Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year [Christmas Party]


Oct 23, 2012
The energy of crackling electricity shooting through the air made the hairs on the back of Okibi's neck stand up. She turned with a frownd, intent on knocking the skulls of whatever little hooligans thought it would be funny to shoot off a jutsu during her party, but the sight of an approaching blonde wiped it right off her face. All thoughts of skull knocking fluttered away, and she smiled as he stepped up next to her. She slipped her arm under one of his and gave his shoulder an affectionate nuzzle. "Thanks. And the cakes in the back. Theyre putting finishing touches on it." The last part she said in a whisper so Sousuke wouldnt over hear.

Now, although Okibi had no intentions of chastising her mate for his slightly reckless use of lightning in a crowded area, that apparently didnt mean that no one else would refrain. Her eyes widened with surprise when none other than Yume - the friendly mednin - marched over and lighted into her date with the force of a wrecking ball. On one hand, Okibi couldnt help being affronted that her friend would insult and criticise her choice in mates right in front of her, but on the other hand . . . she couldnt help finding the situation to be funny. Slapping a hand over her mouth, she tried not to laugh as Yume stomped away and into the crowd, disappearing as suddenly as she'd appeared.

Her cheeks pink with suppressed laughter, Okibi looked up at her poor Tama, trying to smile consolingly. "She did have a point." She said as she rubbed his arm. "But your protective reflexes are very admirable." And she tiptoed up so she could gift him with a quick kiss to the jaw.

Sinking back down to her feet, she laughed as Haru made a joke about not making her so angry before taking his leave as well. He couldnt have been more right really. Had it been anyone other than Tama, she would have done much more than scold them.

At this point, their small group had the great displeasure of being graced with a certain elder's presence. A soft growl started up in her throat as Okibi clung tighter to Tama's arm. She didnt want to 'accidentally' attack the old woman. When she'd found out that Mako had straight up lied to her, Tama and Ame about their passing their tests, it'd taken everything in her not to track the woman down and challenged her to . . . something. A fight, a bake off, an eating contest; something to put the bat in her place. Having her show up to the party she'd worked so hard to plan and put together put the white haired girl very on edge.

And did she hear right? Her grandson's party? This was Okibi's party, dammit!

Unless the woman was blowing their cover . . . The presentation of a gift set Okibi's teeth to grinding. Did the old woman not understand the concept of a surprise birthday party? Couldnt she had waite another half an hour or so!?

Then she had the gall to insinuate that Okibi would push Sousuke to smoking? The nerve! Was she capapble of saying anything without making it into an insult? Seriously, if her hands werent locked aroung Tama's bicep . . . Maybe she could get one of the gingerbread men to throw her out . . .

Okibi was only slightly mollified with Sousuke stood up for her and Tama's honor. She lifted her head and nose, glaring at Mako, though the old woman was even looking at them. When she was gone, the girl breathed a loud sigh of relief and expelled frustration. "Can we not invite her next year?" Okibi muttered, mostly to herself, although she did find the idea to hold some merit.

She turned to Sousuke with a raised eyebrow when he asked if anyone had seen Yume. Did he not see the mednin lashing Tama with her tongue not a few minutes ago? "She was just here Sogay . . . werent you paying attention?" She asked with a grin. For someone who was supposed to be enamored with the green haired she-ninja, he could certainly be oblivious to her sometimes.

The approach of Seven and Maji caught Okibi's attention. Her canine companion nodded towards the boy, making Okibi raise an eyebrow. She watched the white haired child as Seven walked past her to stand next to Sousuke and Judori. The sudden offering of a red rose surprised her, and she let go of Tama so she could reach for the gift and lift it to her nose for a smell. When she pulled it away, she was smiling brightly. "Thanks Kid." She said with a laugh, not taking offense to the way he worded his compliment. Then she reached for his head, swept his bangs back and pulled him forward so she could slap a kiss on his forehead. Letting him go, she ruffled his hair before lifting the rose and working it into her hair beside the holly. "How do I look?" She asked two of her favorite fellows, turning this way and that so she could model the flower for them.

Next to Sousuke and Judori, Seven coughed as he cleared his throat. "I saw Miss Mako leaving you just now." He turned to the Stewards mother. "Would you like me to fetch you something Miss Chiyoko? To ease the tension?" Because it was so very obvious that the older woman's presence had disturbed the younger.


Away from the 'life' of the party, near the egg nog and punch bowls, stood a woman who - unlike most everyone else at the party - was not dressed in her finest. Or anyone's finest really. The tattered layers of her animals skins and the messy fall of her hair had obviously not been cleaned or primped for the get together, and it didnt seem like she cared either. She leaned against the beverage table, her staff of bones and skull mask nowhere to be found. Her mismatched eyes roved over the party goers lazily, simply taking them all in. Most of them looked like they were having fun.

Maybe she could do something to help them have more fun?

Grinning, she discreetly reached into one of the pouches tied to her waist and walked over to the eggnog and the punch. Pulling her hand back out, she took the ladle in hand and grabbed a small cup, and as she stirred the eggnog she let her fingers relax, letting a very light dust like substance fall into the beverage. She continued to stir the nog until it was fully incorporated, then spooned some out into the cup.

What was that she'd just spiked the nog with? Just a light hallucinogen, thats all. The effects would last only a few minutes for whoever drank it. It would depend entirely upon the person how they chose to handle the hallucinations.

Walking away from the table, Hakumei scanned the crowd for a certain familiar face. Her rings in her ears and the bangles on her arms and legs jingled with every movement. When she spotted him, her face broke out into a devious grin and she made a beeline for Sousuke and his group. She sneaked up behind the Steward and scaled her fingers up his back, mimicking the movements of a spider.

"Quite the party, my Wee Falcon." She said as she maneuvered to his side. She didnt pay anyone else in the circle mind as she tiptoed and looked into his mug. Eggnog, perfect. Smiling, she lifted the cup she'd brought with her and dumped the contents into his empty mug. "Getting low there. Have a refill Little Bird."


OOC: More numbers!

Aisuteru: 483134

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
After making a spectacle of herself, Yume made a direct retreat for the nearest table that contained food and loaded up a small plate with various meats, cheeses, and crackers as well as a sampling of Olgav’s confections. Picking up a glass, her hand would reach for a ladle in a vat of eggnog only to bump against the knuckles of a wild looking woman. Her feral scent would cling inside the Inuzuka’s nostrils and for a moment should would catch her eyes and stare. Glancing to her staff and then at her clothes, she would be reminded of how Okibi looked when they first met. Mumbling an apology in a canine tongue, she would reach for the next bowl over, scooping out some nog and filling her glass. Picking a tidbit from her plate, she would pop it into her maw before taking up he meal and departing.

Turning around, her inebriated blush would intensify as she found the lady that had been standing with her brother and Uri was now standing behind her. Hurriedly finishing the slice of roast beef that was in her mouth she would look for a free table and gesture to it, leading the way for the women to sit. She was catch a glimpse of Harupia and offer him smile but didn’t call out to him. Uri’s mother had wanted to talk and he was already speaking with the redhead who had confronted Okibi earlier. They would have a chance to talk later. Placing down the plate between the two of them, Yume would pull out the matron’s chair before seating herself and crossing on leg over the other in an attempt to appear more civilized.

Many apologies, Kuroda-san. It was not my intention to meet you that way. My outburst was prompted by the actions of a fool and so I reacted foolishly. I’m very, unbelievably sorry. Not to mention, I don’t drink and I haven’t eaten so I really should not have done that.

The warmth of the amber liquid she had stolen from her brother was starting to cascade over her skin and make her head feel a little numb and disoriented. In an attempt to combat the situation, she would begin to make stacks with the items on her plate and pop them into her mouth, chew, and swallow before continuing onto the next one. After two or three of the creations, she took up her glass and had a sip of eggnog before responding with a little more clarity.

It’s just that there’s this boy. Doesn’t it always start with a boy? Anyway, he acts before he thinks an awful lot and it just gets me the wrong way. He’s brilliant. I’ve read his work. It’s just that it seems he only uses his brain when it comes to research. It’s the most infuriating thing ever. If only his smarts would translate into his encounters with me then perhaps I could have a conversation with him that didn’t make me irate. He’s involved with a friend of mine and I get extremely protective of her when he does things like throwing lightning in a crowd of people at a teddy bear. It’s really not my place. She can take care of herself. Shinji tells me that I, and I quote, ‘am burdened with glorious purpose.’ I think he means I’m full of myself.

A fit of giggles would proceed to over take the young woman again as the liquor had loosened her inhibitions just a little. It was unusual for her to spill this much to a complete stranger but there was something about Uri’s mother that reminded her of her own; a sense of comfort that the girl missed going through her teen-years with just a brother. Composing herself a little but leaving the smile plastered to her cheeks, she would look the older woman over.

It must be nice having your son back from his travelling.


Offering a wave and a bow as the two departed, he turned to Uri in time to see him extend his hand in greeting. He would take it and return the handshake in kind.

Kuroda-san, feel free to call me Shinji. She’s spoken of you as well and I’m glad your demeanour does her stories justice. She told me of a world traveller who was kind hearted and perpetually smiled. I worried for a moment that someone was doing her the injustice of taking advantage of her naivety. By the way you treat your mother, that’s not the case. No man can treat his loved ones so well and treat other people so poorly.

The eldest Sagasu placed his hand leisurely in his pocket and would look around as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. Neither of the siblings were great with social interaction as small-talk was never something they were taught. They struck to the heart of the matter and spoke in specifics. Looking down into his empty glass he would purse his lips as he gathered his thoughts, bringing his eyes up to meet Uri’s once he had begun talking.

Perhaps this is too serious of a discussion during such a festive party but I wanted to make my concerns known. She’s spoken about going with you the next time you go out; she wants to find out if Amegakure still exists and possibly find what’s left of our family. That’s fine; she’s old enough to make her own decisions and kind enough to be accepted almost anywhere she goes. I worry more for her safety. If she were to go with you, would you keep her safe?

His brow above his brown gaze would crease with worry as his eyes besought an answer of assurance from the seasoned shinobi.


Oct 22, 2012

Oichi allowed Yume to vent her frustrations. No matter the type of person she was, when someone had that type of reaction they had something they would want to get out before anything more could be done. A small titter followed as the med-nin finished her explanation. A laugh not meant to demean, but one of understanding as Oichi had been someone of a similar nature many years ago.

"Yume-chan, it just means you care a lot,"<i></i> She started and reached forward, placing a careful hand on top of one of Yume's free ones, "And boys are often like that, especially at a younger age. Especially those that are shinobi. Just because they can bend chakra, they think they're some magnificent gift to the world and they're obligated to show-off what they can do at every opportunity that pops up."<i></i> She gave Yume's hand a gentle pat and retracted hers, sure the young woman wished to continue eating unencumbered, "But we can take satisfaction in the fact no one was hurt, right? So people will look at this boy like a fool, he will learn from his rash mistake and hopefully mature towards becoming a better person. We can't always focus on the things that are bad, or else we'll always be miserable!"<i></i>

There was a brief glimpse as to where Uri got his optimistic attitude. However, anyone who had known the Kuroda family when it was whole knew it had come from her husband, the ability to always see the good in everyone and everything. At the mention of Uri, Oichi smiled fondly, and nodded.

"Of course it is. Uri just makes me smile. He makes everyone smile. It's what he does, and he's so much like his father that I've often confused the two since he's been back."<i></i> There was a brief pause in the lady Kuroda's speech, and a brief streak of worry crossed over her face, "But I know he won't be here forever. He'll choose to leave again and go back out into the great, wide world. This cave has never been his favorite place. His father took ill not too longer after the maelstrom forced us down here, and to watch his father pass away in the shadows, in the disarray of the transition, it devastated him."<i></i> Now it was Oichi's turn to realize that she had divulged more information than maybe she had intended, but she wasn't upset about that. Uri had so few people who could understand him because all they could see was the smile and the kindness, but never see the suffering he had endured growing up. Smile returning once more, she folded her hands together on the table, a prominent black ring with elegant engravings rested on her finger, made from a material that would seem familiar to Yume, "So dear, Uri has told me you wish to travel one day. There's some family you want to find, right?"<i></i>


"Good observation."<i></i> Uri reached up and touched at the corners of his mouth, mock surprise leaking into his tone, "I guess I do smile all the time. Who would have thunk it?"<i></i> There was a brief laugh, "But yes, I love my mother more than anything else in this world and treat her as if a rare treasure."<i></i>

While the Sagasu weren't the most socially adept individuals, missing out on the finer skill sets used in encounters, Uri had taken much time polishing his and with it came an astute ability to read a person's mindset. Shinji was a most serious individual and dealt with things in a more upfront manner. The drink spoke a lot about him too. Seeing as how he wasn't dressed to the nines, going with something refined, but nothing over the top he drank hard liquors to help ease his mind, one that's burdened with torrents of imperceptible thoughts.

Or Uri could be completely off-base.

His gut-instinct was usually pretty good, though.

And the concerned older brother as well. Respectable and almost expected considering how few their familly was, much like Uri and his mother. Uri visage remained the same, a calm smile spread across his lips as he briefly considered the question, "If she decides to follow me through those gates, then I would accept the responsibility and protect her with my life."<i></i> The chuunin was also keenly aware how words only carried so much weight, but luckily Uri also had the benefit of proof to add to his promise, "I'm sure we could also take a stroll into the tower and rustle up my records since my return to the village. They're almost as impressive as the seventy-year-old scotch they have at the bar."<i></i>

That was when Uri remembered there was something else he could show Shinji, "Or how about the fact that every moving gingerbread man exists because I will them to?"<i></i> For all but a brief second, where ever Shinji would look, a living man made of dough and sugar would be staring at him before returning to whatever task at hand they had stopped, "And besides, Shinji-kun.."<i></i> Uri's smile widened, "If I can help you find your family, it would be a most worthwhile endeavor to fend off the evils of the world for a bit."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Large gulps were taken as the thoughtless shinobi mingled at the counter with his small glass. He was throwing back the drinks moderately but still tossing them back. "Number 4, time for number 5. The red headed warrior would raise his chiseled arm making the motion for the bartender to come closer. He'd push his cup out nodding, knowing the language of the drink would speak for itself. He'd eye the drink before taking another gulp coming to terms with the reality of the situation. This merry festive event could not hide the true nature of his mind forever. The only thing pushing back the thoughts of his clan was the alcohol. It was clear, bitter, and scorched the back of his throat. Just the way he liked it, something else to focus on as he drank, something he didn't like but took down anyways. It was quite funny the reasons people drank sometimes. Koga wasn't trying to forget anything but he was trying to take his mind off of it. Currently the object of his thoughts that kept pursuing the driver seat, were those of his dead kinsmen. Ouma's younger brother who was trying to be strong in his sister's absence but was clearly still tormented on the inside. He was a tough kid one who could survive this ordeal but it would take time. Maybe time that Koga nor could the village's joyful presence could erase the pain. Not overnight at least, and the thought of that brought the warrior even more thoughts.

Wow, I made a total flirtatious ass of myself and honestly for what? His smile for a few moments. Yet even he realized it that smile that joy, it's all temporary. Just like these drinks, I'm forcing them down but to what end? I don't even like alcohol but the bitter stuff like this brings me what I seek. A distraction, but that doesn't mean the thoughts will fade they'll be there... Koga would palm his head and call for another drink. He was going back into focus fading into reality once more, the reality he did not wish to face at the moment. However the reminders the constant cup of these distractions was not enough to satisfy him. However that was until a voice, one that was unfamiliar to his ears drew his attention to that of another conversation.

"I see you managed to escape the wrath of the fluffy one?"

A smile spread across Koga's rosy cheeks. This person made an obvious callback to the situation with the stuffed teddy bear. "Yes it seems I incurred the wrath of multiple beings. A teddy bear, a puppeteer, and a mad scientist. Who could have known that the snowflake would have so many guards. Although judging from the current mood, it seems as though the mad scientist was her lover. Maybe he doesn't like teddy bears pushing up on his woman?" Koga would chuckle and burp covering his mouth as his eyes slightly widened. He'd turn his head to meet eye to eye with the man who had spoke to him. "Sorry about that I'm not usually so chatty but this is number 5... *he'd raise his hand* number 6. I'm Ikoji Koga, new resident of Sunagakure, and you are?" He'd extend his hand hoping to have the feelings reciprocated. Whether or not it was shook, he would use that same hand to take up his drink and throw it back once more.

"Do you want to try? Mine as well spread the love, what brings you out to the festival anyways?" A harmless and simple question. Hopefully one that could spark some kind of conversation, something to entertain him and his new visitor.


Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Shigeo looked around a bit more tying to fish out His son muttering "Always on the run, the little twerp..." to which his wife replied "Come on now darling, we came here to enjoy ourselves. Perhaps if you would unwind a bit more your son wouldn’t try to get away from you during such a lighthearted event". The Sunaku leader sigh saying "It would be nice of him to make a good impression before any future council meeting..." to which she replied "He's in the good grace of the Steward, he can do fine for himself. And I think he's working on making a good impression on someone else...come now, try to enjoy yourself a bit, hmm?" she said with a soft smile, placing a quick kiss on his lips before moving to the side. With a slight grumble, Shigeo moved a bit closer towards Sousuke and his father.

Kohana moved a bit closer to Okibi, wanting to learn more about the girl under the care of their Steward. Out of anything she least expected him to have such a fraternal instinct...she was quite surprised to see and hear about her from Harupia. And she felt a bit curious about the girl. She was quite young...but she had ties to a powerful family, after all. As she moved closer she saw the young boy gift her a single rose. How sweet of him... Kohana was always fond of gestures like that. After Okibi put the flower into her hair, she interjected in a gentle voice "You look quite dazzling lady Okibi. To think the last time I saw you were a cute child...time does fly by fast, and now you have a admirers pining for you attention" she said with a chuckle, gently running her hand through Maji's hair, slightly tiding it up after Okibi while saying "Such a polite boy you are...Pardon my curiosity, but does this happen to be you younger sibling Okibi? The resemblance between you two seems rather close" she finally asked. That wasn’t the most obvious option to her... but it didn’t really seem likely that this could be her child. At least not with him being so grown up. Curious indeed. Kohana was always curious about such things. You never know when it could come in handy.
Shigeo would speak up to Sousuke and Judori saying "Looking for a friend? I’m afraid my son wandered of himself as well...honestly, can’t keep a hold of him. Always with his head in the clouds. Good to see you in good health Judori, especially after seeing what you have to put up with. Luckily my parents were a bit more... polite in their elder years...May they rest in peace" he ended one slightly somber note. And then the exotic lady came to Sosukes aid, filling his cup with more eggnog. Rising a brow, he would smile in a cheeky fashion while saying "Ahh, Sousuke-san, using this grand occasion to introduce a lady ehh? Seems to fit the occasion...though let me warn you, my wife will probably not let the two of you rest once she catches sight of you" he concluded, admiring the Stewards taste in women...if only his son would finally settle down for a bit.
Speaking of which, Haru managed to achieve first contact with the red haired Shinobi. He did see Yume acknowledge his presence, but as he thought she was busy conversing with the lady. For now he had someone other to entertain. Grasping the extended hand squeezing it in a firm grip while saying "Sunaku Harupia, born and raised in our fine village. Pleasure to make your acquaintance... And yes, Okibi-chan has quite a crowd around her tonight. hardly can blame them, hehe. And as for Tama...lets just say he had an unpleasant experience with animated plush toys. So he might be a bit edgy..." he said in a pondering tone. He still felt a bit weird, being big after being a dwarf...though he did look nice in the beard, if he could say so himself.

After that, as Koga offered him a drink, he would sip on his own saying "I’ll try it after I’m done with mine...though I'm a bit of a slower drinker. Though I can’t blame you for wanting to make the best use of the open bar, haha. And well, I’m just here en enjoy myself, talk with a few of my friends... also managed to get my parents here with me, mingling with some people...hope I won’t grow to regret it" he said with a more nervous chuckle. After that he said "Ikoji... not a name I’m to familiar with. Though I heard rumblings about a new family joining us in our little enclave...Am I right to assume you’re a member of the clan?" he asked, taking another sip of his drink while sitting down comfortably with the male. Seemed like it could be a nice conversation here.

Iyashinote Aisuteru

New Member
Oct 27, 2013
He leaves the two teenagers alone, noticing that the spill was cleaned. He looks around him, noticing the music players not far behind... her. He noticed how many people approached her and so he was finally approaches the beautiful woman in red, white and bells; she semms to be the one running the place, or at least the one in charge. She appeared to be the hostess, or at least someone of high importance.
He tugs at her dress, "Okibi?" he wasn't sure if he heard it right or not, he didn't want to be rude- he did notice the other people that formed around her.
"Are you the one whole threw this all together?" He takes a look around then looks to the golden throne. "Do you know anything about the golden throne?"

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
When asked if he had noticed Yume was here a few moments ago Sousuke merely coughed and scratched the back of his head. "Apparently not. Dealing with my grandmother requires me to... be completely and utterly focused on her. If she's not given her proper attention, she tends to make quite a scene... which thankfully did not occur."<i></i> Sousuke began to play with the lighter. He was opening it up and then closing it. To him this was a replacement for the rubix cube he had completely trashed. Due in no small part to a certain someone who he was just speaking with. Just as that had occurred Maji decided to stroll on by. The small boy looking quite dashing, and almost Takahashian. He was promptly reminded of his ancestor Shiro in a few ways.

Sousuke was then inquired upon by lady Kohana about the smoking bit. "Worry not... I've heard the most terrible things about Tobacco, how it is addicting and ... causes one to have most unpleasant experiences later on in life."<i></i> He continued to play with the device though. A flame flickered from it for a moment. It was then the Sunaku spoke of Harupia disappearing. "Ah. Yes he has disappeared hasn't he? He's quite invaluable as a companion. Sometimes I tend to ... go on about certain items at length, and him just listening to me is quite a help. He does offer his insight which much like his presence is invaluable..."<i></i>

Judori let out a 'hrmph' "Sounds like someone else we know eh Shiego? Of course in our case ... I was the older one." The former Steward let out a laugh at Shiego having lost the battle over Tabacco with his wife. "My dear Shiego. It isn't too bad now is it? Or is it your pride? Hrmph... I know the feeling of injured pride slightly too well..."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Chiyoko chimed in. Judori let out a short coughed and assured her he meant nothing. Number Seven had then inquired if she wanted anything due to being graced by her mother's presence. The Masashi's eyes seemed to soften a bit. "Ah... er..." Her eyes shifted left and then right. "I should look after myself. Can't have you being thrown out because I asked you to get me a drink... but I think... I'll go get myself something slightly strong. Thank-you though." The Masashi then poked at Number Seven's nose slightly playfully before being on her way.

Sousuke was given a slight pause when Shiego spoke of a lady at his size. "I beg your pardon? I'm not sur--"<i></i> It was then he heard the sound of a famaliar voice. Sousuke closed his eyes and winced for a moment. Yes. This was going to be difficult. How was he going to explain himself out of this one... Sousuke looked down at his drink. "Yes. Quite. This is Hakumei. She's of a shamanistic background of sorts."<i></i> He explained. There was another pause. When Shiego then spoke of his wife making a grand commentary of how she would not him or Hakumei rest once spotted the Steward and her. Together. Sousuke swirlled his drink about for a moment. "We're not a couple. Acquaintances. Friends."<i></i> Sousuke clarified before taking a sip from his polluted drink. "Mmm... thank-you Hakumei... nonetheless."<i></i> Sousuke blinked as the effects began to slightly take effect. Suddenly his father was quite a bit taller wearing purple armour and looking quite ancient. Sousuke turned his head to seeing Okibi now taller and slightly green. Harupia in the distance was wearing red and blue, and his hair was bright yellow. A slightly troubled look came over Sousuke as his mother now had red hair and had blue skin. Someone in the distance was large, red, and quite hulking. "Hrrmm."<i></i> Sousuke looked down at his drink. He noticed that his suit was changed too now looking to be black and red. Well now. Maybe his father was right earlier. Maybe the drink was indeed spiked.

WC: 672

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
I’m a Chunnin now!<i></i>” was the only thing Tama could think of to yell back at Yume who just ran up on him with a flurry of disappointed sentences. Yet even then a smile was on his face and his hand hand found itself on Okibi’s hip as he simply grinned at the Inuzuka that stomped away from the couple and the small crowd that was starting to gather there. As much as he wanted to stay by her side for the majority of the night it seemed her popularity was clashing with his embedded anti-socialism.

Just as he had decided he was going to let Okibi know he was going to meander off to another part of the party he felt the energy in the room suddenly shift. His bi-colored eyes shot over in the distances of her as the scar on his abdomen began to burn a little. He had been certain to include her chakra signature on the list of ‘people who were not invited’ but, it seemed that the crafty old bat had plenty of tricks up her sleeves. The hand on his mate’s waist clenched a little, mostly in the attempt to keep her still, as the two of them stared absolute daggers at the woman giving Sousuke a lighter. The collective fury between Okibi and Tama would of put Yume’s little rant a second ago to shame. By mercy of the gods above did she decide to take her leave out of their eyeshot and hopefully the hostess’ scent ability.
I’m positive that I had her chakra signature blocked by the barrier. I’ll need to do a little bit more studying into shielding techniques later to make sure this doesn’t happen again. You would think that being able to erect a barrier without weaving seals would be enough. Apparently not,<i></i>” Tama leaned in a little and whispered something into his lover’s ear about going over to the bar for a bit before giving her ear lobe a playful little nip. Thankfully he hand’t heard anything about her lack of small clothes because if he had he probably would of stuck to her like white on rice; purely out of curiosity as to why.

He still couldn’t help but notice how great her rear looked in that dress regardless of any previous knowledge regarding panties as he walked away with one last look over his shoulder.

Tama walked up to the bar and leaned one elbow on it. The grin of a content person graced his lips as he ordered a glass of straight rum on ice with a spritz of lime. With the eight-ball glass in his hand he turned to lean his back against the bar and sip gently at the bitter liquid as his eyes stayed rather focused on his mate and her red dress. She had turned into one hell of a distraction as the experiments and studies left at his house had been untouched for quite some months now. He secretly wondered if he would ever get enough interest to go back to them...even deeper in his heart than that secret was the hope that he wouldn’t need to.


Yoen helped Amy wipe the eggnog on his jacket off, really happy that it hadn’t hit her at all. He could simply remove the over shirt if he really needed to, since this was a party full mostly of shinobi, but the strength of her wiping had really dried up most of the liquid of the drink.
Holy crap you’re strong”, Yoen muttered a little with a somewhat shocked look on his face. He wasn’t used to women who had the arm strength to honestly force the liquid of a viscus fluid out of cloth to the point of the spot actually being dry. Most of the women he was seen with were pretty ‘damsels’ that had no real shinobi backgrounds.
Maybe his problem was that he wasn’t dating a ninja.

So, guess we need some more eggnog?


Oct 23, 2012
A shiver passed through her spine when Tama nipped her ear, and she watched forlornly as he walked away. She was tempted to follow him - because she scarcely enjoyed being separated from him - but the conversation around her held her back. It'd be rude to leave everyone who was talking to her hanging. So, with a sigh and a promise to herself to weedle a dance out of her mate later, she turned back to the chatter, smiling at Harupia's mother.

With a laugh, she fluffed her hair, "Thank you." She said to the woman, pleased that someone had answered her question. Nevermind that neither of the young men the question was intended for had bothered. Males. She blinked owlish when Kohana inquired about her relation to Maji, then grinned. "Yup, that's right." She declared, hunkering down next to Maji in a squat, being sure to keep her legs tightly closed. She pulled the boy close to her and held his head still while she placed a particularly loud and obnoxious kiss on his cheek. "My little brother, right Kid?" She said with a laugh, ruffling the hair that Kohana had just tidied again. Oh, but she did love messing with the boy.

The appearance of another little boy drew Okibi's attention away from the white haired lad, considering he somehow knew her name, despite the fact that she didnt know who he was. Okibi looked at the boy with wide eyes, listened as he peppered her with a couple questions. Smiling, she waddled closer to the unknown child, looking like she was about to tell him a big secret. "That's the Winter King's chair. He's gonna pay us a visit, and when he gets here, all you kids get to ask him for one thing. Any one thing and he'll give it to you." Chuckling, she stood back up, stretching her legs. "I'm kinda tempted to talk to him myself. I mean, I'm still pretty young too you know." She said to the gathering.

Her good humor was suddenly dowsed when a familiar scent tickled her nose. Okibi looked towards Sousuke, and wasnt surprised to see a certain witch hanging off his arm. A soft growl started up in her chest, her eyes narrowing. "Party crashers everywhere . . ." She muttered to herself before suddenly looking around the vast party, searching for someone. She let loose a sharp whistle as she stepped away from the crowd. The children who'd been at the gate suddenly appeared beside her, looking ready for directions. "Operation Mistletoe. Go!" She said, snapping her fingers. The kids saluted her comically, and then disappeared. Okibi looked around again and sniffed the air, tracking a certain scent. When she found it, she raced back into the group and grabbed Seven, then rushed back out again.

The dog in human guise didnt utter a word as he was unceremoniously plucked and pulled into the throngs of party goers, barely able to keep his feet on the ground as his human tored through at a breakneck pace. He bumped into her back with an 'Oomph'. when she came to a suddenly stop beside a table, upon which were seated two females, one of which Okibi would require some time. Okibi smiled wide and quick at the pair, pushing Seven forward while she gripped Yume's wrist gently and tugged. "Very sorry to interrupt you two, but Yume's assistance is required elsewhere. Ma'am, please enjoy the company of my partner; his name is Seven." She stuffed Seven down into the chair that Yume was in, then made a mad dash back to where she'd left Sousuke being accosted by the shaman she-witch.

Seven blinked for a few moments, then turned to the woman, coughing lightly. "Uh . . . good evening. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Are you enjoying yourself?"

Back with the group, Hakumei was just being pulled away from Sousuke by the little girl, leaving the woman perplexed but grinning. She figured her latching onto Sousuke was going to make something happen, but she didnt think it would be little kids attacking her. Okibi burst back into the group with Yume in tow, and promptly pushed the girl towards Sousuke. "Much better." She declared with a nod, glaring at Hakumei, who only laughed. Then she started to push to two towards a nearby tree, then left them there sort-of alone.

As the couple would have the time to greet each other, they would hear the very light jingling of bells above them. If they looked up, they would see the boy from the front gate lying on one of the trees branches, holding a sprig of a special plant in his hands. It was decorated with a bow and some bells, hence the jingling. From where she stood some distance away, Okibi hollered. "Mistletoe! That means you two have to kiss now!"

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The effects of the drink were wearing off on Sousuke. Slowly people were changing back into normal clothes, and ... normal skin. Sousuke looked down at himself and found himself back in his normal attire. His eyes shifted to the left. "Odorless extra in the top-up?"<i></i> He would merely suggest at Hakumei who seemed to be very much enjoying herself still. Things then got stranger as a little girl appeared to take Hakumei away. It was all quite strange to the Steward. "This is ... quite exceptional."<i></i> Sousuke would speak as he turned to his father and Shiego. Sousuke then watched as Okibi was being quite rough with Yume pulling her forwards and towards him. Oh no. No. No. no. This was not good manners. "Okibi!"<i></i> Sousuke would protest as she shoved Yume at him. The Steward made an apologetic gesture to Shiego and his father. He ran forward to stop Yume from falling over or tripping over something.

Sousuke coughed as he placed his hands on Yume. Well. This was quite awkward. He merely placed his hands on her shoulders trying to merely keep her up and not falling over. Okibi then declared that this scene was much better. He then found himself and Yume being transported to a tree. The two stood under it. This was quite a scene. Sousuke gave Yume an apologetic look of sorts, and then turned to give Okibi a more questionable look as to demand a sort of answer from her. Okibi wouldn't give in obviously to Sousuke's look. He would turn back to Yume. "Good evening Yume. You look quite dashing and lovely this evening."<i></i> Sousuke would say in an attempt to make small talk, and to say his greeting to the girl. It would have been rude if he didn't say anything. Before he could say anything further there were bells ringing. Honestly it did hurt Sousuke's ears a little, but he didn't say anything about it. The sound it was coming from above, and indeed it was. With it was... mistletoe. Sousuke's eyes widened in horror. The blacks of his eyes were quite visible. To make matters worse Okibi then proceeded to remind him of the significance and expected outcome of being under the mistletoe.

Kiss a girl? Sousuke was more used to being beaten by them to be honest. He received a kiss on the cheek before... but the rule of the mistletoe demanded something ... a bit more heated. For the first time, in a long time Sousuke was caught off guard completely. He received hugs by Yume before. They admitted that they liked each other... Okibi and his father knew he was fond of Yume. Shinji knew. Yume knew herself.

Kiss. The word sort of bounced off of Sousuke... but he was bound by tradition to make a move of sorts. Sousuke turned to Yume. "...Mm..."<i></i> Sousuke would rise both of his hands and gently cup Yume's face. He would then lean forward and place a kiss on her forehead. It was a lingering kiss that lasted roughly eight seconds. Sousuke did not think it proper to kiss Yume on the lips, and certainly this demanded more than a simple peck on the cheek. For all the lack of emotion Sousuke had, it was certainly ... impossible not to say that kiss was not full of warmth and a strong fondness towards her. Sousuke released Yume. He didn't make a mad dash away or anything but he did slightly turn red. "Heh... uhm. Happy holidays Sagasu Yume."<i></i> He would say in a very low voice. A smile fromed upon Sousuke's face. "I hope that I wasn't too forward or anything... unpleasant just now."<i></i>

(MFT 616)


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
A bright flush crept across the already pink cheeks of the redhead as she looked up at Yoen, a little taken aback by his shocked expression. Amy was so used to being much stronger than other girls that she sometimes forgot how odd it was to most people. Pushing away the slight embarrassment she felt from his comment, she threw her arms out and flexed her muscles with a grin and nodded. "I do lift heavy bars of metal and swing a hammer for a living, it tends to build quite a bit of arm strength." Her arms were mostly just toned at first glance, but once she was flexing them it was very obvious just how strong she really was - her shoulders took on more definition, accenting her neck and collar bone, and the long, lean muscles in her arms stood out much more, lending her a look similar to a miniature body builder, just not so large and scary.

Still grinning, Amy nodded enthusiastically at the mention of eggnog, she had only just had her first taste of the stuff a few weeks earlier when her father gave her a glass and since then she had just about become hooked on the stuff. Of course, she was still such a light weight that she was sure to make a mental note to be careful how much she drank - she had a tendency to sing loudly and dance like a fool when she drank too much. Slipping her small, but sturdy hand into his, she took a step toward him, gave her incredibly long hair a bit of a flip, and smiled a little more sweetly. "Eggnog sounds like a fantastic idea, lead the way."

[[Sooo short >.< Gotta get back into the swing of writing!]]

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Thoughtfully chewing on a piece of meat and cheese, the young lady nodded in agreement with Oichi’s sage wisdom. No one had been hurt, so in the end it was just a good story; and if it’s a good story then it would make a good lesson. She listened with interest as the matron enlightened her on how her son became the man that his is. There was a reverence in the way she spoke about her late husband and a resigned love that could only be described as the acceptance of a loving mother. She would never ask him to stay because she knew he wasn’t happy here, but she would never really stop worrying either.

I wish I knew you sooner. I lost my mother four years ago. You remind me a lot of her.

As the food filled her stomach the effects of the alcohol would begin to subside, leaving just her extremities feeling a little tingly and warm. A gentle smile would crinkle the corners of her eyes as she catches sight of the ring that was similar to the one that Uri had. Just as her mother had never taken off her wedding ring when Riki hadn’t returned from the mission, it seemed that the Kuroda widow also lived her life in memory of her beloved husband.

Uri offered to take me away from the village and show me the world. I don’t know if I’m ready to see the world but I would like to go to Rain Country where my father was from and find out what really happened. He was told it was destroyed but anytime I ask someone who has left the village they tell me that Amegakure still exists, is thriving even.<i></i>

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing, Yume felt a hand on her wrist and then was being pulled away from the table. In her place, Seven was being shoved into her chair in a human form to keep Oichi company. Bristling with ire, the Inuzuka’s temper began to flare once more as she protested vocally the whole way across the gathering.

Okibi, really? I was in the middle… I… I’ll be right back Kuroda-san. I’m very, very sorry. I’ll… That was really rude Okibi. Is Tama rubbing off on you? I know you like him a lot but his impulsive behaviour is dangerous. Oh who am I kidding. You’ve always been impulsive. You two are just perfect for each other. Besides, what could be so important that you have to drag me from my conversation over to… to… oh goodness… You have got to be kidding me.

With a slight flinging motion, Yume would feel her body being propelled toward Sousuke; stumbling just a little as she tries to slow down. His hands would find her shoulders as she catches her self mid-trip, helping to push her back into a standing position. The compliment would bring a blush to her cheeks and she would respond in kind by dipping into a small curtsey before Okibi would usher them off to stand underneath some ornamental twigs that had been tied together with ribbon and bells. Head tilted up, she would admire the decorations for a tick until the hostess would remind them of the tradition of mistletoe. Her face would flare a brilliant red as her gaze would snap down from the cavern ceiling to look at the Steward. Kiss him? She only had experience kissing one other person before and even that was only twice, and most certainly not in public. What was the protocol for this? Sure, she had expressed her feelings to the Steward but they had never so much as held hands in front of people.

Unsure how to respond, the Inuzuka was frozen with a wide-eyed stare until the Steward took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to her forehead. Her fear would start to melt away and a sense of safety began to settle in; she should have known that despite both of their awkward natures that Sousuke would have more experience in being diplomatic. Closing her eyes, her canine instincts would kick in and she would brush the bridge of her nose across his chin with a contented sigh, nuzzling him for a second before he released his kiss. Her whole body tingled from the experience. Sure it wasn’t the raw fire that Asagao had kissed her with but to her it was far more intimate. Looking up into the eyes of her interest, she would give him a smile that rivalled the sunshine in mid-summer.

Happy Winter-mas, Steward Takahashi Sousuke… You're quite dashing yourself. No. It wasn’t forward at all. It was very pleasant. Most certainly an experience I would repeat.

Raising his hand to her lips, she would place her own kiss beneath the first knuckles on his middle and ring fingers on his right hand, holding it for the same time that he had kissed her. As their hands dropped, she would let their digits linger together, not really wanting to let go. Chewing her lip, she would look down and sway a little, tossing her dress to and fro in an attempt to keep from becoming shy again.

I was speaking with Kuroda Oichi before Okibi pulled me away. She left Seven in my place but I feel dreadfully rude for leaving in such a manner. I should probably go back to her… at the very least to apologize. Have you ever met Uri’s mother? She’s very sweet. You could join me, if you’re not needed else where.

She would tug his fingers where their hands were still joined in a gentle gesture for him to follow her, weaving their way over to where she had left her new acquaintance. Gripping his hand properly, she would stand beside the Steward between the chairs of Oichi and Seven, with a broad smile on her lips.

Have you been keeping her good company, Seven? I’m very sorry that Okibi dragged you into this. Lady Kuroda Oichi, may I present to you Takahashi Sousuke, Steward of Sunagakure.


Shinji would tense up as he felt the candied eyes turn and stare for the smallest of moments before returning to their duties. It wasn’t long but it was long enough to make the chuunin’s shoulders to hunch and his mouth go dry. He would relax his muscles, easing back into a casual stance and let out a slightly nervous-laugh, patting Uri on the shoulder as he did so.

Good. I’m glad you would look out for her. She can take care of herself but she’s a little naive when it comes to the ways of the world. She just needs a brother out there and I… well she never expressed wanting to find our family to me so it must mean she doesn’t want me there.<i></i>

For a second he would look a little dejected. They were best friends growing up and had been through everything together. Sure, CuRua was a little closer to her due to their lineage but he had always been the close second. Now it seemed she was growing up and didn’t need him as much. With a sight he would cast his eyes around to try and catch sight of where his sister had wandered off to.

Looking to where Oichi sat he noticed that there wasn’t an inch of turquoise to be found but instead there was now a young boy keeping Uri’s mother company. A little perplexed, he would continue to scan the crowd until he found her, being dragged by the wrist by a flurry of a woman in a short red dress. He didn’t even recognize her as the one who had almost puked on his shoes in years past. With a little anxiety, he watched as his sister and the Steward were pushed under the mistletoe, bristling with unease as Sousuke placed his hands to her face. It was then that he noticed the faint smile that lit up Yume’s features. It wasn’t a polite smile, but one that he knew rather well; it was the same way she smiled when she felt safe.

With his mind now settled by the assurance of Uri and the gentlemanly way the Steward treated his imouto, he began to look around for his own selfish whims. Near to where his sister stood he found his mark being dragged away by a younger child. Judging by their appearance, they weren’t related and if they were, she probably wasn’t the mother.

It was good to meet you, Kuroda-san. I hope to have the chance again. If you’ll excuse me now…

Weaving his way from the back of the party, he would come up behind Hakumei, catching her scent as he inhaled. His eyes danced down the hides and paint that covered her curves, glancing at her bare feet for a moment before ascending his gaze to the back of her head. Despite not being a full Inuzuka, his senses were slightly heightened and his animalistic nature was intact. Reaching out, he would tap her on the shoulder in an attempt to maintain composed.

Hello beautiful. How have we never met?


Oct 22, 2012

As Yume was hauled away, Oichi sat there with a smile on her features, looking in the direction of the new voice, "It's nice to meet you too! Very much so, this party is always lovely. This year is particularly grand, even if a bit rambunctious."<i></i> She paused for a moment, picking up a small finger food from Yume's abandoned plate, discovering it untouched. Taking a small bite, she chewed and swallowed before speaking again, "Seven is a curious name for a young lad such as yourself. Do you have six other siblings running about?"<i></i>

Oichi was an amiable enough person that she didn't mind talking to however addressed her and thanks to her heightened other senses, she learned about them quickly.


"You speak too harshly, Shinji-kun and you assume the worst from your kind-hearted sister. All I can say is that you endeavor to speak with her on it."<i></i> Shinji was one who did shift attention quickly, however. From serious to one moment to self-serving the next. Uri was able to follow his eyes from where his mother now sat with a stranger, to where Yume now was, and now on the curves of some unknown woman is bedraggled clothing. Fickle, but at least he had his priorities.

"By all means, good luck on the hunt."<i></i> The last part being said as Shinji walked away.

Uri stood alone now, in the midst of Sunagakure's most anticipated party. So many smiling faces and joy to be spread amongst the villagers. Every fit in so well, even those that were new to the underground refuge. A solemn smile crossed onto his face.

And yet Uri really didn't.

People had accepted living in the cave, to remain in the dark hallows of the earth. The chuunin rejected it with every fiber of his being and even in the most festive of gatherings could he help but feel like he needed to be somewhere else. While his mother was occupied, Uri strolled around the party, watching people partake in delicious foods and decadent sweets. That's all this was anyway, an excuse to forget about their hardships, to enjoy a more simple moment in their lives that wasn't burdened by issues they faced every day. Then just for this day let them all forget about the hardships they would face once again.

Navigating his way through the throngs of people and vanishing behind the catering area, he ducked out of site and knelt close to the ground. A lot of people would never be able to go do what Uri did and see what the rest of the world had to offer. The least he could do was offer to them a piece of his own experience. A hand close to his mouth, he blew gently and dusted the floor in a light white powder. Dragging his finger through it, he created a design that was almost whimsical, feathered script surrounding the circular centerpiece. Peeling away one of his white gloves, he pressed his open palm onto the seal and watched as it soon glowed a brilliant white light. When the light dulled and Uri stood up, there was a distinct fluttering noise, the wing beat of birds. As he walked away, a swarm of white, snow-like birds burst forth and flew upward toward the makeshift ceiling, spiraling just above the party. Those with extraordinary eye sight would be able to tell they weren't actual animals, but incredibly detailed automatons; a Uri specialty.

Occasionally, one would land and become completely still. If someone were to prod it, they would discover the makeshift creatures were made of spun sugar.

The chuunin in his red suit was lingering near the faux main-stage, eating from a stick of white cotton-candy, watching and smiling.


As Yume returned, the conversation with Seven not being all that stimulating since the boy wasn't great at on-the-spot events, Oichi smiled towards the young woman, but before she could speak Yume was introducing someone who she had in tow. Rising from her seat, she offered a polite curtsey before extending her dainty hand outward, "It's a pleasure, Steward. Uri has told me many things about you. I feel like I already know you!"<i></i> She pushed one of the nearby chairs outward and gestured to it with a few waves of her hand, "Sit, sit! We have a conversation to pick back up."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Shigeo turned his head to Judoris he spoke, chuckling a bit while saying “It does sound familiar… and here I am now, being all stiff in the shoulders and you being at ease… It didn’t take me long after I became the leader of the clan to understand the pressure you were through. I just hope I wasn’t too unbearable of a companion back then. And I guess taking up smoking was a stupid decision to begin with… then again, my enemies could use any handicap I threw at them, hehe” he commented about the smoking. It was a bit of a pride issue…but he wasn’t that old to see it was a silly issue. The Sunaku rose a brow as Sousuke denied any closer connection to the exotic women near him. He didn’t pry though. Though there was a hint of worry in his eyes as he observed the Steward act a bit…woozy.
Kohana smiled brightly as Okibi responded to her question, while teasing the younger boy. She always enjoyed the affection between siblings. As another boy approached the stewards ward, she smiled brightly saying “It seems you quite swarmed today Okibi-chan. I wouldn’t wish to put more on your shoulders on a day like this” she bowed to her gently before stepping back to her husband while she answered the others child’s question. As she stepped in closer she wanted to ask who was the women standing so close to their Steward…but then the operation began.

In the meantime, Haru waited for the member of the Ikoji family finished his drinks, awaiting a nice conversation… but that hope was dashed somewhat quickly as the other male set his glass down rather heavily, before his head start to plop down in an uncontrolled manner. Haru had enough reflex to hold him up and set him down gently, he didn’t want someone to get hurt right in front of him. He took a gentle sniff of the men’s drink…dear lord that was strong stuff. Catching the attention of one of the staff, he explained the situation, and asked them to escort him into some vacant room where he could lie down. He assured them he wouldn’t cause trouble, and the staff of the Helm did trust him a bit more since he helped in cleaning up the mess from a few days back… he hoped Koga would be fine. As soon as that was dealt with, he noticed that Okibi was dragging Yume away from the conversation she was in, leaving her canine companion in her steed. A bit curious he stood up moving closer to the crowd, wondering if perhaps Okibi wanting them all to converge in one spot…then he saw both the Steward and Yume standing where Okibi pulled them. Hmm…it wouldn’t be a winter party without a mistletoe would it now?

Both Shigeo and Kohana watched the scene unfold from a closer distance, both of them being silent out of respect, though it could be seen from Kohana’s expression she was charmed by the gesture of the Steward, while Shigeo only muttered silently under his breath “Sly devil…”. Regardless of what one could think of the gesture, it was heartwarming. From his spot, Harupia felt the same way… even more, he did have the urge to reach for some sand or a pencil to outline the scene before him, but he usually didn’t take his artistic accessories in his evening dresses. And the scene did leave him a bit…confused. Partly because of his own somewhat undefined feelings for Yume, and also because of the surprise of Sousuke being so…well, earnest with his emotion. He usually allowed Sousuke to talk, and emotions weren’t a thing he often spoke about on his own accord. Perhaps he could start a nice chat next time.

The main issue of now was him wondering what to do now. Trying to have a chat with Yume seemed a bit…well, in his mind, awkward. Though it was honestly his fault… That and the drink coursing through his veins. That and the fact Yume was now returning to her earlier conversation, with Sousuke in tow. He moved towards them, smiling brightly, not just wanting to stand there like a big oaf. With Koga off to a snooze, and the two other males who were conversing vanishing to their own agendas (as the white birds started to fly in the sky above them, he wonder which of them was behind this new decoration), he decided to act upon another quittance he didn’t talk for much of a longer time then he’d like. Moving close enough to Okibi to have a comfortable conversation he said “As an experienced Shinobi, I have to say that little stunt lacked a bit of…finesse” grinning in a slightly impish manner at first before softening his expression and saying “But otherwise this is quite a great party. Very few knockouts so far…though one person I talked with passed out. I’m hoping it because of the alcohol and not me losing my conversation edge…How are you doing? Didn’t have any… weird adventures since last time? I have to say, for a time I woke up feeling like my hands were all tiny…it was kind of weird” he said with a slight shudder, remembering the whole debacle the two of them were part of…though at lest it gave them the chance to talk again after such a long time. He still couldn’t fathom just how much the little girl he saw with Sousuke grew up.

Mft, Wc= 919

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
