Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The first of many [Open rp]

‘Little girl!’ thought Tama seething with indignation, ‘I’ll show her little, I’ll punch her clear in the face, I’ll leave her whimpering beneath the feet of this ‘little girl,’ she almost followed through with her thought process before recalling that this was a battle of words. Her emotions caused her control over the wind jutsu she was using to dry her clothes to waver. The group could feel occasional pulses of wind push their hair back and ruffle their clothing a little. The outfit she was drying had a few tears cut into it by the vortex before Tama quickly stabilized it and her emotional state too.

She noticed the scathing glance the man who had carried her into the shop, who was also the heir to a wealthy gem mining family apparently, gave her usage of wind jutsu, and she returned it in kind. It was her power, so what say did he have in it? She wasn’t hurting anybody with it, in fact if you thought about it this was a type of practice. She was practicing her control of the jutsu, yes that was it.

And then he shushed her, not politely in any way, just a curt, direct, “Shush chatty one.” It took all of Tama’s willpower not to explode then and there. But the next instance where she was slighted would be the last; she would not endure it any longer than that. Be proud of me brother, she thought, I’m holding back, I’m restraining myself. Although, had she known that Ai had plans to make her into a geisha, a profession Tama found exceedingly boring, she would have snapped.

While the girly kimono-person and the effeminate man with money discussed business things, something Tama noted that her brother would have enjoyed listening in on and discussing, Tama checked on the condition of her clothes. They were no longer soaking wet, but the method she had chosen to dry them and left it slightly tattered and stiff. This depressed her a bit. As far as clothing went, this outfit was her utmost favorite, not that she’d tell anyone why. In fact, her wardrobe consisted of this outfit in every color imaginable. But the fact that this particular outfit was this worn, really saddened Tama.

There was a weak attempt to stroke Tama’s ego, flattery generally got Tama to be more malleable but one had to know what to praise about her. Beauty was one of those things the Tama could care less about, but accepted the praise directed at her as affirmation of a fact. Kimono girl then spoke about how a geisha’s debut was sacred, and that possessing a second-hand kimono was ill-omened in the geisha world and because of that it would be “unacceptable.” This statement caused a dark look to come over Tama’s face, and all she had heard after that was that last sentence repeating itself in that tone. When the man spoke again, saying that Tama had to choose between two debtors, one being geisha girl and the other being the effeminate heir to the diamond family, it was again in that same dismissive tone. It had become too much to bear, Tama snapped.

“Unacceptable,” she muttered, quietly at first, but then increasing in volume, “Unacceptable is it? To wear something that has been worn by another is unacceptable?” She clenched the slightly torn outfit in her hands. The thought was infuriating. Tama was from a large family, second-hand things were second nature to her. The outfit clenched in her fists was her father’s, mostly; the panda hood was Tama’s addition. It had been repaired and maintained for many years within the Mochizuki family, and was somewhat of an heirloom. In fact most of the clothing Tama owned was recycled from the hand-me-downs from her elder siblings, and some of her old clothing was then in turn handed-down to her younger siblings. Tama felt nothing but pride every time she thought about where her outfits came from. The feelings, accomplishments, and dreams of her father, her elder siblings, and every Mochizuki before her were encompassed within the clothes that were passed down. Hearing someone treat second-hand clothes with such regret, now that was unacceptable. Granted, the geisha probably didn't mean for her words to be taken that way, but Tama was offended nonetheless. It also didn't help that Tama was basically looking for a reason to become angry at the geisha girl.

Wind began to course around her body, picking up speed as she continued to respond, “I would not be indebted to you, geisha. Never. I don’t care about your geisha traditions, second-hand kimono or not, this kimono is not as important to you as you claim. Sure it might be your debut kimono, or it might not. And that stuff about cursing your career and stuff, I don’t know if that’s true or not. But if it was, you sure gave no thought to that when you offered it to me at the drop of a hat.”

“So I don’t know if you’re altruistic, stupid, or a hypocrite. Though I’m kinda leaning towards the hypocrite side, seeing as here you are now, getting compensation for your 'good deed.' I don’t see the need to repay any of you back, I never asked for anyone’s help.” Tama was now shaking with anger and anticipation of her now inevitable punishment. She knew that she was going to pay dearly for this outburst, and that she had failed at keeping her emotions in check, but she didn’t care anymore. “But fine, I can see where this is going, you got what you wanted, so you can take your money and go, geisha, I owe you nothing.” Even at full force, the wind swirling around Tama wasn't strong enough to pick up anything around the room, papers waved in the air and hair was blown around, Tama had retained enough sense not to blow the shop down around her. However, with her lack of control over her chakra expenditure, the wind soon died down. Drained, but still angry she turned to the effeminate man, “I still don’t see why I should have to, but I’ll choose to pay you back. What would you have me do?”

It was over, this battle of words; she had lost handily to the businessman and the geisha girl. So now she was forced to deal with the consequences. Defeated and tired, all she wanted now was to leave and go home to lick her wounds, both the physical ones and the ones that were dealt to her pride. This was not how she imagined her stunt to end at all.

(OOC: I apologize if it doesn't really make sense, the weirdest things set Tama off. But this really helped me flesh out Tama's character a bit more. Sorry Ai, it doesn't look like Tama is going to be friendly with you for awhile. XD)
Kahako watched incredulously as her sempai set down the cup of tea and apologize; only to pick it back up again and take another sip. ‘Really?.... Really…? She had to admit, what the Geisha offered to both the blue-haired girl and the Jounin sounded pretty decent and very interesting, but to go as far as to forget that you were drinking someone else’s tea? She propped her head on the bar table with her fist, and shook her head slightly. Could someone be that oblivious to the world around them?

As she turned to order another cup of tea for herself (the previous one already pretty much gone) she thought on what the Geisha offered. It was ingenious really, though how long would it last before other villages realized that when a Kumo Geisha appeared, something… ninja-related… happened? Unless she recruited the best, someone was going to slip up, and then that nice investment the Jounin was offering to put into her tea shop would become useless. But Kahako didn’t apply her two cents into the conversation. She left the world of business and trade behind in her hometown for a reason. And she would rather go mute than try to bring it into this new life.

As the second cup of tea made its way to the girl, Kahako felt the vortex shift almost violently and turned her attention to its creator. She watched as the girl took the rugged clothes from the vortex with care and disappointment. She sympathized with the girl over the new damages the attire accumulated; the panda hood was a cute addition after all. That was… until the said panda girl burst out in her rant. She watched as the girl clutched the still damp clothes, accusing the Geisha of being a hypocrite and slamming Geisha culture as a whole. As the wind swirled around the girl and she continued insult both the Jounin and Geisha, Kahako felt indignation rise within her at the girl’s outburst. Who was this girl to completely ignore the culture of others and basically shove their help back into their faces? Yes, both the Jounin and the Geisha were trying to force something onto the girl, but it was something Kahako knew the girl liked. It didn’t matter if they expected something in return; it was common courtesy to at least supply a simple thank you. Kahako cared little for unappreciative people, and so far the girl didn’t show an ounce of gratitude.

As she pulled out her change purse she was glad she hadn’t helped the girl in the end. Honestly, she didn’t deserve the kimono she was wearing in Kahako’s opinion. Not after that tantrum. “I’ll have to take a rain check on that tea, sempai.” She said as she discreetly paid for both cups and the dango. She looked to the Jounin; eyes hard, a small frown marring her face. “I have no interest associating myself with someone who not only doesn’t appreciate the help of others, despite the assistor’s ulterior motives, but also someone who is insensitive to understanding different traditions.” She looked to the blue-haired girl and gave her a hard glare, silently signaling who her anger was truly being directed towards. Her quick temper was fueled further by the blue girl’s simmering one. “I’m not one to twist the words of someone else, and take offense where none should have been taken in the first place.” Kahako turned to the Geisha, closed her eyes, and bowed lightly. “I hope your teahouse does well in the future. I will be more than happy to try your tea sometime once you open. I am sorry that your kimono was spoiled by such an ungrateful, immature child.” With that last jab at the blue-haired girl, Kahako turned and walked back into the plaza and down the street, her light lunch and conversation now ruined by the girl’s attitude. She would realize later that she didn’t get the names of anyone in that café, but she honestly didn’t care as she left. The loud mouth, geta-grubbing, panda-hat-wearing girl rubbed her the wrong way, and if they honestly wanted to find her, they at least knew her name.

[OOC: I felt like this was a good spot for me to leave off. I'll still be following the post to see how the story progresses. :D Twas fun!]

[topic left]
Ai glanced at the first check laid down on the table and was about to pick it up and check it for veracity until a second was laid down next to it.

Eyes widening slightly at the price upon it, mouth opening into the slightest of gasps Ai quickly dropped into business mode.

Taking both checks into his hands with the most delicate of movements, his eyes widening once more when he saw the price written upon the first, Ai swept them into the folds of his kimono, daintily dropping into as low a bow as etiquette and his seated position would allow him before remarking.

“I am honored that you would be so interested in our tea-house as to consider sponsorship. I am currently unequipped to entertain a guest, especially one as honored as a potential sponsor as my debut kimono is… well you know where it is. I extend the hospitality of the teahouse to you however at any time you are available after tomorrow’s morn. It is located here in the Susukino District just a block south of the main square.”

Finishing his discussion just in time to hear a tirade against him Ai was taken aback.

With a slight blink Ai felt his ire rising. This girl dare make such accusations against him? Sure most of them were true, getting rid of a hated kimono in exchange for cash was the end result he was searching for, but being trained in the Flower and Willow world having one make assumptions was uncouth to him, a very powerful irritant.

He noticed the other girl seated lambast the girl clad in his kimono quite severely, and that alone, gave him the satisfaction needed to bring his growing annoyance under control, and deal with the situation as a true Geisha should… calmly, as if devolving into insults is below her station.

With a huff, trying his damndest to keep condescension from his tone (although not completely sure he was succeeding) he frostily dismissed Tama.

“Learn to control yourself… You embarrass yourself with such baseless anger.”

Putting in an order for tea, Ai off-handedly remarked “You know nothing of the kimono’s importance, nor of the Geisha culture it is derived from. But I will enlighten you.”

Face impassive, showing only cold nonchalance, and none of the emotions riling under the surface Ai lectured, “While it is true that that particular kimono is ‘not all that important’ that is because I had not yet worn it. Whether you believe it or not a Geisha’s first kimono is considered to be tied to her very career. If I had already donned it I would have let you catch your death of cold from the results of your wreck-less actions eons before I ‘offered’ it to you.”

Shrugging Ai continued “On that matter, I’ll have you know I never offered you the kimono. You most likely made that foolish leap of logic based upon your desire for it. Kirito-san offered to buy it from me, and because I ... at the time… thought it would go to a pleasant girl (here some of his frustrations managed to force themselves to the surface as he emphasized pleasant), I was fine with taking upon myself the relatively small expense of going to buy a new one, and the risks associated with it.”

Squaring his shoulders, Ai accepted his quickly arrived tea with a warm smile to the matron before turning back to the girl. “People, for no reason other than they thought you might be hurt strove forward to help you.”

Sipping from the cup he narrowed his eyes slightly. “In response you have struck out at those who offered a helping hand.”

Placing the cup down with a soft but solid clink Ai folded his arms together within the sleeves of his kimono voice becoming steely. “I sold a man I had never before met in my life something worth thousands. I took on the risk that I would not receive payment due either to dishonor or inability to pay, simply because I knew that in the end it would go to you.”

Frowning, the first show of true unrestrained emotion he had let slip past his guard Ai all but growled, “In return you have soiled my name, branding me stupid… and a hypocrite! You have dishonored my culture, belittling a belief that has defined the entry into Geisha-hood for centuries! But worst of all, you sullied my very act of charity, casting ugly doubt upon my actions and suggesting that I, like a prostitute, am motivated only by the money that can be made!”

Calming himself, Ai relented a chilly undertone entering his voice, “I don’t know what I have done to offend you and deserve such retaliation… but it must have been quite the crime, and I shall have to endeavor to avoid abusing others in the same way in the future.”

With his peace said, Ai returned to sipping his tea, refusing to allow the girl in front of him to shatter his composure, and ruin the relatively good day he was having.

((What’s that you say? Your pet peeve is being treated like a child? Let me just go get my “talk down to you like a child” stick from my closet so I can start poking you in the side with it >:D. Hell, while I’m at it I think I’ll also go get my “Moral High-Ground” sweater, it gets chilly this time of year.))
The first thing that Kirito took to note was that there was chakra pulses of wind coming from the girl. Note to self…when wishing to read the emotions of the small blue one make sure she has a wind jutsu active. She practically told her whole hand while that was going on. He was told that he was a bit of a hot head and ran more on emotion than anything else but to be honest she was definitely farther along that road than he was. Then again he was supposed to be an older shinobi they should model after. Well that was a shame. He was by no means a good role model. Not the worst but also not the best.

Suddenly the girl exploded. Thankfully the other girl had left before this time but the blue haired one simply raged with extreme amounts of anger. Kirito gave her a blank stare back. Honestly this was no longer a meeting between business people. Either way Kirito had to admire the girl. She had passion which could always be directed to something else. Honestly all Kirito heard through the entire thing was…I am indebted to you. Well honestly what more could he have really asked for.

Well wrong choice girl.

Upon reflection the girl let on a more positive note and it seemed as though no one was really content with the blue haired one. Well Kirito knew when he needed to be a friend and when he needed to be an enemy.

Kirito caught the gasp that the Geisha wore when she saw the check but did not make any sort of movement to capitalize on it. She deserved her time to rebuttal everything and this is what made Kirito remain silent for the moment. After all the small girls response to the geisha was defiantly more so directed at her than it was at him.

Sometimes it was better to remain silent.

After the retaliation which Kirito thought was very well done he simply teleported using his Seikon power to appear next to the blue haired girl. Kirito smiled and said, “Send me a message when I may come and visit your establishment to see if I should sign that other check or not. I am very interested. Until then.” He bowed to her and the attempted to gently take the girls hand and said, “We however have much to discuss.”

While the hand grabbing might have caught her off guard Kirito realized that she might try to get away and with the amount of time Kirito waited she had some time to get away. However when he started to try and walk out of the establishment bones started to pop out of his skin and attempt to make it much more difficult for her to let go of his hand.

By the time he made it out of the tea shop and outside, Kirito looked at her and smiled. “Since you have decided to own me a debt we will need to get much, much more intimate with one another. If you missed my name is Heriashi Kirito and we need to decide exactly how much you owe me. Also I do hope this will end with us having a healthy friendship and not you just being bitter. First thing is first…I want to see where you come from. May I visit your house?”
That did it. Geisha girl needed to be put in her place and Tama was going to do it with her own two fists. She dropped into a fighting stance and prepared to leap at the person before her, initiating aggressive actions, when a hand grabbed hers from out of the blue. Startled, she saw it was that of the diamond boy.

“We however have much to discuss.”

"Eh?" Tama said with a confused air about her, all malice and fighting spirit died down as she remembered what had just transpired. She had admitted that she was in debt to this person, publicly. There was no backing out of this deal now, as soon as word of this reached home, her mother and father would enforce her repayment of this debt. And that was on top of the punishment she would receive anyway. She decided to try and make a run for it. First she needed to break diamond boy's grip on her hand. It was gentle, but firm. He obviously didn't intend to let go. She suddenly twirled behind his back in an attempt to put the man's hand, arm rather, in so much pain he would be forced to let go. Unfortunately, she didn't get much farther than that. Much to her amazement, the bones in diamond boy's arm and wrist popped out of his skin and conformed to their new position, not to mention securing Tama's hand securely in that of diamond boy.

Then the man, Heriashi Kirito as he called himself, began dragging Tama out of the shop and back outside onto the street. Tama struggled with all of her might to get out of the weird hold Kirito's bones had around her hand, but to no avail. "Friendship....we'll see....about that," she grunted as she continued to struggle, "And can' house," Because I don't have a house so there, she thought smugly to herself. "Now....release me!"

Tama didn't plan on making this easy, but then again being only twelve in addition to being tired and angry so there really wasn't much she could hide from the Jounin. Having stated earlier that she was Mochizuki Tama of the Mochizuki Performance Troupe, a simple inquiry of the nearby townsfolk would tell Kirito two things. First, the location of where the tents of the Mochizuki Troupe were pitched. And second, the location of the house of Tama's uncle, with whom she was staying when the Troupe was out touring Lightning Country. Now nothing stood between Kirito and his desire to drag a kicking and screaming young girl in a beautiful kimono home and meet her family save a few minutes walk.
Ai sighed and shook his head in disappointment as he saw the girl drop into a fighting stance. Shifting his weight slightly on his chair he rested his shoulders on the table behind him, discreetly giving him leverage with which to spin out of his chair into a more defensible position.

Tensing slightly, he relaxed when he saw Kirito-san grab hold of the girl. He was, for all intents and purposes a civilian, barely a few days into his training as a ninja, and he didn't know if he'd be able to take the girl who so frivolously expended chakra on wind jutsu.

Relaxing slightly as he saw Kirito near the girl, knowing the Jonin could stop, disarm, and kill the girl 25 seconds before she even thought of taking violent action against him, Ai focused his attention upon the man.

Nodding to acknowledge the future plans revolving around the tea-house Ai watched passively as the girl was taken away. While normally he might have concerns about what a man might demand of a young defenseless girl who was "indebted" to him, Ai trusted Kirito's character enough to not bother worrying.

Watching the two leave with a smile, Ai turned back to the table, slowly sipping his tea, until he finally finished and made his way out of the cafe, off to go buy a new kimono.

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Tama was able to break out of the man's grip and hobble away. Although she seemed to have escaped for now, she was sure that the man would come to collect her "debt" eventually. She shuddered at the thought. She wanted to get home and quickly, just so that she could rest. She didn't even care that she was going to get in trouble anymore, she just wanted to rest.

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Kirito was a bit confused when she mentioned that she did not have a house. He looked a bit perplexed due to the fact that she needed to have somewhere to live. Well in the moments of his foolishness he seemed to have relaxed the grip of his bone around the girls hand because no soon had he done it then she squirmed out and took off.

That’s alright though he figured that he would find her and then figure out what their arrangement would be. He started to walk toward the old house of Ataeru and begin his search there for who he was. If nothing else maybe he would be able to figure out who knew Ataeru and work his way from there. There is no way a man can completely vanish when he was such a big person in the village.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
