Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open The normal Sennin return's!

Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
There is a time in every vampire's life where they have to sleep. You know, to rest. It can last from a few decades to a few centuries. A nice nap. It's not like she was really sleeping though, Midori was still conscious but only if she wanted to be. She could have woken up whenever she wanted to but between the wars, running the medical branch and all the other stuff that she had to deal with it was nice to just take a back seat and let the world continue without her for a bit. At least it seemed nice in her head though she didn't even know if she'd be still at her current position when she awoke but she was back now, after a long nap.

She woke up in a massive pine box, her skin grey and pale. The scent of pine surrounded her as she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were like two black onyx jewels, they took in all the sights around her and she tried to remember where she was. The casket opens as she pushes on it, the lid creaking and groaning. She had been placed in a mausoleum, she could tell by the structure of the room. Midori didn't know why she decided to sleep here of all places, she just assumed her mind took her here when the time was right. She stretched her body out, her bones popping as she stretched out. She was a little sore but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

Midori peered into the darkness, her eyes trying to focus. The cold moonlight cast an eerie glow off her pale skin as she ducked her head through the threshold of the door of the mausoleum. Rats scurried out from underneath her dress in a fright, probably in surprise to the sudden presence of something that they thought had died moving about in the mausoleum. Of course, Midori being hungry she would step down to capture one of the scurrying rats by the tail. The mausoleum shaking when she stepped down. Bending over to pick up the rodent before biting down on it like a freshly plucked apple. Draining the rat of its life's blood until shriveled up in her hand like an empty juice pouch. And like that empty juice pouch, she would wipe her lips and toss the rat in the trash. Sighing after the appraiser, it wasn't human blood but it'd do.

And thus she exited the mausoleum with a little sigh. Lumbering through the graveyard with her massive stride. A vampire such as herself was bound to be recognized since she was so tall. She could easily tower over most Shinobi being around 9'5 feet in height, her frame portly as well. Yawning, what caught her eye that... Laying beside the husk of rat she would see a trampled bucay of black roses with a little card sticking out of it. Curious, she would go for the card first... picking it up with her index finger and thumb. The card being so tiny in her hands what looked like a normal sized event card for a normal person looked more like a small business card in her hands. Squinting to read it...


"Py Count Dracula's cabe I can't effen read zis!"
Just as Yuna was about to get ready for bed, her headset came to life and an anbu agent was frantically telling her about a giant zombie walking out of a mausoleum in the cemetery. She wondered why one of her operatives isn't talking with the Main branch, as monster hunting is their deal. But ever the responsible Sennin, she got out of bed and got back dressed into her Anbu garb and asked for details as she made her way to the cemetery.

The results... Yuna let out a sigh. The description matches one individual. Someone that has been gone for too long. The Medical Sennin, Midori Futotta. Now she hasn't met the woman, but she has a file on her, as with any notable person in Cloud. But all Yuna knows other than the name and her being the Med Sennin. Well... She's supposedly really tall. The masked Sennin would go to the cemetery to see if her assumption would match the description of what her operative saw.

And to be honest... The woman is taller than even Tama, a giant of a man that had attacked Cloud recently to try and take Cloud's technology. Yuna walked up to the tall woman, well not right up to her, more like, a couple feet back so that she wouldn't have to crane her neck back just to make eye contact with the woman. "Hello. I've had reports of someone walking around the Cemetery. May I ask for a name?" Even though Yuna has a feeling, better to just have a confirmation on who this is. But it isn't very likely that there's more than two insanely tall people in Cloud right now.
The dead of the night brought mysterious and chaos, as Kazan would soon learn. Still freshly appointed to the role as Main Branch Sennin, he was still present at the villages Academy. There was a long list of students that needed exams to graduate, as well as plenty of potential new recruits. Without a proper headmaster for the school, the duty fell on his shoulders. Still, his brow would raise as a transmission crossed the device Lady Kitsune had just gifted him.

Shocked at the transmission, he quickly grabbed his things. Members of the main branch had spotted a giant within the cemetery. Confused as to what they meant at first, he sent orders back for members of the infantry division to form a parameter around the graveyard. Leaving the Academy, and heading directly towards the area of concern, Kazan realized he had been beaten to the scene.

Appearing just twenty feet to the side of Abyss and the giant, Kazan folded his arms across his chest and began tapping fingers, clad in metal from his gauntlet, upon his armored bracers. "I see you've got this handled, but I'll stick around just in case." He said to Abyss, as his focus drew to the giant before them.

Kazan liked larger women, but this was something he had never even considered. He was six foot, five inches, in height and yet, this woman towered over him.
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While Midori was trying to read the small font of the card in her hand, she was interrupted by a voice of a young mortal woman who had already started to ask the Sennin for identification. Looking back she could see the young mortal a little more clearer thanks to her standing back; an anbu clearly but one who Midori didn't exactly know given that her only interaction was with people from their branch had actually been Mirō and maybe that one retired anbu person who she had met in the hot springs. Regardless, the giantess would clap her hands and look down as she would begin to speak only to be interrupted yet again by a red bearded man. Another one whom she easily towered over given he looked to be around her stomach in terms of height. Waiting to see if anyone else decided that they should join them because she didn't really expect a whole welcome wagon when she rose from her sleep, Midori would take on her friendly demeanor again with a cheesy sort of smile.

"My, my I didn't expect to haffe a velcome vakon vhen I roze akain. Put I guess vith beople like me running around, ein little checkboint at zee graffeyard vould make zenze.” Midori would joke, placing a hand on her chest as she would introduce herself to the mortals. “Vell zen mortal girl und red bearded man. As vu can clearly zee I am zee legendary tall Fambire Medical Zennin, Mitori Fudotta. Und I zank vu for velcoming me back to zee vorld of zee living.” The vampire would pause for dramatic effect, adjusting the shoulders of her dress. “Forgive mein absence for I decided to ko into torpor for a bit to clear mein mind – but I zuboze now zat it's spring, it zeems like a kood time as any to return.”

She would speak clearly and with a bit of dramatic flair as she had been doing for the past few minutes, her vampire accent as thick as she was. “Ahh.. but nov zat ve are here. Vho might vu tvo be? Berhaps vu are new to me because my... slumber did not allow me to get a chance to meet any new faces.” The vampire's voice was smooth like honey, though she was a bit hungry which caused her accent to show even more as she spoke. The moonlight glistened off her fangs, and her skin was a lot paler than before, though she would get that back after some time. Her golden eyes twinkled in the moonlight as she spoke to the two mortals.
Yuna heard another blood flow come by, and this time, it was Akira Kazan. The newly appointed Main Branch Sennin. This has turned out to be quite the night. If this giant woman is indeed the Medical Sennin, all that's missing is the Raikage herself, for all the leaders of Cloud to be in one area at the same time. Aside from that, Yuna turned her attention to the giant of a woman as she would introduce herself.

Erm... Her confusion was hidden well underneath her mask. Even during her travels into Sand, she has never met a person with such a heavy accent. Fortunately, she was able to decipher most of what the woman was telling her. The main thing being that this is in fact Midori Futotta, and she in turn, asked who they are. The Anbu Sennin gave a slight head bow to Midori before giving her answer, "My codename is Abyss. Predecessor to Alpha, whom you may have known as the previous Anbu Sennin. I have been the Anbu Sennin for almost two years now." She then gestured to Kazan, "And this here, is Akira Kazan. He is the newly appointed Main branch Sennin."

She would pause to let Kazan say his own piece and for Midori to answer in kind to either what she or Kazan had said before continuing on. "This is actually interesting." She would say, "It's been years since all three Sennin are in one place. Perhaps, Midori, once you are back into a schedule that works for you, and Kazan, once you get more of a handle on how to work with your branch, maybe we can all get together and work out ways to have all of our branches work together? The cemetery wouldn't be really much of a formal nor private place to talk and I'm sure Midori, you would want to know much of what has happened since you have been gone." There would be much to discuss. Main thing is to try and work together as a whole to build a united leadership. Also, talking with Midori might hint in on how Mirō acted during her Sennin-ship. Perhaps Yuna can figure out when her predecessor lost all the marbles in her mind to think it was a right idea to have prisoners work as slaves.

Even as Yuna had worked hard in the past years to rebuild the Anbu branch and help fill in areas of work that most other people can do, all she has to do is now push a little bit more to work out a plan with the other Sennin, in the long run of things, help build up everyone's branch.

Current Ninpocho Time:
