Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The strangest of requests (open to all)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren finally managed to find his way to the hospital. From reading about his clan, they control blood. And that they are a bit crazy when they see or sense blood within a mile radius, Ziren doesn't know. But he needed to be here for a minute.
Hopefully his bloodline doesn't make him go crazy when he will be around a lot of blood. He was actually nervous, now that his powers have manifested, there's no telling what could happen if he loses his cool.
He got out of the way, just as some medical ninja rushed a man to the emergency room. But Ziren knew that anything they would try would be futile. The man's blood was slowing down to a very dangerous level.
He sighed, how am I going to ask what I'm going to ask? He walked up to the receptionist.
"You don't look like you are hurt, what do you need?"

"I wish to speak to a medical ninja please. It's important." Ziren said.

Yomi was here in her capacity of Medical Sennin. Although she was currenlty Hokage and the hospital was being well managed under the Medical Chief, Tsukasa Mikasa, she felt a longing to be here. Especially with the disappearance of her husband and Tenkawa Kaori's abrupt departure, this place still gave her a sense of normalcy, no matter how abnormal everything had become. She walked through the halls, not taking any patients really, but stopping to give breaks or answer questions or just chat it up with the staff. She wasn't here to confuse people about who was in charge because by now, everyone knew her duties as Hokage took precedence and that she would all tell them to refer to Mikasa and if Mikasa needed her to make the decision then that is when she would do it.

Placing her hand on her belly as she glided around, stopping at the front desk where a young man was asking to be seen by a doctor. The receptionist looked at Yomi and said that they were short handed today. Today? Just today? They were always short handed even from Yuri's time as Medical Sennin. It had to be extremely busy now for the receptionist to say something like that. Yomi shrugged, thinking one patient wouldn't be an issue after all she was still a physician.

"Well..." Yomi said to the young man. "You can come with me and I'll see to you." Yomi asked the receptionist if there was a bed free in the emergency area and she revealed which rooms were currently available. The Hokage nodded and ushered Ziren towards the empty area. Once in the room, Yomi closed the door behind her and had him sit on the bed.

"First things first...What's your name, age, and what seems to be the problem?" Yomi looked around the room for a clipboard to write this information on. On queue, a nameless faceless NPC nurse entered the room and dropped off what she had been looking for and started preparing the machines to take the young man's vitals, while she got to the bottom of what was ailing him.

[Topic Entered]
Ziren couldn't believe it. He has never seen the Hokage before. He almost didn't recognize her if it wasn't for the fact that he visited the Hokage Stone Heads a few days back.
He gulped. This is going to be harder than I thought, Ziren thought. And he thought it was going to be a hard enough time to explain what he was going to need to a normal medical ninja.

"I'm Ziren. I'm 16 years old, and nothing is exactly wrong with me. But I got the stupidest, craziest request. You see, only last night I found out about who I am. What my bloodline is. I am a Chigokai. And for me to fully understand more of who I am, it involves me using blood justsus. Now I'm here to ask for some blood bags, in order to train my powers. Because I don't want to have a training partner. Mainly because I don't think I can forgive myself if I can't control my powers and something bad happens. At least with blood bags, it won't be hurting anyone."

He stopped for a second. And then continued, "I know, that it may seem to be a bad omen to have a Chigokai in the hospital, but if I can get the blood bags and further my training, I would also maybe help in the hospital too. I've read that some Chigokai can even transfer their blood to another person in order to save their lives."

He was crazy to think the Hokage will ever accept this, but it would be the only way that he could train. And from looking at how little medical ninja are present, he could actually be a big help once he knows how to control his powers. He waited for the verdict.

Under normal circumstances the Medical Chief was not overbearing enough to interfere with the work of those staffed within the Konohagakure Medical Corporation, yet word of Lady Yomi's appearance reaches the ear of Tsukasa Mikasa. Leather boots click against the ivory tile floor, her medical attire fastened tightly around her shoulders as she paces through the hallways to intrude. Pausing at the door she reconsiders entering, partially out of respect, yet the Hokage's well being also well in line with her duties plague her thoughts.

Propping the door open ever so slightly, not loud enough to cause one to stir, can the duo view a pair of oceanic orbs peering into the room. Poor Ziren wouldn't have the slightest inkling, the pair failing to make contact with one another; however Lady Yomi wouldn't be a stranger to gaze of the medical chief. Fortunately the kunoichi would hear a partial amount of the conversation, regarding the usage of transfusion blood bags. Regrettably, the request was more than likely to falter, the bags holding a considerable amount of importance to those in actual need versus the usage for combat training purposes; Yomi surely could handle a delicate situation of this degree.

"I apologize, I have the wrong room!" she utters in a kind tone, closing the door, but not prior to directing her gaze to the stomach of the head figure of the village. Pivoting about, she heads to the receptionist desk, "If their conversation lasts longer than ten minutes, contact me immediately." she murmurs to the faceless male, who in turn replies with a simple nod of the head; no doubt perplexed as to why the medical chief so weary for no apparent reason. Turning towards her office, she settles within the armchair to resume the daily routinely ritual of paperwork.

[OOC: Topic Entered and Left - Unless stopped]​
[ooc: Sorry for the wait! I was away all day yesterday and Friday night was a ...bit here I am now!]

Yomi looked at Ziren for a moment. Of all the things he could have said right then and there, she didn't think he would say that he wanted to use blood bags for training. Well at least he was thing of decent ways to go about doing his training and he wasn't out slaughtering bunnies or some other textbook psychopathic behavior. Unfortunately she would have to burst his bubble. There could be no using something so valuable like that to use all willy nilly in training.

"I don't know anything about a bad omen, but, I also cannot let you have the blood bags. Valuable resources like that cannot be used frivolously." The Hokage paused for a second and then looked at Ziren. "Not to say your training is frivolous."The woman almost missed it. A snowy pastel lock of hair caught her attention. For the briefest of moments, Mikasa's icy blue orbs shot daggers into her stomach before she inched her way out of the room. Someone ratted Yomi out to the Medical Chief. Was there no loyalty any more? Was nothing sacred?! Yomi was just a mere victim of her work ethic and status, why was she being made out to be the bad guy?!

Focusing her attention back to her patient, she knew her time was limited here now that Mikasa was hovering around.

"I'm no Chigokai, Ziren, but, I know a thing or two about blood and the powers it contains. Perhaps we can work on it together? If you like?" Yomi's Godhood (Jashinist) made her aware of what blood could and couldn't do. She hoped that it could be of some help to the child, plus, as an adept Medic, she could possibly give him enough blood of her own to work with, provided that Mikasa didn't know a thing about it.

The woman would wait for Ziren's response to see what he wanted to do.
(Ooc: it's ok, no worries. Life comes first.)

Ziren wasn't surprised by the answer. He knew full well that this was stupid. But he had to try and hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. He could hear the hokage's blood flow. But what's this? He could hear more than anything else. Perhaps? Ziren didn't want to ask. It would be impolite.

"Yeah, sure. But perhaps we can take and extract my own blood. That way, there will be no harm no foul. No resources will be lost."

That and if he was right, he didn't want to be responsible for hurting the Hokage and the precious cargo that she holds.

Now thinking on it, it would be better to just use his own blood, taken out of him, of course, to then use for training.
Yomi smiled at Ziren and nodded. "Okay, but, we'd have to start next week. It gives my Medical Chief some time to calm down in between seeing me do some work that she does not want me doing in the slightest." Yomi allowed the nurse to finish taking Ziren's vitals and leaving the paperwork for her to sign off on.

"We can either do it here in the hospital or my office. Or, if you prefer some where else you can pick and let me know. Either way, I look forward to training with you." This bit was true and in no way just something for her to say. She hadn't really come across anyone who used blood in the way that she did, and Ziren was a Chigokai. He would most definitely grow to be more adept at blood usage than she ever could be. This was going to be a great learning experience for the both of them.

"Until then Ziren, I must go before someone sends the scouts looking for me. I'll be in the Hokage/Sennin building if you need me sooner" She waved good bye to Ziren and then left as quietly and quickly as she could.

Ziren signed the paperwork that the nurse gave him, that says that he's okay and that the visit was alright and no complaints.

He didn't know how the Hokage could help him train. That with all of his blood abilities. Does she have an affinity with blood too? Ziren didn't know what to believe.

"Yeah, we can train wherever. I just hope I don't get you in trouble with the medical chief."

He got up and walked out of the hospital. Wondering what he got himself into this time.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
