Ziren was back in the hospital, this time, it is to put his bloodline and kinjustu to the test. He listened to the blood flows all around him, sensing the souls of those who are weak. And then he found one. The blood flow was weak, the soul, having troubles to stay in its body.
Rushing there, putting on his medical uniform, moving out of the way with ease, of the other medical ninja, Ziren has found himself in the room of the person who would need him the most right now. Today, he wore the kind if clothing that a professor would wear, along with glasses. The glasses, were in fact, prescribed to him upon entering the Branch, letting him see more clear and whatnot. He never knew he needed glasses until then.
Ziren walked over to the hospital bed, in which his patient was at. Performing one of his clans justsus, Destiny Bond, to relieve some of the pain and hurt the man must be feeling. Instantly, Ziren felt pain in his gut, but he didn't mind it one bit, as his healing factor was already kicking in.
Not stopping there, Ziren had placed a seal on the man, Medical Ward, in case if it gets too bad for the man. He then looked at the man's stomach area, in which he knows is where most of the pain is coming from. Heck, the guy was bleeding. Chakra in his hand, he let his hand hover over were the wound was mostly at, Coagulation. The blood started to harden, seal up the wound. With that done, Ziren needed to relieve as much pain as possible, and heal whatever he can so that the man may live, this time, he put a lot of chakra into healing the man, Mystical Force.
The rest of the wounds starting to close up, the man was well out of the danger zone finally. Ziren listened to the man's blood flow to make sure that he will be fine. In which, he was, as the man fell asleep soundly.
Ziren cut off his blood line justsu, seeming as the man is good now, still feeling the after effects of the hurt and pain he felt coming from the man. He sat down in a chair that was across from the hospital bed.
Rushing there, putting on his medical uniform, moving out of the way with ease, of the other medical ninja, Ziren has found himself in the room of the person who would need him the most right now. Today, he wore the kind if clothing that a professor would wear, along with glasses. The glasses, were in fact, prescribed to him upon entering the Branch, letting him see more clear and whatnot. He never knew he needed glasses until then.
Ziren walked over to the hospital bed, in which his patient was at. Performing one of his clans justsus, Destiny Bond, to relieve some of the pain and hurt the man must be feeling. Instantly, Ziren felt pain in his gut, but he didn't mind it one bit, as his healing factor was already kicking in.
Not stopping there, Ziren had placed a seal on the man, Medical Ward, in case if it gets too bad for the man. He then looked at the man's stomach area, in which he knows is where most of the pain is coming from. Heck, the guy was bleeding. Chakra in his hand, he let his hand hover over were the wound was mostly at, Coagulation. The blood started to harden, seal up the wound. With that done, Ziren needed to relieve as much pain as possible, and heal whatever he can so that the man may live, this time, he put a lot of chakra into healing the man, Mystical Force.
The rest of the wounds starting to close up, the man was well out of the danger zone finally. Ziren listened to the man's blood flow to make sure that he will be fine. In which, he was, as the man fell asleep soundly.
Ziren cut off his blood line justsu, seeming as the man is good now, still feeling the after effects of the hurt and pain he felt coming from the man. He sat down in a chair that was across from the hospital bed.