Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open The Seat of the Sennin [Open]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would finally let out a sigh. It had been a few hours since he started unpacking his boxes. The sterile blank room would slowly fill with life as Shin brought in his various pots of exotic herbs and flowers which he harvested from across the globe. A sweet pink blossom found only near the Valley of the End within the Land of Fire, a small patch of green and blue leaves which was used to flavour teas within the Land of Lightning. Shin's collection of plants were worldly as he had spent no less than five years exploring the world after becoming the Overseer to that he could learn more about others and their perspectives.

His warm wooden desk was used to tap a few stacks of papers together as Shin looked through a series of documents which contained the names and ranks of the various Sunagakuran Shinobi that he thought could make for great leadership, though there were inclusions of those who weren't necessarily aligned Sunagakure but have proven themselves as quite the asset such as Ryuu Tama, the Mercenary contracted to work with Shin and the Omni Prime Medical Facility. He let out a sigh. With this promotion the seat of Medical Chief had come empty. He wondered who he could select to fill it in.

As his fingers fluttered through the documents he also saw the name Uchiha Asuka, and while the Fifth Hokage was from Konohagakure, she had proven herself willing to assist Sunagakure. A smile came to his face looking at the documentation that they had.

"Shin-Sama, Don't forget about your meeting in about an hour."

A woman's voice paged through his short distance telephone. Placing his finger on the speaker button he would respond.

"I won't miss it, do not worry."

He placed the papers down. This was the first time his job was more political than practical. Even as the Medical Chief he led the branch in their Research and Development and thus was spending hours in the laboratories and reading reports and scientific journals. While he was excited to take on this role, he knew that he would miss the way life was before, back when he could continue to put the majority of his mind towards perfecting the Homunculus Project.

But until that meeting, Shin would simply brew a pot of coffee, look out the window from the Kazekage's Tower to take in the expanse view that it held, and breathe.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The sounds of scattering sand cascading across Shins desk would sound his arrival as that presence of his enveloped the room they stood in. Sunagakures newest Sennin stood gazing out at his window, across the village. Akkuma wondered what was running through their head in this moment, after all they were the first victor. "To think I'd be here for the day you ascended to Sennin." His words were spoken in a honeyed tone that was coated in his devilish charm. He lay across the Sennins table with a playful grin upon his face. How had he snuck in here? The door hadn't opened & he would have heard him come in through another way. Well the Sage was renowned for his tricks, what was another added to the list?

Extravagant midnight black robes cascaded over his form, made from fine silks worth more then some shinobi would see from a years worth of missions. Wooden Geta hung loosely from his feet over the edge of the desk, as he appraisingly held the silhouette of the new Sennin in his gaze. The Sage it seemed had little regard for Shin's new position of authority, then again even Kage's weren't immune to such brashness from him. Already the surrounding room had begun to take on Shin's personality with the collection of various botanical samples that decorated it. Akkuma had no doubt that they would prove to be a capable Sennin for the village.

Yet who could the young Chikamatsu Overlord call on for counsel? They would need to be someone that had advised villages before, even Kage. Capable of having an extensive Medical background & skillset when it came to a variety of aspects. He was here to merely remind him who had remained. Nations fell, Kageships changed hands, but he remained. An enigmatic individual who seemed beyond mortal limitations. His reputation was not one to be lightly shrugged off. Akkuma had worked with individuals from all walks of life, studied aspects of medicine & the shinobi arts beyond the comprehension or moral boundaries of many his shinobi peer. Even Kinjutsu & Kekkei Genkei splicing did not seem beyond his talents.

There was one irrefutable fact, throughout all of the rumors. The Sage could achieve almost anything for the right cost. But that was where the problem with him rested. For his appetites & desires were not that of mortal men. He cared not for wealth or simple ambitions. His machinations were fueled by greater desires & yet he was not immune to his moments of whimsy. Those rare few times he did something just for the sake of seeing the outcome. Time had taught him that even the smallest of ripples could build into the greatest of waves.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would chuckle.

”To be honest, I was expecting you, Fate, as it’s been a little while since we last spoke and things have changed since then, nothing important, of course, but enough to cause me to desire your company.“

He gestured to the pot of coffee.

”Help yourself.“

As he turned around to look at the man sprawled out on his desk, the Sennin would raise an eyebrow. The Dark Sage’s resurrection jutsu wasn’t the only impure thoughts in this room at the moment.

”It seems my projects, that I know you held interest in, now lay partially dormant, as I have yet to meet another kind who could take the position I once held in the Omni Prime Medical Facility and perform it with such grace as to help me continue my scientific legacy as my leisure time, once spent in the laboratory, is no longer viable.“

He gestured around the room both acknowledging his role and saying why he lost his free time.

”How do you like it? Still needs something I think.“

He would step closer to Akkuma and even lower his head to look closer at the man.

”If you could be so kind. Your scuffing the mahogany.“

Shin would reach for the closest thing to a collar to try and pry the man up, though Shin was much smaller in stature.

”Have you ever thought about being useful while you stay in my village? I mean, legally of course. I’m in need of a new Chief of Research and Development, the department in the Omni Prime Medical Facility that is in charge of genetic research of Kinjutsu and Kekkei Genkai to try and improve the Sunan’s lineage even more.“

Fluttering his fingers away from Akkuma, if he still had hold of him, the Overseer would step towards the pot of coffee and top off his cup.

”Though, keep in mind that you’ll be under supervision as the Omni Prime Medical Facility is the home of the Chikamatsu Clan after all.”

His eyes would kaleidoscope through nearly every color you could imagine. The presence of the rest of the Inner Court making themselves known.

”So, Miroku Akkuma, are you ready to take on the banner of Sunagakure no Sato… officially?“

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A devilish smirk appeared on the Sages lips. "Desired my company? Well I do like to fulfill desires..." he would say with a chuckle. Shin would gesture to their made pot of coffee, a human concoction that's only appeal to the Sage was it's aroma. "No thank you..." he would say turning down the offered refreshment but not wanting to be rude. A shark-like grin would flash upon his face as Shin raised an eyebrow in response to turning & seeing him sprawled across the table. Shin began to explain how he had been unable to continue many of his projects due to a lack of likeminded peers. That & his newfound duties it had no doubt been difficult to find a means to allocate resources to them as of yet.

When Shin gestured around the room asking him what he thought of it a warm grin would appear on his face. "It didn't take long for you to start putting your own flare on to the office. Before long it will truly be yours..." he said in a matter of fact manner, as his emerald gaze moved back to the Sennin he noticed he had moved closer. Having even lowered his head to look closer at him, a reflexive mischievous grin would flash upon his face. Only further fueled by the Overseer's next comments about him scratching the Mahogany. He was clasped by the collar of his robes & slid off the desk with ease.

Standing he would give a wide grin as Shin asked him if he ever thought about being useful to the village. Akkuma would have noted the various things he had done on behalf of the village but with the tag of legally it had significantly reduced the activities of his that qualified. Those emerald eyes held Shin for a moment trying to discern if his offer was serious. Of course it was, he wouldn't be so foolish as to put something on the table he didn't intend to follow through with. The Sennin's fingers unclasped his collar & stepped towards his pot of coffee to top up his drink. "My you aren't shy of making controversial actions on your first day." He would say with a chuckle, after all even though the man was a Sennin. Given the controversy around the Sage he wasn't so sure this decision wasn't above even his pay grade & to be in such a position.

If he were though, he could legitimize the research he did in the desert as projects to dangerous to conduct within the village walls. To be sure he certainly had the expertise & even the resources. Hell half of the jutsu he had personally developed by the time he was a teenager would advance their medical treatments. Under supervision, the statement was made by what he now knew to be the conglomerate of beings within Shin. There was much he could still do under supervision, but what if he were to become Sennin? Shin asked him if he was ready to don the banner of Sunagakure no Sato officially.

"I'll help keep your projects alive...if I achieve Sennin I suppose it will fall to myself to find a suitable replacement." he paused momentarily holding Shin in his gaze. "I wonder if you know just how well suited for the role I am... Did you know that I worked with the Harvesters of Kumogakure? That I myself have possessed almost half of the known Kekkei Genkei, let alone those I've transplanted & the Kinjutsu I've created..." he stopped, after all to admit these things was the same as confessing to abhorrent crimes. Because without a doubt his experimentation had taken part on numerous generations, but as a result he could create some remarkable super soldiers.

"Medical Chief of the Omni Prime Medical Facility; Head of Research & Development, Kekkei Genkei & Genetic Research Division. I do like the sound of that.." Those emerald eyes of his burned with a devilish glee & one could only wonder what he was pondering in that scheming mind of his. How long would he be Chief for? Would he abuse his power? What kind of advances would they get from his participation? How would the people of Sunagakure react? After all how would the first Sunan react when they called for aid & the Immortal Trickster arrived? A chuckle escaped him at the thought, how would Silent react when she realized he was now a Sunan shinobi not just a simple Mercenary.

(Time to grab my Medical Abilities!)

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Why would I care if my actions are controversial? I am not here to please the commonfolk, I am here to better the village in the best ways I know how. You, Miroku Akkuma, the man called Fate, are an asset to this village, and if Lord Raizo (as this is before the Coronation of Lord Uziuke) has any qualms with my selection I will task him to find a resident of the Land of Wind who is as knowledgeable as you are in this particular field of research that is not myself, nor my contracted assistant Ryuu Tama."

His warm sapphire eyes would lock with the cold and calculating emeralds that looked his way.

"If, and I do mean if, Lord Raizo selects you to be one of his Sennin you and I shall be peers, for the first time and either of us could find a replacement. Hell, maybe at that point Tama-san would be interested in officially gaining the title of Medical Chief of Sunagakure no Sato."

Shin would chuckle.

"But let's not put our carriage before the horse, for now I need to you to take on the roles and responisibilies that comes with being one of the three Medical Chiefs of the Omni Prime Medical Facility."

Shin would walk to a book shelf and slide his fingers over a few of the drawers that were at the base of the built-in-wall structure.

"Ah, there it is."

He would open one of the drawers and within it were a series of scrolls which all had the markings of the Medical Branch of Sunagakure


Walking over to the desk again he would place the scroll onto the wooden surface and unraveled it.

"The Inner Circle of Sunagakure no Sato, the Medical Branch, originally founded by the Chikamatsu Clan, and the home of the Arboretum, the Reliquary of the Chikamatsu Heritage. To join this branch is to be joining a tradition that has stretched back to the First Men. It is not something to take lightly. Within the Inner Circle you are the closest to the citizens of Suna, the heart of our village, and I will expect you to put them first no matter what. As a Mednin of any rank there are a few conditions which you must follow, these of which I would normally trust our MiTs to follow without issue, but seeing as you are you..."

Shin's chakra would begin to manifest ink on the tip of his finger. Akkuma would recognize this technique as a sealing contract.

"I am not saying I don't trust you, but let's be honest. I don't trust you. By accepting this position there are a few clauses which you must follow. If you do not this seal will be broken and I and the rest of the Inner Court of the Chikamatsu Clan will be notified.

First and foremost, you will not intentionally harm any Sunan who comes to you for aid. You will be expected to assist the Sunans who need it, though those that don't necessarily need your assistance aren't required to have your attention. I understand you are busy.

Secondly, you will not experiment on any law-abiding Sunan. I do not care what you do with the scum of this village. As my sensei, Byakko Akujin, taught me... Those who do not deserve to live make for the best test subjects as the Sunagakure no Sato Police Force was already planning their demise.

Third, you will report to me, Chikamatsu Shin, when it comes to any breakthroughs or discoveries you make while working under the banner of Medical Chief within the Omni Prime Medical Facility. I do not care what you unlock in your free time, but while you are in the Omni Prime the research is to be shared.

Finally, you will report to me, Chikamatsu Shin, as your direct Sennin until the day that I am no longer a Sennin or until the day that you are no longer under the banner of Medial Chief. I will be your direct contact when it comes to needing the support of the village.

Do these sound like acceptable clauses in exchange for Sunagakure's official protection?"

Shin would take a sip of his coffee, his hand still floating over the scroll to seal Akkuma if he were to accept this conditions of employment. They were after all making an arrangement most of the other villages would be against.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A devilish chuckle would escape the silk covered form of Akkuma. He raised an eyebrow of curiosity at the mention of Ryuu Tama's name. Contracted Assistant? My what a surprise that was, in all his years he'd never thought the Ancient would allow such a fate to befall him. What could the Chikamatsu Sennin have offered him? What terms could he have structured that it had been deemed an acceptable offer in exchange for freedom? But his mind was wandering, had Shin just acknowledged his capabilities? However the next words from the Sennin's lips would make the Sage flash a grin. There it was, that village hubris. Yet in this moment he found it less irritating then he might normally. After all, whether they knew it their goals had aligned on many a time. His influences had permeated the Chikamatsu's life, there were a variety of ways he had met the criteria by definition.

Akkuma chuckled at the thought, what kind of temporary madness would have to overcome the Ryuzaki heir for him to appoint him as Sennin. There was little doubt in his mind that before the Games were through he would come to a clash with Silent & potentially the Kazekage himself. If only he knew what the Fates had in store, but then again even someone like him can't prepare for everything. Tama a Medical Chief of the Omni Prime? He chuckled if it were anyone else he might wonder whether they knew what kind of experiments the Ancient had done. The thought of a Ranger being treated by him, almost made the Sage snigger with joy.

'Medical Chief?' he thought to himself. Was it a joke? After all he knew about only a fraction of his work, that was why he had hired him. The rumors surrounding him alone where enough to deter all but the bravest or foolhardy of souls from seeking out his aid. "..." He went to speak but was lost for a moment. "What do we have here?" he said as Shin unfurled the scroll & he took in it's contents. "Well at least you're honest about it, I can't blame you." he would say with a chuckle, after all if he had been in Shin's position he would have done the same. Akkuma listened to the terms of the Contract & more importantly the wording. Such things were very important when considering Contracts of this nature. Yet much to his surprise there was no obvious or subtle manipulation or clause. Had this been why Tama was willing to work with the Chikamatsu? After all he was by all accounts making a fair proposition.

Extending his hand out to accept the contract, his own chakra would mingle with Shin's as they became bound. Whether Shin knew it or not he had just made a wise decision. In offering Akkuma such fair terms, by being honest with him. He had earned the respect of the Sage, if he stayed true to his words the 12th Kazekage would have a loyal comrade. It was far better to have Akkuma as a loyal friend, rather than as a mad dog on a leash. "I accept the terms of this Contract." Even as he spoke the words his grasp would tighten around Shin's hand. "This is certainly a contract for the history books. I hope for Sunagakure's sake you don't betray this Contract." A singular warning spoken by the Sage, but given his nature & Sunagakure's history with other beings that aren't humans his reservations no matter how small were reasonable. After all even Sousuke had bound Mikaboshi via the terms of a Contract. The Sage had seen many beings chained to humanities whims & yet here he was ensuring he would be bound to their service once again after all these years. For all their sakes he hoped he would not come to regret this decision.

Contract Accepted

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"I am a knight bound by my word. So long as I am a Sennin for Sunagakure this contract will be law."

Shin would produce a headband for Akkuma and grin, sliding it over to the tall and tempting man. Applying the Morality Seal the job offer was official and Akkuma would now be the Medical Chief of Research and Development for the Omni Prime Medical Facility.

"I will only ask you this once, If you have connections to shinobi or followers that listen to your command, I would like to speak with them. Too long have there been powerful shinobi forced into hiding because of their work. I want to bring light to the developments that you and yours have caused and celebrate the progress your kind have brought to Sunagakure."

He grinned at calling the once rogue shinobi out for dealing in the black markets. In his pocket Shin would tear the small token granted to him by the young woman who spoke of wishing to be a mednin.

"Could such a meeting be arranged? Any accomplices you think would be worth my time?"

((OoC: Short post is short))

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
With their words & chakra the Contract was sealed. Shin grinned producing a headband & slid it over to the Sage. His hand hovered over the Headband momentarily as he listened to Shin's words. A curiosity burned within him, just how big of a splash did the Overseer intend to make? A delighted smile flashed upon the Sages face as he thought carefully about his response. "Naturally I've established a reasonable network over the years, but you already knew that." he would say with a chuckle as he gauged the man before him. Picking up the Headband Akkuma would feel it's weight in his hand, how long it had been since he had worn one of these & owed allegiance to a land whose people were still united.

"I could if you wish it, arrange a meeting with a clan called the Myakashi." he let the name hang in the air, by now Shin knew of them. Little did the Sage know Shin was more then aware of at least some of their members. "I don't think words can truly express their value." he would say holding Shin in his gaze as he began to speak once more. "Know that to cross them would bring devastation upon the village." he paused he felt compelled to warn the new Sennin more & yet he knew the Chikamatsu Overseer did not carry the same excessive hubris as some of his peers. Although that could not be said for all of the souls that dwelt within him.

"Aside from them, there are others...although I would have to personally reach out to them & see if they respond." he continued on in a business-like manner, if not a little surprised by Shin. In time he would introduce the Sennin to his personal Agents, but for now they had other projects they were handling. There was one other, perhaps he could begin the process of her integration. "There is one other who might be of interest...although I would formally request that her file or dossier only be accessible by the Kazekage or Sennin." he didn't even want the Oracles to know about his achievement, at least not yet. Let alone allow them to attempt to catalogue what they could, while he had meticulously detailed the process it was not something he intended to share just yet.

"They are a Homunculus of my creation. If those terms are acceptable I will see if she would like to engage in your villages activities. It might prove beneficial for her to mingle amongst the humans." he would say with a warm smile before there was a flash of mischief in his eyes. "I challenge you to find a Sunan among your ranks who can beat her in combat." There was something about his tone that made it obvious he firmly believed it would be doubtful he could. After all she had been the culmination of years of work, he had procured the necessary materials & even formulated the seals. Repeating the process until he had perfected it & produced the kunoichi known as Ryujin Akira. The Queen of Battle reborn for his own machinations.


Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"The Myakashi? Such as the Yamikage, Migoya? We would enjoy a formal visit with him and his to speak on how we can work together. When we last spoke he sought me out for a translation of a scroll while we was working as the Medical Chief."

حيث تسقط السماء"
الظلام يتقيح
النهوض ضد غير المؤمنين
الشياطين والموت، الظلال والشفرات
الدم والنار، الغبار والرماد.
"يأتي جاشين ليطهر.

Shin spoke Runic Terran, the language of the First Men and of the Oracles of Sunagakure. If Akkuma was as knowledgeable he would assume this would indicate to the Sage that Shin was either an Oracle himself or someone who knew the Oracles closely. Either way, if the information of the Oracles was present within Akkuma, Shin was most likely establishing a resource that he may not otherwise have.

"Needless to say there was some concern when he brought such a scroll."

Hearing that Akkuma spoke of creating a Homunculus himself the Overseer would raise a brow.

"It wouldn't be Ryujin Akira, would it? We met with her briefly while We was soaring through the Desert Expanse at Titan. She has a wonderful singing voice, if you haven't yet ask her to sing the Song of Lament."

Shin would grin, he too would have some connections to those living outside of the laws of Sunagakure it would seem. He would chuckle softly at his remarks.

"Perhaps we should return Kohana to a body of her own and allow these women to let off some steam together"

For probably the first time it wasn't Shin speaking, but rather the Overseer as the majority of the Inner Circle began to come together in agreement about this arrangement and how Akkuma would be a greater Blessing than a Bane, though Maho was not happy about it.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
