Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:22:36

Teamwork! [Tutor w/ Reicheru and Danni]

Jul 1, 2018
During their travels the trio had stopped to rest at a nearby lake, which rested in a large forest. Even though they were resting, and Maikeru found himself laying on the branch of a nearby tree, he was restless. A mixture of anxiety over this all being a bad joke, and excitement over the new home and opportunities awaiting him, he found himself unable to calm his racing mind. With a large sigh, he gently dropped from the branch, landing softly before walking towards the other two.

He playfully slapped Danni on the back of his head as he walked by her, throwing a small smile to her before looking to Reicheru. Removing Kusanagi from it's resting position on a rather large boulder that protruded from the ground, he slid it into his belt, before clapping his hands together. Activating his Sharingan, he gave the two of them a mischievous smile before placing his non dominant hand on the handle of his blade.

"Alright," He said, motioning towards the river. "We may be travelling, but that's no excuse to let our training slack. So, I say, today we work on teamwork in the best way we know how. We're going to fight."

He jumped back a bit, gracefully falling into a light footed sword stance he had learned before leaving the village. He hopped on the balls of his feet, rising his heart rate, getting his blood flowing and his muscles ready for whatever exertion was about to be required.

"Now, since there's only three of us, you two will team up against me." As he said this, he looked to Reicheru. "Plus, I think it'll be fun to grade the head of the academy, don't you dear?"

[288 words]
"Mreowww…" The quiet but irritated sound arose from Reicheru's bag as she set it down by the lake. Catsu stirred, but ultimately only peeked his head out of the bag before laying back down. Though he'd taken a liking to Maikeru, he hoped between whichever bag he found most comfortable at the moment, fickle as ever. "Sorry, sorry, let me make it up to you," Reicheru said with a grin before pulling some trap wire from her bag. It wasn't quite a fishing rod, but with some hooks she'd picked up in a nearby town it would do. Before Maikeru jumped down, she managed to catch one small carp; too small for any of the shinobi, but sizable enough for their feline companion. "There ya go, bud."

The once street cat lazily lumbered from his resting spot, but jolted when Maikeru landed on the ground next to him. Grabbing up the fish between his teeth, Catsu moved his lunch to the further edge of the clearing to munch and watch the show unfold. Reicheru stood from where she had sat fishing, rolling up her wire to put it away. Cocking her eyebrow at Maikeru with a playful look, her gray eyes locked with the red of the sharingan. "You insult us, master swordsmen." Reicheru said in a play-mock tone, eyeing the hand on his hilt. [color=#cc669]"A two on one against two Nanjirou is bad enough, I certainly hope you don't intend to fight with your left hand alone. I might as well keep my eyes closed, it'd only be fair."[/color] With that, Reicheru gave Danii a sideways glance and a smirk. "Let's show this medic what we're made of, cuz'."

Unclasping the cloak she'd left around her shoulders, the green fabric floated to the ground as Reicheru reached into the tool pouch it had concealed. The hilt of her sword felt cold on her fingers; oh, it would be good to train again. Lowering the weapon to her side, in a flash the blade was released and the Nanjirou took up her fighting stance. "You and I haven’t fought together as much as Maikeru and I have - this'll be good." Reicheru's mind began kicking into gear in sync with her body as she stretched her shoulders back and began channeling her chakra. Maikeru had told Reicheru that he'd been working with Danii on her water jutsu, an interesting affinity for a swordsman and an element Reicheru had little experience with. She expected there would be a learning curve as they interacted and accounted for one another's movements, but the fact remained that they were blood with similar training. They could take the Uchiha.

[WC: 444]
[TWC: 444/1500]
As Maikeru looked behind him, he noticed the lower sun. Grimacing, he stopped his hopping, coming to rest and removing his sword from his hand. He hadn't realized how late it was getting, and despite how much he was looking forward to the training, it really should wait until the morning. Giving the two girls an apologetic, sheepish smile, he whistled for Catsu to return to the camp. Well, at least they would get a good night's rest before they fought in the morning.

[Topic left]
Lowering her weapon with a disappointed sigh, Reicheru drew back the blade and stowed it away in her pouch. Though she'd gotten excited for the exercise, it probably wasn't wise to make so much noise and draw attention to their camp in the dark. They'd been fortunate thus far in all of their foot traveling, but there was no need to get careless. Looking to Danii, Reicheru grinned. "That's alright, big mistake on his part. We have time to talk and strategize now. The fish should be more active now that the sun is going down, we can talk while I catch us some dinner. Better yet, maybe you can show me some of your fancy water jutsu and grab some fish out of the lake for us!"

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:22:36
