Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open The Trouble with Privacy [Open]


May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
As usual, it was hot. It was one thing that Otami should have been really good at tolerating, but the humidity brought on by the trees and rivers was killing her. It wasn’t even really that hot, maybe a good 32c, but, The Wildling was a creature toughened by dry heat. Moisture was rare in the Wind’s Deserts, and never effected the heat until the rainy seasons; which were primarily near the sea their country bordered with in the South. In the Central and North where Otami had spent most her life, the most they got where lightning storms and the occasional night rain.

So escaping the wet heat became tantamount. Ironically, at least to her, the best way she found to do this was taking a nice cool dip into ponds. Pools were outright not even a choice due to the so-called “decency laws”. It made absolutely no sense to the Wildling, why people cooled off in pools of water with clothes on, and in fact was the one thing she felt secured in her intelligence when compared to other people. The other problem with her choice of not wearing swim-ware were the males. She could only assume, but in being used to seeing females in clothing while bathing, they became far more assertive in their motives when seeing Otami trying to cool off naked; which was more annoying than anything. There wasn’t a moment that had passed so far that the men didn’t pay for it in a way that often ran them off, but she still tired of them spying from the trees. So the local "hidden" swimming holes were also out.

Now the blond traveled far away from Konoha and the towns nearest the hidden village to search for a privacy that would allow her to actually cool down and relax. After a good week of searching, speaking to people in the area under the guise of nature reasearch, and narrowing down the ponds that weren’t infested with snakes; she finally found one. It was tucked way back, deep in the trees where most civvies couldn’t get through. An off-shoot of a local creek lead to a waterfall that dropped no further than four feet into a deep pond about 200 square meters in size and 6 meters at the deepest point which was right under the waterfall. A small beach surrounded part of the pond holding a number of animal tracks but not a single human one. The snakes, which were the biggest concern for Otami giving their deadliness in Wind, were nigh absent completely due to a lot of their natural predators making their home near this pond. It was, for the Wildling, a perfect retreat.

Standing atop the falls the blond packed her belongings into the backpack she brought with her and used an Earth Jutsu to persuade the ground to open up just enough to put it within; then convince it to cover back up. The grass regrew and her belongings were hidden. She gracefully padded up to the edge of the waterfall, the rushing upward air currant causing Otami’s long hair to fly around as she took a deep breath and simply hopped right off. A splash from below echoed moments later followed by a squeal that indicated how cold the water was. Soon after the sounds of leisurely swimming. The Wildling sighed happily as she floated around, doggy paddling from one end to the other casually, and just generally enjoying the escape from Konoha’s jungle heat.
Akio trekked through the woods that bordered the village, heading down a similar path to the one that he and Kiriyomi had taken. While they hadn't found the mythical creatures they'd sought out to befriend, they had come across one of the most beautiful natural settings they'd ever seen within the Fire Country: a perfect and tranquil glade, small enough to be hidden by the forest that surrounded it, but large enough to house a stream, waterfall, and small lake. Wiping his brow from the sweat that formed from the midday heat, Akio turned where he and Kiri had been taken off the path and towards what they'd deemed their 'secret hideaway' within the forest.

It had been years since he'd traveled back to this place, but for some reason it kept coming up as a location that meant something to the adolescent Senju. After all it held on one hand fantastic memories of friendship and on the other bitter ones that he'd learned much from. And since his grandfather had fallen ill, Akio had been conflicted about a lot of things and decided that today would be a good one to go out and meditate on it. Normally, this place would have been a perfect tranquil escape within nature, but as Akio approached he noticed something amiss. He could hear splashing sounds from within the water. The way it sounded, he was sure he was about to come across some sort of wolf, but as he crested the tree line and pulled aside the foliage that obscured the area from view, Akio's eyes went wide. Not only was this not an animal, it was a girl! And she was... 'Whoa!'

Less stealthily than he'd intended, Akio quickly dropped the foliage and hid himself from view once again. He hadn't recognized yet that this was the same bestial girl that he'd met just days before getting breakfast. Calling out, not wanting to violate the girl's privacy, Akio yelled, "H-hey! Am... I disturbin' somethin' in there? This is kinda the place I come when I want to get away from the village and think. Is... it okay to come out?" He asked, his heart thumping in his chest and his cheeks so blushed from what he'd just glimpsed that they might as well have been beet red.
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Boiling, Scorching, Blazing... Perfect! The perfect day for training, he couldn't have asked for anything else! Pushing himself to the limit he'd smash through all of his personal records, sit ups had now become 800, push ups 300, and squats.... well he could work on them a bit more. His greatest strength was his fists he had to be strong even without the use of his cybernetic enhancements to push him the extra mile, and on a day like this he had to take advantage. His body had gained a resistance to the heat with it regular rays from the sun having little to no effect on him on such a warm day. His cyborg like gloves had literally melted his body from their sheer overheating forcing his body temperature to with stand true flames and fire.

Cracking his neck and knuckles as he would loosen his body, rolling each of his shoulders excitedly he had a great idea, a cheeky grin would take hold of his face as he would perform a few handseals. A tiny puff of smoke appearing as his contract Nom could be seen exhilirated and ready for a brawl! Although as he would hastily peer around he couldn't see anyone around him that he could sink his teeth in to. "Nom is hungry! There is... No one! Why!" He'd pester Keniwa as the Kyoujouran would begin to walk towards him looking down at his scaly friend, a burning sparkle shimmering in his eye. "Well Nom! We are going to have it out! I figured I could do with the battle training what do you say!" It took Nom less than a second to realise that this was one person he would have a lot of trouble trying to sink his teeth in to, the last time he tried it was a painful process trying to regrow and sharpen that tooth! "Never! Nom is hungry! And...." The small shark's surface would begin to dry, unlike his summoner he wasn't great at withstanding such hot weather, as he'd begin to pant and sweat sticking his tongue wide out.

"Nom go find good chewing bone, water and no bite you. You... bad bite!" Instantly he would turn around dashing away on his stubby legs, he was small but agile and ran through the bushes, chomping straight through anything which would dare to stand in his way, giving him an easy shortcut and decent camouflage. "Alright this can be my extra training then. Tracking!" Activating his tremor sense he'd get a feel for the surrounding all around, and nom's vibrations were easy to make out, his erratic and feisty little movements would allow him to be followed without much difficulty. The two would run for what felt like hours in the scorching sun but in reality it had only been a 15 minutes, having overexerted himself by training since the crack of dawn his vision would start to get blurry, though his legs would still keep up with his amphibian companion as he'd sprint at rapid speed after him.

Nom's electroception allowed him to sense a nearby body of water his speed becoming far more frantic and hurried as he'd start putting out his maximum victory with his goal in sight. "Water! Water for Nom!" Pouncing straight out of all the forestation diving head first in to a fast moving current. Keniwa completely off of his gaze only using vibrations, alongside his ability to power through minimal obstacles to keep up with Nom. As his vibrations would completely disappear from the ground he would leap figuring that his shark contract had performed a jump for some reason. 'Alright then Nom i'll do an extra massive jump!' "Chakra Jump!" Launching himself high up in to the air well above the trees and straight off of the side of the cliff, the boy would soar for a few seconds. Nom watching as the student flew he would let the current take him, leaping off of the side of the waterfall with a mishcevious wide grin.

It would only take 5 seconds or so for Keniwa to realise something was off, quickly opening his drowsy eyes he'd instantly see a large body of water, instantly turning in to a state of panic. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Plummeting straight towards the the large pond he'd activate his tetsukawa as he screamed holding each of his arms out in front of him in a blocking formation. Spikes protruding from all over his body he'd use it in an attempt to break the fall on the water. He could have used his chakra to try balance himself however there was little time to react. Smashing straight on to the surface a massive eruption would occur as he soaked absolutely everything around him, fish nearby being launched high in to the air. Shortly followed by Nom having a large contrast with only creating a small him only creating a small pop with a mighty roar.
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Ah, blissful cool water. It melted the blonde’s worries away so quickly that she had forgot to listen to the rustling of the foliage around her. Floating on the surface of the water while looking up at the covering trees she watched with fascination at the multi-colored birds, the small jungle cats chasing them, and other creatures of the high branches move about their day. It was strange for her to be witness to such a vibrant wildlife when all she had known for her entire life was dead and death. The Wind Country wasn’t a very inhabitable place to be outside of the scattered oasis’ across the sandbox; and even those places were usually rife with crime or bandit sanctuaries. Animals mostly roamed at night, and even then they were so few and far between, one could go days of travel without seeing anything else but sand. It was part of the reason many lone-wolves ended up going mad.

Being lost in her own head brought up one of those embarrassing moments she was trying to get away from. From the bushes on her right she heard the familiar voice of Akio, the boy who had been on the wrong side of her coughing up miso. The teen's face turned red and instantly she dived down into cooler depths to think for a second. Part of her just wanted to hide or sneak back up to her bag and scram. A larger part of her felt really bad for ruining everyone’s breakfast that day. If there was one thing Otami felt shame for, it was wasting food. With a growl that echoed weird underwater to chastise herself, Otami swam back up to where she had heard the voice coming from and swam up towards the shore. She kept deep enough to continue hiding from the shoulder down under the, sorta, murky water and preformed a single hand-seal. She dipped under, touched the pond’s sudden drop off of a bar, and sent a shock of Earth Chakra towards Akio. It would cause the ground beneath him to suddenly go loose, and slide him down near the skinny dipper who would, upon seeing his face, spit a torrent of water at him from the pond.

Not bother,” she said with a giggle, “just no stare. Hate stare.” Then she bit her bottom lip and legitimately looked forlorn before speaking again,
Otami apol…apologeeze? No. Am...sorry. Sorry for breakfast, morning before today. Waste food big sin where from, only waste water bigger. Not mean to be wolf, but thought Keni-boy try to take! He tried grab, and-

Her sentence was cut off suddenly when she heard the boy she was speaking of being flung from off the waterfall and falling fast towards them. It took her a second to piece two and two together in the effort to understand what the hell was about to happen. Otami had never seen something being dropped heavy and fast into a large pool of water, and so just decided to stay back and dip back down a little further into the water until only half of her head was sticking out. Keni struck the surface, and a wave unlike anything Otami had ever seen before suddenly rose and pushed towards the shore. Before she could rightfully react, swimming being mostly a new thing for her, the Wildling was swept up with a squeal; spinning into the air with a couple of fish. However, despite seeming she was out of control and screaming, in reality the Wildling’s Danger Sense kicked on. Across her face the ditzy blond look had all but vanished, and was replaced by the look of a wolf; primal, deadly, and serious. She soared down from the air and towards the beach, inevitable to crash into the sand only to instead slip into the ground as if it was also water. Moments later she plopped right on out as if coming out of the end of a slide. She was rolled through the dirt heavily as her momentum came to a stop, covered now mostly in mud that covered her indecency. Her eyes looked around to see exactly what had caused the huge splash of water expecting to find an enemy. Instead, she found,
KENI!” the girl cried out as she started running towards him.

After the whole incident at the Ham Shop, as she referred to, guilt gnawed at Otami’s core being - hard. Worse than what she had felt for Akio, who's name she couldn't even remember. Keni she specifically looked up after the whole incident because he broke her tooth; something even rock hard candy couldn’t do. She had meant to apologize over and over, kept thinking of scenarios of what to say, but they all ended with him being the end to her existence! The Wildling had never once thought of trying her teeth out on actual rocks, but she had a good assumption she could literally chew through them. Keniwa changed that opinion. For Otami, it was all about the food-chain. Stuff she couldn’t eat was above her in the natural law, stuff she could was below. The fact that Keni had broken her tooth meant that rock-hard surfaces, except for apparently those made from spun sugar, were now above her in the food-chain.

Keniwa was now above her, in the food-chain.

Otami launched herself in a pounce, knocking the boy back prone if had manged to pull himself back out of the cannonball situation without drowning. She shook his shoulders, straddling his chest; crying,
SO SORRY! DON’T SMUSH OTAMI! LOOK, LOOK! TOOTH BACK!” the girl reached up with a muddy hand and pulled her right cheek to the side, showing the broken fang restored back on its own. Somehow. She couldn’t explain it either and honestly didn’t care. That wasn't important. What matter was Otami had to convince Keni to not consider her food. It was tantamount. Nights being kept awake by this dreadful encounter and tons of speeches she had lined up in her head were gone in his sudden presence. Out the window. Vanished. Yeeted.
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Current Ninpocho Time:
