"Six Bowls of Ramen, Please"
I had always been a heavy eater, anything short of four bowls left me wanting more. I ate quietly at first, unsure if I should share my thoughts. Well the thoughts of my clan. Open to these guys the core beliefs of my family, but I suppose I was young and foolish enough to believe it could do no harm. I turned to the group, and in a very hushed tone express the thoughts, that had been passed unto to me from my father. And to him, from his father. Ideas, and beliefs which the clan was built on.
"While we're still deep in thought, have either of you thought about the role we play? I always believed As Shinobi we are doomed to destroy. That no man was meant to have our power, because none would have the capacity to use it correctly. Our abilities could bring peace, but as humans were bound to be corrupted by our strength. We have incredible power, but being so far from perfect destines us for destruction. We can never create, not peace, or justice. Not happiness, or bliss. An so our role in nature was the destroyer. And I'm not taking the type of destruction that allows for progress, I'm talking about complete and total. I have never seen it any other way, and I suppose that's where you come in... Is there any other way to see it?"
I had always been a heavy eater, anything short of four bowls left me wanting more. I ate quietly at first, unsure if I should share my thoughts. Well the thoughts of my clan. Open to these guys the core beliefs of my family, but I suppose I was young and foolish enough to believe it could do no harm. I turned to the group, and in a very hushed tone express the thoughts, that had been passed unto to me from my father. And to him, from his father. Ideas, and beliefs which the clan was built on.
"While we're still deep in thought, have either of you thought about the role we play? I always believed As Shinobi we are doomed to destroy. That no man was meant to have our power, because none would have the capacity to use it correctly. Our abilities could bring peace, but as humans were bound to be corrupted by our strength. We have incredible power, but being so far from perfect destines us for destruction. We can never create, not peace, or justice. Not happiness, or bliss. An so our role in nature was the destroyer. And I'm not taking the type of destruction that allows for progress, I'm talking about complete and total. I have never seen it any other way, and I suppose that's where you come in... Is there any other way to see it?"