Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Destruction of Kumogakure [Going Missing]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
|"It's been a while... am I right to assume that the group of mercenaries I sent failed?"

It has been over a month now with no word from the group of mercenaries I sent on the assassination run... those Cloudies were really starting to piss me off. They were proven to be more and more troublesome. It looks like it was time to take matters completely into my own hands if I wanted something to be done. Kumogakure would pay for shaming the Ryujin name and there was hell to pay.

InpNPC Hitomi
"Here are your things you requested, explosive notes check, more explosive notes check, and um chakra bombs... check, last but not least... a crap load of explosive notes... Are you sure you want to go at this alone? If that group you sent could not do it, wouldn't this be too dangerous for just you? Perhaps I..."

I stopped her from finishing her last sentence. I could tell she was getting to involved and was forgetting that our relationship was a business... at least I would like to fool myself as such. She to would like to fool herself as much. I could tell her concern wasn't because of gain vs loss. It wasn't because of the fact that she could possibly lose out on a bunch of money if I died... I was her wealthiest employer and investor. However, if that was her reason than why offer to pay for my bombs and rations? Sure they were cheap but I could afford a million of such supplies. These were a token of gratitude that I expected humbly. I locked hands with her and smiled giving my thanks.

"Well you know what they say... never send a mercenary to do a Ryujin's job right? Any road, I need you here. If I'm not back at the rendezvous point at the date set... well you know what to do... well I'm off don't worry. Now, get out of here! I'll be back before you know it!"

With that Hitomi took her leave and I used my transformation jutsu into a certain Sandie. I have been practicing his mannerisms and voice ever since we met and I think I've gotten pretty good at it. In no time I found myself dashing off to the ports stopping for no one. Happy to say the guardians put up some resistance on my way out. I was truly proud of my brothers and sister shinobi showing their mantel and expressing true valor with each that I knocked down. I was careful to only knock them out. The most they would have is a couple of bruises and cuts to show off their families. Great stories to tell the kids.[/col]


[Transformation jutsu into the pic above. Kyoko never reported that Onamuji left the village due to this reason and the fact that his passport was outdated.]​

[Going Missing/ S rank Run time 30mins + 1hour alert level]
[Npc topic entered/left]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Yumeko made her way over through the country and over to the gates to presumably Iwagakure. She looked throughout the area and sighed, not having brought her metal coffins with her, or even the journals she had. Though as she had moved closer to the gates, she would see someone before standing a few feet in front of them, simply just examining the person.

[Caught | 30 Minutes | S rank)

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

He had been around the gates recently and today he was dressed formally in his dress attire, a black vest with a white shirt, showing off just his array of class... then again he was only like this around he wanted to show 'Light'. For the most part at least. Pulling out a small cigarette replica that he liked to smoke. Replica meaning, it was in no way real... more of a hookah than anything. Portable hookah. The Taste and smell of black cherries filled the air are he poofed away on it. He didnt often do this... just stand here looking down upon the visitors from a distance. However, it was his dedication to making sure things were as smooth as silk that made him do this. Over and over again. "Oi Oi.", forming a few handseals he would submerge into the ground and pop up a short distance behind the three tilting his head so he could see the them clearly.

"What do we have here?" Souji's hands would be placed in the pockets of his black khaki pants. Though this time he'd note the other with him. . . he didnt recognize this one. Actually he didnt recognize neither of them. "Needing to be let out the village?", tilting his head he wondered deeply but overall he didnt care... These were his gates. And he didnt play nice.

[S Rank - 30 Minutes (Caught)]
[OOC: Stone 4 lyfe]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Well, well, well. It seemed like there was something going on at the gates right here and right now. It'd been quite some time now, hadn't it? How incredibly awkward that much was. Haruka had never really been one for huge crowds ever since she shirked her responsibilities and disappeared into Arcadia. However, there was a strange lust lingering around this group that she just couldn't place her manicured fingertip against. Her face was obscured behind a mask carved of stone with a vampiric face etched into it-- A gift from her mother when she proved herself more of a shinobi than anyone would ever expect. Over her body, there was a dark cloak that kept her visage hidden from the world. It was the best disguise for an ANBU, and she wouldn't let that much go. As the young woman approached the area that held the disguised Ryujin, Souji, and a newcomer, she only recognized one face out of this group. Hmmm, what a party now, wasn't it? The young woman would then stop and stand beside Souji, and he'd be the only one able to recognize her by mask design alone, and the unmistakable cold that followed her along like a strange tailwind.

". . . . It feels like winter is coming." Would be her only comment as she appeared to look on towards the sky now. Hrm~.

[ Caught: S Rank 30 Minutes + Sentinel: +45 Minutes. ]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

How fun was this? Very! I had to keep my cool in order to keep the facade of Onamuji. As the Anbu and guardians attempted to block my path swinging their swords and spears, I quickly put them down. The kunai were the most troublesome though. These sneaky guys were good at attacking from ones blind spots but never fret did I for I had a pair of eyes in the back of my head sort of speak. Honestly, this is what I lived for, the thrill of battle! What a great warm up to get my senses heightened and ready for Clouds gates. This was all too fun until I crossed someone just staring at me... "...Move." The lito bugger was just staring at me. The voice crept from behind me causing me to smile and then hide the smile before turning to face my new opponent. I already knew who he was... I recognized his voice. Ahhh shit this was a long time coming. I honestly had a secret desire to face one of the Yukata clansmen and here was Souji. A little up setting that I would have to hurt a friend but oh what the heck, will laugh about it sometime in the future. Ignoring the girl that was obviously star struck, I moved to Souji slowly but halted once another Anbu showed. Looks like I couldn't afford to spend time with a good friend after all. She seemed different from the rest that I was just beating on and so I would need a decent plan... or not. One of those guardians was able to creep up from behind me or so he thought and I answered Souji with one of his men's face by slamming him and booting him at the two who were standing like they were cool. My rinnegan replica reflected the light from above. Saying nothing, I beat up guardians who further halted my advances to Souji and that other one.

[Calling B mod]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Yumeko watched the area as she heard two people speak who had arrived after she had done so. Though as the person who seemed to be leaving the village without consent said only to move she would sigh a bit and shake her head. "Why be hostile?" She said, crossing her arms and looking over at the man and the masked ANBU.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
"Eh, cant move... If -winter- is here then that means we're in for some Sub-Zero temperatures. . .", shaking his head Souji would look to the two faces he didnt notice then to Haruka, "This sucks.", shaking his head once more he'd begin to allow his shadows to wisp around him and smirk, the shadows... yes the smirk came from the shadows, but there was something that he was going to work through. "Alright... As The Guardian of Shadows I will have to ask all beating of Guardians to cease. If not it will end up with the end of your life.", nodding he would shrugs his shoulders before the man would speak. . . 'Move'

All that was said. Move. Huh, there was something going to happen with this wasnt it? This was going to get nasty, down and dirty . . . and finally Souji would be able to release the pent up stress he had on him for the longest time. "Welp, if thats all you have to say... then I've got three words for ya." smirking almost deviously he'd tilt his head to the right and his eyes would flash emerald green for a moment, "Time to die."

[Waiting for the Mod]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
How droll this was, no? These things always did have a way of escalating far too quickly. Now, when he was punching and knocking the ANBU around, that was incredibly unacceptable-- whether they were guardian or not. Who was the newcomer here? It seemed that she may have been on their side, but that would be something that would unfold. The one that her focus would remain on would be the man who was kicking the forces around. Then, of course, Souji would have to make some stupid play on words dedicated to her 'Winter is Coming' comment. Oh brother. "Shadow-chan, I don't think it's much fun to play pun on code names." She'd comment, her arms hanging down by her sides. She was god damn swimming in this cloak. Note to self, she needed to really do an overhaul on this thing. Sure, it may have been a gift from a previous Mist ANBU, but seriously. Oh wait, there was a battle that was about to be starting. So, why was she worrying about fashion at a time like this? Slowly, one of her hands would lift up, all five of her fingers extended with long black nails pointing upwards. Then, she would clench all but one of her fingers: The middle one. Yep.

"May the odds ever be in your favor-- Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to rip your head from your shoulders." And with that, she'd drop her arm back down by her side. Let the games. . . begin? Well, this wasn't really a game. She would have fun regardless, though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Welcome to Ninpocho Modded Combat!

Today I will be your Bmod, and I have a few requests.
1) Please send all actions/information in the same PM. It helps me keep everything neat and tidy, easier to keep up with info.
2) Please be clear on your actions and conditionals even when stating what you're maintaining. This way I don't have to do any guesswork and you don't get upset if something got modded the way you didn't want it to.
3) If I mess up or forget anything send me a pm don't be afraid to call me out because If I truly made a mistake I will fix it.
4) Please add links to whatever you're sending. It makes my job 20% Cooler

Now please send me:
  • Stats
  • Custom Class
  • Bloodline/Core Ability/Kinjutsu
  • Abilities
  • Equipment
  • Jutsu
  • Actions & Conditionals

If there's anything I missed, that you feel important send that too.

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

What were those two doing? Had I been attacking this village for reals for reals, many could be dead by the time their lito pun game was over. I resisted the urge to face palm myself considering fist and daggers were swinging my way. I had to kick one of the Anbu in his shit because he was starting to give me a bit of trouble. He didn't see it coming but that was the point. Eventually they noticed that attacking me head on was not the brightest of ideas and opted to let Souji and his side chick handle me or at least bide time for an opening. Smart... My eyes shifted to the odd masked chick holding out her hand... Nice nails... but wrong move. Those figures were about to belong to me in a few seconds. "Hmm... is that what your into frosty? Flicking the old bean? I mean no judgments, I hear that sort of thing is healthy for the unattractive... just ask tall, dark and lonely next to you!"

[actions sent]

[Ooc: Lmao, put dem fingers up lol]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Yumeko watched her surroundings, though as the man who had arrived after she had, had spoken. She had sighed a bit as she listened to the man say that it was the person's time to die. Though as the second person to arrive after her and had stuck up her middle finger towards the one seemingly trying to forcefully exit. Though she shook her head and crossed her arms as the masked one said that they were going to rip the head of the person leaving. Last but not least, the one who was trying to forcefully exit, started to speak towards the two who had arrived after her.

She uncrossed her arms before she spoke under her breath to herself. "Well, this escalated quickly..." She said, shaking her head slightly again. She allowed herself to prepare for the impending fight.

[Actions Sent]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the two babble on about things, this would surely take him into another notion in his mind, a dark place he didnt like to be a place he would take too seriously. Souji was an over serious man. He took his work and life serious to the utmost manners. And sometimes there were just no room for jokes. Which lead him to think about one of those Ryujin sisters, she was always so vulgar. She said some of the most outlandish things that he had never heard from anyone else before. Hm. Interesting. It would be quite odd if he were to have been talking to her, but there was little to no reason she would be around. She was out protecting the Kage who never seemed to be around. Though then again thats how politicians worked. Always behind the desk, directing people and micromanagement... it happened to the best of the figure heads. It was their chance to rest after all the hard work and dedication they put into their jobs.

"Escalation is the least of worries you need to have... Miss, but I hope you are choosing to join on the winning side. . . play to win. Play for keeps. I dont have time to bounce around anymore jokes...", and with that he would dust off his vest and tighten it down upon his neck, checking to see if he had his instruments of war on him, "Time for blood.", shaking his head once again he found that everything he needed was within arms reach. Nothing more and nothing left to do aside from the asswhoopin' that would be dished out soon. Calming himself down his eyes would grow soft again, like many other things, "Hmph... and here I thought this was going to be a fun little squabble. But we have to make the notions of jerking chicks, when with how that plastered shit you call a face looks, I'd doubt you'd ever even known the touch of another creature.", shifting his feet into the ground beneath him he'd take a deep breath and smirk.

It was time.

[Actions Sent]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Sure, many had the possibility to be dead, but that would only be summed up by skill and if one could even get passed the two ANBU that stood in their way. However, that was certainly none of anyone's business now, right? Reaching up, she would use her fingers to slide beneath the concealment of the mask and she would soon pull it away in one swift motion, along with the cloak that accompanied. The mask would drop down heavily to the ground with an audible clunking sound, and the heavy stone mask would pin the cloak in place. Now, she would cross her arms at her midsection and she would examine Kyoko with her icy blue eyes. One of her feet twisted at an odd angle, the shoe she was wearing making a grinding sound as the gravel bit back into the earth. Right now Yumeko was inconsequential. If she knew what was good for her, she really would fight along the childhood duo, or face some pretty nasty shit for not doing so. The comments stemming from the supposed male figure standing across the way didn't even graze at the young woman's surface as she stood there, a gentle breeze wisping her long blonde strands around. "Pity, and I thought you'd be capable of offering some form of decent comeback, but here I am setting myself up for disappointment yet again. They're always so, so very dumb, Shadow-chan. Projecting their disillusions upon you." Her pink lips would then shift into a sadistic type of smile.

"Look ma, no hands." And with that. . . Let the battle begin.

[ Actions Sent ]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

You ever get the chilling feeling under your skin? Something unexplainable and yet you just can't ignore it. Something was calling me and yet I did not hear... Something flashing before my eyes and yet I did not see, touching me all over but no feeling... what was this taste and yet I had not eaten... Something familiar, without touch, taste, viability, sound, or fragrance... however you know it's there. It calls to you via a six sense. This was my sense of battle. Something wasn't right... with my gear in hand, I made my way to the calling unsure of myself and what I felt.

[Topic entered in 3 rounds via squadron/voided post if I must wait till after the first round of actions.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012

HP: 41366-10342-66-149-500= 30309+1241= 31550
CP: 27342-300-900-1094-625-544-47-638= 23194
AP: 10-8.25+1= 2.75 AP [12 AP Next Round]
Status: Byakugan, Flare Touch, Jyuuken, Masked, Astral Seal, Fractured Legs, Sprained Neck, Yo Mama! Equipped, 8 Ninja Wires
Wind Clones
HP: 1549
CP: 1549
AP: 2.75
Status: Ice Prison
Ice Prison HP: 2875-500= 2375

HP: 1549-500= 1049
CP: 1549-396= 1153
AP: 2.75
[+]Sprained Legs
[+]Sprained Feet

HP: 1549-500= 1049
CP: 1549-396= 1153
AP: 2.75
Status: Bound by Ice Prison
[+]Sprained Legs
[+]Fractured Heart
[+]Frostbite Sprained Hands


HP: 45000-500=44500
CP: 33000-88-500-736-610= 31066
AP: 10-7.5= 2.5 AP [11 AP Next Round]
Status: Fine
Water Clones
HP: 1870-500= 1370
CP: 1870
AP: 2.5

HP: 1870-135-135-500= 1100
CP: 1870
AP: 2.5

HP: 1870-135-135-500= 1100
CP: 1870
AP: 2.5

HP: 42000
CP: 36000-2000-920-520-3300= 29260
AP: 10-9.5= .5 AP [10.5 AP Next Round]
Status: Fine
Ice Clone
HP: 12600-162-162-500= 11776
CP: 10800
AP: 5
Status: Sprained Head


HP: 36000-500-400= 35100
CP: 33000-2063-1350= 29587
AP: 10-8.5= 1.5 AP [11 AP Next Round]
Status: Dagger #2, Corrupted Mist, Lucky

Round 1 Battle
0.00 Kyoko is wearing a Mask
0.00 Kyoko focuses on Haruka
0.00 Souji focuses on Kyoko
0.00 Haruka focuses on Kyoko
0.00 Yumeko focuses on Kyoko
0.00 Yumeko Enters Slashing Style Feral
0.00 Souji uses Transformation to turn into Haruka
[+]Kyoko is unaware of the real Haruka
[+]Yumeko is unaware of the real Haruka
0.00 Kyoko activates Astral Seal
0.45 Kyoko enters Chakra Style - Flare Touch
1.36 Kyoko activates Byakugan
1.50 Haruka uses Ice Clone
[+]Kyoko does not know the real Haruka
[+]Yumeko does not know the real Haruka'
[+]Hits with the Hidden Flail
1.81 Kyoko enters Jyuuken Stance
1.81 Kyoko does a Hidden Action
[+]Identified the Ice Clone
[+]Ice Clone gets a Sprained Head
1.81 Kyoko does a Hidden Action
2.00 "Haruka" uses Elemental Clone
[+]Three Harukas appear
[+]Kyoko knows the real "Haruka"
[+]Yumeko knows the real "Haruka"
3.63 Kyoko uses Elemental Clones
[+]Three Kyoko's Appear
[+]Souji is aware
[+]Yumeko and Haruka is not aware
3.00 Yumeoko uses Corrupted Mist
4.00 Haruka uses Ice Prison on Kyoko
[+]Kyoko #4 is Bound
[+]One Elemental Clone is revealed
4.50 "Haruka" uses Underworld Prison on Kyoko
[+]Koyoko is bound
5.00 Yumeko uses Judgement Gate on Kyoko
The Roll: 25
[+]Knows the real Kyoko
[+]Bind is broken
6.00 Yumeko equips Dagger #2
6.36 Kyoko uses Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes - Chakra Circulatory Assault on Haruka
-Attacks "Haruka"
[+] "Haruka" uses Redirection
-Kyoko dodges 5, hit by 3
[+] Kyoko uses Kaiten
6.50 Haruka uses Red Snow
Everyone is Hit
[+]"Haruka" is revealed to be Souji
[+]Haruka knows the real Kyoko
[+]Kyoko 3 and 4 use Whirlwind Spin
6.50 Yumeko does a Called Shot at Kyoko's legs
6.81 Kyoko draws out 8 Ninja Wires
7.00 Yumeko does a Called Shot at Kyoko's legs
[+]Yumeko is Flared
[+]Kyoko's Legs are sprained
7.50 Yumeko does a Called Shot at Kyoko's legs
8.00 Yumeko does a Called Shot at Kyoko's legs
9.50 Haruka uses Falling Snow on Kyoko
-Kyoko Dodges 2, gets hit by 1
[+]Fractured Legs
[+]Affected by Frostbite - Sprained Neck
-Kyoko #3 Dodges 1 and gets hit by 2
[+]Sprained Legs
[+]Sprained Feet
-Kyoko #4 is hit by all three
[+]Sprained Legs
[+]Sprained Heart
[+]Fractured Heart
[+]Frostbite Sprained Hands
[Bound by Ice Prison]

-This round had a lot of checks. Let me know if I missed something.
-48 Hours to Send Actions if you don't I'm dropping all your maintains and you're going into D.Stance.

Clone #4 is bound by Ice Prison due to Falling Snow

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
And it was time for the reckoning. The fight started with a blaze of glory and with everything that was going on Souji knew that he had to stick to the most basic of principles. Pure Strategy. Thinking one step even, ten steps ahead of his opponent at any given time. Because any fight that he didnt give his all to could very well be his last and with everything that was going on within his life. His father, mother, his family... he had to find it within himself to show the nation of Stone and the world watching that this was not a place that could just be toyed with like some child's plaything. "Its time Haruka.", and from there they had worked on a team so many times prior to this that they felt each other's movements. They knew about one another's sense of awareness around the field of battle and from the first moment Souji flashed through seals and shifted into the same image as Haruka then shifting himself over to her he'd get lost in the translation of Yumeko and "Onamuji" this was something that he was going to remember for quite sometime.

"Heh! its funny that we do this... its like old times eh?", tilting his head he would smirk at the real Haruka before feeling his boobs for a moment, "Eh... less fulfilling.", shaking his head he would look back to the battle and see Yumeko had chosen the right way of battle. This was something that would be looked upon with an eye a close wavering eye that he wondered what she would think in the back of her head. Maybe she just didnt want to die. Oh well, Souji would put together the pieces later.

Once everything settled he didnt know what the hell Yumeko had done to the the ugly faced guy, but this was something that would... not be tolerated. "Right. Haruka. Its time to begin to end this. Ready for Stíny a mráz?", nodding to her he would roll his shoulders cracking the bones and then allowing himself to get lost again within his thoughts. It was definitely time, to be the best he could be. "Its definitely going to be interesting with how this turns out, but Sir, you've stepped and ran from these gates on the worst day. This is some of the best teamwork you're going to see... Hashtag, no Filters, All Real, All Natural.", throwin up his hands like some thug, but then finding in himself to just stop... and think about how he looked.

"Ew, never again.", shaking his head he'd prepare for the next round.

[Actions being sent]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
The cold. . . It was something that she flourished in, and others withered inside of the eye of the storm. Now, then, when Kyoko focused her attention upon Haruka, it can be noted that there would be an odd glint throughout her eyes that spelled out that she would return the favor. After all, she had no issues with handing someone's ass to them and Kyoko made it oh so easy. Now, she would cross her arms over her chest and continue to watch with her now yellowing eyes. "Ano. Je čas, aby to dítě zemřít. Dovolil jsem to táhnout na příliš dlouho." She'd speak while the Ice Clone came to a stand right beside her. Ah, ah, ah. She told you-- No hands. The clone would stand there, watching Kyoko with a similar gaze that spelled out something odd. It was blood lust. Like a mirrored image, Haruka and the clone would move to stand to their sides, their gazes not breaking from their declared opponent. Hell would break out all around them with Souji appearing as her attacking, Yumeko attacking, and Kyoko attempting to attack. What a pitiful display. It was like a dog acting on it's last legs and you just knew that you were meant to put it out of it's misery. As there was an attack thrown in the direction of the Ice Clone, a smirk would cross over her features. "Blind and stupid. I would have never-- Oh, I can't lie~. It seems you're just stupid." The clone would stagger back to it's feet, and where it had been hit at the head, it appeared to be a gaping wound that would close itself back up, but the actual Haruka would know there would likely be lasting damage. These things were made to be broken, though. So it didn't bother her in the slightest.

"Now that the foolishness is done, let me show you something really fun." She'd comment, removing her hands from their folded position and she would soon run through a flurry of hand seals. An avalanche guided by her chakra would soon crash down upon Kyoko and her shitty little clones, and the young woman would watch with stoic features. "Life is a gamble, and so is the love we should protect~." She'd sing quietly to herself as she tapped her fingers against her arms. Wait, was this round of pummeling already over? Sad. Releasing a small breath, it would extend outwards like a cloud.

"Do you remember, Souji, how they say I have the universe within my hands? Well, that was when I was the Daimyo. I found a way to do that legitimately. I'll demonstrate it now." She'd comment to her teammate, a small smile crossing over her features.

"I kill pride, I hurt feelings." And with that, let the battle commence.

[ Actions Sent. ]
[ I won't change the way that the first round worked due to the fact that you were clearly attempting to break something whilst knowing that it may backfire. There are consequences for unclear actions, so don't cheat us out of anything just because you did not seek out proper resolution. Let the battle continue. ]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

You ever get the chilling feeling under your skin? Something unexplainable and yet you just can't ignore it. Something was calling me and yet I did not hear... Something flashing before my eyes and yet I did not see, touching me all over but no feeling... what was this taste and yet I had not eaten... Something familiar, without touch, taste, viability, sound, or fragrance... however you know it's there. It calls to you via a six sense. This was my sense of battle. Something wasn't right... with my gear in hand, I made my way to the calling unsure of myself and what I felt.

[Topic entered in 3 rounds.]
[Ooc: all this drama lol. Y'all already know what the deal is. Be prepared.]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Yumeko quickly focused on the person who had attacked them who had summoned a mask in which the woman who revealed herself soon made a second of herself, but she didn't know which was which, and in which one of the women had used a clone as well, though when the mystery person had made some clones, she would quickly start allowing herself to become surrounded with a technique which would, hopefully, help her.

As one of the people on her side had bound the woman, Yumeko would slowly exhale as she put her hands together and waited for a moment before a fairly large gate emerged from the ground between the mystery person and all of them. Though after a second, the sky turned to an empty black sky with the stars shining, in which a giant hand came from the sky and slammed down upon the woman.

After the gate had disappeared, she would blink before drawing her dagger and attempted to attack the Mystery person's legs, though she was hit by one of her teammate's attacked and was soon flared by something her target had done.

"It seems I did something... Then again, one doesn't control the gate I just used... It seems I got lucky." She said, sighing slightly and smiling.

[Sending Actions]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

No doubt about it... just like before, I have felt this feeling before when that whole spill with Engei and Katsu... Like before I wasn't going to ignore this feeling. I stepped out and away from the fried eel stand and what I was feeling became abundantly clear. The air was thick and a wave of chakra surged passed me... I grabbed my things, slammed the tip on the stand and headed out toward the direction of the energy... One of my sisters had released their limiters which means one of them were in a battle... Was the Kage in trouble? The energy was coming from the gates!

"What the, guess I better put a move on it!"

[Entering via squadron]

[ooc: Hopefully I get to be in the fight this time :/ I always make it too little two late.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
