Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The first basic steps [Tutor]

May 7, 2017
Waiting in the training grounds Yukio let out a brief sigh, he was doing a lot for the younger students in the academy these days though he didn’t mind too much. The opportunity to be a part of the upbringing and tutoring of new and upcoming members of the ANBU branch was something that brought him inspiration and passion after the mission he had been given as of late.

He had sent a message to the student earlier that day to meet him in the training fields, one with potential to progress quickly through the ranks of the ANBU branch with enough time and effort but still he had no idea what the student would be like nor how easy a task it would be to get information across to them.

That would be the purpose of this lesson to test their metal and see what this student could do, it somewhat reminded him of his early days with Takeshi and Yuki the sweat and the blood that had been spilled on the grass to bring him to the point he had finally achieved in the here and now.

Taking in the early morning sun he lifted a hand to block out the rays of light shining into his eyes, one of the few times he did not apricate how sensitive they were shaking his head to forget the notion. A lack of sleep was getting to him, late nights spent keeping watch over the streets of the village and days spent training to ensure that he would forever be strong enough to do the tasks that were required of him.

“Hopefully they will be here in a timely manner, something that is expected of all who attend classes such as this though what state they will be in this early in the morning is another matter.”

[WC: 307/1500]
Juko knew this day was different, when he woke up before his alarm clock could ring its terrible melody and actually felt awake from the very moment. For a second he felt confused about time and space and when he saw that it was still early in the morning his confusion climbed to even newer peaks. What the hell is going on here... His hand moved through his hair and ruffled the blonde mane back into a more natural state. Turning his face away from the wall he decided to give sleep another chance when a small piece of paper caught his attention. Unlike every other piece of paper in his room this one was still smooth and without folds, technically marking it as not important. Still, somehow the small white rectangle seemed to glisten with importance and somewhere deep in the wrinkles of Juko's brain a small and shy memory started wiggling.
What....are you? Juko slowly rose from his bed and rubbed his eyes before looking back at the note. Oh please dont be anything important, pleeassse.... Reaching out for the paper he nearly fell out of his bed and only barely managed to stop himself by extending his palm towards the ground.
Even before he managed to read the paper the memory burst into his brain, clearing his thoughts from any remaining fog of the night and lighting up his eyes. The Anbu! They want to meet me!!! Skreeeeeeeeee! Shouting loud in anticipation and barely contained excitement he jumped from his bed and sailed straight across the small table. If his alarm clock had a conscioussness and a face it would probably raise its eyebrows in irritation at the young boys behaviour. Since it didnt have either however it instead decided to ring loudly. Yes, yes i knoooow i am already awake! A wadded shirt hit the recently repaired clock and took it along on its flight behind the bed.
Bare moments after this happened Juko was already fully clothed and jumping multiple stairs at once as he rushed downstairs and out of the house even ignoring the usual yellow note saying something along the lines of "We love you, there is porridge in the fridge." Oh my, oh my, oh my! This is going to be sooo good! I cant wait to learn special ninjutsus and all the secret Anbu taijutsu skillls! Arms outstretched like a bird he dashed through the streets towards the academy, barely feeling the fatigue one usually has to endure right after waking up.
A quick jump over the entrance gate followed by hurried steps across the hallways brought Juko finally into the back side area of the academy where he could already see a man patiently waiting for him. Energy seemed to flood Juko and with tall strides he approached the anbu.
GOOD MORNING SIR, MY NAME IS JUKO, PLEASURE TO MEET YOU! He proclaimed as loud and energetic as possible, hoping to impress the man with his confidence.
WC: 497​
He watched the student approach his loud and rather upfront way to greeting made Yukio raise an eyebrow for a moment before chuckling slightly, out of all the things he could have expected this was not one of them. Most of the new students he had met had been rebellious or rather cold towards their peers but this one seemed different he had more energy than the others something that would be appreciated but could be tempered shifting himself off his leaning position to look down at the boy.

“Yes greetings young student, as you know I’ve called you out here this early for a reason. ANBU must be able to work to a strict time schedule so your ability to make it here with such haste had my approval however if joining the ANBU was all about a matter of timing then we would all have the potential to become ANBU in a matter of days.”

He took a few paces his eyes tracing his person as he scratched his chin, energy he had in droves and his chakra didn’t seem anything out of the normal at least to the eyes of the Hyuuga. But this would not tell him everything for that it would be down to Juko to show him what he was capable of.

“This being our first session I wish to take your measure; my eyes show me many things, but I cannot simply snap my fingers and behold all you have been through. So, think of this as a getting to know you type of lesson. I wish to see all that you can do at this moment in time and from their I will gauge what will be the next step in your training to become a member of our branch”

He gestured to the side showing a set of a few training dummies for him to use.

“You may do as you wish and do not pull punches, if I am to truly see your potential you must be capable of showing me what you have learned and training to do thus far.”

[WC: 658/1500]
Upon hearing his teachers introduction Juko produced a slight giggle, partly based on actual humour and partly on a desire to appeal to the Anbu. Thank the heavens, he doesnt seem to be to starched. Boy, when i come back to the academy next time Maru is so gonna get it with my new secret Anbu Skills! His eyes quickly glanced across the many windows of the nearby ninja academy hoping to catch one or two other students watching them. Preferably girls, heh. When his teacher told Juko about this first lesson chills ran down the boys spine. Looking up and into the face of the man that had been standing before him and was now circling around him he stared into the empty seeming eyes. His eyes show him many things? He does seem like a Hyuuga? I wonder if i can learn to do that too.
Yes, Sir! I will give it my best, i swear! Following the gestur of his teacher with his eyes Juko took one of the wooden dummies into sight. Impressing the Anbu would surely be more than just a simple test of skills, he needed to show finesse, taste and cunning and even then he knew that there were probably multiple layers of inspectation.
Fully turning towards the mannequins Juko started rotating his shoulders to loosen up a bit, he could feel the excitement coiling around in his body like a giant scaly snake, ready to burst free and drench his whole system into adrenaline. He took a deep breath.
Relax Juko, youve done this already a few times for the other teachs at the academy. Give him a clean taste of what you can do, show him a solid basis that he can build upon! carefully he started manipulating his chakra, sending it into all the corners of his body to calm down and power up at the same time. He could feel his empty stomach rummaging for food and grimaced with closed eyes. Really shouldve eaten some porridge before leaving, i hope this wont make me weaker than usual now of all times!
Dropping the thought he jumped into action, his blonde hair following him like a large flag and flowing through the whistling air. His first moves felt sluggish as he hit the pole with two clean strikes, one after another. Rotating around the wooden training dummy he followed up with a kick to the stomach and winced. That one was bad... Pain spread through his ankle and when Juko resumed his stance he could feel his foot giving in almost immediately. Time seemed to slow down for him as his thoughts raced and his body tilted towards the ground. No, no no nononono dont even think about hitting the ground now! Stupid body, follow my orders! Reflexively he stretched out his arms and turned the falling motion into something akin to a cartwheel and used the momentum to kick with his healthy leg against the puppet. This time he made sure to slow the movement down slightly and focus on a clear move rather then speed.
When his body was coming back to his initial stance once more Juko made a decision. I cant stop now, if i stop now he will probably think i am useless and i wont be taken in for the Anbu! I cant let that happeN!! Twisting his upper body he landed on his one healthy leg and kept the wounded foot in the air. Without stopping he entered another rotation and pushed himself away from the ground with his one good foot, while simultaniously starting to do finger seals. His foot touched the ground just when the young student finished doing the jutsu and with a confident look in his eyes Juko exhaled.
Instead of the expected plume of fire he produced a small sized cloud of smoke, causing him to enter a violent coughing fit. The trembling motion forced him to put down his right foot on the ground, which immediately made the wounded limb give in and made Juko collapse on the ground. Tears filled his eyes as he coughed a few more times and the sad taste of ash and failure filled his tongue. ...this cant be happening... i... failed! I couldnt even get this one fucking jutsus done! Right now when i needed it most! The sitting boy didnt look but he could already hear his teacher approaching and telling him to scurry off. Am i really unfit to be a ninja? Could it be that Maru and all the others where right, that i am indeed useless as a fighter? Juko blinked slowly.

No. I am not! As he released the chakra that had been bottling up withhin him the excitement that had been gradually building up withhin him unloaded like a spring, filling his body with a newfound enegy. He could still feal the pain in his foot as his body protested the action but it had become dull and faint as if reaching him through multiple layers of mud. One more time, one more! His muscles tensed as he tapped into his secret and his shadow seemed to dash ahead a moment before Juko followed. Jumping from both legs he summersaulted over the wooden pole, intercepting his flight for just one moment to land a punch on the flat top of the training dummie before landing on the opposite site. He could feel his ankle swelling now but ignored the feeling once more, instead forming finger seals again. This time he managed to finish the jutsu albeit it was a different one and with one brisk exhale he blasted the wooden backside with a compact ball of air before ducking away from an imaginary counter attack and revealing another secret skill. His fists loosened and opened up as chakra streamed from his arms and formed two translucent blades that seemed to extend straigh from his open palms.
With a circular motion he cut the wooden pillar at the base, once then a second time, almost cutting straight through it before he felt his chakra already reaching its limits.
The last bit of it he used to press his foot against the puppet and push himself away a few meters before he fell down on one knee.
Panting he looked at the teacher back in the training fields.
's that good, Misser?
WC: 1065​
Lifting a hand to his chin Yukio gave a light scratch as he observed every movement and action the boy made, taking paces to walk around him to see the situation from every angle his walk being a slow and steady one as he scratched the back of his head at the initial actions Juko made towards the dummies. At that moment he wondered if he had been mistaken about the boy but then again, he wasn’t exactly perfect back then either.

Though what came next made him raise an eyebrow in surprise, the performance in front of him being much more professional and free flowing that what he had initially seen giving him some restored hope in what he could accomplish if pointed in the right direction and given a certain amount of guidance in the ways of the Shinobi.

“A rather unexpected display but a somewhat shaky start, tell me do you have any problems in focusing that energy you seem to have so much of and setting it to task. This is not me berating you this is simply me inquiring if you have had such issues since before coming here.”

He crossed his arms a moment before looking over to what remained of the dummies taking a few paces towards them before bringing his hands together to form shards of mirror jutsu in the air around him before sending them towards the remains each one striking what would be a vital point on the body his eyes guiding his aim before he tilted his head back to Juko.

“To give example this is what you should eventually be capable of, but first we have to find the route of what cause your hesitation to show your second display sooner and if there is going to be any quick routes to solving any of the short term problems you may be having in those areas.”
Still panting Juko straightened his back. Tha... thanks, Sir! At this point his right leg felt like somebody had put it on fire, starting from his ankle and he wondered whether he had not accidently broken or sprained it. Realizing he had been asked a question he looked back at his teacher and blinked a few times as he dug through his memories. Uuuhh.. i dont.. i dont know actually. I mean, i mean i know ive had some small issues with ninjutsus in the past, yeah. Especially when im moving really fast it gets hard to get the seals right, i always seem to stumble when i have to do the horse seal.. Juko raised his hands and demonstrated the seal, first slow and then a few times in quick succession. While the first time it seemed to work effortless already the second faster one ended up with him banging his fingers together in attempt to interlock them correctly. If i do this for a while it will eventually stop looking so bad but as soon as i have to, have to do multiple seals in a row and while concentrating on my chakra or doing taijutsu it gets a bit sloppy. The boy looked away from his fingers and back at the Anbu and quickly decided that the face that was staring back at him was showing the first slight hints of disapproval. Crap, that was to much Juko, tell him something good, you look like a fool!
Scratching his head he smiled a big confident smile at the trainer. Of course im training a lot so i guess i wont have that problem for long!
As if in reaction to what the young student had said the Anbu turned around and formed finger seals in a speed that made it look as if he had more than 20 fingers on each hand. Wow.
Shortly after this display of speed shards of reflective metal formed around the man, aimlessly drifting through the air before suddenly taking aim and sinking into the wooden statues around them, each hitting a place that would correspond to a vital area on a regular human being.
The sound of cracking wood filled the training fields as both teacher and student stood next to each other silent for a few seconds. Then the man continued talking, and indirectly asked Juko about his hesitation in using his special skills.
Yeahh... i know. I shouldve done that earlier... but its hard to concentrate on that and i always have trouble actually seeing what im doing and where im going when i speed up like that... Also it burns down my chakra really fast so i dont really wanna use it at the very beginning...
He smiled his insecurity at the Anbu.
WC: 465​
He looked to Juko seeing that he still somewhat lacked confidence in what he could do at this point in time but that was to be expected this early on in his training though building that quickly would come in handy sooner rather than later as Yukio paced slightly wondering what would be the next step to make his flow of ninjutsu and Taijutsu more fluent and streamline.

“So you have problems with focus right now is that it?”

The question was straight to the point Yukio wasn’t one to beat around the bush to side step a problem as always, he was as blunt as he had always been ever since he was a child. In a way he was starting to remind himself of his grandfather.

“Well if that truly is the case then we’re going to have to work on that and quickly, to become a member of the ANBU branch you must be decisive and sure of yourself at all times. When you leave the safety of the village gates there is no telling what can happen in the field. Some may call it paranoia but those with the experience and knowledge of what goes on out there call it being prepared and ready for anything.”

His words spoke of experience, the many missions he had accomplished beyond the village had taught him almost nothing was impossible, forbidden jutsu, bandits and missing ninja were all rather common place if you strayed far enough.

“Another thing to consider is what will you do when you are placed in a team, should you find yourself in a situation where you must react on the fly to protect yourself and your teammates will you have the confidence to make sure what your doing is the right thing for all involved that is what we strive to learn here and even with these basic things you can accomplish that.”

[WC: 1200+/1500]
With Focus? Yeah i guess you could call it that... Juko stared at his teacher as he listened to the wise words, trying to imagine a future as an Anbu. Pictures of him flying through the air and hunting missing ninjas rose in his mind and his eyes took on the shine of a kid lost in his imagination. Oh my, i bet i could learn so many new and cool jutsus when im an Anbu... i could visit foreign places and learn more jutsus from them too! I could become the strongest ninja there is and learn just so so so many incredible jutsus out there! Who knows what is possible once you leave the gates of the village, the confines of... He stopped his thoughts and shook his head. Yes, Sir, absolutely! I love working on it, i want to train and improve! He tried to give his words the confidence his teacher seemed to be missing in his actions. Doing the finger pistols at the Anbu he continued. You will not regret it! I swear by the last bit of porridge that i have at home, i will not disappoint you!
His mood seemed to blossom as his sensei talked about teambuilding and Juko started going through the other students he had gotten to know at this point, evaluating each one to see if they would fit into his team. So, what is the next thing? Can you show me that jutsu you did before again? The one that went all whooosh and thok thok into the wood like that? can you maybe even teach me that? Immediately he tried to copy the handseals he had seen his teacher do but already after the first one he lost his confidence and started doing random seals instead. The chakra he was building up was moved in every way but the right one and with a painfull sting it eventually lost its binding and dissolved into his body again.
WC: 330​
A relieved sigh escaped the ANBU’s lips in that moment the kid seemed to be taking everything in his stride and was willing to learn whatever was given to him. But at the end of the day too much information would inevitably lead to what was learned earlier in the day being lost no matter how good a memory someone had.

“Ah you mean my mirror style jutsu, now going into detail with that will be for another session for the details of advanced elemental jutsu can become deep and complex but yes I will show you once more so you can get a grasp on what kinds of jutsu exist in this world”

He made the same hand motions as before but this time left the mirror jutsu hanging in the air for a moment to allow Juko to have a good look at what it was like before letting them fly in a similar manner to before.

“These are things you will pick up the longer you practice with the jutsu you currently possess. And it’s something you will be taught in groups when you are in your classes with other students. Those very students could one day become your teammates so build friendships and rivalries now and they will be of great benefit for you in the future.”

He seems to be quite calm though his mind wanders for a moment wondering what the people who were in his class are doing these days sighing before nodding to Juko.

“With that in mind practice your handseals and Taijutsu and making sure you can do them at the same time, then we shall pick up where we left off here today. As much as I would like to stick around and teach you everything it is not my place to do so, and the life of an ANBU is never a quiet one for long.”

[OOC: Posts complete Tutor session complete]
[WC: 1500+]
Juko's eyes followed the shards of metal as they hovered in the air, seeing his own face reflected in each of the 6 shards. So many of me... Something in his brain twitched. Then the shards shot into the same spots as the shards before. Ooooh, advanced... elemental jutsus? Thats a crazy thing, i wonder what other things are out there that i dont yet know about...
The young boy took a look at his own hands, and put them together slowly in the sequence that was generally tought at the ninja academy, made to memorize each seal. With each seal he wondered once more how many combinations there wer eout there that he didnt know about yet that even other people didnt know about. Maybe... i could even create my own jutsus one day? Create.. and teach them... but first. First i need to learn the jutsus that are already out there. All of them. Or atleast as many as i can...
Looking up again he smiled at his Anbu teacher.
Yes, you are right! I will work hard and earn my place in this world! Thank you for this lesson! Turning around with fully recharged confidence Juko forgot about his wounded ankle and made a step that didnt seem to end anywhere. His foot gave in and with a painfull bang he planted his face into the grassy ground. OucH! His voice rang out muffled from between his face and the dirt, before he pulled himself together and quickly left the place. Despite leaving in such a ridiculous way his mood stayed high.
WC: 265​

[Leaving thread]

Current Ninpocho Time:
