Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open The Redcoat Thief [Medical Thread] Requesting Medics

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Continuing from HERE

The doors to the Emergency Room of the Konoha Byoin would burst open as two young boys were carried in on stretchers. "Prep a room stat. Two males, approximately ten years old. One suffering from a crushed trachea, fractured skull, and assumed concussions. The second suffering from a transhumeral amputation and significant blood loss!" As they charged in a few orderlies would begin to grab a few supply items to help assist the Mednins and Mednins-in-Training for the procedures. The faceless paramedics would take the two children to the appropriate room and begin the basics of first aid to help slow down the blood loss that both of the children were experiencing.

Yamanaka Shusuke, the Squad Leader for the team being rushed in remained unconscious as he small limp body was laid into a hospital bed and he was changed into a gown. Aburame Kiriyomi would be the second child brought in that was in more immediate need. Kyoujouran Keniwa would be the third child lead into the Konoha Byoin, though his injuries were not nearly as bad as Shusuke's or Kiriyomi's. The Medics that would be encouraging Keniwa to come into the room with the other members of his team would get the basics of what happened so that they could type up the report needed to give to the Mednin that would be acting as the Doctors and Nurses for these children.

Only time will tell what would come from these injuries, but knowing the Medical Branch of Konohagakure, it would seem that these children were in good hands.
Hearing the voice through the hallway... Nao could feel a pin drop for a second that quiet it got. That was the moment it drew his attention along with what needed to be done. Quickly he grabbed a pair of gloves while he ran out of his office. Handseals were made and a second him showed up. Situations like this were never, ever fun. But sadly sometimes needed.

"You take the left one, I will take the other one. Focus on saving the child." The real Nao spoke towards the other while in a puff of smoke the Kami formed behind him. "Sai, I want you to keep an eye out." That was when a third child was carried in. "I will take heed over this one." The Kami sounded as it would start to go over the wounds and assess it already.

The clone Nao was with Shunsuke, who started to go over every wound and assess as to what needed treatment first and what would need later. It took curious steps and even made a few handseals on its own to support the child as it got life support along. It gave orders around, as in; start an IV line, get the heart monitor up.

The child with the real nao... was in a much more and longer situation. "This is bad..."Nao would sound and look over the body. "Get his blood group asap, start the IV and give fluids, don't waste time with that. Heart monitor up stat. This child is losing blood fast and we need to get him to the OR. stat." He barked the commands and the team of medics around started to follow up. They would raise the handlebars too.

[Taken Kiriyomi to Medical OR. Please talk to me in detail in regards to; Saving the arm and to what extent he would get out of the operation.]

[Nao used; Medical Assistant - Mastered]

Medical Assistant used:

Skeletal Fortification - Mastered​

System Restoration - Mastered]​

[Sorry short post. I had a few ideas but they went out the window, if something is not as you want. Please dm me. DO NOT HESITATE]
The hospital was busy, as per usual, nurses and doctors coming to and from their various patients. Some patients being carted to different rooms to make room for more dire victims that were coming in. Shishiwakamaru was here today working and training under the tutelage of whomever was willing to let Shi be at their side. Shi was walking down a corridor when a pair of carts rushed across his vision. His keen eyes immediately noticed the people who were on the cart. It was Shusuke and Kiriyomi. He didn't see much else than that, but immediately knew that's where he would choose to help out next. He had just finished charting a previous patient and had the time to help out. Even if he didn't have the time he would have rushed over to provide aid.

Rushing down the hallway he followed the trail of nurses and other staff that were also following the urgent situation at hand. Pushing his way through the crowd Shishi would find his way into the room where Shu-kun and Kiriyomi. At first he would be shocked by the horrific scene before him. But would quickly gain his composure as he had seen similar scenes such as this. He was more in shock that it was two of his own friends that were in need of care rather than a random person he didn't know. It was different when it was your loved ones.

Thankfully Sennin Nao had already arrived on scene and began giving orders. There were multiple Naos, clones, both were busy at work. Nao-Sensei was truly amazing. Shishi hoped to be as skilled and composed as him someday. Shi would jump into the fray with Shusuke considering that Kiriyomi was being hauled off the the OR. There wouldn't be much he could do in there, so he decided to stay with Shusuke-kun and help out however he could here. Nao's clone would give out commands, as in; start an IV line, get the heart monitor up, etc. Shi was on the ball and started doing just so.

Taking an alcohol wipe, Shi would clean off an area in the pit of their elbow to prepare for an IV line. Taking a piece of rubber tubing Shi would tie off Shusuke's arm, just above the elbow and began to feel around for a vein. It took him a moment but he found a suitable one and took the needle and inserted it directly into the vein. Now the cannula was in place and ready for fluids. Reaching into a cabinet he would pull out an IV bag and attach it to the IV line and turned it on. Small little drip drops began to go into the tube and into Shusuke's arm. Now it was time for the heart monitor. This would be relatively easy, just attaching a few wires to his body would prove a trivial task.

Wheeling over the heart monitor he would unravel the wires that were needed to attach the device to the patient. The most basic monitors show your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, this would not be one of those. This one was more advanced in that it also showed how much oxygen their blood is carrying and also monitored their breathing. There would be multiple wires to attach. One to the arm, and multiple nodes that would need to be attached to his chest. A few needed to be applied to the upper area, but one needed to be applied just underneath the breast. This is when he stopped suddenly and a rash of crimson blew up across his face. Something was not right, Shusuke had... no, this can't be right. Shusuke was a g-g-g-girl???!?! Either that or he had tumors in his mammary glands. Closing his eyes and holding his breath he quickly applied the last node, doing his best not to touch anything else in the process. PHEW, he got it. That was difficult, in a sense. Shusuke had some explaining to do when they finally woke up.
Kiriyomi remains unconscious as he is wheeled into the hospital, completely oblivious to the fact that he is bleeding out from his arm that had been severed. The last thing that he remembers is seeing Keniwa standing up before passing out. After that, there was only darkness and silence. But, as he sits there wondering if there is an end to either, a small light appears in the distance. Rushing towards it, he finds himself standing at the gates of the village. Looking around, there is no one else nearby.

"Kiriyomi. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" Whipping around to face the voice, Kiriyomi comes face to face with his father, Satsu. Leaning up against the outside of the gates, a small grin on his face, Satsu saunters over towards Kiri. "Now what have I told you about skipping school? Just because the other kids make fun of you, or think that you're different, doesn't mean that you can just leave whenever you like. You know that you actually have to talk to people to make friends, right? You can't just keep running off to the woods and talking to all the insects that you find. Everyone needs at least one friend to talk to, whether it be about their troubles in life or just what they had for lunch that day. Human interaction is very important, and if you're going to be a shinobi, you need to learn to talk to people." As Satsu continues talking, a patch of red blossoms across his shirt, slowly trailing down his chest.

Kiri stares at him in horror, opening his mouth to cry out for help. "But do you really think that friends are more important than your own family? How could you abandon your own father like that? If you had been there, this wouldn't have happened to me! Look at what you did to me! This is all your fault!" Kiri collapses to the ground, tears streaming down his face, as Satsu continues to scream at him and blame him. He was right though; if Kiriyomi hadn't gone off to the woods that day, he could have stopped his father long enough that he wouldn't have encountered the shinobi that took his life. Just a minute was all it would have taken, and the course of both their lives would have been different. In the hospital, he begins to thrash slightly as this nightmare continues to torment him. His arms flail weakly, as if trying to shove the words aside.
Keniwa was taken in to the room where Shusuke and Kiriyomi were unlike them he was the only one who remained conscious, whilst he had slow working regenerative capabilities , he had still sustained injuries. He felt bad being carried in yet he didn't attest to it he wanted to see how Shusuke and especially Kiriyomi were, he pitied what had transpired to Kiriyomi in such a short time we could all barely react. He could see several people forming around Kiriyomi 'He needs to live. He can't die here. Not another one!' Keniwa's head sprouts up trying to overhear what they are talking about, his face clouded by worry and fear. "Is Kiriyomi okay!? Will he live?! Please help him!" He was clearly in distress and from the crowd one man with white hair, a halo and angelic wings calmly approached Keniwa.

"Hey, easy there... what had happened?" Keniwa instantly began to spew out words, his adrenaline fizzling out in this last short burst of speech, so much had happened but he hadn't really had a chance to collect it all. "W-well, sir, what happened is we were on a mission. And that mission just spiraled out of control as soon as we found both the culprits. Shusuke engaged with one of the culprits and me and Kiriyomi followed. The tall woman who was in black and red wraps and Shusuke easily destroyed his creations and this man with a large red cloak threw a speeding kunai which I managed to mostly deflect. I sustained this small slice on my arm because of it and I was blown away by a gut wrenching punch yet I wasn't knocked out. Shusuke was launched high in to the air whilst I was on the floor landing on the ground and and..."

He began to stutter, he was already talking fast enough yet now his breaths began to quicken, as if he was gasping for air. Sai's comforting expression and aura of kindness allowed Keniwa to get a control of himself. "When i managed to pull myself up Kiriyomi was reaching out for me with his arm. Sharp large shards surrounded Kiriyomi and as I got to him his arm... His arm was sliced clean off. I didn't know what to do! I just searched for his tool pouch and applied a clotting powder over his arm. He was unconscious as I rested him on my lap. Then chuunins got to us and we were brought here." He eyes started to water yet he didn't cry any tears "Im sorry. If i hadn't been blown away none of this would have ever happened. I was meant to be a shield." He bowed his head in shame with a small frown remaining on his face.
As Shusuke's eyes opened slowly the first thing he saw was Shishiwakamru, his best friend and a training medical shinobi. "Shishi...?" A soft smile came to Shusuke's face as he started to wake back up, until he coughed up a small splatter of blood as his raspy soft voice barely escaped. His crushed throat caused immense pain causing him to close his eyes again. He was feeling like he was in bad shape.

He could tell he shouldn't talk, staggering to force his fingers into the Third Eye Blind jutsu he would reach out to connect with Shishiwakamaru. `Are they okay? What happened?` He began to sweat some as he tried to force the jutsu through.

Then it hit him.

His chest was touching the open air. His eyes shot open and he tried to sit up, covering his chest with his arms. Instantly coughing up blood. His face was blushed as he looked over to Shishiwakamaru. Instinctively he tried to swing his sore and tired arm to try and slap Shishiwakamaru across the face, if he was successful who knows.
The clone Nao looked towards Shishi, who seemed to be in a moment for himself. It was note-able how quickly he regained his senses as the clone started to do everything else also in the meanwhile, that was. Till the person himself woke up and tried to make a swing. Nao wasn't one to joke with when people were in his Byoin wounded and whatnot. This clone was a copy of him. "And what do you think you are doing?" He asked stern and short as eyes would look piercing to the person on the bed. "Who knows what you have done out there? You either lay still or I will make you lay still, alright?" A quick moment passed as the machines started to give vitals and the likes; "Name, rank, and last memory part you remember." He simply asked while he let Shihi do some basic stuff too as a Medicl in training. "Please start treating the smaller wounds and you will learn stitches if they are indeed needed."

The Kami contract Excursai was smiling softly to the boy who seemed to still be stiff from adrenaline. He would just look, smile and ask him if he still knew stuff. It seemed to snap him out of whatever was going on, and he was at least glad to see him calm down if even a little bit. 'Culprits... more than one, a woman in black and red wraps as clothing I assume... a man with a large red cloak... seems like these people are still around the area I guess.' The kami took this very seriously but he would too start to apply very basic treatment to the cuts and pick a few bandaids. He chose a few colorful ones to keep him busy. "Which ones do you want?" he asked as he was listening in between. "What you did with the clotting powder... Was actually very smart, probably the only reason that Nao was even able to operate on him instead of... well. That is a nice color." He said as he would place one over a small cut. "We always get curious about things in life, and we may end up hurt in the progress, but if you survive you can come out stronger. After all, wisdom is something no one can take away. Regards to these persons... do you remember anything else of them?" He asked carefully, trying to get as much information as possible to relay further to Nao and possibly Keiji for safe measures. After the small band-aids, he would focus on the cut on his arm. It was quite deep and knew it probably need a stitch. "Shishi... if you cannot stitch him up, you can do this child. I am sorry... I never caught your name. I am Excursai, sai for short, and a Kami contract of Nao."

Meanwhile, all of this, the real Nao was in the OR with a small team operating on the boy. "we need to remove the access..." he started to speak to the assistants and started to apply some jutsu in between the operation.
As the operation went through Nao would eventually make the shoulder so that there would be no problem if the child did or didn't take the prosthetic later. The small mechanism he placed in the remaining bone wouldn't hurt with daily life or be really noticeable to the quick eye. "We need to close him up now... stats..?" He asked a person that was really close watching the monitor. "All stable for now.." 'Please make it kid...' Nao thought and would as the operation was done, place the child in their own room and stayed there with him. Waiting for the child to sleep out the anesthetic. There was a sleeve folded inwards, but it clearly showed that there was no arm remaining. ' As soon as the others are treated, this child is awake... they can visit for a short moment.'
Pain would surge across Shishiwakamaru's face as Shusuke's hand connected with his cheek. It hurt, but not so much that it kept him from doing his job. Hearing Shu's voice in his head he would reciprocate the thoughts; "Sennin Nao has Kiri in the operating room, probably going to try and reattach the arm. But it doesn't look good. The other kid that came in with you guys is ok, a bit worked up but fine. You on the other hand need to sit still and let us work. We can talk more later when you've recovered more." Shishi would nod as the Nao clone gave him orders to continue working and stitching up some deep cuts on Shusuke. Reaching over into a drawer he would pull out a vile of morphine and reveal a needle. Taking a small amount into the syringe he would then clean up a site area and inject Shusuke with the morphine. "This is gonna help with the pain and help you relax. Just try and sit still, ok?"

While Shi waited for the morphine to kick in he would begin to prepare some thread and needle for stitching. Tying off the thread into a knot he would test the area to see how Shu's pain receptors were doing. If he could still feel pain he would take some local anesthesia and inject it right by the deep cut. Shi would then begin stitching while also listening to the other kid talk about what had happened. It seemed their team got in over their head and were barely saved by some other Chuunin, what luck. Pressing onward, and now done with the stitching Shishi would try out a jutsu he had been practicing. Placing two hands gently on Shusuke's throat he would emanate light green chakra and begin to heal his throat a bit. [Mystical Force rank 1] For now he would focus on this, maintaining the jutsu until he was given other orders or Shu's throat was fairly healed.
Kiri shifts in his sleep, reliving his nightmare over and over as Satsu continues to berate him and blame him for his death. Finally, his eyes fly open and he attempts to sit up, staring at the room around him. "Where am I? What happened? What's wrong with my..." The words die in his throat as his gaze falls down to the stump where his left arm used to be. Kiri looks up at Nao, tears filling his eyes. He just maintains the stare, a pleading look in his gaze.

Kohara crawls out of the boy's hair and lands on his shoulder, placing one leg against Kiriyomi's neck. Kiri... there was an accident. You were in a fight with the thieves, and you were hit by a flying piece of obsidian. They did the best that they could, but your arm... I'm so sorry. Kiriyomi would break eye contact with Nao at this, and look down towards his friend. The tears in his eyes spilling over, he would just wordlessly shake his head. How could this have happened? First his father died, now he was severely injured doing a job? What would his mother think? How could he have hurt her like this? She was never going to let him leave the house ever again after this.

Current Ninpocho Time:
