Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Letter (Private, Mission)

Jun 17, 2014
Kyo’s family had left the compound, they were attending a clan meeting were they would be staying over for a week and had left him alone to care for the compound in their absence, taking his two younger brothers with him. While this was not the first meeting that they had attended, it was the first time that they had left Kyo behind instead of one of his older cousins, which meant that they were putting more trust in the boy to guard their compound and take care of business while they were gone. Of course it meant that he would not get to fight his cousins and see how he had progressed compared to them, but there were always downsides to everything, no matter if they were apparent or not, this time it was easy to see, others he would need to look harder to find them. The compound was quiet, no playing children, no training going on, and no pounding of dough, nothing that usually resounded with in the place, which meant that his footsteps resounded off the walls and came back to him as he walked the empty halls before bed as he did every night. There was never anyone there or anything out of place, but that didn’t mean that the boy would become complacent, he took his duties seriously as he did everything else. The empty rooms he passed, the locked rooms, the empty kitchen, the koi ponds, the zen garden and his own room were all empty, everything in place, nothing showing disturbance from their normal places. Finally satisfied the boy went to his room so that he could sleep, tomorrow before he went to the academy to speak to one of the instructors he would need to sweep the corridors and feed the fish, which meant he would rise earlier than normal so he could get his morning exercises done in time for him to leave, which meant early to bed. The scarred boy’s room was Spartan,
but he did not mind it in the least as he preferred the hard bed and the lack of anything that he didn’t need to the comforts he had seen in others homes.

Kyo slept soundly through the night, which he found to be very surprising when he awoke as the first thing he saw as he was getting out of bed was an envelope that had been left underneath his door, which meant that someone had been in the compound and had been able to not only stay quiet enough that he didn’t wake the boy, but also tread lightly enough that his tremor sense hadn’t been triggered. A troubling prospect, if the person who had left the envelope had meant the boy harm he was sure that he would already be dead. As it was, they had simply left the message for him to find. Rather than rushing to find out what was in the envelope, the boy made his bed, dressed in his usual attire and stretched well before move to investigate it. First he checked it for traces of chakra with his Charka Sense, while he found nothing he hadn’t expected anyone able to be so stealthy to make such a simple mistake, no he would have been disappointed if that had been the case. Gingerly lifting it, ready encase it had been a trap of some kind, he brought it up to face level to read the words written on it. It was addressed simply “Hotaka Kyo” on the front of it, the envelope itself was sealed by wax, though it had no seal or impression made into it, again not a surprise.

Pulling the Kunai form its sheath the boy slide it underneath the seal, careful not to break it and opened the envelope with the back facing away from him and towards the wall encase there was poison inside or it blew, neither of which happened. He carefully brought it back to him and slide the vellum from the envelope gingerly before setting the envelope on the table next to his bed, he opened the folded vellum and looked upon the writing inside, the first thing that struck the boy was that it was familiar, but he couldn’t read it, it took the boy a moment, a frown readily apparent on his face, before he understood what it was he was looking at. “The letter is in Ancient Kumo, but not of the Vulgar variant, which means it is Classical. Who would send me such a letter?” the boy wandered as he continued going over the letter, there was a single word that was repeated twice that he understood, ‘shinobi’, what exactly was the meaning of this?

It wasn’t as if he could simply head to the Bibliotheca Conscientiae and translate it, he would have to take it to someone to get it translated, which meant that for all the trouble the person went through to bring it to his attention that the boy would have to share whatever it was with another member of Kumo’s shinobi, and one that was high ranking as well. Only those of Jounin status and above were allowed to learn the language, and even then only once they had been given permission from the Raikage himself, but that wouldn’t be the end of it either, they performed a rigorous background check on the person after words to ensure things were fine before they were even allowed to start learning. Then if they taught anyone, not only were they put to death, but anyone that they had taught any of it to were put to death as well. As Kyo pondered how he was going to get the note translated, he also pondered if this was a trap set up to kill him, after all if he learned the language in this manner or appeared to be trying to it could lead to him being killed.

The boy sat on the edge of his bed, his morning exercises not even entering his mind as he attempted to decide what to do, it was a few moments before he realized that he was putting off his duties. Standing suddenly Kyo folded the vellum letter once more and slid it back into the envelope, slid it into one of his pouches and set out for the cleaning closet, he quickly swept the corridors allowing his thoughts to run about in his mind as he worked, when he finished he feed the fish in the koi pond before remembering that he had seen ancient Kumo written on the gates to a mansion nearby, Perhaps that was even the person who sent the letter. Besides it would be better than heading to the academy or to Bibliotheca Conscientiae to try and hopefully find some way to do it. He wasn’t sure where he would have been able to find someone who read Classical other than to find a list of Jounin and go down it starting with those that he felt he and his family could trust more. Of course that would likely have been a better choice than the one Kyo did make, after all he knew little of the owner of the mansion other than that she was one of the Chief Med-nins and that she was a nearby neighbor that his uncle had spoken highly of after dealings with them in the past.

With his course of action decided Kyo set out for the nearby mansion, he would need to have the letter translated before he could decide on a further course of action, and hopefully it would contain some clues as to who was lurking bout the clans complex and why they had waited to deliver a message to him when the rest of them were not there, what it contained and why the person who did it couldn’t have just spoken to the boy or sent a messenger if they were afraid of being seen. Kyo continued think of these things as he went about securing the area, locking the doors, shuttering the windows and the like before finally reaching the gate and locking it as well. He had no idea how long he would be gone, but it wouldn’t pay to be lax, even if it hadn’t prevented the intruder performing his mission inside the complex before. Satisfied that everything was secure he headed out, it wasn’t a long walk to the mansion and he was soon at the gate. He paused a moment before he turned to the intercom and pressed the button and waited for an answer.
Today had been a rather uneventful day so far. Kitsune had spent most of it in one of her labs in the basement, figuring out various properties of some of the flowers, herbs, roots and mushrooms that were growing in the garden behind her mansion, just like she had done in her two year absence, only in the province her family owned. She had brought in a variety of ingredients including aloe vera, arnica, astragalus, chamomile, dandelions, elderberries, ginger, hawthorn, and even licorice root. Hopefully, she’d be able to make some form of herbal medicine or extract that could be used to treat anything from stomach ulcers to sore throats and infections, but of course, not more serious stuff like Alzheimer’s or anything similar. Only day to day illnesses and infections.

Considering the fact that Aloe vera leaves are widely used to heal burns, wounds and other skin ailments, and that Arnica is used as an anti-inflammatory and for osteoarthritis... Surely she’d be able to make something creative out of it. Even if Astraglus has long been used in traditional Marsh medicine to strengthen the immune system, and is used in modern Marsh medicine to treat hepatitis and as an adjunctive therapy in cancer, that wouldn’t be its role here. Kitsune was going to use it as a sort of catalyst for all the other ingredients, binding them all together.

Kitsune also mixed in some blueberries to flavor the mixture, and also to add in a natural anti-oxidant which they are. The chamomile would be to reduce any gastrointestinal issues, such as an upset stomach and diarrhea. The dandelion would be simply because of its effects on the liver and spleen. She dropped in a handful of elderberries to alleviate symptoms of flu, fevers, and sinus infections. She dropped in a chopped up block of ginger because it’d relieve nausea. Being a herbal medicine, it wasn’t going to be sweet at all, hence the herbs and berries that helped against gastrointestinal issues.

With only two more ingredients to go, Kitsune took a slight break from her work and went into her garden. She needed to grab a few more hawthorn fruits and some more licorice root. She’d brought a small basket with her along with a glove and a tiny, tiny shovel. Kitsune cracked her neck and grinned before getting to work on grabbing what she needed so she could get back to her experimental herbal medicine. If all goes well, it’ll result in another revenue stream for my clan, along with being the exclusive distributor in Kumo… I might even be able to get this to be a standard remedy at the hospital. she thought to herself and smirked.

Upon grabbing the herbs she needed, Kitsune returned back to her lab and begun adding the hawthorn to the mix in small cubes and slices, it’d relieve gastric distress and might even have an effect on heart diseases, but hey, that was just a bonus. Then she added the licorice root to finalize the combination of herbs, roots, fruits and berries. Finally, she dropped them into a mortar and used a pestle to grind everything into a mixed up paste. Once it was a uniform paste, Kitsune would pour it from the mortar and into a beaker, which she then put over an open flame, to heat up the mixture while stirring it.

Once it had begun bubbling and changing color to a spinach green, she put on a padded glove, and took the beaker, and lowered it into an ice bath to rapidly cool the mixture down. It’d seal in the properties of the various fruits and would make sure all the herby goodness would only gush out once inside someone’s digestive system. Sure, it’d still have to be put into pill form, but hey, this was a nice first step. As luck would have it, Kitsune finished right as someone pressed the button on the gate intercom. She had forgotten all about installing that system, but at least it came to good use now. I wonder who that could be. I’m not expecting any visitors… she pondered as she grabbed a headset and hit the transmit button ”State your name and errand” she said. Normally it’d be a servant performing this duty, but Kitsune was alone in the mansion today. It was the one day of the week she demanded her servants took the day off and relaxed.

[Marked for Medical Specialization Update; WC: 740]
Posting here for OOC purposes.

Grade: Mastered

Explanation, if needed:
Given that your post was detailed in the experimental process (better than my first herbalism post) and follows my suggestion of practicing the skill you want so I want to give you a mastered grade. I do this also because you are a master chemist and herbalism is very similar to chemistry. Using your chemistry skills to assist in learning herbalism is great.

Updated specialty list
[quote="Kitsune’s Medical Branch Specialties"] 


Emergency surgery 


Medical research, Medical tutor, Psychology, Biology, Kinjutsu surgery


Chemistry, General surgery, Herbalism [/quote]

Current Ninpocho Time:
