Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Halls of Knowledge

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Kuro and select members of varying artists and engineers from the Sunaku clan and the Toraono Clan hard worked in secret since the foundation of the above ground village to create a series of warp stones to facilitate movement and storage of knowledge so no one could steal any of the copies of the ancient knowledge slo cowly filling the annals of this new and massive structure. Using images of Oracles from the past, which were mostly women Kuro had a carmot stone powered shin shun jutsu archival system built. This precision chakra engine would summon documents, relics, books, notes, and journals by specific chakra runes that correlated with a name and numeric system. Only select individuals of specific chakra signatures could take anything stored via this system outside the Oracle structure. Even then; the moment a pre specified date or distance from the oracle structure was reached the item was instantly warped back to its shelf inside the annals. Content with the structure's construction, defensability. Kuro sent out messages via couriers and discrete messengers to round up select knowledge hungry individuals. Kuro had a good idea of whom would show up but surprises were actually welcome in this case.

Now that they have built it, they will come.....

Rise of the Oracles Begins...

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kumomi was once again in the scroll locker studying away trying to maximize her understanding of the human body. As soon as she was able to fully understand it's potential she would begin her research on actual humans. She had a thirst to know more, this thirst could rival that of a Chigokai's thirst for blood. She had to know more. She has already copied over twenty scrolls and has spent solid weeks in the scroll locker, essentially becoming a tenant there. As the girl was about to call it quits on this study session she noticed something odd. A cloaked man seemed to dart by her and leave a small letter. She was slightly suspicious of what it was but nonetheless she opened the letter and began to read. Her eyes quickly skimmed over the text as a grin crept on her face. She was invited to meet with a collection of intellects within Sunagakure which strive for knowledge just as she did. She quickly got up and headed her way to meet them.

Steps could be heard echoing through the expanse of the corridors. Heels had a unique click to them and the pace set by the young MiT demanded respect. She was young, but by the acknoledgement of her peers to be summoned her proved that her wisdom was far beyond her years. She was not ignorant, and she felt a warm sensation as she was able to prove it by being here. A stunningly deep yet rich purple purple dress trimmed in golden lace was worn by the kunochi. Under her dark silk hijab she wore sharp double winged eyeliner, a golden glimmer eyeshadow, and her traditional matte plum lipstick. She felt stunning. As she continued down the corridor she saw a single man; he seemed to be massive. A grin stretched on her face, brains and brawns, eh?

"مرحبا هناك، وأنا هنا لأوراكل."
[spoilername="Translation"]Hello there, I am here for the Oracles.[/spoilername]

[Topic Entered to join the Oracles]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji
Physical Age: 24
Height: 5 feet 10 inches tall
Weight: ????
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: ????
Rank: Jounin/Medical Nin
Religion: Agnostic
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Long, straight and white. I suppose if you would like a reference image look at Inuyasha.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his hands are cat-like claws.
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back.
Other features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan
Looks Like: Dark Mousy from Dark Angel
Attire for this thread:​

Another day in the world of the Sunan Empire and the descendant of Byakko was already up and about in his chambers getting ready to tackle another day at the Byakko Infirmary and then the hospital. Today, he had been given off a day from the academy to heal his shoulder after his surgery which was probably a key idea as he didn't need to tear or injure himself even more which would've further harmed his health and possibly forced another procedure from his new medic-in-training from Kumoni on him. He was grateful for her being there and wanting to join the ranks to better her life and the village's, but she had also shown quite a lot during the operation and it had earned her an apprenticeship with Kyuji which should be highly honored since he had not taken anyone under his wing before nor did he have this authority to do so. But today was something special as a slip of paper had been been slid under his bedroom door which his wife had picked up and rushed over to tell him that he had a meeting with a time and location marked on the paper with directions to it exactly from the Dojo. It also said it bold print that he was suppose to dress in something nice picked out for him from his branch which apparently Lady Yanshi was on top of as she was holding the attire in her hands as he just chuckled as he was going to feel so silly wearing all this for a meeting.

In all honesty, he was accustomed to wearing this kind of clothing and outfit as he had since he came to the village. But since joining the village, he had tried to dress down to look more like a normal person even though he was now a cat-man and some probably thought he looked like a freak. Anyways, he would slip on the attire(see the spoiler for attire) and head out after giving a kiss to his girl and rubbing her tummy for their little kid who had still not been determined to be a male or female. It wouldn't take long before he had reached the location and entered the hidden location as noted on the paper. Once, he got there, he would see his dear friend, Kuro, standing there seeming to wait for others to arrive and there was a female as well as he would make out to be Kumoni from when she entered the hospital earlier in the week. She was looking quite nice as she did before as our makeup was on point again, but he had to wonder why someone so young as her wanted to join a bunch of old farts.

He would simply smile at them both and say happily: "This was quite a surprise this morning, Kumoni and Kuro. I didn't know that there was a meeting planned for me and here I am in this strange get-up that I was suppose to dress up in, haha. How have you guys been? I haven't seen you, Kuro, for awhile but you look like you are doing well. Kumoni, how are you as well? Did you tell all your friends about your new rank in the village?"

[OOC: Let's get this show on the road :D
Sorry for terrible entrance post.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro looked to the first two arrivals as he waited for at least one more, Senju Kazuki. It seemed Kuro would need alot more help to archive and track the information network that would be necessary for Sunagakure to survive the ever changing world. Observation, analysis, and predetermination would be needed before the inevitable action. For mastery of medicine Kyuji and his apprentice Kumomi, for the combative arts martial, elemental, and mental he would resupply all he knew and had learned but for the mysteries beyond, Kuro would need Kazuki. Kuro almost laughed to himself at the predominance of intellect being linked to names that emphasized the use of the letter "K" but that would be a treatise for another day. Smiling Kuro gestured to a table nearby as he catalogued notations for chakra seals in the new archival matrix via his Chouryoku form he addressed the first of the initiates with his original form. "I apologize for not having food or drink available but I felt security and advanced storage of knowledge would take precedence over normal meeting formalities. I await a few more initiates and potential candidates but imparticular once my brother Senju Kazuki arrives we can begin our quests to restore the Order of Oracles."<i></i>

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
She had come to know the beast of a man in front of her as Kuro, she was unsure but with his intimidating aura she would assume he was The Kuro of the Toraono Clan. She did not know much of him but his name had come up numerous times in her years of being a ninja, she felt a strange connection to him though. As if she knew him from another life, nevertheless she would acknowledge her sensei's arrival with a polite smile and nod.

"Hello Kyujin-Senpai. My family has been informed and I am sure that they are proud. I have also already been maximizing my free time studying at the Scroll Locker. You would be surprise how much information can still be located there."<i></i> The young puppeteer pulled out a caterpillar shaped puppet that was the size of a small loaf of bread ue to the blue casing of chakra woven words. "I have even been making copies for personal use."<i></i>

She smiled and returned the information filled cocoon back into her pocket before turning to see the man named Kuro. She listened to him as he addressed her and her sensei about the restoration of the Order of Oracles. A grin crept on her face. Security and advanced storage of knowledge. This had a certain ring to it. She decided that for a matter like this that it would probably be best for her to formally introduce herself to whom she assumed was the Great Border Sennin, Toraono Kuro. Turning her body to face the man she elegantly curtseyed and bowed her head as she introduced herself.

"Hello, I assume you are Kuro of the Toraono Clan, the Great Border Sennin. It is a pleasure to formally meet you. I am Kugutsu Kumomi, the apprentice to Byakko Kyujin, and forefronting engineer on the Art of Micro-Puppetry."<i></i>

Her introduction was rather pretentious but it wasn't everyday you got to meet the legendary Border Senin. As she finished her introduction she would make way to the table that was gestured to and take a seat. Small automatonic puppets no larger than a small coin began to crawl from under her dress and scatter though the building. It was a habit that Kumomi had. As the small Micro-Spider explored their chakra signals would become fainter as they went further away. Kumomi could also sense the direction of their travels essentially creating a mental map.

[MFT: 405]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
The meeting for the initiates of the Oracle order had been set. Kuro, the one that could be considered the Order's current leader, had personally informed Kazuki of where the meeting would place and when. The Overlord, on his hand, would make sure he was there. Reaper made his way toward the Oracle's HQ. Upon arrival, the Silvery Haired stopped momentarily to inspect the grandiose building his black irised eyes could see. It was an impressive view and a quite an accomplish. To build from scratch, such a building in a short amount of time. "Very impressive." the White Wolf thought as he touched the building with his pale hand. He wondered if that was chakra he was, apparently, feeling. The edifice seemed alive, sentient even. Ignoring all of that, the former Sennin entered this ziggurat of knowledge. Once inside, Kazuki immediately noticed Kuro standing near a table. He was not alone. With him stood a Kunoichi, dressed with a rather rich purple dress. A second inspected allowed the Overlord to notice she had abused on makeup. This was not a date, but to each his own. The second stranger was also a shinobi. He was essentially wearing a business suit. Two distinctive features stood out, his hair was long and completely white, and his hands looked like claws. It was not hard to conclude this guy was a relative of Toraono Kuro.

The Silvery Haired Man's presence would completely disrupt their peace. Reaper's body exuded an aura that he could not completely block. Strong willed individuals had the ability to adapt and then overcome its effects. But those without sufficient willpower always fell prey to its effects. Wherever Kazuki went, a strong chilling sensation followed. In fact, wherever he was, the temperature on the thermometer usually dropped a few degrees. The drop in temperature, however, was not the only effect his company carried. The howl of the wind was eventually heard. Normally there was no physical increase in the wind, only an audial manifestation. Today was such a day. And last, but not least, every shadow around, including his own, became livelier. Some flickered as if they were flames under the effect of a wind current. Others were simply attracted to him. All in all, someone would think they were greeting their master. Those with knowledge in Ancients would think the Overlord was an Ancient himself, but so far that was not the truth.

"And I am here." the White Wolf announced. If the effects of his presence had failed to notify the present company that he had arrived, then the sound of his voice would surely have them turn around and face him. They would spot a very pale individual, sporting a black and gray robe with silvery trimmings and an open colar, along with a large, red, flowing toga drapped around his body and across his chest. Black combat boots and black pants finished his usual attire. They would notice that despite the extreme paleness, he did not look like he was sick. In fact, the Silvery Haired Man seemed in perfect health. His facial expression denoted nothing but calmness. His eyes were ever vigilant and once he directed his gaze toward a particular person, said target would feel he had the ability to pierce into their soul and see everything.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Upon his arrival, the older Toraono Clansman would jester to them to sit at a table which he promptly did and he would listen as first his "brother" would speak apologizing for not having any refreshments or food prepared for them with a reasoning following his little apology. It really was not a big deal and it made complete sense to Kyuji considering the structure and the reason for the meeting which seemed to be based entirely on knowledge and maybe gathering and saving it. He was not entirely sure since the message written in his letter was so vague aside from time and place. The silence wouldn't wait however as Kumoni would address him and give him an update on herself and her family along with calling him by the wrong name which he just laughed as he would have to tease her later about it. She would then direct her attention to Kuro introducing herself and giving her relationship with Kyuji and her strong suit which was her puppets.

While he had a moment, he would look at Kumoni and say teasingly: "Well Kyujin is happy to hear everything is going well for you since we last met. We will need to catch up when we have a moment later in the week." He would then turn to Kuro and tease him as well: "Don't worry about giving us food and drinks. It is expected that this would be business related since we are around a bunch of ancient artifacts and truly would not want to ruin them for the future generations haha." As the last words escaped his mouth, he would feel another presence in the room which when he turned he would notice a "very pale individual, sporting a black and gray robe with silvery trimmings and an open collar." He seemed to look well enough, but his pigment was definitely off compared to everyone else. Maybe he was limited to indoor activities or he was someone who had sustained an injury in his past, although he looked like he was healthy and still in his prime. Kyuji would smile at the newcomer as he had been doing for everyone else and say with delight: "You must be Senju Kazuki. Honor to meet you, I am Byakko Kyuji."

[OOC: Let's get this started hot! XD]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Hello, I assume you are Kuro of the Toraono Clan, the Great Border Sennin. It is a pleasure to formally meet you. I am Kugutsu Kumomi, the apprentice to Byakko Kyujin, and forefront engineer on the Art of Micro-Puppetry."<i></i>
- Kumomi</COLOR><i></i>

Kuro stepped forward and bowed traditionally in response before standing upright, smiling and replying "Welcome to the rebirth of the Oracles Kumomi, and no need for formality here young lady. Knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge is its own merit. All we seek are the facts and truths of things. Theories, laws, pretenses, prejudice will all be carefully filed separately in their own archives. Right now as this order rises we will only seek facts and observations so that they can be looked over without the colored glasses of prejudice or ethnocentric views. With this in mind all members of the Oracles will be equal within the order and all knowledge gathered by each individual will be valued equally so that all facts may be carefully stored and catalogued, which by view would make you one of the most capable among us for encrypting and recording the knowledge not yet stored in holo-crystals."</COLOR><i></i>
"And I am here."
- Senju Kazuki
<COLOR color="orange">"You must be Senju Kazuki. Honor to meet you, I am Byakko Kyuji."
- Byakko Kyuji

Kuro stepped forward and gave Kazuki a hearty handshake and a welcoming but nonviolent slap to the back. <COLOR color="indigo">"It is good to have your aid in this Brother for your knowledge of the world and the darkness beyond far exceeds my own. I will need your aid in the dark times to come as I will be forced to perform deeds that I would rather only write about."<i></i> After a quick nod to Kyuji Kuro turned and gestured to the seats around the specialized table embedded with reformatted carmot crystals of various chakra natures to produce a rainbow effect that would respond to the chakra natures present by those seated at the table just like certain rooms and floors at the Toraono dojo. It would also code their chakra signatures into the archives to give them near instant access to any information stored in the Oracle anywhere inside the structure that had a chakra crystal projector. "Welcome to the hall of knowledge, this is the first portion of the library that I have been able to get directly attuned to the core archive and the chakra network of the structures that will make up the library. I have been informed via various channels that an actual Oracle proper can be found inside Sunagakure, one whom was archiving the actions of the Cabal and Sunans alike. I am hoping that our first order of business would be to find this person and convince them to help train us. Does anyone have any suggestions? My information about this individual is very scarce which tells me that Oracles must be very adept at staying out of the limelight as they pursue the facts."<i></i>

WC: 410

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((OoC: I'm sorry I misspelled it Kyuji, I must have mixed it with Akujin haha, but thanks for calling me out for that >.>))

Realizing that she said her sensei's name wrong there was a sense of slight embarrassment, but nonetheless she nodded and smiled at Kuro. She was rather proud to be informed that she had skills useful to the group. She had already been using her own methods of encrypting and encoding certain means of information, but she needed to learn the different matrixes involved with this Holo-Crystal. The young kunoichi would notice the difference in temperature when the man who is named Senju Kazuki came in. Kuro to trust this man, but the puppet prodigy felt off about him. His aura was dark, as if the ice of the glacial caps were the core of his existence she felt a shudder ripple through her bones. In her seat she adjusted slightly to try and ignore the power coming off of him. Turning her attention back to Kuro, the MiT began to listen as the beast of a man spoke.

"إذا كان هذا الرجل هو أوراكل صحيح ثم يجب تعطشه للمعرفة يساوي، إن لم يكن تجاوز، وهذا من جانبنا. إذا تمكنا من جعل لذلك، اكتشاف نادر جديد الجمهور تعطشه يجب أن تدفع له على ذلك. هناك العديد من الأشياء الغريبة والعجيبة عن السكان الحالي المخفية الرمل شينوبي من شأنه أن لا يكون تم تسجيلها من قبل قدماء ولا من قبل أولئك تشهد الحادث كابال. على سبيل المثال..." As she spoke she lifted her hand summoning forth a small swarm of Micro-Wasps, each the size of a coin, but radiating a ticking like source of chakra. Something that resembled the ancient stories of the automatons of lore. "... العديد من قريتنا أعضاء لم يشهد تقنية البرتقالة من عشيرتي. إذا تم إرسال مجموعة عبر السماء قرية ساند ثم آمل أن رجل متعطش للمعرفة سيسعى لمعرفة من حيث نشأ."

As the girl spoke in the ancient tongue of the First Men she had hoped that the intellects that gathered in this room would be able to understand her. She felt as if one was going to be an Oracle of Sunagakure they should at least be able to speak the ancient tongue.
[spoilername="Translation from Runic Terran"]If this man is a true Oracle then his thirst for knowledge should equal, if not surpass, that of our own. If we were able to make a new, rare discovery public his thirst should drive him to it. There are many strange and wondrous things about the current population of Hidden Sand Shinobi that would not have been recorded by the Ancients nor by those witnessing the Cabal incident. For example...

...many members of our village have not witnessed the Clockwork technique of my clan. If an array was sent across the Sand Village's sky then I would hope that a man thirsty for knowledge would seek to see from where it originated.[/spoilername]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kazuki simply nodded upon hearing Kyuji's presentation. He also reserved a second and a third one, once both Kumomi and Kuro turned around to face him. This was a business meeting, not a social encounter and as such, he kept himself reserved. Not that he was the most expansive guy of the lot to begin with. "It is good to have your aid in this Brother for your knowledge of the world and the darkness beyond far exceeds my own. I will need your aid in the dark times to come as I will be forced to perform deeds that I would rather only write about." the Toraono Warlord noted after slapping the Overlord's back. "I will lend my knowledge where needed. I have a debt to pay as you know, and today I will lessen a bit such liability." the Silvery Haired Man noted as he approached the table. The White Wolf noted that the seats being offered by the Sand Sennin, just like the table, had embebbed carmot crystals. As soon as Reaper chose one and sat down, the crystals began to emit light. The colors cycled through each possibility, since the former Sennin had mastered each and every chakra nature, eventually settling for the color of darkness. A perfect match for Kazuki's own chakra color.

Assuming everyone would seat down as well, Kuro began explaining his plans for them. They were to find out an actual Oracle and convince him, or her, to train them into becoming one themselves. Unfortunately, the act of finding her, or him, was hardly a piece of cake. They did not know where to look, or how the Oracle looked like. They had to devise a way to lure it out. Kumomi then surely suggested a way for that, but since the Overlord did know Sand's country language, since he was guessing said foreign language was Sand's own, he failed to understand what was being suggested. "I can offer you a gender and a name. Fuu, an elderly woman. I am practically certain she is the Oracle we must find. Where to look though, is something I cannot say." he answered Kuro. Reaper also had a message for the kunoichi though. "Do not assume everyone here speaks Runic Terran. Even better, do not assume everyone one has born in the Wind Country. I appreciate your love for your native tongue, but I ask you to abstain using it since I do not understand it." he asked of her. He could understand if she had guessed everyone understood Runic Terran, but it would come off as rude if she kept using it. "If she likes recording everything, and if she likes facts, the best way to lure her out is to do something that will undoubtedly attract her to us. Something so grandiose that she would felt compelled to come to us. In fact, this very building could very well work for that." he stated.


New Member
Oct 30, 2015
Finally arriving outside the site of the Oracle grounds, the body of the Nameless Shinobi which was simultaneously mentally filed under both The Seer and Tsubaki let out a slow, meditative breath before ceasing to let chakra rage through her vision. As she did, the chakra circulating vessels in and around her eyes relaxed, eliminating the telltale exertion of active Byakugan sight. Although two of those within, at a minimum, already knew the nature of this new body, it didn't pay to always advertise one's capabilities to potential enemies, and nothing he had ever done had managed to nudge Senju Kazuki a single yoctometer from firm designation as such in the Nameless' mind. Successfully centering the local microcosm of their mind, the name-refusing Rikudo's latest corporeal acquisition pushed open the doors to the sibylline sanctum and strode inside. It had taken some time to adjust to the vision of a Hyuuga, but that time had been far from wasted. Having already reconnoitered the meeting, she was more or less aware of the various attendees, barring her unfamiliarity with the girl present.

As a tall, lithe woman of perhaps 26 strode into the room, her bare feet quiet upon the stone flooring, a thought made itself heard inside Sennin Kuro's head, the mind behind the cerebral sending recognizably that of his unnamed adoptee.

Ah,</I><i></i> the mental message carried a dry amusement, somewhere between wry and scornful, <I>the sociopath would want to place himself in the information center of the village, wouldn't he. Well, I suppose even healthy deer have ticks from time to time. Very well, I will refrain from creating friction where able. Even with that. There was nothing veiled or almost-scornful about the last thought of the sending. Pure vitriol made up the complicated mental sense which accompanied the word; a variety of inter-tangled connotations accompanied it, all of which oozed utter odium toward the necromancer in the gathering's midst.

Eyes which were a silver-tinged purple from lid to lid, with no iris or sclera to differentiate between, and which were only broken by a set of black rings rippling out from where a nonexistant pupil ought to have been, regarded each individual present one after the next. The statuesque shinobi inclined her head in greeting to Kyuuji and deeper to the Sennin, which suggested something approaching respect or deference to the brawny demon-blood. A scrutinizing curiosity shifted the apparent nonchalance on offer as the figure looked closely at the girl amongst the group, who stood just on the far side of a foot below the uncommon height of the haori-clad new arrival. The apparent amiability utterly evaporated as that beringed regard bore down upon the Senju clan leader. the silver-sheened eyes simply narrowed in the barest sliver of admission that the silver-haired Senju existed before that gaze gravitated back toward the one who had orchestrated the meeting.

"I could ask what was next, but I'll save everyone time and admit I was watching before I came in," a cocky, crooked half-grin canting the dark-haired and elegant cast of the woman's features into something a bit more challenging, a fitting accompaniment to the woman's confident contralto. That particular confident voice and visage was something at least one present would recognize, Kyuuji having fought the woman who had previously inhabited the body before the Toraono adoptee had killed her and taken her body for her own. "Admittedly, I couldn't read everyone's lips from there, so a brief recap of some of the salient details probably wouldn't go amiss."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Within moments, it appeared everyone that was coming to the meeting had arrived and all the proper introductions had been made between everyone. It was good to be in the company of people that he knew already, but that Senju guy would need to talk to him more before he could truly gauge how he felt about him. So far, he seemed reasonable and he seemed like an ally which was always good. After introductions, Kuro would begin the "meeting" introducing them to this structure called the Hall of Knowledge and explaining that they needed to find an Oracle proper in order for that individual to train them who had seemed to hidden their self quite well that nobody knew where the person was. Unfortunately, Kyuji did not have any knowledge of an individual so he would keep quiet as Kumoni would speak next in a foreign tongue to him and everyone else. He was going to inform her that he couldn't understand her but Kazuki would get in his words before he could and say to her that he didn't understand the language nor to assume everyone here was born in Wind Country. After the Senji man would finish talking plotting a plan out to the group and identifying a figure whose name was Fuu, Kyuji would speak next. He would smile and calmly say: "Kumoni, I don't know that language that you are speaking as I only recently joined the village so I have not had time to learn the native language so like Kazuki, I would appreciate it if you would not use that language. I will learn the native language though and you will know when I know it haha. As for that information, this place might be enough to lure her out, but maybe we should do something big that she would want to archive as a group?"

As the last words escaped his lips, a figure would appear that Kyuji remembered very well as an enemy that he met recently during a mission with another shinobi of this village. He couldn't remember her name or his partner's name, but the appearance and tone in her voice were a clear giveaway that they had met before as he just stared at her in disbelief that she was still alive because he thought that his partner on that mission had ended her life, but he wasn't sure since he had turned his back on the scene after they completed their mission and had only heard moans and screams from people that he knew were dying. In his nature, he wanted to help those people during the mission, but they were enemies of the country and he couldn't be helping the enemy of the country even if morally he thought everyone deserved to live. What had happened to him? He use to be so cold and showed no emotions towards people while in Stone, now he was actually caring about people's lives. Had it been Lady Yanshi and Byakko's blessing along with his friends that he had made easily here? Or maybe, he had just grown up, who was really sure.

[OOC: Sorry for the lackluster post, just don't wanna make yous wait.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro listened to the other candidates speak as Nanashi's latest investment in herself arrived. Taking their ideas into account Kuro placed their words in the initial listing of the archives as he recorded everything, even this meeting for posterity. Kuro listened to the complaints about Kumomi using Runic Terran and smirked before bringing up his own standards. " Everyone... I appreciate all your input. We will have lessons in Runic Terran for all Oracles but we will go beyond that ideal. We will actually use a forgotten Nomadic language for all Oracle specialized messages. A language that Oracles and Oracles alone will speak here in Sunagakure. I will place the memory crystal of its foundations, and purpose inside the archive, you need only absorb the information directly from the Archive matrix by physically embedding this language in your blood. After mastering the language of Oracles we will use it so that our information network cannot be breached by any means as we will have a seven point bio metric seal upon access to our files. This Fuu may be interested in that bit of knowledge alone. We will try individual plans to get her attention. With this said I will make the language of Oracles available to you now, KNOW THIS... You cannot pass this language to others. The only way to gain this language is through imprint by the Oracle Archives, usage of the chakra resonance signatures from being a Oracle candidate and last but not least, a blood seal of Knowledge to ensure you retain said knowledge. Are there any questions before we begin our first missions as Oracle candidates? Our first mission as Oracle candidates will be to locate and talk with Fuu. We will invite her to train us properly, if she refuses we will find our own way to master ourselves as Oracles, do not engage her in combat unless she initiates it."<i></i> ((Reference Tolkien Elvish for Oracle language everyone... :) ))

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((OoC: I thought the language of the Oracles was Formal Runic? Which is English>Arabic>Hindi in a [darkslategrey]))

Kumomi raised an eyebrow at the other "intellects" in the room. She let out a sigh, completely ignoring the newcomer. Pulling a couple coated cocoons from her sleeve she made a single handseal. "This can be resolved easily. Copied from the Annals of the Conqueror, I will teach you the native tongue of our great nation."<i></i> She made a single handseal and the cocoons began to glow, slowly unraveling different layers of chakra, blue and gold wings began to develop as the cocoons became butterflies. "This is my Clan's Art of the Micro-Puppet: Butterfly Drive Jutsu. It will relay the information to you so that you will be able to understand Runic Terran. Unfortunately this is only the common variation, for I have yet to discover the Formal Runic that was once spoken by the Oracles."<i></i> As she spoke the butterflies began to flutter around the room creating golden words in the Runic script and blue words in the common script. These words would land on all in the room, slowly dissolving into them granting them the information on the language and making it feel as if they had known the language for years. Kumomi smiled as the butterflies landed in front of her. Their chakras were gone and they now appeared to be caterpillars. Putting down her hand she allowed her little friends to crawl back into her dress to hide for another day.

She looked to Kuro as he spoke of the Language of the Oracles... Was this the tongue she had been looking for? Her eyes widened with excitement. Knowledge was power and she knew that the more she could obtain the better off she would be. She smiled at the man and nodded. Finally placing her hand onto the crystal to formally connect into the system, she saw as the carmot crystal began to glow brown at fist, swirling in green which created streams of a sandy tan. The glow of the crystal became similar to the green glow of medical jutsu but as the carmot settled down it began to turn into a metallic silver. She smiled, her puppetry was once again her main affinity. A quick surge of chakra went from the crystal and into her hand, this was probably the blood seal forming allowing her access to the archives. She smiled, she could feel the information pouring in. It wasn't enough though, but it was one hell of a start.


Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
My, my, my. If it wasn't Nanashi, the so called Patricide. And in yet another body it would seem. She was multiplying like a plague, soon not even hell fire would be enough to wipe that virus. Anyone would else could have commented it was pleasure to see her again, but Kazuki would simply not bother with it at all. How could he be so certain this newcomer was her? Well, there were only two individuals on the face of the planet that utter such hatred for the Overlord of the Senju Clan. One was the Fire Daimyo, and she was certainly not him. And the other one was Nanashi. Logic dictated this one was her and the look of disdain was everything he needed. What Kuro saw in her, was something the Silvery Haired Man completely missed, but he was not going to start a war. Especially because there was no need for one. The animosity was entirely one sided, things could change though and it was entirely up to her.

Kumomi then attempted to teach them Runic Terran. It was quite a show, even the White Wolf had to admit that, but unfortunately a pointless activity. It was foretold that only an Oracle could teach another individual Sand's ancestral tongue. Neither of them were Oracles, not even initiates. In fact, the closest among them, to such a thing, was Toraono Kuro and not even the Warlord was a proper Oracle. "I appreciate your effort, but we are forced to go by the book on this one." the former Sennin noted as he slightly bowed to the Kunoichi. The puppet butterflies had fallen over him, but no new knowledge had reached his brain. It was quite unfortunate yes.

"And how do you propose us to do it then?" Reaper questioned the Main Branch Sennin. It was pointless to declare what they were going to do, if there was no plan of action to pursue.

[MFT - 325]

Unfortunately unless you are an oracle, you can't really teach us Runic Terran. We will have to go and learn with the actual book.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Sitting in his seat, he listened intently to the other three "members" of the Oracles talk and give their input. His relative, Kuro, would be the first one to talk mentioning to them that they would learn the ancient language of Runic Terran but then take a step further and learn the language of Oracles that only these five would know. Hearing this information made the descendant of Byakko lit up in excitement as his eyes grew as his brother continued telling them that they would need to make a blood seal in order to use the language of the Oracles which he completely agreed with. Much like Kumoni, he placed his hand on a crystal to connect to the system and his crystal would radiate multiple colors at first before settling into a green hue that mimicked his profession as a medic. He would smile as he slowly started to see images flashing in front of him showing him everything about this language.

In addition, he heard Kumoni mention before that she would teach them Runic Terran and she made quite a show trying to teach them but the knowledge just would not absorb into his mind and he would overhear the dark figure mention that they would have to follow the book on this one meaning they would have to learn the language a different way. He would nod in agreement and tilt his head in a friendly gesture to Kumoni as to say without words that he appreciated her trying as his one hand would pat her on the head.

His attitude then changed to a serious tone as the matter at hand was to find the Fuu lady so that she could help them and Kuro had already warned them to not engage her in combat unless she started it. He was curious as to why they shouldn't but he assumed because she could mop the floor against them and it was better to engage her if the whole unit was there anyways. He did hear the shadowy figure question Kuro on how he planned on doing this which Kyuji did have to agree. If she had been hiding for so long, then where would she be and they couldn't cover the whole village looking for her as she could always just move or she was hiding in that Sora place that he had been hearing about. He would follow the dark man's question with something of his own still displaying his serious demeanor: "I have to agree with you. We don't really know where Fuu is nor if she is in the village or somewhere else in the country. Splitting up would allow us to cover the most ground, but it would also weaken us if we had to fight her. What do you propose we do, Kuro?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: With Nanashi's permission she will be passed over in the posting order as a silent observer until she is able to post again...

Kuro smiled evilly as Kyuji asked him what he proposed, "From what I have been able to understand, Oracles are driven or obsessed with the factual recording of significant events. I doubt she has seen anyone take down a sandwyrm so I am going to stage a training event as part of an exam where I will teach others how to take on a sandwyrm. I will keep my bunshin observing the area for anyone that comes to observe and should she show up I will simply ask her to impart her knowledge to us. An Oracle would also be driven to preserve the knowledge attained so sharing it would ensure a surviving record. That is the most grandiose plan I could come up with... I am however open to suggestions."<i></i>

Kuro's rainbow chakra panel turned clear briefly, then violet, then pure black before returning to a rainbow surge of chakras. Kuro would look at everyone in turn waiting for their opinions on the matter

ooc: Sorry abut the small post

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kumomi was, well, the best word to describe her current mood was salty. She crossed her arms and let out a pathetic sigh as her sensei patted her head after a failed attempt of trying to teach everyone the Terran language of Suna. She kinda stopped paying attention to what people were saying until she heard the word sandwyrm. She turned, and shifted her attention towards Kuro quickly. She had never seen on nor has she ever heard of someone fighting it. This sparked her interest for sure. Maybe if she could watch and study the actions... or maybe even analyze the sandwyrm close up to create... A grin appeared on her face as she nodded in approval.

((OoC: Sorry about the tiny post... rl has been stressful and I don't feel the writing mojo for this atm))


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The descendant of Byakko would bring a claw-hand to his mouth to expressing a gasp of astonishment at his brother's alleged proposal of bringing this Fuu woman out of hiding. He wanted to stage an training event on taking on a sandwyrm with a high probability of having one of those legendary creatures actually appear in front of the party being trained being presumably Kyuji and the other Oracles to-be if you were to ask Kyuji himself. He had heard lore about those creatures before and how they could dismantle humans in an instance without any remorse given. Strangely enough, this proposal had caught his interest as he could potentially add this accomplishment to his resume of surviving a sandwyrm attack beside his brother, Kuro, if it was possible and the lore said it was a slim chance. However, the idea would probably lure Fuu out of hiding if she caught wind of it as she could add it to the Oracle records if trainees managed to take one down before her eyes. Hell if Kyuji managed to take one down, he would be gloating all the way to the bank for the amount of yen that he would probably be paid.

Once his brother was done speaking, everyone could tell that he was awaiting responses and Kumoni would be the first one to respond with a simple grin appearing on her face followed by a nod. Kyuji would take the opportunity to speak next as he would remove his hand from his face and display a smile on his face followed by a chuckle. He would then lean back on his chair and say with a little tongue-in-cheek. "So who are we going to train to take on the sandwyrms? Students, right? It would be a good test for them to graduate from the academy to Genin haha. But honestly, who are you saying we train? If you are assuming us, I am in but we better make sure we have enough bodies to take on one if it appears or else it is going to be an early grave for everyone."

[OOC: Sorry for the poor post, I just wanted to get this out while I had time and I am not consumed by my cold like I have been. I hope going before Kazuki is okay.]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
It would seem Kuro's plan was to stage a training event where the Warlord would teach others on how to take a sandwyrm. Kazuki's right eyebrow was slightly raised as he tried to process the Toraono's grand plan. Yes, it was a good shot, but it did not seem to be enough to attract a proper oracle though. It was just training, would that be enough? It was not enough for the Overlord and he was no Oracle. "And would a training session be enough to draw her out? I am can say I would be attracted to it if I were her. I mean, I will gladly learn on how to tackle a sandwyrm but what if you were to stage an attack as well? And win? If Fuu likes to record things, how amazing would it be for a group of people to face one and win?" the White Wolf questioned them. Kyuji also questioned Kuro who they were going to train, if not themselves. He also noted that facing a sandwyrm with their numbers could represent an early grave for them. The Silvery Haired Man agreed, but he had also just proposed they should face one as part of their interest trap. He was not filled with madness however. He had a plan, albeit it could be considered cheating.

"Can we even summon one? And contain it to a place where no civilian casualties can happen? Did any of you ever faced one before? I have never faced one and I don't know if it is wise to do so. I have a way to allow us to face one but under controlled conditions. Just point me where I can find some remains of those creatures." Reaper told them. He did not speak what his plan was, but it was practically implied what he intended to do. To resurrect one and have it under his control so they could fight it.

[MFT - 324]

Tis ok.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
