Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Aftermath (requesting Kenshin and Reicheru)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It has only been an hour or so after the death of Nitish. Today, Ziren had dragged his feet, thinking of what he had done wrong in teaching the boy. Maybe it was just him, or maybe it was his training in the ANBU branch, but the Medical Ninja felt empty. Even though he had all this heavy on his mind, he dared not leave the girl alone. Ziren was strong in mind, but he does not know how well the girl must be faring at seeing the death of someone that she might know.

"Come on." Ziren said flatly. "Maybe we'll both get some answers." Today, the man wore something that resembled his mood, which was weird, since he had put the clothes on before the incident. He wore a black garb and black jeans. His metal arm was polished the night before, giving it a certain shine, and the blood swirling around in his eyes moved at a slow pace, no irises to be found.

As they approached the secretary desk, the Medical Ninja spoke to the faceless npc, "Kenshin wanted to speak with us." With that said, he walked past the desk, as the faceless npc nodded, going up the steps and down the hallway to where Kenshin's office was.

Ziren knocked on the door, and waited for an answer. He turned to the girl and nodded. The man faced back at the door, waiting for the approval to enter.

(OOC: requesting Kenshin and Reicheru)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Reicheru had walked slowly and silently alongside Ziren as they made their way to the office of the main branch Sennin. It wasn't uncommon for her to be on the quieter side, but she would usually try some attempts at small talk and just generally polite conversation. This, of course, was different. Though the young girl had already had experience with loss, this time it was a different kind of loss. The scene she had stumbled upon was burned into her memory, and the scene of her Hokage burning the boy's body to ash like it was trash and dismissing his death as a sad moment, a necessary and acceptable loss, rolled around in her mind's eye as they walked. With every step, she could feel her grip on the faith she'd had in her village leadership slipping. Today marked the loss of a naivety and ideology she'd long held firm.

As the two figures entered the mansion, the student examined the shinobi beside her. They'd met once before, though only briefly; not nearly long enough for her to get a feel for him. His blood-filled eyes could perhaps be startling to some, but in this moment all Reicheru could wonder was what they had seen in the soldier's tenure. The scar on his arm and face and metal arm told her they had seen quite a lot, and yet his dragging feet signaled that he was not yet so jaded as to be unaffected by Nitish's death. If nothing else, that at least was a sign to the young girl that there may remain some hope for her faith in her fellow Leaf shinobi.

She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as Ziren nonchalantly let himself past the secretary's desk with little more than a passing comment. So he wasn't exaggerating when he said he knew the head of the Hokage Guard personally, it seemed. She wondered what they had been through together, how they knew each other, and again what they had seen together. Her mind wandering back to what she had just witnessed, she stood still with stoic grey eyes fixed on the door in front of her. She wasn't entirely sure what Kenshin had in mind when he called them here, but she knew that she had in mind to get some questions answered.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would beat them both to the office. He would make sure he had a pot of warm tea freshly made. It was chamomile with a hint of cinnamon and honey. It was for calming purposes and Kenshin drank a cup in one giant gulp. He poured a fresh one and one each of his students. As he finished poring the last cup, there was noise outside his office and a knock.

Kenshin would call for them to enter and gesture towards the chairs at his desk each with a cup of tea in front of them. He would wait for them to sit and look out the window in his office, his own cup on his desk. He would start speaking without looking at them.

"I would first like to apologize for you seeing that. You would have been told but there is a time and place for that About that situation... I am afraid this is a lesson that you will all learn at some point. It is a hard lesson to learn." Kenshin would say still talking to the window. He would then turn around his eyes stern but understanding.

"Even if you do everything right, you will sometimes fail. Ziren you did your best. I did my best. What happened was going to happen regardless of who talked to him or tried to teach him. There is nothing to beat yourself up over."

Kenshin would sit finally and take a sip encouraging the others to drink.

"I can do many things. I am an expert taijutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu user. I can break limits as easily as I break a pencil. I can do many thing but at the end of the day I cannot protect people from themselves. No one can."

Kenshin would sigh heavily.

"I imagine you have questions."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren had entered the office, though, when gestured to sit, he stood still. He put his hands in his pockets and closed his eyes. Listening to the words of the Sennin.

"No need to apologise, Kenshin-sama. At least, not to me. I've killed threats to the Village before... But why him? Why Nitish?" There was a certain edge in Ziren's voice. It helped Ziren when he has done his missions, when he had to eliminate a target that he doesn't even know. But seeing the body of someone who he once knew. Someone who he thought helped pull out of the darkness...

Then he told Ziren of how he did his best, but sometimes, even that isn't enough. Still having his eyes closed, Ziren took a deep breath. "It is something to beat myself up over when I knew the kid for a long time. Back before he even was a trouble maker. Nitish was ambitious to say the least. And when I told him of my past, I seen the old him return."

Kenshin then talked again, and Ziren opened his eyes and listened, finally sitting down in his chair and holding the cup of tea, taking a small sip of it. He closed his eyes once more and took another deep breath.

"Why? Why was he killed?" Though Ziren already knew the answer, the body was in front of the Gates after all... "Why... Why did he want to leave Leaf? When the Frost were just right outside, knowing that they would have done maybe worst to him... Why now..." An aura could be felt for just one second, the aura of a Dark Sage. Once Ziren realized what was happening, the aura stopped. The cold dreadful feeling vanished.

"Sorry... About that..." He apologized. The man sat back in his chair, a whole lot of thoughts ran through his mind.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
As the two entered the Sennin's office, the smell of warm tea greeted them. Taking her seat, Reicheru looked curiously at the cup. She understood that Kenshin was trying to ease the tension, but even given that and how much she positively loved any concoction of the earthy beverage, she found she could not bring herself to drink from it. She was reminded of Kenshin's final question for them in manners class, regarding what you would do if someone offered an ice cream that you didn't like. How trivial it all seemed now.

As Kenshin began by apologizing, Reicheru likewise stared out of the window to his office. Her were eyes still red from the tears she had shed at the gate, the only betrayal of emotion on her now stone-cold face. When Kenshin turned she would look to make eye contact for just a moment; there was a softness behind the hardened gray orbs. Between him and Ziren, there were so many signs of the village she knew. What had gone wrong? As Kenshin continued, he pointed to the inevitability of Nitish's death regardless of who got involved and what approach was taken. The girl's dark brows burrowed in disagreement, but she held her tongue as Ziren gave his own answers and questions. She attempted to drink some of her tea; it was rather good.

As Ziren gave his account of his interactions with Nitish, there was one thing he said that struck Reicheru hard and fast as a bullet. As the older shinobi continued begging the question 'why', the cup slowly lowered from the young girl's lips. While the dark aura may have faded from the room, it remained in Reicheru's mind. "Did I understand correctly, that Ziren was seeing improvement?" Reicheru tilted her face toward the ground, her mop of dark hair obscuring her eyes. "I could maybe, maybe understand if nothing had changed or if things had only gotten worse since the night in the forest. But if Ziren is right in saying that there had been progress with him… that I cannot understand. No, Kenshin-sama, I need to know why."

Looking down at the tea in her cup, Reicheru intended to stop there, allow the Sennin to perhaps give some insight into what had happened and give some justification that would make everything right in the world. But the longer she sat there, the more she could feel herself losing her grip on the anger swirling inside her as she thought back on the Hokage's actions and words. Gritting her teeth and throwing her head back up to look at Kenshin, her gray eyes seemed to have a hint of violet burning just behind them, and her voice grow more bold as she continued on. "I need to know why the man who is supposed to embody the Will of Fire, the belief that our village is a family, just executed my classmate and then burned his body to nothing when there seemed to be hope for him. I don't understand how this is happening now when just over a year ago, my father was out there risking everything to bring back another student from beyond those gates who had made similar poor choices, because despite those choices he was family, a belief this village taught him!..." As her voice reached a crescendo and tears welled in her eyes again, a sudden realization stopped her words in their tracks, almost taking the breath out of her. Her face fell emotionless again, but the violet burning in her eyes remained as they shifted from Kenshin back out the window. It was like a fog had lifted from her eyes - things she had never questioned suddenly didn't make sense, and the truth became abundantly clear to her. Her voice was dry and hoarse as she continued, slowly, "No... my dad was an academy teacher. He shouldn't have been the one bringing him back.... that doesn't make sense. My dad went, and paid the ultimate price for it… because he knew what would happen to the boy if anyone else had caught him. He would have met the same fate as Nitish." Her burning gaze came to land on the Sennin again. "Is that right, Kenshin-sama?"

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would sigh. This was the trouble with runners. They only think of themselves. The after effects would be felt for some time and the fat the enemy was coming to their gates did not help. Everyone was on edge.

"You both know why he was killed. He was running from his duty. As for why... I am afraid we will never know. He was given a second chance. He did not use that second chance. What more can we do? Do we take him back in only for him to break the rules again? When he runs the next time will he escape and become a missing nin? Will he join frost for his search for power? Will he kill one of our own to escape? These are all questions and more we have to think about when people decide to run from their duty. My duty is to protect Leaf above all else. If you threaten that then we will have problems. Period. Takeshi is very strict about those who run and your father knew the consequences of running. Those that abandon their duty are a threat to the village and are dealt with accordingly. It is one of the few places you can go and I cannot help you. My promise still stands to you both. I will protect you with my life if need be but there are situations where my hand may be forced. I am flexible with the decisions you make. If you break rules to save a life for example. This war that is coming I gave you your posts but if you need to act differently that is ok. But if you decide to abandon this village, to abandon your duty, I am afraid I cannot protect you from the consequences of those actions. This is what it means to be a shinobi. To give your life for this village. To see it grow To make it better. Make sure everyday of your life is spent making sure this village will survive. Do this in your own way. Just... just don't run away. Run to my office if you need to. Wake me up. I have seen enough death without seeing any of yours." Kenshin would take another sip of tea and look between the two of them. He hoped he made them understand. If not, he would still try again. He needed them to know.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren sat back in his chair as the Sennin spoke. There was some truth to what Kenshin had said. His very own obtained Soul, Anyu, was someone who was about to go missing. He remembered that the Nara tried to kill him. Still does try to do that from time to time in his Soul form.

He when Kenshin mentioned Takeshi, Ziren sighed. He knew the Hokage for a little time, and almost all of it was for the wrong reasons. He lost respect for the man, and has only agreed with Hokage when it comes to the safety of the Village. Ziren doubts that Nitish would have been a real threat, but then again, if someone like Asuka tried to stop him alone...

Kenshin then talked about duty, and surviving for the better of Konoha. After he had stopped talking, there was a long pause of silence before Ziren spoke up.

"Alright. I don't like what has happened. And it will probably never fade away, no matter how many times it will happen. But in order to stop things like this from happening again, I'd suggest we have a talk with the crew. The crew being of the troublemakers of the Leaf. Who has been causing troubles for no other reason than to get attention. Once they finally start learning to not be destructive, then I believe that Leaf's future won't be as bad."

Ziren paused for a second before talking once more, "Also. Don't know if Mikasa has informed you, but I am now in the Medical Branch." Now he conducted himself more of a professional manner. Blood came out of his skin and took form of a rose. He held it in his hand, looking at it. "Also wondering if you have the map of the traps and where they will be, the night prior to the attack. And for duty."

He took a breath before going on, "I'd like to request to be on the front lines. We have already discussed this some days earlier, about it being a possibility, but seeing as I am a medical ninja, I think I could prove more useful for me to be on the front lines, where the most action will take place, where there will be the most of injured allies. Either that, or if there is a way, I'd like to be part of an infiltration mission on Frost. Given my.... Past, it could prove useful for my experience, and since this is a more covert kind of mission, and the risk of injury or even death is high, I could increase the groups survivability, since I can not only heal, but have proven to bring people out from death itself."

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Reicheru could tell that Kenshin genuinely meant every word he said, that he would give his life for his village without hesitation and that it hurt him to see his fellow Leaf shinobi make the choices that Nitish did. Still, the young girl shook her head in disagreement - death was not the only way. "None of us are perfect. He was given a second chance and messed it up, so we killed him. I know that in my short life already I've messed up far more than I'd care to admit, needed third, fourth, and fifth chances. Should I have been disposed of as well?" Even as she spoke, Reicheru knew her argument did not hold the weight she wanted it to. Her mistakes hadn't involved something as severe as running at the gate, an easy counter for the Sennin to offer. But she had known someone who had. "That boy my father went after - Mori Kaede. He was brought back, removed from the academy but given a private tutor. He's a gifted medical jutsu user, and because he was brought back and reconciled rather than killed, he'll be here when the Frost arrive, saving and healing our people. He ran because he was misunderstood, because he felt alone and hated here in this village that was supposed to be his family and his home. I understand what you're saying about the threat a runner poses to other shinobi who guard the gates. But for Kaede, and I believe for Nitish as well, even as they ran I think if the reason had been addressed, they wouldn't have done it. Maybe that sounds naïve, but I've seen it work out differently than it did today."

As Ziren shifted the focus to the crew and the trouble they'd caused, the young kunoichi-to-be sipped her tea and considered the implications of his words. Was he suggesting that these recent events had been their fault? While Reicheru certainly didn't agree with the methods of these fellow students, she could understand them. "This is what I'm talking about. Do you only see troublemakers who want attention? Do you really think that's the only motivator for their actions? Nothing is that simple. Kenshin-sama, you heard Katsu's deliberations on respect. They're not doing what they're doing for kicks and giggles; it's either because they have felt disrespected, or because they do not feel respect has been earned. The smallest thing they do is met with the greatest force and with threats of violence. How is that supposed to instill trust in their leadership? I appreciate the approach you have taken, Kenshin-sama, but the Hokage…" she paused, sucking in air between gritted teeth to make a small tch sound. The lack of any honorific preceding or following the leader's title would be sufficient to say how she felt about Uchiha Takeshi at the moment. "…and now you're going to tell them that he killed their friend. How do you think that's going to go over? I didn't even know Nitish that well. They were his family. They may be troublesome, but they are in fact kids. Each one of us has baggage, even without being on the field yet. No one is unaffected in a military village. It would be wise for those breaking the news to them to consider that before jumping down their throats because of any preconceived notion they may have of them and their role in all of this."

Reicheru stopped as she felt herself overstepping her bounds. She looked out the window and finished the cup of tea in her hands as Ziren moved on to the pragmatics of the upcoming confrontation. An abrupt change of pace in the conversation, and yet it prompted questions the young girl needed to consider. Up to this day, she would have given life and limb for this village because she believed in what it stood for. That had all changed in an instant; could she still do what she was called to do as Frost raged against them? Even with the turmoil inside her, she knew she would never stop loving this village. She had been naïve to think it was without flaw, but perhaps… perhaps now she could fight to see change. To bring the vision her father had, that she'd had, closer to reality. Perhaps that, too, was a naïve dream. She considered Kenshin's plea for them to stay and make the village better. "Kenshin, you told us at the academy that you came here from Stone because you believed what this village stood for. What is it exactly that Leaf stands for to you? Have you seen it grow, seen things get better? With Frost coming… I need to know."

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would nod.

"Yes RIku and his gang need to be nipped in the bud. Right now RIku is in jail but he needs a strong hand. I had him in class and he tried to cheat in front of me. Even when caught no remorse. And I do know of your transfer. As such, you should clear it with Mikasa. I would be happy to send you on an important mission because I can trust you. I know you can follow through."

Kenshin would turn his gaze towards Reicheru. She was asking difficult questions. She seemed to be in a moral quandary. Kenshin would let her words sit for a minute as he sipped on his tea.

"you ask very hard questions. I appreciate that. Keep us honest. I hate to tell them the bad news but I think they are still believing that their actions have no consequences. Nitish is unfortunately an example of what happens to those that run. WE have tried to give then reasons to respect us to prove ourselves but nothing seems to be working. It is very frustrating and I am a patient man by nature. I want them to survive. I want them to grow. I want them to live and help this village grow. I want this more than anything. More than title, more than rank, more than honor or glory. I want this village to thrive. Because what I believe about this village is simple. It is a place of new beginnings. Where ones hard work can pay off and you can thrive. I was a simple lost, angry Jounin coming to Leaf. Since then I have found purpose, title, rank, and prestige because I was willing to put in the hard work. I found my place. And that is what I want all of you to do as well. Find your place. Become a medical ninja or ANBU or stay with me. I don't care. But find some place of happiness. Countless people have. I put my blood sweat and chakra into this village. I fought in the war to reclaim this village and it has grown! We are now back on par with other hidden villages. We are allied with them and our bonds are strong! We have grown even if some students are being difficult. So that is what we all must do. The enemy is at our doorsteps. We find our reason to fight in the most trying times. Do you fight for the village we are or what we aim to be? Do you fight for yourself or your countrymen? Do you fight for the innocent or to find revenge against the enemy? There is so much to think about and no time to do it in. This is up to you. Each of you. Individually. Myself? I fight for the future what we can be and everyday I wake up and do just that. Some days are harder than others. This is a hard day. But we cannot go back we can only go forward. That is what we can only do..." Kenshin let the sentence die and he took another sip.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The girl then went on to talk about trying to defend Riku and the crew, talking about how they just want attention, and feel like they haven't gotten any kind of respect if any sorts.

Ziren let out a sigh. "For what I'm about to tell you, let's first start off with balance. What is it? Ying and Yang. Light and Darkness. Fire and Ice. What I am saying, is that there will always be two opposing sides. Whether they be small, or great. Going into more detail, we will start off with someone who you probably don't know about. You see, before the 'crew' there was someone else. A dark shinobi who lived in the Leaf. His name is Dokuso Maru. He is of demonic heritage, and he lived up to it too. For the longest time, he has been one of the most troublesome of shinobi, even at the age that the kids in the crew are now. Instead of actually taking action against him, he would usually just get a slap on the wrist, sometimes even rewarded if he feels a small bit of remorse for just a few seconds. He was once a Chunin level ninja because of it too. All seemed to be looking good for him. But as days went by and turned to weeks, turned to months, and years, he has gotten worst and worst. Gone unchecked, thinking all he was going to get was a slap on the wrist for the things he has done."

Ziren stood up and stretched. "Attempted murder in Leaf, destruction of government property, driving students mentally insane, attempted murder on international land, destruction of government property on international lands, arson, corrupting the young minds of Konoha, burglary, theft, and disrespect to all who he encounters, kidnapping" the man paused, "That is only as much as I can remember of Maru. There is no doubt, much more he has done and more that he probably is doing right now.

He then pointed at himself, "I did say that there is balance, a Ying and Yang kind of thing. So I'll use myself for an example, since I too have skeletons in my closet." He took a small sip from his cup of tea. "Destruction of government property. Not getting rid of a threat to the Village until things got out of hand. Hurting a fellow Leaf Ninja so bad that they had to be taken into the hospital. Fighting on international lands."

The Medical Ninja stopped, and then said, "You may not see the differences now, but now let me get into the details. During a student tournament that Maru had signed up for, he fought a shinobi of excellent talent. But the dark ninja had one thing on his mind. To kill all of the students taking part in the tournament. If that student was skilled enough, Maru would have at least killed one before anyone else could step in. Destruction of government property in Leaf and driving one student insane. This is where I come in. I was taking one of his classes, when he used a Genjustu that drove me insane. Made me have an entirely different personality. One that was filled with anger and bloodlust. The other me lashed out in anger, trying to get out of the Genjustu, when it threw a paper bomb, Maru decided to make things worst by destroying more parts of the infrastructure after that has happened. Then, in Tea, he has met his rival once again, the student that has beaten him so long ago. Tried to kill him again, while doing so, blew some stuff up, set a building on fire. He stole from countless places in Tea. The crew? They are the product of Maru talking to them. Corrupting their minds. Though distant, he was the one that corrupted Nitish, who didn't help when it came to making sure the crew stayed out of trouble. Disrespect to all he encounters, there is no need to really go into details for that speaks for itself. And then the kidnapping. I chased Maru around when he kidnapped my girlfriend, wife now. Now for the rest of the stuff I have done wrong. That threat to the Village? It was my brother. I don't expect you to really get why, but when I was born, in Cloud, he had a mercenary kill my parents. I was taken in and the mercenary followed close behind, killing the people who took me in. This scar on my arm was my last encounter with the mercenary when I was thirteen and alone. Anyways, my brother had found me in Leaf. Wanted me dead. He would try any way he could to kill me, even hurting the ones close to me. I didn't do anything until he burned down my previous house, in which case, the next thing of my wrongdoings come up. A fellow ninja, one I would consider a friend, seen what happened. He tried to follow me, but I didn't want him to get killed by my brother. So I incapacitated him, so he won't follow. It was a stupid, idiotic decision on my part and I have paid the price for it tenfold. The fight I had on international lands? I fought alongside the previous Hokage against guess who. Maru. He had rudely pulled on a little girls ears, and once me and the previous Hokage beat Maru, in an attempt to keep some of his darkness, he put the Cursed seal on the girl."

He let that sink in. "The difference between me and Maru, in this Ying and Yang situation. I was willing to change for the better. He wasn't. At a time, I even tried to understand him, get why he was doing the things he was doing. I myself come from a clan that is known for their sinister use of blood. That, and I carry the powers of darkness. Though even with both in mind, I have been pulled out of the long and lonely road filled with corruption."

Ziren looked over at the girl, a sad look in his blood filled eyes. "The crew follow closely in Maru's footsteps. Though only a small portion of them have actually met him. This is why the leadership is so hard on the newer generation, especially those of troublemakers. They learned their lesson when it came to Maru, of not being as harsh on punishments on him was a mistake. They don't want more Maru's running around."

The crew in question. They have blown up parts of the Academy, disrespected other people, and have stolen on international lands. I personally had a talk with one of them, Katsu. I was willing to try and understand his point of view, but he was ignorant to try and see things from my own. Just like Maru. They do act like family, yes. But they sure don't treat the rest of Leaf as family. In the end, I know this sounds harsh, but they are in it for themselves and each other only. Even with that said, if they ever do find themselves in danger, say a Frost shinobi corners them, I would gladly jump in and save them, and not give a second thought."

"So yes, it is good to give chances, but one would need to draw the line when enough is enough. For their destructive behavior, they could have killed some other students if the teachers didn't act fast enough to evacuate the building when they blew up parta of the school. As I said. It is all Ying and Yang. Sometimes, it depends on who they are as a person."

When Kenshin had said to talk to Mikasa on the matter of if he can take on something else, Ziren nodded. He listened to the Sennin speak.

"At the end of the day, they will either learn from experience, or keep getting into trouble. If they choose that, then they will have a long hard road ahead of them. Maru? Well, he was given a chance to stay and prove himself to the Leaf that he is a proud shinobi. But in the end, once given that chance, he chose to be exiled. A mercenary without a home. Someone that nobody can trust. Someone who will eventually learn life the hard way when it flashes before their own eyes. I didn't want that for Nitish. I don't want that for anyone inside the Village, not even the crew. But they chose their path, and if they are unwilling to change course, then that is the path that will have a grim end."

Ziren was being real here. The girl had asked some hard questions, and for that, only hard answers would be needed. Kenshin had called Ziren to talk to Nitish, and since the Chigokai had experience from his own mistakes, he had at least made the Uchiha listen for just a moment before disaster had struck.

The Medical Ninja hopes that his words are having the same effect on the girl, at least helping her understand what he was trying to say.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Reicheru considered all that Kenshin and Ziren had said for a few moments. It was a lot to take in on top of everything else; beyond just dealing with the aftermath of Nitish's death, she felt like she was watching the future of her fellow classmates unfold before her. Decisions were being made for them and judgments made about them that would drastically alter their path moving forward. She thought about decisions that others had tried to make for her and her family, decisions guided by pride and an unwillingness to consider the inherent worth of all people. She gripped the handle of the cup tightly in her hand as she those memories came to her, but she made a concerted effort to release and calm herself before speaking.

"So we're a village of second chances… pausing, her gray eyes moved to land on Ziren, "…but only for those who are deemed worthy of them by those running the show. Tell me, doesn't that defeat the purpose? It sounds to me, Ziren, like you are your own best counterargument. From what you just said, you were older than the crew is now when things started to change for you. People don't change overnight; we need time. It sounds like things were really rough with Maru, but they're not him. They may remind you of him, but to me they have only ever been kind, and to Nitish they were family. Troublesome does not define them; being similar to Maru does not define them; their mistakes should not define them. Dealing lightly with Maru may not have worked well, but it would seem that doing the opposite and dealing harshly with these boys is having a similar affect. All I'm saying is that I somehow don't think that the solution for someone responding aggressively to being hit, is to hit them harder."

Reicheru stopped, as unexpectedly a torrent of emotion rushed through her again. She felt exhausted, and put her elbow on the arm of her chair and held her head in her hand to hide tears welling in her eyes. She wasn't sure what specifically had brought it on this time, but while her mother liked to call her an old-soul the truth was that she was still just a child who was learning how to understand and control her emotions - and boy was she going through a whirlwind of them. She gritted her teeth and kept any tears from falling in front of her superiors. Collecting herself as best as she could, she rubbed her eyes and then dropped her hand to look at Kenshin, her grey orbs meeting his own. "Y'know, I can fight for a village of new beginnings; but I'm just saying that it has to be genuine and unbiased when it claims that title." At this point, that was all she had left to say on the matter. Whether or not what she was advocating for would be heard remained to be seen.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would remain silent until both had stopped speaking. It seemed it was Reicheru that was struggling with this the most.

"Yes as deemed by those "running the show." At the end of the day, we are a nation of laws, regulations, and a hierarchy. As such you report to the higher ups such as myself. You have to ask yourself, do you trust me? They may have been nice to you but that doesn't mean that they are nice. While we are avoiding another Maru situation we are still trying to be kind. But when you do something like blow up a classroom or endanger students by starting an illegal fight club... Again I ask do you trust us in the higher up positions? My fellow Sennin are all veterans. Takeshi can be harsh at times but we Sennin keep him in check. If he were to go off the rails or do something unforgivable he would be dealt with. The village matters more than any one person. This goes from the Hokage to the students. We are facing a situation that is extremely dangerous with Frost. Do we really have the luxury of debating manners or respect at this time? Sometimes, when someone tells you to jump, you do it. You can question it later but in situations like this things need to be done with determination. One of the qualities leaders have to have to lead is being able to live with the consequences of their actions. We have to be decisive. If we don't, more lives are at risk. I don't imagine Takeshi is happy with killing Nitish. He did it because he had to. I wish it didn't come to that but it did. Every action has a consequence. It is as simple as that sometimes Reicheru. I am sorry it had to be this way I really am but this is the life of the shinobi where any action you take could be your last. And THIS is why I want you academy students away from the major combat. Even if I have to throw you in a bunker myself and lock you in I will if it means you will survive. I hope it doesn't come to that and you trust me enough to know I do so not out of malice but kindness." Kenshin would say his voice firm but calm.

If we could only reach some sort of understanding that is what matters.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
From listening to the girl speak, Ziren sighed. "You say I am my own counterargument. I was just talking about balance. Of not all, who are trouble will stay the way they are. But in fact it is the person themselves, who chooses who they will be. For better. Or worst. I may have finally mellowed out, as you have pointed out, but there are many others that have refused to change."

He paused. Ziren pulled out a picture and set it down in front of the girl.


"His name was Chigokai Jirosho. My brother. At seven years old, he had ordered a mercenary to kill my parents. I was just born when that happened. Mine and his... Jirosho had went unchecked not held back by any kind of law, doing whatever he wants, becaming a well known criminal in Kumogakure, before they finally put him in the bingo book, before he finally became a problem too great for them to ignore. He left, and came here, to Leaf. He found me, mad that I was still alive throughout all these years. He has tried to kill me. Often times striking out at the ones I cared for knowing I would step in and take the hit. I had killed him. He was a threat to the Leaf, and was twenty-five years old when I killed him. Do you think he deserved anymore chances? With all of the death and destruction he brought with him? Who knows who he has killed in his time of being a criminal in Kumogakure. Who he has killed to get to Konoha."

Ziren paused. "I know what it's like to be in your shoes. Of having a constant battle of morals. But as me and Kenshin had said, blowing up a classroom? Knowing full well that they are endangering the lives of the other students, and only to make a laugh of it? There needs to be a line drawn somewhere. Because if not, then those small things will get bigger. And more problematic they will become. Believe me. I was there when they decided to blow up part of the Academy."

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Reicheru listened as Kenshin again listed the transgressions of the village troublemakers. 'Y'all make it really hard to stand up for you, y'know…' she thought with a silent scoff as she wondered how she would have reacted if she had been the teacher in that classroom. In truth, she wasn't sure. Probably flip her lid, kick them out - until she had calmed down and could think more clearly, at least. "I see what you're saying, those aren't small things I guess. I just… want you to see that maybe talking at them and threatening them may not be as effective as bringing them alongside to see why that's not okay, and to take some pride in their village and understand why things are done this way. No kid is going to blindly follow rules without understanding the reason they're in place. You may think they're self explanatory, but they may disagree. Better to have them learn that now than when they need to be in that situation, and I know that's what your getting at but the methods being used are clearly not producing that result." She paused briefly before locking her gaze on the Sennin before her. "I don't believe I am debating manners with you, Kenshin-sama. I just watched the Hokage kill my classmate, and immediately after the conversation turned to the others like him. This is not about manners, it's about doing what's right for them so they don't end up…" Her jaw tightened at the thought, and emotion threatened to overcome her again. This time, she was ready. Swallowing hard, she let the sentence hang for a moment before deciding she didn't need to follow up.

It was Ziren who would continue, delving even deeper into his story of his past. As he told the story, Reicheru reached out to take the picture in her hand and stared at it curiously. When he finished, she was silent for a few moments before speaking. "If I haven't said it already, or if it's not apparent, let me be clear that I don't agree with what they did. I'm not saying don't draw a line, I'm just saying to be careful what instrument you use to draw it. As for your brother, that's apples and oranges. A terrorist of another village is a far cry from a student of our home. I know, I know, it doesn't take long to make the transition from the one to the next - Maru was part of us, now a mercenary, yadda yadda. If he was actively trying to cause harm to our village, then he needed to be taken care of. I am curious, Ziren-san… if your brother has caused you so much pain, undeserving of a shot at redemption… why carry his picture around?" Reicheru's eyes narrowed and head tilted as she asked the question, holding the picture out to the shinobi. She didn't expect him to actually give an answer, her implication was clear.

Mulling over what had been discussed, she could understand where the two older shinobi were coming from. She appreciated Kenshin being candid on Takeshi, and given Ziren's checkered history and involvement with Maru she could understand how his perspective would be colored. Of course, given her own history, she tried to be mindful of the fact that her reasoning would be intensely biased. Stop bad behavior before it escalates - that makes sense. But still, she feared how they would go about stopping it given what she had seen, and it was completely out of her hands outside of this one conversation, this one shot she had to be an advocate… or was it? She realized she had been absent-mindedly playing with her scarf, and slowly she lowered her hand back into her lap as she spoke. "I guess I still have a lot to learn about the way things work. Still, my mom always says that just because something works a certain way doesn't mean we can't question it. Those laws were put in place by people after all, and people are imperfect. I still feel uncertain about a lot of things, but I do trust you, Kenshin-sama…" she said this honestly; even as stone cold as his face was, she felt he wore his heart in his voice, and she trusted his heart completely. She paused, doubting her next move and yet having no option but to commit to it fully, and so she continued, "…and I would also ask that you trust me - I have worked hard at the academy, will be evaluated soon for my genin exam, and have prepared incessantly for the incoming threat. Perhaps it's inappropriate to ask, as I know all of the Academy Students have the same assignment, but I have a request: assign us to the same defense task as we prepare for Frost, me and these boys. We can help with evacuation, of course, but don't leave us in the bunker to wait helplessly when it's done. There has to be something else we can help with, even if it's just transportation or as messengers. That will give them a sense of ownership in this village and pride in having defended it well rather than hiding like civilians. And it will allow me to interact with them more directly, talk to them about all of this; maybe they'll hear what you're saying better from a peer than an authority given their history with them. Give them a chance to prove themselves in a situation with real consequences, and I believe they'll step up. If they don't, I'll be there to either talk sense in them or… to take responsibility for it." Her jaw tightened again as she said those last words, wondering what consequences she would face in such a situation. Still, the violet burning in her eyes would communicate the seriousness with which she spoke. Reicheru knew that her request has about as firm a foundation to stand on as the village hidden in the clouds, but in the off chance that Kenshin approved, she had faith it could work.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin listened. He waited until all was quiet. A question was asked... technically a request. There was a glint in Kenshin's eyes.

"I accept your proposal to a degree. I will let you prove to me that a different approach is needed. Reicheru, you are to take your genin exam with Riku, Katsu, and Ryujou. Ziren I want you to proctor this exam. The students should either pass together or not at all. Failure means this group is assigned to the bunkers. Success means this group are not only Genin but can take a more proactive approach in the defense of the village. I want to believe these kids can grow up and since you, Reicheru, are so vocal in their defense, I think this is a great idea. When all of you are ready for an exam let Ziren know. I look forward to your results and you may go."

Kenshin would smile and wait for the reaction. If they had questions they could stay otherwise, Kenshin would stay put. It was his office after all.

[topic left unless stopped]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened as the girl spoke. The idea of her risking her neck out for these troublemakers was noble. And she was right, she doesn't want the others to end up like Nitish. Ziren thinks of the troublemakers as a pain in his side, but the last thing he wants is to see another dead body of someone he used to know.

Then the girl looked at the picture of his brother and talked. Finally, she asked him a question. It was rhetorical, but Ziren figured the least he could do was give her an answer. "I keep his picture as a reminder of who I am. And to remind me of my duties. Of my parents. To make sure I don't end up like Jirosho. If I were to forget about my own past, I could end up the villain of my own book. That is why I keep it."

And then the girl made the boldest request. She wants to try and talk some sense into them, and even if they were to get into trouble afterwards, she is willing to take the blame.

"With the way you talk, little girl, I can see you going far. Maybe even a leader."

And then Kenshin spoke. It surprised him, to say the least. The Medical Ninja took back the picture of his brother and pocketed it. He was to proctor an exam for four academy students.

He nodded, "Aye. I will see to it that they have their exams." Ziren then turned to Reicheru. "I look forward to what you can do in your exam. If you still want to talk with me, I'll be making my way to the hospital."

With that said, Ziren took his leave, walking out of the office and down the staircase and out of the Mansion. This, will be interesting to say the least.

(Topic left unless stopped)

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Once again, a mixture of emotion welled up inside the young Nanjirou - relief that they were willing to take a different approach, respect for the fact that the Sennin had actually entertained the request of an academy student, but also anxiety over the adjustment Kenshin had made regarding her genin exam. She felt competent in her own ability, and in truth it wasn't that she doubted the ability of the boys but rather… well, the whole reason she was facing this situation: their ability to play by the rules to pass. Still, classes were one thing; graduation was another. Why wouldn't they do their best to pass and get out of the academy they seemed to loathe? Besides, to hesitate now when something as small as rank and title were on the line would demonstrate that she'd had no right to ask for such a situation when the safety of the village was at hand. They could do this. "That seems more than fair. Thank you, Kenshin-sama. Thank you!" She closed her eyes, blinking away the moisture there with a small smile as she thanked him the second time.

Her lips pulled in from the smile and pursed as Ziren addressed her as 'little girl'. Raising her eyebrows, she quickly caught herself and returned the smile to her face. Things were ending peaceably - no need to get petty over something small, especially as he was giving her a compliment. She hadn't ever really thought of herself as a leader, so the assessment caught her off guard, especially as she sat here in direct opposition to the opinions of her superiors. Standing to face the shinobi, she smiled confidently. "Looks like I'll have to pass that exam first. Rather, we'll have to - and we will. Also, thank you for sharing, Ziren-san… about the picture I mean." Reicheru had relatives in her own life who she'd rather not end up like, so she understood the sentiment even if on a smaller scale. Giving him a polite bow, and then turning and doing the same for Kenshin, she moved to take her leave along with Ziren. "Thank you again; you won't regret it!" she proclaimed before leaving, though internally she was trying to assure herself of that as much as anyone else.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
