Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:12:31

Private The Winds of Change: Strike of the Morning Bell! [Class: Akio, Keniwa, & Kiriyomi]

A series of properly timed jutsu would cause the opening the students needed. As the smoke cleared the trio would see a slightly battered Shusuke, with dirt and debris on his clothes from taking those attacks. He began to laugh outwardly towards them "Did you guys actually think I had any say in who could partake in the exams? I'll be in them as well. I doubt Takeshi-ojisan would let a participant decide who can and cannot join the fray. Besides, this was to help bolster you three to make sure you felt confident in your skills, and after that last coordinated strike it sure seems like you all are ready to me!" Shusuke took out a third bell and gave Akio a smug grin. "If you aren't strong as a shinobi you die young. Why would I want to get to know any of you on a personal level if I thought you were canon fodder to be dead within the year?" That was his attempt at agreeing with Akio. He did start to care about these students. "Here, one for each of you." He said as he tossed the third bell to Akio.

He pulled out a scroll and placed it on the ground nearby and made a handseal to conjure what would appear to be campong supplies. The boy's face turned red ever so slightly as he looked to the older boys. "Well... Since you all have over night gear already, and it's already getting late..." He hesitated for a moment before crossing his arms and looking away as Tamashi popped out from behind Shusuke, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. "Shu-kun wants to know if y'all would like to camp with him tonight but he's too embarrased to ask since he doesn't really have friends, the name is Tamashii by the way." Shusuke's eyes go wide before turning towards Tamashii, his hand beginning to burn red with heat. "SHUT UP! Fist of Sin: WRATH!" As he slammed his fist into Tamashii's stomach the other boys form would burst into a cloud of smoke before the conjured scythe would fall the ground. Shu holding his fist in front of his face he leaned over the scythe and spoke softly. "The moment I find a way to kill you, I swear it will be slow and painful."
Keniwa would watch as Shusuke would hand Akio a third bell, a smile would be placed on his face he was glad that all of them would be going in to the exams together. "I wasn't sure to be honest Shusuke I didn't want to be in that exam without Akio and my brother. And all I know is that the three of us together will be able to conquer any challenge. I do admit you helped us learn to coordinate and strike as one, so i thank you for that." He would look down at the bell which he had swatted with the back of his hand with a conflicted expression on his face, he wasn't content with how things had gone down. He felt like he did practically nothing in this fight againt shusuke, and lost his temper at the end, like a kid.

Watching as Shusuke would destroy what appeared to be a... well a sort of summon of sorts. He realised that he wasn't quite accepting of his methods, he didn't want to be someone who would lash out at the ones around him. No matter the reason, gazing at Kiriyomi and Akio one more time was enough for him to make up his mind. "Sorry everyone, I think I will head home, but I'll see you guys at the exam." Slowly walking away with a heavy heart, something needed to change before this exam. And he had no clue what it'd be.

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Kiriyomi looks at Shusuke and the bell that he had tossed to Akio, then shifts his teary gaze down to the bell at his feet that he had dropped. Giving it a swift kick into the forest, Kiri starts to laugh. "Okay, Senpai. I have to admit, looking back on the test that you gave us, it was a lot of fun! We really have come a long way, and that last attack we did together was pretty awesome! I can't wait to take this exam together! Of course I'll hang out and camp with you guys! Oka-san packed me extra food too, so please have some!" Kiri wipes at his eyes and rushes over to grab his discarded backpack, offering Shusuke a bento. Sitting down, he would look up at Akio and Keniwa, waiting for them to join in on the fun.

"Sorry everyone, I think I will head home, but I'll see you guys at the exam." Kiri stares after his newfound brother as he walks away, and his heart sinks in his chest. Keni had been distant lately, ever since their fight in the forest, and Kiri had been unable to reach him. He understood the other boy's reservations, as he had the same feeling before Shu had given him the mark on his right hand. With that, he finally felt strong enough to join the ranks of Keni and Akio. Perhaps Keni just needed to find his own path, to finally see that he was worthy of standing alongside them as well.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
The sunny young Senju spoke up when Kiriyomi showed himself to be so upset, ready to uplift his friend. "No way! You guys both did amazing! We even managed to get one over on Shusuke! Look! Even he's proud of us." Akio's empathy made that much clear, and the Yamanaka's words seemed to mirror that sentiment, even if he was loathe to admit it. Laughing as the young genjutsu expert chided his scythe, Akio smiled at the three of them, excited about spending some time outdoors on one of the last nights they'd have together before the exam. "And 'course! I love spendin' time out in nature! Plus... This might be the last time we get to hang out together before we've got all the responsibilities and stuff that come with bein' a full-fledged shinobi." He'd say with a smile, responding to Shusuke's invitation. However, that grin was wiped off his face when Keniwa replied.

Akio's brow pinched towards his forehead. Both of his two closest friends had just expressed their own versions of self-loathing. But the boy just couldn't understand it. Akio was an extremely empathetic young man, and could sense their pain and how unrealistically hard they were on themselves, but right now none of it made any sense to him. "What do you guys mean? Don't you remember how far we've all come? Doesn't how well we're growing mean anything?" He asked, watching Keni walk away with mixed feelings of sadness and frustration taking a seat onto the ground in confused frustration. He was happy to see Kiriyomi's expression turning, but his thoughts were already too clouded to respond in any other way.

In truth, it was understandable. Hell, it was even normal for kids to doubt themselves when they were growing into the people that they were becoming. But that fact was lost on Akio in this moment. A part of him instinctually ignored those natural responses. After all, ever since Itsuki had fallen ill, he'd had the old man's words swirling in his mind. ' So you put those little orange seeds in the ground. Those little things don't look like much, they don't know what they are or the tree they might eventually grow into, and they have no knowledge of what the future holds, but you and I both know they're moving towards oranges. That's what destiny is like. Just like this tree Akio, the universe plants us. It plants its Will in us. And we slowly move toward bearing the fruit that we are meant to. That orange tree might not survive, it might fall to a wintry night, or random circumstance, or be made a meal for an animal that didn't appreciate what or who put it there. But just like that orange seed, the universe has placed you here Akio. Here and now. And it hopes that one day you will bear its fruit. The tree doesn't know what fruit it will bear. And we don't know the meaning that our lives will eventually provide to the world.' There was nothing more important to the old Senju than seeing the children of this village grow to bear their own fruit. Akio just wasn't wise enough yet to realize that this was a step in that process. Instead, the boy felt a responsibility to keep going, to keep growing, so that he didn't let his closest parental figure down. "I... I need a second." He said to Kiriyomi and Shusuke, taking a seat facing away from them on a nearby rock.

That's when he finally remembered the other words his grandfather spoke that day. 'But we don't have to know it to be moving towards it...' The boy's eyes welled with tears as he remembered. 'That, my dear boy, is destiny. And as a Senju and more importantly as my dear dear grandson, I know that you will use the gifts that the universe has given us to grow strong and bear your fruit, and to help others do the same.' Akio couldn't hold back what he was feeling. "If I can't even convince my two best friends that they're great and should respect themselves, what kind of friend am I? What kind of shinobi am I gonna be?" The words were muttered low as the boy talked to himself like he often did. Akio had instinctually empathized. He'd felt the same sorts of things his friends just had, even if he didn't recognize it. And he grit his teeth as his eyes poured out tears. 'I'm sorry grandpa...' His lip quivered and he was unable to say those last words aloud. In truth, he felt like he was failing all of them. He couldn't do anything to help his friends... and he couldn't do anything to help Grampa Itsuki. It terrified him, and for the first time since truly diving into his shinobi training, he felt powerless.

[MFT .:. 814 Words]
Shusuke honestly paid no deep attention to Keniwa as he said he wanted to head out for the night and head home, maybe he wasn't a fan of camping never the less Shusuke would begin to get his things ready for the night, well, that was until Akio needed to step away for a moment. Shusuke wasn't really good at reading people's emotional state, but when he over heard the boy begin to cry he let out a sigh. "I've got it Kiri..." Shusuke would slowly walk up to the young Senju and take a deep breath.

"Akio-kun, may I?" Shusuke would take advantage of this vague question. Most people would assume he was asing to sit beside the rock, but this wasn't where the Yamanaka was intending to head. If granted permission the young blond would place his hand onto Akio's shoulder, and to Kiriyomi's perspective instantly pass out.

Shusuke would instantly find himself in the vast network of trees. Tall and grand red oaks as far as the eyes could see. On each of the various trees a small doorway would be carved with a door made from the missing wood's bark that allowed the seams of the door simply vanish. It would be hard to detect if it weren't for the various carved wooden handles that rested on every door. The forest looked dark the further you looked away but from Shusuke was standing here was enough light you would swear you were standing in an open prairie. Small colorful flowers would cover the ground as the forest floor was teeming with life of various kinds. Shusuke grinned. A peaceful mindscape was exactly what he intended.

"Akio-kun... Are you there?" The words echoed out in this place. In this subconscious world Shusuke had built in the mind of his pupil, and friend. He waited for a moment, hoping his jutsu was a success and the consciousness of Akio would enter into this unfamiliar place with Shusuke.

CRPJ's Effect: This allows the use to make complete mental connections with a target they can make physical contact with. An advanced form of the Mind Possession Jutsu the Yamanaka are famous for, but through a different use. The Yamanaka's psyche enters the psyche of the target where they stand in the chambers of the target's subconscious mind. The user gains the ability to weave control of this portion of the mind temporarily so long as the target is willing and does not force them out. While in control, the target's consciousness manifests within the subconscious mind and can experience suppressed memories as they are being guided by the Yamanaka's Psyche. The control the user has is a complete facade as they cannot open the doors to memories or ideas without the target's permission, whether that be consciously or subconsciously given.[/spoiler

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:12:31
