Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Aftermath [Private]

May 7, 2017
It was not often that Yukio felt required to bring himself to the Hospital however the man was not foolish enough to let himself go unchecked given what had occurred within the Hyuuga household. Walking through the doors with a slight sight bandages covering his right arm as he approached the front desk giving a nod of greeting before allowing himself to speak. "I am here to see Ziren and Mikasa if you would be so kind as to request them for me, It is not a matter of great urgency however it would prefer this to be done with some haste."

Though he had a tenancy to be truly blunt these days the medics of leaf were those he held in high regard and their work was nothing short of pinnacle to the well being of the village and those who called it home, moving to take a seat as he waited Chinatsu piping up in a hushed tone to speak to the man. "You really don't need to hide me like this, safe to say I'm quite uncomfortable under these wrappings. Besides they will all find out eventually you know that as well as I do." There was no response from the Sennin for a brief moment preferring not to make himself look crazy by talking to what seemed to be nothing.

"This is for the best Chinatsu, I have never been one to flaunt my abilities and i certainly don't wish to have you on show in the middle of a hospital. It would cause more than a small amount of concern to have a Sennin walking around looking the way i do now, explaining my appearance will be hard enough never mind you." A tsk was the only thing that could be heard beneath the wrapping the Hyuuga remaining silent awaiting the arrival of those he considered to be some of the closest people to him.

[Summoning Mikasa]
[Summoning Ziren]
Ziren looked up from reading a report of a patient he had just recently stabilized. There was a nurse, who had come. Someone is requesting to see him? The Medical Chief must figure it must be a bad battle wound if he is personally being sent to look at whatever it is, and whoever it is.

He has his usual transformation justsu on, so as not everyone can see his permanent transformation he has done. What others would see, is the usual blue haired man, who wore eye glasses and a tie with button down shirt, walk with a determined pace to where he was sent to be.

The bloodified eyes rested on Yukio. He listened to his blood flow, it was familiar, but also not at all. For right now, the blood was healthy, nothing that is concerning... Except for his arm. It was bandaged, and when Ziren just focused on listening to the blood of the arm, it was different. Far different than he has ever heard of a blood flow.

He remembers his talk with Yukio. And how whatever he was going to do, could change him. "Yukio." Ziren said. "Shall I show you to a room, where we can talk about this in private?"

[For clarification, Ziren is still the blue hair individual that you all know and love, as he hasn't showed others his actual transformation until the infiltration mission]
Lost in thought, Mikasa's cerulean optics gaze on the bay window and inspect a dying lily; the sands of time having long trickled between her digits. Cautiously and with extreme care the kunoichi removes the flora, placing the wilted stem on her workspace. "It is a shame that not all beauty is able to remain eternal. You have my sincerest thanks for gracing my presence throughout your journey, lily-san." she murmurs, closing her eyes to pay respect to her dearest plant life.

Unfortunately the service would be cut to an end, an emergency dispatch would command for attention, a messenger insisting that the Sennin Hyuuga Yukio was requesting her presence; a rarity in today's time. Coming to a stand she views her appearance reflecting on the window - messy platinum hair flows down her back. Not bothering to properly tidy up, the Sennin traverses the corridors to investigate the summoning. After a few brief moments, Ziren comes into the scene and an unknown raven hair male at his side.

Instinctively she disregards the odd change, not recognizing the newly crowned Sennin in the slightest. "Have you seen Yukio-san?" she inquires to her medical chief, bowing her head respectively towards the unknown male - clearly in a hurry to locate the source demanding her attention. Only in the heat of the moment would Ziren's words heave the world about, rather the name he spoke. Emerald hues and ivory locks are no where to be seen, Mikasa raises her brow perplexedly.

In that moment their eyes lock against one another, 'Kami-sama, what on earth have you done?' she inquires in her most sacred thoughts. Silence would ensue on the maidens part, before her was a completely altered Hyuuga and far from the youth on the Hokage rock years in the past.​
As the two approached the air would have to be cleared first considering the state he was in rising to his feet a look of hesitation on his face before taking a deep breath. "Thank you both for agreeing to see me on such short notice, However as you may have assumed by now I have a matter i wish to be looked into. My appearance aside there are more things on my mind and i shall explain all in due time though the first matter at hand is....well..." There was a moment of pause from the man from this it was clear he was attempting to thing of a way to describe what had happened.

"I have something of what you might call a parasite if that would be an apt was of explaining him." There was a moment of silence a low growl coming from beneath the bandages before the black mass snapped the wrappings around the shoulder the head bursting fourth snarling through long gritted teeth. "How dare you, a Parasite?! I have been called many things in my time this however..." His words came to a halt seeing Yukio's expression, the man couldn't form words to describe the situation at hand as Chinatsu paused the head tilting between the three of them gathered there.

"Well, this had turned out rather...Awkwardly for myself well I guess introductions are in order, I go by Chinatsu though given what Yukio has most likely told you I am what he found within the Hyuuga household. I am what the clan sent him to seal away much to my own dismay at the notion." The being made something of an attempt to pass of the scene he had caused the face of grimace towards his nickname becoming somewhat apologetic.

The Hyuuga's attention however was solely on the two mednin at that moment in time the outburst somewhat explaining the reason he had arrived that day. "As you can see i am a tad concerned about the side effects this has had on me some side effects being more apparent than others. I apologize in advance to spring this on you both, you Mikasa more than most however i was not expecting things to turn out this way."
Ziren was admittedly didn't recognize Yukio, save for his blood flow, able to gain a more composure than his Sennin. He kind of felt bad for her. He turned back to his friend, as to explain the situation.

Once he called whatever bit was, a parasite, his arm began to talk? A black mass of... Stuff... Was talking and growling about Yukio calling it a parasite. Ziren's bloodified eyes narrowed down to look at the arm talking. This was the thing that had an irregular blood flow, made Yukio's blood flow in his arm all whacked out. Demon was the first thing that he thought.

"Well, demon." Ziren said coldly. "Couldn't you have stayed hidden just for a few minutes longer and not scare my patients? I'm sure your pride would have been good enough to stay quiet for until we have at least found a room in private." He looked back up at Yukio.

"Now, I have some... Scrolls, in which has a lists of some things that might be of interest, to find more on this thing. I guess my dark sage capabilities are going to come handy today. But for right now, I suggest we take this to a more private room, in case your hitch hiker decides to cause more of a scene. I'd also like to see about getting a vial of blood from that arm, to study."

He could tell from some other people that were here, patients, were at most terrified, and others, uncomfortable.

Though the thing acted more nice than what it was before, Ziren wasn't going to fall for the tricks of a demon. He pointed to a vacant room, while looking at the demon. He really wanted to say and do more, but the safety and health of the patients come first.

The platinum hair maiden stands silent, the kunoichi's normal welcoming cerulean eyes a frozen tundra. Unknowingly her teeth grit against one another, despite her facial expression never once wavering. Raven locks stood before her, the haunting image of another shadowing menacingly above the Hyuuga glares back towards her with a coy smirk. Mikasa's gaze gives off the impression of staring endlessly into the ANBU Sennin, searching for a glimmer of the ivory hair lad she met under the stars of the Hokage Rock; however that young man no longer existed.

A serpents tongue tastes the air as the foul vocals extend its reach to her ears, the creature lurking within the Hyuuga household she had warned the Sennin of clinging to his presence. Initially the medical lead had offered to aid in extermination, however Yukio insisted of bonding with the being and utilizing an unnecessary power, nothing to gain but a path one would be unable to return from. Stepping forward she continues to speak directly into his soul with her eyes, doubting if he were even the same human being she shared blossoming feelings towards.

"Ziren-san, please run tests on Yukio-san and report any oddities you come across." she remarks in a lackluster tone. "I pray the consequences of your actions are not met with too many cons." she continues, pacing forward to press past the duo and allowing them a private settling. Mikasa had seen many creatures rear their head in Konohagakure, however in the most fragile of moments her heart begins to accumulate moisture that solidifies in the frigid weather.

In her world only a few she places blame towards, herself included for not being persistent enough in her claims. Cracking solely her index finger, the Sennin doesn't hesitate to glance over her shoulder one last time.

[OOC: Apologies on the delay, had to dig deep with the recent happenings to stay true to my character. Topic left unless stopped.]​
Chinatsu's head snapped to Ziren seeming rather annoyed by his comments shaking his head slowly. "Demon? How rude of you to assume as such and I have a name, you may refer to me as Chinatsu I am not a parasite nor am I a hitch hiker I made a deal with the young Hyuuga here however his concerns make sense given I am attached to him now." Nodding to Ziren's request Yukio knew he would have to take this elsewhere lest Chinatsu cause more of a scene than he already had rising to his feet as the head came to rest on the mans shoulder.

"Well you can attempt to take a blood sample from him though I'm not even sure he has any." With a slight grunt the being shook his head tilting towards Ziren once more speaking in a low tone knowing this would happen one way or another. "Taking a piece of me is acceptable I guess, it will regenerate in time." The pair turned to Mikasa it was clear she was unimpressed by what had happened to the man though a the end of the day this was the price to pay for piece in his clan house sighing slightly as she left them there speaking as she walked away.

"I may be different in appearance but that doesn't change who I am, what's wrong with bringing a more peaceful place into existence." Walking to stand beside Ziren the man had a tone of sorrow in his words beginning to wonder what the point of doing this was. "Do I make the right choices Ziren, all I wanted was to make things better and as we both know that doesn't come without sacrifice but have I given up too much for others it is a question I find myself asking quite frequently these days."
Ziren had realized he has a lot of work for him to do. And not just medical things, of having to study this specimen of sorts. But also might have to take up the therapist title once more. He has talked to Hoheto, made him see a new light, talked to Yukio before this... Transformation.

He turned to his Sennin as she had rushed off away from them. She did not seem in the slightest of good moods, which was weird, since he has known the woman as good hearted and whatnot. She requested for him to run tests and to report anything strange. The Medical Chief wanted to say this whole arm of Yukio's is strange, given it's blood flow, and all other things that have come along with it.

The Chigokai led Yukio into a vacant room, he more or less ignored some things the talking thing of black mass was saying. He closed the door behind him and then picked up a heavy lead poncho thing. To give him credit, he knew what to do, but it would be just the naming of all these items in the Hospital that was something else. Partly why he was glad to be the Medical Chief of Combat than research.

"Put this on and stand on the X on the floor. And when you do, I need you to stay perfectly still." He instructed, pointing to the X on the floor, that was surrounded by hospital equipment. "I'm going to give you an x-ray first to see how the body overall is doing. After that, we'll take blood samples, from both normal arm and the arm that has Chinastu on. Lastly, I'll be taking some skin tissue from Chinastu to study along with both vials of blood."

And then Yukio started to ask him some questions. He will pick his words carefully. "What does your heart tell you? In all honesty, I can't tell you what is actually right and wrong. Because, no matter what you do, you can be the hero of your own story, but others might see a villain. Or vice versa, you see yourself as a bad guy, but others see good." Ziren paused, and then spoke again. "I can't condemn, or condone you for what you did. Of which, you stopped your 'friend' here from harming anymore of your family. But now he is with you, almost always. Probably a reminder of darkness laying in just about everyone. And though you did good, some people probably don't look at you or think of you they once did ever again. To look after all and not yourself, could be a big mistake. Something that not a lot of people that care for you would like."

Ziren stopped talking, waiting for Yukio to think this through. While in this quiet pause, he pressed some buttons to activate the x-ray. Once what was done, was done, he walked up to Yukio and took the lead poncho off of him. "I know it sounds probably nonsense, with all the philosophical talking I have done. But maybe it is the only way to understand. To think more than what's just beneath the surface. So tell me Yukio. Who are you?"
There was no complaint from the Hyuuga seeing Ziren get to work changing into the gown before stepping onto the spot Chinatsu huffing slightly at the thought of an X-ray. "This is going to feel strange I just know it, non of this fancy stuff back in my day." The being, unlike Yukio, has little to no issue about complaining given the situation he found himself in a small tug from Yukio letting him know to stay still. Should Ziren continue with the X-ray the results would be safe to say interesting the mass on his arm integrated with the man's bone structure being at its thickest from a single point just above the wrist.

"As you can see I am quite content where I am however as Yukio was when he first discovered me, My animosity against the clan was just for I was once a member myself cast aside by ambition and betrayed left to rot in the cesspool that was the family tomb so as you can assume my hatred towards them was not unfounded." Spoken through gritted teeth the being clearly still held some sour feelings towards the clan as a whole however beneath the parasite the Sennin's bone structure seemed to be relatively unchanged Chinatsu making the effort to move around vital areas as the head extended out a small tendril moving towards the med chief.

The movement was swift a second tendril forming a sharpened blade before cutting the first clean from his own body. "I have no blood to give you simply part of what this form is now." The Hyuuga nodding slowly to Chinatsu in thanks for his cooperation in the whole ordeal coming to understand why he was reluctant to do as the Chigokai asked as it meant giving a whole piece over rather than a simple blood sample.

The Clan head on the other hand had no issue giving such things holding out an arm for the man ready to hand over blood at a moments notice though he did have some words for him. "After this there is one other thing, however some preparation is required as I cannot control it as of yet so please if you would be so kind as to setup a barrier around me as such I can show you the true extent of what has happened here do not be alarmed as I should be able to pull myself back after a brief time."
The Chigokai wanted to jab an insult to the black mass, but right now, he was here to work. He had to mostly ignore what randomness Chinatsu had to say.

Upon looking at the x-ray test results. The bones seem to be fine. But for the black mass itself, it took over and most of it was at the wrist, or say, just a small bit above the wrist in fact. And then the mass talked about his hatred to the Hyuuga clan, and tried to justify it.

"Tell me, Chinatsu is it? Though you may have been done wrong in the past, by a particular group of people, doesn't mean all of them need to suffer. Why harbor a hate for all, instead of just the ones that have wronged you? It is an easy way for those around you to often overlook how you feel, because you choose to hate all of a certain group instead the ones that have actually hurt you. I have known hatred, and have lost a lot. Part of me, physically, emotionally, mentally, gone forever. One of the people who have wronged me was my own brother. Do I hate the whole Chigokai blood line because of it? No."

He then noticed a small tendril coming out of Chinatsu, then a second one. It cut off the first one with precision. It then said it had no blood to give, only a part of its... Stuff.

The Medical Chief put on a glove and picked up the piece that was cut off. He then turned back to Yukio, who held out his other arm, ready to give his blood. Ziren got out the necessary equipment, a new clean needle and cleaned the area where he knew a being was, just from listening to the blood flow, and have recognized the human body, via how the blood flows.

He stuck the needle into the Sennin's arm, blood coming into the little vial connected to the needle. He listened as Yukio talked, but he didn't say anything until he was done with the procedure. The blood, now safely stored away, Ziren looked back at Yukio. He would have instantly took a look at the blood and the... Thing that Chinatsu gave him, via a microscope, but for right now, he will have to see what Yukio needs.

"Anyu. I need you for a second." He said out loud.

A ghostly apparition poked his head from the cieling. "Watcha need?" The Nara Soul asked.

"We need to be in the shadow Dimension now. Make it small and unnoticeable, but big enough to contain an explosion if needed."" The Nara Soul raised an eyebrow, but he decided to go with it. Shadows enveloped the room, for any if those who happened to look through the windows, would see darkness, as if all the lights were turned off in the patient room.

And then, Ziren stood in the dark void with Anyu by his side, Yukio across from them. "We will be ready to both put a bind on you, in case things get hairy. We'll start with Anyu's shadow capturing you first, if anything happens. If for some reason whatever you do breaks through that, I will have to take control of your blood. Just know, my kind of bind is more of a last resort, so let's just hope that this shadow dimension, and Anyu's shadow paralysis is good enough."

He nodded to Anyu. The Nara Soul waited, for any signs of... "What kind of signs am I looking for, of uncontrollable power?"

Ziren sighed, "You'll know." He then turned back to Yukio. "Whenever you're ready."
Letting Ziren do his work Chinatsu was interested to hear what the Chigokai had to say and it seemed they would continue to have a difference of opinion shaking his head slowly at the man his shifting form moving from side to side. "If all things were so simple the world would be a gentle place however we both know that this is never going to be the case. To that end I joined the clan heads side to bring the Hyuuga back to the state they once were." Content with it's words the being moved back to Yukio the two having a moment of silence given what was about to occur.

As the dome passed over them it was as good a defence as any to prevent what could happen here turning to the Med chief with a slight sigh. "All I must say is judge neither me nor Chinatsu on what is about to happen, an ability like this is both difficult to maintain and the act of balancing us both is not an easy one." Turning his head down the man nodded slowly to the being though even Chinatsu seemed somewhat nervous the reasoning behind such emotions becoming obvious in those next few moments.

It started slow the mass spreading up the mans arm over his cloths and at the time things seemed to be going well, this calm however was shattered in a mere moment the Sennin's eyes going wide with pain a cry exiting his lungs. Chinatsu's form contorted and shifted a crimson hue replacing the black substance almost like a coating of blood over the Hyuuga the man's form expanding as Chinatsu spread across his body covering Yukio's head and face giving way to something inhuman a large maw cracking open and while glass like shapes spreading across what could only be described as the face forming a pair of eyes.

There was a moment of silence the creature falling to it's knees low breathing the tone coarse and unruly though for the most part its seemed quite peaceful that was until it's head turned towards Ziren and Anyu rising to it's full height a loud bellow escaping it's lungs one that would echo around the area arms forming in to blades a long tongue extending from its maw facing towards the pair showing little to no signs of humanity. Consumed by rage the only question resting on it's mind was how much in front of him was consumable flesh pausing only for a moment before staggering back the voices of both Chinatsu and Yukio leaking through speaking as one.

"Now please, either leave this place or bind or both this is not us but something else it just has to last long enough until we can regain control and return to our normal state either way you see the problem we both suffer as of now though if your looking to take notes make it quick."
Ziren listened as Chinatsu talked. "Never said anything about me living life as all peaches and rainbows. You'd be surprised of the things I've done, seen, and said, Chinatsu. But it is good, that you are working with Yukio here to make the Clan better. Let's just hope that better, is good for everyone."

The Medical Chief waited as Yukio spoke, asking for him to not judge either him or Chinatsu for what is about to happen. Even the black blob looked nervous for what was about to happen.

The transformation... Was unsettling. Did Ziren show it? No, he has kept a calm demeanor throughout the whole ordeal. "Well..." Ziren said. "I'll be honest, I've seen a lot of stuff... But this is sure different." He nodded to Anyu, once whatever Yukio is now talked, he signaled the Soul to use the bind.

The shadow of the Nara merged with the shadow of Yukio. "Man! I haven't seen anything as freaky as this."

"Anyu. Enough." Ziren said. He then turned back to Yukio. "I... Honestly don't know what to say to this. The arm and Chinatsu was one thing. This... I don't even know how to explain. Look, I'll need some time to examine what you and Chinatsu gave me. But for now, I will need to check on some patients who have injuries. Anyu, I'm leaving you here to keep the bind until Yukio has control and is back to... Himself again." The Chigokai walked through the shadow dimension effortlessly, leaving the Soul and Yukio alone.

"Just tell me when you are ready Dude. Anyu said.

(Topic left)
Nagisa was on her rounds as she heard a loud scream being issues from one of the rooms. She let herself sigh once before calming down her patient as well as some of the nurses before moving quickly, her braids, flying in her face.

She passed Ziren and Ziren informed her of what was going on. She took a look at the chart. What in the world... She handed off the sample to nurse with an order to get it checked asap as it was explained to her that this Yukio... was well undergoing a transformation.

Nagisa opened the door and stood frozen for a second. What was in front of her was something she had never seen before. All she knew was that it was dangerous and Ziren's spirit would not be enough to stop it.

"I am Nagisa, a medical ninja here and if you can understand me know this is not meant to hurt you. You will be able to breath so I suggest you do so and i will only remove this until you are back to a more human looking state." she would say as she closed the door behind her.

'Shizue I will need your help.' Nagisa thought and she felt her respond. As Nagisa's eyes began to glow water began to spill from her hands. Soon, the room was almost full of water. both of them were floating in a giant bubble. The water was infused with her special chakra which allowed her to make the water healing in nature so Yukio would find the water soothing and breathing was normal, oddly enough.

She would study his form, the blue eyes watching carefully the transformation sequences. She would keep this up until Yukio was back to himself or what he looked like in the chart. After he reversed back and she released the jutsu, she would just look at him with an eyebrow raised waiting for a response.

[Supreme Aqua Realm master rank used on Yukio and myself used with healing waters CA ability]
As the newcomer arrived the writhing form of the Sennin snapped free from the shadows as the water engulfed his form a loud howl escaping the beasts strings of saliva escaping it's maw as the waters calmed him. The twitching and unstable form of the man slowly changed shade returning to the black mass it has been before as it slowly receded back to resting on his arm though the head of Chinatsu did not emerge instead forming a coating over his arm as he fell to his knees in exhaustion head tilting from side to side trying to take in the surroundings in something of a daze.

"Where am I, Did I go very far this time I wonder." Though he hadn't moved the Sennin seemed to assume something had happened during the transformation wobbling for a brief moment before passing out. It was plainly obvious that the man had little to no control of his powers almost like an academy student using a jutsu for the first time yet the risk of doing so at such a level was obvious. One the Hyuuga's eyes had closed Chinatsu's head extended outwards shaking off the sensations of dizziness as much as it could before speaking to the Sennin in a quiet tone.

"Where did the man go, Apologies but we do not know you and should we have caused you trouble we apologise for that as well. For now it is a matter some recovery for the young man as we have not become able to fuse in a proper manner yet as you may have guessed though it is only right to introduce myself, I go by the name Chinatsu at this time and should there be any questions you wish to ask me I would be more than happy to assist."
Nagisa removed the water bubble in due time. The red turned to black and another head appeared. Curious. So it seemed there was more than what the chart indicated. The room was wet but Nagisa was able to get Yukio to a bed as he collapsed. She allowed her healing water to encase Yukio except for the arm with a head on it. A knock at the door interrupted her musing and the nurse poked his head in to be shocked at the amount of water was in the room. He held a folder in his hand.

"Yes it is wet in here. Fetch a janitor. No need to stare unless you want to be the one to mop this up," she would say as he walked over casually and snatched the folder from his hand casually. The nurse nodded and disappeared as quickly as he came in.

Her blue eyes would lock on the... entity that had introduced itself. Himself? Hmmmm another question.

"Right. As stated Nagisa. According to our xray and other tests, you.. umm Chinatsu come from a gauntlet yes? It appears to be fused with Yukio's wrist. When you, for lack of a better phrase, fuse with him, it seems you attach yourself directly with his muscles and bone structure. Such a close fusion is inherently dangerous for the both of you. One wrong movement and you could snap his neck from the inside which, I assure you, is as deadly as doing it from the outside. This is dangerous for you since I presume you need a host to survive or at least walk around. A walking entity comprised of only a physical gauntlet would be very interesting. even in this shinobi world. Since you are able to speak in complete coherent sentences, you are sentient. Hmmmm." She paused for a moment, her head cocked to one side. "So the questions I have for you are simple. Why Yukio? How can I trust that you will not harm him or manipulate him in such a way that he does not want to act or be manipulated to? Since I am speaking directly to you, allow me to be perfectly clear that my patient is Yukio not you and he can do his job with one arm. His survival is paramount although with how close you are it may be that both of you are my patient. Why must shinobi be so complicated?
Chinatsu listened to Nagisa's words hovering in place for a moment and nodding slowly understanding such a blunt nature having seen it from Yukio many times before now. "To get the more concerning questions out of the way manipulating him would not serve me in any way nor would it serve him understand that something like this does not happen often and when it does it is not without reason." Shifting his form down so it just covered the gauntlet there was a slight sigh from the being there would be much to discuss however the need to do so was obvious.

"We made a deal, a pact of sorts, since we both find ourselves as members of the Hyuuga clan we wanted to do all we could to make sure the clan could function again. Being as old as I am I merged with the young clan head here to advise him and give aid when needed." He took a moment to pause and collect its thoughts but to also let the women process what he had said thus far. "Though this seems one sided in the young mans favour I requested this merging to see the clan form to see what kind of world this place had become as it brings peace of mind to those within me."

That phrase alone was enough to hint Chinatsu was not the only entity in his shifting form though the memories of what the clan once was still weighed heavily on the mind. "In terms of why Shinobi do this I guess we all have our own reasons, some seek power, others the knowledge that can be given by beings like myself and on rare occasion some simply cannot see others live in unrest and suffering and at this point I think we both know what Yukio is regardless of his blunt nature."
Nagisa cocked her head to the side. This was a lot of information to take in. So in short this was not really a singular entity. It was a mixture of what seemed to be previous Hyuuga members crammed into one thing. Her spirit was a singular thing with singular memories.

'Dont be pedantic.' She heard a voice a say in her head.

She clicked her tounge and sighed.

"Fine. Goodness knows we have oddities everywhere in this village. I would suggest that if you want to try that particular ability again you should only do it with a medic present preferably myself. I can contain your rampages with minimal discomfort as you just experienced. Now let us see if we can get your better half awake."

Nagisa would take a moment to steady herself and slowly remove the healing water from Yukio. After it had been removed she would check his vitals and make sure there was no physical wound left.

She would give him a few minutes to wake up naturally. If he did not respond then she would take matters into her own hands and activate a medical jutsu known to only a few.

Regardless as Yukio would wake up, he would find Nagisa staring at him looking for any sign of recognition or confusion.

"Do you know where you are and what happened? If not, I suggest asking your friend here. He can also explain the conversation we just had. Verbally if you don't mind." she would say. That close of a union there would have to be some sort of telepathic link. She wanted to see if this... conglomerate of Hyuuga was as truthful as he appeared or at least truthful when others were present.

[Resuscitate master rank used if needed]
Nodding in understanding Chinatsu knew until this ability was mastered that was most likely the best course of action. "The clan has told us much the same, though the first time this occurred was mostly accidental as finding the balance between the two of us can be a somewhat daunting task." It was better to be blunt on the matter, safe to say keeping things from the Medic was not in the beings interest at that moment in time turning back to face the Hyuuga for a brief moment. "Time to wake up friend, for all we are tired this is rather rude."

It took a moment for the man's eyes to open slightly looking around the room from side to side before his vision came to rest on Nagisa Chinatsu speaking first before the Sennin had a moment to speak. "Do not be concerned, everything is in as order as it could be at this moment in time. In terms of what you have missed our Medical examination has returned and as suspected while out in this state we are fused down to the bone." He was streightforward in his mannerisms the Man waving a hand to his companion in order to get some breathing room.

"So it is as we suspected as you've said, though so long as we don't kill each other then we could keep the state sustained. After all as it stands I die you die we worked that out when we struck our deal but that is not so much what concerns me what I wish to know is what occurred in the aftermath of our fusion." There was a moment of silence from the being thinking for a brief moment how to put it sighing for a split second before admitting what had occurred in the hospital.

"We attempted voluntary fusion, however as before we are not able to keep the mass of consciousness stable and so we lost control again however thanks to the efforts of Nagisa here outside of minor damage there was no casualties besides maybe some of our pride." Nodding slowly the man's attention was turned to Nagisa pushing himself up to a seated position. "Thank you for your assistance in this matter, as this has only happened once before we have little to no idea how long we can remain in that state for but thanks to your intervention things don't seem too bad though I must apologies for any trouble we may have caused."
Nagisa took a moment to look at the man before her. He was undertaking something awfully dangerous and for what? Why? To be stronger sure, but to fight for what? For leaf? For himself? Pride? There was a lot and to put his body through so much strain.

'Don't be a hypocrite. Remember our training?' the voice said in her head.

Brief flashes of her transformations went through her head. Yes it had been dangerous. She could have flooded the entire village by accident or simply been swept away into the sea. It had been rough and sometimes she stayed out for a week at a time partially because she could not crawl her way back home.

"I understand about transformations." she would say as she stood up. She would remove her lab coat and turn around showing what looks liked a burned in mark the in the shape of a teardrop in between her shoulder blades. "You are not the only one that shares their body with another. she would pull up her lab coat and look at him.

"In the future, please let me help as I can give more than healing. If I was not such a gifted medic, I would have died during my transformations. I can give you guidance. Now, everything looks good. Here is my headset frequency. Headset me if you need help or plan to try this again. I expect a follow up in around 6 months. Now, if you don't have any other questions, I must be going. A janitor will be along shortly to ... mop up"

and with that she would leave her coat flapping from the movement. That was an unexpected situation but she knew it could have been a lot worse. It also looked like she would be working overtime or off the clock helping these transformations.
[topic left]

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