Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
((OoC: Followed from Here))

Ko walked into the front of the building and checked into the main check up floor. He gestured for Shira to follow him as he led her to the third floor. The room number that he was able to use was 365B, a small examination room, with basic tools for check ups. He let out a sigh as he turned around to face cabinets. "Take a seat on the examination table."<i></i> Most of Ko's useful tools were at home, in his morgue like laboratory, but he could do well with what he had on him. He was one of the few medical ninjas, even though he was a just a MiT, that used the chakra crystals for more than lighting the room.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Shira walked into the tower behind Ko, the egg goop having now dried mostly. It still felt sticky to her skin and the smell wasn't very appealing, then again those were probably key traits of amniotic fluid. The blood on her back had stopped dripping as well. All in all, Shira still felt like a disgusted wreck. Good thing she was kind of used to this stuff by now. Not complaining once, the young woman stepped into the room that Ko had led her to and sat on the table. She wasn't sure what she would have to do. She tried to avoid medical doctors as much as possible since having woken up from her coma some months ago. She sat with her arms crossed and a bored expression on her face as she waited patiently for either an instruction or for Ko to begin whatever medical things he thought were required.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Grabbing a coat, Ko looked more official. He buttoned up his front, but only three of the eight buttons, and began to fill his coat pockets with gear. He grabbed a couple of his Chakra Crystals from his own personal bag, and then wrapped a stethoscope around the back of his neck. Ko also grabbed a larger rag, held a Water Chakra Crystal over it, and moistened the piece of cloth. He turned to face his sister, and he lunged it to her. "You can use this for the egg goo."<i></i> Turning back around he grabbed another few sterilized rags, and a bottle of antiseptics. He turned to face his sister, before he walked behind her to look at her back. He grabbed a rag from his pocket, as well as the water crystal. Letting some of the chakra-created water soak her back. He then proceeded to dab her back until he could begin to see the wound. "Does it still hurt?"<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Shira caught the rag with ease, her hand eye coordination being superb. She almost caught herself saying 'thank you' but remembered who she was talking to. Shira took the wet wash cloth and started to clean her face off. Her hair was utterly hopeless until she could get a shower, but at least her face wouldn't be sticky anymore. While in the process of doing that, Ko started dabbing her back with another cloth, most likely looking for the actual line of the cut. When she started cleaning her forearms with the rag, she heard Ko asked if the cleaning process was causing her any pain. "It's fine. Just stings a little, nothing major." She sighed as she returned to her task.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Ko saw the cut on her back, he winced a little bit. He wasn't very good with the idea of being cut up by anything, let alone something from a random tunnel. He saw a good 7 centimeter cut running down her mid right shoulder blade heading towards her left hip. He sighed, he would have to clear the area of any extra clothing. As he began to dab away more of the goo and dried blood, Shira's wound would become fresh again, bleeding once more. "Hey, something to help me out, could you... Erhm, I don't know if you can, but are you able to thicken your blood back here?"<i></i> It was an odd question, but it would help him out a decent amount. "Oh, and is it ok if I cut out a small section of your shirt so I can actually clean the cut well?"<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

She could feel when Ko started to actually get to the cut when there was a sharper spike in the pain on her back. It was more like a dull throb really, but it was felt all the same. Shira had a constant check on the blood in her system and always knew when she was losing it. Shira frowned as she was instructed to thicken the blood centered more directly in her back. It was easy of course, considering she was already doing that to prevent losing more, Ko had the nerve to ask if she could even do it. "Let me think about that. Can you make an ice shard?" Her sarcasm was said in a highly negative and harsh manner due to her environment. Still, she did bother to trust him enough that he was one of the few examiners she would even bother to let near her. So she wouldn't outrightly scare him with a surprise blood spike or anything. The next question caught her off guard. She had just assumed he could clean the cut with her shirt the way it was. I mean, wasn't already mostly torn off in the back? She cringed as she gave a slow nod. It was just her back after all so she could put up with it. At least he wasn't some pervert. She always did have a problem with men of any kind touching her after her father had outrightly tried to kill her as a child.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Ko stopped dabbing the cut and walked back over to the cabinets to retrieve a small pair of scissors. The slower ooze of blood allowed to him to work at a more comfortable pace. Upon arriving back behind his "foster" sister, Ko slipped on the scissors and cut off a 10 centimeter square, having the cut be the center of it. He sighed at the sight of the falling shirt. The MiT looked back up to the cut and pulled out another small rag. "This might hurt, a little bit..."<i></i> He poured the antiseptics on the rag before he carefully dabbed her back. The cleaning component in the antiseptic had a slight stinging sensation when exposed to open flesh. He had to make sure that no foreign objects were still in the cut. He pressed a little harder, to allow the antiseptics to enter her wound more deeply.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

The cold on her back hit her as the back of her shirt was nearly all cut away. It wasn't really cold in the room, but Ko always seemed to make it drop to freezing temperatures just by being there. Shira witheld a shiver, but she was still feeling a little uncomfortable. She heard Ko say that the cleaning would hurt a bit, well, sting more. Shira shrugged slightly, not enought to interupt his work. It wasn't that bad when he was just cleaning the outer edges, but when he started to clean the deeper part of her cut, and did her best not to squirm. It wasn't torture and she could most assuradley handle more, but that still didn't meant it was a slight sting of burning. Not enought to really hurt, but just enough to be a nuisance. She turned her head to the side so she could at least see him if nothing else. "How bad is it? I only have a few ideas in terms of length and depth, but I'm clueless on the rest." Shira watched Ko working and thought how glad she was that she wasn't in the medical field. She doesn't have the patience for this. She laughed in her head at the slight pun. Haha, patients.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Ko wasn't advanced with his medical ninjutsu, but he was a skilled practitioner of the older ways. He sat the bloodied rag to his side and washed the blood from his gloves. "It is about seven centimeters long, and deepish. I don't know how to Heal it with Medical Ninjutsu, so I'm going to have to stitch it."<i></i> He turned back to his sister with a syringe in his hand. "This will help numb it."<i></i> He stepped over to her and slowly inserted the needle into her back and squeezing in the numbing agents. He had a slight smirk on his face as he pulled out the needle. He had just stabbed her in the back, and didn't get punished for it.

Putting the syringe down, Ko pulled a medical needle and thread set from his pocket. Being pre-threaded, Ko was able to begin stitching her back closed. Slowly stitching the cut shut Ko made sure to not miss any gap, leaving open sores. Once he had finished Ko pulled the string taught, and cut off the extra. "I gave you nine stitches, the thread should be in for a little over a week. Then we'd be able to take them out for you."<i></i> Ko walked over ot the cabinet again and grabbed a small blue and green crystal. "This Ice Chakra Crystal should have about a weak of low emissions, I'll place it over your stitches, you can remove it once the pain begins to fade, but leave it there for a good two days."<i></i> The crystal was flat and should be able to lay comfortably on her back. Ko placed a sterilized gauze over the crystal before placing it on Shira's back. Ko then used some medical tape to make sure the crystal wouldn't move around. "Finished."<i></i> Ko would leave Shira's side and began cleaning the room. "I have to head to the Nurse's lounge to start work again, see you at home."<i></i> Once finished Ko would leave the room, allowing Shira to find her own way out.

[Medical Thread Left/Finished]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The lord saved you... This time [Mission Clean Up thread

Shira sat quietly, a little discomforted by the lack of simple healing. She could've probably been completely fixed up by a better mednin, but then again Ko was just in training. This would put a bit of strain on things. Stiches were awful, but at least she only needed them for a week, perhaps less if she healed faster. "Fine. Just get it over with." Shira waited for the inevitable start of Ko's patchwork. She flinched a bit at the sudden poke into her skin, regardless of the numbing shot she had recieved. She could still feel the thing moving and pulling the skin together. Good thing she had killed that devil runner that caused this or she would be chasing down that thing and ending it's life after she got done with this. The stiching didn't take long and Shira stayed still as an ice crystal was positioned onto her back to assist and discomfort or remaining pain she might feel. Shira stood and felt awkward with half of her shirt still missing. Good thing she was headed home. At least the stiches would be gone in a week."I might just have you use your lab to take them out. I'll try to get ahold of some of the necessary supplies if you're low." Leaving Ko to do his maid work, Shira turned and walked out of the room to head home. She still wanted her shower and some new clothes.

[topic ended]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
