Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Men and Women at the Wall

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke's eyes went skyward for a moment. He was doing a number of calculations in his head. The Journeyman was given an awkward hand to deal with when it came to the fact he did not have Roku present. He had an Anbu, Riyota, and Harupia to work with. Ken was more or less going to be finishing the installation of the wall units, which then was going to be the height of his aid. The conversion process to the new metal which he had discovered was going to need some heavy lifting. Two ice users, and three fire users. The Steward accounted for the Elder Crone being the one to alternate with Harupia as the Elder Crone was adept at water elemental techniques, and its variant being ice. The Steward would look at Harupia, and then to Ken when he spoke of his contract not being happy with having to do mundane work. "I suppose you could appease his or her prideful nature in the fact they are contributing to a wall being made. Literal history in the making."<i></i>

Laughter could be heard coming. The Steward knew what was coming, what he didn't know was who was calling them. His eyes darted over to the pack of five. The fact they were not engaging meant that they were tamed and or... well, the Anbu spoke spoke of and provided needed confirmation. The Steward was given pause for a moment. It was something of an oddity. He wasn't sure if they could be trusted, but given that it was an Anbu who was speaking on their behalf that was something to take some amount of faith in. "Have them around do a lap around the wall. Do a final check for cracks. Have them see if they can get through any points."<i></i> He would ask of them. Animals had a habit of finding some flaws that humans could not. "Ken looks like he has finished putting the walls into place, so we can move into phase two. The walls are going to change material wise."<i></i> The Steward would turn to the wall. "Riyota. Take a ride down here. We're going to phase two now. Hope you're ready to spend some chakra."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru glanced up at Riyota and Ken, giving them a wave as a form of encouragement. The massive Bettle seemed to be making good time. Soon after he heard what sounded like a... crowd laughing? Soon ti turned out the crowd was more of a pack. Hykal... As someone who tended to roam the desert more then it was typical for a Shinobi, he was quite familiar with these beasts. Quite a few missions were made to deal with overgrown packs of these creatures. Though these seemed to be surprisingly reigned in. And from what he could infer, the Anbu member was responsible for it. Curious... they seemed a lot calmer and docile than you typical companion summoned as part of a contract... perhaps more of a demonstration of the ANUB"S familial powers if his hunch about their line was correct.

As Souke spoke, he pondered his suggestion as he said "Potentially could work. Though I have to say his attitude towards human which are not in a pact with his animal clan is a bit... unpleasant. Gaining his favor was an ordeal in itself to be quite honest" he mused, while Sosuke started giving out instructions, as well as summoning Riyota down. He turned along with him, looking at the structure. A solid foundation for sure, but more was to be made "Well, whatever you have In mind, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. This will probably be the most I used my knowledge of the Ice element... whatever may be needed" cracking his knuckles gently and running through the Shinobi handseals, not intent on performing anything, but simply warming himself up. As much as he could use his powers by a mere though most of the time, he never neglected his basics.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren lets four members of her pack of Hykal do as the stewards commands, however the wall was vast and her ability to remain telepathically linked is limited. She could maintain a link if she ran with the but considering her condition that would not be easy. This is why she only sent four; the fifth one would serve to be her mount. "Hi ho silver away!"

(left topic)
May 6, 2015
Riyota had noticed the arrival of the canine beasts which Sousuke seemed eager to put to work to find any flaws in the grand design. The ANBU for their part were seemingly too intimidated by the scale of the project as they swiftly absconded with one of the creatures and left the area in a frankly quite ridiculous fashion and one that seemed entirely out of character for what Riyota had seen of them at the very least. He wasn't sorry to see them go however, their presence had not served any purpose and they seemed more content to impede construction progress with their annoying questions than actually assisting at all. Riyota very much disliked the ANBU organisation and thus he was fairly happy to see the back of them.

His attention returned to the Steward when he called out to him, it seemed he wished for Riyota to return to ground level so that they could actually begin forging the metal itself. With a quick wave of affirmation Riyota approached the edge of the wall. He knew there were multiple ways to get down, some faster than others, but in this instance he wanted to attempt something safe whilst still stretching his metallic manipulation muscles. Crouching down and placing his palm on the cold surface of the large slat that was serving as a template to the great Wally McWallface he felt the atoms of the metal within and coaxed them into a more malleable form temporarily. Stepping off the edge he was quickly caught by a large disk bulging out of the inner part of the slat. Slowly the disk began to descend with Riyota standing atop it like an elevator. Once he had safely reached the ground again the disk returned to the slat it had emerged from and the slat itself was no worse for wear.

Clearing his throat Riyota returned his attention to the two other men. "Sorry about that, just testing something. Might b-be an idea for the main wall?" He suggested, looking a slight bit embarrassed at the time he had taken up. "A-anyway I'm ready to burn off as much chakra as you need. Just tell me what needs doing!" Riyota was eager to finally contribute to one of the Journeymen's largest works.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Not to far from the shinobi was a young boy sitting on the ground with his back against a wall of a building. In his one hand was a book with most of it’s pages blank and in his other had was a quill. Next to him one would see a small inkwell that he would occasionally dip his writing utensil in. When Riyota descended from on top of the wall, his quill moves excitedly across the page as the boy records observations included with theories on how this feat was accomplished. The blue haired boy had no intention of lending a hand. As a student he believes he would serve more as a hindrance than a helper. Sousuke was right in saying that this was history in the making and he knew he was going to be the first to record it. No one will likely ever read his journal entries, but that did not matter. He did not care that his work got unnoticed for now, but one day he will become something great. The young child was quite interested in what this phase two was and was almost shaking with excitement. He knew this was going to be quite the educational watch. Hopefully with any luck the former kazekage would explain phase to in greater detail. If he does not give to much details he would be sure to give extra close attention to the works and the handseals they use. Perhaps he could figure out later what is phase two and how the process is done through careful observation and study.

[And now entering with new character]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The Anbu left in what was perhaps the most awkward way possible. He/she/it bolted from the scene on a Hykal no less. The Steward looked to Harupia, then to Riyota, then to the sky, and then back to Riyota. He would then look out at the Anbu going into the sunset. "And so left the worst kind of patron."<i></i> He would begin, "The faceless sort. Never trust a faceless individual. Can't trace them to make sure your wares aren't being used for ill. "<i></i> It was also annoying now that they had one less labourer. His voice would echo outwards towards the fleeing Anbu now. "You clearly don't have us covered with the heat. You're left it quite barren. How disappointing to make such a claim only to walk out on it."<i></i> There was a sort of resounding disappointment in the voice of the Steward. He was certainly not impressed.

"The elevator idea might be good for the interior. The original entrance into the village was through an elevator which was through the maw of Barnyx. Once the metal conversion occurs, the metal isn't going to be easily malleable."<i></i> He paused though. He wasn't dismissing Riyota's idea. "We'll work on the interior afterwards, and put that idea of yours to use."<i></i> The Steward's expression grew annoyed. They needed another fire user but they didn't have one. Roku was not here. This was still workable. Might take a bit more time he was going to need to double the plasma output. "Haru, flash freeze the block when I call for it. Riyota, we're going to need to keep the heat going for a little longer. An ... additional three minutes."<i></i> The Steward would hold out his metallic hand. He would then point his palm at the wall and blast it with plasma energy. He would then make a fist with his other hand and a ball of plasma would begin to appear. He would aim that at the wall too and blast the wall.

Riyota and him would need to keep this going for several minutes long. It wasn't a power thing, it was an endurance thing. The two fire users would need to keep the heat going for several minutes. The Steward would lower his hands at the point of time he deemed it necessary. He would then signal Haru to blast the now glowing wall of metal with an ice jutsu.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia simply scratched the back of his head seeing the robed figure bolting away on one of the Hykal's, looking back at Souske as he gazed at him, and then over several other points. He shrugged as he talked about the faceless patron before replying "Well, the mask is part of their job description and all. Probably isn't the best moment to approach you, especially with a type of request they had..." He simply nodded at the second part. Leaving them alone while being the so far only potential source of fire for whatever Sosuke had planned was...less than optimal. During this he took a moment to look around the general souring, noticing how riyota decided to move back down to them by manipulating the metal plates of the wall, creating a makeshift elevator. A second thing he noticed was...a spectator. Curious...he didn't recall seeing the child earlier, yet he seemed to be settled in comfortably in his place, scribbling in a tome in his hands.

As Riyota approached them he gave him a warm smile saying "I see you don't waste a chance to practice your control over the elements. That was quite well done, especially how seamless you made the manipulation. You'd hardly be able to tell someone tampered with the metal at all" as he looked at the giant slab. Probably under closer inspection, he may have found some deformity, but it was well-done none the less. He chuckled a bit at Sosuke saying "I'm pretty sure there isn't a lot of people not aware of the previous Gate entrance...especially after it came to life all that time ago...". Barynx reviving, the time he returned to the village... since his oracle examination he knew a lot more about that day then he'd wish.

Sosouke seemed to be ready to move on to the next phase, giving him the instruction to flash freeze on his signal. He was about to ask what but seeing the man form searing Plasma from his hands and directing it towards the wall section gave him ample explanation. A bit of sweat forming from the intense heat, he took a deep breath as he went over the needed handseals, moisture from the air and from his body gathering into his hands, frost slowly forming on them as blue energy focused in his palms. He would be ready when the time came for it.

May 6, 2015
Riyota was complimented on his large scale metal manipulation of the wall. "Well, metal was something I was just fiddling about with recently, wanted to try and get a bit more practice with it. It doesn't burn through my chakra all too much as long as there is a source of metal somewhere, which is lucky." He then turned his attention to Sousuke. "Oh I'm certain, the last thing we would want is our main defence to be easily malleable. However maybe with enough focus and enough strength we could weaponise that defence. Manipulate the metal to ward of besiegers." He paused for a moment, his attention on the large structure. "I'm getting ahead of myself, perhaps we should build this thing before anything else." He chuckled slightly, casting an eye into the distance where the ANBU had left. The loss of one of their heat sources was a tad worrying for Riyota as it meant he would have to focus his energy for longer, something his body wasn't overly accustomed to. He hid this worry from his peers however and nodded. "Well what's three minutes? It's easy enough." He smiled and took his position.

He focused different chakra into each of his arms, the metallic right surged with fire whilst the organic left pulsated with explosive. He was going to use his right to assist with heating the metal and his left to enhance the heat to beyond it's normal proportions with targeted sub-atomic detonations. Riyota's focus honed in and the world seemed to blur and dull around him, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead from the heat almost as soon as it started. He was ready for one thing, for Sousuke to say 'stop.'


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren was not an expert when it came to fire jutsu, but he can still create a flame without it. As a student his chakra output was minimal, but he likes to believe his ingenuity and creativity overcomes his shortcomings. The blue hair boy did not say a word as he approaches another section of wall that will need to be heated up. He places on the wall a piece of paper with some kind of writing on it. As the boy roots through his shoulder pack, the section of wall is then covered with oil due to the oil trap he had just placed. Soon Hakuren finds what he was looking for: Chakra Induction Paper. When this paper is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element. Hakuren holds the paper to the oil and focuses a small bit of chakra into it. The piece of paper combusts and ignites the oil. Hakuren quickly jumps back in fear of being burned. Hakuren then throws another oil trap at the wall and as the flame licks the paper it goes off. Oil sprays onto the the wall and the burning blaze eagerly devours it.

Hakuren knew Chakra Induction Paper surely can be useful in more than just identifying a person’s natural affinity. The paper itself would burn away it a matter of seconds and would not generate that much heat. However, he figured he could use it as a lighter and use oil as the accelerant. Hakuren was not sure if this would produce the amount of heat required to effect the metal plates, but he was trying and it was well worth the test. Success or fail he will record his findings.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke was doing the countdown in his head. The minutes and seconds were counting down. His mechanical eye would shift over as the blue haired boy would approach. It warranted the observation. He watched paper was applied. Alright. That would help... but then the boy was running back. The wall panel would then rapidly combust. The Steward was figuring it out in his head, what was it that caused the rapid burst? There were few things that would have such a quick reaction to increase the heat. Grease. Oil. Ah. Yes. The numbers that the Steward were working with would quickly lower. The amount of time needed to keep the wall aflame was decreasing at a rapid rate. The timer was going down quickly in his mind's eye. "Top the heating process in ... five ... four ... three ... two ... one."<i></i> Sousuke would lower his hand promptly and stop the heating process. "Harupia. Flash freeze the wall."<i></i>

The Steward would wait for the Sunaku to take over. He needed to see if Harupia had the required mastery over ice. It was a curious thing. He did not expect Harupia to have a mastery over ice jutsu. If Harupia showed difficulty or showed strain then he would summon an ally to help him in this undertaking. He hesitated for a moment and podered it. The Elder Crone of the Toads might acquire the attention of everyone, but that would be if she had a bad day. Summoning Contracts, especially ones that had extremely old members in the pact, were very much like humans. They were moody. They were difficult. They suffered ailments, and perhaps most concerning was if they suffered ailments of the mind. Maaya the Elder Crone was indeed one of those who suffered an ailment of the mind. She had seen several dark things in her time, and she very much was controlled by these dark things.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He nodded as Riyota talked about what he was thinking and training regarding the use of metal and his suggestion of using the wall as more than a means of defense "That's is a good idea. I'm sure both you and Sosuke with his mastery over metal could lead to quite some grief to anyone who would come against us...though one would have to worry about the other outside being able to manipulate the metal as well"

That was before the process began, both Riyota and Sosuke using their jutsu mastery to raise the temperature of the metal. Even the young man who was observing them decided to give his aid in an a...unorthodox way. That was an interesting use of oil and Chakra conducting paper... he liked the boy's way of thinking already. As this went on he was focusing on his hands. As surprising it may be to someone so close to the desert to be able to harness something so foreign, both Ice and sand realized at least partially on the manipulation of wind which he was quite adapt with. And quite quickly he figured being able to manipulate water, wherever he may be, would be a great boon. From there learning how to solidify the water wasn't that far of.

As he stood there the air almost seemed to grow cold near Harupia, his body becoming rigid as icy blue energy coalesced around his hands, almost devoiding them of color. It wasn't something he was too concerned with, having experience with the Koorikan technique. This wasn't quite that cold, but he was trying to focus the energy to as low of a temperature as he could while being able to fire it.

And sure enough, the signal came. Concentrated on his task he let out a cry as he let the energy go, the ice streams of energy surging towards the wall. Quite rapidly the superheated surface would be met by the freezing energy. And he would maintain this stream for as long as the Wall wasn't frozen, or until Sosuke would call for him to stop if anything would go awry. His breathing steady, though the cold di cause it to come out as heavy visible poofs.
May 6, 2015
Riyota could hear the count once it reached two. The loudness of the smelting drowning out most sound. Once the count reached one and Sousuke lowered his hands Riyota would do the same, albeit with slightly more force. The intense heat surrounding him would slowly subside and he would pant slightly as he lessened the flow of chakra towards his hands. The metal currently in a scalding and bubbling molten form. He would collapse into a sitting position to catch his breath, his heart beating loudly and quickly in his chest and a small trickle of blood emerging from the bottom left corner of his mouth. He would be alright in a few moments, but focusing such an intense jutsu style for so long took a toll on him.

He watched as Harupia concentrated the cold air around him and blasted it onto the substance to flash-freeze it in its purest form. It was the same process Riyota had seen done before in the testing process for the metal. This wall was certain to be nigh impenetrable by outside forces, these men were forging the strongest metal ever conceived in all of wind country.

Whilst Haru was finishing up Riyota's gaze was drawn by a young student conducting some kind of experiment on the plates that were to form the skeleton of the wall. A makeshift explosive using oil and induction paper that was likely to do little more than slightly blacken the metal. Riyota slowly lay back into the sand and with a sigh, addressed the student. "White phosphorous and Sake in a bottle will get you more of a blaze, Manganese for disorientation, Magnesium for a bigger detonation. Mix in a paper bomb for a better explosion." He advised, instructions the student could take or leave as they pleased. Riyota was not particularly book smart, but he was a craftsman and he knew how elements worked in conjunction with one another. He had made these explosive cocktails himself on occasion.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren quickly picks up his journal again and transcribes Riyota’s words. After finding his mother’s book he has started to become quite the tinkerer. Often he would try to use things in unusual ways. He rarely buys poisons, tools or traps and instead he creates his own. Hakuren very much appreciated the man’s input. “Thank you… Riyota-sensei” Hakuren had to think back for a moment and try to remember how the former sage addressed him. “That will help me a lot.” Hakuren never thought about using Chakra Induction Paper in a paper bomb. And that gives him some other ideas. If Hakuren mixes sand with a combustible substance wrapped in Chakra Induction Paper, Hakuren could make a smoke bomb. He would want to use some less destructive and something easier to come across would be helpful as well. Most of the ingredients he gave him might not be too easy to find. “If it would not be too much trouble, could you tell me where I could procure such items?” Hakuren gives a nervous smile. “The sake is easy enough to find…” In the Red Light District the owners there don't mind serving their alcohol to minors. “But as for the other stuff, I’m not sure where to look.”

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The ice jutsu hit the wall. He was watching it freeze over. Sousuke made motion for him to continue to freeze the wall. It took a while, but the wall would be covered in ice. The sounds of cracking could be heard as the ice was contesting the fire infused metal. The ice was making its progress and did well to cover the large wall of metal. Once it was fully encased Sousuke signaled Harupia to stop. The block of metal would begain to glow. In that moment he would stand there and stare at the wall. His eyes were shifting at rapid speeds as he was looking at the wall. Once he was done in his surverying, he would look over to Harupia and Hakuren. "This is fine."<i></i> He would begin, "This is normal."<i></i> The glowing continued. The new elemental metal was beginning to hard and complete itself in the process of transformation. The glowing would slow down. "This too is very normal."<i></i> He would add. Harupia and Hakuren were not journeymen. There was the notion that the two of them might be panicking about the whole conversion process. Thus this lead to the Steward mentioning on a few occasions that this was indeed fine. He would continue to watch as the glowing would stop entirely. "I'm not going to say it again, but don't worry."<i></i> He spoke almost as if he sounded bored. The block of ice would then break away on its own revealing the newly converted wall panel. The wall panel had changed colour as it was now dark grey.

"So. If one were to take a piece of iron and smack it against the wall they would be sent flying backwards and the piece of said iron would shatter. You're welcome to try it, but you've been warned."<i></i> He would speak quickly on the matter. He would nod his head. "Let's take a moment, regenerate, and then proceed to the next panel. The oil certainly was helpful in lieu of not having a third person to use a fire jutsu."<i></i> It seemed like a compliment, and it was indeed one. He would look to Riyota, then to Harupia, then to Hakuren. "It's not a pretty colour, but it works. Please inform me when you are ready for the next wall panel. We'll get the hang of this. I'm not sure what we're hanging to in literal terms, but ... we will be masters at this."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
It seemed the synchronization between the three of them was quite good all things considered. He did look towards Riyota with a bit of concern as he saw him bleeding, but he did focus on the task at hand. Rushing over to him with his nonexistant medical skills wouldn't do much good, and he seemed to be recovering fast enough...even conversing with the kid next to him. He kept the freezing ray going, feeling his hands shiver from the coldness as it slowly encased the needed section fo the wall before Sosuke let ho the signal to halt. As he did so the stream ended quite abruptly, causing the Joining to step back from the force. His entire body shiver as the adrenaline rush ceased and he started feeling the coldness though he quickly tried to balance it. There was a fine line between hurting yourself and not with any element, so he always circulated the chakra through his hands to return them to a normal temperature.

As this went on He watched the wall reacted to the treatment, Sosuke constantly chiming up with how it was all good. Harupia did raise a brow at his constant repetition as the wall glowed with is slowly subsiding. He wasn't all that Savy with the type of science Sosuke dabbled him, but he trusted him enough that he would say something is wrong if that were the case. Though he couldn't help but chuckle as he warmed himself at his tone. Almost as if h wanted something to go amiss. He would finally state once the glow was done and the wall gave a metallic sheen that by this point the reinforcing was done. It did look quite impressive...though it was one of many sections. rubbing hands against each other "Evey hand helps here. But this was well done "he said turning to Riyota and the younger boy while saying "We can wonder about the ascetic later on... I do have a few ideas. I should be ready in a moment...though now that we know that the process worked as you intended we could perhaps pool from the more general Shinobi populace "he pondered. While he was no longer the leader of the village, he was sure Sosuke did have some sway over the ranks in the village.
May 6, 2015
"Anywhere but the Red Lights." Riyota responded to Hakuren's question. "The Sake is...whatever but you'll want to get everything else likely from the richer part of the village." He paused for a moment to wipe the blood away from his mouth. "It'll be pricier, but anything from the Red lights is more likely to blow up in your face than anywhere else. Take it from me." He raised a hand and pointed to the left side of his face which was painted with scars over a rough patch of skin all the way from his jaw to his hairline. "You want to keep fire, far away from your face." He smirked slightly before getting back to his feet.

He briefly inspected the finished metal, checking for any major flaws or imperfections with it before addressing both Sousuke and Harupia. "Looks like we've made fine work of it. Mr. Harupia while I understand and agree with your suggestion to bring in more villagers for expediency. There could lie a problem where too many people would then know the secret to the forging process and leak it to enemies beyond the wall." He cast his eyes to Sousuke for confirmation or correction, whichever was appropriate. If confirmation was received Riyota would turn to look at Hakuren again and sternly yet calmly say "So you'd better keep your lips sealed young man."

'Young man, I'm hardly old myself yet I'm talking down to this kid like he's five.' He mentally scolded himself.

"In any case, I'm ready and able to continue with the rest as soon as you two are." He remarked with a smile. Although his statement wasn't entirely true, he would be fine for a bit but continually focusing on such a volatile element would likely illicit many complaints from his heart if he kept on too long. He didn't convey this thought to the others however.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren made a mental note not to go to the red light district for the supplies. Well except for the sake because where else would he get people willing to sale him alcohol. Perhaps he should pour the sake into new bottles after hearing those words of wisdom. Hakuren would really not want to end up his hand to end up like riyota’s face, though his is unsure of the chances of that with an explosive cocktail. When Riyota mentions about the risks of the secret to the forging process being leaked Hakuren begins to back away. “Yeah, I’m going to be go looking for those supplies while the day is still young.” Hakuren would of coarse not willing give up such secrets, but he was not really confident in himself not to yield to torture or genjutsu. Hakuren prides himself as a seeker of knowledge but some knowledge comes with risks.

(left topic)

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The trio of Sousuke, Riyota, and Harupia worked well into the night. The three of them were taking breaks in between. Slowly but surely their efforts and labour bore fruit. The village, including the Toraono dojo, were behind a wall. The colour of the wall was not a pretty one, but this new found elemental metal was going to prove durable. The Steward half expected Kuro or someone from the dojo to come out and ask him what he was doing, but nothing happened. Either way whether the Toraono clan liked it or not, they were no longer considered outside of the village, the structure was within the confines of the wall. To those looking at the wall going up, they would see the distant glow of the metal being transformed. They would see a rarity in the desert, they would see ice. Strange activities indeed, but they would see the completion of the new gates. With the coming war with the Daimyo, the village would need to keep a tight check on security.

When the final portion of the wall had been transformed. The Steward would take a seat and he would be silent as he would admire his work. For the first time, ever, it would seem like the man was actually exhausted. The wall was something he wanted to get done and done quickly. There was some saying that some antiquated place was not built in a day. Sousuke considered challenging that statement. There was the physical aspect to it, but at the same time there was the socio-political elements to it. Maybe that is what they referred to as the place in question not being completed in one day. "Would have went a bit faster if we had Roku, but ... I'm glad we did get it done in one go all the same."<i></i> Sousuke would tap the side of his head. "We'll come up with a name for this thing. Later. Not now. We've all earned ourselves a rest... and maybe a drink."<i></i> Sousuke rise up. "Alright, in we go."<i></i> He would announce as he would lead his fellow sunans into the village past the brand new walls which they all built together.

[Topic to conclude, if Haru or Riyota want to post an exiting post, that'd be grand]

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He couldn't help but smile a bit as he saw Riyota give advice to the young student with them... though suggesting he was to buy Sake was a bit puzzling. Then again whatever raw material you needed for explosive. The man who had a mastery of the more volatile elements turned to him as he mentioned getting more hands on deck, which made him furrow his brow in thought for a second before saying "Well, there is a point in that... Legends always talk about that one man who rises a village with his bare hands... I guess we shall learn the limits of our hands today, gentleman?" he said with a hint of exasperation in his voice. He wasn't afraid of hard work...but he never did look forward to it either.

And the day went on, with seemingly little least for them. For the remainder of the village, the display probably was somewhat perplexing as the construction crew of a Giant Beetle and three Shinobi made their way around the village. It went with little incident, in spite of what some people felt about the implications of such structures. he could feel an air of tension when they worked around the Toranao Dojo, who always existed as a buffer between the village and the outside desert in a way...yet Kuro did not show. Perhaps this was already talked over...perhaps there would be violated talks happening soon. But he kept on going, focusing his Chakra into the stream fo pure sub-zero cold, cooling down the metal as needed. It was peculiar...he never pushed the limits of the foreign element that far. At times he could almost feel his hand grow numb, though proper mediation and a bit of heat from his friends did manage to restore the balance... though he'd probably need to check with the Medical wing just in case. Hyperthermia was something he had an idea about due to his learning how to control Ice.

In the end, if Sosuke looked exhausted, Harupia looked almost as if he was one foot in the grave. His tanned skin somewhat pail, his hands covered in a faint sheen of frost which didn't melt as the day passed, yet his brow covered in sweat. He would nod with a slight shiver saying "N-naming's hard...can wait...also need to...come up with some...p-proper coloration...and iconography" he mused, a bit of his mind thinking about the large, chunks of dark near impenetrable metal as a canvas of sorts...and it was exciting in a way. After that he would say " A Drink sounds fine...but I probably need a s-hower...or bath...and a feast perhaps." he would proceed Sosuke while looking at Riyota, backing him to follow as he said " hard as it was... this does feel pretty good" he mused half to himself looking at the structure he helped build. A massive vanguard of protection. Time would tell how effectivtheit would be...and it maybe wouldn't fix all he issues inside the village...but he felt he did something good today. And he felt well with it.

(exit, stage left)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
