Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Dekomori Clan Complex [Dekomori Clan][Solo]


Jun 12, 2014
The Dekomori Clan Complex

The crowd and the name change.

  • Aida Shun
  • Aida Ken
  • Aida Kari
  • Aida Akio.
  • Hayashi Shu
  • Hayashi Dai
  • Hayashi Haru
  • Hayashi Saki
  • Himura Ai
  • Himura Airo
  • Himura Aito
  • Himura Akane
  • Ito Akari
  • Ito Akemi
  • Ito Akifumi
  • Kato Akiho
  • Kato Akimitsu
  • Kato Akio
  • Kato Kari
  • Kato Jun
  • Kato Nen
  • Kato Gema
  • Kato Ken
  • Minami Chiyo
  • Minami Ken
  • Minami Cho
  • Minami Choji
  • Minami Eiji
  • Minami Eichi
  • Sato Kati
  • Sato Eiko
  • Sato Tsukiko
  • Sato Akio
  • Sato Akane
  • Sato Shun
  • Sato Haru|
  • Dekomori Shun
  • Dekomori Ken
  • Dekomori Kari
  • Dekomori Akio.
  • Dekomori Shu
  • Dekomori Dai
  • Dekomori Haru
  • Dekomori Saki
  • Dekomori Ai
  • Dekomori Airo
  • Dekomori Aito
  • Dekomori Akane
  • Dekomori Akari
  • Dekomori Akemi
  • Dekomori Akifumi
  • Dekomori Akiho
  • Dekomori Akimitsu
  • Dekomori Akio
  • Dekomori Kari
  • Dekomori Jun
  • Dekomori Nen
  • Dekomori Gema
  • Dekomori Ken
  • Dekomori Chiyo
  • Dekomori Ken
  • Dekomori Cho
  • Dekomori Choji
  • Dekomori Eiji
  • Dekomori Eichi
  • Dekomori Kati
  • Dekomori Eiko
  • Dekomori Tsukiko
  • Dekomori Akio
  • Dekomori Akane
  • Dekomori Shun
  • Dekomori Haru

A mass name change surprised Kumogakure, as dozens of people, men and women, changed attempted to legally change their names the same day, all to include the surname ´Dekomori´. Now all those people, and even more, stood at the same place, chatting and working, making the already narrow streets of the village even narrower. There were a lot of construction materials lying on the ground, still un-used, but enough in number to construct a castle. Each and every member of the Dekomori was ready to help, this month, and the next month were sacrifices in time to build their palace, the Dekomori Clan Complex. A single man stood in front, dressed in black and decorated only by a white mask that resembled those use in masquerades, as he raised his voice everyone went silent.

“My brothers, sisters, sons, - my family, today we commemorate the third awakening of the Dekomori clan.” – the man paused. “You all know me as Dekomori Kinkaku; I am the head of this clan, and as the leader, I will see that this project sees an end. We will have our castle. We will have our palace. And its beauty will become sacred to Kumogakure. And in its shadows we will see our enemies. Today is the day the Dekomori stops hiding. Today is the day the Dekomori rise!”

The cheers of the crowd was almost deafening like a thundering cannon announcing battle, with the army at its back clamoring and allowing the initiation of a charge; letting out a war cry for their enemies to hear. The people loved the man, and it showed; it showed in the way they jumped, it showed in the way they looked at him, and it showed in the way they raised their hands –appearing tall and strong like the family they wished to be. Standing in one of the corners of the crowd were two boys, and without care of how much the crowd cheered, jumped, or wished, the two boys stood silently, staring at the man in the front. His words were the law for the people.

“You’ve all brought materials and tools. Now, it is time to build, with our own hands, the palace we deserve!”

The construction.

The crowd divided in three groups.

The first group proceeded to the right, where they ensued to grab, each, a spade, and then continued to move towards an open location that extended for 100 yards in length, in the form of a square. The place was huge, and there was a lot of work to do; luckily, there were enough people working for the whole place to take the shape of a miniature village in about 1 year. They were all ready to work. Their pride, and that of the Dekomori, depended on it.

The second group went to the right, as well, and proceeded to grab, each a different tool, in order to work on the ground and open more space for the ones with the spades. Thanks to chakra this would be an easy task. The field before them had once belonged to the families that now made up the Dekomori clan, as well as some land that they had recently bought as a whole. It had been previously burned, after the demolition, in order to work the ground and ready it for the construction of the clan compound.

The third group went to the left where a tower of giant wooden posts, one on top of the other, laid on the ground. The divided themselves in pairs, and then moved towards the field, where the group with the spades had already done the first couple of holes where they would bury the posts.

The first day was one of the busiest, even though half of it had gone to waste due to the group leaders explaining the others what they were about to do, and how they were supposed to do it. It had been a necessary precaution though, as well as working towards a future. Two weeks had gone by since the start of the project, and finally the field was ready, and in perfect state for the construction to begin. The first group had dug all the holes necessary for the pillars, and the third group had done their best to place the pillars in the correct location in the least amount of time. The second group changed jobs, and was now joining the first groups in order to dig in the center of the field in order to make a basement.

Three months went by and the basement was finally ready; or at least the dirt part of the job. The first and second group had dug as much as they could, always prioritizing their own health. It was easier to do this with chakra; still, digging was not an easy task, even when Earth Golems were helping. The hole that was to serve as a basement in the future extended for 70 yards, almost the whole length of the field. It being right in the middle, it seemed as if the whole house was going to be built inside the whole. The third group had helped with the basement after finishing their own task, and a fourth group was made in order to take care of gathering and buying more materials.

Two weeks after the basement hole was dug, it was coated with concrete and stone walls, each one meters thick, as well as the floor, in order to prevent anyone from entering without permission through a tunnel. It would be impossible to get inside the Dekomori complex; they were building it to be a fortress. The place still looked weird, but the looks at the moment were the least of their concerns, for the first rains had arrived, marking the start of the rain season. At the beginning, since the ground and walls of the basement were made out of soft soil, water filtrated through it, and therefore a pond was never a problem. Things changed when they built the walls and the floor though; and now rain kept accumulating till it made a small lake that ran for 70 square yards. All construction was detained in order to drain the water out, and clean the basement before they built a roof for it.

One month was the time necessary for them to build a roof for the basement, a roof that would only serve for the moment, since the whole idea of the complex was to be made out of several buildings and not just one. Nonetheless, the people of the Dekomori clan kept working hard, without rest, for months at a time. The basement was completely done, and now the 100 yard field looked like the ground was made out of concrete or stone.

The fifth and the fourth group joined forces to make a definitive third group, as the third and the second joined to become a single second group. The first group stayed the same, and instead of digging more dirt, they proceeded to build several wooden pillars, all coated with concrete, that would eventually serve as the base for the main clan house that would stand at the center. The second group had another job, as well, and now were the ones taking care of building the walls for the main house. The third group, in contrast to the other two, took care of the clan-member residences.

The construction had drawn in a crowd of spectators; all wondering what was under construction, since the dimensions of the place were bigger than the average clan-house. The Dekomori never gave word of their project though, to none other than the Raikage and the Main Branch sennin, since it was required for them to know. Huge walls erupted from the ground, made from stone and coated with concrete for extra protection. The walls were as high as 5 yards, and in every corner stood a small tower, as well as two towers on each side of the 3 gates (North, East, South). On the west side stood only the wall, since it was not permitted to have a gate due to the fact that another clan complex, as well as a neutral building was next to it.

After the walls, in two months of busy work, the main clan building finally stood three stories high, visible through the outside of the walls. The might of the main building, covering 30 yards in a perfect square, with a courtyard in the middle, standing on the center of the territory, had a reason, and it was not only to have perfect overlook to every side of the complex, but to exhibit the might of the Dekomori to all who would witness it. It was made out of stone, painted white, with three (Asian) castle-styled roofs in position at the ceiling of each story of the building. Surrounding it were already situated the walls of a small villa that would continue being shaped until it served as housing for the main branch, and guests of the clan.

The second and third group, after yet another month of work, had finally finished the residential section of the compound, adjacent to the villa in all four directions. From the top, the shape of a big square surrounded by three bigger squares, three main roads, and several minor ones, would be visible. The Dekomori Clan compound, alone, protraited perfectly a miniature village compressed into 100 yards.

The structures were all finished, and more and more people had started moving in; but the project was far from finished, for with the extra money that they had, they bought 50 more yards from several shop owners and minor clans next to their own. The north walls were brought down, and the 50 yards were added, making the entirety of the Dekomori Clan Complex run for 150 yards from north to south, and 100 yards from east to west. The place was gigantic, and the only reason they had been able to do it was because they had been saving money for more than a hundred years while they were in hiding, as well as the money the Church of Eight had made.

In the extra 50 yards, instead of extending the previously made sections, a huge cathedral was built, the cathedral of the eight spirits, to serve as the main headquarters for the church of eight. The whole construction took even more than that of the main clan building, the time for completion being four months. The cathedral had two floors, although it stood as tall as a 3 story building, with a tower in the center rising 10 feet from the roof, making it the highest point in the whole place.

Finally the project was over. The Dekomori Clan Complex taking 8 months for completion, and the Church of Eight cathedral taking 3 extra months, making it 11 months for the whole project. The place was perfect, and it resembled the Dekomori Clan for what it was, a mighty clan that had survived for ages, and would dare stay for even longer.

Current Ninpocho Time:
