Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private The Road Doused In Flames [Req Ishi]

Kimari Bōmu

Active Ninja
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
It's pretty rare for Keniwa to talk to someone first without any sort of invitation to speak. However Keniwa had handed in a letter to one of his teachers at the academy a few weeks ago, realistically as a shinobi his skills weren't as enhanced as they could be. The closest thing to guidance which he had pertained was well... A certain weapon wielding Yamanaka, their style just not being what the young Kyoujouran wanted in terms of his path of being a Shinobi. With rumours echoing throughout the academy there had been a new head jounin appointed to main branch, it was best for the boy to meet his superior before he actually begins his life as a full fledged ninja. Besides just the reputation he had for being a head jounin, his build had looked somewhat familiar when he had seen him one day walking in the hallways. The spiky haired kid had only really had interactions with a few teachers, Hoshirei sensei, Nao sensei and... that one Anbu and whilst that wasn't an official lesson he certainly learnt alot on that faithful day. Keniwa needed someone who could make him the best he could be and hopefully the Head Jounin could do that.

After finishing his lunch he made his way through the hallways eventually coming to the designated classroom which would be used for their meeting. He had woken up early and spent hours contemplating and thinking of what he would say and ask. And yet there was still a small aura of awkwardness that would cover his general attitude, he wasn't scared at all yet his conversational skills were only really at their peak when surrounded by his closest of friends and his brother. He stood in front of the door for almost two minutes reaffirming to himself his game plan. 'Name, my plan, what I need to learn, getting him to teach me and... confidence!' It was naught but perfect in his mind. Knocking firmly on the door three times in quick succession he would exclaim "Hello I have come to meet with the Head Jounin regarding the contents of the letter!" Whilst he had explained a little on how he would wish for some guidance to truly flourish, he hadn't been able to show up front why he was worthy. And he wasn't about to disappoint.
Ishi hadn't been in office very long and yet he was already receiving letters it seemed from students to come and meet them, though the name was one that he didn't expect to see. Normally he wouldn't give to minutes to meet them and assign it to one of the teachers, or a lower rank but the name caught his attention, since the search he had been watching the boy and seeing what the future would hold for him, so having a catch-up and checking in was something he would consider, and considering he was now in charge of the Academy as well after the Sennin it was worth getting an opinion and speaking to those inside.

"Well I guess I better go to this meeting room, if anyone needs me feel free to headset call me, otherwise consider myself unavailable for a little bit"

Leaving the teaching rooms he wandered the Academy towards the meeting point, as he allowed his mask to still cover his face, the new and fresh Leaf Main Branch armor sitting on him but he had kept the mask for now, as he walked down the corridor he heard around the corner the announcement of his arrival a small smile came to his lips as he knew full well that the meeting had already started.

"Head on in then, don't just stand outside"

With that, he swept past Keniwa and into the room that was empty, walking over to the desk he leaned against it as he waited to hear what Keniwa had to say and why he had arranged this meeting with the two of them.

[Topic Entered]
Swiftly turning his head to face the head jounin and to his surprise it was the mysterious Anbu who he had met at the valley of the end. "Oh right! Yessir!" He darted in to the classroom following straight after his superior, he had thought that their body figure were somewhat similar but he had never caught a glimpse of the front of his face until now. A confident yet small smile appearing on his face before he it would turn in to a far more serious expression. Each hand to his side he would make clear eye contact with Ishi looking up at him, as he would firmly say. "Hello Head Jounin, I wrote to you to ask for you to privately tutor me. I have tapped in to new power of off recently these new metallic augments being fused with my body with the use of several wires. They allow me to push past my natural limits at the cost of my own health."

He'd pull up each of his gloves, which are always attuned to his hands, out towards him for Ishi to be able to take a closer look. "I'm not aware of the full contents of their power, however I'd want for you to help me master them. Not only that but... on a more personal level, I wasn't aware that you were the Head Jounin but in a battle I'll need to be able to keep my calm, and you and that awesome talking shark helped me forgive and forget a lot of grief. For that I am eternally grateful" Bringing his fists just above his waists as he would stare down at them, clenching the both of them as his eyebrows would furrow, his gazed now focused on himself. "However... I'm not that strong not even for my age. That title... belongs to someone else... when it comes to ninjutsu and genjutsu I fall shorter than my peers. And for that I am afraid I can't do it alone. I wish to be a shield which can stand through anything."

'I'm not sure how he'll take this and I know it's a risky request but...' Taking a big gulp as he would look up at Ishi, a singular line of sweat falling down the side of his head before prominently requesting. "This is a big ask but I want us to truly train. Push me harder than any of the other genin, chuunin or jounin. Don't think, is he alright, maybe I shouldn't hold back. No. If i can't face simple sparring then what chance do I have on the real battlefield." He allowed this to sit for a moment before realising something he may have said wrong. "Not that I think you would have went easy on me or anything! Just... I don't want to be treated the same way as the others... I'll do anything to show you my worth as a Shinobi. I need to protect the ones I love."
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Ishi listened to the boy speaking to him about tutoring, teaching and even growing stronger. It seemed that he wanted to achieve things above his classmates, He had the will of fire, pure and simple that was enough for Ishi to know about the boy but he was so determined he allowed himself to let the boy finish speaking as he stood up from the desk standing tall and looking down to the boy.

"Follow me"

As the two of them walked the hallways of the Academy he knew that the boy wanted to be tested, that was fine, after all, young and fresh the ideas no the very foundations of the core of who they were was on display and ripe to be molded, he wanted to find the right words to be spoken in order to make sure that the boy knew where he stood, watching a group of much younger students run past them, he smiled at them, he never got this chance, never had a life of being a child he was raised for one purpose and now his life had been changed so quickly.

"Lord Fourth saw fit to move me to this position, to assist with the new Main Branch Sennin and make sure the Branch runs smoothly. The mask stays as I was granted that favor, however, you may as well know my name Kyoujouran Keniwa. After all, I know yours, the name is Fukushu Ishi."

As he exited at the back of the building and stood in the wide area, knowing full well that now it would be time for the two of them to really understand each other, he allowed himself to reach down grabbing at the weapon that shifted and roared into his mind, his old friend awakening fully as he let the gun point to the ground his eyes focused on the boy.

"Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, they are good, but I am a Taijutsu user, and I think you need to understand the true power that we can harness, so let me see. Your drive, your passion, put everything into the world and show me what you are made of, then I will decide if I will personally take you under my wing, or if you are just another nameless Shinobi on the front lines that I will order around."

With that Ishi stood his ground prepared for what came next, as the wind gently wiped at the two of them.

"Come at me Keniwa"

[Bmod Called]

Just a couple of reminders, requests, and requirements (subject to Change):
  • Link all your stuff in your actions: If you're using a jutsu, link it. If you're using an affinity move, link to the list. If you're using a dependent action from a CA/BL, link to the CA/BL, etc.; the less guesswork/searching you take out of my time, the quicker I can do the battle bits!
  • List your passives: I know this might seem like additional work, but making a 1-time list and copying and pasting it with each submission of your actions would be a benefit for you and I! This is one of the areas a mod most regularly misses (and at times one players also overlook), so help me, help you! And I do mean all passives, even things from your abilities or CA/BL that you may not think is important
  • If you have any concerns contact me on Discord (@The_Tea_Witch!): If I don't respond immediately I'm either at work (I have Discord on my phone) or I'm caught up with some IRL stuff, give me a bit of patience and I will get back to you asap!
  • Please do not debate my mod in Gen Chat, go to another Mod to 'second opinion' my mod or just generally flame/disrespect me, as I promise you all the work I am doing for your mod isn't to offend/hurt/screw you over. Chat with me about mod questions, if we don't reach a satisfactory result, we can get the System Head involved to make sure both parties are taken care of!
  • Based on previous rulings and how things are written, I like to adhere to "what you write is what you want", so please be careful and clear in your actions/conditionals.
  • If something is wrong in your profile, even if it was approved incorrectly, it's wrong and unusable. (ie. Shinobi 101 was written wrong, Wrong class becomes rookie class.)
  • Unless you both agree to something different, we will do the 48 hours as the limit to submit your actions after a round has been posted.
Beaming bright the sun would echo a radiant light practically blessing the field in which the two would face each other, there was nothing to be hidden as Keniwa would allow his wraps across his metallic fists to slowly untangle and float down beside him. He'd contemplate everything which brought him to this moment. 'Kiriyomi... Akio... Mother... everyone. I'm doing this for you all. I can't believe who I was before I joined the academy. And I'll continue to climb! I'll claw my way to the top!' The young student would clasp his fists as he brought them out in front of his chest.

"Fukushi... If you see fit do with me what you want. I'll show my worth to you in mere seconds. I won't let anything come in between my family and my friends. Leaf is my home I can't let anyone destroy that, no matter what their reason. And for that I'll fight and protect it all till the last trickle of blood leaves my body." Clenching his gloves tighter a line of sweat would discretely pierce through his rocklike skin rolling down the side of his head. He was aware of the situation he was in and knew what may come of it, however it was that very core of him not backing down no matter what. That was his way.

With a small yet present smirk he would respond.

"Come at me. Fukushi"

[Actions Sent]


Participants: Round 1


Kyoujouran Keniwa


Fukushu Ishi
[TD]HP: 21,000 -140 -140 -2309 -2537 -2537 -4382 -1112 Cursed = 7,873

CP: 10,000 -200 (2%) -572 -600 -340 -378 = 8849

AP: 10 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -0.5 -3.75 +1 -0.5 -2.25 -1.75 -0.25 = 0 +11 = 11 NR

Maintains: Gates 1-8, Tetsukawa, Zaiken Style, Defensive Stance
Status: Beaten up by a grownup.[/TD]
[TD]HP: 39,000 -1236 -1407 -1407 -120 -365 -120 -365 = 33,980

CP: 33,000 -1,900 -1236 -2065 = 27,799

AP: 10 -2.75 -3.75 -2.75 -1 AP Suppression = 0 +10 = 10 NR

Maintains: None
Status: Was suppressed, getting better[/TD]

0 Sec Ishi declare Duelist against Keni (+2 Accuracy/DC and +10% damage)

0 Sec Ishi equips Crusades Wrath

0 Sec Ishi makes a Sneak Attack Basic Strike against Keni - FULL HIT (51v26)
----- (150 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite +10% Sneak Attack) 187 -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless = 140 Damage
----- Flickering Shadow tries to trigger a conditional that cannot be used at the moment

0 Sec Ishi makes a Sneak Attack Basic Strike against Keni - FULL HIT (45v30)
----- (150 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite +10% Sneak Attack) 187 -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless = 140 Damage
----- Flickering Shadow tries to trigger a conditional that cannot be used at the moment

0.5 Sec Keni Equips Metallic Gloves

1 Sec Keni enters Defense Stance after getting shot a couple of times

1.75 Sec Keni enters Tetsukawa
----- No Armor speeds up this Technique

2.25 Sec Ishi uses See the Wind FULL HIT (46v20) combos with Quick Switch into the Weapon Mastery Blitz Brawl Combo of [Fist of Sin - Wrath FULL HIT (41v34) (38v22) & Glacial Shot FULL HIT (45v31)]
----- (3765 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4329 -130 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 2309 Damage
---------- (4125 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4743 -130 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 2537 Damage
---------- (4125 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4743 -130 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 2537Damage
---------- (4125 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4743 -130 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 3459 Damage
-------------- Both Attacks Land, Suppressed 0.5AP Kyoujouran Juggernaut ignores this suppression

2.25 Sec Keni enters Zaiken Style

4 Sec Keni Opens the Gates of Opening, Healing, Life, Pain, Limit, View, Wonder and Death

6 Sec Keni uses Morning Peacock Miss (30v35) CRITICAL (Nat 19: 37v43) Miss (25v47) CRITICAL (Nat 20: 38v33) Miss (26v31)
----- [(395 x2.3) = 908 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 1407
----- [(395 x2.3) = 908 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 1407

7.5 Sec Keni uses Dragon Assault 25% Partial Hit (36v37) Miss (29v37) 75% Partial Hit (34v33) 25% Partial Hit (27v28) 75% Partial Hit (36v35)
----- [[315 x25%) = 78 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 120
----- [[315 x75%) = 236 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 365
----- [[315 x25%) = 78 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 120
----- [[315 x75%) = 236 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) 365

10 Sec Keni is hit with a wave of Cursed Energy
----- (140 +140 +2309 +2537 +2537 +3459) x10% =1112
This is my first mod not getting it double checked, so if I missed anything please let me know!

Fukushu Ishi:
  • You did not provide an equipment/gear list, so unfortunately there is no equipment/gear buffs that apply to this such as the Light Armor that you listed in your Passives section.
Kyoujouran Keniwa:
  • Your conditional didn't trigger, despite this jutsu combo chain being worth more than your listed AP because you cannot indicate AP Spent as a Conditional Trigger, so I used them as an AP Timing, and with the initial jutsu falling under the AP Timing and the rest happening instantly due to the nature of Combos, the Conditional was not triggered.
  • Missed 2 sources of DR for Keniwa
  • Missed the 8th gate Doubling the Accuracy and boost to damage cap
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Ishi was quick off the mark before time had even managed to sink into Keniwa's mind he was on the move, impacts already hitting the boy in a second, before he could react or even try to counter it seemed that the Head Jounin would not be holding back in this fight, and neither was it expected of him to do so. This was a trial by fire and he was going to make sure that he didn't hold back going for that instantaneous hitting was the key that he had learned and picked up and this time it was going to be no exception.

He kept his eyes on his opponent, not allowing him to move from his vision, seeing his feet move he launched his attack, the gun coming up as the shots echoed into the surrounding area, making the birds fly, he was quick on the follow-up, as he spun the weapon in his hand and brought the but up, slapping it into Keniwa as if he was throwing a fist, as his foot hit the ground he allowed himself to drop the pistol, grabbing it with his other hand and slamming it back into Keni's stomach.

This was second nature to him, the speed and the fluidity, as he allowed his weapon to fold away the true gun coming up as he allowed the trigger to be squeezed, as he moved backward in that second, he felt the hit before his brain could understand what was happening, spittle sprayed free from his lips as he realized that the boy was still standing, even more, troublesome was the fact that he was nearly doubled over, pain echoed into his body as he shifted backward quickly, trying to create some distance, Keniwa kept up his assault as he felt blows hitting him.

His body ached, he had gone into this fight naive, and thinking the boy was not going to stand, battered and bruised he still fought back, he still had the will of fire burning inside him, a student with potential is what Ishi saw but that also meant he couldn't hold back, he expected the boy down and out, and no instead he resisted.

"Very well, let's take things to the next level Keniwa, you should me your spirit, and strength, then let me show you mine."

With that, his hands came together.

[Actions Sent]
[MFT: 399]
2 seconds. That's all he had to prepare for the onslaught of attacks that would befall the Kyoujouran, and he stuck to his instincts. Holding a defensive stance he'd activate his "Tetsukawa!" with a defiant shout standing his ground as he gritted his teeth and clasped his arms in front of his head. He'd never even see a weapon like Ishi's before as a bullet would come hurdling towards his piercing straight through his rock like skin as blood would gush out. He'd never felt such pain before in his lifetime as he would shiver his mind about to go numb only to be awaken by a smack his head followed shortly after by a slam to the side of his stomach. He could feel his skin cracking as his biological defences had been given a beating, bruised and battered he would drop his arms, his jaw clenched shut before he would let out a battle cry.

Sparks would fly off of his robotic enhancements as a wave of heat would echo around the boy, a dangerous amount of steam and smoke would rise from his body as his eyes shone a blazing orange. His skin was like that of a molten core as it glowed brightly, he was shaking and oozing with forbidden power as it coursed throughout his veins, small pieces of his skin would begin to melt and hit the floor burning the grass around him crisp. Wires would begin to stream out of his shoulder spraying blood which would instantly be evaporated, attaching themselves to his metallic fists as they would begin to repair any damage caused due to the immense heat. And just as he moved a muscle he would blitz forward with rapid speed puling his arms back as searing blows would be launched at Ishi's direction, under any normal circumstance wishing to land an attack would be impossible but his body wouldn't let up as he connected two fists in to Ishi. Not letting up the attack he would practically glitch as several kicks would come flying the Head Jounin's way as he jumped in to the air.

Landing on the ground his whole body was ringing and his vision was blurry, something inside of him felt wrong and the pain throughout his body wouldn't cease the heat was immeasurable as he was slowly melting away. He could Ishi state that he'd release his spirit, and the Kyoujouran in this time couldn't help but think of what his fate would be. He'd glare at Ishi as he would shout with an ear ringing tone. "I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR THE ONES I LOVE!" As he could feel his body pulling himself apart he'd dash forward ready to strike.

Participants: Round 2


Kyoujouran Keniwa


Fukushu Ishi

Fukushu Ishi's Shark
[TD]HP: 7,873 +840 -800 -2039 = 5,874

CP: 8849 +400 -294 -500 -476 -500 -476 = 7,003

AP: 11 -1.75 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 -2.25 = 0.25, 11.25 NR

Maintains: Gates 1-8, Tetsukawa, Zaiken Style, Defensive Stance
Status: Broken Arms, Sprained Heart, Rank1 Bleeding[/TD]
[TD]HP: 33,980 -488 -612 -612 -458 - 1224 -305 = 33,187

CP: 27,799 -4,800 -5,750 -286 -2,060 = 15,189

NE: +5,750

AP: 10 -0.5, -3.5 -2.25 -0.5 -2.75 = 0.5, 10.5 NR
Maintains: Contract Summoning, Sage Mode, Kindred Fusion
Status: Is a Sharkboy needing his Lava Girl[/TD]
[TD]HP: 22,500

CP: 20,250 -2065 =18,185

AP: 4.5 - 0.5 - 2.75 = 1.25, 5.5 NR

Status: [/TD]

0 Seconds Keni's Arms take intense force as he continues pushing through the gates and he can feel the bones in them start to shatter. his heart is racing.

0 Seconds Keni's fighting Spirit Stays Strong! +4% HP/CP

1.35 Seconds Keni leaps into a Dragon Assault and starts swinging at Ishi. Miss, Full Hit, Miss, Miss
----- (315 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 488
---------- Suppression -0.5 AP

3.15 Seconds Keni keeps up the attacks with Morning Peacock! Full Hit, Miss, Full Hit, 75% Partial, CRITICAL!
----- (395 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 612
---------- Suppression -0.5 AP
----- (395 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 612
---------- Suppression -0.5 AP
----- ([395x75%] = 296 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 458
----- ([395x2.25] = 790 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 1224
---------- Suppression -0.5 AP

3.15 Seconds Ishi uses OVERWHELMING POWER!
----- Completely negates Morning Peacock

3.5 Seconds Ishi bites his thumb and does the thing to make a Shark appear out of thin air! But there is no source of water? OH NO! THE REALISM IS GONE!
----- Ishi also enters Shark Sage Mode

4.6 Seconds Shark equips Sharks Teeth

4.9 Seconds Keni keeeeepsa punching with Multi-Hit Combo
----- First attack Missed so they all do

6.25 Seconds Ishi and his weapon perform the fusion dance and become as one!

6.7 Seconds Keni punches and punches with Morning Peacock! Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss, 50% Partial!
----- ([395x50%] = 197 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style) = 305
---------- Suppression -0.5 AP

8.5 Seconds Keni goes ORA ORA ORA with Multi-Hit Combo
----- First attack missed so they all do

9.5 Seconds Shark uses Zantetsuken
----- ([3630 -10% Weapon] = 3267 -130 Tetsukawa = 3137 -10% Vanguard, -10% Defensive Technique, -10% Fearless, -10% Hachimon, -5% Class = 2039
---------- Bleeding Rank 1 (ignored)

10 Sec Keni is hit with a wave of Cursed Energy
----- (0) x10% = 0
This is my first mod not getting it double checked, so if I missed anything please let me know!

Fukushu Ishi:
  • with no inventory provided you were unsuccessful at performing the Body Switch jutsu as you do not have a Kawarmi Target
Kyoujouran Keniwa:
  • Multi-Hit Combo is definitely High Risk/High Reward
  • ?
Ishi gritted his teeth in those few moments as he looked toward the boy, it seemed his will of fire was burning at least feeling the pain from the attacks he had thrown had also seen to that, as he dodged most of the attacks one seemed to land home for Ishi, sending him stumbling slightly in surprise and happiness that the boy was holding his own. The next attack would be less lucky as Ishi moved quickly striking out and countering with his own power without hesitation or delay, stopping the attack short and making sure it didn't come to fruition.

"Seems you giving this your everything, so then I will also do the same, after all, I wouldn't want to hold back on you."

His hands came together as he allowed them to weave an intricate pattern of hand seals before slamming them into the ground quickly, the huge puff of smoke erupting as the huge shark appeared in front of Keniwa. Ishi glanced at the summon as he knew that it thirsted for blood and nodded towards it, allowing it to know that this fight was a serious one to consider and of course, it was time to get in on the action without delay or hesitation, allowing the strength of the Shark Contract to flow through him he entered into Sage mode, as his pupils turned to pure black just like his contract.

As time passed by Ishi allowed the weapon's anger, and strength slows into his, shifting his form he grew taller and changed, his body taking the colors of the black metal of the gun as he became one with the weapon and focused back on Keni, with these combinations coming into place he was ready to show Keniwa the true strength of Taijutsu he just hoped the boy had what it took to be able to survive what was coming.

"Now let us really see if you are ready to be taught"

[MFT: 301]
[Actions Sent]
Time was running out for the boy as like clockwork both of his arms snapped at the elbow his bones shattering as they would fall limp, his heartbeat would rapidly increase as if grasping for any bit of air possible. Reaching for anything possible a burning sensation would course throughout his entire body as his pores were practically oozing lava, he wanted to scream from the amount of pain he was in but he couldn't show such weakness not in a time like this. Switching to focus on his legs he'd use them to try kick and keep up with Ishi however due to the Head Jounin's sheer speed it would lead to most of his attacks being dodged and negated.

His overwhelming power of his own strike completely negated Keniwa's most powerful attack with ease, their skills were no where near close. His chances of winning were fleeting as his eyes would flutter whilst Ishi began to perform several handseals preparing a large attack. He thought back to his mother in this small moment in time, all the pain and strife which she had withheld just for him, from birth he was already a burden to her. He had mutilated her body upon the delivery, and due to that his father had taken the anger out on both them. For all of his life he has seen his mother endure and endure with a calm gentle smile. She was never a fighter, not once had she graced the battlefield with her presence, and yet she was the strongest person Keniwa knew. 'I... I want to be like mother. No! I need to be like mother!'

Ishi's transformation was complete in this time, a ginormous shark glaring down at the boy alongside Ishi who's form had completely changed resembling that of a black metallic monster. Glaring up at the two of them the short muscular student it was now unlock his true potential, someone who pushes through the pain and stands tall when no one else can. Preparing for his most mightiest of techniques he would clamp his feet in to the ground as he readied himself to become a wall which would take a whole lot to break. No matter the result of the battle he'd come back stronger than ever. A True Unbroken Kyoujouran.

Participants: Round 3


Kyoujouran Keniwa


Fukushu Ishi

Fukushu Ishi's Shark
[TD]HP: 5,874 +840 -800 -68 -2117 -2306 -2306 -1064 -427 -427 -786 = -3587 (-17%)

Temp HP: +4,000

CP: 7,003 +400 -800 -900 -643 -2619 -378 -63 = 2,000

AP: 11.25 -1 -2.25 -2.25 -0.5 -2.75 -1.75 -0.75 = 0, 11 AP next round

Maintains: Gates 1-8, Tetsukawa, Zaiken Style, Defensive Stance
Status: Broken Arms, Sprained Heart, Rank2 Bleeding, His body is still moving despite his life force fading[/TD]
[TD]HP: 33,187 -1236 -147 -976 -341 = 30,487

CP: 15,189 -1900 -1236 -2065 = 9,988

NE: 5,750

AP: 10.5 -2.75 -2.75 -2.75 -0.5 Suppression -2.25 = 1.75, 11 AP next round

Maintains: Contract Summoning, Sage Mode, Kindred Fusion
Status: Is a Sharkboy needing his Lava Girl[/TD]
[TD]HP: 22,500 -612 -612 -612 - 1224 = 19,440

CP: 18,185 -2065 = 16,120

AP: 5.5 NR -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Suppression -2.75 = 1.25, 5.5 AP Next Round


0 Seconds Ishi makes a Sneak Attack! CRIT
----- ([150x2.3] 345 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite +10% Sneak Attack) 431 -50 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 209 Damage

----- Keni was forced to use Body Switch

0 Seconds Keniwa Drops Defensive Mode! now maybe he can hit!

0 Seconds Ishi makes a Sneak Attack! Full HIt
----- (150 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite +10% Sneak Attack) 187 -50 Tetsukawa, -50% Reduction from Vanguard Charge = 68 Damage

1.8 Seconds Keniwa uses Vanguard Charge and buffs up like Goku in the 17 episodes before punching Freeza!

2.14 Seconds Ishi uses See the Wind Full Hit
----- (3795 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4364 -130 Tetsukawa = 4234 -50% Reduction from Vanguard Charge = 2117

2.14 Seconds Ishi Combos into Fist of Virtue Full Hit
----- (4125 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4743 -130 Tetsukawa = 4613 -50% Reduction from Vanguard Charge = 2306

2.14 Seconds Ishi Combos again into Destruction Power Shot Full Hit
----- (4125 +10% Duelist -10% Weapon +15% Composite) 4743 -130 Tetsukawa 4613 -50% Reduction from Vanguard Charge = 2306
---------- Suppressed but Ignored by Juggernaut

3.6 Seconds Keniwa uses Morning Peacock! Miss, 25% Hit, Miss, Miss, Miss
----- 395 x 75% = 98 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 147
---------- Suppressed

---------- 3.6 Seconds Keniwa Cleaves the Shark Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit, CRIT
---------- ----- 395 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 612
---------- ----- 395 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 612
---------- ----- 395 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 612
---------- ----- 395 x2 = 790 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 1224

4 Seconds Keniwa enters Defensive Mode!

4 Seconds Ishi uses Multi-Hit Combo
----- Ran out of AP

5 Seconds Shark uses Higuma with Special Action: Miss, Crit, Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss, Hit, Miss
----- (1030 x2 = 2317 -10% Weapon) = 2085 -150 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 1064
---------- -0.5 Dodge/Acc
---------- 2nd Rank Bleed Ignored due t Hachimon
----- (1030 -10% Weapon) = 927 -150 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 427
---------- -0.5 Dodge/Acc
----- (1030 -10% Weapon) = 927 -150 Tetsukawa, -5% Class -10% Hachimon -10% Fearless -10% Vanguard -10% Defensive Technique = 427
---------- -0.5 Dodge/Acc

5 Seconds Shark Combos Higuma
----- Ran out of AP

6.2 Seconds Keniwa uses Tetsukawa Unleach Jutsu by raising his hands and screaming "Harder!" and his stone like skin is getting even more stone like!
----- +4,000 Temp HP

7.5 Seconds Keniwa uses Dragon Assault at Ishi Miss, Crit, Miss, Miss
----- 315 x2 = 630 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 976

7.9 Seconds Keniwa uses Uncalled for Shot! Low blow dude! Hit Ishi in the nuts
----- 220 -10% Weapon +20% GoV +45% Zaiken Style = 341

10 Seconds Cursed Energy (-68 -2117 -2306 -2306 -1064) x10% = 786
This is my first mod not getting it double checked, so if I missed anything please let me know!
- Also! I have a lot going on in my life so please please double check as the odds of me missing something is increased right now and I will gladly edit when I can!

Fukushu Ishi:
  • Vanguard Charge is not considered DR so your Attacks cannot ignore it
Kyoujouran Keniwa:
  • That suppression saved you big time!
  • ?
Taking a transformation of his own, his skin hardened an immense amount as sparks could be seen flying out from his arms as he clashed the two of them together, as if he was a tower shield holding strong against an onslaught of attacks. He had to be steadfast if he couldn't stand now then how could ever hope to stand with the ones he loved, if he couldn't protect himself he was useless to others. No matter how many times he was hit, he had to keep pushing, he couldn't fall. 'When Kiriyomi lost his arm... I was thrown effortlessly... Everything I was meant to do. Out of the window. I'll never let that happen again!' "KIRIYOMI!" Only being able to let out his brother's name before Ishi and his shark contract would begin to ferociously tear and rip at Keniwa's defenses. The Kyoujouran were known for their valiant fortitude, he waited for the right moment before bringing his blazing fists flying forward at rapid speed towards the two of them, only able to land a singular hit on Ishi most of the blow would be directed at his contract.

His blood evaporating as it poured out from his arms, not a single wound would rest on his back, pushing through the pain as he yelled "HARDER!" his already rock hard skin spiking and protruding to be someone others could stand behind. Launching himself forward he would send a searing kick at Ishi's stomach as the only thing which ran through his mind was a ginormous flame which would just continue to rise and grow. His eyes glowing a bright burning orange clenching his fist tightly, his whole body was slowly melting apart from the pressure being applied, the machinery would spark and crackle as smoke continued to pour out from his back. Pulling his arm back like a piston he would send one last boiling punch at Ishi gritting his teeth through all the pain. It meant nothing to him and it was all burnt away to cinders. On his two feet it was as if he froze, the molten markings which took hold off his skin slowly losing their glow as they began to simmer, his determined facial expression still stood. Yet his eyes were a pure white as his arms dropped, standing there drowsly as he faced the two of them. The boy was knocked out cold, despite his body not giving up. The fight was over.

[Thank you Shusuke for the mod!]
Ishi looked towards the boy if you could call him that, his body ached as the dust settled between the two of them, he allowed himself a few moments of looking at the sky, the boy would be out of it, and he wasn't a medical ninja nor was he inclined to help, the boy had pushed himself to his limits, even for the rank he was, he stood his own, and for a long time, impressive for sure, to impressive for a student. As he grabbed a note from his pocket, the weapon shifted away and crawled back to its normal form as the Shark swam slightly to the right of the Head Jounin.

"Impressive, I see potential in him, Ishi, after all, he came a long way in a short period of time"

"Indeed, your work here is done, we will talk later but for now I want to let him recover, he can see the letter when that happens until then let's leave him standing still in his position, no point in making him suffer by moving him, his path is his own but I will watch him carefully and train him. First thing is first, proof of his abilities, and his will of fire deserves a reward."

Ishi placed the scroll at the feet of the boy, as he walked away leaving the boy with this note and instructions on what would come next, of course, that was all he would find when he woke up, with a puff of smoke the shark vanished from his world, no longer required, and with a quick breaking of crows Ishi also vanished leaving Keni to take the scroll and either accept his future, and what it would mean, or turn away from the path that he had already started on.

It was all down to Keniwa.


Dear Keniwa,

You have proven your worth and determination, and as such I offer you two things, you will be part of the team I am now forming, learning and training directly under me, and your future is also one that you will need to step up to, given your ability and the fighting that took place, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Jounin.

When you have recovered, bring yourself, Senju Aria, and Kaguya Mitshua to my office, we will talk about the first plans for the team and will work on missions, learning, and development as a team. Accepting all of this I can promise you I will always be there when required in return, and to be a pillar that you can always lean on when needed.

Fukushu Ishi
Head Jounin

[MFT: 300]
[Topic Left]
[Keniwa promoted to Jounin/Chunnin (Depending on Passing Exam for Jounin)
[Requested at Head Jounin Office when ready]
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A few hours had passed since the battle which the two shinobi had engaged in. Finally regaining consciousness as his whole body felt as if it had just been stabbed, he couldn't move his forearms at all as he looked down at his entire body he was seared from head to toe. Everything ached and stung badly, his mouth was parched and it hurt like hell to cough, he hadn't moved a muscle from the end of fight. Resting on the floor near him would be a singular scroll which he'd slowly bend down and open with his mouth, reading it quickly his eyes would widen, if they could they'd fall out of his eye sockets. "J-j-jounin?!" His jaw dropping he'd been promoted to a fully fledged shinobi just in a matter of seconds. Clenching the scroll with his teeth at a turtle's pace make his way towards the medical byoin near the academy, the boy had grown in to a ninja, no longer a child. He'd fight for the ones he loved and protect everyone he could from today on.

"T-thank you.. Ishi. No everyone."

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
