Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The water on the Leaf in the Cloud... [Semi Private, Minako]

The quirk in the moment seemed to be able to calm Suyashi, the talk of making weapons and Minako's deferring the topic over to not wanting to use the materials for such things seemed to throw Sushi boy for a small loop. Almost like being on a short roundabout, but he was smooth, ever the calm boy trying to think two steps ahead and thinking of the situation almost like battle. He had to think about how she would feel, alter his stance and react accordingly. There were differences in their lives, they had grown up differently on different planes, but Suyashi was someone that mirrored a nomad whereas Minako seemed to have been like a homestay. Someone who didnt venture out away from their origin. Maybe because of family or situation. Though every now and again a nomad would show up to take someone like her away... to see the world. To venture out where she may have not seen outside of current circumstance.

"I dont mind, To be a master takes years but I can get you comfortable and you can make it your own. Because how I use it may not be comfortable for you.", nodding Suyashi would harken back to the notion Mina had made before shaking his head, "I want to make you something. So, if there is anything I can make for you just let me know...", he'd just leave it at that, because he didnt mind doing anything for her, he liked her of course he didnt care, but he wanted to make sure that there was something he could do to repay her hospitality even if they didnt end up dating or anything he wanted to do something nice for another person... that was the man he wanted tom be. That was the man his mother raised him to be. To make those connections... that would last lifetimes.

Though now... looking at the chef, his face was as red as a Tomato in the middle of July. Harvesting season for some people. Though after seeing Mina he would shake his head and shake off the shyness. "Oioi! Hehe, Maybe we are! Maybe we arent! But no need to put the lady on the spot, we just wanted to have a nice conversation! Heh right Mina-chan?", Sushi would rub the back of his head whilst smiling to Minako, the rose colored cheeks of the honey blonde would give him away. He was fronting. He wanted Minako. Even if he didnt know anything about her, but he would learn everything he could... as he had been. He wanted her to want him as well, e would not force her... that was not happiness.

"Hehe, Anyways! Pick whatcha want Mina-chan... Then we can take a walk?" and he'd leave it at that.
Was Minako getting… excited inside?? She felt some warmth rush straight into her cheeks lightly and she even coughed lightly to cover that fact, he must have really wanted to teach her, even if he said he didn’t mind. It was all strange, yet it was wonderful too. To have someone who is so willing to do so, even when you explain the downsides to it. Besides, Suyashi did make a point, she could make it her own style, like she done so with Titania and Oberon, her butterfly swords.

Minako’s face however, only became more red the moment Suyashi said that they probably were, probably weren’t. Usually, she hates being put on the spot, but in this situation… she didn’t… mind all too much. He also seemed to be put on the spot by her earlier, so this was another reason why she didn’t mind all too much.

“Y-yeah!” Minako chuckled lightly. “What Suyashi s-said!”

Oh boy, she was starting to get rather nervous now. She was really starting to worry about what she was saying, she didn’t want to say anything iffy, or anything that would upset the poor guy. While she was trying to focus on just having a good conversation, she really just wanted to get lost and run around and twirl and whatnot. Her happiness was really showing, and it was great.

“I’d love a walk afterwards, Suyashi… but first… with the food choice… please, surprise me!” Minako spoke as she closed her eyes and held her hands out. This was the easiest way to go, she really didn’t know what she wanted, and it would probably feel more special if Suyashi picked it. She didn’t want to tell him that she didn’t know what to pick though… besides, it was more playful this way. At least, that's what she thought.

Words: 306​
The sun in the sky knew how the couple on this day felt... shining and brightly in the light of the sun. Much like the light in the smile that Minako gave meekly, but it was nice. The day was going well and even with the comments of the chef Suyashi would feel like this was a day he would hold with him for a very long time. It was also good that Minako was good at going with the flow. He was sure that she would yell like most women did he knew. But she didnt, she went with it and let Suyashi handle it for the most part... it was different. He liked having a bit of control especially in situations that attacked a friend of his. Maybe even more... who knew. It was frankly uncalled for by the Chef and he seemed to back off after Suyashi would take a few pieces of the pastries and especially the ones with the strawberries on it.

"Aye, We'll be taking our leave now..." nodding he would smile back to Minako as he watched the chef wrap the selection up in a bag for them to carry. And before he knew it Sushi would place down another bundle of yen for him as he'd hold the flaps of the small dive, but as they would leave, Suyashi would quietly apologize, "Im sorry that was uncomfortable... I dont want you to feel like that...", sighing a bit as he'd hand her the sweets. "Uhm, Want me to walk you home?", and with that it would be back in her court... this was awkward, maybe he needed to just restart? Who knew... but he didnt have his father's power. Moving his body to walk next to her, he would move his hands to the back of his head looking up at the sky.

'Man... Think, you can change this around right?' but he couldnt stop thinking about what the chef said, maybe they did look like a couple... but he didnt want her to think he didnt want that, but he wasnt someone to push... he would do what it took to make it official, but Suyashi was maybe just caught up in his emotions. Who knew.... but Maybe Minako would have something to say about all of this? Maybe she would ease the tension? Or maybe she would make things official? Also, was she dating Kiri... Right? Thats how it seemed, but it wasnt out in the open...what to do what to do!?
This guy was really considerate, he even offered to walk her home after the two took their leave. It seemed he really wanted to take his time to know her, even though he was supposed to do other things which were way important as of right now. Is it bad… that she relished this and wanted more?? Maybe not, there were a lot of people who have this on a day to day basis, and he really was decent company. She had to take time to probably learn, or re-learn to an extent. It was great, however.

“Suyashi, please. Don’t be sorry.” Minako turned over to the hand that the sweets were placed on by his own. “As… for your offer. You really don’t have to, it may cause some hassle, and I won’t be going home immediately anyway.” She chuckled to herself before turning her blue gaze over to him, watching as his golden hair went absolutely wild.

“Unless, you want to journey with me there first?? Or, maybe you have other things to do?? I don’t want to hassle your free time, after all.”

Minako looked down back to the sweets before shaking her head playfully. “Would you like one??” She queried towards Suyashi. It really wouldn’t be fair if she had it all to herself now, would it?? It would be more fair if they both got to share, it would probably be more fun that way too. “I don’t mind if we share.” She admitted with a calming smile attached to her facial features.

Words: 258​
Smiling as Minako smile back at him. This was definitely something that he wanted more of. More of her spirit in his life... but that was a bit much to think right? Who knew, but sometimes risks would be made, "Ehh, I just dont want you or any woman forced to think... or be something they do not wish to be. Yanno? My mother raised me... By herself. I've learned the things that some men try to do to place women in a position that makes them unsure of themselves and unsafe to the world around them. I dont wish to do that to you." nodding he would look up again, the sky was beautiful. Not more than the one next to him but he was sure that this was one of the more pretty skies he'd ever seen.

"Heh, I actually want to go with you. Your father seemed nice, and why not? You're not a hassle at all, if anything you make things... simple.", even though they were more complicated than that... but it felt east to talk to her, she seemed open, and attentive to the situation. She was here and now. Which he enjoyed out of many people, the ability to be apart of the conversation, or in the moment was something many people didnt get these days. Alas, he had someone right here, and he couldnt stay out of his head because he was afraid of running her off. But... then when he spoke... it came out and it flowed. And when she giggled or smiled... his heart melted and it calmed him.

"Oh sure...", taking a sweet, and plopping it into his mouth, he'd chew... chew... chew... then gulp getting stuck a bit on the way down he silently screamed in his head as one of his fears was being drowned or suffocated. That was, a scary thought, and then with all of his might he forced the sweet down his throat. "Gah! I need to eat that with some milk or tea! Hehe.", his face was red but he was fine, just the quick scare was enough to make his eyes water! "Maybe one day I'll take you to Leaf... then I can show you around and such there?" Sushi inquired and suggested. Maybe that was a soonish proclamation to make, but he wanted to gauge things with her...

Maybe he was worrying too much? Who knew... but he'd continue walking with her... his hands now hanging to his side but he was a safe distance away from Minako for now, he was steadily drifting millimeters closer though...
The two of them seemed to be very good hand in hand, they seemed to have an understanding for each other, which is pretty cool, in her opinion. “Your mother sounds like a lovely woman.” Minako said that with her lips curving upwards on her face, showing her praise for the woman. “Is it bad… that I want to meet her…?”

Wait, why was she saying that?! That wasn’t something someone should say to someone you meet on the first day, that was absolutely mad. Quickly, she looked away, unsure of what to say next. The blonde needed to be careful… she didn’t want to mess this up after all.

That was when Suyashi mentioned that he would need something to drink with the sweet she given him, and she couldn’t help but chuckle, breaking the ice from what she said rather well.

“Taking me to leaf… Only if you would like, Suyashi. I am pretty sure I cannot visit there for the moment though, there are a few things preventing that, I do know however, that I have lots of support wherever I go, in the form of my family and the few friends I have.” She admitted.

“Suyashi, do you like what you see with your eyes right now? How different is it exactly, setting wise?? Is there lots of grass?? Is there beautiful countrysides??” She was rather curious now, and her inquisitive mind was speaking for her.

Words: 249​
Nodding, "She's amazing... She is the final Mizukage of Mist. She was the one that helped to get most of the survivors out while dealing with baby me.", smiling a bit more he would continue, "I'd love for you to meet her... She'll Adore you. Hehe.", nodding the moment seemed to stand still, things would surmise the amount of lovely tension there seemed to be. Mina seemed to be distancing herself from being calm and Sushi did the same... but realizing this Suyashi would beam.

"I'm sure you'll meet her, I think that would make me happy.", nodding he'd stare at the sky, the sun was heading downwards towards the horizon and things would slowly begin to work themselves as they would continue trudging towards her home. She'd respond to his banter about going to leaf, then her questions, he'd respond to all at once but he was sure that she would enjoy them... "Leaf is wonderful. Beautiful and lush with trees and tropics. Kumo is higher, so the air is thinner, but Konoha is lower to the ocean front. There are valleys and peaks, and a lush history just in the land itself.", gesturing with his head that he'd truly meant it in the form of a nod, he'd continue.

"I believe there is beauty wherever you go. There is beauty next to me in the form of a gorgeous blonde, and there is beauty in this land... but, something in me feels like, you're looking for an adventure, something different, eh?", nodding once more they would continue treading along but his comment was made in confidence, he meant to say she was beautiful, and his tone was light but very stern that his mind was made up. Maybe it'd been made up for a while, who knew, but he did enjoy this.

They would make their way to her home... where like the gentleman he was taught to be would walk her up to her door before smiling to her, "I do enjoy your company... And I wish to do this again sometime...", he'd reach out for her hand and if she were to give it to him, he'd kiss the back of it before bowing his head, "If you ever find yourself... single. Let me know, I'll surely treat you like a princess who is becoming a queen...", nodding once more he would let her go and head out... these simple things were like the visual of... the water that sat upon the leaf which descended through the clouds... Maybe it was true. Maybe it was something that he would never forget.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
