Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private The Lion Sages Burning Desire! [Calling out Anbu Sennin & Raikage]

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
While a lot had been going through his mind lately, one thing at the very least was clear. Those who could dare challenge him were few and far in-between at this point. These days, the village had grown peaceful and prosperous; there were more shinobi than he cared to even attempt count. However, while this was the case, the majority of them were faceless or new to the village ranks entirely. The sudden emergence of chakra, while still a major shock to the country, had only fueled his worries and concerns. Things just weren't what they use to be, and while time was what the culprit actually was, Kazan refused to accept it. If anything, deep within his heart he knew the village's leadership was to blame. The current Raikage, as benevolent and insightful as they may be, had improved the village so much that weakness had seeped into the lower ranks. Then, there was the villages currently known leadership, or at least lack there of. The village was experiencing a peaceful and prosperous era, which normally would be something everyone strived for.

But, that's the very problem that concerned Kazan to his core. You see, strong people create peaceful times, but peaceful times create weak people, and weak people create hard times. It was a constant cycle, proven by time and history over and over again. To the best of his knowledge, there was no current Main Branch Sennin. Also, the village's Medical Branch Sennin had disappeared. He had hoped that they were just off studying some revolutionary new medical techniques, but he could not recall any public announcement about them. Then, there was the Anbu Sennin; a mysterious individual that Kazan knew absolutely nothing about. Perhaps, they were doing a good job, which would explain how they village had prospered so well even in the absence of the others.

While Kazan praised the efforts of these two and valued their hard work and effort, what he needed right now was more than just a list of their accomplishments. He needed to experience their excellence and to properly understand the strength of the villages current leadership.

Acknowledging this, Kazan made up his mind; it was time for The Lion Sage to declare his intent. As the dawn of a new day broke, Kazan awoke to met with several courier ninja at his front door. After handing over several dozen fliers, letters, and scrolls to them, he paid them a commission and sent them out into the village to distribute his official Challenge. His letter would be straight to the point, issuing a challenge to both the Raikage and The Anbu Sennin. He wanted to test their mantle and witness the Audacity of their Lightning. While he was a nobody to them, he was a strong member of the villages Shinobi force. If they failed to answer his challenge, he would fail to serve them in their time of need. Still, this wasn't the only form of issuing his challenge he had planned on. Oh no, every hour on the hour, a radio transmission would play and be broadcasted throughout the village; his money was well spent on insuring so. He needed the challenge to be delivered, one way or another.

Hours would pass, as he walked through the village and noticed his fliers posted all about. Some had been torn down and were blowing in the breeze, though others were still intact and could clearly be seen by any who passed by. In fact, no matter where you turned in the village, it was hard to miss his challenge. By this time, the couriers had probably already delivered his letters to the village's administration offices and as we walked, he noticed the time. Pulling out his headset, and tuning in to a general broadcasting frequency, he could hear his recording playing. No doubt, someone out there would deliver the word to both of them, whoever they were, if they hadn't realized it themselves by now.

Clad in his usual attire, Kazan turned a corner and approached the villages Arena. Before entering into the building, he glanced upon a small crowd that had gathered. Were they here over his challenge, or were they just going about their business? He didn't care to ask, even though the thought had crossed his mind. You see, Kazan hadn't truly made a name for himself yet, so there wasn't that many people who could recognize him. This was fine though, seeing as their recognition would amount to very little to him in the first place.

Casting all that to the side, he walked with great stride into the arena, and down to the battle grounds entrance. Of course, he was the first to arrive, but hopefully it wouldn't be long until the two individuals he called out arrived. That was, if they had the spine to do so. As he stood there, he watched some number of nameless individuals begin to gather and sit within the audience.

Letter/fliers & Radio Transmission sent out said:
Dear Citizens of Kumogakure.

My name is Akira Kazan. As a Jounin of this village and a member of the Main branch Infantry, I am here by issuing an official challenge to both the Raikage and The Anbu Sennin simultaneously. Their hard work and effort has allowed the village to advance in so many ways. While I admire both of them, my heart is heavy with concern. I wish to know the strength of our leadership first hand! So therefore, I request that you all spread the word. I, The Lion Sage, wish to test my strength against theirs. The two of them, versus me at the villages Arena today. If they do not have the courage to face me, then I'll simply rebuke my admiration for them and publicly declare them to be cowards.

[Theme Song]
[Wc: 800+]
[Marked For Training]

[OOC: I'm calling out both the Anbu Sennin & The Raikage, in our villages no kill zone.]​
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Kitsune'd seen the flyers. She'd heard the broadcast. She grabbed her communicator, and sent off a message to Yuna, giving the order to arrest Kazan. Then, she connected to the Arena's network, hooking into it's PA system. "No." was the only reply she uttered to Kazan.

In the meantime, she'd be heading to where the broadcast originated from, and if need be, apply liberal amounts of sword to the problem.

[Topic Entered/Left]
Yuna had sat at her desk for hours until one of her operatives had knocked on the door and told her of the current situation. Pinching the area just above the bridge of her nose and blinking away the tiredness and rubbing her eyes, she would lean back in her chair. Another day, and yet another shinobi from the Main Branch wanting to test her patience. She's really starting to think of all Main Branchers have a thing out for the ANBU. Though... From the sound of it, this... Akira Kazan, moreso looks up to both her and Kitsune. Though the last part dictates that this guy could be a bit of a nuisance.

And then that's when her personal headset buzzed to life. It seems the Raikage wants Yuna to arrest the man. Acknowledging this, she knows that any person crazy enough won't just let themselves be arrested without a fight. She suspects that this Kazan is going to have his fight one way or another.

Entering into the Arena, the crowd would go silent as they see a slightly small feminine figure in anbu garb and mask walk towards Kazan. Yuna is very unlike her predecessor, whom had a golden mask to signify her importance. Yuna, rather wore a blank anbu mask, one that is hardly discernable from the many other anbu operatives that opt to have a plain mask. Along with that, she has the mask specifically outfitted with fake hair, to hide the fact that her hair is of unnatural hair color. Along with that, the hood from the anbu cloak would be pulled up. Footfalls that hardly even exist made their way closer and closer to Kazan until the Anbu Sennin stood before him.

"A pleasure to meet you. I don't usually get the chance to meet any outside of the ANBU. I am Sennin Abyss. However, as the situation dictates, this isn't as an opportune time for such a meeting. However your thought process was to issue a challenge with me and the Raikage, there should have been at least some more... proper steps taken. Being in a high position means much of a workload that needs to be taken care of. Calling us cowards if we failed to show without knowing the why behind our no show to your challenge."

She would pause before going on. "I am here to arrest you. Though I have a feeling that you would want to fight me anyway, and with a lot more want and reason to. So how about this? We fight, just you and me. And no matter whom the victor is, you will be arrested and you will go quietly. How you act is how me and my operatives will react. Does that sound fair?"

(topic entered)
After handling the repeating radio message, fortunately without having to resort to applying liberal amounts of sword, Kitsune made her way to the arena. At first she didn't intend to show up in person just because of some lunatic demanding a showdown between her, Yuna, and themselves. But then she changed her mind. She wanted to see if they were as insane as their actions had made them out to be. And if they were, obviously they had to be taken down a peg, and made to see the error of their ways.

Maybe it was time to reveal that the leader of Lightning Country wasn't just a pretty face, as some seems to have forgotten how she'd unified the country behind Kumogakure in the aftermath of the Tenouzan War. And with the changes to her skill set since the war, it'd come as a surprise to any onlookers who'd heard she was an Uchiha with the ability to summon a giant skeletal construction, because that was no longer the case.

Ah, what a pain to have subordinates who couldn't keep from doing dumb stuff. At least her choice in ANBU Sennin had panned out well, and now they'd likely be fighting together against said subordinate. "Abyss." Kitsune said, as she arrived not long after Yuna did, "The radio messages have been handled and the station manager that accepted money from Kazan has been incarcerated." she explained, "So. What do we think here? Troublemaker? Mental patient? Attention seeker?"

[SURPRISE! Topic Reentered]
Crossing his arms, he stood there and waited patiently for the arrival of his would be opponents until the arena's pa system chimed in. From it, he and all those in attendance, would hear a single word. "No". His facial expression would immediately change from that of patients, to one of disappointment. Was this the voice of the Raikage? Perhaps the Anbu Sennin. Or, was some random prankster just taking a piss at his antics. "What's that all about?" He'd ask himself in reference towards the pa system.

However, it was then that someone else had stepped foot into the arena. Immediately, Kazan began to size up this newcomer. At first glance, they were an Anbu and quite small in stature. Not only that, but they possessed a certain feminine like quality even though it was hard to tell these days. But one thing for sure was strange to him was her blank mask. After all, from all the stories and rumors he had ever heard about the village Anbu, their masks had unique designs and weird ears. With a smirk, he eagerly tilted his head downward as he listened to their voice. Introducing herself as "The Sennin Abyss", Kazan attentively listened as she continued on about taking the proper steps and how busy they were.

Nodding, as a simple gesture to let her know he was paying attention as she spoke, he would uncross his arms and let his hands fall down to his waist as she mentioned that she was here to arrest him. Letting out a brief sigh, his attention would once again be commanded as she mentioned how she was willing to fight, if Kazan would agree to being arrested rather or not he won. "One things for sure, she's quite level headed and reasonable." He thought, as he witnessed a surprise apperance. The Raikage, herself, had come to join them. Kazan could do nothing but smile at this point. Of course he knew that both of them would be under a lot of pressure given the status of the village, but truth be told he didn't really expect for both of them to take his challenge serious.

Whatever doubt he had about their courage had now faded from his mind entirely. While he had sworn to publicly shame them in his fliers and broadcast if they didn't show up, the fact they actually showed up was astonishing. It would've been easier for them to send a horde of Anbu in their place; in fact, that was the more diplomatic approach. Instead, they answered his call directly. Perhaps, in this very moment, they had shown him more respect than he had even cared to show them. While this wasn't the honorable way, at the very least he could show some humility.

As he listened to the Raikage speak, he would form a fist with his right hand and slam his knuckles into the palm of his left with both hands raised to his chest. Before speaking, he would close his eyes and lean forward out of respect. "It's an honor, Lady Raikage and Sennin Abyss." He'd state, as he look back and fourth between the two of them briefly. "First, I'd like to apologize to the both of you. The actions I've taken to make my challenge were dishonorable, though as the way things are these days I doubt either of you would've been able to make the time had I written a formal request." He'd say with a brief pause, before looking directly at the Sennin. "I accept your terms, Abyss. When we are done, I will comply." He'd tell the both of them, before adding in a final word. "Lady Raikage and Sennin Abyss, please do not hold back." He'd kindly ask.

In Kazan's mind, complying after obtaining his goal, would be the best possible outcome. Neither of these two knew his story or the reason why he had done this today. You see, after years of training and service to the village, Kazan had reached his ceiling. No matter how hard he tried or pushed himself, he just couldn't become stronger. That was, until Atlas made an apperance within his life and he formed a contract. In almost no time at all, he broke through that ceiling and mastered the sage art. After doing this, it wouldn't take him long until he approached a new ceiling, but once again a specific event would occur within his life. This time, a creature of myths and legends had gifted him a new found strength. Now, there was no ceiling in sight.

But, that would be his problem. This new power had come with a sense of superiority and those new feelings brought doubt and indecision into his life. Had neither of these two answered his call, he would've abandoned the village and served his own desires. Had only one of them answered, he would've sworn loyalty to them and secretly did whatever he could've to insure a coup of the other. However, both decided to answer his challenge, in the midst of an overwhelming work load no less. This was the Kumogakure he remembered. The Audacity of Lightning meant having the balls to do what needed to be done in spite of anything else. These two, obviously, had it.

[Wc: 800+]
[OOC: Let's go! This is is gonna be Legendary!]
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Yuna would shake her head when Kitsune had asked about who this guy is. In her time of having to deal with sketchy individuals, since being an Anbu agent comes with knowing the darker things of life, she isn't really picking up the signs of this guy being that of someone that would fit the bill of a 'bad guy' or a mentally ill person. "Taking into account of his willingness to come quietly no matter whom is the victor and his dialect, I would say he is sound of mind. Though he may have done more assuming than reasoning when it comes to 'calling us out.' What do the younger ninja say? You have to shoot your shot."

She would then turn to Kazan, getting into a fighting stance. She would listen to his bloodflow as she steadied herself. Being here made her realize something. This is the first time that she has made an appearance out in public known as the Anbu Sennin. No doubt many of the public had wondered about the state of the branch since her predecessor had left the branch with a bad name. And now, even though there is no Main Branch Sennin, there still is that spy sub branch, that she has been dodging ever since taking up the leader of the Anbu corps. This fight here could actually be the thing that she needs. A way to show her strength, to cast any doubt any of her subordinates have about her leading the branch, to show willingness to work with others by diplomatically talking with Kazan and testing her teamwork abilities with the Raikage.

A small escaped from her lips from underneath the mask. To be honest, above all else... Yuna needed this. A way to release some pent up energy that she has had that she kept under lock and key for about a year or so. Ever since her travels to Sand, she has been on edge to the point that it might even be unhealthy to her. The state of the branch and her personal life didn't help. She was silent for just a moment after the sigh before she spoke once more, "You as well, Akira Kazan. Good luck."
"Perhaps. But shooting your shot through illicit means is still a bad idea." Kitsune replied to Yuna and sighed. "Can't say this was how I wanted to spend my afternoon, but here we are." she added before cracking her neck loosening up her limbs. It'd be really annoying pulling a hammy in the middle of a fight. Then, Kazan spoke, starting with an apology for his actions and Kitsune just raised an eyebrow. Really? An apology? Like that'd suffice.

Kitsune folded her arms, "Maybe making assumptions about our schedules was your first mistake." she said, not bothering to hide her annoyance at the situation, "But I'm not here to lecture you on manners. I'm here to ensure your shenanigans come to an end. she finished, unfolding her arms and balling up her fists. She did dislike fighting, but she'd be damned if she let this guy get away with what he'd done.

Her mind quickly assessed the situation. She was unaware of Kazan's capabilities, but that wouldn't stop her from taking action, despite her distaste for unnecessary conflict. She took a deep breath, centering herself, feeling the familiar flow of chakra ready to respond at her command. The air around her seemed to thrum with energy as she focused. Kitsune was determined to ensure it all ended with a clear message: chaos and irresponsibility would not be tolerated.

She shifted her stance, preparing for whatever Kazan might attempt. Normally Kitsune'd try diplomacy, but that was not an option today. She'd have to rely on the skills that helped unify Lightning Country as a whole behind Kumogakure and the office of the Raikage. The same skills that categorized her as capital class weaponry, just as past Raikages. And with Yuna being in the mix too, Kitsune was confident they could take Kazan down in a timely manner.
While the Anbu Sennin seemed poised and ready for combat, the Raikage appeared to be a little different. While they were willing to meet him head on, they did so with some last minute scolding. In response, Kazan could only grin as he watched her shift into a fighting stance as well. Although she did seem annoyed, it was honestly to be expected; with the current state of things, at least. No doubt these two had been working themselves to the bone to maintain order and keep the village going. Nodding in response to the two of them, he'd slowly shift into an odd stance for a Shinobi to take. His feet would be spread shoulders length apart, with his back straight and his knees slightly bent. His hands would be raised just below his chin, with his right fist and foot slightly forward.

In truth, had taken a south paw boxing stance. However, something was even more odd about it than just that. Seemingly, his skill would turn a flush red color as his body seemingly began to emit steam. As opposed to the earlier grin upon his face, he would not possess a more stern and focused facial expression. Kazan was in for a hell of a fight, but in truth he could really only be grateful for the opportunity. One way or another, he and all in attendance were about to witness at least a glimpse of the villages leadership actual strength. "I can feel it." He thought, as his eyes shifted focus to the Raikage. "For some reason, she got me fired up." He told himself, and he glanced towards Abysss.

[Wc: 250+][Marked For Training]

[Calling Battle Mod]

Current Ninpocho Time:
