Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Benevolence of Bees is Strong [Contract Search]

Ryujou finally made his way into the Outer Village area after ages. It had been complex journey and had needed some tricky finagling with time management, but he eventually made his way out and into the great unknown. As his bees swirled around him, coming and going for as much information as possible, he walked into the woods with excitement. He had gone far too long with a honey supply crushingly low and that needed solving as soon as possible. Away from the central influence of these lame Leaf Ninja, with good luck, there should be some good hives ripe for the pickin'. The God of Honey grants good fortune to those who seek it out.

Luck it seemed, was not on the Bee Boy's side at all. The deeper he got into the forest, the less sunlight shone through the thick woodland canopy and more bees came back with the sad, sad news that there were almost no native bees, and no hives at all. Maybe it was the fact that the influence of Ninjas blasting chakra everywhere was further reaching than he had though. Perhaps it was simply a geological hazard that kept cool bugs away from the area. In any case, there wasn't anything that the young kid could do. The God of Honey's actions are profound and mortals cannot hope to comprehend them.

Except pout. All young children like pouting and Ryujou was no exception in the slightest. Rage he did, hopping around all mad and sad, a lad with vengeance to be had. Why had he been forsaken with his only desire in life being that of honey? This was outrageous! This was unfair! Suddenly, as though a greater being had willed it, a ray of sunshine made its way past the leaves blotting out the sky and landed on the ground before him, lighting up a small oblong piece of rock. The God of Honey shows a path to those who are lost.

The bee boy was shaken out of his despair, looking towards the sky for It had just given him the answer that he sought. Here he was, further from the chaotic inner village area that most Nin resided in. Surely there would be people here lacking a purpose in life and lacking the abilities needed to pursue their dreams. Ryujou had been brought here by lack of honey, forced to stay by lack of hives and thus needed to show people the mentality of bees. The God of Honey bestows his wisdom to those whom deserve it.

After all, bees are hard working creatures! Toiling endlessly to produce their honey and feed their people, noble creatures who sacrificed their livelihoods for the benefit of others! This was a just cause and Ryujou needed to throw away his own selfish desires to help spread this ideal to other people and creatures as well. If this truly was the goal of the God who ordained this quest to Ryujou, then such a God could surely help him with the honey issue afterwards. The God of Honey's stratagems know no bounds.

And so, Ryujou decided to set out wherever he needed to in order to fulfill this goal. Be it mountain or valley, forest or desert, he would find a way to fulfill this quest or search long enough that he found honey. People, he decided, were often unworthy of such attention give by the Lord of Honey. With bees being such noble and intelligent creatures, there existed within others the potential for such greatness too. With other creatures, like bees, possessing a single-minded determination for their goals, all that they lacked was the aid of others and the power that such union could bring. Bees work in a hive and with others; Ryujou had his fellow companions to aid him, and any such being could achieve greatness too as long as there existed others to propel them to that pedestal. The bees too, understood the importance of Ryujou's quest and with a divine fervor, they set out to find a worthy creature to assist. Bee it any sort of animal, creature or anything with the potential and drive for greatness, Ryujou would bee there. For the God of Honey is benevolent to all under his domain.

Word Count: 713
The Bee Boy had been traveling for quite some time before the obvious conclusion would come crashing in - he was very far from home. In his search for the elusive wild honey the youth had taken by foot quite a few miles. Though the light of the day was heavy up in the sky it wouldn’t be very long before nightfall would come rolling in. If there was ever a time to receive a blessing for direction it would be in this time. Through despair and tenacious determination the youth and his flying insects of sting continued to move through the land uncaring of their distance.

Such bold and steadfast advancement. The young man deserved a blessing.

After what felt like hours, as it probably had been, a single bee returned finally with some good news. To their East the woods got a little thicker but near the start of what appeared to be a swamp the insect had tasted honey in the air. After closer investigation they had, indeed, found a recently abandoned hive that was chock full of the wild sweet taste they all craved. Between it’s two front legs was a small ball of golden amber rolled up from the honey it spoke of. The bee offered it Ryujou. Should he be inclined to place it’s flavor against his tongue he would taste a sweet that mortals were rarely allowed to have knowledge of. It was like the sweetest of honey mixed with the richest of creams and it dissolved on the tongue like a man-made candy. The little insect companion flew around in excited patterns to display it’s own personal need to harvest it for the rest of the family.

The journey leading towards the honey would be slower for the young human though for unlike his winged companions he could not float through the air. Where the lone bee lead him was towards a thick layer of brambles that looked almost like a wall. In fact the brambles seemed to close in on each other and raise up higher than one could hope to climb without being relentlessly stuck in the hands and feet by its thorns. The youth could use fire to clear it but that seemed like it would start more problems than solve them. Despite his blessing it seemed that fate put her foot down to prevent him from completing his journey. Until the soft scraping sound of a hard shell pushing itself through the leaves behind Ryujou caught his attention.
Behind him was an ocean dwelling turtle dressed in a short sleeved button up shirt. On the back of its shell was a large back-pack that held all sorts of camping gear. Yet it wasn’t standing on feet but sliding along the ground upon its belly. This small bit of madness was accompanied by more insanity when the creature stretched it’s long neck out and grabbed onto one of the brambles and pulled.

A mechanical click followed the action.

With the sounds of a gate in desperate need of oil the wall of brambles swung open enough for the turtle to crawl through. It made no sound or even acknowledge the boy and his bees were standing there. It just proceeded through the wall of sticks like this was another average Tuesday. Long after the turtle had crawled through the wall remained opened as if saying,

“Come on in.”

Current Ninpocho Time:
