Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission The Redcoat Thief

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The day was getting dark and the lights that lit the streets of the Maple Town District were casting warm lights that fought against the shadows. This section of the village calmed down around dusk before lively activities and drinking parties were held by the local residents. It was nights like this, underneath the crescent moon which danced behind a partly cloudy sky, that local street vendors were robbed.

Shusuke sat at the end of a bench where two of the main streets intersected. He was wearing his typical shinobi attire of dark grays with a small blade resting on his shoulder. His headband was being worn on his forehead to indicate that the young boy was indeed working tonight and was not to be bothered by the civilians unless they needed something important. He was to be chaperoning a few academy students as they partake in a work study assignment to track down this petty thief and notify the Konoha Security sub-branch, though the ten year old genin was told that it was at his discretion on whether or not he felt like his team was capable of handling the capture themselves.

It wasn't long before the students began to arrive at the noted meeting location where Shusuke was waiting. once all three arrived Shusuke would stand from his bench and address them. "My name is Yamanaka Shusuke. For today I am the squad leader of this team. There is no ifs ands or buts about that. When you are assigned missions that require a squad you are expected to follow the chain of command. Until this mission is complete the only shinobi that can pull you away from my direct orders are one of the Sennin or the Hokage. Am I clear?" He paused for a moment and gave enough time to answer any questions the students may have about working as a team together. Once there were no more questions he would continue. Connecting his ring finger to his thumb he sent out a connection to his team using his Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind jutsu. This allows the user to connect mentally with anyone within a close proximity, approximately half a kilometer. The recipients of this connection can feel the Yamanka's extended use of Audial Genjutsu and the four of them may communicate telepathically by the use of hearing each other speak despite not being near one another, but the connection is easy to sever and requires no more effort than it does to blink to break the said connection. As the connected individuals move further away the delay in the message increases and the volume in which the message is heard is diminished until the limits are met and the connection is automatically severed.

"We will be using my telepathy as a base of communication. All you need to do is to think of what you want to say and who you want to say it too and it will be shared between the four of us. The young boy stopped speaking mid communication but his voice could still be heard. He started to walk down one of the streets and gestured for them to follow. `I am not sure how familiar you all are on the mission we have been assigned but it is an easy one that is based on tracking down the Redcoat Thief and reporting that information to me. I will then decide upon checking the situation if it is something we can manage as a squad. For me to be able to do this I need to know all of your strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am proficient in Genjutsu, Stealth, Hand-to-Hand Taijutsu, and I can manifest and conjure any weapon into reality. My weaknesses lie in Ninjutsu, where only my Storm Release is effective. One by one please give me your name and what you have brought to this mission.`

WC: 652/2000
[i][glow=color]telepathic communication[/glow][/i]
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Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa never really spent much time in the dusk, usually he would train throughout the day and be in bed around 8pm sleeping for quite a while. The lively atmosphere surrounding the 4 did overtake Keniwa quite a bit, he was rarely used to festivities and celebrations, his birthdays being a small exception, on his birthdays he would get to choose what his mother would make for dinner. It was slightly overwhelming for Keniwa yet he arrived without any problems to the meeting location where he found Shusuke. Keniwa had respected him from the first time which he heard him speak, his outlook on the shinobi life was exactly what Keniwa had expected. Someone who is an ideal role model for Keniwa growing up, however his cold stone behaviour to others might not be great for Keniwa to apply in friend making.

The other two eventually turned up not long after Keniwa. He listened intently as his mission leader spoke he had been prepared for the this from the day he joined the academy. All his life he had been training to become a Kyoujouran shinobi and now was his first opportunity at proving his worth. Perhaps his father could begin to see him more eye to eye. "My name is Yamanaka Shusuke. For today I am the squad leader of this team. There is no ifs ands or buts about that. When you are assigned missions that require a squad you are expected to follow the chain of command. Until this mission is complete the only shinobi that can pull you away from my direct orders are one of the Sennin or the Hokage. Am I clear?" There was nothing Keniwa had to say he nodded in approval to Shusukes orders with his arms by his side, fists clenched, and an expression as tough as stone. None of this was a joke or training for him, he had to be as serious as he could be. Anything else could not be tolerated. Keniwa would always clench his fists when he was passionate about something, whether he was upset or excited. It was almost like a mechanism which his body has just attuned to.

Keniwa watched as Shusuke connected his ring finger to his thumb as he cast a genjutsu between the four of them, with little to no experience with genjutsu, Keniwa was not so interested in the logistics around it and more just the base effect. Perhaps it was just his base taijutsu which made his idealogy like this. He thought
'Alright, how about i try converse with Yasio. Hello Yasio, it is me Keniwa, also just a note, perhaps don't clog up our minds with too much to say. Thank you.' It seemed to be working effectively, so Keniwa then responded to Shusukes transmission. 'Hello it is Keniwa , I excel in hand to hand taijutsu and my own durabilitiy in terms of combat, my tetsukawa prevents me from quite a bit off damage in injuries, stealth is also one of my stronger suits however ninjutsu and genjutsu i rarely utilise.'

WC: 514/2000


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi leaves his house under the cover of night, attempting to put to use the skills he had learned from his stealth class. Clad in black shorts and t-shirt, he rushes off towards the meeting spot that was designated for their mission to begin at. He felt more comfortable at night, with the sounds of insects livening the atmosphere instead of the daily hustle and bustle of the residents of the village. As he quickly approached the intersection, he sees Shusuke sitting on a bench and Keniwa arriving shortly before him. Oh, so that boy is part of this mission as well? This will be interesting to see.

"You know, Kiriyomi, that boy was just trying to be nice to you before. You don't have to be so rude towards him. Perhaps apologize for your behavior before, and you could even be friends." These words enter his mind as his flying ant, Kohara, pokes his head from beneath the boy's hair. Kiri glares upwards towards the ant, ignoring him completely. He had put that interaction out of his mind, but of course, now it was there at the forefront. The Kyoujouran boy had misspoke at his father's funeral, angering Kiri, which led to him lashing out. Why should he be the one to apologize? He had done nothing wrong.

Kiri slips out of the alley he had been observing them from, and comes to stand a fair distance away from Keniwa and instead focuses his gaze on Shusuke. The boy had been intimidating and frightening at first, when they met at the academy grounds. But after their last interaction, Kiri had a fond respect for him. He knew how to get things taken care of, took no nonsense, and would be a wonderful asset to their job. Barely sparing a glance for their last arrival, Kiri adjusts his pack at his belt and keeps his eyes on Shusuke as he stands up and addresses the three students. "My name is Yamanaka Shusuke. For today I am the squad leader of this team. There is no ifs ands or buts about that. When you are assigned missions that require a squad you are expected to follow the chain of command. Until this mission is complete the only shinobi that can pull you away from my direct orders are one of the Sennin or the Hokage. Am I clear?" Kiri nods along with the introduction, short and to the point. He glances at the other two boys, watching to see if they had any questions or reservations about how this was going to work.

After a moment, the Yamanaka connects his ring finger to his thumb and casts a Genjutsu, which he explains to them as being a telepathy that they will use to communicate. This surprises Kiri, for while he knows the Yamanaka Clan are experts in the mind, this meant that they would likely not be near each other to communicate. How exactly was this job going to happen, then? "My name is Aburame Kiriyomi, and I specialize in Genjutsu, disabling the opponents chakra with the use of my Kikai Swarm, and I have a few Ninjutsu at my disposal. My weakness lies in my Taijutsu, and I came to this mission to apprehend a criminal. We shouldn't allow such things to exist in the village, and it's our responsibility to stop them at all costs."

[WC: 564 - Post 1/5 - Total WC: 564]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the students began to arrive Shusuke would continue down the path giving them more instructions as they progressed. `Here's what we know, The Roadcoat Thief has been seen in this area over the past couple of weeks. The vendors that have these small shops along the streets tend to lock up their petty cash in their carts over night as to not worry about it in the morning when they arrive nice and early. The issue is someone has been breaking their locks and even dispelling low level sealing jutsus to steal this petty cash. The Police Force beilieves this culprit is no stronger than a Genin rank, which may seem like too much for you all, keep in mind theres strength in numbers. Additionally our job today is to only locate and report. There is no need to intervene unless I tell you to. Am I clear?` Once they hit the intersection of the next two streets Shusuke continued. `This will be our relay point. If anything happens or you lose connection meet back here.` He throws a flagged kunai into a nearby wooden post.

`I will take the northern path, Keniwa you take the eastern direction. Kiriyomi, if you have done as you said you would I trust you taking the south, the furthest from me. Leaving the West for Yasei. Physical description of the suspect includes, but limited to, a read cloak, near crimson in color. If you see anyone matching the description use the Tori seal and focus on me. I will be able to see what you are seeing, but do not do this without being sure as it will deter my own awareness causing me to potentially lose the perpetrator if you are wrong. Unless there's any questions disperse!` Shusuke waits to be able to answer any questions that the team may have.


To the North, Shusuke darts forward and quickly makes his way up the walls of a nearby building to begin to search from an eagle's perspective. Weaving a few hand seals he releases the Chakra Sensing Jutsu to pick up on anyone with the ability to mold notable amounts of chakra. Instantly he senses his team. Maintaining focus on this Jutsu he would dart forward trying to dart across roof top to roof top. "Ninja Art: Lightning Clone Jutsu" He conjures three clones made of pure electrical energy. "Keep an eye on them." The clones all nodded and then darted towards the direction the students ran off to.


To the East, the district is mostly the taller four-story buildings and the Maple Trees lining the streets are the largest in Maple Town. This region of Maple Town is most likely the oldest of the quadrants. The amount of vendors on this street are more abundant that you would think for the residential district. Maybe two or three per block. The amount of people out in the streets was also higher than the other districts this quandrant was filled with newer money unlike the Clan Houses district to the West. Younger residents of the village were flushed red in the face with bottles of sake in their hands. The boisterous laughter could be heard echoing over almost everything causing Keniwa to have a harder time to be able to focus in compared to the calmer sections. What will he do to try and find the culprit? Only time will tell.


To the South, Kiriyomi would find himself heading towards the Konoha Byoin, the Medical Facility of the village. Most of the houses here were below the four-story maximum that the distract had. Many of the houses stopped at two-stories at the most. These houses were filled with families of lower income or Genin who decided to live on their own directly after graduation. Genin didn't make much money from E-Rank and D-Rank missions. The streets here had very few vendors on them maybe only one a block or one every other block. The streets here were more narrow compared to the others and the size of the Maple Trees made it hard for an eagle eye view thanks to the lowered roof tops. It will be up to Kiriyomi to see how well he can navigate this district of Maple Town.

To the West, Yasei would find himself heading towards the Clan Houses: The Uchiha, The Isaki, The Santaru, The Sakurako, The Gekido, The Gotō. These were the major clans of Konohagakure and the cornerstones of the Land of Fire. The number of houses here were much fewer as these clans owned larger spaces that took up one or more blocks of Maple Town. The amount of street vendors is the fewest here as not many merchants have the confidence to set up shop this close to the clans. The vendors that can be found here, as sparce as they may be, are mostly food vendors.

WC 1,471/2,000


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi nods along as Shusuke explains the details of their mission, surprised that someone this weak was still evading the authorities. Surely they should have been able to catch this thief on their own, why did they need students to do their jobs for them? Not that it mattered. He would prove that he was strong enough to take down a Genin, if Shu allowed him to do so. Which, with all of the new jutsu that he had learned, he hoped that order would be given. He was itching to try them out on a moving target.

`I will take the northern path, Keniwa you take the eastern direction. Kiriyomi, if you have done as you said you would I trust you taking the south, the furthest from me. Leaving the West for Yasei. Physical description of the suspect includes, but limited to, a read cloak, near crimson in color. If you see anyone matching the description use the Tori seal and focus on me. I will be able to see what you are seeing, but do not do this without being sure as it will deter my own awareness causing me to potentially lose the perpetrator if you are wrong. Unless there's any questions disperse!`

Pride fills Kiriyomi's chest at this. Shusuke was trusting him to take the area furthest from him. He acknowledged that Kiri had learned from the scrolls that he had borrowed, and was putting his faith in the fact that he would be able to handle himself should anything happen before the others could arrive. Turning on his heel, he quickly darts off to the south and begins his search for their quarry. While he was not extremely familiar with this part of the town, he quickly recognized that he was heading towards the Konoha Byoin. While his mother had been trained in Medical Ninjutsu, there was still the occasional need to visit the Medical Facility. As he puts some distance between himself and the others, he slows to a walk so as to not draw any attention to himself.

Glancing around, Kiri would quickly notice that many of the buildings here are lower than the other parts of the district, and the trees would block his view from the rooftops. So he would have to search on foot, and be very careful to not be seen doing so. Remembering what he learned in the stealth class, Kiri would duck into an alleyway and find a shaded spot to hide for a moment. Making a few quick handseals and performing the Transformation Jutsu, Kiri would step back out of the alley looking like an average teenager wandering the streets on his way back home. Muttering under his breath, he would talk to Kohara. "I know that we're not supposed to engage, but who knows what the thief will do when confronted? For that reason, I need you to keep an eye on my back. Let me know if you see anyone sneaking up on us, and what they look like. Fly a few feet behind me and above so that we don't draw any unwanted attention. Do you understand?" The ant quickly taps his shoulder in acknowledgement and flies off, trailing behind the boy at a safe distance.

Noting that the vendors in this district are fewer than in others, Kiri would take to hiding amongst the shadows of the buildings and trees as much as possible. Eyeing each stall as he passed, the Aburame would be looking for any that were unmanned. As he spots one, he quickly darts over to check the cart to see if it was still locked. Finding that it was, he would continue on his path, continuing this method with every empty cart that he comes across.

[WC: 629 - Total WC: 1193]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
I will take the northern path, Keniwa you take the eastern direction. Kiriyomi, if you have done as you said you would I trust you taking the south, the furthest from me. Leaving the West for Yasei. Physical description of the suspect includes, but limited to, a read cloak, near crimson in color. If you see anyone matching the description use the Tori seal and focus on me. I will be able to see what you are seeing, but do not do this without being sure as it will deter my own awareness causing me to potentially lose the perpetrator if you are wrong. Unless there's any questions disperse!` These words echoed throught Keniwa's head he acknowledged them but did not reply to Shusuke instead instantly heading off where Shusuke instructed him towards.

Keniwa moved swiftly towards the east district of Maple Town however he had never been in this segment of the town before and it was clearly displayed on his face. He was almost blinded by the lights and deafened by the sounds of several village members danced throughout the night. 'I hadn't been in the district ever before, apparently father goes here quite often when he's not at home mother says.' Spilling bottles of sake all over themselves as they drank and all moving in such an erratic fashion. The four storied buildings completely towered above Keniwa, it was an intimidating sight. He was completely out of his depth and was not expecting so many people to be around especially at this time at night. However this had been the hand he was dealt and he was not about to waste it.

Keniwa slipped in to one of the alleys in the east district between two large buildings. He imbued chakra on to his fingerprints alongside his shoes and quickly began to scale the buildings using his hands to increase his climbing speed as he was not completely adept in wall scaling as of yet. He grabbed the roof of one building with his fingers and launched himself up flipping on to the table and landing on his feet. He gazed down at the people of Maple town trying to find this red hooded individual. He leapt between the roofs of the buildings as he journeyed through the east district, it was hard for him to maintain focus with all the distracting noise and lights. 'I have a mission, shinobis can't be affected by such trifles. I can't fail this it's my first, and it certainly will not be my last. I can't disrespect my mother, I must prove everything I trained for wasn't for nothing.'

WC: 439
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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

The clones darted off and would begin to follow the students and Shusuke sat down and pulsed his chakra out using his Chakra Sense ability. Only time will tell what the result of this mission would be


As Keniwa made his way atop of the city a few minutes would pass before Keniwa would see a streak of red darting down the hallway towards the southern direction. The streak of red, if observed with a close eye, appeared to be bouncing from cart to cart almost like it was just marking the location where the carts were. If the boy would pursue it the streak of red would slow down as the number of carts decreased and Keniwa would be able to see that there was a tall yet slender form of a woman. She wore wraps of red and black to conceal most of her body and her eyes peered a ghastly light blue. If Keniwa was familiar with the other bloodlines found within the village, he may recognize one of the two legendary Doujutsu.


As Kiriyomi began to dart and check carts that were left unattended he would find one of the locks broken away. Splintered wood where a lock would be left little else to investigate. The scraps of wood trailed down a nearby ally that led to the east. If Kiriyomi would look that way he would see a blur of red turning a corner and leaving his line of sight. Sounds of rustling trash cans and hits of heavy foot falls could be heard echoing out from the alley way. If Kiriyomi follows down the pathway he would be able to see the trail ends of a squat and broad man. He was wearing a black skin tight suit and a red cloak that covered most of his body. He was launching from wall to wall darting through the passage slowly making his way towards the roof tops of this low standing section of the village.

WC 1,800/2,000


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi quickly found one of the carts had it's lock broken, and a trail of wood led to a nearby alleyway. Turning, he sees a flash of red and quickly follows after it. At the end of the alley he sees a squat man wearing a skintight black suit and red cloak, darting from wall to wall and making his way towards the roofs of the village. What was it that Shusuke said to do if we saw them? Oh, that's right! He quickly focuses on Shusuke and makes the Tori seal, allowing Shusuke to see the man that was darting away from him. After a moment Kiri would drop the seal and settle onto the ground. It's time go give this a shot... I hope I remember how to do this properly.

Holding out a finger and sending a mental command to Kohara, the boy waits for the ant to fly down onto his outstretched digit. "We're going to try that jutsu. Follow after that man in the red cloak and don't lose sight of him no matter what. I mean it, no distractions. Do you understand?" The ant nods and flutters off his finger to hover in front of Kiriyomi's face. Making a quick series of handseals, Kiri reaches out and touches Kohara before his hand falls to his lap and everything fades to black. When his vision returns, he finds himself staring at his own body slumped on the ground. Aha! Fly on the Wall is a success! Thank you Otosan... I'll remember this. Quickly, the flying ant takes off, Kiri piggybacking off his senses, as they chase the man in the red cloak together.

[WC: 278 - Total WC: 1471]
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Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa continuously stalked the streets from above, although he suddenly saw a streak of red, as he observed it more it seemed as if they were bouncy from cart to cart, they only were on each one for a small amount. They must have had to be extremely fast but Keniwa wouldn't give allow them to get away. 'Shusuke said a red cloak... However I can't be so rash, who knows what may happen if I was wrong, the whole mission could fail.' He dashed to the edge of the roof as he took a large gulp, he hadn't realised how high he really was, he never had climbed trees that would reach to this height and even then it would usually just be to knock off a hornets nest. The erratic ambience was proving to be a problem for him. He tightened his fists gripping his skin a dash of blood leaks out of his clenched fist as he grits his teeth.

All his training had taken place in nature but he hadn't much experience with the village of Konoha, his sheltered childhood hadn't prepared him for the busy east district of Maple town. 'What would father do... No what would Akio do... what would they both do..." He shook his head and took a deep breath the small wound which he had created began to heal itself. Crouching down, he tightly gripped on the ledge of one of the roofs as he jumped off the building, now hanging off of the four story building. He now again attuned chakra to his feet and fingertips before beginning to prowl on all fours on the walls of each buildings.

Swiftly crawling around the walls of east district as he chased after her, the carts began diminish as he got closer and closer to the figure. Now able to witness that it was a tall slender figure possibly a woman, she was covered in red and black wraps which concealed the majority of her body. He moved a bit lower down the building in which he stalked upon to get an even closer view yet he couldn't quite make out any facial features. He rested his elbows on the side using them to maintain balance, before creating several handseals, a small crystal eye appeared above the possible culprit and Keniwa used this to catch some closer details. He made out a ghastly blue glow which radiated from her eyes, however he had not a clue what could have been the source of this could be. 'Shusuke said a red cloak, however this is red and black... I'll keep an eye on them before I contact him.'

WC: 444

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Shusuke would get a notification from Kiriyomi by allowing the Yamanaka child to see through his eyes. 'Looks like we see the culprit to the South thanks to Kiriyomi-kun! I am a ways away, so it will be some time before I can meet you all down there! Hurry that way quickly.' As Shusuke sent the message the visage vanished. The boy began to surge with chakra as he began to fly across the skyline from rooftop to rooftop. A few minutes pass before Shusuke would be able to make his way into the district. He smiled as he knew his clones were already on their way before he left and should be at the boys at this point.


While Keniwa kept an eye out with his crystal eye a clone of Shusuke would land on a nearby rooftop. Hiding in the shadows the clone would lay and wait to see how this would go. As Keniwa kept an eye out observing this woman he would see her quickly strike a cart's lock with single finger tip that caused the lock to pop open. She grabbed a handful of money before darting away.

'Looks like we found the culprit to the South thanks to Kiriyomi-kun! I am a ways away, so it will be some time before I can meet you all down there! Hurry that way quickly.' The woman in this eastern section continued to move south as she darted down the road.


As Kiriyomi began to follow the suspect the Clone that Shusuke sent towards him would eventually discover their location and would tail at a distane keep itself hidden from the young Aburame. Following the larger man dar through the alleyway heading east Kiriyomi would receive a broadcast.

'Looks like we found the culprit to the South thanks to Kiriyomi-kun! I am a ways away, so it will be some time before I can meet you all down there! Hurry that way quickly.'


Just a few minutes passed and the two culprits that Keniwa and Kiriyomi were following met up in the Southeast Region of the district. The tall slender woman and the stout man would exchange a few words as Shusuke would continue to pulse out his Chakra Sense jutsu until he was able to detect the large man that Kiriyomi displayed to him through his Third Eye Jutsu. As the two spoke the team would receive a message. 'There's two of them! Keep an eye out, I am going to engage. Supply backup if you deem it necessary but do not do anything that will put you in harms way.'

As the two students looked out to the culprits that they were following they would see a burst of lightning crash down before the two suspects. "You are both under arrest for suspected crimes against the Konohagakure Corporation. Place your hands behind your head and comply, less you want to take the hard path forward." As Shusuke spoke flower petals began to swirl around the boy as he entered his clan's Phantosmia Style to strengthen his Genjutsu agains the enemies. Chains began to appear around his hands. "What is this? Does this little kid think we are afraid of you pipsqueak?"

Shusuke's forehead had a clear vein pulse at the insult. He pulled out a a scroll and unraveled it on the ground. "Hard way it is. I hope you are ready to die." Pulling out a calligraphy brush and ink, Shusuke would quickly paint on the scroll before making a single handseal. "Lightning Style: Ink Prison!" Two large insect like creatures emerged from the scroll and darted towards the two culprits. As they did, the woman darted forward with a quick spin into a Palms Rotation causing the ink creations to shatter into splatters of black liquid.

"Not enough sweet heart, try again." She turned her Byakugan eyes towards Shusuke. With a grin on her face she spoke up again. "And you can tell your two friends to come out of here as well. I know they are nearby. I can see them." She let out a laugh as she spoke.

"Don't worry about them, I am enough to take you on by myself!" Shusuke would ready himself for a fight.

WC 2,000+
10th overall of 15 posts
Next post will be the wrap up and exit for everyone!


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
'Looks like we found the culprit to the South thanks to Kiriyomi-kun! I am a ways away, so it will be some time before I can meet you all down there! Hurry that way quickly.' Kiri glows with pride as he hears this message, and quickly drops his jutsu to return to his body. Standing up and brushing himself off, he quickly darts away in the direction that he followed the man as Kohara, hoping that the ant would be able to stay out of trouble until he arrived.

I know that we're not supposed to engage, but what do we do if they decide to fight back? Am I strong enough now to handle an enemy? Senpai seems to think so, which is why I was sent to the furthest point. Just believe in yourself, and everything will work out! Kiri quickly reaches the Southeast Region of the district and hides behind a tree, spying the woman that Keniwa had found speaking with the man that he was chasing. As they were speaking to each other, Kiri receives another message from Shusuke.

'There's two of them! Keep an eye out, I am going to engage. Supply backup if you deem it necessary but do not do anything that will put you in harms way.' Kiri glances around and notices Keni arriving shortly after him, and nods in recognition. If they were going to have to provide backup, they would have to work together. No time to let feelings get in the way from prior exchanges. This was a mission, and he was willing to put it all on the line to stop criminals in the village from harming anyone else.

Suddenly a crash of lightning appears and Shusuke tells the criminals they are under arrest, to which they laugh and insult him. Don't they know who they are dealing with? There was no way that they were going to be able to handle all three of them together. As Shu sends out two large insects made of ink towards the culprits, the woman steps forward into a Palms Rotation, splattering ink all around her as she smirks at Shusuke. Her glowing blue eyes reveal her to be a Hyuuga, and Kiriyomi knows that this fight just became a lot more balanced in the opponents favor. Fighting against those eyes was very difficult, as they could see through just about anything. Probably best to let Shusuke handle that, and focus on the man behind her who had yet to act.

Turning to Keni, Kiriyomi would quickly come up with a plan. "I think we need to attack the one in the back, as this woman is likely too strong for us to try and fight. We would only be getting in Senpai's way, and that could prove fatal for any one of us. Do you trust me? If so, follow my lead." Kiri would dash around the side of the tree, making a wide berth around the woman until her associate behind her was in view. Thinking about the scrolls that he borrowed from Shusuke, he would make a few quick handseals and perfrom False Surroundings. The man would look around as the streets around him were suddenly changed into a lush forest, hopefully confusing him enough to allow himself and Keniwa to incapacitate him. "Keniwa, now is your chance! Go for it!" With his attention turned back to his teammate, Kiriyomi wouldn't notice the kunai flying towards his chest that the man had thrown at him.

[WC: 585 - Total WC: 2056 - Post 11/15]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
'Looks like we found the culprit to the South thanks to Kiriyomi-kun! I am a ways away, so it will be some time before I can meet you all down there! Hurry that way quickly.' Keniwa watched as the woman who he followed made her way towards the south district. He disables his crystal eye jutsu as he thinks to himself. 'This couldn't have been a coincidence... I'll continue to chase.' so he continued to stealthy track her through the use of the high story building's walls. She was fast but he didn't let up leaping round every corner in the shadows, using several ledges to swing off of propelling himself forwards whilst he chased after this slim figure dashing through the east district. Eventually Keniwa had reached the Southeast region of the district where he saw two figures group together, as he did he hears in his mind. 'There's two of them! Keep an eye out, I am going to engage. Supply backup if you deem it necessary but do not do anything that will put you in harms way.'

Keniwa realises Kiriyomi and Shusuke are both here alongside the two culprits. Kiriyomi and Keniwa share a small moment, Kiriyomi had a fire in his eyes which Keniwa couldn't help but kindle. He nodded at Kiriyomi with a determined look on his face, he respected Kiriyomi, he'd been through death and yet he didn't falter on his mission, an incredible asset to have on a mission. Keniwa witnesses as Shusuke began to engage in combat, sparks of lightning flying from shusuke's position, with the woman who he had tracked down this entire time. Her powers instantly eradicating two of Shusuke's creations, he had never laid witness to this before but he could tell that it was somewhat related to her eyes.
Kiriyomi turns to Keniwa as he says "I think we need to attack the one in the back, as this woman is likely too strong for us to try and fight. We would only be getting in Senpai's way, and that could prove fatal for any one of us. Do you trust me? If so, follow my lead." Keniwa without a second thought instantly agrees, there was no way he would go against Kiriyomi's decisiveness. "I trust you, I won't let there be any casualities. I promise."

Keniwa glances at Kiriyomi as he scurts around the woman and hones in on the man, Keniwa still remaining on the walls of a large building watches as Kiriyomi creates a few handseals and aims towards the man. 'It must be a genjutsu it appears like nothing happened, so he must be the only target.' He gets ready to pounce towards the man as he hears Kiriyomi shout at him "Keniwa, now is your chance! Go for it!" He leaps down in front of Kiriyomi with his tetsukawa activating as he fell slightly smashing the ground. His arms blocking the kunai thrown at Kiriyomi with a trickle of blood pouring down. The rock like nature of tetsukawa had traken the majority of the force. Dashing low towards the man focusing a large amount of his tetsukawa in to one of his arms as he punches the man in the gut. An armored blow reckless yet powerful. No one today would lose their life not whilst Keniwa stood.

WC: 555 (Post 12/15)

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke noticed from the corner of his eyes that Kiriyomi and Keniwa engaged the squat man. A single Kunai was through and it was enough to cut Keniwa’s intensely strong skin. Shusuke made the mistake of focusing on them for more than just a moment. He would see Keniwa land a solid hit on the man, but he was unphased and would instead grab the boy by his arm before swinging an attack. The blow would feel as though Keniwa was hit by a train and the force was enough to send the child’s small body flying through the air.

A fist would puncture through Shusuke’s chest and a cough of blood came from his lips. ”Jokes on you!” The clone that was struck by Shusuke would erupt in a massive current of electricity as he would land deftly beside the large man as his other clone landed beside the woman to once again engage with her.

”Yamanaka Shusuke, South East Quadrant of Maple Town, requesting immediate Chuunin backup.” Shusuke took his hand away from his headset before looking back to Kiriyomi and Keniwa. ”You two need to leave, now!” As Shusuke spoke his clone was engaged with hand to hand combat against the woman. Each thrown fist would be dodged with graceful movements on her behalf or a strong open hand to deflect his blows away.

As Shusuke looked back towards the man he heard his voice scream out. ”Magma Release: Volcanic Glass!” Sharp edges of obsidian glass would be sprayed out towards Shusuke. The Genin quickly grabbed a dagger that he summoned Into existence. Scraping sounds of glass on metal caused the screeching that echoed through the area. Each sheet of flying obsidian rested at two feet wide and four long, long enough to cut. The young Genin let out a held breath.

Weaving a few handseals he placed his hand on the ground before hearing a scream behind him. A woman in the crowd that started to form was pointing in the direction of the two students. Raising his hand from the ground he would shout out ”Summoning Jutsu: Saikai of the West Sea!” Instantly a Five foot tall snail came into existence.

”Saikai-sama, help the students!” Shusuke darted forward towards the large man as he saw his clone erupted with electrical energy as the woman dissipated it with ease.

Shusuke summoned a series of floating weapons that would begin to fly towards the man, but was quickly halted as the man instantly snatched Shusuke by the throat and began to squeeze the life out of him. ”Hurry up, she’s expecting us”

”Yea, I’ll stop playing.” As the man spoke he tossed Shusuke’s body up slightly before shifting his legs to kick the Yamanaka directly up into the air by connecting his foot to Shusuke’s chin. The young boy’s limp body would peak at about 20ft into the air before dropping and hitting the ground with a solid thud. Upon hitting the ground Saikai would burst into smoke as the summon jutsu would come to an end as Shusuke fell unconscious.

The large man began to laugh before turning around and joining the lithe woman in darting away from the scene.

A pool of blood would begin to form around Shusuke’s unmoving body.

Post 13/15
WC: 542


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi's eyes widen in surprise as he sees Keniwa jump down before him and block a kunai that had been aimed for him. These opponents might be tougher than we thought... I was sure that jutsu had worked on him. Maybe I should tell Keniwa that we should retreat and go get reinforcements. Before Kiri could say anything, though, the other boy had launched himself forward at the stout man and punched him in the gut. It seemed to not phase him at all as he quickly retaliated and swung back, knocking Keniwa into the air.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" Kiri calls out for Kohara, sending him flying forward to slash at the man as a distraction. The ant rushes forward, aiming for the man's arms, when he turns back towards Kiriyomi and Keniwa. Kiriyomi doesn't hesitate as he tries to use Stun, hoping to catch him off guard long enough to save his friend and get them out of there. He rushes over towards Keniwa, hoping that his Genjutsu worked this time. Kohara, however, notices that it didn't work and turns back to Kiri just as the man makes a series of handseals.

"Magma Release: Volcanic Glass!" Kohara flies up and out of the way of the jutsu being used behind him, narrowly avoiding being slashed in half by a large flying shard of obsidian. Kiriyomi was reaching for Keniwa when the jutsu flew his way, and he stops for a moment, staring down at his arm. Or rather, where his arm used to be. Lying on the ground at his feet, severed at the elbow, was his arm. Staring down at the bloody stump, he vaguely hears a woman screaming in the distance and hears Shusuke performing a jutsu of his own. Dizzy from blood loss, Kiri wobbles on his feet as his ants instinctively swarm out of his body and try to staunch the bleeding by covering his wound. Collapsing to his knees, reaching out with his remaining arm towards Keniwa, he falls to the ground unconscious.

Post 14/15
WC: 340
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa's stomach felt like it had just been ruptured, he was sent flying back several metres away past Kiriyomi, he smashes in to the ground. Leaving a small crater where he landed, groans of pain could be heard from his direction, blood spurting out of several parts of his body, yet only like small cracks in a boulder, the actual fall was the least of his worries. 'This is way worse than dad's blows.' His vision was blurry and his ears had a small ring. He could barely make out Kiriyomi's and Shusuke's voices. His stomach had been severely injured by just one strike but the rest of his body wouldn't allow any time for rest. Shouting "No!" he raised his arm in to the air as he lay on the floor before swinging it down in to the ground smashing his fist destroying a small part of the pavement. Shusuke flew way over Keniwa his body beginning to hurdle towards the floor.

Keniwa clawed his rock like fingers in to the pavement using this to rise back up on to his feet. Yet the sight before him was an unholy one, not only were the two culprits making their escape, an array of destruction had been formed in front of him. Kiriyomi had his arm reached out towards him as he was crumpled on the floor, Keniwa ran up to him his vision still not completely clear he couldn't make out how injured Kiriyomi was. Upon reaching him he looked down at Kiriyomi almost hurling all over him he uses his hands to cover his mouth as he stomachs his vomit. There wasn't time to panic. "Kiriyomi! Hey. Kiriyomi! Get up!" He pats down Kiriyomi looking for anything that could help him, Keniwa's slow regenerative capabilities never made him carry any sort of mednin tools or jutsus. He was a fool he hadn't thought about his allies. No... his friends. Finally finding Kiriyomis tool pouch he pulled out clotting powder.

Without a moments notice he spreads it all over Kiriyomi's sliced arm's wound, gently moving the insects out of the way to apply it. He looks at the limp forearm which bled on the floor, he'd never seen such a terrifying sight. The pain which he must be going through had to be immense, he lightly touched it half out of curiosity and disbelief. It was still warm, he instantly let go he had just come to terms with what had happened. He gently lifts Kiriyomi's head on to his lap as he deactivates his tetsukawa, his mind racing, there was nothing or no one that could have prepared him for this moment. Activating his headset he just cries out. "Help! Please. The situation has escalated!" He doesn't know who he's contacting but he couldn't think about it. He gazed at Shusuke, all his limbs intact yet he looked no better than Kiriyomi, this had been the worst possible outcome. Just a few seconds he had been out and everything had gone to hell. 'I.. What have I done?'

WC: 504
Post 15/15

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the citizens in the area quickly move away from the scene in horror the local Chuunin were quick to react. Paramedics arrived with the Chuunin to assess the situation. Quickly grabbing Shusuke and Kiriyomi the Mednins would begin the charge towards the Konoha Byoin. "Thanks for the report kid, go with you friends you will be debriefed at the Hospital. We will take it from here." As he spoke his Sharingan activated as the Konoha Police member darte towards the direction the Redcoat Thieves ran off to.

Mission Complete!
[Topic Ended: continue HERE]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
