Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Twelve Dancing Heiresses (Solo Self Modded Mission - B)

Sep 24, 2017
The Twelve Dancing Heiresses


Solo Self Modded

Another family is in trouble, it involves a father of twelve females who seem to be doing something every night, but they are not caught in the act as of yet. The father seems to be confused by this endeavour since they seem to be fine the next day, but their shoes are worn and their weaponry seems to be all dirtied. With this in mind, the father already has a good idea what they are doing, but they need to hire someone to catch them in the act, as their father certainly cannot.

The father is worried, so they have sent out for some help, they specifically want a shinobi, one they believe that has some experience with sneaking and being in stealth, one that will be able to bring something back as proof. They have three days and three nights to bring this proof to him and have a proper explanation.[/col]​
Sep 24, 2017
Minako has been sent to investigate some issues relating to a family. She has been sent to do so for three days due to an incident involving not one woman, but twelve women. Minako knew this would probably be a daunting task, but at the same time, she wasn’t going to back down from such a thing in the first place. She has handled many things, even discovered her past, this was probably not going to be… that hard to experience, right?? She needs to experience more in her life anyway if she was going to show off that she can handle many different things.

Going into the forest, she remembers what she was told, she had to know how to stealth and sneak, they need to be caught in the act, she had to bring something back as proof and she only had three whole days to pull the whole thing off. She knew there was going to be… some difficulty she’d imagine.

Nonetheless, she decided to plan these three days out, the first one would be to actually locate them. She has asked the locals if they would spot these women around Kumogakure and was alerted to the fact that one of them mentioned that they would hear a few females in the ancient forest during the night, with swords clanging and some giggling involved.

Minako decided to check this lead out, not just because it was the ancient forest, but because it was literally the only clue she had as to where the dancing girls are.

Strolling through the ancient forest, she kept her sight unclouded and she kept her hearing in check while she traversed the grounds until she heard the aforementioned sword clanging and feminine giggles. She knew she had found them, she just had to pinpoint them and then maybe leave it for the night, she has spent all the evening exploring and pinpointing that she was a bit tired.

Traversing some more, Minako spotted what appeared to be a sword in the ground, and then looking around, she spotted some girls who appeared to be dancing… but… they weren’t dancing normally… Instead, they were dancing and combining it with swordplay… it would make Minako stare at it in awe. The sight was probably the most beautiful battlefield she has seen, and best of it all was the fact that they were… so pretty whilst doing so, it made her jealous.

However, she had a job to do, she knew where they were, she should check them the next night…

That is just what she done for the next night, she went back to the ancient forest, and just as her luck would have it, they would be there again, dancing and fighting to their heart's content. Minako’s jealousy started to rise within her again, she wanted to be an elegant fighter, just like all the sisters were… Maybe observing them would be a good idea, take that into account and maybe learn some tips and tricks… in fact… they used specific moves… maybe Minako can force them to cough up if she shown the moves. She knew what to do.

On the third night, the kumo shinobi made her way to the place once more to watch them dance and go about their daily business with their swordsmanship. It was with this, that Minako went further away than usual, just so she couldn’t be heard. She started to copy some of the moves that the daughters portrayed in their moves. It was difficult at first, but Minako kept herself up to the task, and she kept practicing that whole night the same moves that they done. At the end of the session, it was executed with a nice finish, Minako even bowed to nothing at all as she finished the moves…

Suddenly, she heard some giggles and chuckles as twigs were broken and leaves were crushed. The female needed to find a place to hide, and quickly. Luckily, like every other forest, trees were stationed around, and Minako used one of them trees to hide and place herself in stealth as the girls walked by, laughing and giggling.

The next day, Minako alerted the father, and she guided him to the forest with them twelve daughters of his. She grinned as she also told the daughters to bring their swords with them. She walked over to one of them and pulled them towards over her before aiming Titania at her chest. The girl reacted by pushing Minako away, and it lead into the both of them getting into a fight involving dancing and swords.

The father saw enough.

He told them to stop, to which the both of them did in the end. Minako then looked over to the father and grinned, he was clearly impressed by Minako’s sleuthery, as he admitted that only the females in his family should only know them moves, which clearly made that credible.

With this, Minako was allowed to be let go, she decided to report the mission, and while she walked out of the ancient forest, she could hear some right scolding.

Words: 856
Mission: Complete​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
