Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The doctor is in (private/pm to join)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was back in the hospital, this time, it is to put his bloodline and kinjustu to the test. He listened to the blood flows all around him, sensing the souls of those who are weak. And then he found one. The blood flow was weak, the soul, having troubles to stay in its body.

Rushing there, putting on his medical uniform, moving out of the way with ease, of the other medical ninja, Ziren has found himself in the room of the person who would need him the most right now. Today, he wore the kind if clothing that a professor would wear, along with glasses. The glasses, were in fact, prescribed to him upon entering the Branch, letting him see more clear and whatnot. He never knew he needed glasses until then.

Ziren walked over to the hospital bed, in which his patient was at. Performing one of his clans justsus, Destiny Bond, to relieve some of the pain and hurt the man must be feeling. Instantly, Ziren felt pain in his gut, but he didn't mind it one bit, as his healing factor was already kicking in.

Not stopping there, Ziren had placed a seal on the man, Medical Ward, in case if it gets too bad for the man. He then looked at the man's stomach area, in which he knows is where most of the pain is coming from. Heck, the guy was bleeding. Chakra in his hand, he let his hand hover over were the wound was mostly at, Coagulation. The blood started to harden, seal up the wound. With that done, Ziren needed to relieve as much pain as possible, and heal whatever he can so that the man may live, this time, he put a lot of chakra into healing the man, Mystical Force.

The rest of the wounds starting to close up, the man was well out of the danger zone finally. Ziren listened to the man's blood flow to make sure that he will be fine. In which, he was, as the man fell asleep soundly.

Ziren cut off his blood line justsu, seeming as the man is good now, still feeling the after effects of the hurt and pain he felt coming from the man. He sat down in a chair that was across from the hospital bed.
Hastily a figure traverses through the Byoin, Mikasa eyeing the activity and decides to follow in pursuit. Having a medical shinobi with the capability of divulging the status through sound of blood flow was a great find! Contently she peers through the door, resting her nostrils on the door edge as she observes the Chigokai alleviate the pain of the patient, ensuring his wounds would not reopen due to careless movements when more than likely told to remain still. Revealing herself, the Sennin claps her hands together faintly, "Fantastic, Ziren-san, or should I say Mr. Study is My Middle Name?" she jests with a grin.

Looking down on the patient, her hands tenderly glide over the dressed wound, not doubting the newly added branch member; yet allowing for own examination. "You should remain still for a bit longer, you have to be patient with a wound of this degree. We are fortunate Ziren-san was near by to discover you." she murmurs, trailing her gloved digits to remove the cover, rolling it up neatly to store in a bin, to be collected later in the day. A new cover would be promptly brought in, hung over the patient and allowing Mikasa to remove her gloves, wash up, and take a peek at the medical chart. In that moment did she notice the patience exhaustion, he was already deep in slumber.

Wandering closer to Ziren, she claps her left hand on his shoulder, "Come, walk with me." she offers and allowing the faceless to scoot in and address further issues concerning re-establishing IV lines and various monitoring instruments. Rummaging about she locates a vile containing vibrant colored candy in appearance chakra pills. Uncorking the vile she holds it out towards his hands, "Take one, it will begin to accelerate your natural chakra healing process." she assures, "How have you been adjusting, Ziren-san?" Mikasa inquires in a delicate tone.​
As he was finishing up on the patient, his sense of hearing blood told him that someone was watching. And just as he thought, he heard a small clap, followed by Mikasa's voice. "Hahaha, well studying is something I had always done, even in the other branches. That is how I mainly learned about my own blood line, of furthering my understanding about it."

He listened in as the Sennin talked to the patient before the man fell asleep. Well, that is one thing Ziren needs to work on. The talking portion. He guessed that sometimes he isn't the approachable type of person, and whatnot, especially of his background of being part of the ANBU. Back then, words held little meaning. Now, it is everything.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, turning around to see the Sennin standing in front of him. She wanted to walk with him. So he did, all the while, he kept his ears open on the blood flows of all the other patients, in case things get hectic. Then, she produced something from one of the cabinets nearby. It was some kind of candy thing. She said that it accelerates chakra healing.

He took one and popped it into his mouth. "Thank you, Mikasa-sama. And as for adjusting, it seems to be going pretty well. Still a lot of stuff that I need to study, but with listening to the blood flows of those around me, I definitely have been a big help to these people who need to be looked at."

He paused. He thought about asking something. "Mikasa. What do you know about people who carry more than one blood line? See, I've had an incident, in which something along those lines happened to me. I thought it was something else in me was there, but after gaining these powers of a dark sage, I haven't felt whatever it was again." Ziren recalled that fateful night in which he had fought his brother to the death. The eye scope that Jirosho had took from a dead mad scientist, blew up, changing Ziren and his brother to have other powers. Those in which were not theirs to begin with.

Though, he has had a lot in his mind as of late, whatever happened that night still comes up, making him want to ask questions.

Curiously she eyes the Chigokai medcial shinobi, a faint shimmer in her eyes reflect against the overhead lights, "An intriguing inquiry, there are a few instances of the occurrence you are speaking of." she begins in a faint tone. Rounding the corner, she allows an informal tour of the facility without using audible words. "Foremost, allow me to use an example." Mikasa begins, "If an Uchiha and Chigokai have a child, which factors determine which genetic trait is dominant?" she questions aloud, one that would more than likely plague medical scientists for generations to come.

Extending her right index upwards, "Is it the location of birth? Does an Uchiha genetic trait overpower the Chigokai due to the region? Is the trait selected due to the which is the mother? Meaning if your wife is Uchiha, does that automatically mean since the child is developed in her womb the child in question Uchiha? If she were Chigokai would the same be true? Finally, is it the males contribution holding the deciding factor?" she begins to chuckle, lowering her hand, "All these are unknown, Ziren-san, however I can say with certainty when neither can agree to which is to be dominant, children often display capabilities of both the mother and child - a Chimera if you will." the Sennin eludes towards.

Rounding the final corner, the pair located what most would conclude to be the center of the Byoin, an office door presents itself. Calmly she presses the door ajar, gesturing for the male to enter before her. The office was of average proportions, lacking a window, but that was mostly due to location, but she had seen to ensure a skylight was constructed. Brilliant rays of sunlight illuminate the room, "Your office, my friend. I figured it would be best if you were nearest the center so that you may monitor your usual." she confines.​
Ziren listened as the Medical Sennin answered his question. Going into detail about what it would mean to have more than one blood line through birth. He thought about his twin children. Who will Moji and Yuna come to be as they grow older? They come from one of the most well known bloodlines, and then they also come from one of the more hidden bloodlines as well. But it still plagued his mind. Of how he himself was presented with such powers over an entirely different bloodline.

What was it that she called it? Of having both capabilities of both mother and father? A chimera? "Mikasa-sama, I guess I should have specified. You see, during my battle with my brother.... He brought out an item that was specifically made to absorb blood line justsus. I destroyed it, but afterwards, it made an explosive power that enveloped both me and my brother. Giving me the extra powers of a Sunaku, and my brother, the powers of a Nara."

They made their way to a door, this was almost the centermost part of the hospital. That was when she explained that this would be his office. Sunlight shone down from the skylight, and the place was neat and tidy. Clean. Ziren smiled and turned around and gave the Sennin a small brief hug.

"Thank you Mikasa-sama. It means a lot to me that you have done this. Man... A lot if memories here. Funnily enough, I was always here because I got hurt some way or another. And now, I'm the one that is helping those who are hurt." He backed away and then thought about something else. "Mikasa. I've read in some of the history books, about combat medical ninja. I understand that some have died in order to save the lives of their teammates to finish the mission. But sometimes those missions fail because there is no more medical ninja. If you'd like, I want to make sure that the medical ninja are both ready to heal, and ready to be able to defend themselves if things start looking grim. I want to be the official combat medic that others look to train with so that their own survivability rate is high, so that they will know what to do, if they ever find themselves in the situation of a mission in which they need to be just as strong, if not stronger than their other teammates for their own missions. To not only make sure that the Medical Branch thrives, but also make sure that we will not lose our medical ninja through battles or missions." Ziren was confident in this. The medical ninja needs to be adept at fighting, as much as they are in healing. For their own survival rate. For the success of the mission as a whole.
Curiously the kunoichi presses the tip of her index against her jawline, tapping in an unknown rhythm. Unfortunately there wasn't a device within her memory that allowed the absorption and replication of Kekkei Genkai, "To be perfectly honest with you, Ziren-san, none!" she chuckles, although it was clear as day she found the idea exciting from a scientific standpoint. "Potentially a genetically modified weapon." she murmurs, although how serious she was to be taken was up in the air, for Mikasa was unable to believe in that far fetched of a tale.

"Ironic, isn't it?" she pats his shoulder daintily, taking a seat directly before his new office desk, the Sennin listens to the shinobi. After careful consideration, she wasn't against the notion, for she truly believed his words and was of a similar mindset. Ideally, the branch was to be 'divided' between two sectors, combat medics and those who research. The only issue was there lack of personnel, however she was willing to be that the main problem would begin to solve itself as the weeks continue forward. "I see no issues with you wishing to do so, but I have one stipulation." she murmurs in a dove tone, gingerly her legs cross over one another, "You will begin with teaching the importance of medical combating in the form of an academy class." she raises her index finger upwards, "Pending the classes success, you will be able to helm the project."

A slight pause as a sly grin appears on her features, "Fair enough?" she inquires, awaiting for any potential objections, however she didn't take Ziren for that sort of individual. Furthermore, this would prove to be a nice pace setter for any potential promotions he may or may not be eligible for in the future. After all, the spot for Medical Chief was open, a prize at the grasp for all.​
To answer his question, about a chimera coming to being through a device, Mikasa didn't know the answer. But then he heard her say something about a genetically modified weapon. Hm... He'll have to research more to find out if there were any other occurrences of a person becoming a chimera other than through having two parents of two separate Kekkei Genkai. Though, she may have been playing with him, Ziren couldn't get the thought out of his head, of what he has seen with his own two eyes that night.

She patted his shoulders and told him what she thought of training the upcoming medical ninja to be just as tough as they can heal. So, an Academy Class? Ziren nodded. "Fair enough. Though I do already have a class planned out, a couple students have signed up, and I will most likely make the combat medic class afterwards. The class in question that I have planned, is adaptability, ironically enough. But as soon as that class is done, I'll start a combat medic class."

Then a thought hit Ziren. "Mikasa. How long have you been in the medical branch? What pushed you, your motivation to be a medical ninja?" He was curious to what her answer would be, seeing as despite how much he sees the Medical Sennin around, and how much they talk, he barely knows a thing about her.
Ziren was swift to inquire of Mikasa's longevity within the medical branch; however that a fairly standard inquiry to a Sennin. Crossing her legs, the maiden's digits imprison one another as she closes her eyes to ponder. After a momentary silence, the medical leads ocean hues resurface to peer towards the Chigokai, "I became an official Medical-Nin in Training when I was of sixteen years of age. Prior to that I was taught basics from my adoptive father and his son during the samurai regime." she admits, "Eight years would be a fair number, rather that is the truthful statement of my time served thus far for the Konohagakure Byoin." she murmurs in a delicate tone.

"I was made a full fledged Medical-nin at the age of eighteen and Medical Chief at twenty-one and Sennin near the end of the same year, due to Lady Yomi's ushering in twins." another pause as she unlocks her fingers to streak through the platinum mane, "That was definitely an interesting and sudden transition. I still stagger, but with the aid of everyone about me, I manage." she chuckles light heartedly. Realizing she went a tad bit off the original topic, she aims an apologetic smile, doing her utmost to reposition herself to the actual inquiry. "My motivation is fairly simple, the village is family and I will not allow harm to come to my family. There are moments in each's life that defines them, one that creates unforeseen circumstances and I aim to be capable of handling each."

Not entirely convinced she answered the Chigokai's question, she inhales faintly, "I am a firm believer that creating opportunity for the next generation is the number one priority. That is my main motivation, I already have had my chance to shine, now it is my duty to ensure the same is accessible to the younger ones, including yourself."​
Ziren listened as the Medical Sennin told him bits and pieces of her life story of how she came to be who she is now. The Chigokai has had a rocky start. Well... A rocky everything up until just a couple weeks ago.

And yet, here he was. Given a millionth second chance. Heck, Ziren sure hopes that this time, he finally does something right. The Medical Ninja listened as the Sennin spoke, of what motivates her. Creating opportunity for the next generation, and helping them through with it.

Ziren never really thought about it like that. He was more like a sturdy rock, someone who is willing to protect all others. That is why he wants to make not just combat Medical Ninja stronger, but all Medical Ninja stronger.

"Well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mikasa. For giving me this opportunity." The Chigokai spread his hands out to his office area.

He then let out a sigh. "Though... Forgive me for being selfish. I ask one more thing from you. A request. Since you are my Sennin, I would like to ask you this. I would like to, if possible, to go on a mission. I don't know if there is one being set up with other shinobi of the Leaf. But what I am getting at is if there is a covert mission, which involves going to Frost, if it is even a village. Because I'm guessing that it is a high risk mission. One that involves with serious injury or even death. I've learned how to bring people back, not using dark sage abilities, when they have just recently died. I could prove useful as a medic for the team. Or if I can't do that, then at least let me fight on the front lines here in the Fire Country, where there will be a lot of injuries and casualties in which I will be a big help in."

Ziren knows the consequences of either option. Of what could happen to him. But he also knows that either way, either path will need a medical ninja to help with the two missions.

He waited a minute before speaking again. "I'm sorry that I'm not like other medical ninja. Of how most are researching cures and new things. I do have research skills, but my mind is fighting oriented like a combat medic."
Ziren had set his sights on combating on the fronts, however this was unsurprising considering the Chigokai's background. Leaning her head back, the platinum braid threatens to cascade downwards to drape against the rear of the chair, "If I were to act surprised by your request, I would be lying." she admits aloud, tenderly nibbling at her lower lip in thought. Silence would ensue, the Sennin stalling to stumble across a suitable reason to deny permission; however by doing so would be going against her wishes of having medical personnel participate in life threatening missions to reduce causalities.

Waving her hand to and fro she gives permission, "Who am I to deem your particular vision of a medical nin is incorrect? I support individuality and I am in agreement with the notion of ensuring the safety as many as possible." another slight gap, "Your ANBU teachings will be critical to the mission you wish to embark on, however I have a single condition. You will immediately report back to myself on your return and if you encounter any difficulties I am the first person you attempt to contact. I will come to your aid with as much haste as I can muster." she murmurs in a serious tone.

Gathering herself, Mikasa comes to a stand, patting her ivory coat, "I'll be off for now, ZIren-san. I have a few items to address with Migoya-san. I am hoping he will be able to aid me in researching a combination of soldier pills and chakra replenishers that the upcoming 'threat' will be reluctant to combat." remarks in a chipper tone, doing her utmost to remain the optimistic kunoichi she always appears to be. Without further delay, her digits cradle the doorknob, allowing for a temporary retreat.

It was a welcoming sign that there were those within branch willing to undertake the more difficult routes.

[OOC: Topic Left Unless Stopped]​
He guessed that he was an easy person to read. Ziren was always one of the people to jump straight into the thick of things, a lot of times, to help people out. This was no different, and he thinks Mikasa can see that very well.

That was when she gave him permission to actually be part of something as big as this. Talking about how his experience in the ANBU branch really could help out with what will soon be placed out in front of Ziren. Though, she had one request in return for Ziren. To report back to her first thing, and if anything happens, he is to call her.

"Aye. I will. But don't need to worry, you are looking at Konoha's best combat medic. In fact, I promise to make it back, and report to you first."

Mikasa had then excused herself, speaking of important matters to discuss with Migoya, of some kind of soldier pill to be used against the Frost. Ziren nodded to the Sennin as she had exited out of his office.

The Chigokai knows of the path he has now found himself on. A path not a lot of Medical Ninja take. Of actively putting themselves in danger for the safety and well being of others. He knows that the life expectancy isn't all that great for combat ninja. But he also can't just accept the fact of that is how it will always be. He will make sure the Medical Ninja of Konoha are just as strong, if not stronger than those in the ANBU and Main branch.

Ziren took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. But first, maybe a small break from work will help.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
