Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Nightmare At Great World Tree

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had to store her motorcycle into her scroll while she traveled through the Dreamworks Plains. It felt as if she was in a trance the whole time she was here, but it was where the previous Death Organization member said something would be going down. Part of her thinks that this is a trap, but through her light reading before coming here she found out that this place would be a good place for genjutsu users. Great, something that she isn't good at. But at least she has an idea of what she is dealing with. If this encounter goes like the last one, she will probably be looking at another impure world resurrection, but the zombie has access to a kinjutsu. Finally, after a few hours, she managed to clear the maze and found herself in some sort of small town. Despite it was her first time here, there was some sort of sense of familiarity as she walked around. A slight breeze came in that shook her to her core. It reminded her of Cloud... Someone brushed past her, and she forgot why she was here. Her mind wandered where her father was, how he was doing. Even the pain of her ribs had diminished as if the pain of the past events had never happened.

Deep inside of her own mind...​

There is something wrong here. Jashin's Beast spoke to Yuna, but there was no response back. The demon inside of her tried to fight for control of the body, but as soon as it would, it felt its own consciousness start to black out. Yeah, something is definitely wrong here. Whoever is casting this Genjutsu must be very powerful.


"Silly Demon! Neither you nor your little friend here can escape from me. I'll play with you until the Master is ready to receive little Yuna here." The beast looked through the murkiness of Yuna's mind to see who had placed this Genjutsu. It looked like a girl, about Yuna's age, with a lot more carefree attitude and blonde hair. But under that almost air head smile is something evil and devious.

Yuna's perspective

She doesn't remember, but she feels as if that she is missing something important. "Ah there you are!" Yuna turned around to see her father, a man with blue hair and a metal left arm. Yuna ran and tackled her father, not realizing that she was now a six-year-old rather than sixteen-years-old. This is one of her good memories, everything was right with the world, and she barely knew what she wanted to do with her life. "Dad, when are we going to the theatre to watch that new movie?" She didn't realize, that in the background, there was someone that doesn't belong in her memories.
Yuna turned to look over in the direction of... She doesn't know why, but there was a feeling that something, or rather someone was over there, but she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She turned to where her father is, or rather should be. He was nowhere in sight. The area seemed to spin around her until she was on some sort of ritualistic table. She is older now, and fear started to kick in. Even though she doesn't remember, she does know that she is scared right now. Many cloaked figures surrounded her and started chanting. A book that was nearby started BLEEDING until something came out and crashed into Yuna's body. It was convulsive and scary as the mystery book blood forced itself into her until it was no more. As the Jashinists congratulated themselves, thinking they found the perfect vessel for a demon that was 'holy' for Jashin, Yuna turned that fear into anger. She blinked and she was having an 'out of body' experience. Her body transformed into some demonic being that towered over the Jashinist. In seconds, the demon tore them all to shreds, leaving something straight out of a horror movie.

It really appalled her that something like that was in her, as the form changed back to her normal self, and her father showed up with some ANBU operatives to survey the area. "Yuna get a hold of yourself! Wake up!" She heard a voice, but before she can react, the world spinned around her yet again.

"Silly little girl. you chose to help ole pops out, to keep him from dying, but it won't stop his fate. In a couple of months, your father will die." Yuna heard a voice. It sounded like some sort of college girl who are one of the "popular" ones. The scene shifted once more. She saw her father, who was now a female kitsune, stab a guy before dragging them both into some deep dark depths. Another scene shift and her father was fighting for his life in some frozen wasteland, making a bone forest along with all of his weapons surrounding him. Yuna yelled out as she performed some hand seals to cancel out of this hellish nightmare.

She opened her eyes to see that she was in the ruins where the Great World Tree far off in the background. Looking around, she seen that there was a girl, just a little bit older than her, along
with some sort of humanoid creature floating next to her.
"So you must know about those of us in the Death Organization. I'll confirm for you, so you can save your breath. Yes, we are zombies, an upgraded version of impure world resurrection. Yamato, from Sand, a wind Valkyrie hachimon, and me, a Yamanaka Granduer Phantom."

Yuna's eyes narrowed. It makes sense, that she's having so much trouble fighting this person. Not only are they excelling in Genjutsu, but also what with being in this specific area, it just amps up the powers of Genjutsus. She had to think carefully on this situation. For right now, Yuna kicked her feet at the ground to activate the knives that are so well hidden inside the boots. Now, she's ready. "Be wary, you are not the only one here." The girl was confused as to why, until she actually listened to what was around her. Multiple blood flows. As she looked around, trying to be more aware of the situation, there were multiple people sleeping, some wistfully, others turning around in their sleep, no doubt having nightmares right now. She gritted her teeth, things just got more complicated. Not only does she have to fight this person, who has all the advantages against her, but now she has to make sure that the civilians don't get hurt in the process.
Things were going to get hairy, but Yuna had to be careful. As things stood, she had no help. She was on her own and... Her ears pricked up at a sound. It was familiar to her, one that she knows. But it was far away, she won't be able to get their help, at least not anytime soon. She ran the situation through her head, trying to think of the best possible solution for how to handle this situation. Most ninjutsu is off the table, due to civilians getting hurt. And she was never good at genjutsu, not that it would help against someone who was a master at it. That only means... She took a sigh. She only has two weapons. But she can at least draw this battle out until help arrives. Forming hand seals, three clones of her poofed into existence, all wearing the boots with the hidden knife. As they all charged, the mystery humanoid charged too. Yuna and two of her clones bypassed the persona but the third was thrown up into the air and impaled by a weapon the persona was holding. But Yuna and the rest of her clones didn't waver. She used one of the techniques that not a whole lot of people know how to do, Higuma. An even harder feat to do with, well with her feet. She kicked her foot out, and as soon as one hits the ground, the other springs up with the blade in the other boot. The chick had some severe cuts across her body, but she managed to dodge out of the way from Yuna's two clones and she herself performed some hand seals.

Yuna had barely any time to react when a giant fist of stone came out of the ground. As she dodged out of the way, she looked over just in time to see one of her clones bite the dust as it is launched into the sky by the giant fist before poofing away. Finally, it was just her and her last clone. She knows that she can't be outdone by this chick, especially after the girl embarrassed her with putting her under a genjutsu so easily. Dark corrupted energy coated around her feet. It was her own revamped version of Fist of Sin, she calls feet of sin. She willed her clone to get ahead of her, knowing that the Persona was going to try and block her. As the Clone was impaled, she jumped on its back to launch herself into the air and deliver a flying side kick to the Yamanaka's ribs. Hearing a crunch of bones breaking, Yuna did not stop there. She did a follow up with another Foot of Sin right into her opponent's guts. The Grandeur phantom coughed up blood, but she was smiling. "Checkmate." She said as Yuna suddenly fell to the ground. She was confused. How? She was sure that the Yamanaka didn't hit her. Barely turning her head, she seen that the Persona had stabbed her in the back. The Jinchurrikii had to grit her teeth. She was not to be done in by some freak! But then she remembered what had happened in Wind Country. She can't lose her cool like that again. She could feel herself slipping out again, definitely a Genjutsu.

When her eyes opened, she was alone in a frozen tundra. Her whole body shivering. "What you are trying to do, little Yuna, is in vain. But let's say you do beat me. All that's awaiting you is death. That's where the final member is, and after him, the people who want your father dead. And if you do survive that ordeal..." The scene shifted. It seemed to be similar to the other genjutsu scene that showed her father in danger. This time, he was standing in front of a crowd of people, as if he was about to be judged.

It all seemed so real... But... Scenes shifted fast now. Her father lain beaten and dead. Fires erupting all around Lightning Country. Something happening that's making there be unrest at Cloud. She had to get a hold of herself or else she would be driven insane. Bringing out a kunai, she slammed it into her left shoulder. Screaming out in pain, she focused on it. Everything seemed to fall apart, the genjutsu that is. Taking the advantage, she performed cancel and escaped the Genjutsu. She glared at her enemy, but she was aware of the situation.

The woman stood before her smiling and triumphant. "You still fight even after I shown you all of that?" She scoffed, before chakra formed in her right hand. Jeez, Yuna thought, done in by someone who is about to Rasengan her, such disrespect. Just then, a cloud enveloped around the Yamanaka and Yuna smiled as she rolled off to the side to put space in between herself and the fog. Her opponent wasn't looking too hot. She collapsed to the ground, her persona seemed to flicker in and out. "B-but how? You've only hit me a couple times..."

Yuna got up and performed some hand seals. The Yamanaka was pushed to the ground due to an intense gravity. "Did you forget that one of the very basics of a ninja is knowing your poisons? All I needed to do was hit you once, and then let the poison take over from there. That, and you were too focused on me to even think about me having a friend to help me out." She looked over at her Youkai summon, Azo, who had summoned the black fog to reduce the chakra of their enemy. Yuna heard some shifting, looking around she saw that people were all starting to wake up. All of them confused, angry, and scared. "Excuse me, everyone. I know you are wondering why you are here. Well, it is due to this chick over here." Yuna gestured towards the Death Organization member, "This person peered into your minds and no thoughts of your privacy. She took you all here for her games that she can toy with you all. I will let you all have your punishment due on her, then I will lead you back you all back to your towns."

The angry mob made quick work of the Death Organization Member. After that, she led the people back to their respective towns. It was a long day, but it wasn't done yet, she had one last stop before she can go back to Cloud. That frozen tundra, there's only one place like that in the world. Water Country. She knows that place is a very dangerous place, one that her father barely made it out with his life. She had to steel herself for what is to come next.


Current Ninpocho Time:
