off guard, but Kean meant well. Hopefully Tama wouldn't just bolt when given the opportunity. That would really make things complicated. Assuming Tama complied, Kaen would stop him just at the door."Lemme get these things off of you." Kaen would unlock the handcuffs that were applied to get Tama to this location. "Sorry about the whole search and seizure bit, but you're a very hard man to find." Kaen would then lead the other Hybrid down the hallway to the room he had recently done business with the bounty hunters. Opening the door the room would be rather plain looking. A mundane looking desk with chairs to match, a few near barren bookshelves, holding random books and papers like a shitty organized filing system.

Kaen would take a seat opposite of an empty chair, "Please sit, or stand if you like, I don't care either way." Once Tama made up his mind Kaen would reach over and pull out a thick file stuffed with numerous reports and photos. In a dramatic fashion Kaen would let it thud loudly on the desk for effect. "You've been quite busy over the years, haven't you. Frankly I'm surprised you've not been thrown into the abyss that is our Obsidian Palace to be forgotten." Kaen would then reach up and remove the mask like helmet from his head and set it gently on the desk. This was all about building trust, so it would only be natural the Kaen would reveal his true self. "So... Ryuu Tama. I have a proposition for you. I can make all of this..." Kaen would pat the file on top a few times. "Go away, wiped clean like it never happened. Accidents do happen from time to time, perhaps this one is misplaced or destroyed in some freak fire incident. And exchange you help me. Wadda ya say?" Kaen knew what he wanted, what he sought. But his working knowledge was limited by the files kept by the Sunan government. Finding what he wanted would be difficult. He had hoped another Hybrid would be able to assist him. He didn't like asking for help, but he was not above it when the stakes were this high. Lives depended on it, one such life was Kasen's. And Kaen would do anything for her safety.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama had every intention of toying with the tool who stood over him until Kaen replied something that made the mad-man’s face change underneath the hat. It went from a smile to a frown. The man leering over the scientist’s resting form was someone who knew things. Sousuke had an unparalleled love for the mechanical to a point that the man himself was more machine than human. He was almost certain that if the Steward’s moral compass had been more southernly inclined, they’d all be robots by now and this conversation would never be happening. The situation only got more confusing as Tama was helped off the floor, his seven foot stature stooping slightly in the limited height of the cell as his cuffs were removed. Instantly he could feel a touch of his power return; far more than enough to make a break for it and ruin whatever plans Sunagakure had for him…but like a cat, his curiosity had been perked. Why was this man going through the trouble of dragging Tama all the way back home?

The mad man counted no less than ten times he could have made a break for it, and Kaen appeared to just simply allow this. When offered to stand or sit within the confines of a rather basic office with a desk and a few chairs. The scientist took the offered seat, dramatically throwing his coat out to drape over the back as he sat down. His size looked almost comical in the chair built for normal humans but Tama’s face was anything but. When Kaen reached under the desk to pull out a giant stack of folders, files, and no doubt warrents, the scientist instantly recognized it. The folder had…grown. Not by a lot, but enough that it made the crazy man’s eyebrows furrow; how the holy hell were they keeping up with him? It wasn’t like Sunagakure was some podunk shinobi village. Quite the opposite, actually. However, Tama wasn’t a man who just casually committed crimes. He did, actually, but not in a way that was easily traced. Yet that folder no doubt contained his recent endeavors to start a cult, scam the new government that ruled the dunes with their fancy trains, the tax evasion they somehow actually caught him on, the slave trade he dabbled in for specific human parts…the list went on. When Kaen removed his mask for a face reveal and mentioned how hard of a man he was to locate, Tama could only reply with,
I enjoy my privacy. Something that was severely lacking inside of these gates and something I’m still clearly striving for.” When the man said he could potentially make all of it disappear, something in his chest jumped. His heart? No surely not. The scientist was almost certain he didn’t have one of those.
A-all of it?!” he said with a stutter, suddenly sitting up in his chair to the edge. Sousuke had been lenient with so much regarding the mad scientist, but never once did the iron man every once offered to remove his sins from the records. There was a really good reason for this too. Tama was a man of infinite age, and had programed his own body to basically weather any test time could throw at it. These records were written from his first murder all the way to now, and held in place for a time when those who didn’t know the name Ryuu Tama were running Sunagakure; in case the immortal decided to show up and cause some chaos. Now this ANBU operative was offering to legit remove his stain from Suna’s history. He’d all but be a free man in a couple of decades after that, maybe even less. It would at the very least make it easier to start that business with the airships he kept dreaming about in the immediate future as well; which would make for a great front with their country’s lax regulations in that market. It was only then he remembered how these kind of things went, causing him to slowly lean back into his chair and make a steeple with his fingers,
…and what, pray tell, do you want from me in return? You don’t look like an idiot. You don’t smell, like one either - in fact, I gather a sense in the air that we are of a kin. But to offer me this, essentially my literal freedom, I can only imagine you’re after something only I know of, or can do. Which isn’t a whole lot, at least on the latter. Akkuma, I’m sure you’ve heard of him, can legitimately do almost everything I can and you wouldn’t have to potentially commit a huge act of treason to get his help. Why me? What do I know that you would be willing to risk this much,” his hand gestured to his crime files, “...for me to spill the beans on? Human cloning? Secret sandworm lairs? Ancient ruins of our country and the mythical powers they may hold? Or…perhaps…” his eyes narrowed with a Cheshire grin, his hat tilting down just enough to hide them though he could easily see through the slits in the wide brim,

…maybe you’re looking for information about certain mix-breed brats and our heritage…


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
A-all of it?!

Kaen nodded slowly, his eyes showing nothing but truth and honor. He meant what he said.

…and what, pray tell, do you want from me in return? You don’t look like an idiot. You don’t smell, like one either - in fact, I gather a sense in the air that we are of a kin. But to offer me this, essentially my literal freedom, I can only imagine you’re after something only I know of, or can do. Which isn’t a whole lot, at least on the latter. Akkuma, I’m sure you’ve heard of him, can legitimately do almost everything I can and you wouldn’t have to potentially commit a huge act of treason to get his help. Why me? What do I know that you would be willing to risk this much,” his hand gestured to his crime files, “...for me to spill the beans on? Human cloning? Secret sandworm lairs? Ancient ruins of our country and the mythical powers they may hold? Or…perhaps…” his eyes narrowed with a Cheshire grin, his hat tilting down just enough to hide them though he could easily see through the slits in the wide brim,

…maybe you’re looking for information about certain mix-breed brats and our heritage…

A fiendish smile crept over the eldest of the Shinku siblings. Razor sharp teeth glinting as Kaen's Flame court aura crept out in excitement. Soft, golden flames flared up momentarily in response to the final guess. It was spot on, hitting the mark in Kaen's mind. It was precisely what he wanted Tama for. "Astute and insightful, just what I would expect from you. Yes, I want to enlist your aide in finding out kin. I know of very few, the locations of fewer. Queen Shiori has not been seen or heard from for years, I know not where she hides. She lives, I know it in my heart. But she has hidden herself from my view. Then there's my sister Kasen, myself, you, and a young male named Sora I recently came to know. I saw Mikaboshi, unknowingly at the time, at a party some years ago. I know not where he lies either." Unintentionally or not, perhaps the name of Mikaboshi would intice Tama to lend a hand in finding more of their kin. While it may have been another way ages past, specific courts mattered not to Kaen. There were so few of them left now, he saw little point to squabbling over who's court was better, or which ruled what. Or perhaps it was the sentimental nature of his human side getting the best of him, or perhaps a bit of Shiori rubbing off on him during their 'exchange'.

"So..." Kaen would grab hold of the file containing all of Tama's misdeeds and release a burst of Flame court power and set the folder ablaze. "That is half of what we have on you, the other copy is in Anbu HQ. I can take care of that, trust me. Do we have a deal, Mr. Ryuu?" The remains of the folder would crumble away into ashes and fall into a small pile of ash on the desk. Kaen figured a gesture of goodwill, paying half up front, might be seen as a sign of common kinship respect, or something sappy and silly like that.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama leaned back in his chair, fingers rubbing the stubble on his chin. The playful tones in his dual-colored eyes slipped away as Kaen began to rattle off names. Kasen. Shiroi. Sora. Mikaboshi. The last one sent a dreadful shiver down the scientist’s spine, enough that a sudden grip of paranoia caused him to turn and look in the corner of the room. His eyes narrowed in a dissatisfied glare at the lacking light in it. Without a word the doctor slowly stood up while grabbing the chair to keep it affixed to his rear as he scooted away from the dark corner and put the chair’s back against the wall. He looked over at Kaen with that same paranoia.

Easy when whispering that name…he hears through the shadows,” Tama warned as the man clearly needed a moment to collect his thoughts. The smell of burning paper quickened the calm, oddly enough, as the stiffness left the large blond’s figure.
I’ll agree, but on two stipulations. The first is that under no circumstances will I mettle, look into, or even glance in the direction of my former master. While I don’t doubt in the power I’ve gained over these long years, he is a being that has lived far longer in this world. I do not wish to annoy that shade.
As for the others, well, my second stipulation is simple: I can make no promises. I will do my best to use what information and samples I have stored away and give you a report on my findings, but, I cannot guarantee I will be able to locate anyone. We Hybrids have a way of eventually finding each other, or, at least that I’ve noticed. But the Ancients themselves? Impossible to find unless they want to be. Trust me, I've tried before.

Tama crossed his arms in a small gesture of defiance. He wasn’t likely to budge on his choices just simply due to the very danger it represented. The scientist was long past his days of looking for a fight and did simply better off collecting knowledge and experimenting with morally ambiguous concepts; the average mad scientist. Of course, Kaen offered him all but freedom with the act of mild treason he was already committing to. If he really tried to strong arm Tama, he’d have little choice to but to relent. Mind, that is, if Kaen could catch him again.


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
I’ll agree, but on two stipulations. The first is that under no circumstances will I mettle, look into, or even glance in the direction of my former master. While I don’t doubt in the power I’ve gained over these long years, he is a being that has lived far longer in this world. I do not wish to annoy that shade.
As for the others, well, my second stipulation is simple: I can make no promises. I will do my best to use what information and samples I have stored away and give you a report on my findings, but, I cannot guarantee I will be able to locate anyone. We Hybrids have a way of eventually finding each other, or, at least that I’ve noticed. But the Ancients themselves? Impossible to find unless they want to be. Trust me, I've tried before.

Kaen listened with much interest as Tama agreed to form this pact of sorts. His stipulations were understandable and agreeable. "So..." Kaen would start as he rose to a full standing position. Walking towards Tama he would extend his right arm in an act of shaking hands. "We have an accord then?" To Kaen a man's word was absolute, sealing it with a handshake cemented it all the further. Once Tama shook Kaen's hand he would smile, sporting his razor sharp, shark-like teeth. Both he and Kasen shared this trait. A glint shimmered across his teeth. Once the deal was struct Kaen would head towards the exit. "I so look forward to working with you, Tama. Send word when you find a couple or so, I'll be awaiting with baited breath. Farewell for now, friend." Kaen considered him to be on the level of friend, just as much as he would Akkuma. Not fully trusting in him or believing everything they say. But enough to understand there was a mutual benefit to having them around. Tama would do the dirty work in hunting down the other Hybrids for Kaen. He had a specific use for them that would ultimately be the catalyst for something grand.

[OOC - Leaving Topic Unless Stopped]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama took Kaen’s hand in agreement. There would be a little shock from the scientist’s side, a little joke of his he used to pull on mortals. He had long stopped counting the number of people he’s messed with, claiming that little shock was him stealing their soul in a Faustian bargain, but a habit was a habit. He didn’t explain the little zap or follow up with his usual spheel about stealing souls and whatnot; instead he just gave Kaen a knowing look.
We’do,” was his only reply followed by, “and I shall. I have a few ideas on ‘ow to get started on that. I might…have to break into some things. Ya’ll still got mah little black book, and I’ll be needin’ that returned before I get started. Now, don’cha worry, I’ll get it myself, just try to act surprised when you’se find a few of your friends knocked out here in a min’.

Tama released Kaen’s hand and stood up from his chair, scooting his back along the wall until he found the door and very quietly opened it; his paranoia of Mikaboshi still clear. He gave the fellow Hybrid a nod and cracked the door open just enough for his body to dematerialize into a atherial form made of air and slip through. The door was left cracked as sounds of chaos down the hall started up with a loud bang followed quickly by confused screams and swearing.

Ol’ Tama was back.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
