Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Destruction of Kumogakure [Going Missing]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Was it better to be feared or to be loved . . . ? Who knew that the conversation with Kuromaru would be decided so soon. The whole of this was utter bull though, and as Endo kept his calm, he allowed Souji to leave and there he stood in silence. Apparently nobody was keen on simply telling him what happened. Everybody had to utterly do their best to try and take a dump on the Kage. Fair enough, maybe he deserved it, though if he was going to go down, then they had to earn it first. No longer finding her perch on the great snake, Yayoi floated down and stood looking disdainfully at the humans around her before she attempted to add in her two cents but Endo stopped her early. He was rather annoyed at this point, not because people were taking shots at him, but because they were going about it based off of a lie. "Alert the clans, I'll be needing their assistance." A curt nod and a sly grin and the humanoid was off with a scented rush. At least somebody still respected the Tsuchikage. Now onto making sure that the people were okay. One more note though, he had to control the tide by locking the gates too. Putting a hand inside of his cloak, he pressed a button and spoke into a nearly hidden two way radio on a special frequency. ~"This is Tsuchikage Inu Endo, lock the gates, nobody gets in or out unless I give the order or I'm dead. If anybody tries, reinforce the walls with their remains."~ Ugh, he hated to be so gruesome but he had to show a little backbone, right? Now he could get to explaining things.

"Uka-sama, I'm not going to speak on the obvious but if you're still trusting of me . . . I ask that you protect the innocent in the chaos to ensue." No fear to be had now, it served him no purpose in admitting that he could die in all of this. At this point though, all chips were in and with that in mind he turned to Koyoko. There was something like pain written on her face. She wanted answers but Endo was just as sure that she was confused with who to follow. In a word, he couldn't exactly blame her. "Remember your oath? You swore to follow me into the thick of it and this . . . this right here is the thick of it. Are not the Ryujin worth their word? I wouldn't have chosen you if you were not." A proper groundwork laid, now for the reaping of truths. Putting one hand on his hip and another to his face, he furiously rubbed at the side of his head and lamented the coming headache but if he hadn't been attacked yet then there was really, little time for complaining. "Your sisters mission was to infiltrate Suna, not Kumo. Of that, you have my word. Now the fact that an ousted Daimyo, one who's family has been found to be that of thieves and liars is claiming that I sent your sister to her doom concerning Kumogakure? I may be forgiving of those who speak out of turn, but make no mistake, I am not the fool who so quickly reveals his Ace before Jokers."

It was time for rant but Endo swallowed his pride and stuck to the facts. "Remember when I first appointed you my guard, did I not stop you from quickly doing away with a Kumo born shinobi? Why would I save that foreigners life and so quickly throw away one of my own? A lot of sense that makes, no?" Yeah, quickly jumping to the point, Endo knelt down and found himself on the same level as Uka, Kyoko and Mikana. He didn't want to interrupt the healing process but there was a decision to be made today. "So, I give you all the same choice that I gave Souji. You can go the less messy route and kill me now, doing so in the name of the people or you can help me bring justice for your sister. If the last words she uttered were a lie then she discovered a secret more dangerous than anything Suna could contain in all of the Wind Country. Kono Haruka, Souji . . . they didn't make the same oath that we made to each other. Worse yet, the Kono clan has proven itself to dishonorable, a word that the Ryujin know not. Perhaps they are in league with Kumogakure, perhaps they are the enemy, and the saddest part of all is that they are our own." Closing his eyes and sighing, Endo stood back up and shook his head. "A thinking Kage considers his people before striking an indiscriminate blow, otherwise he'd be a leader of nothing for nobody would trust his judgement. If you'll follow me, we can take on our enemies together, otherwise I will not ask you to spare my life. Uka can take your sister to safety and we will see who's might proves right, the choice is up to you." That was that, and Endo parted his cloak to reveal his rather light but efficient supply of shinobi tools. One hand on his kunai and the other forming a single hand sign, he looked to Koyoko and began to count the single seconds that seemed to stretch forever.

OOC: TL;DR = Uka can take Kyoko's body out of the topic and we can get to calling that bmod or . . . we can RP this out like civilized folk. Seriously though, this is about the most fun that I've had in ages on NC, I should YOLO more often. Also locking the gates (raising the gate run level to max). If I don't have the power to do so then the council/admin can overturn it.

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
I began to worry once I saw the puzzled look on Uka's face. It was similar to mine but she was the expert on these things. I continued to focus as she did until certain factors came into play. Once Inu Endo-sama showed, things got really verbal and really intense, really fast. I could not physically respond to what I was hearing due to my task, holding down my sister who by the way was not responding to the medical treatment. This worried me further but I remained hopeful. Once Uka stopped her jutsu, the green aura faded and she was now up and giving everyone a piece of her mind. She was right, everyone was focused on the wrong thing right now... Kyoko was hurt. Even still, I found myself getting more and more enraged seeing big sis unconscious. Souji's recording of her final words had me turn my fist to both him and Inu. I was pissed and though Uka was right that we should not be fighting each other, I.... I could not just sit by feeling useless. Souji did this to her and Inu sent her! I... in no time Souji too had vanished in much a way as .Hakura and that other one. I put my fist down and fell to my knees beside big sis... in the end I was useless. Too useless to make a difference... Inu Endo spoke his part on the situation revealing that not everything is as it seemed. He suggest that perhaps Souji and the others are lying. His story contradicts Kyoko's final words but perhaps something else was going on... why is Kyoko laying here when she explained her position? When we got here, Souji and Hakura called big sis a traitor... how was she a traitor if she was following orders? Something wasn't right... I looked to Uka and Koyoko unsure of what was right.

"Uka-sama, can we get big sis to the hospital? Yoko??"

[Topic Left when Uka leaves/ carrying Kyoko]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

I only looked at Uka once she was done making her exclamations but she knew not the stubborn warrior I was. While it was true that my sister had fallen in battle and that her safety was of the highest priority, I was a warrior and she the medic. It was her job to worry about those who have fallen and mine to avenge not only my sister but all of Iwagakure. It was all I was good for. For now I would shift my eyes in acknowledgement to her wisdom. War was coming, it was not a matter of if... not after this at least and I would need my strength to ensure victory. Souji lashed back at Inu for the third time and yet no action was taken by our leader. He heightened my pain by playing Kyoko's audio from her final moments again. Cold, even for him... I had jammed my blade into the ground earlier for this very reason... I did not trust myself to remain calm to the end and already I was fighting my natural urge to impel him. Did he forget that he was involved in putting her to the ground? Even more shocking was his confession to Ayumi's disappearance. He had killed her... was this on Inu's orders? Things started to make sense now. Kyoko was like the rest of the Ryujin clan when it came to honor and respect. Her attack on me could have been viewed by others that the Ryujin clan was a joke considering that she struck me and lived to boast the feat. Ayumi's attack was a blatant disrespect to all of my clan and so Kyoko sought to rectify that disrespect. I could only speculate for now but perhaps she knew that I would see her final moments... a message to me and only me to see that Kumogakure falls by the hand of the Ryujin... Sister... I will avenge you...

New information was given which only caused deeper hatred and confusion. Once Souji had vanished Inu decided to share some light on things... pointing to the real enemies. Reminding me and Mikana of our oath he explained further of the things unseen and revealing that he had order her to Sunagakure and not Kumogakure. But why Suna?

"Your sisters mission was to infiltrate Suna, not Kumo. Of that, you have my word. Now the fact that an ousted Daimyo, one who's family has been found to be that of thieves and liars is claiming that I sent your sister to her doom concerning Kumogakure? I may be forgiving of those who speak out of turn, but make no mistake, I am not the fool who so quickly reveals his Ace before Jokers."

It was true that I knew nothing about Hakura other than that she was the main power house that took Kyoko down and that during the time of my arrival she interfered with the fatality of my sister in order to stop Kyoko from becoming a martyr... Inu was sowing the seeds of doubt in my mind, discrediting Hakura and her clan while I had no reasons to trust her. Needless to say that it was working. The reason that Kyoko was laying here was because of Kumogakure... I would have my vengeance and anyone who gets in the way of that would walk the netherworld blind, death, and dumb so that all the dead would know the fools who challenged the Ryujin...

"Forgive me for speaking out at you Inu-sama... I will alert the Ryujin clan leader of my findings today and of the tragedy... Father will be furious so expect to hear from him. Am I right to assume that both the Kumo and Yukata clans are not to be trusted? I would hate to lose a war due to placing trust and faith into wolves in sheep clothing... Mikana, that means Souji is not to be trusted. If he attempts to contact you, I want to be notified immediately understood? Now... *puts hand out to Inu to shake* lets take down our enemies... together."

[ooc: Lets rp this out so that the games can begin.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Understood."<i></i> The Sennin noded as she acknowledged the new order from her superior. It was time to begin preparations even if nothing were to happen. It was always better to be overly prepared for something than be unprepared for anything. There was something that was bothering her though - whether or not to voice her current concerns. It seemed now that the other two had left things had settled down, but would they ignite again if she was to mention what is likely to be Kyokos' current predicament? There were just far too many variables which could come into play if she did. For now it would be better if she was to just keep quiet. If they came to ask she would tell them, but not under the current pretext. "Uka-sama you asked for help?" A voice came from nearby. It was the people she asked to follow her when she left the hospital. Why it has taken them this long to get here she didn't know and she would have to ask them later, because being this late usually meant a death in their trade. Rules before she became the Sennin may have been a lot laxer, but they wouldn't be for much longer. If her becoming a Tyrant in the branch meant a few more people could live to see another day that was enough of a reward. Well at least they had done one good thing - brought a stretcher with them. "Take the patient to the emergency wing under full surveillance. Mikana you can go with them I will follow shortly."<i></i> She smiled to her before turning back to the situation.

It was clear she couldn't do anything, but the mednin waited to see what was going to happen. Had a fight erupted she would have been placed in a situation where she would have helped both of them, but thankfully it didn't seem to be going that way. That didn't change the fact that things were going into a really bad direction. 'Time to leave' Uka thought as she sprinted off towards the hospital. There was much work to be done and even a second wasted was more than she could afford.

[Topic Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Holding out his hand to shake the woman's before him, he nodded and gave a respectful smirk. "I'd advise you against going anywhere alone . . . though I'm afraid that I might be the one unable to check my morning mail without dodging the occasional death threat." A dry chuckle escaped from his lips as he opted to answer her next question before he left to prepare for the mission now before him. "Due to the fact that the only foreignors who seem to start trouble here happen to be from Kumo . . . yeah, their on our watch list. As for the Kono and Yukata clans, yes, as much as it pains me to say, they are no longer to be trusted. I won't outright order their executions but I'm certainly not going to be granting them any favors in the court of public opinion." That being said, he turned to leave as it was about time that he met with the other clans from Arcadia who'd follow him if worse came to worse. He left on a positive note though, one that honored exactly as he felt. "Iwa will survive, it always does . . ." Then he seemed to melt away with the shadow of the earth itself.

OOC: Topic Left

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Now that everyone had gone, it was time for me to contact the head of the Ryujin clan, my father Shouta Dragon of the North and South gates... He won't be to happy about all of this considering war would take him away from his work. I calmly walked over towards my massive blade. With little to no effort I snatched it from the ground and placed it on my back. Most saw this big thing as a giant waste of strength but not me... it was ok for me to carry my enemies tombstone... Here lies *Insert Name*

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
